rV I WE A 1 1 t A hi BT - l N TWENTIETH YEAR Everybody Satisfied and Happy Tho members of the board of directors ofMcCook base ball association met Saturday evening and closed up the business of tho season of 1901 All the players and expenses of the aeason were paid the small shortage existing being met at the meeting and the same will be provided for at some future time by a dance or a benefit of some other kind The season closed with everybody well pleased and pros pects bright for next season It was determined to commence push ing tho work on next seasons opera tions It was thought best to organize a regular stock company with shares at 5 each hoping to secure at least S1000 for this purpose At the meeting 103 shares wero subscribed for and it is thought that the entire amount can be raised without difficulty by a little judicious canvassing A committee to secure stock subscriptions was appointed and it consists of CI Hall George Beck T E McCarl C C Northrup and E J Wilcox and as soon as the desired amount is provided the stock holders will be called together to elect a board of directors and officers A strong nucleus for a winning team for the 1902 season has already been practically secured including such men as Heck Jones Cochran Cooley Gib bins of the old team Ahlin of Minden andMerriott of Kearney With such men as the above named and others that are being considered it will be possible to open the season early with a strong team and to play ball from the start The temporary itinerary contemplates playing three games at home and three abroad every week during the season The present prospects now are that Mc Cook will be in the base ball business next season for blood A Draw Closes the season McCook closed the base ball season at the county fair at Indianola Wednesday and Thursday of last week in a draw with the Arapahoes Wednesdays game went to Arapahoe in the following score Arapahoe 4 12 0 0 0 0 0 07 McCook 11200000 0 4 Batteries Arapahoe Kunkle and Pat ton McCook Cochran and Heck Hits McCook 8 Arapahoe 8 Struck out By Cochran 9 by Kunkle 9 Errors McCook 7 Arapahoe 3 Umpire Saddler Thursdays game Came McCooks way by a decisive plurality as the score will disclose McCook 6 0 3 0 3 0 0 2 0 U Arapahoe 0 2001100 15 Batteries McCook Jones and Heck Arapahoe Wagner Patterson and Pat ton Hits McCook 13 Arapahoe 7 Errors McCook 4 Arapahoe 4 Struck out By Jones 6 Patterson 4 Umpire Saddler Died In Quincy 111 Word comes of the death last week of A J Fenimore in the soldiers home at Quincy Illinois Mr Fenimore spent a number of years in our city be ing in the Burlington employ in the round house here He was an inmate of the Nebraska soldiers home at Grand Island at different times during his res idence here The deceased moved to Illinois about two years since becoming an inmate of the Quincy soldiers home where he died as above stated last week Golden Gate Special The Pennsylvania railroads Golden Gate special an excursion train from the east passed through McCook Wednesday The train is composed of four sleepers one baggage car and one diner and carried all the comforts and luxuries demanded by tourists on a long trip One of these trains eastbound passed through McCook about three months ago EpilepsyNot Insanity Dr J E Ha thorn writes from Bartley that the report of the finding of the board in the case of A G Cammack should have been published in The Tri bune as epilepsy not insanity and the correction is hereby cheerfully made What Not going to paper till spring You will find it much cheaper now Come and see our bargains McConnell Berry Dont Miss This Chance We have 50 patterns of wall paper for one and two rooms that we are selling at wholesale prices D W Loar Remnants in wall paper a few choice patterns just enough for one room very cheap McConnell Berry MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE H H Meyer returned to the city Sunday night Mrs A J Zint returned to the city first of the week Conrad Uhrich is back from Colo rados beet fields G M Reed and family departed this week for the east Mrs V H Solliday and Mrs R J Moore spent Saturday in Hastings Miss Myrtle Meyer spent the clos ing days of the week visiting in Denver Harry Whitmore of Indianola was a business visitor in the capital Saturday last Mrs Vina Wood departed on 2 last Saturday on a visit to relatives and friends in Iowa A Barnett met his daughter Ethel in Omaha and accompanied her to school in Missouri C W Keys late with the Barnett Lumber Co entered the employ of W C Bullard Co on Monday mornig Mrs E N Allen is here from Col orado City Colorado guest of her par ents Mr and Mrs Martin Thorgrimson Rector Howard