f c E3 H wv JUL i nririap urn i tmtr t i i innn iZsji iii our oirys pi 75 nucs Jj All our Boys 150 Shoes - fjl All our Mens 350 Tan Shoes Hi 1 All our Mens 300 Tan Shoes All our Mens 250 Tan Shoes - 149 NATIONAL 5 VNAAAVWVWVW coo 4 BANK WWlMWMMWrWiywWWw 2S22 135 125 249 225 I98 Now is your chance We mean busi ness in this line same as in the Oxfords SSQ5 and they will be cleaned up this week If you are fitting out your boys for school take the advantage of this sale THE B HJV FlcCook Nebraska CITIZENS BANK V FRANKLIN OF McCOOK NEB vwv Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 GEO H0CKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director FRANK HARRIS Director SfeiS m I Sppsiaf Tftis Weefc H n 2 All our Boys 200 Shoes ah r 1 p ct ftJSJ lri gs n spa y VrjVjjteoEfajatfiUjiS Jti rfgg rffa aftt 1 age illoiiSScjdffg flr TafSff Hghoiftg afflg xfia jJU 1 jigc Xfjz jnyt Juft ajjgayr jjjin JI0 trufCTrsfy fc agp iy ycsyt ajjm nt jryw ys sjrajpragirajpc V V FRANKLIN President THK A C EBERT Cashier Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S5000 IV B DIRECTORS WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT WOLFE C H WILLARD J The McCook Tribune ITS ONLY 100 A YEAR ffjWP ROHRBOUCH BROS Proprietors Omaha Nebr gATTi TEEM Opens Monday Sept 2 Scores of new students will enter in September All arrangements complete for the openings COURSES OF STUDY Business English Shorthand Typewriting- Telegraphy Pen manshio and Pen Art s ADVANTAGES First class equipments employs the best teachers has a College Orchestra ColIetretBand College Paper Printing Office Lectnre Course Literary Society SHORTHAND BY MATL Gregg system Full course for 915 Write for particulars GENERAL INFORMATION Over 1000 students last year Board given for three hours work each day places hundreds of students in positions each year and guarantees success to its students CATALOGUE Free to any addresi Write ROHRBOUGH BROS Oninlra Neb i brother was veiy low with malarial fever and jaundice 1 persuaded him to try Electric Bitters and he was soon much better but con tinued thfir use until he was wholly cured 1 am sure Electiic Bitters snvd his life This remedy expells malaria kills disease germs and purifies the blood aids digestion regu lates the liver kidnev and bowels cures con stipation dyspepsia nervous diseases kidney troubles femie complaints gives perfect health Only 50c at McConnell Berrys drug store Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Sept 17 1901 Mr F Cannon A F Drake Roy Jones Mr Thonity Gordon Chas J Melville Mr J F Prentiss Will Wallace Mrs Anna White When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Many physicians are now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia t ure regularly having found that it is the best prescription they can wriie be cause it is the one preparation which contains the elements to digest not only some kinds of foods but all kinds and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what is the cause McConnell Berry Machine Oils S M Cochran Co have it in best qualities and at ven reasonabje prices They can fill your order promptly for any oil you may want Sid Darling 1012 Howard St Port Huron Mich writes I have tried many pils and laxatives but DeWitte Little Earlv Risers are far the best pills I have ever used They never gripe McConnell Berry No Soup House for Him Walter Hickling not long since com pleted threshing his wheat harvesting 900 bushels from 90 acres or a general average of 10 bushels per acre On 22 acres he harvested 325 bushels or almost li bushels per acre Respectfully dedi cated to Colonel Hot Blast B W Pursell Kmtersville Pa says he suf fered 25 years with piles and could obtain no relief until DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve ef fected a permanent cure Counterfeits are worthless McConnell Berry 125 buys a gallon of good outside or inside paint Good black roof paint very cheap McConxell Beuky Last week I went about Full of trouble and of doubt Now Im smiling and dance with delight I had some Rocky Mountain Tea last night Ask your druggist McCook Transfer Line J H DWYER Proprietor JSgTSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard jvwjftcssfrKry dartm A California Opportunity September 19th to 27th both dates in clusive any