mw 1 mims BEST MILE OroaoouB Establishes New Worlds Becord Glenville Traok BEATS ABBOTS TIME HALE SECOND Goes In 203 3 4 Over Conrao that Hoems a Trifle Heavy Takes the Running Mates First Half Mllu In 101 ana the Nest In 101 3 4 CLEVELAND O July 27 Amid the enthusiastic cheers of nearly 10 000 people Oresceus the worlds cham pion trotting stallion again demon strated that he is the peer of all trot ters by trotting a mile this afternoon over the Glenville track in 202 This establishes a new worlds record for both sexes replacing the former worlds record of 2 03 held by The Abbot Owing to the heavy rains of last night the track was not in the best of condition today and it was about 630 p m before it was deemed to be in safe condition to warrant making the attempt At times the suns heat had been replaced by cool breezes Even then there were few horsemen who looked for a mile better than 205 After having been given several preliminary miles George Ketcham came out with the stallion to attempt what seemed an impossible feat Ketcham nodded for the word on the third score the horse trotting like a machine Accompanied by a runner the chest nut stallion fairly flew to the quarter the timers watches registering just thirty seconds As Cresceus swung into the back stretch he was joined by a second runner and although many predicted that the footing was such as would retard his speed he reached the half in 101 As the time was hung out the immense crowd broke out in cheers The three quarters pole was reached in 121 ana as the great stallion trotted into the stretch a run ner on either side his machine like stride was fairly eating up the dis tance Never once faltering notwithstand ing the terrific clip he fairly flew to the wire being sustained only by his indomitable courage not being touch ed once by the whip his sole urging being the drivers voice and the thun dering hoof beats of the accompanying runners As the time for the mile was an nounced 202 and the immense crowd realized that a new worlds record had been established Ketcham and his favorite stallion received an ovation such as has been but seldom witnessed on a race track Thousands of people rushed out on the track and Ketcham was lifted trom the sulky and carried to the grand stand on the shoulders of admirers Cneer after cheer Jrent the air and the name of Cresceus was upon the lips of every one present Ketcham Ketcham yelled the crowd and the owner of the sturdy son of Robert McGregor was almost carried to the judges stand where he delivered a brief address Cresceus now not only holds the worlds trotting record for both sexes hut last week at the Detroit grand circuit meeting by trotting in 206 and 205 in his lace against Charley Herr secured the worlds record for the two fastest heats ever trotted in a race his second mile in 205 also being a new worlds record for the fastest mile ever trotted in a race and also the fastest second heat ever trotted SINS SLAUGHTER 0E HORSES Estimated 250 Have Been Killed in South Dakota County SIOUX FALLS S D July 27 It is estimated that the intense heat has killed fully 250 horses in this Minne haha county William Parkinson a well known farmer living near Ben Clare was in stantly killed by lightning while har vesting Four horses he was driving were killed by the same stroke Par kinson was aged 27 and leaves a wife and child His father and other rela tives live in Sioux Falls Total Bonds Purchased WASHINGTON July 27 The Sec retary of the treasury today purchased short term bonds as follows Two thousand dollars 4s at 113C64 1500 Us at 1092136 and 800 3s at 109128 he total amount purchased for the sinking fund today is 15954100 at a cost of 18026563 Union Pacific Buys a Branch LEAVENWORTH Kan July 27 The Leavenworth Lawrence branch of the Union Pacific which has been in a receivers hands for several years was sold the purchase price being 900000 There was but one bidder and the road was knocked down to Judge W R Kelly of Omaha for the Union Pacific railway Judge Kelly stated that the receiver would be dis charged at once and the road operated as part of the Union Pacific system GENERAL DROUTH SITUA1I0N Thunderstorms Followed by Hot Bun Lit tie Benefit to Crops WASHINGTON July 26 Official reports show that the corn belt re gion continues hot and dry with no prospect of immediate change in these conditions Showers have fall en in the northern half of the corn belt area since last night including eastern Nebraska Iowa northern Il linois northern Indiana and Ohio Most of these rains which generally were light in amount fell last night Today there were some light rainfalls in western Nebraska and Oklahoma These precipitations however the forecast officials say are not always conducive of the best results to the growing crops as they are mostly thunder showers immediately follow ed by a hot sun Showers it is said possibly may occur in the drouth stricken region tomorrow as they usually are inseparable from visita tions of intense heat but no general occurrence of them is predicted Tem peratures in the corn belt while a few degrees lower today than yesterday were again high ranging from 95 de grees to 100 degress and higher WHY IS THE WEST HOT This