m 51 FRANKLIN -at yvsts WFMcFARLAND orx - - MVXMCNtAMaHMtfMMI l5kQVSij H The Best Fits 1 f li The Lowest Prices m a - h ags I he Largest Stock S SB -- 2 - gjgjg Every Pair Guaranteed and Replaced gf g If Defective ggg H H H THE BEE HJVE i sssss etss 32 - nrCnnh NSvifl CtfCti - - s53 SS 4 r W B WOLFE C H WILLARD K9g jaqrjgragcy jf ji Tgt JyL ji Jig jyi jy Jm Jtf tyj jjjp j il jl ryj ggij A HI - JO u TtrifP1ialMt MMllPf HtrkHf M M A5T5ft JajBaEJfiSJUKOBC 3 3CK Th1 IT Jfr MJCJKULJKIC JUJttJEKLWUlLJfcUHL iW Mt TPW TlUih J jjF lw ti llf JStirt Ir i Vr DiJ yC iJr1 JUWIL -8 j l JjT jnW jU1 Vs- iir fr V FRANKLIN President ci THK a h h b a m A C EBERT Cashier B NATIONAL efV4fcWV T3 A rVT XT 5 Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 ooo GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pres FA PEN NELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director FRANK HARRIS Director 54 T Vtf TIZENS BANK l i QF MeCOOK NEB- W Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 11 4- ----- 4 DI RECTORS ----- RHEUMATISM That this malady which has steadily baffled the skill of the brightest and most intel ligent physicians should now be so readily curable seems almost beyond realization but strange as it may appear to some all acknowledge its truth after a trial of PALMERS RHEUMA COH POUND the great uric acid solvent THE BLOOD PURIFIER THAT PURIFIES It restores those bed ridden for years A Blood Purifier that acts Price 50 cts McCook Nebraska - McCONNELL BERRY Or Hays Lung Balm cures every kind of cough la grippe bronchitis sore throat croup whooping cough etc Never deranges the stomach At Druggists 10 25a - Sold by Loar and McMillen P T Thomas Sumterville Ala I was suf fering from dyspepsia when I commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I took sev eral bottles and can digest anything Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation con taining all the natural digestive fluids It gives weak stomachs entire rest restoring their natural condition McConnell Berry M laii I BARTLEY John Wolf sold twenty head of cattle last week one day Lyman Jennings returned Monday from his trip to Colorado Ross Grisell and family left by over land for Oregon one day last week Oscar Lohr has a position with II E Burton in the dray work Pearl Curlee is visiting with her friend Mrs Jas John in Cambridge Frank Premer visited i n Frontier I county Saturday and Sunday Harry Biackson and Luther Daharsh were McCook visitors last Thursday John Foreman and Burr Case left Thursday for the hay fields north of us Mrs Farrells friend from McCook re turned to her home last Friday night P E Lemasters spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents north of town The W C T U will hold their gold medal contest on Saturday night this week E E Smith had two cows get into a cane field one day last week Both re covered Harry Biackson may go to McCook to take a position with the Barnett Lumber Company Bert Wyrick resigned his position with the B M one day last week and left for Kansas A S Neiswanger A Y Lincoln and one of the Barnhart boys are at work near Holdrege Our townsman Epperly and wife are getting ready for an extended visit with relatives in Iowa A G Keys and Miss Edna Cook his granddaughter spent Sunday with his son C W in McCook Chas Catlett has sufficiently recov ered rrom his recent accident that he hat r -turned to work A goodly number of our people are at tending the M W A log rolling at Cambridge this week H L Burton laid the foundation for the addition that Mrs Mary Hodgkin is building on her house Mrs E Clute reports a very pleas ant visit in Arapahoe and vicinity but is glad to be at home again Dame Rumor has it that Fred Hunt work has sold his residence to his father who will move it on to his farm Joe Burton left for Washington last Thursday where he will make his future home The rest of the family will fol low soon A J Lohr left on Wednesday for Crete Beatrice and other places near looking for a location The family will leave later U G Etherton was an interested visi tor at Arapahoe Monday when the Kansas Indians did up the bae ball team there Samuel Bentley reports that his wheat went seven bushels per acre He left Wednesday morning for his new home in Superior Quite a party left for the Minnesota wheat fields last week among them was lieo xeeters a rice jpranK Teeters and John Rider Mr Rider will run a threshing machine there this season Frank Vickrey went to Cambridge Tuesday to play ball with the Cam bidge team against the Wilsonville team and the Minden team on Wednesday Frank is a good base ball player and is always in demand T A Case has traded his farm for land