The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 13, 1901, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription a Year in Advance
Republican Ticket
For Supreme Judge
S H SEDGWICK of York County
For Resents
For Surveyor r
A C WILSON of Bondvillo
For Coroner
JOSEPH SPOTTS of Valley Grange
For Judge
1 G S BISHOP of McCook
For Superintendent
r E S DDTCHER of Indianola
For Sheriff
A C CRABTREE of Indianola
For Clerk
E J WILCOX of McCook
For Treasurer
For Commissioner Third District
C H HARMAN of McCook
Methodist Sunday school 10 a m
Junior League at 4 p m Epworth
League 7 Preaching at 11 a ni and
S p in Morning subject The Per
sonality of the Holy Ghost Evening
subject Socialism a National Peril
L M GriGsby Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at eight oclock Morning sub
ject The Element of Worship in Ser
vice and Life Evening subject The
Investment of Influence
W J Turner Pastor
Rev L M Grigsby will preach in the
Pickens school house on next Sunday
afternoon at three oclock
Alex Smith is down from the farm
in Hayes county
E F Stephens the Crete orchardist
has been out part of this week visiting
his brother J H near Box Elder and
making an inspection of some of the
orchards here He looked over S C
Kings and Walter Hicklings orchards
and announces that he will have some
thing for publication relative to Red
Willow county orchards in the near
future s
Home Visitors Excursions
September 17th and 24th
October 1st and 8th
Greatly reduced rates to points in
Ohio and Indiana Return limit thirty
days Nearest agent Burlington Route
will be glad to give you additional infor
mation or sell you a ticket 3ts
JFrancis Gen Passenger Agent
Omaha Feb
Geo W Hervey of the Omaha Week
ly World Herald suffered for years with
stomach trouble and was unable to get
help from the three best physicians in
the state or Jroni the various remedies
Vxntil he took Dr Kays Renoyator
wijich renovated his system and cured
him completely in a very short time
It cures constipation liver and kidney
troubles etc Send for a full Teport of
Mr Herveys case and many others
cured by Dr Kays Renovator after
many physicians had failed to benefit
them Free advice sample and book
Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y Sold by
A McMillen and D W Loar
Slates were never so cheap as this
year at the Bee Hive
At the meat market of D C Marsh
you will find a very desirable combina
tion for the careful judicious buyer
the best quality at the most reasonable
Dr Kays Renovator a perfect system
renovator Sold by druggists 25c r
Safe Always reliable Ladies ask Drurrist for
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Refuse dangerous aubstl
tauonsand imitation Buy of your Druggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particular Testi
monials and Relief for Ladies in letter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
SIOO SXadison Sqsare PHXLA PA
Mention this paper
iihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiki liiiimiiiiiiffliifff BARTLEY iaES 4 J99999999Q999999WWVVVV
wK Cofees Sl
I Coded I
j with stale eggs glue 8
I and other things are
I not fit to drink
J LionOoffes
I is pure uncoated I
I I coffee fresh strong I
well flavored 1
f Tho Healed package In-
i vJ Id euros uniform quality J
8 vl Jj and freshnetjd I 10 1
illbXtfMW ij rfliCTll
Nice rain fell Saturday
Henry Lehman spent Sunday with his
Robt Knowles was a Trenton visitor
C G Crews and son returned from
Lincoln Saturday
Mr and Mrs W Z Taylor returned
from Lincoln Saturday
Mr and Mrs Lou Crews of Chicago
111 arehere visiting relatives
Mrs Fannie Brown has again resumed
her position as clerk for Tillman
Mr H Blum went down to Superior
on business Tuesday night
Mr and Mrs Frank Henderson were
the guests of Mrs R Knowles Monday
Wilhelm Bonakemper of Sutton is the
guest of Miss Marietta Wemple this
Miss Bessie Crews came down from
Palisade Saturday and spent Sunday at
Mrs Nettie Zimmerman and children
of St Francis have been the guests of
her sister Mrs J S the past
tfrs Lou Bseler and children who
have been visiting her parents this
summer returned to her home in Beat
rice Thursday evening
Messrs Frank Knowles Elmer Rey
nolds Clyde Fellows Lehman Elder
Harry and Asa Lehman attended the
ball games at McCook Thursday and
Geo G Eisenhart and son Arvene left
for Buffalo and other points Sunday
evening Arvene will go on toElkhorn
Wis where he will attend school the
following year
W A Chambers and family who have
resided here the past summer returned
to their former home at Shenandoah
Iowa Friday evening The many
friends of the family regret their depart
ure and follow them with good wishes
The Hitchcock county agricultural
