fk IMMfc fnbnm By F M K1MMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican County Convention Tho Itopublicuns of Red Willow county are hereby requested to send delegates to tho Re publican county convention to bo hold at In dinnola on Tuesday Auust 20 1001 at 11 oclock a in for tho purposo of electing 13 delegates to tho state convention and placing jn nomination a county ticket as follows Ono County Surveyor Ono County Coroner Ono County Judge Ono County Superintendent One County Sheriff Ono County Clerk Ono County Treasurer Ono County Commissioner for the Third dis trict and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before tho con vention Tho various precincts aro entitled to representation based tipon the voto cast for presidential electors at to tho last election together with two dolegates at largo from each precinct as follows Alliance 5 Beaver C Rondvillc 4 Bos Elder 4 Coleman 4 Daubury 5 Driftwood t Enst Valley 7 Fritch 4 Gerver 4 Grant 4 Indianola 8 Lebanon b Missouri Ridgo I North Valley 5 Perry 4 Rod Willow 5 Tyrone 4 Valley Grange 5 Willow Grovo 1st pre 1st ward W 2d pre 1st ward 12 1st pre 2d ward 9 2d pre 2d ward 9 And for tho purpose of selecting delegates to this convention tho committee recommends that primnry elections be held in each precinct on Friday August 16 1901 at such hour and place as tho various piocinct committeemen may name C F Babcock C B Geay Secretary Chairman COUNTr CENTKAL COMMITTEE Alliance D L Beaman Beaver Wm Hiorsokorn Bondville Charles Skalla Box Elder Mahlon Campbell Coleman Wm Sharp Danbury Frank Gockloy Driftwood C T Eller East Valley - Samuel Clark Fritsch C M Goben Gerver 1 Frank Lofton Grant Ira Peterson Indianola Dr A W Hoyt Lebanon H E Waugh Missouri Ridge John BFisher North Valley A H McElroy Perry Chas Harman Red Willow Wm Sexson Tyrone J C Moore Valley Grange A D Johnston WILLOW GKOVE First Ward 1st pre A Barnett First Ward 2nd pro CBGray Second Ward 1st pre F M Rathbun Second Ward 2nd pre Rufus Carlton DRIFTWOOD A caucus of the Republican voters of Drift wood precinct will be hold in tho Frederick school house August 16th six oclock p m to elect five delegates to the Republican county convention Indianola August 20th 1901 and to transact any other proper business C T Elleh Committeeman COLEMAN Tho Republican voters of Coleman precinct will meet in tho Coleman school house August 16th 1901 two oclock p m for tho purpose of electing four delegates to the Republican county convention at Indianola August 20th 1901 and for tho transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the caucus William Siiabi Committeeman BONDVILLE A Republican caucus for Bondville precinct will bo held at J H Warfields on Friday Au gust lfith 1901 at 230 p m to select four dele gates to the Republican county convention to be held in Indianola Tuesday August 20th and for tho transaction of such other business as may come properly before the caucus Ciiables Skalla Committeeman PEEET Perry precinct Republicans will caucus in the district 63 school house Friday evening August 16th at 7 oclock for the purpose of selecting four delegates to the Republican county conven tion Indianola August 20th and for the trans action of such other proper business as may come before tho caucus C H Haeman Committeeman grant The Republican voters of Grant precinct will caucus in the Banksville school house on the evening of Saturday August 17th at nine o clock for tho purpose of selecting four dele gates to the Republican county convention Indianola August 20th and to transact such other business as may properly come before the caucus H I Peterson Committeman The August magazine number of The Outlook in addition to six or eight un usually strong articles dealing with edu cational topics contains another illus trated installment of Jacob A Riiss The Making of an American the continuation of The Man from Glen garry by Ralph Connor author of Black Rock and The Sky Pilot a richly illustrated account of a visit to Sienkiewicz the Polish novelist by Louis E VanNorman full page portraits of the late John Fiske Governor Taff of the Philippines and others 3 a year The Outlook Company 2S7 Fourth Ave nue New York At the meat market of D C Marsh you will find a very desirable combina tion for the careful judicious buyer the best quality at the most reasonable 3rice Machine and cylinder oils at S Cochran Cos M Choice mutton at the B M meat jnarket Telephone 14 CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational -Sunday-school at 10 a in Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening No uiorning or evening ser vice W J TURNER Pastor Christian Bible school at io a m Endeavor 730 p in Prayer meeting and Bible Study Wednesday eveniug Communion service every Sunday Baptist Usual Sunday school ser vices at eleven and prayer meeting on Vednesday evening at eight No preaching services Geo L White Pastor Methodist Sunday school 10 a m Junior League at 4 p in Epworth League 7 Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p 111 Morning subject Judas Is cariot Evening subject Diseased Religion L M Grigsby Pastor Episcopal Services during summer Sunday school at 10 Evening prayer and sermon