The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 13, 1901, Image 5

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Sizes 84 to 44
Lot No 210
f JL
Of Our New Fall Catalog
Exactly like Sample
Coat and Vest 375
V Piuits not sold bcppruto
S250 for 2c Thatsjust what it amounts to when
you orderasu t of this splendid strictly all wool
cassimere for 500 All youre out is the price and
two cents for a postage stamp and youre in as good
a suit of clothes as any man can buy outside of our
store for 750 Thats straight talk and its straight
work These suits are well made well lined with
splendid Farmer Satin have good striped silesia
sleeve lining come in four button single breasted
roand cut sacks are in haudsDme dark Oxford gray
cxactl like the cloth sample and will wear like iron
Dont delay your orders Such prices are made to
sell goods quick
SSntffia GZy3m a I
TymwmmvfTW tsrT
JVtiss bowman
The Leading
jVUff titer of jVtcooft
Announces Her
FaH petting
To all ladies interested in
the latest creations of
Sejttsttter tft 1901
A Communication
Mr Editor Allow me to speak a few
words in favor of Chamberlains Cough
Remedy I suffered for three years with the
bronchitis and could not sleep at nights I
tried several doctors and various patent med
icines but could get nothing to give me any
relief until my wife got a bottle of this valu
able medicine which has completely relieved
me W S Hrockman Bagnell Mo This
remedy is for sale by McConnell Berry
We Want to See You
We can tell what makes your eyes blur and
your head swim You are bilious and Dr
Caldwells Syrup Pepsin will cure you or the
manufacturers will refund you the purchase
price Sold by A McMillen
Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment relieves
the intence itching It soothes heals and
cures chronic cases where surgeons fail It is
no experiment its sales increase through its
cures Every bottle guaranteed Price 50c
in bottles tubes 75c A McMillen
Norris Silver North Stratford N H says
I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure while suffering with a cough doctors told
me was incurable One bottle relieved me
the second almost cured Today I am a well
man McConnell Berry
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds- oi
food It gives instant relief and neve
fails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
It cant help
but do you good
Prepared only by E O DeWitt Co Chicago
Tho SI bottle containsSH times the 50c size
McConnell Berry Druggists
A Shocking Calamity
Lately befell a railroad laborer writes Dr
A Kellett of Williford Ark His foot was
badly crushed but Bucklens Arnica Salve
quickly cured him It is simply wonderful for
burns boils piles and all skin eruptions Its
the worlds champion healer Cure guaran
teed 25c Sold by McConnell Berry
Working Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing that
ever was made is Dr Kings New Life Pills
These pills change weakness into strength
listlpssness into energv brain fag into mental
power Theyre wonderful in buildingup the
health Only 25c per box Sold by Mc
Connell Berry
Have you a sense of fullness in the region
of your stomach after eating If so you will
be benefitted by using Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets They also cure belching
and sour stomach They regulate the bowels
too Price 25 cents McConnell Berry
Last week I went about
Full of trouble and of doubt
Now Im smiling and dance with delight
I had some Rocky Mountain Tea last
night Ask your druggist
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska September 3rd 1901
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment Present Stephen Bolles D
A Waterman and Maurice Reddy county com
missioners W B Starr county attorney and
R A Green county clerk
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
Resignation of James Hetherington justice
of tho peace in and for Indianola precinct read
and on motion accepted
Resignation of Wiley Wadkins overseer of
road district No 24 read and on motion ac
On motion the following appointment was
made to fill vacancy M B Leopold overseer
road district No 24
Annual settlement of the following overseer
of highways examined and on motion approved
and the county clerk directed to draw certifi
cato on road district in payment thereof as
follows Wiley Wadkins overseer district No
24 certificate No 227 15
The following official bond was examined and
on motion approved John R Brown overseer
road district No 13
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county general fund levy
of 1301 in payment thereof as follows
J A Wilcox Son mdse for paupers 43 88
James McAdams same 26 00
Guy Albert same 6 00
S R Smith supplies 2 73
A Fry blacksmithing 1 33
Predmore Bros same 21 43
Polk Bros repairing 3 5S
M B Hogan glass and setting 17 90
C G Coglizer labor and material on court
house 657 60
A C Crabtree serving notices 4 25
A C Crabtree board and care of prisoners 77 50
RA GreenCo Clk postage express etc 23 2S
O Xi Thompson Tr same 44 81
G S Bishop Co Jdg fees State vs Law
erence 5 05
C BGray constable samo 2 10
G C Boatmani C D C State vs Cam
mack insane 5 80
W V Gage M D fees same 8 00
J E Kelloy Atty fees same 3 00
J E Hathorn fees same 2 00
CE Cammack fees same 2 00
Stephen Bolles secvices as commissioner 27 SO
D A Waterman same 31 50
Maurice Reddy same 32 20
Xarger Notley plastering 5 00
And on county bridge fund levy of 1901 as
W C Bullard Co lumber 57 45
J A Streff bridge work 13 75
W P Broomfield same 13 75
EdErvin samo 3 25
Wm Mulnix same 4 50
W M Nixon same 3 25