exhibit at the state fair drew a number
of first premiums while spring wheat
Kafir corn cane millet and Fancy Patent
flour from the Culbertsou Roller Mills
captured the first prize over all comers
hands down The contest for first pre
mium on flour was between some fifty
mills in the state and Mr Swaner our
miller has cause to feel proud over the
victory won The flour was sent to the
Buffalo exposition to enter contests there
In addition to a splendid growth of
grass the lawn at the residence of George
E Banks 2322 Wetmore avenue is
distinguished by a wealth of flowers over
which that universal favorite the pansy
largely predominates Beds of these
flowers line the walks leading to the rear
on either side of the residence and fill
every available angle and nook On the
south side of the building the sward is
crossed by two parallel flower beds be
yond which a fragrant bank of sweet
peas and dahlias hide the summer gar
den in the rear Another feature of the
premises useful as well as ornamental is
a well ordered strawberry bed which is
still bearing v
Contrary to the general rule Mr Banks
has devoted as much attention o the
rear of his premises as to the front with
the result that the grounds present an
equally attractive appearance viewed
from either standpoint Everett Daily
Herald The above is one of our old
residents who now resides in Everett
Dr Kays Renovator a pleasant and
effective system renovator Try it
Machine and cylinder oils at S M
Cochran Cos
Dr Kay Renovator for the liver
Trade with Loar
Toa ra rrrUc yoir fcar
neaa tis soft iukii glove
aad as to jch rs iru by
uiinsEU iHA Har
ness Oil You can
lengthen its iife iuakeit
liht mice as loa as it
ordinarily 310
E3 pvi R 57f 5
ttakOTaTWOrlnohlnrr hnr
ness like new Alude of
pure heavy bodied oil es
pecially DreDared to with
stand tho weather
Sold everywhere
in cans all sizes
3 rx9i X1 v
Ed Beghtol is home from his trip to
Geo Wolf spent Sunday with his par
ents in town
John O Miller purchased one of Henry
Cozads fine black horses
Mary Dietsch came in town for her
Sunday with the home folks
W H Gartside was doing some paint
ing for Dr Brown in his office the first
of the week
John Ritchie secured a position with
jlie B M and will make Lincoln his
future home
Percy Catlett is iu Thurman Iowa
and writes that the are dry there too
dry for comfort
Perry Kinnison Daniel Teeters and
Frank Trissell started for Ohio on their
wheels last Friday
Chas Catlett left Monday morning
for the Wesleyan University where he
will educate himself
E E Smith telephoned across the
river Sunday morning to go to his hog
pen and feed for him
R S Baker is mourning the loss of
25 worth of wood that Dry Creek carried
away Sunday morning
Maurice Reddy was in town the fore
part of the week looking after the
bridges that need repairs
Will Rymer was compelled to stay in
town this week or lose his school ow
ing to the loss of the bridge
Mrs A Y Lincoln and daughter
Margery are expecting to join Mr Lin
coln in Crete Neb in a few days
Mrs Mary Smith has been suffering
with a bad attack of neuralgia for the
past week but is better at present
D W Bush is preparing to build a
residence in town he has chosen a place
on Commercial Ave near the depot
When Perry Premer returned to his
work he took John Lemasters with him
John will be with theB M all winter
Mrs A J Lohr is rejoicing over the
barrel of nice red apples that AJ
sent her from the eastern part of the
Our street commissioner is doing a fine
iob of work on Commercial Ave and
deserves the appreciation of all the
Mrs Dick Barker and Mrs Williamson
who were so seriously sick last week
are somewhat improved at pre sent
F C Alley will move his family into
the rooms back of his drug store for this
winter and thus save some cold trips iu
the winter
P S Claytor left on No 5 Saturday
for Clarinda Iowa where he has a posi
tion Guy Curlee takes his place with
the Barnett Lumber Co for a time at
Ira Ritchie returned from Lincoln
Saturday evening bringing with him
his sister Mrs Arnold who lives in
Lincoln she will be a guest of friends
here for a short time
Guy Curlee was caught in the storm
while on his trip to Daubury and com
pelled to camp all night in the buggy
and returned Sunday without meeting
the friend he desired to see
Our two churches observed the day of
prayer for our president last Sunday
night in a union meeting held in the
M E church Rev Crippen conducting
special prayers and Rev Johnson preach
ing a timely sermon
Henry Cozad is busy these days
closing up his business matters prepara
tory to moving to Missouri where he
expects to make bis home after the 15th
of this month Henrys friends will