every Sunday at 8 oclock Sunday morning service also Friday evening Litany discontinued until fur ther notice Holy communion to be an nounced Howard Stoy Rector Rev W J Turner and family de parted Tuesday night for their outing in Colorado Rev and Mrs J W Walker departed from McCook last Saturday morning They will make Kearney their head quarters at present Elder White the Adventist traveling missionary from Lincoln has concluded his services and taken down his tents for service elsewhere Rev W J Turner was called down to Indianola Tuesday to conduct services over the remains of Mrs James McClung Sr one of the old settlers and citizens of that place Rev L M Grigsby went down to Bloomington Wednesday night to assist in a camp meeting which opened at that point on Thursday evening He will return to hold services here both morn ing and evening next Sunday He will be absent at Bloomington all next week but will hold the usual services on the following Sunday an Cost a Million Dollars Lead S D July 28 Special It is reported here that the price paid for the Black Hills Fort Pierre railroad by the Burlington company was about a million dollars Yesterday 150 section were put to work on the Fort Pierre road between Englewood and this city and the third rail will be put on as rapidly as possible For the present the Burl ington company will run all of the trains over the Black Hills Fort Pierre road according to the same old schedule The passenger trains will make connec tions with the Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley road at Piedmont and this will be kept up until the Burlington company sees the need of a change General Manager G W Holdrege of the Burlington system states that yet this year the Deadwood Central narrow gauge road between this city and Dead wood will be operated by electricity Trains will be run every twenty minutes instead of every hour as at present Pressure is being brought to bear with the city council of this city to grant the Burlington company the franchiss for the right of way through MLiu street for B extension of the Decuwood Central oad It is the pjvii of the Burlington company to njcjve the Fort Pierre pas senger depotto a point more in the cen ter of tbc city and use it for a union depotfor both the Deadwood Central and iWt Pierre lines The purchase of the Fort Pierre road was first thought of by J L Bentley the Burlington com- mercial agent of Deadwood Lincoln Journal See Yellowstone Park in August August s the best month in the year to make a trip through Yellowstone Park and the last half of the month is better than the first The climate is perfect The Middle West may be sweltering with heat but Yellowstone Park is as cool as cool can be It could hardly be otherwise for it is Sooo feet above the level of the sea and completely surrounded by snow capped peaks Write to J Francis general passen ger agent Burlington Route Omaha Neb for folder giving full information about the Park It contains a large map of the Park as well as a description of the principal points 01 interest Excursion rates daily ask the ticket agent about them General Office Comes to Omaha The Burlington will soon move its general office of the supply department from Plattsmouth to Omaha as a matter of expediency in handling the business W Josselyn chief of the department is in the city today Monday for the pur pose of making the arrangements and he expects to make the transfer about September 1 The supply department proper will be retained at Plattsmouth but the business will be transacted from this point Mr Josselyn will bring a force of twelve men here who will take up quarters in the new headquarters building when it is completed Omaha News It isnt the Cooks Fault It isnt your Grocers Fault that the bulk coffee you just purchased turns out to be differ ent from the same kind bought before Coffee purchased in bulk is sure to vary The sealed package in which LION COFFEE is sold insures uniform flavor and strength It also keeps the coffee fresh and insures absolute purity NORTH COLEMAN Mrs II K Bixler has had fine success with herineubator District 74 is going to have frame school house a new G II Simmermart and R Traphagen threshed their wheat going 1 bushel to the acre M H Cole is trying to cut up corn with a binder and thinks he will be successful Mrs Wm Shinsel and children are sojourning with her parents Mr and Mrs G II Simmerman Wayne Cramer Harry Groves Aug ust and Fritz Coppel have gone near North Platte to make hay Ed and Harry Shepherd took the contract to put up 1000 tons of hay in the northern part of the state I B Stryker lost 2 cows and a yearl ing by their accidentally getting on a cane patch R Traphagen lost a cow in the same way No rain for 6 weeks still in spite of this and hot weather most of the corn is still green and there will be a little corn if we get rain inside of a week as the prophets say Mrs Nellie Lepper had a quilting party which some from this neighbor hood attended Mrs L please extend your invitations a little farther to the north Geo Perry and Elmer Shepherd John and Roy Stryker Ray Peterson and Charley Campbell have gone to Chey enne county in response to a call for