MCOOK TEIBUNE T M KIMMELI Pablbher MoCOOK NEBRASKA BRIEF TELEGRAMS I Secretary Smiley of the Kansas Grain Dealers association after making-personal investigation said the oats crop in Kansas will he the worst failure In tea years Samuel Moffat the oldest brother of David Moffat of Denver Colo died in Hudson N Y In 1857 he established the Bank of Nebraska said to be the second west of the Missouri river J R G Pitkin ex postmaster of New Orleans and ex minister to the Argentine Republic and president of the Transmississippi Commercial con- gress died suddenly at New Orleans A commission of thirtyt wo persons has returned to Lima Peru from an exploration of the River Santa Chu quicara The members report that they found plenty of gold in the river The grasshopper situation in some sections of Minnesota is alarming The Red River valley is suffering In many places the insects have cleared up acres of young wheat flax and potatoes Hon Mortimer Nye ex lieutenant governor of Indiana and one of the best known men in public life in La Porte was stricken with paralysis at Union laills just as he closed a Fourth of July address George W Partridge for eight years private secretary to Zach Chandler former United States senator from Michigan and ex secretary of the in terior was found dead in bed at his home at Detroit The state department has received Information of the death from sun stroke on the 5th instant of Robert ONeil Wickersham vice and deputy commercial agent of the United States at Castellemar Di Stabia Italy Ho had been in the consular service since 1879 The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald is authority for the statement that Frank W Hackett will tender his resignation as assistant secretary of the navy in the fall Charles H Allen the governor of Por to Rico has been suggested as his suc cessor General Daniel E Sickles is serious ly ill in Pleasantville N Y at the home of Village President Daniel P Hayes He went there on the Fourth of July to make an address to the residents and has been so ill ever ince that he has had tQ remain with his host The endowment rank of the Knightr of Pythias has a deficit of 225267 This announcement was made by Su preme Commander Ogden H Fethers to the supreme lodge of the order which has been assembled in Chicago for the purpose of looking into the affairs of the rank The navy department received a ca blegram announcing the departure of Rear Admiral Cromwell aboard his flagship the Chicago from Rio de Janeiro Brazil for St Vincent Canary islands enroute to the Mediterranean to assume his new duties as commander-in-chief of the European station An appeal for the relief of fire suf ferers at Versailles O has been sent out by Mayor Golderwoof and Rev W M Baker pastor of the Christian church of that town They state that 100 people are homeless many desti tute and several injured as the result of the fire which devastated Versailles Saturday Ernest Reid colored was hanged at Carthage Mo for the murder of his wife January 19 1900 Mrs L P Kennedy of North To peka Kan has been appointed a seamstress at the Winnebago Indian school Nebraska Secretary Hitchcock has decided that there is no authority of law permit ting a delay until October J in the opening of the Wichita Indian reser vation in Oklahoma as desired by cer tain cattle Interests Secretary Hitchcock said he antici pated no serious trouble with soon ers at the opening of the Oklahoma lands in August He said there might be several thousand people now on the lands but there was no reason to be HevG that they would not be gotten oil easily Governor Allen who will hand to President McKinley the request of the Porto Rican assembly that free trade be established between that country and tho United States will leave San Juan July 13 on the Mayflower He will be accompanied by Mrs Allen James Reyburn of Bloomington 111 was killed by tramps and his body was found in a box car at East Alton The steamship City of Seattle has arrived at Seattle Wash from Lynn Canal with a Klondike treasure cargo of 600000 The vacation season is thought to be responsible for the apparent disap pearance of something like 15000000 cash known to have been received by the New York City banks from inte rior points since the first week of May ROAST IN MANY STATES Government Beports Eleven Sweltering in the Boiling Sun KANSAS CORN CROP CUT SHORT Must Ship Cattle to Sliirket Became Water Is Getting Scarce PnBturcs Dried Up and Fruit and Vegetable Crops Almost