miss him We wish him much success
in his new home
We had a seven inch rain Saturday
night that overtopped the memory of
the oldest settler and cut up many other
antics too numerous to mention cellars
and caves were filled with water pigs
and chickens and other stock nearly
drowned Dry Creek was up and roar
ing bridges lost approaches fifty feet
between the north bank of the river and
the bridge south of town are among
some of the damages reported
Lyman Jennings is in very poor health
at this writing
Jo Gregory of Fairfield is here to buy
and rent a farm
Street Commissioner Haining is mak
ing much needed repairs on our streets
Mr Bush is erecting a residence in the
south part of town Hamilton Bros are
doing the work
A nephew of Mr Jennings with his
family who have been visiting here have
departed for the east
Our school is progressing nicely under
the management of Prof Wynn and his
able corps of assistants
R D Logan of Stockville has taken
possession of the drugstore here His
clerk L P Green is here moving the
Commissioners Bolles and Reddy were
here yesterday determining the
Xnu g
Reduced one half with
pure soft water applied
frequently with dropper
or eye cup will remove
congestion and instantly
relieve pain and inflam
CAUTION Avoid dangerous irri
tating Witch Hazel preparations rep
resented to be the same as PONDS
EXTRACT which easily soar and
generally contain wood alcohol a
deadly poison
Word is received here that Harry L
Brown son of Dr Brown has moved to
Grangeville Idaho and purchased the
Republican paper in that city
We now have a ico foot suspension
foot bridge across the Republican river
connecting the bridge with the land on
the north side spanning the recent wash
Dont forget the bargains in Boys
Knee Pants at the Bee Hive
Some are supplied with melons
Web McClain will make sorghum this
Clay Shepherd lost six calves in a re
cent thunder storms
H R Bixler sold his cane mill to a
Mr Harmon of McCook
The prairie has revived its mantle of
green and various flowers hejp to beau
tify Why even the fuel is conspicuous
with its verdant leaves
From 5 to 6 inches of water fell on
Saturday night mostly being absorbed
by the ground The roads were terribly
gorged Oyerseer I B Stryker was out
with a force of men to repair them the
three first days of the week Minor
rains and fog have made Oregon coast
weather altogether too abundant
The Stryker boys and Chas Campbell
have returned from Cheyenne countj
where they were working in the hay
fields They saw Scotts Bluffs Castle
Rock and Court House Rock They
had a very pleasant time Some of the
hay made there is shipped to Philadel
phia About 12 miles from where they
were and while they were there there
was a dreadful hail storm The boys
were told that some hail fell as large as
tumblers John and Roy Stryker were
on the ground and say that it was cov
ered with holes as large as a hens
egg One man protected himself by
putting his head under the hay rake seat
but his shoulders were badly bruised
We are going to have school just
the same and our supplies are much
lower in price The Bee Hive
B W Benjamin went to McCook
August Wesch went to mill to Andrew
Andersons Monday
School is progressing nicely and Miss
Jennie Bell is teacher
Josh Rowland went to McCook Tues
day with a can of cream
There was a rainfall of 4 62 inches
Saturday and Sunday morning causing
a thorough soaking of the soil
Jake Pickrell and and B N House
loaded their freight on their wagons and
pulled for the east part of the state last
Uncle John Rowland and Harve Row
land went to McCook on Saturday and
arrived home on Monday afternoon
They took a load of hogs
A Wesch was in McCook Saturday
H I Peterson was at McCook Satur
day in response to a call for a meeting
of the central committee
This vicinity has been having some
pretty wet weather for this country the
past few weeks Saturday night breaking
the record with nearly five inches and
same report even more
While on their way to town Saturday
Uncle John and Harve Rowland killed
two large rattlesnakes near the school
house and on Monday some of the
scholars found and killed another at the
same place
J H Relph went to the Beaver Mon
day to see the flood the creek being
from to yz mile wide in places and
from 2 to 10 feet deep Hundreds of
tons of alfalfa was standing in water
fences were down bridges swept away
and much property destroyed on the
whole a scene of desolation and ruin
such as was never seen in that beautiful
valley before
How about those dinner pails
tablets slates pencils and pens
We have plenty at the Bee Hive
Womanhood a valuable illustrated
booklet giving best treatment for female
diseases 18 cuts showing displacement