Problem Is Now Puzzling the Scientists PORTLAND Ore July 26 Edward A Beals forecast official in charge of the Portland office of the weather bureau said today concerning Mr Serviss theory of heat causation through sun disturbances If Mr Serviss theory is correct the excessive heat being experienced in the east should be correspondingly felt in the North Pacific states as we are under the influence of the same sun and situated in the same hemi sphere The facts are that the central west has had a month more of tem peratures averaging from 6 to 12 de grees warmer than usual The nor mal daylight temperature in Portland in July is 663 This year it has been only 625 KAISER AS PEACE MAKER Slay Assume the Role to End South Af rican Conflict LONDON July 26 The rumor as to the early peace negotiations which has pervaded the House of Commons for some days says the Day Ex press has taken the more definite form that Emperor William is soon to assume the role of peacemaker Mr Kruger and his advisers are repre sented as having empowered the kaiser to act for the Boers and he is willing to take the initiative in or der to popularize his relations with the German people who disapprove his friendship for Great Britain Something apparently is on foot whether Emperor William is in it or not Mr Krugers arrival at The Hague is connected the Daily Express thinks with the rumored peace suggestions GREAT BATTLE WAS E0UGHT And French Trampled Over Moors in Algiers LONDON July 27 A few days ago says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Cadiz a great battle was fought between the French and the Moors near Figuig It was the re sult of the French operations to sub jugate the tribes south of the Atlas mountains and to occupy the oasis of Tafilet The French were victorious The Moors assert that the French gov ernment has 90000 troops on the Moorish border Ov rdose of Strychnine LINCOLN Neb July 27 George Colby a young man of Grand Island took fifteen grains of strychnine and died in less than an hour later in ex cruciating agony Information from his home is to the effect that he was leading a fast life and associating with dissolute characters Condition of tho Treasury WASHINGTON D C July 26 To days statement of the treasuryy bal ances in the general fund exclusive of the 150000000 gold reserve in the division of redemption shows availa ble cash balances 171979820 Gold 98521063 King Receives the Congress LONDON July 26 King Edward received the foreign delegates to the British congress on tuberculosis at Marlborough His majesty briefly ex pressed his keen interest in the con gress and his hopes of fruitful results therefrom Rates for the Grand Army ST LOUIS July 26 In general or ders issued by Commander-in-chief Leo Rassieur of the G A R in regard to the thirty ninth national encamp ment to be held in Cleveland Septem ber 9 to 14 announcement is made that the Central Passenger association has made a rate of one cent a mile to and from Cleveland All other passenger associations east south and west have made rates of one fare and a third for the round trip plus 2 MR LONG WILL HELP ITavy Secretary Pleased to Grant Scaleya Eeuueat for Investigation 0EWEY AND OTHERS E0R COUNCIL Wishes to Give Santiago Oflloer Fairest Possible Hearing The Order Will Be Issned Scon and Become Effective Later WASHINGTON July 23 Secretary Long In accordance with a request from Admiral Schley advised that of ficer that he would order a court of inquiry to examine into the entire matter of Admiral Schleys course in the Santiago naval campaign Later the secretary announced that owing to the extremely hot weather the court would not meet until September and that he would turn over his recep tion room to the court The secretary said It is too hot now and I 3ont be lieve it would be comfortable for of ficers to sit in their heavy full dress uniforms during August I issued an order some time ago dispensing with the wearing of full dress uniforms during a court martial but this case will be so important that every form of official dignity will be observed even to the guard of marines at the door I propose to give the court tho use of the large reception room ad joining my office which is a conveni ent and commodious place Will the sessions of the court be open Unquestionably was the em phatic reply I propose to make that fact very plain It would be a great mistake to have a secret court The country has the right to know all that transpires in the way of testimony of fered Personally I should be very glad to have a court composed of a large number of officers but the naval regulations restrict me to the selec tion of three I hope to name the personnel of the court today and this will give the judge advocate and re corder ample time to prepare a list of witnesses who are to be summoned This list will necessarily be quite lengthy and it will take some little time to assemble the officers here I do not believe that the session of the court will be prolonged because after all a great deal of talk over the Santiago campaign is like the Geniis vapor which can be condensed in a small bottle Will Admiral Schley be allowed to name witnesses Admiral Schley was the reply will be afforded