Burlington Route ticket agent will sell you a round trip ticket to San Francisco at less than regular one way rates The occasion is the grand convention of the Episcopal church and the rate is open to the general public as well as to the delegates to the convention No more delightful outing can be im agined The trip is made at a time of year wnen traveling is a pleasure ana climate of California at its best The return limit November 15 1901 is an unusually long one for tickets sold at so low a rate Stop overs are allowed at pleasure both going and returning at and west of the firstColorado Wyom ing or Montana point en route AH in all the opportunity is one which no man or woman who contemplates a visit to California can afford to overlook Folder giving details mailed on re quest Burlington ticket agent agents are in a position to give any further in formation that may be desired 9 64ts J Francis Gen Passenger Agt Omaha Nebraska A Communication Mr Editor Allow me to speak a few words in favor of Chamberlains Cough Remedy I suffered for thiee years with the bronchitis and could not sleep at nights I tried several doctors and various patent med icines but could get nothing to give me any relief until my wife got a bottle of this valu able medicine which his completely relieved me W S Hkockman Bagnell Mo This remedy is for sale by vcConnell Herry druggists Rocky Mountain Railway Club The next meeting will be held Satur day September 21 at the St James Hotel Denver on Curtis street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets begin ning promptly at 730 oclock p m A full attendance is desired Topical dis cussions lhe htiect of Increased M C B Prices for Cleaning Air Brake Triples and Cylinders opened by J M Hines D R G -How Can We In crease the Membership and Influence of the Club- A General Discussion Paper -The Relation of All Flanged Drive Wheel Tires to Track presented by H Wilson roadmaster B M R R Members are requested to send the pres ident questions for discussion and for papers Yours truly C II Quekeau President Stood Death Off E H Munday a lawyer of Henrietta Tex once fooled a grave dijjer lie avs lv Sugfar Beet Samples The sujjar l2et growers an- sending in to the factory at Grand Island samples of their beets a- now developed and a TnmuNE representative dropped into C H Meekers office close of last week to inspect the samples before shipment whs mad The samples were divided into two classes irrigated and non irrigated William Byfield David Devenoy and S P Hart represented the non irrigated and E J Baker W E Bower and Horatio Stone the irrigated beets By far the best showing in the first mentioned class is that of William By field It is stated that his beets will everage 20 tons to the acre a remark able production which is attributed to a splendid stand and superior weeding and cultivation David Deveneys average par acre is placed at 10 tons and S P Harts at 8 Among the irrigators Horato Stones exhibit was fine four of the beets sent in by him weighing 40 pounds He places his prospect at 20 tons to the acre or better The average for E J Baker is named as between 15 and 20 tons per acre W E Bower was one of the severe sufferers from the terrible hail and rain storm of early in the season but notwithstanding it is thought that his average will reach 15 tons per acre The prospects are that the sugar beet men will all come out this season on the credit side of the ledger in fine shape Following are the analyses of the beets sent to Grand Island from this point It is said by tho e posted to be a very excellent showing FAKMEK AV Vt T EI Buker 183 WE Bower 176 Wm Byfield 18G WE Corwin 249 D Devoney 1 3 C W Goheen 250 SPHart 44 C A Little 383 EERogers 294 H Stone 210 C FWoker 337 Gerald Wilcox 193 SUGAR PUKITY 78 732 7 C 727 87 765 82 729 83 731 S3 737 85 707 87 752 73 719 85 761 87 746 81 752 A Night of Terror Awfu1 anxiefv was felt for the widow of the brave General IJurnham of Mechias Me when the doctors said she would die from pneumonia hetore morning writes Mrs S H Lincoln who attended her that fearful night but begged for Dr Kings New Discovery which had more than once saved her Ire and cured her of consumption After taking he slept all night Further use en tirely cured hei I his marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat