The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 23, 1901, Image 1

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McCook Slightly Scorched
About noonTuesday West Dennison
was the scene of an unfortunate visita
tion by fire which destroyed entirely
the old Probst bakery building now the
property of Mrs Mary C Lilly of Chi
cago badly damaged R A Coles
tailor shop and caused a few hundred
dollars damage to Darius Kendalls
The fire was discovered about noon
in the rear of the Probst building which
was occupied by J B Lavin as a second
hand store furniture repair shop and
residence The noon meal was being
prepared on a gasoline stove and at the
time Mrs Lavin was in Kendalls build
ing In a few minutes the old tinder
box was a mass of flames and beyond the
possibility of salvation notwithstanding
the fire department was promptly at the
-scene and there was a strong water pres
sure The building and contents were
entirely consumed Lavin places his
ioss at 1000 he carried 500 insurance
A quantity of goods owned by E D
Swart and stored in this building werej
destroyed entailing a considerable loss
R A Coles tailor bhop was consider
ably damaged together with more or
less of the stock and fixtures although
much was removed from the building
Mr Coles loss will perhaps not exceed
Ssoovery much Walter Lathrop and
family were living in the rear portion of
the building which escaped much dam
age Mr Lathrop succeeded in remov
ing practically all his household effects
Mr Cole carried no insurance
R A Cole on Thursday morning put
a force of carpenters at work and will at
once repair his property and resume busi
ness at the old stand
Darius Kendalls building received
the least damage Doubtless 200 will
restore his building They were sue
cessful too in removing most of the
goods from this building hence the total
loss will come within 300 Like Mr
Cole he carried no insurance
All parties have much sympathy in
this unfortunate loss
The Commission Means Business
The following communication fully
explains itself
Nebraska Game and Fish Commission
Lincoln Neb August 16 1901 Mr W
SCorwinSpecial Deputy McCook Neb
Dear sir Replying to yours of Aug
15th The seine that you seized in the
main irrigation ditch of the McCook
Irrigation and Water Power Co you will
please destroy The proper way to do
- this is to burn it An irrigation ditch is
considered as much of a public stream as
the Platte river
In regard to parties going into Kansas
to shoot prairie chickens will say that
they are violating the Kansas state law
by doing so as Kansas has a non-resident
license clause in their laws The
prairie chicken season opens Aue 15th
instead of Sept 1st in that state
Parties going into Kansas not only
violate the Kansas law but the Lacy act
as well A bill passed in congress May
25th 1900 and a Nebraska law as well
says a party cannot lawfully have in his
possession in this state any prairie
chickens before Oct 1 1901
In regard to the disposition of game
seized by you which was shot or taken
out of season the law provides that said
game shall be delivered to one of the
public institutions of the state I would
not advise this unless you have a suffi
cient quantity to make shipment
otherwise if there are but a few birds I
would distribute them among the poor
of your city
We are mailing you a few copies of the
game law as per your request
Yours very truly
Geo B Simpkins
Southwest Nebraska Reunion
The eleventh annual reunion of sol
diers and sailors of the Southwest Ne
braska district will be held at Camp
John A Logan Cambridge next week
August 26 31 inclusive About 150 tents
have already been engaged by campers
for the week and it is expected that the
large attendance of last year will be ex
ceeded this year At Cambridge are all
the necessaries for a delightful outing
by the old vets and their families and
it is to be hoped that all who can possi
bly do so will make an effort to be pres
ent The program of entertainment is
full of good things
Machine Oils
S M Cochran S Co have it in best
qualities and at very reasonable prices
They can fill your order promptly for
any oil you may want
