MCOOK TRIBUNE F M KlfiTStEIX Pnblltfher MoCOOK NEBRASKA BRItT TELEGRAMS I Alonzo H Stewart doorkeeper of the United States senate was married at Atchison Kan to Miss Grace Bliss Colonel George Quick 88 years old of Freeburg 111 has brought suit for divorce against his wife also an octo genarian The United States army transport Sumner with convalescent soldiers on board has sailed from Manila for San Francisco J Pierpont Morgan has just bought the Chilean section of the railway for ninety thousand pounds sterling Christopher Anderson the aged man who shot himself on the grave of his wife in the cemetery near Nebraska City Neb died It now seems that there is small probability of an agreement being reached between France and Great Britain over the Newfoundland ques tion The Massachusetts Republican state convention has been called to meet in Boston October 4 Governor Allen of Porto Rico will be invited to pre side August Newman was blown to pieces and Henry Ernest -badly hurt by the premature explosion of a blast of dynamite at the city quarrier at Quincy 111 The Retail Clerks International Protective association of Buffalo pre sented to the International Association of Machinists the sum of 1200 to aid in its strike The Wabash Cooperage companys plant was destroyed by fire at Terre Haute Ind causing a loss of 20000 with 9000 insurance 6000 on build ings and 3000 on stock The budget committee after a pro longed and critical discussion at Mad rid has decided to shelve for the pres ent the proposals of the minister of finance suspending the coinage of sil ver John H Bacon a Milwaukee news paper man has accepted an appoint ment as vice consul and clerk to Con sul General Rublee at Hong Kong and will leave for China in about three weeks Richard S Berlin a well known real estate dealer and manager of the Ber lin Investment company at Omaha Neb has filed a petition in voluntary bankruptcy Liabilities 5190062 as sets 570 Safe Expert Charles Walze has dis covered that the cashiers time lock of the vault in the mint at San Fran cisco from which 30000 was stolen does not operate and has been out of order for some time At a meeting of the Leadville Col City Library association a letter was read from the private secretary of Andrew Carnegie dated from Skibo castle Scotland stating that he would give 100000 for a public library for that city provided the city would fur nish 2000 a year to maintain it The sales of coffee on the New York coffee exchange for the year ending June 30 aggregating 7383000 bags against 5879500 bags in 1900 The sales for 1899 were 4060500 bags The transactions the past year exceeded those of 1900 by 1503500 bags the gain being partly due it is said to the large crops abroad The dead bodies of Mr and Mrs Robert Prange of Omaha were found beside a public highway half a mile south of Lake station St Joseph Mo each with a bullet hole in the head Clasped in Pranges right hand was a revolver It is supposed the man kill ed the woman and then took his own life The will of Hugh Tevis the young San Francisco millionaire who died in Yokohama recently of appendicitis while on his wedding journey has been filed at Monterey It divides his estate estimated at 1000000 almost equally between his widow Cornelia Baxter Tevis and his 9-year-old daughter Alice Boalt Tevis Capt Putnam B Strong quarter master department United States army San Francisco announces that he has resigned from the army for personal and financial reasons The managers of the Newport Ky racing track decided to declare off all further races until October 1 George C Tilden a well known min erologist while in Salvador went in sane and was committed to the Cali fornia state hospital for the insane John Costain was killed near New Albany Ind by John Turner while trying to kidnap Mrs Turner Minister Rockhille has been instruc ted to support Japanese application for an enlargement of their indem nity from 36000000 to 40000000 yen Edward H Martin formerly a lieu tenant in the United States army who pleaded guilty a few days ago to a charge of passing worthless checks was sentenced by Recorder Goff of New York- to one year in the peniten tiary TRniRI W X TTIRRS Disorder and Distress Are Peared After Oklahoma Opening THE DROUTH CAUSING SUFFERING Thousands of Campers Have but Scanty Batlons More Than One Hundred Thousand People Are Sure to Be Dis appointed FORT SILL July 22 Disorder and distress will it is feared follow the actual opening of the Kiowa Comanche reservation Augut 6 It is estimated that fully 150000 person will have reg istered for a chance to secure one of the 13000 claims to be awarded by lottery when the registration booths close July 26 Thousand of perons now on the reservation who are neither mechan ics nor artisans and who have little or no money announce their intention of settling around Lawton if they fail to win a claim Campers who came in prairie schooners by the thousands generally brought with them provis ions sufficient only to last from five to ten days Continued drouth has caused the water to be restricted