The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 27, 1901, Image 4

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Jffitmk Jnimyt
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican Ticket
For Supromo Judgo
S II SEDGWICK of York County
For Hegenta
For Survoyor
A C WILSON of Bondvillo
For Coroner
JOSEPH SPOTTS of Valley Grunge
For Judge
G S BISHOP of McCook
For Superintendent
S DDTCHER of Indinnola
For Sheriff
C CRABTREE of Indianola
For Clerk
E J WILCOX of McCook
For Treasurer
For Commissioner Third District
C H HARMAN of McCook
Truer Interpreters Needed
Apropos of the dastardly assassina
tion of President McKinley there is
much wise and otherwise discussion
vocal and newspaper of the question of
freedom and liberty of the individual
and of the press Some urge radical
abridgment in both cases while the
more conservative the calm judgment
of the more mature dispassionate minds
is that constitutional rights in this re
spect should not be disturbed Doubt
less the latter judgment will obtain and
adequate remedy will be fdund in other
and more distinctively American action
In this connection it seems to The
Tribune that the serious problem is
not one of more or of less liberty or free
dom but of a proper understanding of
terms First and fundamentally it must
be agreed that license is not a synonym
of liberty Liberty is law The liberty
of the anarchist is death to ruler and
destruction to lawit is free love atheism
hell The preaching printing and dis
semination of such spurious and dam
able ideas of liberty may well be
abridged nay MUST be Every Amer
ican citizen has the freedom to do right
and nothing constitutional nor any just
law can give him the privilege to wrong
his neighbor or the state No fouler
blot rests on our body politic today than
the accursed sin of atheism and anarchy
That anarchy has been allowed to feast
and grow fat among our free institutions
may be something of a tribute to the
magnanimous American heart but it is j
no credit to his head and judgment To
give these enemies of government and
mankind continued license would be a
high crime Justice has already been
too long deterred
Newspapers of a certain undesirable
type have also to learn the limitations
of true liberty and the exercise of free
dom within allowable bounds Freedom
of the press has been and is being used
with most malignant and unbridled
license inciting to crimes teaching
dangerous and subversive doctrines of
morals and government assailing and
besmirching private character and pub
lic men with most reckless abandon and
but thinly disguised attempts at decency
or the facts in the case Indeed the
crimes of freedom of the press are not
few The right to defend the noble and
true and to assail the base and false to
tell the truth discriminatingly and to
deal with folly and weaknesses merci
fully may all remain in fact no genuine
safeguard of the press need be touched
but much else can with constitutional
propriety be cut off or be circumscribed
an3 all that is useful desirable or worth
ful in publicity will be undisturbed an
educational uplifting force for the good
and knowledge of mankind
America needs not more freedom per
haps not less but nobler freer men to
exercise the rights of liberty and its
newspapers need truer and nobler in
terpreters of liberty rather than greater
Anarchy and atheism are not strang
Trade with Loar
Machine and cylinder oils at S
Cochran Cos
Slates were never so cheap as this
year at the Bee Hive
At the meat market of D C Marsh
you will find a very desirable combina
tion for the careful judicious buyer
the best quality at the most reasonable
0 X ET
Sufee a
Safe Always reliable Xadien ask Druggist for
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Tako no other Kcftine dnngeroiu ubstl
tatlonsaiid Imitation Buy of your Druggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi
monials and Belief for iadlen in letter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
2100 Madison Square PIUtA PA
Mention thl paper
Tiffinf ffrfitr
TM jTt 1
jy ao
y tc
coffee If you knew you would bo
euro to demand
Lion Coffee
which is never contaminated with
any Klazingof nny sort either ogg3
or glue just pure fresh strong
fragrant coffee
Tlio coaled packnuo Insures uni
form quality and IreshricMs
The County Ticket
The Republican party comes before
the people of Red Willow count this
fall with a ticket composed of compe
tent nominees harmoniously selected
for the several offices so that in the or
dinary run of political affairs in this
county the result in November is bu a
question of plurality and proper activity
upon the part of Republicans will make
that plurality adequate and satisfactory
The nominee for clerk E J Wilcox
of this city needs no introduction He
came from Illinois about seventeen
years ago and has been engaged in
merchandising in McCook ever since
He has always been actively identified
with Republican politics and his popu
larity in bis home town is unmistakably
evinced by the fact that his pluralities
in his races for city offices have always
been among the highest His nomina
tion is a recognition of the younger
element in the party and his acknowl
edged capabilities added to his popular
ity will land him a sure winner in No
Everybody knows and votes for genial
Old Man Thompson and he isnt old