Not going to paper till spring You
will find it much cheaper now Come
and see our bargains
j - h McConnell Berry
Tioars motto Pure drugs and low
Dr W V Gage is visiting in Alliance
Mrs H D Bayless went east Tues
day on a visit
C H Meeker is in Lincoln on Water
Works business
MASTER Reid McKenna was a Hast
ings visitor Tuesday
MRS F F NeubauER was a Culbert
son visitor Saturday
Mrs F G R Ford made a trip to
Hastings Saturday last
Mrs A PEly is visiting her parents
in Red Cloud this week
T M Phillippi has gone east on a
visit of two or three weeks
J M SEWELL the Hastings grain
man was a Sunday visitor
Mrs H P Sutton made a flying trip
to Omaha Saturday morning
Mrs S E CallEN and the children
were Beverly visitors Monday
OTTO PATE returned Wednesday
morning from his Denver trip
Miss Kate Mullen arrived home on
I Wednesday from her trip east
H W COLE was a Lincoln and Omaha
visitor Tuesday and Wednesday
Mrs H C Smith visited in Denver
close of last and first of this week
Miss Maggie Cullen returned to
her work in Omaha Sunday on 12
O W DixONlate with Zint departed
f for Schuyler Nebraska last week
FRED CarruTH arrived home Tues
day morning from his trip to the moun
Mrs Harry Conover went down to
Red Cloud Tuesday on a visit to rela
Mr and Mrs D Spencer buried
their infant child this afternoon at two
E H NEWHOUSE the Red Cloud
jeweler was in the city Wednesday on
Mt Mahv Miigan left on 1 Tues
day noon for Cripple Creek Colorado
on a visit
C A SWART is in Denver E D
Swart is now laid up at Denver Colorado
by his injuries
Rev Gottlieb Essig has been in
Iowa Council Bluffs and other points
since last week
MRS Mary MULLEN returned Wed
nesday morning on 2 from her visit in
Sheridan Wyoming
Mrs H A Rouch children and sister
Miss Daisy Jackson left on Tuesday for
the mountains on a visit
L R HilemanS family returned to
the city Thursday after spending much
of the summer at Exeter
Mrs C E Pope and family arrived
home Thursday noon from their long
visit in Sheridan Wyoming
MRS BERT BUSH returned Monday
night on 14 from visiting her husband
at Corona Colorado a few days
Miss Mamie Chandler arrived Wed
nesday morning from her trip to Cali
fornia much improved in health
Mrs A P THOMSON and children re
turned home yesterday morning from
their outing in Manitou Colorado
Miss Maud Vickrey who has been
visiting Mrs A G Dole returned to her
home in Bartley on 12 Sunday morning
F S Wilcox arrived home early in
the week from quite a prolonged visit
in Kansas City Missouri on stock
Mtss Maud Nichols who has been
visiting her brother Frank Nichols and
wife returned to her home in Adel Iowa
last week
A G DOLE and CW Keys swapped
residences Monday the former now be
ing located in the Doyle residence the
latter in the Bullard
C S CanfiELD of Bridgeport Conn
has been the guest of W S Perry for
the past week He left for Harvard
Nebraska yesterday morning
nesday on 13 from Kirksville Mo and
will make her brother Frank Ratliff a
visit of considerable length
Mrs Emerson Hanson and Master
Warren were out from Bushnell 111
over Sunday visiting Mr Hanson before
the opening of the fall term of school
LRoy Allen departed Tuesday for
Covina California where he will j in
W F Lawson and family Mrs Alien
will follow him from her eastern visit in
Samuel Blackfan of the Nebraska
Sanitarium College View Nebraska and
who is also connected with the Lincoln
Mission work spent part of the week
here and hereabouts
REV and Mrs J A Badcon arrived
Tuesday noon from Cozad Nebraskaand
are at present guests of J A Snyder and
family They will remain a few weeks
visiting oldtime friends here
Mr and Mrs W H Johnston have
deep sympathy in the death of their first
born last Saturday The remains of
the dear one were buried in Grinnell
Iowa Sunday Mr Johnston returned
to his work here early in the week
Mr and Mrs W D Strawn and son
of Ottawa Illinois on their way home
from visiting in California are the guests
of Mrs Strawns sister Mrs J W
Hupp this week They with Mrs
Arthur Trumbo of Marseilles Illinois
will depart for Illinois tomorrow
Mrs A Barnett gave a lawn -party
in honor of her sister Miss Mamie
