m w f e ft x f7 Hi lit U fOu A sr X TWENTIETH YEAR Last Sad Rites Monday afternoon in the Methodist church the last snd rites were performed over the earthly remains of Worth Cole man whoso accidental death in an un named lake among the Wyoming moun tains not far from Hailey was described in a recent issue of The Tribune by the pen of theWyoming state sheep inspector Wednesday September 4th on No 1 at the first opportunity after receiving the telegram from Mr Shaffer of Hailey Wyoming announcing the boys death W T Coleman departed for Wyoming to secure the body and bring it to Mc Cook for burial if it were a possibility On Monday morning he arrived on No 2 with the remains which were exhumed from a primitive grave with the greatest difficulty and conveyed to Rock Springs Wyoming for shipment We shall not attempt a description of the almost im possible conditions under which the father battled for the recovery of the body of his son from those- primeval Wyoming mountains and conveyed them 175 mites to the railroad It was a heroic deed performed under circum stances which might well appall the stoutest heart After accorr ishing the disinterment Under the mot jit per suasion the remains had to be carried for miles down the precipitous rocky mountainside on an improvised stretcher by two men When the ground became less rough and steep an Indian sled was attached between two ponies and the descent of the mountains was con tinued There are no roads or trails in that section and directions are taken from peak to peak In the timber region it is said that for a stretch of a mile at a time the Indian sled never touched earth at all sliding over the fallen trees the while A wagon was used as they approached the less difficult part of the journey The effort of Mr Coleman is a high tribute to fatherly love and the work of his assistants worthy unstinted praise The funeral services were conducted in the Methodist church Monday after noon by Rev L M Grigsby assisted by Rev W J Turner of the Congrega tional church after which the remains were again committed to Mother Earth in Longview cemetery The church was crowded with sympathetic relatives and friends and there was a superb wealth of floral decorations and tributes embrac ing a chiming and touching display of emblems palms ferns potted plants and cut flowers The pall bearers were A W Berry G D Burgess Claude Odell Glenn Hupp Walter Thorgrimson and George Camp bell and the members of class 1903 at tended in a body The services were very touching es pecially the expression of the tribute of love which came from the lips of the dead boys associates up in that wild uncivilized sheep country where he was greatly loved and admired for his prin ciples and manliness We are but echoing the unanimous sentiment of this community in express ing for Mr and Mrs- Coleman and the relatives and friends generally the pro foundest sympathy in this heart-wringing bereavement and great loss Charles Ellsworth Coleman was born in McCook Nebraska August st 1SS5 died near Hailey Wyoming Au gust 23rd 1901 was 16 years and 22 days old Wa drowned accidentally in an unnamed lake near Hailey Wyoming August 23 1901 Body was recovered from the lake on the 30th and buried on AM- the lake shore whence it was subse quently removed to this city for inter ment CARD OF THANKS We wish in this way to return our many thanks for the kind acts per formed and comforting words spoken the remembrances in flowers and the close attention given us during our sor rowful bereavement in this the loss of our dear son Worthie Mr and MrsW T Coleman Loyal to Their School House A company of little tots were hurrying to the west side Tuesday afternoon in response to the fire alarm As they ap proached their young hearts were op pressed with a fear that their school house was being destroyed One little one was about to fall down with exhaus tion and called out that she would die if they kept on running so fast to which another one responded breathlessly that if her school house was going to burn she would just as soon die as not What Not going to paper till spring You will find it much cheapernow Come and see our bargains McConnell Berry Dont Miss This Chance We have 50 patterns of wall paper for one and two rooms that we are selling at wholesale prices D W Loar MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE A R Clark has returned from Bush- ton Kansas A B Wood was in Omaha this week on business Albert McMillen was in Omaha mid week on business Mr and Mrs B G Gossard spent Thursday in Indianola Mrs W H Johnston returned early in the week from Grinnell Iowa U S Leisure and wife were over from Danbury Tuesday on a visit Glenn Hupp left Monday night for Lincoln to enter the state university E G Bohanan of Lincoln was in the city Tuesday on insurance business Mrs Frank Rank arrived home Sun day night from her visit to Dover Minn Sadie Everist accompanied her uncle to Colorado Springs Sunday for -her health A G Dole came in from the road last Friday night on a short visit to the home folks Ror Smith came down from Denver Sunday and is spending a weeks vaca tion at home Henry Lehman of Culbertson was here on business close of past and first of present week Mrs W W Brown and Miss Dot Davenport were down from Culbertson Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Martin Overtree late of the National hotel have gone to Charleston Nebraska Mrs George D Leach arrived home last Friday night from her visit to Germantown relatives William McCallum the Indianola merchant and grain buyer was a busi ness visitor Monday Mrs McConnell has been down from Trenton this week guest of her daugh ter Mrs Albert McMillen Bruce Benedict of Lincoln was a guest of J W Andrew and other Mc Cook friends over Sunday Miss Mary Mugan and baby Foley arrived home Monday morning on 2 from their visit in Colorado John Schlagel and family returned close of last week from Littleton Colo where they have been living OTro Franck a nephew of Mrs Otto Ballew arrived in the city on 1 Wednes day and will make a visit here of some length Mrs C B Walls and young son re turned home Wednesday noon on 13 from spending part of the summer in Missouri C W Keys wife and family went down to Bartley Thursday morning to be absent with the homefolks until Sunday evening Judge G W Norris departed on Sun day night for Indianapolis Indiana to attend the sessions of the supreme lodge I O O F this week Rev Harmon Bross came up from Lincoln Friday night and spent Satur day and Sunday in Palisade with Rev Forbes in church work Miss Nettie Dutton returned to Lin coln Sunday evening after a delight ful visit of a few weeks at home and with many friends in the city AS Campbell and son Charlie came in from Has 5 Monday night aLd ac companied y Kilpatrick of Beatrice up to the ralich on the Frenchman Tuesday morning Mrs Heidelbaugh who has has been here from Blue Mound Missouri for a few months guest of her sister Mrs Frank Stillman departed on 12 Mon day morning for her home C O Blomquist successor to C W Keys with the Barnett Lumber Co arrived in the city last night and is catching on His family will follow shortly Heres a welcome to him H W Cole departed Thursday night on No 6 for Geneseo 111 where he will make his home for the present at least and where the family has been sp6 iing the summer Mr Cole and family are among the early settlers of McCook and the wishes of all their friends for their continued success and happiness accom pany them back to Illinois The Congregational people are some what elated over the recent- lifting of a 1000 mortgage from their handsome church building The ladies of the Dorcas society were the heroines of the occasion Rev David Forbes closed a very suc cessful and satisfactory three months missionary service ioi the Palisade Con gregational church Sunday and re turned to McCook Monday evening He is the guest of his son Chief Dis patcher Forbes Jttt0LO0R fKg ssr v lr HtfmJgjir P - McCooks Heartfelt Tribute PROCLAMATION v The President ot the United States having ap pointed Thursday September 19th 1901 the day on which the body of tho late President will be laid in its last earthly resting place as a day of mourning and prayer and recommended that the people assemble in their places of worship tf pay their homeago of love and rever ence to the President whose death has smitten the nation with bitter grief a meeting has been arranged by the citizens of tho city of McCook for that day at the hour of 1030 oclock a m at the Congregational church I therefore request that all pIaco3 of business in the city of McCook be closed from 10 oclock a m until 3 p m on Thursday September 19 1901 and that a9 many as can ropair to the place designated to pay a last tribute of respect to our departed president Dated at McCook Nebraska Sept 16th 1901 C E Eldred Mayor Responding to Mayor Eldreds procla mation which was in compliance with the proclamation of President Roosevelt the citizens of McCook thronged the Congregational church Thursday morn ing at 1030 oclock and paid a genuine heartfelt tribute to tho memory of our martyred president William McKinley There was no effort at finished tribute or oratorical flight but the simple ex pression of what the heart felt toward the nations honored and beloved dead and from this point of view the memorial service was highly successful and a satisfactory expression of McCooks patriotic and loving admiration for the great good and glorious man who bowed so humbly and unafraid to the will of Him whom he served and honored in a beautiful and useful life At the appointed hour the Nebraska Brigade band headed the members of the G A R post and G A R circle in the march in organization to the church where the appended program was followed PROGRAM Organ Voluntary Miss Olive M Howe Voluntary Nebraska Brigade Band Invocation Re v G L White Hymn Nearer My God to Thee Scripture Rev G L White