either but as young hearted as any of
us His conduct of the office of county
treasurer for the past two years will
bear the very closest inspection In
deed it has been very satisfactory and
that he will continue for another term
in that important office is a foregone
conclusion His administration has
been marked by promptness courtesy
and careful intelligent attention to busi
ness There is nothing to urge against
his retention in office another term
Art Crabtree has lived in Indianola
since the year one and has been favored
several times with office in his home
town Being deputy under Sheriff King
horn he naturally succeeded to the
shrievalty when his chief resigned and as
naturally received the nomination in the
late Republican convention practically
without opposition He is an exper
ienced officer popular at home and over
the county and his opponent will have
to get a great move on him if he expects
to keep any where in sight of Art Crab
tree election day
Mr Bishop is the present occupant of
the office of county judge and his con
duct of that office speaks with stronger
and truer word than we can pen Judge
Bishop brought legal training to the
office and his every official act has been
characterized by a high purpose a sin
ceie desire to do justly between man and
man without fear or favor and The
Tribune believes that he has achieved
that honorable end in as large a meas
ure as any man who has ever occupied
the office in Red Willow county His
qualities of mind and heart supported
by his experience and ability insure
him a safe election and the decision of
the people will be a wise one
Although an old settler in this county
Mr Dutcher is comparatively a stranger
to many However it is a pleasure to
be able to say that he is in every respect
well equipped for a successful manage
ment of the county superintendency
By education and by experience as a
teacher he is qualified to give the educa
tional interests of this county the close
and intelligent and practical attention
they demand and should have Mr
Dutcher hails from near Indianola and
those who are best acquainted with him
are prompt and unqualified in their sup
port of his candidacy
It robs sudden and foul death of its
terrors to know that Joe Spotts is in the
coroners office and he seems destined
to a life tenure of that position
This is an office of small duties but
if anything should arise needing the at
tention a competent surveyor A C
Wilson of Bondville precinct is said to
have the qualifications of a practical
No office in the county requires better
business ability than the county com-
missionership and the Republican nom
inee meets the requirements beinp not
only a farmer but a business man of
large experience He will make an act
ive careful and intelligent commis
Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment relieves
the intense itching It soothes heals and
cures chronic cases where surgeons fail It is
no experiment its sales increase through its
cures Every bottle guaranteed Price 50c
in bottles tubes 75c A McMillen
We Want to See You
We can tell what makes your eyes blur and
your head swim You are bilious and Dr
Caldwells Syrup Pepsin will cure you or the
manufacturers will refund you the purchase
price Sold by A McMillen
Baptist Usual Sunday school ser
vices at 945 a m Frayer nieeting on
Wednesday evening at eight B Y P
U 730 p m The church is being
papered painted hard oiled and cleaned
this week The usuaf services will be
held Sunday morning Union services
at the Congregational church in the
evening There has been a large at
tendance at the prayer meetings recent
ly Come Wednesday evening
Geo L White Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a in Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at eight oclock Morning sub
ject Quench Not the Spirit Even
ing services Union Temperance meet
ing Sermon by Rev L M Grigsby
pastor of the Methodist church
W J Turner Pastor
Methodist Sunday schoplxio a m
Preaching n a m There will be no
evening service in the church on ac
count of union temperance meeting in
the Congregational church
L M Grigsby Pastor
Christian Elder G W
Knight of
St Francis Kansas will preach in the
morning and evening at usual hours
next Sunday September 29th A cor
dial invitation to all
Episcopal Services next Sunday as
follows Sunday school at 10 a m
morning prayer at 11 a m even song
and sermon by the rector All cordially
welcome R M Hardman Rector
Catholic Mass at 8 oclock a m
High mass at 1030am Sunday school
at 230 p m Sermon and benediction
at 730 p m
Rev T Daly Pastor
License to marry were issued by the
court Wednesday to J Harvey Jones
Danbury and Stella A Cowden Leb
anon and the judge completed the job
by uniting the happy couple in marriage
on the same day
Filings since last issue
J E Kelley vs George P Smith et al
Mary Walters vs William Walters
Charles W Mallory vs Nebraska and
Kansas Farm Loan Co et al equity
John Murphy vs Josephine Emil
for rent Inquire of W O
We are going to have school just
the same and our supplies are much
lower in price The Bee Hive
Burlington Stands Ready
There is no longer any doubt in
Chicago railroad circles sajs a dispatch
that the management of the Burlington
road is ready to build a line from
Guernsey to Salt Lake City any time it
is deemed wise policy to do so It has
been learned that agents of the road