Chandler last evening to the young
ladies of the Awl Os club and their
invited gentlemen friends It was quite
a charming affair The lawn was at
tractively decorated and illuminated
Refreshments were cleverly spread
Miss Mamie departed on No 6 same
night for her home in Iowa Master
Frank Barnett accompanying her for a
visit Mr Barnett went with them as
far as Omaha Miss Chandler expects
ta teach school coming year
Expensive Economy
Eugene D Swart late proprietor of
the Palace restaurant is now resting in a
Denver hospital until he recovers from a
severe injury received early Sunday
morning last while bumming bis way
to Denver from this city
Having disposed of his business close
oflHSt week and stored his goods and
effects in the Lilly building on West
Dennison street he determined to follow
Horace GreeleysNadvice and on Satur
day night he boarded a we3t bound
freight At Benkelman the train crew
made him get off the train At Wray
Colorado he was found on the rear end
of the way car with one of his feet cut
off the member having been amputated
by the wheels at some time and place
between these points while he was get
ting on or off the moving train
Swart had money with him and effects
of some value here His sad accident
and misfortune is the result of his own
folly and is very much regretted by
friends here where he resided for several
It was an expensive effort to economize
Class In Music
Miss Olive M Howe after September
1st will be found at the residence of
Mrs U J Warren where she will be
glad to arrange terms and dates with
those who desire to enter a class in
music which she will take up beginning
with the second week in September
Miss Howe is a graduate of the New
York Conservatory of Music also a stu
dent of Liebling of Chicago and bus
taught very successfully a large class for
three years
Miss Howe is what may be best de
scribed as musical she is not only
equipped technically in a high degree
but has the ability to teach and execute
and inspire Shewill be a most desir
able addition to the musical life of
McCook and it is to be hoped she may
at once succeed in organizing a large
G A R Picnic
The Ladies Circle served their annual
picnic to the members of the G A R
and their families last Friday afternoon
at the home of Comrade S G Goheen on
the South Side About 70 persons par
ticipated in the joyous affair The feast
was greatly enjoyed as well as a happy
social season This annual picnic is one
of the G A R red letter days and we
wish the boys iu blue many happy
Rev Father Lutz the recently ap
pointed rector of the Indianola missions
will also attend by the order of the
bishop to the needs of St Patricks con
gregation at this place until such time
as Jhe Rt Rev Ordinary will be able to
send them a priest of their own
Father Lutz will offer mass at McCook
on Sunday next Aug 25th at 8 oclock
A Good and a Fair Average
W C Randel of Red Willow has just
recently threshed out his wheat of
which he had 675 bushels His fall
wheat average 14 bushels per acre spring
8 bushels Mr Randel will not receive
chips on subscription
Offer Nice Reward
The fancy dog owners of McCook
announce that they will pay a substan
tial reward for information leading to
the conviction of the dog poisoners who
are now operating in the city so success
fully and indiscriminately
Epworth League Social
The Epworth League will give a social
at the City park Wednesday evening
August 28th Ice cream and cake will
be served and a good time is promised
Every body invited
in wall paper a few choice patterns just
enough for one room very cheap
McConnell Berry
Have Porter photograph the baby
North of postofEce
Invitations are out to the wedding of
Fireman Robert C Cole and Ella Dora
Snyder McCook Wednesday evening
September 4th
All wool Dress Skirts from 250 up to
your measure at the Thompson Dry
Goods Co We keep 40 or 50 made up at
all times out of which you may probably
be fitted If not we take your measure j
and make you one at same price
Yes we have a 10c Batt that we are
selling at 3 for 25c or 7 for 50c or 15 for
100 Got them to please a good fellow
who warranted them to be the finest on