Stoy and family will make Rawlins Wyoming tlfeir home after returning from a trip to the Pacific coast Mrs F S Wilcox departed Wednes day morning on a visit of a month in Chicago Gilman and other Illinois points Rev G Essig left on 12 Thursday morning for Sutton to attend the ses sions of his church association He will be gone until early next week Mrs W D Mackechnie county superintendent was in her office in the court house Saturday last for the trans action of the business of that office Mrs George J Burgess was success fully operated upon in Oirnha this week for a nasal trouble and her re covery is progressing nicely and favor ably Rt Rev Bishop and Mrs Anson R Graves are attending the general con vention of the Episcopal church in San Francisco as are also Rector and Mrs Howard Stoy Mesdames J M Henderson Jr L E Cann and 7 bei Stranahan and Misses Anna G oons and Nellie Gunn were guests of v Indianola friends last Friday between trains Miss Ethel Barnett departed Sun day night for Monticello Missouri not far from St Louis where she will at tend school coming year She spent a few days in Omaha en route A G Williams of The Tribune force is spending the week in Stockville with the family and at other neighboring points with friends Mrs Frank Neu bauer assisted during his absence Rev R M Hardman the new rector of St Albans chapel arrived from Min den close of last week and held his first services on last Sunday He announces elsewhere services for next Sunday Mrs C K Coleman and children and Miss Marie Mansfield returned on Sunday morning from Denver where they spent part of the summer much to the benefit on Mrs Colemans health Mrs A Campbell and Mrs Frank Kendlen went down to Omaha Tuesday night on 6 to be present at an operation performed on Mrs Anna Colfer this week returning home on Wednesday night Jonas E Molund and Daniel J Mo lund departed Tuesday morning on 2 for New York City where they will take ship for Sweden on a visit to the old home near Asele Westerbottens Ian They will make quite a prolonged visit Mr and Mrs Van Nortwick were over from Cedar Bluffs Kansas Mon day looking after their real estate and other interests here They are prepar ing to move over to their farm near Eustis Frontier county in a week or so to remain during the winter Rev J Daly of St Louis succeeds Rev Hickey in the pastorate of St Pat ricks parish The reverend gentleman arrived in the city close of last week and began regular services in the church on last Sunday Heres a welcome and may his pastorate be crowned with suc cess Mrs C E Pope and the children spent Sunday in Oxford guests of her invalid sister Mrs Lee whose birthday was observed on that day They re turned home on No 5 name evening Mrs Pope on Tuesday morning accom panied the sister to Lincoln on a visit to relatives returning home on Wednesday evening G A R Resolutions At a regular meeting of J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R held Saturday September 21 19Ct the following reso lutions were adopted Whereas God in His providence has removed by death our comrade Will iam McKinley president of the United States the mostistinguished citizen of our nation o whose death fills all hearts with s ow and Whereas William McKinley was an honored comrade of the Grand Army of the Republic who served faithfully and honorably during the war of the re bellion we desire to express our admira tion of the great ability and our love forJ the personal worth of our deceased com rade therefore be it Resolved First That in the death of President McKinley the nation has been deprived of an illustrious statesman whose broad policy and patriotic devo tion to the welfare of the nation have made him respected by the world as pre eminently the man of his time who com manded honor and respect from the nations of the earth Second That in the death of our distinguished comrade we have lost one whose generous impulses found express ion in benovolent acts and whose dis tinguished career generations to follow may well strive to emulate Third That the condolence of the veterans here assembled do extend to his sorrowing wife and family whose grief can only be alleviated by Him whose divine arm can support in this time of irreparable loss Fourth That a suitable picture of our martyred comrade be placed in our post room and draped with the proper emblems of mourning After a Short Illness Mrs Lovell R Clyde died about six oclock Tuesday morning after a brief illness Short services were held at the home by Rev L M Grimsby of the Methodist church Wednesday morning after which the remains were buried in Longview cemetery The father of the deceased drove over from