and for days a hot wind has blown over the prairies and the temperature has averaged over the 100 mark With these conditions before them many are already beginning to grum ble and when this is followed by dis appointment over failure to draw a lucky number the hope that bore many up will doubtless give way to more serious conditions KANSAS CITY SEES NO HOPE Normnl Precipitation Would Not Save Parched Fields KANSAS CITY July 22 The heat yesterday broke all records the tem perature at 4 p m being 104 Ther mometers on the street at 11 oclock at night recorded 93 This is the thirty second day of the hot spell and there is no indication of a change In Kan sas City Kan four deaths due to heat were reported today Prayers for rain were offered in nearly all churches in Kansas City and generally throughout Kansas So far as heard from no rain of any consequence has fallen in any portion of the drouth belt in the past twenty four hours and conditions everywhere have been discouraging In normal years the rainfall between July 21 and August 15 is light and a re turn to normal precipitation woud not save the parched fields MINISTERIALISTS SHOW GAINS Conservatives and Radicals Lose In French Elections Councils PARIS July 22 The election for the French councils general took place yesterday throughout the provinces there being 1455 of these department al legislators to be chosen in as many cantons The importance of the elections lies in the fact that they serve az a weath ercock to show the drift of public opinion regarding the policy of the central government Although the Isues involved are purely local the voting is invariably conducted on strict party lines Moreover many coun cillors are also members of the senate or of the chamber of deputies and their re election or defeat is indicative of the view their constituents take of their parliamentary acts POWERS MUST BE FIRM Only Way to Prevent New Outburst of Troobln In China TIEN TSIN July 22 Europeans here consider that the prevention of a speedy recrudescence of the trouble de pends entirely upon the firmness displayed by the powers It is thought that this fact should be recognized in Europe and the United States The general feeling in Tien Tsin is that China is in no wise overawed or re pentant Li Hung Chang is reported to have adopted an offhand tone toward a member of the provisional govern ment and to have talked confidently of ousting the provisional government soon The Chinese have recommended cut ting telegraph wires Onensines nt Tien Tsln TIEN TSIN July 22 Considerate uneasiness is felt here following the resumption by the Chinese of the par tial control of the city The natives are cutting the telegraph lines outside of Tien Tsin and fears of further vio lence are entertained ForeBt Fires Work Havoc DENVER Colo July 22 Destruc tion by forest and prairie fires is re ported from different points in the state directly attributable to the con dition of grass and timber from the long dry spell Timber fires have been burning several days near Mount Ev ans Longs Peak and on the Kenasha range From Boca and Prowers coun ties the center of the stock raising dis trict come reports of destructive prai rie fires DEATH Of KRUGERS WIFE Former President of South Africa looses a Worthy Helpmeet PRETORIA July 22 Mrs Kruger wife of former Presdent Kruger of the South African republic died yes terday afternoon of pneumonia after an illness fo three days She was 67 years old Mrs Krugers long separation from her husband and combined with the death of her favorite daughter Mrs Smith last week had completely broken her spirit Mrs Eloff and many other members of the Kruger family were at her bed side when she passed away LONDON July 22 Owing to the Sunday telegraph hours in Holland says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Hilversum Mr Kruger was not in formed of his wifes death until the evening The news was broken to him by Dr Heymans and Secretary Boes choten Mr Kruger who had just re turned from Hilversum church burst into tears and asked to be left alone He exclaimed She was a good wife We quarrreled only once and that was six months after we were married He prayed for a long time and is now calmly sleeeping his bible beside his bed The Transvaal and Orange Free State flags flying above the white villa were draped and haif masted Shortly before the news came a crowd of coun try girls had been singing a folksong outside the villa TELLS THE SAME HARD STORY Weather Bureau Reports Heat Over Ku tire Country WASHINGTON D C July 22 The weather bureau last night issued the following bulletin Practically the entire country was covered by the hot wave today ex cept the immediate Pacific coast and in the states of Iowa Missouri and Il linois nearly all high previous rec ords were exceeded The maximum high temperature line of 100 degrees encircles the entire great corn belt At Davenport and Dubuque la and at Springfield 111 the maximum of 106 degrees has been equalled but once be fore on August 12 1881 At Chicago the maximum of 102 degrees equals the