every opportunity for the appearance of all the witnesses he may desire He is also entitled un der the naval regulations to be ren resented by counsel While Secretary Long was not ask ed whether the court of inquiry would be asked to form and submit an opin ion upon the facts disclosed by the investigation it is considered quite probable that this course will be pur sued Unless the order convening the court expressly requires this opinion to be expressed its report must be confined to stating the facts found Wyoming a a Pasture OHAHA July 25 R M Allen president of the Standard Cattle com pany of Ames Neb and also con nected with the beet sugar industry there arrived in Omaha from Wyom ing He said that pasturage there is superb and that the stockmen are taking unusual steps in order to derive the most benefits possible from this fact They are buying in Nebraska all the cheap cattle and are taking them to Wyoming feeding grounds Cnnners Take Precaution MARSHALLTOWN la July 25 Representatives of seventeen Iowa and Nebraska canning factories met here to discuss the situation in view of the protracted dry weather and decid ed to withdraw all price sheets un til they can ascertain the probable shortage of the seasons pick Condition of tho Tronourv WASHINGTON July 25 Todays statement of the treasury balance in the general fund exclusive of the 150000000 gold reserve in the divis ion of redemption shows Available cash balance 16905453S gold 97 401013 Fnneral of Mrs Krnger PRETORIA Tuesday July 23 Mrs Kruger wife of former President Kruger of the South African republic who died Saturday last of pneumonia after an illness of three days was buried here today Root Speaks of the Forts WASHINGTON D C July 25 Secretary Root speaks in high terms of the possibilities of Forts Riley and Leavenworth as posts for military in struction He says Fort Riley is an excellent post for one of the big mil itary camps of instruction and ma neuvers contemplated by congress also that troops to the present capac ity of the quarters at Jefferson bar racks and Forts Itiiey Leavenworth and Sheridan will be retained p r LOOKS LIKE A LONG EIGHT Indications that Strike Ik the Steel SIllli Is to He Allowed to Drift PITTSBURG July 24 The strike presents practically no new situation and it appears as if the contending forces are settling down to a pro tracted struggle While the company at the Wellsvllle mill received the ac cession of a few men from the ranks of the Btrlkers yesterday the number is not yet large enough to justify the mill In starting up in full In the meantime the Amalgamated men are keeping a constant watch on the mill and all the avenues that lead to it Pickets have been thrown out all along the streets and at the railroad stations so that nothing will escape the vigilance of the strikers if the company should bring any new men in At the Dewess Wood mill in Mc Keesport everything is as before From unofficial sources believed to be conversant with the companys plans It is said the management has no in tention of resuming the operation of the plant at present Nevertheless the strikers are wary and evidently do not believe this because they continue to patrol the streets for the purpose of keeping their eyes on anyone going toward the mill Pickets are lined along the streets as well as along the river front and strangers are kindly but firmly asked to show who they are and how it happens they are iD McKeesport NEBRASKA CORN CROP Koporter Loveland Roviows the State by Counties United States Department of Agri culture Nebraska Section Climate and Crop Service of the Weather Bu reau University of Nebraska Lin coln July 24 The past week has been hot and dry The daily mean temperature has averaged 12 degrees above the normal In eastern counties and 9 degrees above in western The maximum temperatures for the week have generally been btween 105 de grees and 110 degrees The rainfall consisted only of a few scattered showers with generally very light fall of rain The past week has been a good one for haying and threshing but a very unfavorable one for corn Early plant ed corn has been practically ruin ed in the southern counties Lato corn planted is quite generally be ginning to tassel very small and is in a critical condition In southern coun ties it has been damaged consider ably and with rain soon would pror duce only a partial crop In northern counties the late planted corn is in better condition although it has suf fered considerably from drouth In many western counties a large per centage of the oats and spring wheat has been cut for hay and in many southern couties a large portion of the oat crop will not be threshed Fruit of all kinds and garden vege tables have been damaged by the drouth Apples and peaches are drop ping badly DR KOCHS LATEST THEORY Bovine Tuberculosis is Not Transmissible to Human System NEW YORK July 24 Prof Koch of Berlin will announce says a Herald dispatch from his discovery that bo vine tuberculosis is not transmissible to the human system The famous bacteriologist in an interview made the statement that he has demonstrat ed that meat and milk tuberculosis in fected cattle may be consumed with absolute immunity Dr Allen F Haight