Mr Brown same 50
Fred Waterman same 1 25
Alex Brown samo 17 00 allowed 13 00
And on county road fund levy of 1901 as fol
W K Forsey road work 2 50
Geo Howell same 2 50
JNSmith same 2 50
A J Lytle same 5 00
Stephen Bolles road plow 10 00
Institute report of Lillian M Welborn
county superintendent examined and on mo
tion approved and same ordered placed on file
On motion county clerk was instructed to call
for sealed bids for tho reconstruction of the
river bridge west of Indianola also for the
grading and rock work on the approaches to
the same
On motion board adjourned to meet sine die
R A Gbeeu County Clerk
Monday morning Old Glory was
again unfurled to the breeze ovor the
several school houses in the city and tho
boll in the east ward building cheerily
announced the opening of the fall term
1901 of McCooks public schools
In the high school Monday was de
voted to organizing classifying distrib
uting books and supplies assigning
lessons etc and on Tuesday morning
the regular routine work was taken up
In tho several grades the preparatory
work occupied the morning period and
the regular programme was begun in
the afternoon
Some little confusion was incident to
the changing of pupils from one building
to another but on Tuesday morning in
all grades the regular work was well in
in hand and progressing nicely
About 100 new pupils entered the
preparatory grade this week
The black boards in the office have
been removed to one of the rooms in tho
new frame building
The total number of outside pupils
opening day was 22 this exceeds that
of last year when the opening attend
ance was 18
One room in tho new frame building
is unoccupied and one in use unprovided
with black boards a condition shortly
to be remedied
The boiler at the east ward building
has been given n new set of flues and in
cidentally a now brick jacket The new
frame building will be heated from this
plant The steam connections are all in
and the radiators only are lacking
The new frame building will no doubt
fill a long-felt-want The rooms are
fair sized well lighted and comfortable
being a little pinched however for
cloak room but withal a vast improve
ment over the old system of disconnected
The superintendents office and as
sembly room in the east building three
rooms in tho west building and the
South McCook building have been re
papered which places every school room
in the system in clean and attractive
The entire system seems to be well
organized and equipped as to teachers
supplies apparati etc and definite work
laid out for each of the grades and The
Tribune expects good work from Supt
Thomas his well selected corps of
teachers and satisfactory results from
the pupils
Tho old laboratory in the basement
has been refitted and is now used as a
recitation room as well Black boards
seats etc have been providedthe ceiling
has been deadened and ceiled and the
result is a commodious recitation room
A new case has also been provided for
laboratory apparati and the stock room
adjacent has undergone some improve
ments as well
The opening day attendance in the
several grades was
High school 7S
grade 31
Seventh grade 45
Sixth grade 42
Fifth grade 55
Fourth grade 53
Fourth A and Third B grades 44
Third grade 3S
Second grade East 50
Second grade West 21
First grade East 35
First grade West 14
South McCook 46
Preparatory 85
Total opening attendance 657
Twelfth 12
Eleventh 15
Tenth 25
Ninth 31
Eighth 32
Seventh 47
Sixth 42
Fifth v 51
Fourth 56
Fourth and Third 44
Third 60
Second and First west 45
Secondeast 47
First east 37
Firstsouth S
Preparatory west 100
Preparatory south 40
We append a brief personal mention
of the new members of the teacher
Mr E W Washburn of Beatricehigb
school instructor is a graduate of the
Beatrice high school and he came here
from the University of Nebraska where
he has been a student He served as
assistant in the chemical laboratory of
his home school
Miss Nellie West teacher of the sev
enth grade is from Red Cloud where
she taught several years For the past
four years she served as eighth grade
teacher in the Falls City schools
Miss Cassie Andrews who has an A
class from the third grade and a B
class from the fourth is from Cambridge
She has had four years successful ex
perience in the schools of Furnas
Miss Minnie Eowell who has charge
of the regular third grade in the West
building is a graduate of the McCook
high school class of 59S She has since
served acceptably as a teacher in the
city schools and later in the district
schools of the county
Mrs Ida E White comes here from
Omaha though for thirteen years she
instructed primary children in the Har
vard schools Mrs White is assigned
to the first grade in the new frame
Miss Anna Anderson in charge of the
first and second grades in the West
building is from Lincoln She had sim
ilar work for two years past at Liberty
Nebraska and previously had been a
student at the state university
The snake show pulled stakes for In
dianola Tuesday morning
Commissioner Waterman of Lebanon
was in town Wednesday looking up
bridge matters
Mr and Mrs Danford were visiting
friends around Danford Saturday and
remained over Sunday
Mrs Wm Kendall left Saturday for
Now York stato for a short visit with
old acquaintances
Miss Myrtle Cochran has purchased a
new piano and is now giving lessons to u
number of pupils
C C Monroe left Saturday for El
myra Ohio on a vacation trip h ex
pects to be gone about thirty days
Mrs Headley our assistant teacher
who has been ill for the past week is
able to bo around again Miss Pearl