Prayer Rev L M Grigsby Piano Solo -Nearer My God to Thee Miss Olive M Howe Address W R Starr Address W HJohnston Address G H Thomas Anthem Rest in the Lord Address - W S Morlan Address J F Forbes Hymn America Benediction Rev L M Grigsby The Tribune takes a pride in the fact that the utterances were characterized mor6 by sentiments of love and admira tion for him whom all the world delights to honor than by the demands for judg ment and vengeance upon the miserable wretch whom has robbed the land of her first citizen Not that the crime is less hateful but that law and orderly dispassionateprocedure are more lovely The church was appropriately deco rated for the solemn occasion bunting flags and draped pictures of the martyred president being utilized effectively In the business portion there were many handsome window decorations but the residence district was practically devoid of any decorations at all even draped pictures being few The school buildings Commercial ho tel Tribune office and one or two others displayed the only flags at half mast The public schools were closed all day and many children attended the mem orial services Knights Templar Resolutions The following resolutions were adopted by St John Commandery No 16 Knights Templar of our city appropri ate to the death of President McKinley RESOLUTIONS Whereas our eminent and beloved frater William McKinley president of the United States has been suddenly and ruthlessly strick en down by the hand of an assassin and has passed from his earthly labors to the judgment of the Great Ruler of tho Universe and Whereas as a husband a man a soldier a statesman and a member of this fraternity he has given to us an example of what a good man can do an example to be commended to the youth of our country for ages to come therefore Be it Resolved by the officers and members of Saint John Commandery No 16 K T of Mc Cook Nebraska that in the death of Sir Knight William McKinley this great fraternity -has lost one its brightest lights our country one of its greatest btatesmen and his widow the best of husbands Resolved that the heartfelt sympathy of this commandery is with his widow in this hour of her greatest earthly bereavement and we most earnestly commend her to our Father in Heaven for consolation and support in this great af fliction Resolved that a suitable picture of our mar tyred frater be placed in our asylum and draped with the proper emblems of mourning S Cordeal Geo Wiiletts Jr Committee G S Bishop Sunday Afternoons Concert A quiet and very appreciative audience greeted the Nebraska Brigade band at their concert Sunday afternoon last The program was of more than usual length contained a number of new selec tions and was given close attention with much pleasure Stock For Sale A few cows yearlings and calves and some shotes See Fred W Carruth McCook Neb -- - RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Conductor F M Washburn has the Imperial run now Brakemen J J and J F Laughlin have taken a weeks lay off Brnkeman I D West and wife are spending a few days in Denver Brakeman Grant Smith went gunning Thursday for ducks at Wray Colo Conductor C J Snell and wife are spending part of the week in Denver Havelock shops have discontinued the half day holiday Saturday afternoons The railroads of American last year paid 50000000 of the revenues of the United States Brakeman G E Murdock left on 14 Thursday for St Louis and the south to be gone about a month Work in tho shops and as far as prac ticable in all departments was sus pended during Thursday Conductor William Shinsel and fami ly went up to Chadron Thursday to be gone about two weeks on recreation Conductor Eph Benjamin now has the the ballast train vice Conductor Steve Dwyer who is braking on the main line W M Visscher and family departed this week for Canyon City Colorado where he has employment and where the family will reside A Lackawanna special recently made sixty miles from Binghamton to Elmira N Y in fifty three minutes including several slow downs Engineer Barney Lewis has received a few samples of corn from his farm north of Lincoln The ears are large well filled and solid another evidence that Nebraskas corn cribs will not be empty this fall Engineer Roy Dixon came in on No 2 this morning from Denver He left on No 1 at noon for Deadwood S D where he has been given a regular run and engine under Asst Supt J C Birdsell The Burlington is rushing the work at the Hastings depot in an effort to get the outside work completed before cold weather sets in The new building will be one of the cosiest and best on the line Lincoln Journal Machinist and Mrs W E Schmidt departed Monday on 1 for Denver Colorado They are bound for the coast and expect to make Los Angeles Cali fornia in due time and will perhaps re main there The good wishes of friends accompany them The Burlington is now doing a consid erable amount of work at Sheridan Wyo Heavy track scales are being put in