The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 30, 1901, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican Ticket
For Supremo Judge
S II SEDGWICK of York County
For Regents
For Surveyor
A C WILSON or Bondvillo
For Coroner
JOSEPH SPOTTS of Vnlloy Grange
For Judge
For Superintendent
E S BUTCHER of Indianolu
For Sheriff
A C CRABTREEof Indianola
For Clerk
E J WILCOX of McCook
For Treasurer
The Candidates
Judge s H Sedgwick was born on a
farm in Du Page county 111 March 12
1848 His oarents were natives o f
Connecticut but had removed to New
York before coming west in 1844 Judge
Sedgewick had had the advantage of a
college education having graduated
from the classical course at Wheaton
college Wheaton Du Page county 111
in 1872 He studied for one year in the
law college at Ann Arbor and was ad
mitted to the bar in Wisconsin in 1S74
Later he studied in a law office at
Green Bay Wisconsin He began prac
tice in Brown county Wisconsin but
shortly afterwards moved to Kewaunee
the county seat of Kewaunee county
Wisconsin where he opened an office
He was married in 1878 and in the
fall of the same year he came to Ne
braska and opened an office in York
where he has engaged in the practice
of law since In the fall of 1895 he was
elected district judge although his dis
trict was a fusion district He served
in that capacity four years In 1S99
he was renominated but was defeated
by a small majority Last spring he
was appointed a commissioner to the
supreme court which position he now
Mr Goold has served for one term
to the satisfaction of his party col
leagues and his friends are urging that
he is entitled to the indorsement of a
nomination for another term
Mr Ernst was selected by the Lan
caster convention as the preferred can
didate of this county He was not an
aspirant for the place He has been for
more than twenty years in the land
department of the Burlington except
for a few years when he was manager of
the Lincoln Street Railway company
and is now in charge of the Nebraska
lands of the company His splendid
business qualities and especially his
knowledge of the most improved method
of accounting and auditing will make
him one of the most valuable members of
the board if elected Lincoln Journal
Our Next Superintendent
While Mr Dutcher the Republican
nominee for superintendent of public
instruction is an old settler perhaps a
few words by way of biography may not
come amiss The Tribune prefaces
the formal sketch with the information
that Mr Dutcher is well qualified by ed
ucation and experience to give the peo
ple of Red Willow count an excellent
administration of the educational affairs
of the country and that he deserves the
loyal and unswerving support of all
Republicans in the county
The subject of this sketch was born in
Floyd county Iowa 1862 came to Red
Willow county Nebraska in May 1SS3
where soon after he became of age he
took a timber claim and homestead
His early education was received in the
country school At the age of 18 he
commenced teaching and followed the
profession six years then took a Normal
course after which he taught until he
entered the ministry of the M E
church He was appointed pastor at
Trenton Neb in the fall of 1890 In
the spring of 1891 he accepted a call to
do missionary work among the Navajo
Indians of New Mexico and Arizona
From this timje until September 1899
he was engaged in educational and mis
sionary work among the Indians in New
Mexico Arizona Colorado and Montana
establishing two missions and was close
ly associated with the Government
Indian School work From the Epworth
Piegan Indian Mission Montana where
he was stationed for more than six years
he moved to his home near Indianola
where he now resides
Ed Price had business in McCook
Dr J E Hathorn went up to McCook
Tuesday night to take No 6 for Lincoln
where he attended the Republican state
convention Wednesday as one of the
delegates for Red Willow county
Dont forget the bargains in Boys
Knee Pants at the Bee Hive
Thk Tribune has no doubt of the
ability of the Republicans of Red Willow
county to elect Ed Wilcox county clerk