of womb etc Sent free to ladies only
sary work to be done to the Republican in a plain sealed envelope Dr B J
river bridge j Kay Saratoga N Y
An Atchison man who recently visited
New York came back thoroughly
shocked He says there is a fashion
among women there to hold their skirts
very high that they seem to dress their
legs for inspection and then show them
up to the knee Nice women do it it is
the prevailing fad The fad is expected
to reach Atchison next spring Men
are invited to get ready to have fits
The worst coughs cured by Dr Kays
Lung balm Druggists sell it 10 25 50c
To purify the blood renovate with Dr
Kays Renovator Ask druggists for it
Census Enumerator Clawson
who is also editor of The Herald at Howe
Ind Ty writes
To Whom it May Concern I was a sufferer
from stomach trouble until I was induced to
try a bottle of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin
and I want to say that in my opinion it has no
equal as a stomach remedy 1 had tried many
different remedies but none with the happy
results of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin
G A Clawsox Howe Ind Ter
Sold by A McMillen
You may bridle the appetite but you can
not bribe the liver to do its work well You
must be honest with it help it along a little
now and then with a dose of Heroine the
best liver regulator Price 50 cts A Mc
Tho Kevoora Fish Not a Come On
R Semon while sailing in the Tor
res Straits and along the coast of Aus
tralia threw overboard the remains of
crabs of which he had eaten Imme
diately there appeared from under the
ship several fishes which captured
these pieces and then disappeared un
der the vessel Mr Semon recognized
the remora which with the aid of the
suction fin on its back hangs on the
bottom of vessels and the bellies of
larger fishes mainly sharks and has
itself carried along By concealing a
hook in some bait Mr Semon succeed
ed in landing one of them but a sec
ond specimen could not be obtained
because the school noticed the capture
of their comrade and could not be
tempted to any amount of baiting
Extraordinary Case of Blood Polsonlnfr
An extraordinary case of blood-poisoning
is reported by a Vienna jour
nal The victim was a young girl
named Schwartz aged 22 Some days
ago she went for a walk wearing a
green silk blouse She became over
heated and the dye of the material
ran Unhappily she had sustained
some trifling accidental wound under
the arm and the pigment got Into the
Diooa upon returning home she com
plained of pain but would not con
sent to a medical examination The
injured spot became greatly inflam
ed causing intense suffering and on
the following day the physician dis
covered tho cause Remedies were
immediately applied but it was too
late and after a brief illness the girl
EB9t W
Any reason why a shopper should
doubt the evidence of his or her
senses There isnt any such reason
and thats why we ask you to come
and see for yourselves how well this
store is prepared to give you special
service and unequaled merchandise
at a great saving It is but a
4 iSttttpfe jPracttce
4 Of c on a 1111
To buy where you can secure the best
and most good for the least money
Hence we urge you to try us on any
thing in the line of
ri Gi o o d s
Qrocttries fete
For we are here to sell goods and
please and satisfy our customers in
every particular especially in highness
of quality and lowness of price
ott est J oft 11
Produce just as good as cash
Cylinder Oil
If you are looking for a good and re
liable cylinder oil no use to go any far
ther than S M Cochran Co Thej
have it
Have you noticed those Knee Pants
for hoys at the Bee Hive
When you want a pleasant physic try the
new remedy Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets They are easy to take and
pleasant in effect Price 25 cents Samples
free at McConnell Berrys drujj store
The most delicate constitution can safely
use Ballards Ilorehound Syrup It is a sure
and pleasant remedy for coughs loss of voice
and all throat and lung troubles Price 25
and 50c A McMillen
W for i
Giyc them oil cod liver oil
Its curie u to see the result
Give it to the peevish fret
ful child and he Iciujhs Giv
it to the pale anccmic child
and his face becomes rosy and
full of health Take aflat
chested child or a child that
has stopped growing give him
the oil and he will grow bi
and strong like the rest
1 nis is not a new schem
Ladies Furnishings
First Door South of Palance hote
It has been done for years
Of course you must use the
right oil Scotts Emulsion
is the one
Scotts Emulsion neither
looks nor tastes like oil because
we are so careful in making it
pleasant to take
Send for free sample
SCOTT liOw XE tWist w Pear St jf v
50c and 00 al druggists
- m