in Missouri and will shortly move his family there We shall be very sorry to have them leave our community as they are valuable citizens May their new home be a successful one John Tate took very suddenly sick oue day last week His friends feared sunstroke but it proved to be a bilious attack aggravated by the heat He will recuperate at the assembly at Lincoln and at Franklin where he has a brother and two sisters living Last Friday evening Samuel Bentley and wife were surprised by a company of their friends invading their home and giving them a farewell reception before they left for their new home The fol lowing were present Mr and Mrs R C Catlett Mr and Mrs A L Cochran Mr and Mrs J A Curlee Rev and Mrs Ernest CrippenMr and Mrs H L Burton Mr and Mrs U G Etherton Rev and Mrs Simeon Grisell Dr and Mrs J E Hathorn Mr and Mrs J G Ogg Mr and Mrs W V Vickrev S W Clark Mrs J M Brown Mrs and Miss Sadie Hamilton Miss Delia Cook A G Keys Mrs Mary Hodgkin Dont be satisfied with temporary relief from indigestion Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely removes this complaint It relieves permanently because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest Diet ing wont rest the stomach Mature receives supplies from the food we eat The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dys pepsia Cure which digests what you eat and cant help but do you good McConnell Berry Mrs S H Allport Johnstown Pa says Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup The doctors said she couldnt live hut she was instantlv rplipvH bv flni Timf Cough Cure McConnell Berry 1 OANURY Misses Maud and Daisy Eny were In dianola visitors Monday Dentist Gatewood was here last week extracting dollars from the pockets of his patients without pain A number of our ball player boys went to McCook Wednesday to take in the Indian ball game at that place S W Stilgeboner Foster Stilgebonor H C Bull and others witnessed the Indians McCook game at McCook Thursday Pew Bros are buying up a large quantity of alfalfa hay for the purpose of feeding another lot of sheep again this fall and winter on their ranch west of town Grasshoppers are quite numerous in spots again this summer but up to this time they have not injured the crops as they did last year Chinch bugs are also working in places The Royal Neighbor supper a week ago last Tuesday night was well at tended upwards of a hundred members including invited guests partook of the well spread feast W H Harrison left Wednesday for Kansas City with a load of hogs He expects to meet his family at that place to accompany them home from a short visit in Lincoln 111 Wheat crop in this locality is making from three to six bushels per acre this summer and is in a shriveled condition much of it being bought up by local parties for feeding purposes Soren Simonsen purchased an 80 acre alfalfa farm east of town last spring of W E White for 82400 This vear he will harvest enough hay and alfalfa seed to pay for one third of the purchased price of this place This speaks well for a Beaver Valley farm this dry year Many other of our vallley farms will do equally as well this summer Local showers have fallen in and around this vicinity during the last week North of town Saturday even ing from a half inch to an inch and a half and has soaked up things in good shape it was on an average of five miles wid or better and continued eastward toward Lebanon South of town during the middle of the week a good rain fell and the corn crop that held out so well during the dry is looking gcod and some corn would be gathered should the weather be favorable from now on Astounded the Editor EditorS A Hrown of Bennettsvilfe S C was once immensely surprised Through long suffering from dyspepsia he writes my wife wis greatly run down She had no strength or vigor and suffered great distress from her stomach but she tried Electric Bit ters which helped her at once and after using four b ttles she is entirely well can eat any thing Its a grand tonic and its gentle laxa tive qualities are splendid for torpid liver For indigestion los of appetite stomach and liver trouble its a positive guaranteed cure Only 50c at McConnell Berrys If a dealer asks vou tu take something said to he just a good as Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co ask him if he makes more money Ask your druggist CULBERTSON W Z Taylor was a McCook visitor or business Monday Mrs W S Cornutt of Nebraska City is in town visiting her fathet Henry Lehman the wide awake travel ing representative of the McCormick Harvester Co was home Sunday S E Solomon took in the ball game at McCook Wednesday when the Indians mauled the