Fie JftcCwk friliup By F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Onij of the worst features of the drouth is the shortening of the crop of feed which necessitates the shipping t o market of much young and immature stock from this section of Nebraska es pecially and this fact carries with it the incidental curtailing of freight traffic from this section Therlocal outlook at this writing is far from roseate A GENERAL stiffening of interest rates is looked for by the best financiers of the country during the remainder of the summer and perhaps a good part of the fall It is impossible for a great bull movement to goon for nearly a year without absorbing a large part of the spare capital of the nation Money will therefore be tight until some sort of readjustment is made The country would not be far from panic conditions owing to the threat of a crop failure in the southwest and the depreciation in the inflated valuation of stocks if it were not for the firm foundation of the of the country and the conserv ative manner in which the great majority of the banks have been conducted in the last five years In the smaller cities and in the country towns there has been no ballooning of values for many years and the well managed banks are in an im pregnable position Lincoln Journal The commercial columns of the lead ing newspapers of the country have borne eloquent testimony during the past week of the importance of the corn crop It is not generally known even in the heart of the corn belt that llrs grain has become the most important of all the crops raised by the United States The country has an annual pro duction under normal conditions of a little more than 2000000000 bushels of corn whereas any wheat harvest that exceeds 600000000 is considered a good one It is not surprising that weather conditions threatening this important grain should cause the keenest anxiety not only in the west where corn is raised but in the east where the stocks of the granger railroads are owned and merchants everywhere whose trade will be affected by a period of slack con sumption in these western states The attention paid to this crop shows that corn is indeed king and that all effo ts to displace the old time sovereign from the throne have proven futile Lincoln Journal i t IJSJJKjtJKJrfOS participation Nebraska Not Seriously Affected The torrid temperature that has pre vailed in nineteen states during the past three weeks has wrought incalculable damage The intense heat which in many places has broken all records has covered an unusually wide range All the crops which have not yet matured with few exceptions have been seriously damaged This includes nearly every agricultural product of importance ex cept wheat and some of the smaller fruits The destruction is most severe in the great corn belt In 1900 the corn crop of the country aggregated 2100000000 bushels which had an estimated value on the farm of 750000000 Sixty days ago the corn crop of igor was estimated at fully 2200000000 bushels at a valuation of not less than 800000000 The most extravagant estimate of the corn crop at this stage does not exceed 50 per cent of the crop of 1900 the greatest shrinkage being reported from Kansas and Missouri where the pro tracted hot spell has been most severe In Nebraska the damage so far is not so great as to cause serious alarm in fact the only section of the state that has been seriously affected is that por tion ljing west of the 100th meridian where a comparatively small area is de voted to corn raising In the central and eastern sections the conditions in dicate a medium crop unless the usual July rainfall fails to materialize At the very worst Nebraska is in no danger of a recurrence of the distress caused by the drouth of 1894 and 1895 Nebraskas excellent wheat crop which is alreadj harvested Is estimated at 20000000 The value of other cereals and farm products will range from 10000000 to 15000000 so that the gross value of the agricultural product will exceed 35 per capita omitting the corn crop dairy products and the re ceipts from cattle sheep and hogs which will this season run into the millions Altogether the prospect for Nebraska cannot be said to be discouraging what ever may be the outcome of the torrid wave Cm aha Bee Call for Committee Meeting The Republican County Central Com mittee is hereby notified to meet in McCook on Saturday July 20th at 2 oclock p in for the purpose of calling the county convention and transacting any other business that may come be fore the meeting C F BABCOCK Chairman C B Gray Secretary Root for Kaffir corn and alfalfa CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Baptist Services at the usual hours Euptismal services before the morning sermon Catholic Mass at 8 oclock a m High mass and sermon at 1030 a m with choir Sunday