Rained WASHINGTON July 15 Reports to the weather bureau show that the hot weather continued yesterday In nineteen states and territories of the great corn belt the Ohio valley and various portions of the south There seems to be no immediate evidence of abatement except in the south and southwest where local thunderstorms may cause some moderation The states affected include Indiana Illi nois Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Mis souri Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Arkansas Ok lahoma Kansas Nebraska South Da kota North Dakota Colorado and Michigan It has become considerably warmer also in the upper lake region and in New England Marquette Mich reporting today a record-breaking temperature of 102 degrees Hope of rain today in the region affected by the heat was not fulfilled only traces of it appearing in one or two sections except at Galveston Tex where about two thirds of an inch fell and in eastern Texas where there were local thunderstorms The tem peratures reported today show only slight variations from the extremes of the last few days and these are due to local conditions entirely In Des Moines la today the tempera ture was 100 in Kansas City 102 and in Omaha 102 while at Davenport la Denver Colo Little Rock Ark New Orleans North Platte Neb St Paul and Vicksburg Miss it was 96 or highe KANSAS CITY July 15 No relief came yesterday from the heat It was a repetition of the past two weeks with reports from many places in western Missouri Kansas and the ter ritories of temperatures over the 100 mark At most places the sun shone mercilessly with not even a fitful cloud to break its rays nor a slight breeze In Kansas City last night rroved more bearable a breeze from the north alleviating the condition tut a day of intense heat followed Tonight there is a prospect of rain in Oklahoma but there are no indi cations of a change in any other part of the southwest With no relief in sight the fears for the crops that have been expressed are fast becoming realities and the scarcity of water and generally dry most serious one What the real dam most serious one What th ereal dam age to corn the crop most affected will be is problematical but it is prob ably safe to say that half the crop will be lost The supply of water is short in almost every direction and the shipments of cattle and hogs to this market to save them must con tinue In Kansas City today the gov ernment thermometer reached 102 and at Marysville Kan 104 was recorded against 100 yesterday There were three prostrations at Marysville LINCOLN Neb July 15 Nebraska again suffered from the heat yester day The highest temperature report ed by the weather bureau was 102 de grees at 430 but the thermometers in the business district recorded 109 The mean temperature of the day was 90 degrees the highest of the year The reports show that no rain has fallen in the state during the last twenty four hours Reports that reach Lincoln tonight indicate that rain falling within two days will yet savethe corn crop The wind shifted to the southeast this evening and the atmosphere is some what cooler ST JOSEPH Mo July 15 The long continued drouth has resulted in the entire ruiu of the corn and oats crop in this section of the country Corn has commenced to tassel only a few feet high and no amount of rain would now be of any benefit to that cereal The fruit and vegetable crops are also complete failures and the pastures have dried up so that the farmers are paying enormous prices for hay and feed Today was clear and hot with no relief apparently in sight Minister Conger to Leave SAN FRANCISCO July 15 E H Conger United States minister to Chi na has arrived en route to Pekin Minister Conger will sail next Wed nesday on the steamer Nippon Maru Stable Bot Mtde Desperate KANSAS CITY July 15 A special to the Times from Newton Kan says Last night Miss Oma Beers the 18-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Beers was shot and killed by Herbert Shacklett a stable boy for merly in the familys employ who af terward shot himself through the neart Shacklett became fascinated with the young woman who did not return his infatuation The bodies were found in the roadside OHIO BRYAN MEN BOLT Ten of Ills Domocritlo Followers In Cloveland Decide to Act CLEVELAND July 15 On July 31 Ohio democrats who believe in Bryan and the issues which he represents which the recent democratic conven tion Ignored will assemble In Colum bus and make up a state ticket