The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 02, 1901, Image 5

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1 1
To Savis Her Child
lVom frightful disfigurement Mrs Nannie
G lllecar of LaGrangcGa applied Huckluns
Arnica Salve to great sores on her head and
1 faceantl write sits quick work exceeded all her
hopes It works wonders in sores bruises
Skin eruption cuts hurn scalds and piles
25c Cure jiiaranteed by McConncll Berry
Hnvo You Seen It
We keep Dr Cadwells Syrup Pepsin in
plain view but if you dont happen to see it
why nsk for it The manufacturers guarantee
it to cure dvspepia and all forms of stomach
troubles Sold by A McMillen
No one knows the unbearable torture the
peculiar and agonizing pain caused by piles
unless they have suffered from them Many
believe them incurable This is a mistake
Proper treatment will cure them Tablers
Buckeye Pic ointment is an infallible cure
Price 50 cts in bottles tubes 75 cts A Mc
The beauty thief has come to stay
Unless you drive the pimples and black
heads away
Do this dont look like a fright
Take Rocky Mountain Tea tonight
Asl your druggist
A free and easy expectoration is produced
by a few doses of Ballards 1 Iorehound Syrup
in all cases of hoarseness sore throat or dif
ficulty of breathing Price 25 and 50 cts A
saro Always reliable lntllc ask Druggist for
GoIt metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Talio no other IteftiMt rimicerouN Milti
tutionxnml lmiitioiiH liuyof yourDruggist
or send ic in stamps for Particular Tenti
iunnlalH and Keller Tor Ladle in letter
bv return Mall 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
2100 MadiHon Square IIIIIA PA
Mention thin paper
huv a v
antcc DrICavsKenovator
53 ti piim ili tnpnci
pation liver and kidneys Best tonic laxative
blood punller 1 mwn for all chronic diseases
renovates and invigorates the whole system and
cures very worst casc Get trial box at once
If not satisfied with it notify us we will refund
money by return mail Write your symptoms
for Free Medirnl AUlco sample and proof 25
50c at druggists lr ISJ5 Kay Saratoga NY
A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed
with a gallon of
makes 2 gallons of the very best Paint
in the world
of yourpaint bill Is TAB MORE durable than
Ppre White Lead and is absolutely not Poi
sonous Hammar Paint is made of the best op
paint materials such as all good painters use
and is ground thick very thick No trouble to
mix any boy can do it It is the common Sensb
of House Paint No better paint can be made
at any cost and is
kot to Crack Blister Peel or Chip
Sold and guaranteed by
3 Or
jCURES all Kidney
mseascs xuuh
aclic etc At drug
pists or by mail
vi Free boob Z ad-
vice etc of Dr B J Kay Saratoga 1
Sold by Lonr and McMillen
What a Tale it Tells
If that mirror of yours shows a wretchedi
sallow complexion a jaundiced look moth
patches and blotches on the skin its liver
trouble but Dr Kinds New Lite pills recu
late the liver purify the blood jive clear skin
rosy cheeks rich complexion Only 25c at
McConnell Berrys drug store
This is an Advertisement
for laxative Dr Cald
If you are looking a
wells Syrup Pepsin is IT The convenience
and m rit of this valuable remedy will be ex
plained to your satisfaction by A McMillen
Tf i - nf vnnr hnwels is not easv and
1 regular serious complications must be the
final result DeWitts Little Early Risers will
remove this danger Safe pleasant and ef
fective McConnell Berry
James White Hryantsville Ind says De
Witts Witch Hazel Salve healea running
v sores on both legs He had sufjered for six
Ayears Doctors failed to help him Get De
Witts accept no imitation McConnell cc
The President
of the American Federation of Labor Union
8215 says I am using your Dr Caldwell
Syrup Pepsin myself and in my family and
find it does lots of gooll Yours truly Geo L
Campbell Clinton Iowa
Sold by A McMillen
Blotches and excresences which so often
bother people are simply efforts of nature to
throw off impediments to the proper perform
ance of her duties Herbine will aid and
assist nature in her work and ensure a snin
clear and beautiful entirely free from all im
perfections Price 50 cts A McMillen
What most people want is something mild
and gentle when in need of a physic Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the
bill to a dot They are easy to take anil
pleasant in effect For sale by McConnell
Cools Comforts and Heals the Skin Enabling
the Most Tender Face to Enjoy a Close
Shave Without Unpleasant Results
Avoid dangerous irritating Witch
Hazel preparations represented to be
the same as PONDS EXTRACT
which easily sour and generally contain
wood alcohol a deadly poison
Only SO Cents
o make your baby strong and V
- well A fiity cent bottle of
- n do
tvi change a Jicidy baby to
j a plump romping child
i Only one cent a day ihink
of it Its as nice as cream
Send for a free sample and try it
409 415 Pearl Street New York
J 50c and 100 all druggists