school at 230 p m All are cordially welcome REV J W HlCKEY Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 Prayer meeting Wednesday evening Morning service The Higher Motive the Higher Service No evening service V J Turner Pastor Baptist Services at usual hours Rev Ansen Fanquet our assistant pas tor will preach both morning and even ing Rev White will visit several of the branch churches Geo L White Pastor Episcopal Services during summer Sunday school at 10 Evening prayer and sermon every Sunday at 8 oclock Sunday morning service also Friday evening Litany discontinued until fur ther notice Holy communion to be an nounced Howard Stoy Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p in Junior League 3 p in Epworth League 7 p m Rev O R Beebe pastor of the M E church at Cambridge and one of the trustees of Nebraska Wesleyan Uni versity will preach both morning and evening L M Grigsby Pastor Christian Bible school at 10 a in Endeavor 730 p m Prayer meeting and Bible Study Wednesday evening Preaching ir a m and 8 p m Morning subject The One Thing Needful evening The Creed of the Church of Christ This will close my pastorate at McCook All are invited J W Walker Pastor Rev J W Walker will close his pas torate in the Christian church of our city next Sunday evening To Union Men Smoke the Vivo Cigar made and run by union cigar makers The finest cigar in the United States Yon can buy them at the following places J H Bennetts D W Loars A C Clydes W M Lewis J C Knoxs A McMillens P f5a R F Ij Ii s A Take no other in m Ei C Li iiii i iititirf tlirt system is the only x is- nu miic nictuoii 01 cur ing all Chronic Discum 3 D IOy t ilenovator istheonlv xerectsst in innovator Frccsam ples and book L11 13 1 Kaj Saratoga N Y Sold by Loar aiid McMillen I Silk Mitts Misses 15c Silk ones now 9c Misses 20c Silk ones now 14c Ladies 20c Silk ones now 10c Ladies 25c Silk ones now 19c Ladies 35c Silk ones now 23c Ladies 35c Silk Gloves 27c skiwissv iiW In a Glaus of rdcz Im a hrdfui o r coffee in a gis 5 wah oil tiie etc look it uue - h fiL to J Olt Choice mutton at the B market Telephone 14 thf ff v- tct It itwes the water briz t sprl rkr because its Just purr fii - jripl Miteo uniform SS2 saaBsrESRsste S B McLean took in the Arapahoe game today Conductor L S Watson hud way car 36 during Conductor Lymans short lay off Operator C Dimniick of Oberlin goes to Naponee as agent vice Stewart sent to headquarters Conductor George Bunting has the Imperiul run during the absence of Con ductor Gilcrest in Colorado A Week Among the Geysers Through Yellowstone Park is the most enjoyable holiday trip that can be plan ned There is nothing like it 011 earth And the beauty of it all is that the trip takes less than ten days You can stay longer if you like of course and you certainly will if you have the time Write to J Francis General Passen ger Agent Burlington Route Omaha Neb for folder giving full information about the park It contains a large map of the park as well as a description of the principal points of interest Excursion rates usk the ticket agent about them W k i - j sss - 6 u 1 I ril I p psvt5 flWESEgjfl maomutsm bb swim 4 M meat Druggist Takes Customers Advice Mount City Kans Oct 22 1900 Dear Sir 1 wish to add my endorsement and recommendation as to the merits of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin I have sold it as a drueclst and it always oives satisfaction and my customers are loud in its praise 1 myself had been troubled with my stomach and hear ing so many of my customery speaking of Syrup Pepsin I tried it with the reside that it cured my trouble I unhesitatingly recom mend Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin as a laxa tive and stomach remedy Yours truly J M Hawkins Sold by A McMillen Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin cures sick headache Sold by A McMillen Whites Cream Veimifuge not only effectu ally expels worms but is unequaled as atonic and is a certain and permanent cure for chills and fever in children Price 25 cts A Mc Millen Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsn cures stomach roubles Sold by A McMillen Mosquito Bar Best quality double width per yd Percale Wrappers Our 75c ones now Our 85c ones now Our SI ones now Our SI 75 ones now Our S2 ones now Sizes 32 to 42 ss w - S - i 4 o IJoh See 4 Y Any reason why a shopper should j A doubt the evidence of his or her X 4 3c 50c 63c 79c 81 39 81 49 Sun Bonnets Ladies 25c ones now 15c Childrens 20c ones now 10c Mens Work Gloves 1 Stout Canvas Gloves per pair Mens 25c Goat Leather gloves now Mens oUc Calfskin palm gloves Mens 75c Buckskin palm gloves Mens 90c Horsehide palm gloves Mens125GenuineBuckskin These are the best sewed best fitt gloves made Help yourself now 8c 19c 39c 55c I ROr 99e ing 1 senses There isnt any such reason X and