chest anil lung diseases Only 50c and 100 I rial bottles free at McCorhieJI Rerrys drug store Cattle far Sale Two loads of choice beef cows top of 200 head Price 3c 125 steers tops of 200 head Price 3 50 The above stock is all thick fat tf Wm E Echols Brush Colo Gentlemen My wife was afflicted with Dyspepsia and Constipation for years After tiving other remedies I purchased a bottle of Dr Caldwells syrup Pepsin for her and she is rapidly improving 1 cannot be without this v iluable medicine Resp yours Elk City Kans Dec 13 1900 Elliot Bondville Precinct Caucus The Republicans of Bondville precinct will hold a caucus at the home of Jos Boos Saturday evening September 21 1901 at eight oclock for the purpose of nominating a precinct ticket Charles Skalla Committeman The Standard Oil Cos distributing station at this place is well under way Keep Your Face Clean your complexion clear your breath sweet your head level Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin will do this It cures Constipation Sick Headiche and Indigestion and is a perfect laxative Sold by A McMillen WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS of charac ter and good reputation in each state one in this county required to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing Salary 1800 weekly with expenses additional all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head office Horse and carriage furnished when necessary Refer ences Enclose self addressed stamped envel ope Manager 316 Caxton Building Chicago 8 4 4 8 t 0 ft t it o 5 ft ft O If a Woman wants to put out a frs she doesnt heap on oil and wood She throws on waterknowng that waerquenches fire When a voman wants to get well from diseases peculiar to her sex she should not add fuel to the fire already burning her life away She should not take worthless drugs and potions composed of harmful narcot ics and opiates They do not check the disease they do not cure it they simply add fuel to the fre ilk Eracileia s Female Regulator should be taken by every weman or girl who has the slightest susp cion of the cause the pain any of the ail ments which af flict women 1 hey will simply be wasting time until they taken The Regulator is a purifying btrength en in g tonic which jet at ths roots ot the disease and cures It does not drug it eradicates t 1 1 stops falling of the uonb leucorrea mSinintt 11 and periodical suffering ir reguar scanty or painful menstruation ardbyilomg all this drives away the hundred and one aches ard pains which arain health and beauty happiness and good temper from many a womans life It is the one remedy above all othe which every woman should know about aid use 5100 per bottle tjajipgTEf at any drur jtore Snd f nr cm free illustrated book The 3radficld Regulator Co Atlanta 6a 4 O 45 O t O o o 0 it i 0 a 0 o o o O v i o i 0 o o 9 O it ill 5 O 15 O O o it n WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS of charac ter and Bowl reputation In each xtnto one In this county required to rHprmwnt anil ailvortio old established wealthy tumlnw houo of solid ilnuncinl tnndincr Salary IHM wooldv with nxpmiseo additional nil payable In cai each ednosdnv direct from head olllce Hurro nnd cnrriaKO furnished when ncenry WnTnr ences Enclose stlf nddnwl etimid onvol ope Mnnufcer 318 Caxtou Buildinc Chicago As an external liniment of most wonderful penetrative anil curative power Ballards Snow Liniment is not equalled bv anv other in the world Price 25 and 50c A McMillen White Cream Vermifuge is pefrectly harm less and will remove every worm It t nkn SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Dillali 1 H Troxel nnd John H Sujder defend ants will take notice that Puulina Phillippi plaintiif has filed her petition in the Dittrlct Court of Bed Willow County Nebraska tho object and prajor of which is to foreclose a lien for the delinquent taxes legally assessed aud levied against tho North West quarter of section one in township two North range twenty nine west in said County for tho ears 1891 lis95 1M6 J8D7 IbJS and 36 J9 for which taxes said real estate was sold to the said Iaunna Ilnllippi by the Treasurer of said county on January 11901 at private tax sale won previously oiiered at public sale and not sold for want of bidders Said plaintiff