of Chicago the official representative of the American Medical association said If I had not heard Prof Koch quietly an nounce his discovery in private con versation it would have seemed to me absolutely incredible I can only say that Prof Koch is too profound a student and has too much reputation at stake to promulgate such a proposi tion unless convinced of its soundness beyond the shadow of a doubt If he is able to theoretically demonstrate his claim the sanitary systems of the world will be shaken to the very roots The word revolution but faintly expresses what the discovery will pre cipitate Ohio Bryan Democrats CLEVELAND July 24 At a prelim inary meeting here of the leaders of the bolt among the Bryan democrats George A Groot of this city has been chosen as temporary chairman of the state convention to be held at Colum bus July 31 Dr Abner L Davis of Findlay will be the temporary secre tary Fiht to Bitter End CAPETOWN July 24 It is reported that General Delarey has informed the Klerksdorp commando that there is no longer any chance of European intervention and that they must fight the war out to the bitter end Sheet Steel Goes Up NEW YORK July 24 The brokers and jobbers in the sheet steel and galvanized iron trade in this city ad vanced the price of sheet steel 1 cent per pound NEBRASKA Gil lZfT if Stat Military Authorities Still Undecid ed About Location RED DEER LAKE AN IDEAL SPOT Revenue Stamps Must Bo Used on Every 8al of Live Stock An Iowa Boy Makes a Bad Jump Other Nebraska Notes LINCOLN July 24 The state mili tary authorities are still undecided as to a location for the next encampment of the Nebraska National Guard Gen eral Colby and several officers have returned from a trip over the lake re gion of Cherry county and later this week General Colby accompanied by General Barry Colonel Archer and Quartermaster Hill will visit several other places that have been proposed for the encampment among them being Erickson and Seneca Tho place that pleased us most in Cherry county was Red Deer lake said General Colby but the owner re fused to let us use It for the encamp ment It is an ideal spot but of course is now out of the question We could have it in the fall but that would interfere with our plans for an early encampment We visited quite a number of lakes in Cherry county among them Great Alkalai Dewey Wood and Hackberry but none of them suited us as well as the Red Deer lake I am prepared to announce that the encampment will be of ten days dura tion and that it will be held between the 7th and 20th of September The exact date has not been determined but tho announcement is made now so as to give ample time for officers and men to arrange their business to avoid a conflict of duties and to enable all to be present Stamps on Every Sale SOUTH OMAHA July 24 Collector of Internal Revenue Stephenson has a communication from Commissioner Yerkes at Washington of especial in terest to live stock commission men Recently a South Omaha commission firm protested against paying revenue on sales which it made of stock bought on speculation setting forth that when the stock is first sold the commission men to whom the sale is made attach revenue stamps to the value of 1 cent per 100 which tax is paid by the ship per To compel them to pay a like tax on a reselling of the same lot of stock the speculators say is double taxa tion and illegal It has been decided that there must be stamps on every sale Nebraska at Washington WASHINGTON July 24 The comp troller of the currency has declared a sixth dividend of 5 per cent in favor of the creditors of the First National bank of Neligh Neb making in all Co per cent on claims proved amounting to 9701409 Dr Y R Butler has been appointed a pension examining surgeon at Beav er City Dr W E Paxton at Sidney and Dr C E Coppers at Ord Neb Rural free delivery service will be established on September 2 as follows Bennett Lancaster county Neb with one carrier length of route 24 miles population served 520 carrier Bernard Pierson Burglar at Table Rf ck TABLE ROCK Neb July 24 Bur glars gained access to the hardware store of Anton Kovanda and stole some pocket knives and razors They gained entrance by cutting out one of the panels in the rear door They also en tered the store of W L Taylor gen eral merchandise by prying up a win dow in the rear of the store but as nothing was missed it is supposed they were frightened away It is prob ably the work of the amateurs Deputy Gaire Wnrd n LINCOLN July 24 Governor Sav age has appointed the following dep uty game wardens to serve without compensation Grant E Peterson of Ponca for Dixon county Otto F L Herse of West Point for Cuming county S F Woodward of Boelus for Howard county Wheeler County Report LINCOLN July 24 The belated re port of the clerk of Wheeler county regarding valuation of property for taxation was received at the auditors office The total assessed valuation is 31446259 as against 298000 for last year Thieves Cancht In a Store MEAD Neb July 24 Three bur glars were discovered in the store of C Ostenberg Son by Herb Edwards who sleeps over the store Edwards slipped downstairs and aroused Mar shal Gilchrist Henry Ostenberg and others and they surprised