workers in the hay field COLEMAN Roy Coleman sold a fat hog Monday M II Cole has bought a team and a colt II B Wales was in McCook Monday with eight fat hogs M H Cole took twenty one fat hogs to McCook Monday Mrs H B Wales entertained her daughter Mrs R E Divine Tuesday Miss Grace and Harry Colo and Roy Coleman saw the Indians whoop the McCook ball team Wednesday There will be preaching at the Cole man school house next Sunday at oclock fast time by Rev L M Grigsby of the First M E church of McCook Miss Isa Dwire of Taos N M daughter of Rev I W Dvvire who formerly lived in McCook and was pas tor of the M E church was visiting her relatives here last week Mr and Mrs M H Cole Bab J These are sweet words but how rru h pain and suffering they used to mean Its different now Since Mothers Friend has become known expectant mothers have been spared much of the anguish of ch id birth Mothers Friend is a liniment to be applied externally It is rubbed thoroughly into the muscles of the abdomen It gives elasticity and strength and vhen the final great strain comes they respond quickly and easily without pain Mothers Friend is never taken internally Internal remedies at this time do more harm than good If a woman is supplied with this splendid lini ment she need never fear rising or swelling breasts morning sickness or any of the discomforts which usually accompany preg nancy The proprietor of a large hotel in Tampa Fla writes My wife had an awful time with her first child During her second pregnancy Mothers Friend was used and the baby was born easily before the doctor arrived Its certainly great Get Alothers Friend at the drugstore 51 per bottle THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga Write for our free illustrated book Before I3ab7 Is Born POSTP MEDICAL ADVICE Write us rnEiEi all your symptoms Renovating the system is the onlv safe and sure method of cur ins all Chronic Diseases Dr Kays Renovator is the only perfect system renovator Free sam ples and book Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y Sold by Loar and McMillen 0- An Abbreviation A colonel of a British regiment In South Africa whowas repairing a rail road after one of General Dc Wets many breakages discovered a fine emp ty house which he proceeded to occu py as headquarters When the news of the colonels com fortable quarters reached Blocmfon tein he received a telegram which read G T M wants house The colonel was unable to make out what G T M meant and inquired of officers who translated It general traffic manager All right said the colonel If he can use hieroglyphics so can I So he wired back G T M can G T H Two days later he received a dis patch from Bloemfontein ordering him to attend a board of inquiry On ap pearing in due course he was asked what he meant by sending such an in sulting message to a superior officer Insulting1 repeated the colonel in nocently It was nothing of the kind But what do you mean demanded his superior by telling me I can G T H It was simply an abbreviation re plied the colonel G T M general traffic manager can G T II get the house The Tobacco Tante Even the best judges of tobacco cant always be depended on remark ed a dealer to a reporter recently Sometimes their taste goes back on them so to speak and remains blunt ed for a week at a stretch One of my customers for instance is a well to do merchant who Is very particular about his cigars and ono of the few real con noisseurs in town When he Is in good form he can tell more about to bacco on a superficial examination than anybody I know with the single exception of a dealer who has a big reputation as an expert About a month ago this gentleman began to complain about a favorite brand of very high class cigars I knew the goods were all right and advised him to buy something else for awhile He finally began smoking a pipe and used a cheap cut plug that he declared was the best smoke he ever tried One day all of a sudden his taste return ed and he went back to the cigars At present the bare smell of cut plug will make him sick Strange isnt it They tell me that the professional sam plers of tobacco take a week off every few months and never look at the weed until they return to duty In that way they keep in condition Washington Star Taplocn This elegant and delicate starch is the product of a plant that is culti vated very extensively in the Malay peninsula where its culture is almost entirely in the hands of the Chinese The tubers of the plant Manihot util lsima which weigh on an average from 10 to 23 pounds are first scraped and then carefully washed after which they are reduced to a pulp by being passed between rollers This pulp is carefully washed and shaken up with abundance of water until the felcula separates and passes through a very fine sieve into a tub placed beneath The flour so obtained is repeatedly washed and then placed on mats and bleached by exposure to the sun and air It is finally converted into the pearl tapioca of commerce by being placed in a crude shaped frame cov ered with canvas It is slightly moist ened and subjected to a rotary motion by which means it is granulated It is next dried in the sun and finally over the fire in an iron pan