The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 06, 1901, Image 8

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fSpeciaf Wis Weeft
All our Boys 200 Shoes - - 149
AH our Boys 175 Shoes - - 135
All our Boys 150 Shoes - - 125
AH our Mens 350 Tan Shoes - 249
AH our Mens 300 Tan Shoes - 225
All our Mens 250 Tan Shoes - 198
Now is your chance We mean busi
ness in this line same as in the Oxfords
and they rwill be cleaned up this week
5 r xjliyxi
A Good Thing
German Syrup is the special prescription of
5Jr A Boschee a celebrated German physi
cian and is acknowledged to be one of the
most fortunate discoveries in Medicine It
quickly cures coughs colds ariti all lung
troubles of the severest nature removing as
itdoes the cause of the affection and leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy condition
dt is not an experimental medicine but has
jslood the test for years giving satisfaction in
verycase which its rapidly increasing sales
very season confirms Two million bottles
sold annually Boschees German Syrup was
introduced m the United States in 1S60 and
In now old in every town and village in the
civilized world Three doses will relieve any
ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get Greens
Prize Almanac A McMillen
gr Kays Lung Bairn
cures every kind of couqh la grippe bronchitis
sore throat croup whooping cough etc Never
deranges the stomach At Druggists 10 25c
Sold by Loar ancl McMillen
Authorized Capital 100000
Capital and Surplus 60000
G0 HQCKNELL President B M FREES V Pres
F A PEfiN E h
If you are fitting out your boys for 2S
C crhnnl take tlift advantacre nf this sale Sw
w e- Vfr5
xvjy 5j
5SM - sag
inrfnnlf IVtehf cki wTS
vw -
igK Jt ata Ar tJ iJiir tUSt aiV iftg nCfg jtt Hk jic jfit jigSii rifotirfajrftnrjiffc jgfa rftg a9g afflt
V FRANKtIN President
A C EBERT Cashier if
PaidUp Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
iffiucrfkjSr jStjffitiSkjat tfkixjgkjia 5ji kjkkjific jgfecafficJr jSuLiGariS j
rntab all your symptoms Renovatingthe
system is the only sate and sure method of cur
ing all Chronic Diseases Dr Kays Renovator
is the only perfect system renovator Free sam
ples and book Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y
Sold by Loar and McMillen
Gentlemen My wife was afflicted with
Dyspepsia and Constipation for years After
trying other remedies I purchased a bottle of
Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin for her and she
is rapidly improving I cannot be without
this valuable medicine Resp yours
Elk City Kans Dec 13 1900 S Elliot
Josh Westhafer of Loogootee fnd is a
poor man but he says he would not be with
out Chamberlains Pain Balm if it cost five
dollars a bottle for it saved him from being a
cripple No external application is equal to
this liniment for stiff and swollen joints con
tracted muscles Stiff nprlr unratns nnH rtiffii
Lmatic and Inuscular pains It has also cured
numerous cases or partial paralysis It is for
sale by McConnell Berry druggists
saaiawi yj
A California Opportunity
September 19th to 27th both dates in
clusive any Burlington Route ticket
agent will sell you a round trip ticket
to San Francisco at less than regular
one way rates
The occasion is the grand convention
of the Episcopal church and the rate is
open to the general public as well as to
the delegates to the convention
No more delightful outing can be im
agined The- trip is made at a time of
year when traveling is a pleasure and
climate of California at its best
The return limit November 15 1901
is an unusually long one for tickets sold
at so low a rate Stop overs are allowed
at pleasure both going and returning
at and west of the first Colorado Wyom
ing or Montana point en route All in
all the opportunity is one which no
man or woman who contemplates a visit
to California can afford to overlook
Folder giving details mailed on re
quest Burlington ticket agent agents
are in a position to give any further in
formation that may be desired 9-6-its
J Francis Gen Passenger Agt
Omaha Nebraska
Curo for Dysentery and Diarrhoea
Some years ago I was one of a partv that
intended making a long bicyle trip says
FL Taylor of New AlbanyBradford county
Pa I was taken suddenly with diarrhoea
and was about to give up the trip when Edi
tor Ward of the Laceyville Messenger sug
gested that 1 take a dose of Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I
purchased a bottle and took two doses one
before starting and one on the route I made
the trip successfully and never felt any ill
effect Again last summer I was almost com
pletely run down with an attack of dysentery
1 bought a bottle of this same remedy and
this time one dose cured me Sold by Mc
Connell Berry Druggists
Irons Creasman
Tuesday evening in the New Palmer
parlors in the presence of a few friends
William A Irons of Holdrege and Mae
Creasman of Box Elder were united in
marriage by Rev W J Turner of the
Congregational church The young
couple left on the night train for Alma
and other points Thn have the best
wishes of many friends The groom has
been until lately in the employ of the