against any and all comers without out
side assistance but if Colonel Phillips
insists upon helping us perhaps we
ought not to object
IT should be the earnest and constant
effort of western senators and congress
men to see that while millions upon mil
lions are spent annually in improving
harbors and rivers and much of it
wasted that the west should have a
proper share for irrigation purposes
The diverting and impounding of head
waters might relieve the flood situation
in the south and be a source of economy
as well as of blessing where used in irri
gation thus subserving a double purpose
The Bartley incident which conspic
uously overshadowed other features of
the late Republican state convention is
now closed for the present The resolu
tion is in the platform and Bartley is in
the penitentiary Now The Tribune
has not been overwhelmed by the mawk
ish sentimentality urged by Bartleys
friends to secure his pardon we do not
now and haveNiot considered that the
punishment so far inflicted has adequate
ly fitted the offense aud again Bartleys
unrepentant spirit his disdain of the
white feather has not had a compell
ing influence on our sympathy or judg
ment but this circumscription of the
term o f the parole b y two weeks
and more in response to a demand of
the state convention touches the first
sympathetic chord Had TheTribune
given Bartley a 60 day parole which it
wouldnt by all the gods big little and
indifferent that parole would have been
59 days 23 hours aud 60 minutes of dur
ation should the heavens roll up like a
set oil the next holy minute
Burlington Reaches Out
That the Burlington is considering the
purchase of the Omaha Kansas City
Eastern and the Kansas City North
ern connecting roads at foreclosure
sale is a late rumor in Kansas City rail
road circles The two joint lines which
extend from Kansas City via Pattons
burg to Quincy 111 practically parallel
the Burlingtons Chicago line Their
purchase would give the latter road dou
ble track between Kansas City and
Quincy and relieve the main line of
much Kansas City Chicago traffic The
roads are now owned principally by the
the Gates syndicate aud are to be sold
under foreclosure in October
These lines together with the Omaha
St Louis comprise the Quincy route
The Wabash has but recently purchased
the latter line which runs from Council
Bluffs to Pattonsburg Mo connecting
there with the other two roads If the
Wabash had desired them it seems
reasonable to suppose that it would have
purchased them at the same time that
it did the Omaha St Louis
The rumor that the Burlington was
about to purchase these lines which are
now all that is left in the hands of the
receivers after the breaking up of the
Kansas City Pittsburg Gulf system
of which they were a part has been heard
before An official of the Burlington
said yesterday that he had heard noth
ing official about the matter but he did
not believe the purchase would be made
Omaha Bee
Trains in Buffalo Bills Land
A new time table for the Wyoming
division of the Burlington which went
into effect Sunday August 25th shows
the first regular train service on the
Cody branch in the Big Horn basin
This branch which is to be built to
the town of Cody leaves the main line
at Toluca and has already been com
pleted to Bowler a distance of 727
miles Between the points the follow
ing stations have been established
Ronald Mafflin Coburn Morin Keiser
Pryor Chicopee Oswald and Crockett
Day telegraph offices will be maintained
at Coburn Pryor and Bowler for the
Train service on this branch will be
daily except Sunday a train leaving
Toluca at 1220 a m and arriving at
Toluca 510 a m leaving Bowler at 700
a m and arriving at Toluca 1150 a m
A close connection is made with west
bound trains on the main line making
it possible for one to leave St Louis be
fore noon Friday and eat breakfast in
Bowler Sunday morning
The Big Horn country the scene of
the fondest hopes of William F Codys
heart is rapidly filling up with settlers
Buffalo Bills great irrigation project
and his scheme for a large cavalry school
are attracting people by the thousands
Four hundred and fifty Mormon fami