Hayes has taught in her place during
her illness
The Sappy creek on the south of us
is reported as being fourfeet higher than
ever known before All bridges are re
ported as being swept away from Ober
lin to S A Fishs place some eight miles
Simeon Billings transacting business
in the city of McCook Saturday was
another one of the victims that was
caught on the other side Saturday even
ing Partly swimming and wading his
team he managed to cross tho creek at
Morgans Monday forenoon
Guy Curlee of Bartley made an extra
effort to reach Danbury Saturday even
ing before the rain but being a little
behind time when he reached this valley
the whole valley was afloat and ad
mission to the other side was impossible
he therefore made up his mind to return
whence he came which he did through
all the storm and rain and on returning
home he found that water dwelt upon
the valleys of the Republican as well
The last we heard of him he was all cov
ered with mud team and buggy and
waiting on the shores of the Republican
valley thinking
One of the heaviest rain storms ever
known in the Beaver Valley fell Satur
day evening and Sunday morning be
tween the hours of nine and four About
nine Saturday evening it began and con
tinued for an hour or more raining about
an inch or so then calmed down for a
short time and later about one oclock
the rain began to fall in torrents and
continued till about four that morning
Many never thought of such a hard rain
falling on account of there being no
wind with it and thinking that it was one
of those gentle northeast rains did not
stir around to get up and see what was
going on However when on arising in
the morning those in the valley found
that the water was up in their door
yards and their barn yards were afloat
haystacks fences hogs and pigs had
taken leave of absence and were floating
down the creek The stream was from
a mile to a mile and a half wide and
fences haystacks bridges and anything
that was loose were easily swung round
or carried off It is reported that a num
ber of culvert bridges from the north
west for a distance of five miles were
washed to the creek valley near B B
Smileys place Farmers are having
quite a time locating what belongs to
them in the way of fences posts etc
Most everyone along the valley from the
west as far east as Lebanon lost more or
less hogs and pigs and most of the alfal
fa seed was cut and being bunched on
the meadows when the water came and
drifted it away clean from the fields
piling it up in great drifts along trees
mixed with trash so that it will be im
possible to save but very little of it if
any The alfalfa hay in the stack will
be more or less injured in the bottom of
the stacks as the water in many places
was from three to six feet up around
them H W Naden had two fair sized
stacks of alfalfa in the draw west of his
house and these were carried a distance
of a quarter of a mile and set down as
nicely as if they had oeen moved there
There is only one bridge at present that
is passable for those living on the north
side of the creek is the one at George
Morgans place and those living west are
compelled to go around by his place to
get to town The water hits remained
high all this week since Sunday on ac
count of the heavy rains farther up the
valley It is reported that eleven wash
outs have occurred between this place
and Atwood Kans and the trains have
been unable to get any farther west than
that place until today they reached
Herndon Kans The rails in many pla
ces near Traer were washed off from the
dump and twisted up in general and the
construction train is now at work build
ing up a new track with ties and it is
thought the road will be opened again
by the first of the week The water
fallen during this time is variously esti
mated Some think it rained fifteen feet
where they had nothing to measure it
in but as near as we can learn from
those having the best measurements it
rained here about eight inches on west
farther about nine inches
Cattle far Sale
Two loads of choice beef cows top of
200 head Price 3c 125 steers tops
of 200 head Price 8350 The above
stock is all thick fat tf
Wm E Echols Brush Colo
slWV VtVH1V9
Are coming in fast now Each
day brings more new goods
See our line of
Before you buy school suits for the
boys It will pay you to look A
comparison is all we ask
We have a good line of
Try us
Leave us your order for anything in the
Line Our stock is fresh and complete
iw r i iJJC
VfcVfcV V v
I wish to close out my bicycle depart
ment and offer what wheels I have
on hand
I National Tandem cost 115 will
take 25 used a little
1 Columbia chainless 10 secondhand
I Monarchnew 30 wheel now 16
I Vedettenew 30 wheel now 20
I Girls wheelnew 30 wheel will
sell for 15
Call at once
Leading Jeweler and Music Dealer
91 Patent Flour i
Pride of McCook 80 1
For Sale by ALL the Lead
ing iviercnants
ROHRBOUCH BROS Proprietors Omaha Nebr
FALL TERM Opens Monday Sept 2 Scores of new students will enter r Septeialjer
All arrangements complete for the opening
COURSES OF STUDY Business English Shorthand Typewriting- Telegraphy Pe
manshift and Pen Art
equipments emploTS the best teachers has a Collejx
Orchestra College Band College Paper Printing Office Lecture Course Literary Society
SHORTHAND BY MAIL Gregg system Full course for 15 Write tor particulars
GENERAL INFORMATION Over 1000 students last year Board given for three
hours work each day places hundreds of students in positions each year and guarantees
success to its students
CATALOGUE Free to any address Write KOHRBOUGH BROS Omalia Neb