have recently filed maps of survey in
the local land office at Cheyenne cover
ing the right of way from the Platte river
to the western line of Carbon county and
also through Sweetwater and Uuitah
counties to the western line of the state
The claims from the western line of
Carbon county were filed some time ago
at Evanston Wyo Rights of way
through Laramie and Albany counties
were filed several weeks ago and now
the right of way between Guernsey and
Salt Lake City is complete Not very long
ago the reports were persistent from New
York to the effect that James J Hill
was determined to build such an exten
sion to connect with the Los Angeles
line which Senator Clark is threatening
to build Although there may have
been no truth in this subsequent events
lead to the belief that preparations for a
new line are being made Whether it
will ever be built probably depends upon
the ultimate success or failure of the
community of interests Omaha Bee
How about those dinner pails
tablets slates pencils and pens
We have plenty at the Bee Hive
A Shocking Calamity
Lately befell a railroad laborer writes Dr
A Kellett of Williford Ark His foot was
badly crushed but Bucklens Arnica Salve
quickly cured him It is simply wonderful for
burns boils piles and all skin eruptions Its
the worlds champion healer Cure guaran
teed 25c Sold by McConnell Berry
Dont wait until you become chronicallv
constipated but take DeWitts Little Early
Risers now and then They will keep your
liver and bowels in good order Easy to
take Safe pills McConnell Berry
fii 1V 1 O fiLCt r l I7 r f i
everyu here
in cans
alt sizes
Made by
Standard Oil
iiujmii mtyrrifrr
It - - i
- L
ri Tia 11
h n bBt IjjgSX jr
hA j z jK iV
m sJ BKbythei3sgAs8lYi
tA iim f rurcka i SlL j v-
Soothes Tired Muscles Removes
Soreness and Stiffness
Dont tako the weak watery Yitch
Hazel preparations represented to bo
the same as PONDS EXTRACT
which easily sour and generally con
tain wooa alconoi a aeaaiy poison
Burlington Fast Mall Helps
American mail trains and steamships
sailing under the American flag have
just established the supremacy of Am
ericas transportation systems by demon
strating that the route between London
and Australia via San Francisco and
New York is quicker and better than
the routes via the Suez Canal or Van
When the steamship Campania sailed
from New York September 7 she had
aboard important Australian mail in
tended for the British Colonial Office
which has now been delivered in London
several days earlier than was ever done
The steamship Ventura of the Oceanic
line had carried the 347 sacks of mail
from Sidney New South Wales Aus
tralia to San Francisco in twenty one
days the former time for the trip being
twenty six days
Special mail trains racing 3380 miles
across the continent over the tracks of
the Burlington route and the other mail
carrying roads delivered the mail in
New York barely in time and the mail
sacks were hustled aboard the Campania
only a short time before she sailed
Officials of the railroads carrying the
mail across the American continent were
elated for their claim that the shortest
route between London and Australia was
via New York and San Francisco had
been substantiated
The Burlington and its connections
with the fast steamships of the Oceanic
Steamship Company have cut down the
journey from Australia to London to
about thirty one days This is a gain of
several days over the other routes Mail
has heretofore been carried from Aus
tralia to England on P O line steam
ships via the Suez Canal Attempts
have been made to shorten the journey
and only two years ago the route from
Vancouver via the Canadian Pacific line
to New York was tried The American
railroads have beaten the record made
Trade from Australia and the Orient
belongs to this country and it is only a
question of time when we will get it
said the official of one of the American
roads that carry the mail
When the Oceanic Steamship line
was opened John D Spreckels went to
Australia where he had a talk with the
government officials to whom he ex
plained that Australian mail could be
carried more quickly via the steamship
line to San Francisco and thence to New
York and now his statement has been
abundantly proved
Through delay west of Ogden the at
tempt at breaking the record was nearly
frustrated The lost time was regained
however by means of a special train
over the Burlington Route from Council
Bluffs to Chicago and another special
over the Lake Shore railroad from
Chicago to Toledo
The Burlington special left Council
Bluffs at 1055 p m September 5 and
reached Chicago at 908 am September
6 the 500 miles being covered in 613
minutes an aveiage speed of 48 94 miles
per hour Deducting 51 minutes for
delays the actual running time was 562
minutes a rate of 53 38 miles per hour
The fastest time on the run was made
from Galesburg to Buda 111 the 458
miles between those points being covered
in 45 minutes an average speed of 6109
miles per hour The run from Burling
ton to Galesburg 431 miles was made
at a speed of 5502 miles per hour that
from Buda to Mendota 339 miles at a
speed of 59 82 miles per hour and that
from Mendota to Aurora 454 miles at a
speed of 5796 miles per hour
Fast as this run is it is but a few
minutes faster than that made every day
in the week by the three exclusive fast
mail trains of the Burlington between