Tribune Clubbinf List
For convenience ot readers of The Tkib
UNE we have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with The
Tribune at the following very low prices
publication price
Detroit Free Press 1 00 Si 50
Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00
Prairie Farmer 100 175
Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 35
Cincinnati Enquirer 100 150
New York Tribune I 00 1 25
Demorests Magazine I 00 1 75
Toledo Blade 100 125
Nebraska Farmer 100 150
Iowa Homestead 1 00 I 45
Lincoln Journal J 00 I 75
Campbells Soil Culture 100 150
New York World 1 00 I 65
Omaha Bee 100 ISO
Cosmopolitan Magazine I 00 1 So
St Louis Republic 100 175
Kansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to Date Farmer 50 125
Kansas City Journal weekly 25 1 15
Kansas City Journal daily 4 00 4 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Tribune McCook Neb
I In every town i
L and village
JggP may be had
ft k Mica
1 that makes your j
3 horses glad 1
Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated March 7th 1901 and
duly filed in tho office of tho County Clerk of
Red Willow County Nebraska on the 5th day
of July 1901 executed by A C Bice to S M
Cochran fc Co to secure the payment of the
sum of sixteen dollars and upon which there is
now due the sum of twelve dollars and thirty
cents with interest at ten per cent from date
default having been made in the payment of
said sum and no suit or other proceedings at
law having been instituted to recover said debt
or any part thereof therefore I will sell the
property therein described viz One Luster
Cook Stove No 8 20 at public auction at the
front door of S M Cochran Cos Store Build
ing on Dennison Street in the City of McCook
County of Red Willow and State of Nebraska
on Saturday the 3rd day of August 1901 at
the hour of two oclock p m on said day
S M Cochran fc Co Mortgagee
Dated July 9th 1901
B M Meat Market
The Best of Everything Kept
For Sale in a First
Class Market
Poultry of All Kinds Bought
E3aMarket now open and ready for
business Your patronage respectfully
Where the digestion is good and the gen
eral powers of the system in a healthy state
worms can find no habitation in the hjman
body Whites Cream Vermifuge not only
destroyes every worm but corrects all derange
ments of the digestive organs Price 75 cts
A McMillen
Ballards Snow Liniment gives instant relief
in cases of bleeding burns bruises scalds
cuts etc Price 25 and 50 cts A McMillen
Her Own Selection
Through oceans of remnants and rib
tons the pulling big woman towed the
uiitik little man
What In the world shall I send her
John she blustered Come suggest
something that would please Aunt Bet
sy Something Inexpensive Why
dont you Kay something
Stationery books or workliozes
suggested the meek little man
Nothing of the kind You couldnt
select a wc sent for the ashman I
will look at some of those fancy boxes
of soap
They were before the soap counter
and she had her finger on an elaborate
box containing six round cakes of
white soap
Fancy and perfumed she aid
lifting a cake The very thing that
would please her the most You may
wrap that up miss
But my dear protested the meek
little man
You just keep quiet I dont care
for any suggestions from a person
without taste
Keep quiet John Tenbrook
It seemed as if her voice had pene
trated every corner of the great stoic
and the little man shrank away in mot
Well John what did she say about
the little gift Something nice I
She returned it
Yes you will find a note in the box
She unfolded the missive and read
Niece I return the box of shaving
soap I am a little too old to appreciate
the joke of being called the Bearded
Lady Your Aunt Betsy Chicago
Fnte of Old Overcoats
Where do the old overcoats go is a
query that is a natural successor to the
old ritfdle Where do the flies go In
winter The old overcoats jeem
somehow to fade away no one knows
just how The overcoat starts its ca
reer on the back of its owner who paid
45 for it It keeps him warm and
shelters him from cold winds and from
storms until it commences to get fray
ed at the edges and the pockets are
torn down the sides Then the owner
uses the coat for rainy days only and
no more does he take it to call on his
fiancee or to recline on the back of a
chair while he is reading at the club
He keeps it another summer and the
moths get into it and when he takes it
out in the fall it has holes here and
there So the owner gives it to the
janitor if the janitor is not a cold
haughty man and the janitor wears it
awhile until his wife gives it to the
tramp who wheeled out the three bar
rels of ashes The tramp wears it until
the old coat commences to fall opart
Then lie gives it to another tramp and
it falls apart still more And then
some day the coat has entirely disap
The coat just simply faded away
Thats all anybody knows about it
Chicago Tribune
Tryliifir o Keep Ont
A sick man who was really near to
death could not resist the temptation to