Burlington in the train service but is
now with the Deering people The
bride has been for the past year or two
employed in our city though her home
is near Box Elder where she has a large
acquaintance and circle of friends
A Communication
Mr Editor Allow me to speak a few
words in favor of Chamberlains Cough
Remedy I suffered for tin ee years with the
bronchitis and could not sleep at nights I
tried several doctors and various patent med
icines but could get nothing to give me any
relief until my wife got a bottle of this valu
able medicine which has completely relieved
me W S Hkockman Bagnell Mo This
remedy is for sale by McConnell Berry
Death of Louisa Kern
Louisa Kern after a long illness with
dropsy passed to her reward Monday
night about eleven oclock at the home
of one of her sons John Kern corner
of Railroad and Madison streets She
was 63 years of age
Funeral services were held in the
German Congregational church Wed
nesday afternoon Rev E C Osthoof of
Minden Iowa officiating
Burial followed the services in River
view cemetery
The New Officers
The new officers of the Southwest Ne
braska Reunion G A R association
are M S Pollard commander A G
Keys senior vice commander John C
Gammill junior vice commander W W
Borland quartermaster Rev O R
Beebe chaplain The elective officers
constitute the administrative council
Next years reunion will be held at Cam
bridge The reunion last week was a
very satisfactory one
Dont wait until you become chronically
constipated but take DeWitts Little Early
Risers now and then They will keep your
liver and bowels in good order Easy to
take Safe pills McConnell Berry
Machine Oils
S M Cochran Co have it in best
qualities and at verj reasonable prices
They can fill your order promptly for
any oil you may want
An English association regarding womans
happiness has ottered a reward of 500 tor a
greater blessing to woman than Rocky Moun
tain Tea Sensible move Ask your druggist
buys a gallon of good outside or inside
paint Good black roof paint very
cheap McConnell Berry
Have you a sense of fullness in the region
of your stomach after eating If so you will
be benefitted by using Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets They also cure belching
and sour stomach They regulate the bowels
too Price 25 cents McConnell Berry
McCook Transfer Line
J H DWYER Proprietor
jSHHSpecial attention paid to
hauling furniture Leave orders
at either lumber yard
Nebraska Does Not Object
An interesting rumor is floating
around New York to the effect that
President Hill of the Great Northern
has decided to extend the Burlington
through Wyoming to Salt Lake and
there connect with the new line which
Senator Clark is building to Los An
geles This will be considered an act of
hostility to the Harriman interests
controlling the Union Pacific and the
Southern Pacific Mr Harriman was
thought to have gained enough influence
in Northern Pacific affairs at the time
of the panic last spring to block such an
extension of the Burlington If the
road goes on to Salt Lake it will mean
that Hill is in complete control and that
peace between the northern and central
groups of Pacific roads is a matter for
the future to bring about Without
holding any feelinga of hostility to the
Harriman interests the people of Ne
braska very generally would like to see
the Burlington extended to Salt Lake
and the Clark road finished to Los
Angeles It would put this state in the
path of another transcontinental road of
the first importance Lincoln Journal
A Night of Terror
Awfu1 anxiety was felt for the widow of
the brave General Burnham of Mechias Me
when the doctors said she would die from
pneumonia before morning writes Mrs S
H Lincoln who attended her that fearful
night but she begged for Dr Kings New
Discovery which had more than once saved
her Iice and cured her of consumption After
taking she slept all night Further use en
tirely cured her This marvelous medicine is
guaranteed to cure all throat chest anrt lung
diseases Only 50c and Sioo Trial bottles
free at McConnell Berrys drug store
Engine Will Fire Itself
The diiy may not be far distant when
locomotive firemen will have to attend
to other duties aside from coal heaving
By way of experiment the Alton and the
Eastern Illinois are equipping one engine
each with an automatic stoker or firing
machine The device practically takes
the place of a fireman though some
railroad men think that an assistant to
the locomotive engineer would soon be
The automatic firing machine is the
invention of a practical railroad engineer
It consists of a funnel shaped trough
into which the coal is shoveled In the
funnel are screws that gradually force
the coal into the firebox and distribute
it evenly over the fire
A diseased liver declarer itself by morose
ness mental depression lack of energy rest
lessness melancholy and qonstipation ller
bine will restore the liver to a healthy condi
tion Price 50c A McMillen
Mothers write us that they have solved the
problem of keeping their children well Give
them Kocky Mountain Tea each week A