Ten men met this morning in a downtown office building in this city and de cided that a bolt should be made and that a new party should enter the field of Ohio politics The attendance at the conference was larger and represented a greater area in the state than was expected by those who called the meeting A formal statement of principles was submitted to the conference and was adopted This will be printed and sent throughout the state to those who are known to be faithful to the Nebraskan A convention was decid ed upon to be held at the Great South ern hotel on the last day of July To this convention may come all those who sign their name to the declaration of principles START OUT TO FIND PEARY Expedition on tho Steamer Erik Sails North to Aid Explorers HALIFAX N S July 15 The steamer Erik left North Sydney this morning on its voyage to the frozen north It is to call at Labrador and then at the various Esquimaux sta tions in Greenland West reaching Etah under favorable conditions in about three weeks At the various stations it will make inquiries as to news of Lieutenant Peary and the Windward The Erik took 350 tons of coal and is provisioned for at least a year The members of the Peary Arctic club who went on the steamer are Dr F A Cook surgeon of the expedition Her bert Stone and Herbert Berri both of Brooklyn C F Wikoff and L C Bene dict of Ithaca and L C Whitney Church of Elgin 111 AMALGAMATED STRIKE IS ON President Shaffers Orders to Continno Struggle Will Bo Obeyed PITTSBURG July 15 From pres ent indications it looks probable that President Shaffers strike order issued last night to the Amalgamated asso ciation members inr the employ of the American Steep Hoop company the American Sheet Steel company and the American Tinplate company will be obeyed and the great struggle be tween the Amalgamated association 3nd the steel companies will be on in eainest today In the union mills of the three com panies against which a strike has been declared it is predicted that not a wheel will turn An effort will be made also to close down some of the non union mills of the companies and tc cripple the rest The Amalgamated people are very sanguine of success HAVE TO PROTECT THE WHEAT Farmers Around York Are Plowing Fire Guards Since Recent Blazes YORK Neb July 15 For miles and miles along both sides of the Bur lington the Elkhorn and the Kansas City Omaha railroads in this county are fields of winter wheat shocked and stacked and the long wheat stubble is dry easily catching fire Yesterday morning the Elkhorn train coming from Henderson this county set fire to wheat stubble in seven different places The train stopped each time and the train crew with shovels put out the fires before doing any damage Yesterday nineteen shocks of winter wheat were burned up on Hon An drew J Sandalls farm east of York supposed to have caught from engines on the Burlington Nearly all of the farmers are plowing fire guards be tween fields and railroads CELEBRATE PERRYS VISIT American and Japanese Speakers Dwell on Friendly Relations YOKOHAMA July 15 The cere mony of unveiling at Kurihama the monument to commemorate the land ing there of Commodore Perry July 14 1853 was performed yesterday by Rear Admiral Rodgers commanding the United States visiting squadron Viscount Katsura the Japanese pre mier delivered the memorial address and a number of other Japanese offi cials of high rank were present Three American and five Japanese warships saluted Various speeches were made by Americans and Japanese all dwell ing on the close relations between the two powers Younger Brothers Are Out ST PAUL Minn July 15 Cole man and James Younger who were granted a conditional parole by the board of pardons on Wednesday last were released from the Stillwater pen itentiary at 10 oclock this morning For the present they will make their home in Stillwater and it has not yet been decided where they will be em ployed The men spent their first day of freedom upon a steamboat excur sion that went up the St Croix river MILEAGE OF THE COUNTIES Nebraska Industrial Department Figures Railroad Facts LINCOLN Neb July 15 The de partment of labor and industrial sta tistics has completed a compilation showing the number oC sauare miles of territory date of permanent or ganization and number of miles of rail road for every county in the state This information was obtained from various sources The railroad statis tics were compiled from the official records of the auditors office the fig