have a little fun with his spiritual ad
viser He had a lingering malady but
his days were certainly numbered by a
few weeks at the most He had not
been known as a man of strong reli
gious convictions and yet there was
little if anything which could be said
against him It was one of those deli
cate esses in which it is hard for the
minister to do anything Some one
suggested to Rev Paul Weyand then
stationed at Morningside that he make
a call upon the patient
Going to the house he found the man
propped up in bed to relieve a smcthbr
ing sensation The sick man could
scarcely talk above a whisper and Rev
Mr Weyand began to make subtle in
quiries about his spiritual welfare
The invalids answers were all non
committal and evasive and finally In
despair the pastor asked
Do you really want to go to heaven
Mr Blank
Do I want to go to heaven repeat
ed the dying man in a hoarse whisper
Why thats the place Ive been fight
ing so hard to keep out of for the last
two years Pittsburg News
Met on a Screen
One of the happiest uses served by
that wonderful and many named In
vention the moving picture machine
appears in a story told in the London
Music Hall
A party of gentlemen were watch
ing the pictures when in one of the
South African scenes they recognized
an officer friend The wife of the
officer on being told of this wrote to
the manager and asked that this pic
ture might be put on on a certain
evening when she would purposely
journey from Glasgow
She had not seen her husband for
over a year but at last observed him
In a group on the screen of a cine
Too Strons ri Temptation
Yes George asked me how ol 3 1
would Be on my next birthday
The impudent fellow Of course
you said 19
No I said 25
Mercy girl you aint bnt 24
No but George Is going to give me
a cluster ring with a diamond in it for
very year Cleveland Plain Dealer
First Need
What ten books would you take If
you had to pass the rest of your life
on a desert island
Oh 1 wouldnt take books at all
Id take things to eat Exchange
A federal union of vegetarian socie
ties exists in London London has a
vegetarian hospital with 20 beds in
connection with it
The IJcerH isycii
A Canadian hunter tells tlSs incident
of bew he once came face to face with
his quarry and hadnt the heart to
fire It wasnt a case of buck fever
such as a novice might experience for
I had been a hunter for many years
anci had killed a good many deer This
was a particularly line buck that I had
followed for three days A strong man
can run any deer to earth in time and
nt last I had my prey tired out From
tho top of a hill I sighted him a few
miles away lie had given up the
fight and had stretched himself out
on the snow As I stalked him he
changed his position and took shelter
behind a bowlder and using the same
bowlder for a shelter I came sud
denly face to face with him lie
didnt attempt to run away but stood
there looking at mo with the most
piteous pair of eyes I ever saw
Shoot I could have no more shot
him than I could have shot a child
Ilad the chance come from a distance
of 100 yards I would have shot him
dovn and carried his antlers home in
triumph but once having looked into
hose eyes it would have been nothing
less than murder I have hunted deer
since then but I find the sport affords
me little pleasure Whenever I draw
a bead the picture of those mute ap
pealing eyes comes before me and
though it has not prevented me from
pulling the trigger I have always felt
glad somehow when my bullet failed
to find its iiirk Washington Post
Ho iv IjWlinnninns Piny Dice
A peculiar dice game is indulged in
by the gambling element of Lithua
nians in Baltimore
Gathering about the dice tables in
the saloons kept by their fellow coun
trymen they quickly lose all interest in
everything outside of that which is
transpiring upon the cloth before them
As they sit or stand about the tables
the careworn features of old men con
trast strongly with the ruddy faces of
the youths The eagerness with which
the players seek the numbers upon the
falling pieces is wolfish in its intensity
Comparatively small sums are placed
upon the game and side bets run from
5 cents to 1
Although resembling In the manner
in which it is operated the high dice
game as played by the Anglo Saxon
races the dice of the Lithuanians in
stead of numbering from 1 to G run
from 1 to 10 the numbering of
the six sides being 1 2 3 4 S 10 The
game is played with four pieces and a
possible 40 is the point striven for in
stead of 24 which is high mark in the
similar American game Baltimore
A Fiend Collector Snubbed
Collectors of autographs postcards
etc are not always conscious of the
importunacy of their demands and the
following anecdote which comes from
Triest gives a striking example of
their failins and of the humorous way
No one knows how or when in wuicu tue intended victim treated
j his tormentor An Italian painter re-
ceived a letter in the following terms
j Dear Sir I should like to ask you a great favor