for the use of the mines A new smoke stack for the round house of the same size and pattern as the one at the Lincoln roundhouse will be erected there shortly Lincoln Journal C E Magner formerly Burlington agent at Oxford McCook and Kearney is now agent for the company at Dead wood Mr Magner left the employ of the company while stationed at Kearney to take a position in the freight depart ment of the Katy at St Louis but he has returned to the Burlington Lincoln Journal A B O freight train was brought to a standstill the other day in the Cum berland Md yard by the engineer mis taking a signal given by a poll parrot for that of the yardmaster The parrot is owned by a druggist living near the yardmasters office and has learned to imitate his voice and his manner of call ing to the engineers to stop so when the engineer heard his usual signal he was sure it came from the yardmaster Ex Conductor Brady of the dining car Quincy of the Burlington Route is a proper subject for congratulation upon the elaborate and tasteful and appropri ate decoration of his car which passed through this city on No 1 Saturday Flags bunting black ribbon pictures etc were all used in interior and ex ternal decoration presenting a hand some touching tribute to the memory of our gracious gentle noble president The writer had not the pleasure of seeing the car but eye witnesses are unstinted in praise of the conception and execu tion of the tasteful work The Burlington has much trouble in keeping the line to St Francis Kans open In winter the roadbed freezes up in a mass of ice that must be cut away with picks or melted by the rays of the spring sun In summer cloud bursts strike it and carry away the grade It is never immune from the elements Last winter a heavy fall of snow came in that country The snow was very wet and a few hours of warm weather fol lowed its fall The warm weather melted the snow to mushy ice and then a cold wave struck it and imbedded the rails in a thick coating of ice The road was blocked for several days The other day a cloudburst caught the line near Herndon Kans and washed away enough of the track to delay traffic nearly a week Lincoln Journal Journal y tJratlfyingly Successful Miss Olive M Howe made her intro ductory appearance in our city Tuesday evening in a piano recital in the Con gregational church in which she scored a distinctly gratifying success a fair audience giving most appreciative atten tion to the program throughout PROGRAM Piano Soli a Sonate Op 39 Weber Allogro con spirito Andanta Monuet b La Polka de la Roino Raff Vocal Solo Ave Maria Chorubini Mrs McKenna 3 Piano feJi - Honsolt b If I Were a Bird c Thorn roso Bendel d ImpromptuOp9No4Schubert e Vnlse Op 34 Moszkowski 4 Reading The Perfect Wife Miss Barnett 5 Baritone Solo Souvenir du Passo Warren Mr PennoII 6 Piano Polonaise in E major Liszt Miss Howes selections were each and all rendered from memory in a most artistic manner each author and theme and movement being skillfully inter preted and executed with fine finish Her organ number was also wed received and disclosed proficiency and ability on that instrument as well as at the piano Her initial appearance realized every reasonable expectation She was very ably assisted in her recital by Mrs P F McKenna Miss Ethel Barnett and Mr F A Pennell each of whom received a generous evi dence of approval and responded accept ably in each instance to the hearty encores received We congratulate Miss Howe upon having thus firmly established herself in the citys musical circles In the City Churches The death of President McKinley had a distinct bearing upon the services held in the several churches in the city Sunday congregational In the Congregational church in the morning Rev W J Turners plea was for more reverence with appropriate ap plication The music was fitting The church was appropriately decorated with flags bunting and draped pictures of the martyred president There was a good attendance and close interest The Sunday evening service in the Congregational church was in the nature of a Memorial in honor of the martyred president and short earnest talks were delivered by several laymen in addition to the remarks of the pastor Judge G S Bishop spoke on McKinley the Man F M Kimmell to McKinley the Statesman and L C Dole on McKinley a Model for Young Men While the service was rather impromptu it was of interest and significant of the deep and intense love and admiration felt by our people for the dead president METHODIST In the evening service Rev L M Grigsby s sermon was on Socialism a National Peril A draped picture of beloved dead occupied a prominent place on the pulpit platform There was a large audience and a profound interest in the services Prize Winners Again Victors The McCook base ball club met their old adversaries the Minden boys on the Minden diamond last Saturday after noon and performed an act approaching an impossibility in the eyes of base ball people