ures relating to square mileage from the state survey and the dates of or ganiaztion from histories county and judicial officials and early settlers The dates of county organization comprise an entirely new feature of Nebraska statistical information It was necessary for the compilers to consult every source of information to get the correct dates and very often these sources gave conflicting accounts In Knox county for example the first organization was destroyed by In dians and the next establishment be came confused with the military force stationed in the county In such instance the date of permanent or ganization was accepted The figures given in the report have been verified and they will soon be officially pub lished by the state MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES Court Decides that They Cannot Xiimlt Liability of JMembers LINCOLN Neb July 15 The su preme court has decided that mutual insurance companies cannot limit the liability of its members This opinion is delivered in the case of Morgan against the Hog Raisers Mutual In surance company Morgan had a con tract with the company which limited his liability An epidemic caused the claims against the company to exceed the assets by 13000 and the officers sought to collect this sum notwith standing it exceeded the total limit of liability The court says that members of a mutual insurance company are obli gated to pay all assessments necessary to liquidate losses and expenses of management and that it is the duty of the directors to make an assessment whenever necessary and further that if this assessment is not paid within ihirty days suit may be commerrAi under the law The court holds that there is no merit in the contention of the objecting members that be cause the contracts are limited as to liability they cannot be held liable for the full amount of the losses ON THE GRAVE Of HIS Wife Christopher Anderson Shoots Himself and Cannot Recover NEBRASKA CITY Neb July 15 Christopher Anderson an old resident of this city who moved to Lincoln about two years ago shot himself upon the grave of his wife in Wyuka cemetery in this city The weapon used was a 32 caliber revolver the muzzle of which was evidently placed in his mouth The ball passed up ward and lodged in the brain Dr Neal probed for the ball but could not locate it The physician states that the man cannot live Anderson came to Nebraska City thirty five years ago and lived here up to the time of the death of his wife two years ago when he moved to Lincoln and took up his residence with his son He was a mer chant tailor He came here to visit a son and seemed in the best of spir its although his health had not been good lately His family consists of two sons and a daughter Must Serve Life Sentence LINCOLN Neb July 15 After six years of legal controversy the supreme court has settled that John W Ar gabright of Nemaha county must abide by the sentence to serve a life term in the penitentiary Argabright was convicted of the murder of Wil liam Smesler on the night of February 9 1894 Smesler was his and the tragedy was the result of a family auarrel Blue Springs Girl Appointed WYMORE Neb July 15 Miss Edith D Mattoon of Blue Springs has been appointed by Commissioner Vance to assist with the Nebraska ex hibit at the Pan American exposition at Buffalo She started Monday to en ter upon her duties Whoit Turning Out Well CERESCO Neb July 15 The threshing of fall wheat is progressing rapidly and is yielding from twenty five to forty bushels to the acre and some testing as high as sixty one pounds to the bushel Death to Grasshopper LINCOLN Neb July 15 The na tive grasshoppers which have been more or less troublesome in different parts of Nebraska will now be com pelled to battle with the South African locust disease Prof Lawrence Bru ner of the university is prepared to supply a limited lot of this disease and he hopes by the experiment to do something toward reducing the num ber of these pests According to re ports grasshopeprs are in spots FARM LAND IN NEBRASKA Valuation of the Same as Shown by Fig ures of Assessors Deputy Labor Commissioner Wat son has just completed a compilation of the value of farm lands in Ne braska based on the figured returned by the county assessors This Is the first time any such compilation has been undertaken The figures are as follows Counties Adams Antelopo Banner Blaine Boone Box Butte Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuminff Custer Dakota Dawes Dawson