and hope you will excuse the liberty I take I
am making a collection of painted postcards and
should feel myself hiphly flattered if you would
kindly send me one with a little picture painted
on it by yourself It will certainly be the most
treasured card of my collection as I should be
able to say that you were one of the first to honor
me in this way Hoping to receive one I beg to
thank you in advance
The artist replied
Dear Sir I should like to ask you a great favor
and hope you will excuse the liberty I take I
am making a collection of thousand franc notes
and should feel myself highly flattered if you
would kindly send me one It will certainly be
the most highly treasured thousand franc note of
my collection as I should be able to say that you
were one of the first to honor me in this way
Hoping to receive one I beg to thank you in ad
Bread and Cheese
A couple advanced in years got mar
ried lately
The husband had a room in the house
securely locked the inside of which his
wife had never seen and being curi
ous as to its contents she begged again
and again to see the room
At last he consented and lo and
behold the room was full of whole
He explained matters by telling her
that for every sweetheart he had in his
young days he bought a cheese
His wife began to cry
Dont cry dear he continued Ive
had no sweetheart since I met you
Its not that she replied still sob
bing I only wish I had been as
thoughtful as you and bought a loaf
of bread for every man that kissed me
We could have had bread and cheese
enough to last us all our days Lon
don Tit Bits
Wlieels and Wheels
The woman who had been abroad
was describing some of the sights of
her trip to her friends But what
pleased me as much as anything she
continued was the wonderful clock
at Btrassburg
Oh how I should love to see it
gushed the girl in pink I am so in
terested in such things And did you
see the celebrated watch on the Rhine
too Kansas City Star
Remembered Whole Books
Walter Savage Landor carried his
library in his head When he had read
a book he always gave it away on
principle having as he said observed
that with such a purpose in his mind
he was sure to retain of a book all
that was worth keeping In his old
age Landor was furious if he did not
at once remember any passage of a
book or any name or date
Forever Settled
She I tell you the moral superior
ity of woman is recognized in the
language itself There isnt any femi
nine for rascals is there
He Of course not but thats be
She Thats because there are no
feminine rascals Chicago Tribune
vy i
Wash Dress Good
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans It is the latest discovered digest
anfc sad tonic No other preparation
a pproach it in efficiency It in
ly relieves and permanently cures
jepsia Indigestion Heartburn
ittulence Sour Stomach Nausea
SicK Headache GastralgiaCrampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion
Price 30c and 1 Large size contains 2H times
small size Book all about dyspepsia mailed ree
Prenared by E C DeVlTT a CO Chleaao
McConnell Berry Druggists
iUflfrw MMIM
mMiiTirinimmM 7
j fc ylMfcl S bSrSSb
fcstiBani Sssa
Shirt Waists Embroideries
We have divided the greater part of our
wash dress goods into 3 lots comprising
Ginghams Lawns Swisses Dimities
Mercerized Stripes etc which we will
close out at the following extremely low
Lot iQoods worth 7 8 to 10 cts
per yard sale price 5 1 2 cts
Lot 2Goods worth 12 1 2 15 and
18 cts per yd sale price 11 1 2
Ladies Shirt Waists worth 50c to 65c
sale price 39c All 75c 90c and 1
Waists 69c All 2 to 250 waists
PI 5
1 Lot Silk and Satin Waists Marked
5 5 50 6 and 650 now 350
I Lot Embroideries at about half price
Lot3Goods worth 20 22 1 2 and
30 cts per yd sale price 17 1 2
fe bQsA caVttirra
M jlt -
1 1 JS2
Every man his
own Judge
The Sole of Honor
Selz Royal Blue
350 shoe for men will
please you and others who
sec you wearing it
To wear Royal Blue is evidence of respect
ability it shows good taste and good sense
It is the most shoe satisfaction at the smallest
price for which a good stylish high class shoe
can be bought
Made by Selz Schwab Co Chicago the largest manufacturers ol
good shoes in the world
All shapes and styles all kinds olgood Si Z LC
leathers in black and tan at one price P rHr
For sale by C L DeGroff Sc Co
This perfect cherry seeder does not crush the cherry or cause any loss of juice A
practical machine for large small or California cherries The seed extractms knife
drives seed into one dish and actually throws the cherry into another The marks of the
knife can scarcely be seen on the seeriea fniit Seeds from 20 to 30 quarts per hour
Ask your dealer for it If he cvnnot furnish we will send it anywhere in the U S
express prepaid on receipt of For further information write to the manufacturers
The McCook Tribune
McCook Transfer Line
J H DWYER Proprietor
25gTJSpecial attention paid to
hauling furniture Leave orders
at either lumber yard