McCooks quite conclusively Tho Culbertson Gun Club is a flour ishing organization these days It is said that an interesting program is on tap daily Mrs May Dallas and children of Des Moines la who has been visiting with her cousin Mrs S E Soloman depart ed for home Wednesday Mrs W S Cornutt of Nebraska City and Mrs Vina Wood of McCook came up on the Imperial Tuesday morning on a visit to relatives and friends The kid base ball nine of this place played the married men Wednesday a lively game of ball It required an ex tra gang to keep track of the ball Score 28 to 30 in favor of the kids It is remarkable how well corn and Kaffir corn look in this locality With rain soon a good crop would be secured provided the voracious grasshoppers did not find the silk The probabilities are that they would The Culbertson Ditch Co is pushing the work of piping the Lunn canon and expect to have water passing through the full length of the ditch by Sept 10th Lunn canon is the largest canon on the line of the ditch and for the past eight years water was carried across this by means of a wooden flume a stupen dous structure nearly 100 feet above the bottom of the canon 4S inch steel pipe is now being laid under ground across the canon and through this syphon the water will hereafter be carried across There is so Much News that even if it comes by telegraph we over look some of it Isnt it a fact that you have seen Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin advertised several times and have neglected to try it An ounce of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is as good as a three weeks vacation Ask any druggist or any one who has taken it Sold by A McMillen Helps young ladies to withstand the shock or sudden proposals thats what Rocky Mountain Tea has done 35c Made by Madison Medicine Co Ask your druggist 3 PROSPECT PARK C E Boatman lost a fine cow in the cane field this week The hot weather continues but it is some cooler since tho shower George Rowland has sold his three quarters of land to Mr Crocker Julia Sly expects to teach the south 72 school tho coming school year John Sly went down to Cambridge Tuesday to attend thtf Woodman picnic Andrew Andorson has had a new well put down and has bought a windmill of Mrs Hartman A young lady of this neighborhood had a break down on her way to Mc Cook Monday A gentle horse made the damage slight Their Secret ia Out All Sedieville Ky was curious to learn the cause of the vast improvement in the health of Mrs S V Whittaker who had for a long time endured untold suffering from a chronic bronchial trouble Its all due to Dr Kings New Discovery writes her husband It completely cured her and also cured our little grand daughter of a severe attack of whoop ing cough It positively cures coughs colds la grippe bronchitis all throat and lung trouble Guaranteed bottles 50c and Sloo Trial bottle free at McConnell Berrys drug store Good Advice The most miserable beings in the world are those suffenng from dyspepsia and liver complaint More than seventy five per cent of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects such as sour stomach sick headache habitual cos tivenest palpitation of the heart heart burn water brash gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach yellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable taste in your mouth coming up of loot after eating low spirits etc Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Trv it Get Greens True Al manac A McMillen The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of Chamber lams Stomach and Liver Tablets when nec essary and you will never have that severe punishment inflicted upon you Irice 25cts For sale bv McConnell Herry Eruptions cuts burns scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by De Witts Witch Hazel Salve Ceitain cure for piles Heware of counterfeits He sure you get the original DeWitts McConnell lierry STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OV Till McCook Co Operative Building and Savings Association of McCook Neb on the Mh day of June IIHll ASSETS First mortgage loans 1 275 W Stock loans X Real estate I Oil 1 Cash 1 71 0O Deliiuiueut interest and dues ijt il Expense ISS 21 Tax sale certificate fit Interest on matured stock 70 00 Total 7S J7 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up Reserve fund Undivided profits Due shareholders on incomplete loan Other liabilities Premiums unearned - Directors i7 918 1 i i it Siil S7 2 HX IJ0 2 J OkS 71 Total Ef 72i J7 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 1901 RECEIPTS Ralauce on hand July 1 1900 91i 20 Due 11 275 X Interest 2 tl7 22 Loans repaid 2 S17 9 