earth They cumber our space and we
will sell them as above No no theyre
not Izzers of course not and not to
be mentioned in the same week for they
are just the commonplace article While
they tarry 15 for 100 The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
A H Thrill and SZ Miller quit the
carpenter shop this week
C H Davis is a new blacksmiths
helper in the shop this week
Trainmaster Kenyon was a Lincoln
headquarters visitor Friday last
Conductor and Mrs J H Burns are
parents of a daughter born on Friday
Locomotive No 86 is just in the shop
for an overhauling Nos 75 146 and 171
are just out
Locomotive 75 just out of the shops
was limbered up in the the local yard
Another fire will soon be added to the
blacksmith shop part of the material is
already in place
Web Josselyn of the supply depart
ment was out from Omaha Friday even
ing of last week on business of his
Operator J S Chambers mother
father and brother were bis guests oyer
Sunday Mina Chambers accompanied
them home
George Hollister round house foreman
at Red Cloud was at Western division
headquarters Wednesday on business
of his office
Jim Egan is gradually having his new
tin shop fixed up iu good shape New
benches and other necessary furniture
are being provided
Engineer Tony Clark and family are
enjoying a visit in Denver and Engineer
Walter Stokes is down at Oxford mean
while running his engine
Scales are a familiar object in the
shops now Everything in the metal
line is now weighed out and charged up
to the engine or object repaired
Chas Cady has resigned his position
with the B M at McCook and ex
pects to leavesoon forCorvallis Oregon
where his parents reside Arapahoe
Foreman Mack Hughes of the blacksmith-shop
now has a cosy little office
built in the northeast corner of the shop
for his use with desk and other con
Engineer W S Bales is handing out
the cigars this week to the boys and
with a smile calmly remarks that a
twelve pound boy arrived at his house
Wednesday Alliance Grip
Dennis Cullen would take pleasure in
personally interviewing the scamp who
poisoned his valuable fox terrier in the
Cullen yard recently Dennis promises
a uriei interview uui a uiu uu
It is rumored that the Burlington tie
preserving works now located at Edg
mont are to be moved to Sheridan
We have nothing official on this sub
ject but this is a current rumor Sheri
dan Post
The Wyoming division is to get five
out of the twelve locomotives of the new
class R type recently ordered from
the Baldwin locomotive works The
Western division will get two or three
of them
C C Hortorf roadmaster on the
Toluca Cody line while riding oyer
his division this week on his gasoline
car was thrown from the car and re
ceived slight injuries about the head
and body Alliance Grip
be effective September
A new time card to
tember 1st is under contemplation we
understand It is quite probable that
43 may reach here thirty minutes earlier
and 44 depart perhaps twenty minutes
later other trains running about as at
present Alliance Times
Bradford Cotner of Dunkirk O died
on Burlington train No 6 at 230 Wed
day morning just as the passenger was
pulling into Hastings The deceased
was accompanied by his wife and they
were on their way home from Denver
Charles M Hays president of the
Southern Pacific railroad has resigned
bis oosition which carried with it a salary
ofSsoooo per annum Samuel MFeltonu
president of the Chicago Alton rail
road will succeed Hays It is assumed
that this move means tnat tne union
Pacific has absorbed the Southern Pacific
and that the policy of the road will be di
rected from headquarters of the Union
Pacific in Omaha by the Harriman in
Hereafter no more than fifteen cars
will be allowed in one passenger train
on the Baltimore Ohio road The
general superintendent of the company
in Chicago has issued an order to that
effect In speaking ot the order an
officer of the road said that general
unwieldiness of long trains was the
cause of the proclamation When trains
become cumbersome they are hard to
handle and are more liable to accident
The order will apply more directly to
ularly scheduled trains on this or any