Almena Kan sas via Arapahoe Tuesday morning to attend the burial of his daughter The bereaved husband and family have much sympathy in their sorrow Sunday Afternoons Concert The Nebraska Brigade band delighted all present last Sunday afternoon at the concert in the park The program was composed of selections familiar and new a few favorites being in the list The attendance notwithstanding the perfection of weather was somewhat smaller than at the previous concert doubtless due to inadequate announce ment of the fact Prize Bowling Some good scores have been made at the bowling alley this month and after the first of October prizes will be given away every two weeks Thursday even ings have been set apart for the ladies and no gentleman will be admitted un less accompanied by a lady Will Die on October 29 Czolgosz has been convicted of the murder of President McKinley and will be electrocuted on October 29th Stock For Sale A few cows yearlings and calves and some shotes See Fred W Carruth McCook Neb ADDITIONAL PERSONALS H W Keyes of Indianola had busi ness with us yesterday Robert Gunn will leave for Omaha Sunday to attend dental college T W Smith and A W Berry are assisting in J A Wilcox Sons store Judge Norris returned Wednesday night from his I O O F trip to Indianapolis Indiana Mrs W H Armstrong is home from the hospital in Omaha where she was operated upon some few months ago Rev W J Turner Dispatcher and Mrs T B Campbell represented the local Congregational church in the Re publican Valley association meeting in Red Cloud Wednesday and Thursday of this week John Wilcox arrived in the city last week from Walla Walla Washington and expects to remain here until the first of the year when he will return to the old home in Illinois He will be with his brother Fowler on the ranch while here Mrs Anna Golfer was operated on in an Omaha hospital Wednesday for cancer of the breast The operation was successful but left Mrs Colfer much weakened With her host of warm friends here The Tribune hopes that her recovery may be prompt and complete RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS E W Varney has moved to Denver The coal dump is being replenished Joseph Beener is a new machinist on the night force John Lagerfeldt and T J OToole are new machinists Mark Hullhorst of the storehouse was a Lincoln visitor Monday Frank Hannan has been promoted to a fire in the blacksmith shop W M Visscher and family left for Canon CityColorado Saturday night William Hegenberger has gone over to Herndon Kansas on a business trip Engine 41 is out of the shop and was limbered up in the local yard yester day Engines 310 and 301 are in the shops for an overhauling The 301 is from Denver The Burlington car loads of stock hauled ninety seven into South Omaha Monday Heavy passenger trains fast time and the pool arent doing a thing to motive power Fireman R C Cole and bride arrived home close of last week from their wedding trip H R Childress has gone to Cheyene Denver and other points west on a two weeks vacation Way car 25 is in the carpenter shop for extensive repairs No 101 is about ready for her trucks L R Kuster has been transferred from the repair tracks to the night work in the agents office Conductor A G Bump moved into the Spickelmier dwelling recently pur chased by him yesterday Conductor and Mrs C J Snell re returned yesterday morning from their visit to Denver and the mountains Conductor Steve Dwyer has gone to Rockford Iowa on a visit Conductor C J Snell has his run meanwhile Brakeman T D Joy and E L Meyers returned Wednesday from an absence of three weeks on the Cheyenne line Brakeman and Mrs R J Moore Mon day moved into Conductor W H Browns residence in the north western part of the city Brakeman Hervy Conover is visiting his parents in Red Cloud and R L Hill is on passenger with Conductor Kendlen during his absence The Lake Shore road has completed a successful and satisfactory test of steel ties Their durability makes them cheaper than wood Engineer and Mrs W W Archibald have moved into the rooms in the Cole building lately vacated by the supreme offices of the Star of Jupiter Hugh Alexander decided to quit farm ing and went to McCook first of tho week to obtain employment with the B M Hayes Center Republican The valve setter is now installed and ready for business The 318 was the first on the wheels in the Plattsmouth shop and there is a prospect that she will be the first to have her valves set by the machine in the shop here Conductor Harry Conover resigned Monday and has gone to the Pacific coast to seek employment Conductor Eph Benjamin succeeds to way car No 52 Conover has been in the Burling