blessing to mother and child Ask your
Spuds in Blossom
Gerald Wilcox has potatoes in blossom
Early in the spring the naughty frost
cut them down after that the great hail
storm of June 17th then the potato
beetles got in their work with the dry
weather But the late splendid rains
have again given them a fine start and
Gerald looks for quite a spud harvest yet
Stood Death Off
K B Munday a lawyer of Henrietta Tex
once fooled a grave digger He says My
brother was very low with malarial fever and
jaundice I persuaded him to try Electric
Bitters and he was soon much better but con
tinued their use until he was wholly cured I
am sure Electric Bitters saved his life This
remedy expells malaria kills disease germs
and purifies the blood aids digestion regu
lates the liver kidney and bowels cures con
stipation dyspepsia nervous diseases kidney
troubles female complaints gives perfect
health Only c at McConnell Berrys
drug store
B V Pursell Kmtersville Pa says he suf
fered 25 years with piles and could obtain no
relief until DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve ef
fected a permanent cure Counterfeits are
worthless McConnell Berry
Sid Darling 1012 Howard St Port Huron
Mich writes I have tried many pils and
laxatives but DeWitte Little Earlv Risers
are far the best pills I have ever used They
never gripe McConnell Berry
k sat aViV
I After He Comes i
he has a hard enough time Every
thing that the expectant mother
can do to help her child she should ft
do One of the greatest blessings
she can give him is health but to
do this she must have health her
self She should use every means
to improve her physical condition
She should by all means supply
herself with
It will take her
through the crisis
as 1 y and
quicklv It is a
liniment which
gives strength
and vigor to the
muscles Com
mon sense will
snow vou
that the
stronger the
muscles are
which bear the
strain the less
pain there will be
A woman living in Fort Wayne
Ind says Mothers Friend did
wonders for me Praise God for
your liniment
Read this from Hunel Cal
Mothers Friend is a blessng to
all women who undergo natures
ordeal of childbirth
Get Mothers Friend at the
drug store SI per bottle
Atlanta Ga
VrUe for our free illustrated book Before
n Baby is Horn
Going Back to My Wifes Folks
From the timo the Mayflower first
reached our shores till now this saying
has been a familiar one to the people of
America I can remember of heuring
my father speak of people going back to
their wivos folks clear from Maryland
to Iowa as ho followed tho frontier
through all those state and when we
were grown up and took up the westward
march we crossed the Missouri rivor in
1877 and settled in Case county this
state There we found a new country
undeveloped in every respect land was
very cheap and a dull sale at a low figure
and here we heard tho same old
song going back to my wifes folks
And through all the counties between
hero and the river this old song has been
sung and today in Southwest Nobraska
we hear on every hand going back to
my wifes folks
Some have gone some are going and
others are thinking seriously about go
ing But common sense steps in and
asks Does it pay
Keep track of ten that go and you will
find that nine out of ten worst them
selves and if you will go back through
those eastern counties you will find it is
those who stuck their stakes to stay and
did stay that made a success And so
I say to the people of Red Willow county
stay whore you are dont give up your
homes for a mere f rifle It does seem to
me that Western Nebraska offers those
with small means the best chances of any
place yet knovvn M S S
Box Elder Neb Sept 4 1901
Keep Your Face Clean
your complexion clear your breath sweet
your head level Dr Cald wells Syrup Pepsin
will do this It cures Constipation Sick
Headache and Indigestion and is a perfect
laxative Sold by McMillen
Dillah II Troxel and John II Suyder defend
ants will take notice that Paulina Phillippi
plaintiff lias iileil her petition in the District
Court of Red Willow Count- Nobraska tho
object and prayer of which is to forecloso a
lion for tho delinquent taxes legally assessed
and levied ngain t the North West quarter of
soctiou one in township two North range
twentj nine west iu wiici County for tho j pars
1891 lbM 167 lbtb and lVJti for which
taxes said real estate wad sold to tho said
Pauliuu Phillippi by the TreayuriT of ail
couuty on January 1 1001 at private tax sale
iiaviug Deon previously ouoretl nt puhlic sale
and not sold for want of bidders Said plaintiff
on May 4 1001 paid to raid treasurer the siib
senuont delinquent for tho 3 ear 1000
assessed and levied 011 said rpul eatato and
therois now duo plaiutilFou said tax sale lieu
tho sum of li07 with interest thereon at the
rate at 20 per cent per annum from January 1
1001 and on said biib equeiit taxes the sum of
i32t with interest thereon nt tho rate of 20 par
cent per annum from Maj I 1001 and an at
torneys fee equal to 10 per cent of tho amount
of the decree entered heroin which is a valid
lirst lion against said rc il e tatf