the visitors Several shots were fired by both sides but the robbers succeeded in getting away None of the citizens weie hurt but one of the burglars received a charee of buckshot THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations From South Omaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA Cattle There wjih not a heavy run of cattle and as packers all scorned to want a few the market did not show much change even though Chicago was report ed weak to a dime lower There were about fifty car of beef steers In the yards and buyers started In fairly earlv and cattle began moving toward tho scales at prices that looked steady to a shade lower than yesterday There were not very many cows and heifers on sal and the market was active and just about steady till around Buyers seemed to want the stuff and as a result It was not long before tho pons were cleared Bulls calves and stags also sold In Just about yesterdays notches Tho better grades were In nctlvo demand but tho commoner kinds were a little draggy the same as usual There was not what might be called an active stacker and feeder mar ket The demand from the country show ed oIte a falling on and speculators car ried over quite a few cattle For that reason they were not liberal buyers Hogs There was another generous sup ply of hogs but the market opened In good season active and Just about n nickel higher on tho good hogs Packer Seemed to have liberal orders and It wit not long before the hulk of the offerings was out of first hands Oood mixed hogi sold very largely at 172 and 573 The choicer loads and heavier weights brought 377i and from that on up to C0 which Is the highest price paid on this market In some time The lighter weights were neglected the same ns has been the ease for some time The last end of the market was rather slow and the advance was largely lost Sheep There were quite a few sheep In sight but the trains were late In arriv ing and for that reason the market was slow In getting started When the sheep lid come in they had to be stored which made the market ail the later in opening Thp demand however on the part of packers was in good shape and when the sheep did begin to change hands just about steady prices were paid for any thing at all desirable Lambs were also in good request where the quality was satisfactory The demand for feeders showed no signs of Improving KANSAS CITY Cattle Native beef steers KMilc high er Texans strong cows and heifers steady stockers and feeders lower choice export and dressed beef steers 3T 5j373 fair to good 15347463 stockers and feeders 3G077173 western fed steers 140 030 western range steers 350iM23 Texans and Indians 3C0Tf l2J Texas cows 2WH3Ai native cows 5231X7 123 heifers 230fMS3 canners 175f7210 bulls 223f7423 calves 23011473 Hogs Market 3c higher top bulk of sales 37K7S0O heavy SGXX 012 mixed packers nGX7Cfl0 Sheep and Lambs Sheep steady lambs easy at I0X7300 wethers 323 100 ewes 273fi523 western range sheep 321 C3S0 EULATE COMMENDS SCHLEY Vizcayas Commander Says Brooklyns Loop Was Proper NEW YORK July 27 Captain Eu late who commanded the Vizcaya at Santiago in a cabled reply to a request from the Journal and Advertiser as to his opinion of Rear Admiral Schleys maneuvers in the battle of Santiago says As a gentleman I cant appreciate any maneuvers of the Brooklyn in the battle on the 3rd of July in front of Santiago as an act of cowardice This maneuver considering the posi tion of the other American ships which were attacking the Vizcaya by the stern and quarter was a proper one Iowa Census Statistics WASHINGTON July 27 The cen sus bureau today issued a bulletin showing the school militia and voting population of the states of Iowa and Kansas and the Indian Territory x ollowing is a summary of the state ment Iowa Children of school age 769 870 of which 245G2 are foreign born and 4085 colored 387930 are male and 379940 female Males of militia age 475760 of which 79559 are foreign uorn and 3520 colored males of vot ing age 635298 including 158025 for eign born and 4633 colored Mr Bryan on Iniporiallym CHICAGO July 27 While here to day William J Bryan who is working home after a long tour of the east and south said Imperialism is still the great issue between the two political parties The tariff to be sure is a great subject But to my mind heart disease is a more serious malady than stomach ache Threshing Outilt Bnrnecl WYMORE Neb July 27 The threshing outfit of P P Dunn was destroyed by fire of incendiary origin near Holmesville Bloodhounds were sent for but on account of the large crowd that had already visited the place the dogs were unable to do any thing Horatio J Sprague United States consul at Gibraltar and the oldest conul in the American service died there Rock Islands New Air Line KANSAS CITY Mo July 27 The Times says The Rock Island railroad has been at work for some time pre paring for the building of a line be tween Kansas City and Topeka The survey was recently completed and an entrance to Kansas City has been ar ranged by the purchase of land for several miles west of here on the north side of the Kansas river The management expects to have the line completed during the present year a V 1 X A