on May 4 1901 paid to j aid treasurer the sub sequent delinquent taxes for tho year 1900 assessed and levied on -aid real oatato and there is now duo plaintiff on said tax sale lien the sum of 1307 witli interest thereon at the rate at 20 per cent per annum from January 1 1901 and on said subsequent taxes the sum of 3iJ with interest thereon at the rate of 20 per cent per annum from May 4 1901 and an at torney s fee equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the decree entered herein which is a valid first hen against said real estate Plaintiff prays for a decree that tho defend ants be required to pay said sum or that said hen be foreclosed and said premises sold to satisfy tho said amount duo for taxes attorneys fees and tho costs of this action You aro required to answer said petition on or before Monday tue21si daj of October A D 1901 McCook Nebraska September 1901 s6 Paulina PiiiLLirrr Plaintiff By J E Kelley Attorney SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The Guarantee Loan and Trust Company of Kansas City Missouri Richard Roe assignee of the Guarantee Loan and Trut Companv whose true name is unknown to plaintiff John H Snjder and Mrs Snider wife of John II Snyder first name unknown to plaintiff will take notice that Paulina Phillippi plaintiff has filed her peti tion in the District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska tliw nhippt nml ri o r which is to foreclose a lien for tho delinquent taxes legally assessed and levied against the South East quarter of section two in township two north ranee twentv ninn uwt m enM county for the J ears 1893 18961897 1898 and 1899 for which taxes said real estate was sold to the said plaintiff by tho treasurer of said county on January 1 1901 at private tax sale having been previously offered at public sale and not sold for want of bidders Said plaintiff on May 4 1901 paid to said treasurer the subsequent delinquent taxes for the year 1900 assessed and levied on said real estate and there is now due plaintiff on said tax sale lien the sum of 1790 withmterest thereon at the rate of 20 percent per annum from January 11901 and on saul sequent taxes the sum of 096 with interest tuereon at me rate 01 zu per cent per annum from May 4 1901 and an attorneys fee equal to ten per cent of the amount of the decree entered herein which is a valid first lien against said real estate Plaintiff prajs for a decrpo that the defend ants be required to pav said sums or that said hen be foreclosed and said premises sold to satisfy the said amount due for taxes attor neys fees and the costs of this action You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday tho 21st day of October A D 1901 McCook Nebraska September 3 1901 s6 Paclina Philtppi Plaintiff By J E Kelley Attorney Cure for Dysentery and Diarrhoea Some years ago I was one of a party that intended making a long bicyle trip says FL Taylor of Sew AlbanyBradford county n j was tanen suaaeniy wun diarrhoea and was about to give up the trip when Edi tor Ward of the Lacey ville Messenger sug gested that I take a dose of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I purchased a bottle and took two doses one before starting and one on the route I made the trip successfully and never felt any ill effect Again last summer I was almost com pletely run down with an attack of dysentery I bought a bottle of this same remedy and this time one dose cured me Sold by Mc Connell Berry Druggists A never failing cure for cuts burns scalds ulcers wounds and sores is DeWitts Witch f Hazel Salve A most and remedy for all skin affections Accept only SwwwvwwwvQ I the genuine McConnell Berry it i 1 i 5 4 CtMfm ill M i iVjwaur ftcv 1 s U McCOOK - flM6ShS Good Advlco The most miwible beings in the worm are thoe suffrring from dypepia and liver com plaint More thth scVrrty Hve per cent of the people in the United States are afflicted with thec two diseases and their effects such as sour tomach sick headache habitual cos tivenesi palpitation of the heart heartburn water brash gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach yellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable taste tn the mouth coming up of food after eating low spirits etc Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Trv it