previous high record of July 10 of the present year In the states of Iowa Missouri and Kansas the dura tion of the present heated term is without precedent there having been practically no interruption to temper atures of 90 degrees or over since June 18 a period of thirty four days On eighteen days of this period the maxi mum temperature at Kansas City was 100 degrees or more There are as yet no indications of any relief from the abnormal heat No rain has fallen in the corn belt for the past three days and none is in sight It is of course probable that scattered local thunder storms which are always accompanied by protracted periods of heat may fall at times but no hope can be entertained at this time of any general rains or permanent re lief H C FRANKENFIELD Forecast Official PRAYERS RISE PEOPLE FAST All Missouri Appeals to the Almighty for Rain ST LOUIS July 22 Yesterday the day that Governor Docaery desig nated for fasting and prayer to God that the present drouth might be broken in Missouri all records for hot weather in St Louis were equalled the weather bureau thermometer on the custom house registering 106 de grees in the shade On the streets and in exposed places the mercury went many degrees higher The rec ord broken was that of 10C made in the early 80s As early as 7 a m the day gave promise of being un usually warm At that time the ther mometer registered ninety degrees and from then on until 330 p m the mercury steadily climbed upward un der the impulse of a sun shining from a cloudless sky General Crmhlnjj Dead WASHINGTON July 22 Brigadier General Samuel T Cushing U S A retired formerly commissary general of subsistence died here Senator Clark In Russia ST PETERSBURG July 22 United States Senator W A Clark accord ing to Novoe Vremya has joined with Kieff capitalists in establishing a cop per company having a apital of 15000000 roubles Mr Clark supplying 12000000 roubles With M Gargelin one of the directors Mr Clark is go ing to the government of Semipala tinsk to examine the mines there DEAD IN A POOL OF BLOOD Nebraska Man Meets With Foul Play at LOB Anpi Ips SAN BERNARDINO Cal July 22 R G Sines of Winside Neb was found dead on a street in Los Angeles Cal The body was lying face down and in a pool of blood The neck was broken The fact together with the presence of a ceep discoloration back of the left ear leads to the be lief that the man was the victim or footpads TAX LEVY FOR THE STATE It Is Now Completed and Is Shown to lie as IJelow LNCOLN Neb July 22 The state board of equalization completed the tax levy by counties The rate for the- general fund is 6 mills for the university fund 1 mill Owing to the increase in the assessed valuation ot the state which amounts to nearly 2700000 the university fund will be increased this year by about 2685 over last year The levy by counties is as follows Adams Antelope Banner Blaine Boone Box Butte Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Custer Dakota Dawes Dawson Deuel Dixon Dodge Douglas Dundy Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keya Paha Kimball Knox Lancaster Lincoln Logan Loup Madison McPherson Merrick Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps Pierce Platte Polk Red Willow Richardson Rock Saline Sarpy Saunders Scotts Bluff Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Washington Wayne Webster York Valley General I University Fund I Fund 1 1353S7C 271716 7SC390 1E721S 133294 26659 109191 21838 347252 169430 390367 78073 345475 69093 353062 70312 1353862 270772 1392102 278420 1111632 222326 2337752 467550 13961CS 279221 326673 65334 990324 193064 751371 150314 1209589 241917 1002453 200490 1123788 224737 1220695 244139 804129 160323 314251 102350 837501 1674 0 342057 6S411 864746 172949 1576352 315270 11190S96 2238179 329132 65826 1142556 229517 578229 115654 543729 108743 936925 187385 2679047 535S09 127192 25433 376569 75313 237135 47427 480215 96043 12SOO18 256003 932959 186591 644208 128841 224170 44834 450651 90131 1163760 232752 72494 14493 682746 136543 1277040 255108 1082555 216311 660159 132991 402429 80497 219235 43827 312826 62765 92710S 185421 4407687 881537 983599 196719 115190 23098 92570 18514 1151109 230221 65S74 13174 922238 184449 640730 128146 138373S 276747 1118872 223747 2420517 484103 1322011 264403 275829 55163 041647 128329 763236 152647 1223004 244600 659615 131923 626855 126371 1666733 333346 290699 56139 1248357 249671 1139869 227973 1709139 341837 234065 46813 1304440 260888 58S8S0 117776 439874 87974 256173 51234 736713 147372 1187580 237516 90971 18194 278091 55618 1179311 235852 950S65 190173 950560 190173 ll49S10l 229962 4997771 99555 She Drives to Death LINCOLN Neb July 22 Mrs Dan Johnson postmistress at Rokeby a small town about twelve miles south west of Lincoln while driving across the Rock Island track within a mile of her home at an early hour this morning was struck by a special freight train and received injuries that resulted in her death Opinion is prevalent there that Mrs Johnson came to her death as the result of de liberate action on