ton employ for the past fifteen years Brakeman and Mrs W H Armstrong have the deep sympathy of all in the death of their baby Tuesday at Im perial where the child was being kept by the parents of Mrs Armstrong dur ing her stay in the hospital in Omaha for operation and treatment Band Benefit Concert The Brigade band will give a concert in the opera house Monday evening next September 30th for the benefit of Mr and Mrs Darius Kendall whose disaster by fire some weeks since is fresh in the minds of all The purpose is to assist these our aged and unfort unate citizens by making it possible for them to help themselves This is a laudable purpose and will doubtless re ceive the hearty and generous support of our people The band will be com posed of thirty five pieces as organized for the Denver carnival which is a guarantee that the concert will be a I superb one Tickets 50 cents no extra charge for reserved seats which are now on sale at McConnell Berrys The above is in pursuance of a citi zens meeting held last night in the city hall For clothing go to DeGroff Cos Journal Sobttttc MeCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 27 I90L An Astounding- Decision The supreme court of Nobraska in passing upon tho case of Barnes et al administrator vs Red Willow county has established an astounding bit of law The facts in this case will be recalled by all familiar with the matter A H Barnes died after serving a few months of his term of office During the time he served he collected money enough to make fees a number of hundred dollars in excess of the pro rata of his salary and allowances Suit was brought by the county against the administrator of the estate to recover the excess The dis trict court sustained the county The decision just handed down by the su preme court reverses the lower court and establishes the fact that a man may serve as county treasurer for three months more or less and collect and re tain his entire annual salary and all al lowances This decision establishes the fact that his successor may be compelled to serve most of tho year without a remuneration and incidentally robs the people of the right to have a county treasurer at all in case of death or res ignation under circumstances like those in this case No sane man will contend for a moment that the office of county treasurer should remain vacant under such circumstances nor will any honest or just man contend that an officer leg ally chosen to fill an unexpired term should serve without pay The law and commonsense demand that the office shall be filled and common honesty de mands that such officer should be paid for the services rendered Again it is not consistent with a very cheap idea of equity and honesty even to maintain that any officer should bo allowed a years salary and allowances for the ser vices of a few months The decision may have sonie technical basis in stat ute but it is a preposterous product from the standpoint of equity and com mon sense Following is the syllabus of the court No 9962 Barnes et al administra tors vs County of Red Willow Error Red Willow Reversed and remanded Norval J C Reported 1 A county treasurer is not liable to the county for any fees earned and col lected by him unless such fees in anyone year exceed the compensation allowed the officer by law togethor with the amount paid out by him as salary of deputy and assistants 2 When a county treasurerdies and a successor is appointed who serves for the unexpired portion of the year the amount of fees to be retained by both cannot exceed in the aggregate the sum fixed by statute as compensation for one year plus the amount expended for dep uty and clerk hire A Rousing- Rally The Methodist friends indulged them SGlves in a rousing religious rally Wed nesday evening and enjoyed the pres ence of a church full of members and friends of the church The occasion was the close of the conference year which formally ends on October 6th and the program was a composite bit of pleasure made up of reports vocal and instrumental music recitations etc all topped off with a social time and a season of refreshments Miss Edna Dixon church organist gave a selection on the organ a male quartette composed of MessrsSelby and Messrs Irwin rendered a vocal number Miss Mary J Scott sang a solo and Miss Lulu Crawford gave a recitation The numbers of the program of entertain ment were interspersed between reports from the different departments of church work from the Sunday school Junior League Epworth League Aid Society etc Presiding Elder W E Hardaway of Holdrege was present The several reports read showed an en couraging and promising state of affairs ing