Deuel Dixon Dodtre Douglas Dundy Flllmoro Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Gariield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall 1 Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keya Paha Kimball Knox Lancaster Lincoln Ebgan Loud Madison I McPherson Merrick Nance Nemaha Nuckolls J Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps Pierce I Platte I Polk I Red Willow I Richardson Rock Saline I Sarpy i Saunders Scotts Bluff I Seward I Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley I Washington Wayne I Webster i Wheeler I York ta h3 p J3500ft1000 20001j 2500 35Xfi 4W 50Oft 1000 3000 50001 fir 1500 2000 500j 800 31WW -1000 6000 7500 40m 5000 6000i 8000 ZOQm 4003 500 1000 250 500 200 300 3000 4000 4000 COO0 4500 6000 1000 1500 4500 C0O0 2000 3500 1500 3000 600 1000 2000 4000 35001S 6500 6500 S000 800 1500 3500 4500 2000 4000 1000 2000 3500 4000 4000 5500 1500 2000 2000 3500 2500 4000 2500 5000 3000 5000 2000 4500 500 1000 S 00 1000 900 1200 300 500 2000 3500 3000 4500 4000 POOO 2500 3500 5C0 S00 500 800 3000 5500 3000 4500 4000 6000 1500 3000 800 1000 2500 3000 3000 5000 XOOfi 500 4000 5500 3500 5000 6000 7500 2500 35001 6000 8000 5500 70001 250 2000 3500 4000 45C0 4000 5500 2509 50001 2000 4500 6000 7500 1000 fi 1500 4000 7000 5000 75001 GOOOft 75001 1S0O 25001 4000 60001 1000 2000J 2500 3500 2500 3000 fiCOf 3500 2500 4500 4500 25 00 800 4000 45001 4500 1000 5000 40001 60001 5500 4000 1S00I 50001 1 PEL Qo 3 1 s p a 2500J3000 1400 2000 125 350 400t 750 2000 3500 QJ WGWti 1500 300 500 2000 3000 4500 5000 2500 4000 4000 5500 2500 3000 300 500 150 2 125 200 2500 3000 3000ra 4000 3500 4500 C001D 1000 2500 4000 150ft 250 1200 1800 300fi 500 1500 2000 2S00 4000 5000 6000 400 700 2500 2000 1000 1500 700 1200 1000 2000 3000 4000 500 1200 800 1200 1000 2000 2000 3500 2000 2500 1000W 2000 200 400 400 600 500 750 250 300 1500 2000 21nfltf 3000 30X0 4000 1500 2000 250 350 250 400 a 1000 2000 2500 3000 300 800 500 800 1500 20001 2500 2000 a 2500 3000 2500 3000 5000 6000 1500 2500 4500 5500 4000 5000 150 1500 2000 1500 2500 30007 4000 2500 3500 500 1000 2000 5000 500 1000 3000 4000 2500 5000 3500 5000 1000 1500 3000 4000 200 500 1000 2000 2400W 2500 300 2500 1501 3500 2500ft 1S0O 300 3000 3500 3000 500 35C0 2500 4500 4000 2500 600 4000 a p p 3 2000 1200 200 5C0 1500 600 1650 600 2000 3500 4000 5000 2750 100J 1000 2000 2000 4S 45X0 200J 4000 150 2001 800 2000 4000 5000 1000 3000 750 2509 500 2750 1000 700 2300 1000 1000 300 2000 200 409 1000 3J0 2250 1800 4000 18 JO 1009 109J 250 25X0 2503 1503 1000 3000 3000 750 250 2000 3593 2009 4000 4000 150 1811 2500 4000 3000 3000 3500 500 2750 4000 250J 1SO 2500 100 1609 750 2500 2003 1009 4500 2000 4000 4500 1750 1069 2000 Grand Army Reunion HASTINGS Neb July 13 Mana ger J J Buchana of the local commit tee selected to arrange for the coming state reunion to be held here in Au gust is receiving favorable replies from many of the noted statesmen of the nation who promise to attend and deliver addresses Strong efforts are making to secure Vice President Roosevelt Will Join Drake Faculty MT PLEASANT la July 13 Dr Hoffman the pathologist of the state hospital has resigned to accept a 4 000 position in the faculty of Drake university at Des Moines He was a very valuable man here but he could not remain here under the salary giv en He will leave about July 15 Bijr Crop of Peaches WYMORE Neb July 13 The work of harvesting peaches on the orchard of J M Russell Son south of town will be begun in a few days There are forty acres in this orchard and the yield is estimated at 25000 bush els The fruit is of a superior qual ity Roy Steals Fremont Ilorsc FREMONT Neb July 13 Guy Mc Carthy a 9-year-old boy yesterday stole a horse and buggy belonging to S D Lydick of this city and drove to Valley where he was arrested H C Kitchen Killed FARNAM Neb July 13 Harry C Kitchen was killed at Holyoke He was a brakeman on the B M His body was brought here for burial Reception to Church Howe AUBURN Neb July 13 Prepara tions are being made to give a recep tion to Hon Church Howe who is to be in Auburn July 25 Corn in Kansas and some portions of Iowa has been seriously injured by drouth Goes to the Philippines AUBURN Neb July 13 C A Plerson until recently a teacher on the Pacific coast who has been visit ing with his parents in this city will leave in a few days for the Philippine islands where he goes as an instruc tor Mr Pierson is a graduate of the State Normal school at Peru