other road in tne country witn nueen
or more cars cars
Mrs DM Newton is a guest of Mrs
UM A Hobson
Walter Acox left the city last Fri
day night leaving a bride of a few weeks
and sundry creditors behind it is
H W COLE left last night for Gene
seo Illinois where he was summoned by
a telegram announcing the very serious
illness of Mrs Coles aged mother
Ten yards extra good unbleached mus
lin for 39c 10 yds fine Cambric Muslin
for 85c Best Indigo Prints 5c Best
Apron Check Oinghams 5c Handsome
dark Outings 5c Best Table Oil Cloth
15c Mosquito Bar 3c Fancy Parasols
at half price White Shirt Waist3 at
half price etc etc The Thompson D
G Co One price plain figures cash
Playing Great Balj
So far the McCook base ball club has
been giving a good account of itself
playing four games this week up to
today losing a game each to Minden
and Kearney and winning decisive vic
tories over Kearney and Hastings shut
ting out the latter
Any possibility of winning this game
Monday afternoon was removed at
the outset of the contest by the murder
ous pitching of Bliss and the resultant
hitting of Reed catcher for McCook
who was hit by the ball just back of the
ear He was brought to McCook on the
night train and his recovery was some
what in doubt until the following after
noon It is now thought he will entirely
recover from the terrible blow Garvey
was also hit by Bliss but fortunately
without serious result This game shows
pretty conclusively that Mindens pitcher
is a dangerous man in -his endeavors to
scare men at the bat if indeed his
actions are not to be more harshly con
strued This was McCooks first shut
out The score was 8 to o
Were a stand off Kearney winning
Tuesdays game by a score of 4 to 3 and
McCook takiug Wednesdays by a score
of 11 to 5 It is doubtful if two better
amateur games have been played iu Ne
braska this year And the advantage is
clearly with McCook The following
summary of Tuesdays game was taken
from the Omaha World Herald
Kearney Neb Aug 20 The Kear
ney team defeated McCook here today
in the most exciting game of the season
The Kearney team won out iu the last
half of the ninth by hard hitting Score
Kearney 00 1000 10 2 4
McCook ooooo oo o 3
1 -
Batteries Salene and Burman Jones
and Moore Hits Kearney 10 McCook
4 Errors Kearney 5 McCook 7
Thursday the boys shut out Hastings
while rolling up 11 scores in their own
Today they meet the Kenesaw boys
and tomorrow they go to Havelock
-Next-week they have games as follows
Sunday and Monday at Friend Tuesday
and Wednesday at Superior Thursday
Friday and Saturday at Norton Kansas
E D Reed has recovered sufficiently
to join the boys at Kenesaw this morn
ing It is not likely however that he
will resume his place in the catchers
box at once
buys a gallon of good outside or inside
paint Good black roof paint very
cheap McConnell Berry
In times of doubt and uncertainty use
Izzer Cotton Batts right size open out
almost as easily as if cloth fluffy yet
compact price 10c For sale only by
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
For Sale 160 acres described as the
northeast quarter of section 34 town 4
range 29 in Red Willow county Bar
gain J F Stepina 532 West 18th
street Chicago Illinois
The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of
G A R meet the first Saturday oi
every month in Odd Fellows hall
Up-to-date photographs at Porters
North of postoffice
R A Byrnes has gone to Pueblo
Brakeman A P Ely spent Sunday in
Red Cloud
Conductor C W Bronson spent Sun
day in Hastings
Brakeman E O Scott was an
anola visitor Saturday
Conductor William Shinsel and crew
were at headquarters over Sunday
Brakeman A H Washburn was an
Indianola visitor Thursday between
Brakeman C S McElherron visited in
Benkelman Wednesday between trains
13 and 14
On account of verv dull times in the
excursion trains as there are not eg j freight service three crews werelald off
this week
Brakeman F E Brigner of Oxford
was at headquarters close of last week
on a short visit
Brakeman and Mrs Calhoun of West
McCook welcomed a little stranger a
son close of last
Conductor Herman Hegenberger and
family left on Tuesday for Pacific Junc