for 37c in the different departments of the churchs activities Successful Millinery Openings Wednesday evening occurred the fall and winter opening of millinery in the establishments of Miss S W Lowman Mrs M M Delhunty Miss Jeannette Vanderpool and Mr3 M E Barger The ladies had each made elaborate preparations for the event which at tracted the usual crowds of the gentler sex The display of latest fancies in millinery and notions as well as the efforts at decoration were handsome and elaborate a credit to the ladies and a joy to the ladies of this city and vicinity Handsome Fur Scarfs from 8125 to 8500 each Elegant Fur Collarettes from 200 to 750 Storm Collars from 200 to 500 Fur Muffs from 100 to 600 The lines embrace Astrakhan Stone Marten Sable Bear Krimmer Persian Lamb Electric Seal and Mon key fur in very bright and dressy effects The Thompson Dry Goods Co MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Dr J D Haro telephone 1G8 NUMBER Dont forget Mrs Bargor thomillinor House to Rent Inquire of W O Norval Furnished Norval rooms for rent Battenburg patterns Mrs W O If you dont see what you want ask at D C Marshs meat market For Sale Two houses in West Mc Cook Inquire of Thomas Burgo Something new in a largo stock of Barger The nursery company represented by Tom Rowell will replace all dead stock of 1901 i The band will depart on 3 Tuesday night for Denver to play during the carnivak It is about timo now for tho long haired football crank to put in his ap pearance For Sale A vacant lot in West Mc Cook Inquire of or write to Thomas Burge McCook Nebraska D C Marsh invites your patronage guaranteeing the best meats obtainable of all kinds At tho old stand Ernest Pearson will soon commence building a dwelling just north of Frank Dobsons house in the near future The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of G A R meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall If you dont see what you are after inquire at Marshs meat market They have it and will take pleasure in show ing you In preparation for winter and the making of more steam tho second boiler of the steam plant has been given a set of new flues The railroad editor of the Oxford Standard is in a clas3 all by himself when it comes to assassinating Oxford railroad nomenclature An effort is on foot to secure Judge Ewing of Bloomington Illinois for a lecture on Christian Science some time in the not distant future It is nothing to tho credit of the best town in the Republican valley that it is one of the least enterprising towns in the state from the advertisers stand point The etiquette that makes us do an in sincere act is an etiquette to be avoided Honesty of action is the foundation of the finest manners October Ladies Home Journal Our own make of Bed Comfoits from 8165 up to 245 They contain our own unequalled Izzer Cotton Batts Ask your neighbors about them The Thomp son D G Co Being asked one day what one should do in order to become an efficient piano player Liszt replied laconically One must eat well and walk much Octo ber Ladies Home Journal S250 buys an Ail Wool Dress Skirt of our own make 50 skirts ready at all times If your size is missing we make one to your measure at same price The Thompson Dry Goods Co This is a good time to brighten up your barns sheds and fences Our asbestine fire proof paint costs only one sixth the price of oil McConnell Berry A card room has been opened under Vahue Petty s store by MessrsTaylor Hackman The plan as related to The Tribune is similar to that in vogue in billiard and pool rooms Cards will be played for chips and the chips are convertible into cigars and tobacco 10 yards good stout Unbleached Sheet- 10 yards fine Cambric Mus lin for 85c Best Apron Gingham 5c yd Best dark and light Indigo Calicoes 5c Mens Jersey Knit Overshirts 25c each Mens heavy Fleeced Underwear for 75c a suit Childrens soft white Sleeping Garments 50c The Thompson DGCo Mrs N L Cronkhite is having a brick sidewalk laid along the west front of her residence property on North Main avenue The city will then put down a crossing And by the by as to side walks and crossings McCook is emerg ing from the wood to the brick and stone age indicating a more permanent and substantial condition All their friends here will with The Tribune feel profoundly sorrowful to learn that the health of James Kilpat rick who with his family moved to Whatcom Washington a year or two ago is quite poorly indeed word comes that he has not been well for nearly a year The trouble is a serious stomach affection which so far has baffled medi cal skill and may yet demand an opera tion for its relief 1 t 4 4 1i H m 4 mt i A I l a