lies alone have trekked into the country
within the last several months Omaha
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Aug 26 1901
William C Isch Mrs Etlin Maggard
Mrs Lanah Pope W E Reynolds
Miss Anna Smith Daniel Stevens
Miss Anna Swartch Mr Henry Vontz
Mrs G W Williams
Mr Herman Meissner
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmeix Postmaster
Have you noticed those Knee Pants
for hoys at the Bee Hive
JaaJagasg ii e -
1 1
in the coffee bin not
a pleasant thought
yet when coffees are
kept open in bulk who
knows what different
things come climb
ing and floating in
put up in sealed packages insures
cleanliness uniform quality
freshness and delicious flavor
Loyd Naden and Rolla DeMay took in
the ball game at Cambridge Thursday
Prof Headlej and wife moved over
from Cambridge last Friday into the
residence of S W Stilgebouer
J M Harris of Lancaster Mo is here
this week tiuying horses to ship He
thinks he will stay another week
S W Stilgebouer and wife and Grandpa
Bastian left Monday for a nine months
visit in Illinois and Ohio among old
friends and acquaintances
Pearl Billings was given a farewell
party last Monday night She leaves
Friday for Grand Island wheie she will
attend the Grand Island Business college
this fall and winter
P H Hunger who formerly worked in
this vicinity about a year ago arrived
here last Thursday from the eastern part
of the state for a short visit among
friends He is on his way to Washington
H D Kettering and Marion Walters
returned from a trip down in the Okla
homa strip They registered for a piece
of Uncle Sams land but were unlucky
in the drawing Marion says that Ne
braska is good enough for him and he
thinks this place is as good if not better
than there for raising crops
W J Stilgebouer left Thursday by
the way of McCook for Medesto Cali
fornia where he has gone for his wifes
health They expect to be gone be
tween two and three years His brother
S H Stilgebouer has rented his place
and will farm it during his absence
Another nice heavy rain visited the
section of country lying east and south
between here and Lebanon last Friday
and also a few nice showers have fallen
this week The ground is in fine condi
tion for fall wheat planting Some of
our farmers have already commenced
while many others are getting ready
William Short was a McCook visitor
on business Tuesday
Ame C Teel had business in the big
red stand pipe town Wednesday
J R Neel and A A Gamsby were
both county seat visitors Saturday
Miss Jennie McClung went up to Mc
Cook Saturday last on 5 to visit friends
John Welborn and daughter Mrs W
D Mackechnie drove up to the county
seat Monday on business of the county
superintendents office
J W Dolan W A McCool and L R
Corbin attended the Republican state
convention Lincoln Wednesday being
among the delegates from this county
S E Hager returned home from his
Colorado visit Tuesday morning He
found an attractive condition in real
estate up there but prices had gone up
in a balloon He spent Monday in
McCook on his way home
The Republican county ticket in quite
satisfactory to Indianola Republicans
and we look for a strong vote in its sup
port coming election It is noted that
the nominations include well qualified
and excellent material from top to bot
tom men for whom no excuse need be
made men for whom any citizen can
conscientiously vote and work
How about those dinner pails
tablets slates pencils and pens
We have plenty at the Bee Hive
George H Rowland is moving from
Grant precinct to McCook
W H Hartman threshed last week
and had a very light yield of grain
H I Peterson has improved wonder
fully since his long siege of sickness
Jacob Pickrell is preparing to move to
the eastern part of the state this fall
C F Elliott has rented his ranch and
stock to a Kansas man and some time
in the future intends to go east
Young Mr Crane ofGerver precinct
was at Banksville Monday and is mak
ing arrangements to go east after awhile
We are going to have school just
the same and our supplies are much
lower in price The Bee Hive
S E Solomon was a McCook pilgrim
Henry Lehman had business in Mc