her part She had had a great deal of trouble with her neighbors who made her the victim of constant persecution Harvesting Hay Crops BASSETT Neb July 22 Ranch men in this vicinity are making ac tive preparations to begin haying and inside of ten days the harvest will be well under way At first it was thought that the heavy late rains had injured the crop and while this was found true in some Instances as a general rule the fear was unfounded Cow Drags Boy to Death WAHOO Neb July 22 Chas Mil ler 10-year-old son of Mr and Mrs N Miller was killed while leading a cow to pasture He tied the rope around his body and the cow ran dragging him four blocks breaking his neck and greatly mutilating his head and face Engine Sets Fire to Wheat STROMSBURG Neb July 22 As John Dritzler started to thresh some wheat for J A Frawley two miles west of here the engine set fire to the field and burned twelve acres of fine wheat Poon Start For Philippines LEXINGTON Neb July 22 Rev Mr Montgomery of Wayne Neb is visiting in Lexington Neb prior to going to the Philippine islands to take charge of the Presbyterian mis sion schools Bloodhounds Trace Money BEATRICE Neb July 22 Cyrus Bel a farmer three miles from this city was robbed while working in the field Bell is a bachelor and had over 100 secreted in a trunk at the house The thief stole 37 but did not find the balance which was in another part of the trunk Bell drove to Bea trice about midnight secured the Fulton bloodhounds and they traced the thief to this city whore he was located He settled the matter STATE FAIR GROUNDS PURCHASE Builders Ordered to Begin Work on the New Sheds LINCOLN July 20 The state board of public lands and buildings com pleted the purchase of the state fair grounds and the board of agriculture immediately ordered the builders to begin work on the new live stock sheds and barns The grounds will be enclosed by an Improved wire fence and all of the main buildings now standing will be repaired and repaint ed All of the expense incident to putting the grounds and buildings in shape for the next state exhibit will be paid out of the balance of the ap propriation of 35000 made by the legislature Secretary Furnas said that every thin gwould be in readiness by the opening day of the fair The various contractors have been impressed with the importance of ther duties and they have agreed to exert every power to have their work completed by Aug ust 25 The warrant which was delivered to the Nebraska Exposition association for the state fair grounds was after wards sold to the state treasurer for investment of the permanent school fund DEAD IN SALT CREEK Body of Unknown Man Found Under Bridge nt Lincoln LINCOLN July 20 An unknown man was found dead in Salt creek un der a Rock Island bridge two mites south of this city It was at first thought he had been murdered but an investigation soon exploded that theory A wound on his head was thought to have been made by a bul let but Coroner Graham insists that it might have been caused by some sharp piece of metal in the undergear ing of a freight train Coroner Graham and a jury examin ed the body and after listening to the testimony of the section workmen returned a verdict finding that death came from unknow causes It is be lieved that Graham was riding under a freight car and while asleep or from exhaustion lost his hold and fell SLAUGHTER GOES TO MANILA Nebraska Paymaster to Serve Two Tears in the Orient OMAHA July 20 Majoi Bradner D Slaughter army paymaster here has news that he has been ordered to the Philippines for service Major Charles E Stanton now in Manila is expected to come here to relieve him August 15 Captain William R Graham will be relieved from duty in the Phil ippines to also come to Omaha Major Slaughter is not surprised and in fact is quite willing to try a couple of years on the other side of the world It is expected that Major Stanton will not be able to arrive here and take charge before September 1 Major Slaughter will be accompanied to Manila by John A Lottridge his chief clerk who came here from Lin coln at the beginning of 1899 Plainvlew Farmers Suicide PLAINVIEW Neb July 20 The body of William Dibbert a prosperous German farmer who lived six miles northwest of here was found hanging to a rafter in his granary Mr Dib bert had been afflicted with kidney trouble for the past year and during the day had worked in the harvest field but when he left the field at night he failed to show up at the house He was found by his mother having hung himself the previous evening Child Struck by Lightning GRAND ISLAND Neb July 20 The little daughter of Henry Stack aged seven years was struck by light ning while playing in the back yard in this city Her hair was badly burn ed and she was seriously shocked but has good chances of recovery Deputy Game Warden LINCOLN July 20 Governor Sav age has named Captain J T Richmond of Johnstown as deputy game warden to serve without compensation It is the intention of the governor to ap point at least one deputy for every county in the state Yonng Man Dies