Plaintiff prays for a decree that tho defend
ants be required to paj said sum or that said
lion be foreclosed anil premises sold to
satisfy the said amount due for taxes attorneys
fees and tho costs of this action You are
required to answer said petition on or before
Monday the 8th daj of October A D 1001
McCook Nebraska September 5 1001
sC Pai lina Phillippi Plaintiff
By J E Kllley Attorney
The Guarantee Loan and Trust Company of
Kansas City Missouri Richard Ro assignee
of tho Guarantee Loan and Trut Company
whose true name is unknown to plaintiff
John H Su3der and Mrs Sioder
wife of John II Sujdor first name
unknown to plaintiff will take notice that
Paulina Phillippi plaintiff has tiled her poti
tion in the District Court of Red Willow
Couut Nobraska tlm nhiVrf itul nrnar f
fwhich is to foreclose a lien for tho doliiinucut
taxes legally assessed and levied against the
South East quarter of section two in town hip
two north range twentj nino wet in aid
couut3 for tho years lMtt Is9tls97 IMS and ItOO
for which taxes said real estate was sold to the
said plaintiff by tho treasurer of said counts on
Jannarj 1 1001 at private tax ale having been
previously offered at public sale and not sold
for want of bidders Said plaintiff on Mai -I
1901 paid to said treasurer tho subsequent
delinquent taxes for the 3ear 1900 assessed and
levied on said real estate and there is now due
plaintiff on said tax sale lien tho sum of 5700
with interest thereon at the rate of 20 percent
per annum from January l1001and on said sub
sequent taxes the sum of with interest
thereon at tho rate of 20 per cent per annum
from May 4 1001 and an attorneys fee equal to
tun per cent or ine amount oi tne decree entered
herein which is a valid first lien against said
real estate
Plaintiff pras for a decree that tho defend
ants bo required to pay said sums or that said
lien beforeclo ed ami said premises sold to
satisfy the said amount due for taxes attor
neys fees and the costs of this action You are
required to answer said petition on or before
Monda3 the eighth daj of October A D 1901
McCook Nebraka September 1901
sCr Paulina Philippi Plaintiff
By J E Kkllet Attorney
EENOVATOR invigorates and renovates the
system purifies and enriches the blood cures
the worst dyspepsia constipation headache
liver and kidneys 25candlatdruggists Free
uuuee sample anu book
ur ujitaj
Saratoga XY fPfe
Sold bv Loar aud McMillen
mm rTrTrTTTrttaTnr
Many physicians are nov prescribing Kodol
Dyspepsia Lure regularly having found that
it is the best prescription they can write be
cause itis the one preparation which contains
the elements to digest not only some kinds
of foods but all kinds and it therefore cures
indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what is
the cause McConnell Berry-
A never tailing cure for cuts burns scalds
ulcers wounds and sores is DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve A most soothing and healing
remedy for all skin affections Accept only
the genuine McConnell Berry
Good Aclvlco
The most miserable beings in the world are
those suffering from dyspepsia and liveroom
plaint More than seventy five per c nt of
the people in the United Slates arc afflicted
with these two diseases and their effects- such
as sour stomach sick headache habitunl cos
tiveness palpitation of the heart heartburn
water brash gnawing and burning pains at
the pit of the stomach yellow skin coated
tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth
coming up of food after eating low spirits
etc Uo to your driiggist and get a bottle of
August Fiower for 75 cents Two doses will
relieve you Trv it Get Greens Prize Al
manac A McMillen
McCook - - - Nobraska
Office First National bank biiihiintr next
to City hall Houns 830 to 12 ltoi7to
Night calls answered from residence over bank
Hair dressing shamtooiiiR nnd calp treat
ment Riven for the bonefltof tho hair Mnsmpce
treatment Riven wrinkle romnvoil and nil face
hlemishes removed Phoue No 6 Upstairs
Front over Opera House
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 P O Building
McCook Nebraska
EEAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office--Rear
of First National bank
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first class We do all kinds of
Crown Bridge and Plate Work
A Reliable
Graduate Dentist
Over Mc
i F D Burgess
i Plumber and
Steam Fitter
m Iron Lead land Sewer Pipe Brass
b Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Z Agent for Halhday Waupun Eclipse
7 Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
- gt Vt
All Calls For The
- S
Answered by the
Will make all trains ana an
swer allcalls to any
part of the city
J W H Ackerman
fl McCook Nebraska
0 You Wan
yv v npv v Sjfc
To Save Money
Send in your name and address and et
our Catalogue of all kinds of Merchan
dise at prices defying competition
Fully Illustrated Catalogue sent nn
receipt of 10 cents for postage
2ST to 261 Dearborn Street Chicago Dl
1 g ia
e xne genuine original
cine Co y WIadi30n Medi
Vis it
keeps you WI QvSPtJl
arc cut on each cacWV
In bulk
pMn IM iuteIcAytd0Stt