Cook Friday last
E M Kleven and family and Mrs J
W Wray were visitors i n McCook
Slates were never so cheap as this
year at the Bee Hive
Pleasant showers we are having
Bert Dodge come home last week for
a short time
O L Thompson spent Sunmy with
the home folks
Ben King will not move down to Spring
Creek as was expected
We wonder how the lonesotnes are
gettting along at Box Elder
Mrs Cratty and daughter spent Satur
day evening with the Wasson family
The merry sound of the threshing
machine is heard eaily and late in this
Mrs John Sly went down on the Wil
low Friday last to spend a week or so
visiting friends and old neighbors
Young men who help thresh this hot
weather surely earn their dinner without
having to walk about a mile at noon to
dig potatoes for supper
Chid Shears gave his many friends a
pleasant surprise by coming home last
Saturday night Chid is much improved
iu health and appearance
If the young man from Frontier
county who turned his horses loose
about a week ago and hasnt seen them
since would look around in the corn
fields perhaps he would find them
They have visited nearly every cornfield
in this neighborhood
A Cure for Cholera Infantum
Last May says Mrs Curtis Baker of
liookwalter Ohio an infant child of our
neighbors was suffering from cholera infan
tum The doctor had given up all hopes of
recovery I took a bottle of Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the
house telling them I felt sure it would da
good if used according to directions In two
days time the child had fully recovered and
is now nearly two years since a vigorous
healthy girl I have recommended t h is
remedy frequently and have never known it
to fail in any single instance For sale by
iuconneu oe nerry Druggists
If the action of your bowels is not easy and
regular serious complications must be the
final result De Witts Little Early Risers will
remove this danger Safe pleasant and ef
fective McConnell Berry
Whites Cream Vermifuge not only effectu
ally expels worms but is unequaled as atonic
and is a certain and permanent cure for chills
and fever in children Price 25 cts A Mc
Nice shower Wednesday evening
Bert Wales worked the road Tuesday
Thomas Coyle worked in McCook
John Droll was in McCook Tuesday
with hogs
M A Cole brought out a little lumber
W M Rozell brought out some lum
ber Saturday
Fred Cyriacks took some hogs to Mc
Cook Tuesday
Bert Wales drove over to the South
Side Monday
M H Cole and son Harry worked on
the road Tuesday
Mrs Gertie Wales visited with Miss
Maud Coleman Tuesday
Miss Mabel Wales visited with Miss
Maud Coleman Tuesday
Miss Maud Coleman returned from
Oklahoma Monday night
A farmer up here took some water
melons to McCook Monday
B W Wilson took a lot of cucumbers
to McCook last Saturday
Harry Wales came over from the Mor
lan farm Saturday on his wheel
H B Wales threshed last week and
had 370 bushels of wheat and rye
Road Overseer I B Stryker was work
ing the road near H B Wales Tuesday
Bert and Harry Wales went to the
timber Wednesday and brought out
some wood
Mr and Mrs H B Wales went down
to Cambridge Tuesday morning to the
old soldiers reunion
Astounded the Editor
Editor S A Brown of Bennettsville S C
was once immensely surprised Through
long suffering from dyspepsia he writes my
wife was greatly run down She had no
strength or vigor and suffered great distress
from her stomach but she tried Electric Bit
ters which helped her at once and after using
four bottles she is entirely well can eat any
thing Its a grand tonic and its gentle laxa
tive qualities are splendid for torpid liver
For indigestion loss of appetite stomach and
liver trouble its a positive guaranteed cure
Only 50c at McConnell Berrys
Mrs S H Allport Johnstown Pa says
Our little girl almost strangled to death with
croup The doctors said she couldnt live
but she was instantly relieved by One Minute
Cough Cure McConnell Berry
For Burns Sprains Wounds Brui
ses or Any Sort of Pain
Used Internally and Externally
CAUTION Avoid the weak waterr
Witch Hazel preparations represented
to be the same as PONDS EX
TRACT which easily sour and often