tion Iowa on a visit
Conductor J E Beyrer of Denver
announces the arrival at his home on the
13th of a daughter They are all doing
F A Thompson was down from
Denver Wednesday and Thursday at
tending the accounting school of instruc
Conductor E F Caffreyond family
came up from Oxford Wednesday on
No 1 and went west on the night train
on a visit to Denver and the mountains
Conductor and Mrs V H Solhday
and Miss -Millie Slaby departed on
Friday night last for Terre Haute Indi
ana and other points east on a visit
I among relatives and old scenes-
For clothing go to DeGroff Cos
Porters new gallery is north of the
Try that new cigar in tiu foil at
Dont forget that Loar wants your
drug trade
Just call up telephone 12 and tell them
all about it
Shop Smoker 5c cigar at Bennetts
cigar store
Bennetts Shop Smoker is the best 5c
cigar in McCook
See the photographs that Porter takes
North of postoffice
If you dont know what you want ask
at D C Marshs meat market
For Sale Two houses iu West Mc
Cook Inquire of Thomas Burge
Where at Marshs What the best
meats of all kinds When all the time
For Rent-meat-market
-Front room
Call on D
over the
C Marsh for
The Straight Front is the newest in
corsets You will find them at DeGroff
Potatoes have reached the 2 per
bushel mark iu the retail trade and the
top is not in sight yet
For Sale A vacant lot in West
McCook Inquire of or write to Thomas
Burge McCook Neb
Wanted A plree to work for board
and attend school this winter by a boy
Inquire at TRIBUNE office
D C Marsh invites your patronage
guaranteeing the best meats obtainable
of all kinds At the old stand
If you dont see what you are after
inquire at Marshs meat market They
have it and will take pleasure iu show
ing you
Bed Blankets from 40c a pair up The
Thompson Dry Goods Co Our 6 pound
twelve quarter Blankets at 165 a pair
are unequalled
Populist county convention Indianola
Nebraska Thursday September 5th at
ten oclock in the forenoon Willow
Grove has 15 delegates
This week Messrs Walsh Magner
disposed of the B M meat market to
Paul Anton who is conducting the
business at the old stand -
Dont forget that the McCook Build
ing Association will open its 28th series
of stock this month Now is the time
to subscribe for stock
Seats are being provided for the City
park They are permanent in charac
ter and have been located on the edge of
the walks leading through and around
the park
LOST A calf weighing about 300
pounds Calf is red in color with white
spot on forehead Suitable reward for
return or information leading to the
Mrs M E Barger is now located one
door south of the Palace restaurant is
nicely prepared for business is receiAig
her fall goods and invites the patronage
of the public
To make good the water shortage dur
ing the drouth the water company is
refunding to patrons their second half of
the seasons lawn tax a generous act
The Tribune takes it
This is a good time to brighten up
your barns sheds and fences Our as
bestine fire proof paint costs only one
sixth the price of oil
McConnell Berry
F C Corset are sold exclusively by
The Thompson Drv Goods Co Take no
substitute said to be just as good
anty on F Cs is this Money back
after 4 weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
Try the Corset Girdle
F J Woolfenden is now in charge of
the Palace restaurant having purchased
the business of E D Swart We under
stand that Mr Woolfenden also controls
the second story of the building the
portion now devoted to lodging purposes
A fine rain Tuesday night with a hair
raising electric demonstration on the
side the electric light people report it
unusually severe at the power house
and lights suffered an eclipse in various
parts of the city The precipitation was
an inch and a quarter
During recent weeks while the temper
ature has towered in the tube you have
scarcely thought of Bed Comforts Al
ready its different and here you are
reading all about them We make them
right here in the store 6 feet wide 7
feet long 14 yds cloth 6 Izzer Cotton
Batts well tacked and hemmed for 165
and up Fine Silkolene ones for 225
Select your patterns and leave order
The Thompson Dry Goods Co