Fines and membership 99 99 Real estato 217 21 Tux certificates 156 21 Sundries 5 75 Total l5d2 51 EXPKNDITUEES Loans b 855 Exoenses Stock redeemed Cash on hand Matured stock Interest on matured stock Real estate Tax certificates 5JS 8ti 148 US l ri co 4 500 oo 2tT7 9t 8 22 127 50 Total 15 826 51 State of Nebraska Red Willow county S3 I F A Ponnell Secretary of the above named Association do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of the condition of said Association is true and correct to tho best of my knowledge and belief F A Pennell Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of July 1901 J R McCare Approved Notary Public T B Campbeel F M U TKirn w lVtilJltUUf J J Gaerard HENCVATOB invigorates and renovates the system purifies and enriches the blood cures the worst dyspepsia constipation headache liver and kidneys icandlatdruggists Free acmce sample and book Dr B J Kay Saratoga NY FkEmmiQ Sold bv Loar and McMillen A YOUNG LADYS LIFE SAVED At Panama Colombia by Chamber Iains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy Dr Chas II Utter a prominent physician of Panama Colombia in a recent letter states Last March I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of age who had a very bad attack of dysentery Everything prescribed for her proved ineffectual and she was grow ing worse every hour Her parents were sure she would die She had become so weak that she could not turn over in bed What to do at this critical moment was a study for me but I thought of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last resort prescribed it The most wonderful result was effected Within eight hours she was feeling much better inside of three days she was upon her feet and at the end ot one week was entirely well For sale bv McConnell Berry Druggists A Cure for Cholera Infantum Last May says Mrs Curtis Baker of Bookwalter Ohio an infant child of our neighbors was suffering from cholera infan tum The doctor had given up all hopes of recovery I took a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions In two days time the child had fully recovered and is now nearly two years since a vigorous healthy girl I have recommended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail in any single instance For sale by McConnell Berry Druggists Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy has a world wide reputation for its cures It never fails and is pleasant and aic to take For sale by McConnell Berry Druggists O O Buck Beirne Ark says I was troubled with constipation until I bought DeWitts Little Early Risers Since then have been entirely cured of my old complaint I recommend them McConnell Berry 2S In cnsr if couih or croup give the litfle ime One Minute Cough Cure ilit n rest ed y atx hive n I- r The clud will all rijjht in a little I nfver fills PI Mant J take alu at if- ind - ir And ilmn uistait tnneous in fcct M Cnutull ler v McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL D WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank btilldim nxt to City hall IIouRM SilO to 12 lto 7 to Night calls uusworod from ra ddmico oror bank MRS S E GRIGGS TOILET PAKLOK Hair drecfinfr shuinjxoin and scalp treat mont Riven for tho bonefltof tho hair Mnssaito trontmont Rivon wrinkles removed nnd all face blemishes romovod Phono No C Upstairs Front ovor Opera House C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building H P SUTTON MeCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nkhraska CUAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office Rear of First National bank J B BALLARD DENTIST O All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first class We do all kinds of Crown Bridge and Plate Work DRJB FICKBS A Reliable Graduate Dentist MeCOOK - MeCOOK - TANK - LINE - s d Mcclain prop P wssmi Over Mc Connell Berrys SET YOUR CAN OUT THE - OIL - MAN IS - COMING V All Calls For The jj Cittj 13 Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN I Will make all trains and an 4j swer all calls to any 4 part of the city PHONE 36 I W H Ackerrnan S 51 McCook Nebraska 0 You Want To Save- Money Send in your name and address and f t our Catalogue of all kinds of Merchan dise at prices defying competition Fully Illustrated Catalogue sent on receipt of 10 cents for postage KAHN GREEN BERGER 25r to 261 Dearborn Street Chicago 111 CATALOGUE MAILED DURING JULY Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold In bulk Accept no iKcopiPonAnsiiu xuie Ask your druggist V nr F D Bukgess umber mi Steam Fitter MeCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halhday Waupun Eclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building T- X