greased with vegetable tallow and is then ready for the market Wlien Booth Laughed William Mestayer the comedian once said I never saw Edwin Booth laugh heartily but once We were playing Julius Ccesar at Baldwins In Frisco Booth was Brutus McCullough was Cassius Harry Edwards was Ciesar and Charley Bishop and I were plain everyday citizens It was the last night of the run and we all felt frisky So when Caesar spoke the well known line Let me have men about mo that are fat Bishop and I both fat men walked boldly up to Casar and shook him heartily by the hand It broke Booth all up and he laughed outright Xo Difference Perceptible Jones Very stupid girl that Miss Wilpin Smith How so Why you see we were guessing conundrums the other evening and I asked her what was the difference be tween myself and a donkey Well Well Why by Jove she said she didnt know Well as far as that goes I dont ei ther London Answers He Had Molted That fellow is a bird said the ad miring stranger as he looked after tho fresh young man Not now replied the native but there was a time when your descrip tion might have been justified When was that The night we tarred and feathered him about a year ago Chicago Post Hygienic Your poetry Ave ventured is emi nently healthy It should be rejoined the poet with dignity I am always extremely careful to boil my Pierian spring water before drinking or rather quaffing it Detroit Journal It is asserted that the idea of pipe organ was borrowed from human chest mouth and larnyx the the In poker and politics they bluff the loser Atchison Globe f f i BO tJOH S ee Any reason why a shopper should doubt the evidence of his or her a jDry G o o d s S Groceries ifc H For we are here to sell goods and g McCOOK NEB- Produce just as good as cash That Tired Feeling When you hear a man complaining of that tired feeling you may be sure that he spends more of his day talking and lounging than working said a well known physician A truly hard worker never suffers from this disease for such it is It arises from not working off by either mental or man ual exercise or work the superfluous energy given to every man This en ergy if left turns itself so to speak to forming poisoning juices which sap the vitality Just as a thoroughly trained athlete waits with certainty his sec ond wind so every really hard work ing business man knows that he does his best work after he has shaken off that tired feeling In fact you will find that a really hard worker never complains of it after he has passed his 25th or 27th year because he has then trained this energy to do its proper work that is keep his mind and body tresn and vigorous Kubber Industry In Dahomey An effort is being made to develop the rubber industry in Dahomey The wild caoutchouc trees found in the re gion have been worked to some ex tent and about 1905 kilos of rubber were exported in 1896 and 2812 kilos in 1897 The most serious efforts in this line have been made however during the past two years in Porto Novo and Ouidah where small rubber plantations of from three to five acres have been established The young trees on these experimental farms are reported to be doing well They are very vigorous and promise excellent re turns JBZWSWj IW SfcW I senses There isnt any such reason Jf and thats why we ask you to come Jf and see for yourselves how wel this 8 service and unequaled merchandise at a great saving It is but a g iiitfife practice W coito m To buy where you can secure the best sinH mocf crnrrl fni i lif lpict mnrtPv o iiav iiiuu vvru iui biiv iujl iiiuiivj Hence we urge you to try us on any- Jf thing in the line of v 1 i in please and satisfy our customers every particular especially in highness of quality and lowness of price 6 o lie si 10 hit i 8 A Good Tinny Geiman Syrup is the special prescription of Dr A Bobclicc a celebrated German physi cian and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in medicine It quickly cures coughs colds and ail lung trou bles of the severest nature removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Boschees German Syrup was introduced in the United btates in 1S6S and is now sold in every town and village in the civilied world I hree doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get Greens Prize Almanac A McMillen Whites Cream Vermifuge not only effectu ally expels worms hut is unequaled as atonic and is a certain and permanent cure for chills and fever in children Price 25 cts A Mc Millen Ilerbine is well adapted to the cure of fevers of all kinds because it thoroughly cleanses the stomach and bowels of all bilious humors and expels all impure secretions of the body Prices cts A McMillen CARDS WRITTEN J Send 35 cents for 1 25 neatly written visiting cards Address CARD WRITER Room 58 1529 Lawrence St Denver - - Colorado I MRS M EL BURT THE LEADING LADY TAILORESS OP McGOOK xvw Is in Denver Colo where she has gone to j 1rr1 - 4 1 1 t I 1 luwrv up liic new btyies anu lcibinuiib lor ran ana winter She is with Daniels Fishers modistes Mrs Burt will return about August 5th and can be found in her dressmaking parlors at Artz Thompsons where she will be pleased to have the ladies of McCook call and look over the new fall styles H V