Council Bluffs and Chicago Between
these points the Burlington has handled
the trans continental mail for nearly
eighteen years and it is rare indeed that
the Fast Mail in either direction is late
Good Advice
The most miserable beings in the world are
those suffering from dyspepsia and liver com
plaint More than seventy five per cent of
the people in the United States are afflicted
with these two diseases and their effects such
as sour stomach sick headache habitual cos
tivenes palpitation of the heart heartburn
water brash gnawing and burning pains at
the pit of the stomach yellow skin coated
tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth
coming up of food after eating low spirits
etc Go to your druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will
relieve you Try it Get Greens Prize Al
manac A McMillen
An English association regarding womans
happiness has offered a reward of 500 for a
greater blessing to woman than Rocky Moun
tain Tea Sensible move Ask your druggist
lulilll1111 IJLIL Oiai wmwm O
iKMtuMHlHH IfiSif ISM m
I 1
9 Bo Hon See
Any reason why a shopper should
doubt the evidence of his or her
senses There isnt any such reason
and thats -why we ask you to come
and see for yourselves how well this
store is prepared to give you special
service and unequaled merchandise
at a great saving It is but a
timbre jPracttce
To buy where you can secure the best
and most good for the least money
Hence we urge you to try us on any
thing in the line of
ry 1 o o d s
urocttHes ftc
For we are here to sell goods and
please and satisfy our customers in
every particular especially in highness
of quality and lowness of price
ottesi loftit
Produce just as good as cash
Stock to pasture 2ts
Dont forget the bargains in Boys
Knee Pants at the Bee Hive
Home Visitors Excursions
September 16th 23M and 30th
October 7th
Greatly reduced rates to points in
Ohio and Indiana Return limit thirty
days Nearest agent Burlington Route
will be glad to give you additional infor
mation or sell you a ticket 3ts
J Francis Gen Passenger Agent
Omaha Feb
Census Enumerator Clawson
who is also editor of The Herald at Howe
Ind Ty writes
To Whom it May Concern I was a sufferer
from stomach trouble untd I was induced to
try a bottle of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin
and I want to say that in my opinion it has no
equal as a stomach remedy I had tried many
different remedies but none with the happy
results of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin
G A Clawsok Howe Ind Ter
bold by A iMcMilien
Working Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing that
ever was made is Dr Kings New Life Pills
These pills change weakness into strength
listlessness into energy brain fag into mental
power Theyre wonderful in building up the
health Only 25c per box Sold by Mc
Connell Berry
Norris Silver North Mratford N H says
I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure while suffering with a cough doctors told
me was incurable One bottle relieved me
the second almost cured Today I am a well
man McConnell Berry
You may bridle the appetite but you can
not bribe the liver to do its work well You
must be honest with it help it along a little
now and then with a dose of Herbine the
best liver regulator Price 50 cts A Mc-
ICodo Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
In estimating the cost of the great
steel strike the loss to the men is placed
at S10000000 that to the corporation
at S15000000 It is added that the
latter will in large part be made up but
the wages are lost forever
The treatment of Czolgosz by the Buf
falo authorities deserves the highest
praise It is in marked contrast to the
conduct of the Guiteau case The
assassin of Garfield was permitted to
gratify his passion for notoriety by giv
ing out interviews and selling trinkets
In the court room he was allowed to in
terrupt proceedings by long and violent
outbursts Czolgosz has had no oppor
tunity to proclaim himself a martyr
His trial has been dignified and without
undue delay The officials at Buffalo
have given the world an admirable ob
ject lesson Kansas City Star
Cylinder Oil
If you are looking for a good and re
liable cylinder oil no use to go any far
ther than S M Cochran Co Thej
have it
Have you noticed those Knee Pants
for hoys at the Bee Hive
When you want a pleasant physic try the
new remedy Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets They are easy to take and
pleasant in effect Price 25 cents Samples
free at McConnell Berrys drug store
The most delicate constitution can safely
use Ballards Ilorehound Syrup It is a sure
and pleasant remedy for coughs loss of voice
and all throat and lung troubles Price 2
andsoc A McMillen
1 j T 1
ocoits umiusion is not a
good medicine for fat folks
We have never tried giving it
to a real fat person We dont
dare You see Scotts Emul
sion builds new flesh Fat
people dont want it Strong
people dont need it
But if you are thin Scotts
Emulsion is the medicine for
you It doesnt tire you out
There is no strain The work
is all natural and easy You
just take the medicine and
thats all there is to it
The next thing you know
you feel better you eat better
and yen weigh more It is
a quiet worker
Sen J for free sample
Chemists 409 Pearl St V V
socacd 100 11 d4rosS
Ladies Furnishings
First Door south of Paiance hote
i TI