on Train ALMA Neb July 20 Jesse Mc Guire of Garden City Iowa who was accompanied by his mother bound for Colorado for his health was taken from the Burlington train dying He died shortly after being placed in the depot Dangling from a Halter CAMBRIDGE Neb July 20 The body of John Denmead was found dangling from the rafters of the barn on his place north of town A doctor was summoned and gave as his opin ion that the man committed suicide by hanging and that the deed was done at least three days before the body was found Denmead was a farmer in fair circumstances and had lived alone for some time His wife had died several years ego esjsas33 Arttittlo Tlmrlieojmr Phil May the London artist tells how at the age of 12 ho became a timekeeper In a large iron foindf Says he I was delighted the office but the foundry masters were not aulte so satisfied At first they were surprised at the great punctuality of the entire saff of workmen later they simply marveled al Its continu ance and finally they discovered that I kept the timebook on a- system of my own ST MARYS ACADEMY Notre Dame Indiana Wo call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of St Academy which appears in another column of this paper Wo do not need to expatiate upon the scholastic advan tages of St Marys for the catalogue of the school shows the scope of work included in its curriculum which Is of the same high standard as that of Vassar and Bryn Mawr and Is carried out faithfully in the class rooms Wo simply emphasize the spirit of earnest devotion which makes every teacher of St Marys loyally strive to develop each young girl attendant there into the truest noblest and most intelligent womanhood Every advantage of equipment in the class rooms labora tories and study rooms every care in the matter of food and dothing and exceptional excellence of climatic con ditions all these features are found at St Marys In the perfection of develop ment only to be obtained by the con secration of devoted lives to educa tional Christian work in a spot fa vored by the Lord You can rely on a man keeping his word when it is to his advantage to do so Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 1C oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Accused of Too Much Zeal It is charged by the opopsition InAl toona la that the anti saioon league has employed minors to solicit drinks at bars misrepresenting their ages and that tho theological students have been imported to work up evidence against gamblers One of tho stu dents is said to have been so well up in the game of poker that he took all the money in a big game played at one of the political clubs The cru saders of course deny all these stories GREATLY RKDUCED KATES via WABASH R K 1300 Buffalo and return 1300 3100 New York and return 3100 The Wabash from Chicago will sell tickets at the above rates daily Aside from these rates the Wubash run through trains over its own rails from Kansas City St Louis and Chicago and offer many special rates during the summer months allowing stopovers at Niagara Falls and Buffalo Ask your nearest Ticket Agent or ad dress Harry E Moores General Agent Pass Dept Omaha Neb or C S Crane G P T A St Louis Mo China has a coast line of over 2500 miles EDUCATIONAL THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME INDIANA Classics Letters Economics and History Journalism Art Science Pharmacy Law Civil ilechanlcai and Electrical Engineering Architecture Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses Ecclesiastical students at special rates Rooms Free Junior or Senior Year Collegiate Courses Rooms to Rent moderate charges St Edwards Hall for boys under IX The58th Yearwill open September IOtb1901 Catalogues Free Address REV A MORR1SSEY C S C President ST MARYS AGADEMY Notre Dame Indiana Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Cross Chartered 1855 Thorough English and Classical education Reg ular Collegiate Degrees In Preparatory Department students carefully prepared for Collegiate course Physical and Chemical Laboratories well equipped Conservatory of Music and School of Art Gymnasium under direction of graduate of Boston Normal School of Gymnastics Catalogue free The 47th year will open Sept 5 1901 Address DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY St Marys Academy Notre Dame Indiana Buy of ihe Maker j Newcata SV Inmii rpciTT Kpnrt vr T X stamp asd vie will mail you one THE H D FOLSOM ARMS CX 314 Broadway NEW YORK Natures Pricaless Remedy DRO PHELPS BROWNS PRECIOUS HERBAL OINTMENT It Cures Throuah the Pores Address DrOFBrown98 Rheumatism la Weak Back Sprains g urns Sores and all Pain OUClilQl drutrfc lst 21 Vc It he does not sell It tend us bl name and for jour trouble we will Crnn Send You a Trial II CC BwayNewburflN2 SCALE AUCTION BIDS BY MAIL YOUR OWN PRICE clones He Pajs the Freight Blnghiniton 5 Y Khen Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper WN U OMAHA No 30 301901 CUHtb WHtHfc AIL USE flllSL Beet Cough SjTnp Tastes Good Use in time fcold Br c isxlsta Avm i3 ftn B fl ki I 9 J tf - n V