thats why we ask you to come Y and see for yourselves how well this store is prepared to give you special X service and unequaled merchandise Y at a great saving It is but a A ptiitfife trastiee f feCOHOIH If To buy where you can secure the best and most good for the least money Hene we urge you to try us on any thing in the line of Srocsrfes tc For we are here to sell goods and please and satisfy our customers in every particular especially in highness of quality and lowness of price tonest Jofm Produce just as good as cash 1 oaoofooisoaeod The Thompson Dry Goods Co Announce Their Regular Summer Clearing Sale Beginning Saturday July 20 1901 in which the prices will be cut regardless of profit and in many instances below cost Every item enumerated here will be sold exactly as offered Owing to the late beginning of the hot weather we have larger stocks of such goods than usual and our cuts are consequently deeper than ever We are determined not to carry over a single yard garment or item of hot weather stuffs Notice these prices Wash Dress Skirts Our 65c Crash Skirts now 39c Our 75c Crash Skirts now 49c Our SI Crash Skirts now 69c Ladies Gauze Union Suits 35c ones now 23c 50c ones now 39c White Shirt Waists Our 85c ones now 49c Our SI ones now 69c Our SI 25 ones now 89c Our S2 ones now SI 25 These are very handsome and desir able made in the latest style and perfect in finish and fit Colored Shirt Waists Our 35c ones now 23c Our 50c ones now 37c Our 65c ones now 47c Our 75c ones now 57c Our 85c ones now 63c Our SI ones now 69c Our SI 25 ones now S9c Our SI 50 ones now 99 Our 2 00 ones now 1 29 Sizes 32 to 44 Carpet Warp Best quality Carpet Warp 16jC for white 18c colors weighed out on the scales Gauze Underwear Childrens 5c ones now Childrens 14c ones now Childrens 20c ones now Childrens 25c ones now Ladies 5c vests now Ladies 10c vests now Ladies 15c vests now Ladies 20c vests now Ladies 25c vests now Ladies 35c vests now Ladies 25c Knit Knee Pants Ladies 35 Knit Knee Pants Ladies 50c Knit Knee Pants Mens 25c Balb shirt and drawers Mens 35c Balb shirt and drawers Mens 50c Balb shirt and drawers No comments are necessary 3c 9c 14c ISc 3c 7c lie 15c 18c 23c 19c 23c 39c 19c 27c 39c Childrens Wash Dresses 40c ones 2 to 6 years now 29c S5c ones 2 to 6 years 1now 55c 85c ones 6 to 12 years now 55c 1 ones 6 to 12 years now 79c Good materials Pretty styles Special Drive 200 yards India Linen at lc Dressing Sacques Our 75c ones now 49c Our L ones now 69c Our SI 35 ones now 99c Our SI 50 ones now 99c Our SI 75 ones now SI 25 Dainty cool and stylish Wash Fabrics All 6c Dimities etc now 4c All 8c Dimities now 5c All 12c and 10c Dimities etc now 8c All 16Joc and 15c Dimities etc now 12c All 30cSilk Ginghams 20c The above lines are all Colored and embrace Lawns Batistes Mulls Dimi ties and Swisses White Goods Our 7loC Nainsooks now 5c Our 10c Nainsooks and Dimities now 7c Our 13 oc and 12oC ones now 10c Our 15c ones now lie Our X7c ones now 12c Our 20c one now 15c Embracing Stripes Checks Plaids Mercerized patterns Lace Stripes etc Silk Waists Our S4 Handsome Taffetas now 32 99 Our S6 Finer grade 3 99 Our S4 75 Black Satin Waists now 3 69 These prices speak for themselves Childrens Mull Hats 3 Wire Shirred Hats with large Mull ties 50c now 29c Fancy Parasols Childrens 10c ones now Childrens 25c ones now Childrens 45c ones now Childrens 75c ones now Ladies SI ones now Ladies SI 25 ones now Ladies SI 50 ones now Ladies S2 ones now Ladies S3 25 ones now Ladies 4 25 ones now Those prices speak for themselv Sc ISc 33c 49c 65c 83c 99c 81 33 1 99 es Some Regular Prices Best quality apron check Ginghams 5c yd Best quality Indigo Blue Prints 5c yd Best quality light ground Shirting Prints 4c yd Best quality table Oil Cloth 15c yi Good Cotton Towelling 3c yd Indigo dyed Cotton Shirting 4c yd Mens Good Blue Denim Overalls 39c Mens Good Blue Denim Jackets 39e And hundreds of other items at stricly Cash prices Outing Flannels A large assortment of Outings just received for fall Will sell in this sale as follows 7 Dark styles worth 6c offered at 4e 5 Dark styles worth 7e offered at 5c 5 Light styles worth 9c offered at 7c 9 Dark styles worth 10c to 12oC offered at 8c Dont mistake Prices will be restored upon remainder at close of this sale Put in this sale simply to add interest PLEASE REFLECTThat these are all this seasons goods well purchased correct in style reliable in colorings ample and perfect In sizes and cheaper at their regular prices than found elsewhere We leave these reduced prices to speak for themselves THEN ACTIf you need any of these goods come flonday If you cant come Monday come Tuesday Be prompt We solicit your attention and THE THOMPSON DRY GOODS COMPANY POST OFFICE IN SAME BUILDING ONE PRICE FE1R GEO E THOMPSON PLAIN FIGURES HcCOOK NEBRASKA CASH ONLY V y X