He has taught several years in this county and for two years held the office of county superintendent His appoint ment was unsought Cno Snip Anchored on Another It is not usual for a ship on the high seas to elect to cost anchor on tho deck of a passing steamer but that is what a four masted Bchooncr did recently in tho Atlantic Tho two vessels grazed in tho fog and tho catted port anchor of the schooner caught In the steamers deck by a fluke It fastened to an engineers stato room in such a manner as to bar his exit but fortunately tho chain parted just as the room was being ripped Into fragments Tho schooner followed the steamer to its destination to recover her anchor Her Loadable Ambition Colonel G B M Harvey tho pub lisher tells of meeting tho young bride of a well known Kentucky fam ily who said Im glad to meot you because Im thinking of writing a book Of what sore usked tho colonel Oh was the answer something llko Les Miserables only more lively Ho vr He Headed Off Sharpshooter William K Vanderbilt Jr does not Intend that Idle Hour his new homo at Oakland L I shall bo photo graphed without his permission Ho has accordingly had pictures taken from every possible point and copy righted the results Couldnt Work Him for a Temple A civil engineer employed in Salt Lake City received recently from tho cashier at the works at which he had been engaged his first weeks wages less 10 per cent He asked why hav ing worked a full week at agreed rate there should b any deduction Its the tithe for the Temple was the answer and on further inquiry it appeared that it was usual in Salt Lake City for every citizen or work man to pay over to the elders a sum representing a tithe or 10 per cent o his earnings or gains The engineer said that he knew nothing about the Temple or the elders and that he cared less He added that he would have his full pay or know the reason why Oh its entirely optional said the cashier pushing over the bal ance Wo idorful Cao In Indiana Buck Creek Ind July 15th Mrs Elizabeth Rorick of this place had Rheumatism She says All the doc tors told me they could do nothing for me She was very very bad and the pain was so great she could not sleep at night She used Dodds Kidney Pills and she is well and entirely free from pair or any symptom of the Rheumatism Are you still using Dodds Kidney Pills was asked No I stopped the use of the Pills some time ago and have not had the slightest return of my old trouble I am sure I am completely and perma nently cured Many in Tippecanoe County who have heard of Mrs Roricks case and her cure by Dodds Kidney Pills aro using the Pills and all report won derful results Royal Pistol Shot King George of Greece has lately taken up pistol practice as an amuse ment and is developing a considerable talent in that direction so that he was able in a recent tournament to defeat some of the best shots in the kingdom NEW EQUIPMENT FOR THE WABASH Effective July 10th The Wabash is placing the first of the large order of equipment consisting of two baggage 8 combination pasenger ard baggage 30 coaches 10 chair cars 3 cafe cars and 2 dining cars into service The trains running from Chicago leaving at 1100 a m 303 p m 915 p m and 1100 p m respectively will carry this new equipment Much comment has been made upon the elegant broad vestibule chair cars in this service In addition to this extra equipment the Pan American Special running be tween St Louis and Buffalo leaves St Louis at 100 p m arriving at Buffalo 820 a m Returning leaves Buffalo 130 p m arrives St Louis 756 a in This train has been equipped with the large broad vestibule chair cars and cafe library and observation cars something entirely new an innovation in the passenger service It is one of the unsolved mysteries how two men can exchange umbrellas and each invariably get t he worst of it Busephalus the horse of Alexander hath as lasting fame as his master Teach your child to hold his tongue hell learn to speak fast enough FRAGRANT Q7omm a perfecf liquid dentifrice for the Teeth and Mouth New SfceSOZODONT LIQUID 25c S0Z0D0NTT00TH POWDER 25c Large LIQUID and POWDER 75c At all Stares or by ilail for the price HALLRUCKEL New York Hl Fall SlK 81 Trtijt of Dr OKj AdlrFtt l O FHXLPS BOOTS 98 Broidwij Xrvborgk 31 If afflicted witli ore dyes use Thompsons Eye Water Vkhen Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper W N U OMAHA No 20 ioor CURES WHfM ALL ELSE FAILS Bt Cowm Syrup Tate Good Cse ta tune sola DTamfiua Kgreysffraisirei