contain wood alcohol an irritant ex
ternally and taken internally a poison
reirclisafiuBB 1 1 JiS ninh nTJBirtrv
5Do h See
tmpie practice
t C O 11
ri S o o d s
S Groceries ic
For we are here to sell goods and
j Honest J
ff Produce just as good as cash
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Endeavor 730 p 111 Prayer meeting
and Bible Study Wednesday evening
Communion service every Sunday morn
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a in Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at eight oclock Preaching in
the morning at 11 oclock subject A
History of Prayer
W J Turner Pastor
This Is Your Chance
In order to introduce it into your home
the Semi Weekly State Journal will be
mailed from now until January 1 1902
for only twenty five cents This will
give you a paper every Tuesday and Fri
day and will be almost as good as a daily
It will give you all the markets which
just now is a valuable feature worth to
every farmer many times the cost of the
paper The Journal is printed at the
state capital and is more of a state paper
than any of its competitors It prints
the news of the world fresh from special
wires in its own office aud prints it twice
a week while it is fresh and doesnt
charge you any more for it than does the
old fashioned weekly Send your quar
ter to The State Journal Lincoln Neb
Cylinder Oil
If you are looking for a good and re
liable cylinder oil no use to go any far
ther than S M Cochran Co Thej
have it
A sood l olins JS J
S horse an J poor look- ---V
J intj harness h tlio Pt
3 nor t kind of a f -A
I binatioii i JslIn
3 Eureka sg
Harness Oil X 1
rot on- and the I
-v lm it lnt r iukfs the
Vther soft vd liai I- tn t it in con-
a XKvvvii
3 Give
1 site w
lif SI mUAKU
Horse a
1 Chance
Cochran Cos
Trade with Loar
f f I U1UII 1 I J1 1 -3 UU
3 It I r t 11 i wiuiu
t I
I YT 1r 1 C133 Kit
I llV
A7 1
i 1
swur73ri i
At the meat market of D C Marsh
you will find a very desirable combina
tion for the careful judicious bu3er
the best quality at the most reasonable
Machine and cvlinder oils at S M
jx smKZzimKmrziM rua at tTrflawusagags
POTT PncnrrtnfiAi nnvihn -- J D
Nature alone vont do it It needs
i help Doctors say
rvrvfJ frO tTirfiJS
g otLvi cs a Easasasdjisg
is the best help But you must 1
d eontinue its use even in hot
weather j
jj 11 yoi not inc it send lor free sample l
jCOTT f uOVNE chemists
4C9 4I5 icarl t treet New York
g 50c and Jioc all druggist
The President
of the American Federation of Labor Union
8215 sas I am using your Dr Caldwells
Syrup Pepsin myself and in my family and
find it does lots of good Yours truly Geo Ct
Campbell Clinton Iowa
What most people want is something mild
and gentle when in need of a physic Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the
bill to a dot Thev are easy to take and
pleasant in effect For sale by McConnell
A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OILi mixed
with a gallon of
makes 2 gallons of the very BEST Paiv
in the tvoeld
Tfr nTblnVIS 1 M0EE SUBABLE thaa
itke w hite Lead
and is absolutely not Poi
SS AMMAE Pait 3 made of the best Off
paint MATEEiALS snch as all good painters nie
and is ground thick veey tuick No trouble to
mix any boy can do it It is the common sevb
StiSSSgSi No BETrEE paint bSl2g
kot to Cback Blistee Peel or Chip
Sold and guaranteed by
ims is an Arivrti
- J 111C1U
wdlyrup10 JThtveD Cald
and mt of thTvaluabVe remedyS IT
Pi d to your satisfactiXjg
James White TJrvantsvillf tj
Witts Witch HaZe Salve healed55 e
sores on both legs He had t a nnmg
Berry n JaUon McConnell
Id are
one v
Any reason why a shopper should J
doubt the evidence of his or her 5
senses i nere isn t
To buy where you can secure the best
and most good for the least money
Hence we urge you to try us on any
thing in the line of f
any sucn reason a
1 i1 A- 1 1 4 n VW
anu li let l s wiiy we asK yuu w cuiiic
and see for yourselves how well this
SLurc i prepcireu lu give pu jcii ml
service and unequaled merchandise Y
at a great saving ilisbul u
please and satisfy our customers in
every particular especially in highness
of quality and lowness of price O