Get Greens Prize Al manac A NfcMillen a tonic and by its ftrengthening properties A leased ver dcclarej itself by morose will lestore to pale cheeks the rosy hue of I P mentnl TTItlTX lessness melancholy and constipation health Price 2 cts A McMillen - 1 i idi tnirr1 pnnm SHERIFFS SALE Rv virtue of an Ordor of Salo issued from tho District Court of Rod Willow Comity Ne brnskn under a decree In an action wherein Tho Nebraska Loan and Trunt Company John N Clark Receiver is plaintiff nnd Starling P Hart Rosalio V Hart at ul are derniiiiuuts to ma directed and delivonHl I nhnll pffor at pub lic tala and soil to tho liiirlinHt liwiiLr far n uU Sfc V1881 door of tle conrfc houMj in McCook Red Willow County Nobriska on the 14th day of October 1901 at the hour of one oclock P Jt ineioiiowingue cribed rml estate to wit The South East quarter lt of Section twontv pne 21 and the North Imlf f of tho South west quarter H and the West half W of the North West quartar li of Section twenty two 22 all in township thro 3 north of Range twehty nine 29 west of tho 6th P M Dated thii 13th day of Sontamber 1911 Mil Tits A C Ckautkee Sheriff J E Kellet Attorney ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at the olfico of tho county clerk of Red Willow countv Nebraska for lengthening and repairing tho bridge across tho Republican riyer south of Hartley The county to furnish all material and the contractor to do all hauling and ueces ary labor Piling flooring and rail ing will bo at Bartloy 20 stringers 4x16 aud 32 feet long will be at Indiauola 4 stringer 4x16 and 32 feet long will be at McCook 4 12 foot pjling to be driven as ice breaks 17 18 foot piling to bo driven at least 12 feet Longth of new bridce 96 feet or thrr pn mn nr r ff each Ruiling to bo made of 4x6 postd 2x6 spiked on top of posts and 2x8 ued as hub plnnk Said posts to be 5 feet 4 inchos in length to be sot 8 feet apart and bolted to stnngor stringers to bo bridged with two rows ui oringing to eacn span ot Si loot Flooring to be iwgII spiked to stringers Piling all to bo well braced and all work to be done in a work manlike manner and be approved by the board of county commissioners Tho board reserves the right to reject any and ull bids Aud bids to bo tiled with tho county clerk on or before noon of Saturday tho 3tli day of October 1901 9-13-Us R A Green Co Clk lime win icaiurc iiic iivui iw a iiitiiwij - tion Price 50c A McMillen An English association regarding womans happiness has offered a reward of 5 fr a greater blesing to woman than Rocky Moun tain Tea Sensible move Ask your druggist McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL O WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office Fir3t National bank building next to City hull Hours 8 -50 to 12 1 to 6 7 to 9 Night calls answered from residence oror bank C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building H P SUTTON McCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATT0KNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nkhraska BJAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office--First door north of Commercial hotel J B BALLARD DENTIST O All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first class We do all kinds of Crown Bridge and Plate Work DRJBFICKES A Reliable AMAWMW Graduate Dentist All Calls For The A witi n Ymi Wan Over Mc Connell Berrys F D Bukgess NEB SET YOUR CAN OUT THE - OIL - MAN IS - COMING n McCOOK - TANK LINE sid Mcclain prop Ma Plumber and Steam Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead jand Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun Eclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building ous Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska r BF3pgF aocajjej fflutlOfiflfiriTin V tW ft Jm Vtmjx JMEatac Jfe v - WM II Ulll II lo Save Money Send m your name and address and get our Catalogue of all kinds of Merchan dise at prices defying competition Fully Illustrated Catalogue sent on receipt of 10 cents for postage KAHN GREEN BERGER 2ST to 261 Dearborn street Chicago ill -- OURING JULV UONT fcS E FoOLFm Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA chedenyonMedI keen vnV i30nA W15 It mark ur wade pnee rt PS in bulk 4r Never soli McoraMTU tute AskytSVureStf11 JW5TJjr h J 1 f k Y y 1 Vi f A - i r 1