defeated Minden on her own grounds This feat has been accom plished by few clubs indeed this season The game is reported at Minden for the Lincoln State Journal as follows MINDEN CLOSES THE SEASON Minden Neb Sept 15 Special The closing game of the year was played on the Minden diamond yesterday after noon resulting in favor of McCook by a score of 4 to 3 It was a hard fought game throughout SCORE BY INNINGS McCook 0 100030 004 Minden 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 03 Hits By Minden 8 McCook 7 Struck out By Jones 7 by Ahlin 10 Errors McCook 2 Minden 4 Batteries McCook Jones and Heck Minden Ahlin and Moore Earned runs Minden 1 McCook 2 Two base hits Minden Bliss P Peterson McCook Gibbons Reed and Cochran Wednesday September 25th Attention is directed to the millinery opening announcement of Mrs M M Delhunty to be found elsewhere in this issue Wednesday September 25th are the day and date Your inspection is cordially requested Remnants in wall paper a few choice patterns just enough for one room very cheap McConnell Berry Rev Essig returned home last Friday night from a visit of about three weeks over in Iowa Council Bluffs Minden and other points He reports a plentiful harvest where he was nV - McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 20 1901 NUMBER 19 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Dr J D Hare telephono 1G8 For clothing go to DeGroff Cos Dont forget Mrs Bargor tho milliner Jack Frost has been in chilly ovidonce this week Just call up telephono 12 and tell them all about it Send your coal orders to the Barnett Lumber Co And the millinory openings will bo on next Wednesday evening If you dont see what you want ask at D C Marshs meat market For Sale Two houses in West Mc Cook Inquire of Thomas Burgo Something now in a large stock of Battenburg patterns Mrs Baroeu Bo photographed at Porters and you will get your moneys worth North of Postoflico Wise people are now sitting for Xmas photographs at Porters North of postoflico Porters photographs are finished with a bright sparkling effect that is charming The M A C foot ball aggregation will open the season on the gridiron at Oxford with a local team For Sale A vacant lot in West Mc Cook Inquire of or write to Thomas Burge McCook Nebraska D C Marsh invites your patronage guaranteeing tho best meats obtainable of all kinds A t the old stand The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of G A R meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall If you dont see- what you are after inquire at Marshs meat market They have it and will take pleasure in show ing you You are expected to call at Porters and see the photographs he makes whether you intend to sit or not North of postoffice A West Lincoln gentleman advertises for help in the following language Wanted A married man to work on my dam farm This week John Schlagel bought the Sanderson dwelling on corner of Rail road and Melvin from C F Lehn con sideration 1000 Word from Nebraska City announces the illness of C L DeGroff with appen dicitis His many warm friends will earnestly wish for his early and complete recovery Lost In the vicinity of the Congre gational church Tuesday afternoon green leathern pocketbook Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning same to The Tribune office Mrs H G Borneman and Bessie came down from Denver this morning and are briefly visiting city friends They are en route to Tecumseh this state on a visit to Mrs Russell McMillen This is a good time to brighten up your barns sheds and fences Our asbestine fire proof paint costs only one sixth the price of oil McConnell Berry If the parties who borrowed the planks and blocking at my house Sept 9th will kindly return same promptly they will much oblige and accommodate me J S McBrayer Fire Monday night destroyed a busi ness block in Beaver City D W Loar of our city owned one of the buildings destroyed It was insured They say that this last fire unfortunately makes Beaver look more and more like a muti lated kroner Some one became frightened while a large pile of Russian thistles were being burned at the Westward school grounds Tuesday afternoon and sent in a fire alarm The department and populace responded but no assistance was needed and the sprinters were disappointed The Lincoln Journal announces the arrest of Roy E Dutton formerly of our city for the alleged using of the United States mails to defraud Since leaving here he has been conducting the hyp notic healing business in Lincoln through the mails He gave bond in the sum of 8500 for his appearance in court COURT HOUSE NEWS district qocRT Hanna E Barnes vs Charles A Barnes divorce Jennie A Miller vs James G Ward et al attachment State of Nebraska vs R H Lawer ance misdemeanor county court Clarence E McCord and Winona Ep perly both of Bartley married by Rev G C Johnson on September 15th For good coal and prompt delivery go the Barnett Lumber Co M i t V v 1 tx 1 iJ i jfl w I s 1