M How KiiHBlit Fnvora tlio Women. Although the Russians arc not noted for their gallantry toward women they have scored one on other people St. Petersburg has recently been pro vided with new taxameter caba. They work on a , dual system , one for ladles and the other for gentlemen , the au thorities having been thoughtful enough to introduce a new tariff , ac cording to which ladies are only re quired to pay half the fare demanded of mere men. Very Much In the Family. The fifth of an extraordinary series of weddings has just been celebrated in Paradise Valley , near Oroville , Gal. The first was that of John Weer , a Cornish widower with four good look ing daughters. Some years ago he wedded Mrs. Malarin , a French widow with four sons. The boys and girls have now been all mated and the five couples live under the same roof. Slio Uno < l to Kun Tlicutrc. Miss Helen Bennett , of Deadwood , S. D. , has just been elected a county superintendent of public schools. She is a Wellesley graduate and has some years been manager of the theater in Deadwood. AVlty the King ; Dropped Albert. Many theories have been put for ward with regard to King Edward's choice of name ; that is , the dropping of the appellation "Albert. " It is , how ever , no secret that the king never lied the name of "Albert , " and it was only in deference to his mother's wisli that he signed himself "Albert Ed i ward. " More than once he asked to be allowed to sign himself "Edward , " but the queen was obdurate. The king knew that the name of "Albert" would not be congenial to the British nation , and as soon as Queen Victoria had passed away he communicated to Lord Salisbury his wish to be known as Edward VII. Only One Potirollojier. The parliamentary register for 1896 showed that there Avas then only one potwalloper in all England. One see ing the term for the first time might easily imagine that a potwalloper was a species of ichthyosaurus or some other reptile of a past age. It will be discovered upon inquiry , however , that the term "potwalloper" is liter ally one who boils a pot , and was applied to voters in certain boroughs of England , where before the passage of the reform bill of 1832 the qualifica tion for suffrance Avas to have boiled ( walloped ) his own pot in the parish for six months. A Plutocratic Cat. A Philadelphia woman well known for her fine collection of highly breu cats recently paid ? 3G for the care of Balthazer , a Persian cat , on shipboard , in addition to his passage money. Bal thazer was obliged to have a special attendant to take him on deck for an 'hour's ' walk three times a day , and he also had to have a fresh blanket ev ery day. There is a great deal of money in cats of high degree , and all that are sold have authenticated pedi grees. A Detective's Description of Golf. When the detective who arrested Adams , the acquitted Yonkers , N. Y. , Sunday golfer , was asked to describe how the game is played , he said : "Why , there's a little ball like an egg , and one of them hits it with a stick and it goes off in the grass , and the rest go and look for it. That is all there is to it. " Most anybody can laugh in the face of Death , when his call Is not per sonal. Those who can command them selves , command others. Hazlitt Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spolten of aa ficough cure. J. W. O'BiUEN , 322 Third Ave. , N. , Minneapolis , Minn. , Jan. G , 1900. Some Drink , Others Do Not. Fourteen prelates of the Church of England are total abstainers. The archbishop of Canterbury is one of them , the new bishop of London is another. A majority of the bishops still take their wine temperately , of course. Ask your grocer lor DEFIANCE STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starcn cou- tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money rerunded. Her Decennial Jag1. A London woman , arraigned in court for -being drunk , pleaded that she was entitled to her spree , as it was pre cisely ten years since she had com mitted a like offense. The magistrals coincided with her view and discharg ed her. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. One kind word spoken is worth two left unsaid. Northern Wisconsin Railway Farm Lands For Sale. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway has choice farm lands for sale in Northern Wisconsin , at low prices and easy terms of pay ment. Early buyers will secure the advan tage of locations on the many beauti ful streams and lakes , which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply , both for family use and for stock. Land is generally well timbered , the soil fertile and easy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions in the northwest. Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland and other towns on "The North-Western Line" furnish good markets for stock and farm produce. For further particulars address Geo. "W. Bell , Land Commissioner , Hudson , Wis. , or G. H. MacRae , Asst Gen. Pass. Agt. , SL Paul , Minn. All nature is at war. If we don't slay and eat , we will son be slain and devoured. TT i" ' "sr u * in& A F v JL TKe Best of It A J\ivenile Sketch for Independence Da.y The Crosspatch Man was sick again , and this time it must be pretty bad , for all the morning Meredith had been watching the servants spread straw before the house and muffle the big , shiny doorbell. "Poor man ! " mamma said , pitingly. "He is sick so often ! " "But he's a Crosspatch Man ! " mut tered Meredith stiffly. Then he re pented and looked as shamefaced as a very little boy with a very round , dim pled face could look. "I'm so sorry he's ve-ry sick , " he said slowly. "I s'pose it hurts even Crosspatch Men. " Mamma did not notice. She was having her little noon "gossip" with papa , and they were still talking about their invalid neighbor. "It isn't quite so bad as it seems , you know , " papa was saying. "He al ways has the straw laid down and things muffled when he has one of his worse nervous attacks. It doesn't mean all that it does in most cases. He is terribly afflicted by noise at al most any time. ' "Noise ! I should think so ! " That was from Meredith , who pricked up his ears at the word. Didn't he know how the Crosspatch Man felt 'bout a noise ? Didn't he belong to the Ruud Street Second ? V7asn't he captain ? And oh , my , the times he'd seen the Crosspatch Man a-scowling and a- furning when they marched past his window ! "But Fourth of July will be a terri ble day to him poor man ! " went on mamma's gentle voice. That made Meredith start a little. He had been thinking about Fourth o' July , too. ( Did he think of much of anything else nowadays ? ) He had been going over in his mind all the glorious pro gram of the day. For the Rudd Street Second was going to celebrate in a worthy manner. They were going to even outdo themselves this year and hadn't they had the proud honor of being the noisest street in the city for two Fourth o' Julys arunningLet 'em just wait till they heard this Fourth o' July ! It was three days off. That would give the Crosspatch Man time to have Lhe straw taken up and the bell un- muffled , for his worst "times" never lasted more than two or three days. "Then he'll have to cotton up his ears , " mused Meredith , philosophic ally , watching the big foreign servant that wore a turban go back and forth past the Crosspatch Man's window. The house Meredith lived in and the Crosspatch Man's house were quite close together , so it was easy to watch things. Unfortunately for an invalid with MEREDITH STOOD IN SHEER AMAZEMENT. ; he terrible affliction called "nerves , " Eludd Street was a regular nest of boys.They were boys everywhere on it. You ran against boys when you went east , and boys ran against you when you went west. Boys sprang up n the most unexpected places. The louses seemed to be running over with boys. And realty , there was at east one boy and on an average two or three in every house on Meredith's side , except in the Crosspatch Man's house. Oh , dear me , no , there weren't any boys there ! On the other side of the street you lad to skip the "middlest" house and Miss Quilhot and Miss Eromathea's oh , yes , and the minister's house , of which Miss Quilhot and Miss Eroma- thea were old maids , and the minister oh , no , he wasn't an old maid , but you couldn't expect him to have boys in the house , for how could he ever write his sermons ? So it was , as I said , an unfortunate street to havi "nerves" on. And the Crosspatch Man had so many ! The three days between soon went away , and it was the night tha very night before it ! There were only a few hours more , for , of course , you clidnt' have to wait till the sun rose on Fourth of July. Meredith had drilled the Rudd Street Second for the last time and dispersed his men. He was on his way home to supper. Going by the ISP * HE MADE A LITTLE SPEECPI. Crosspatch Man's house , he heard voices distinctly issuing from an open window. He couldn't help hearing , it was so quiet in the street. Perhaps it was the "lull before the storm. " "The sahib cannot bear : t , " a gentle soothing voice was saying , but Mere dith recognized the indignation mixed with the pity in it. "The sahib will be again sick. " Then came Meredith's astonishment , for the Crosspatch Man's voice was answering , and it was quite calm and gentle ; and it said : "Of course I shall be sick again , HarilI've made all my plans to perish. But what can you expect ? The little chaps must have their Fourth o' July. I was a little chap myself once. Shut the windowHari. There's a suspicion of a draught. " Meredith stood still in sheer amaze ment , and watched the turban-man close the window. He was a little chap himself once , the Crosspatch Man was ! And how kind his voice had sounded , too. It made him sorry for the crasspatch Man sorrier than he had ever been before. "He's a-dreadin' it like sixty. He's 'spectin' to perish , " Meredith said aloud. "It's goin' to make him sick , of course that's what he said to the turban-man. An'he was a little chap once , an' his voice was kind an' tired out. " Then Meredith went home and perched himself up on the banister post in the hall , to think. That was where he always thought things big things , you know. This was , oh my , such a big thing ! "I'm cap'n , ' mused Meredith , knit ting his little fair brows. "I can say , 'Go , an' thou ghost , " like the man in the Bible ; but they'll be dreadful disjointed , the Rudd Street Seconds will be. Still well , he sick an' he had a kind spot in his voice , an' he used to be a little chap too , so of course he used to bang things an' make noises. I don't think he sound ed much like a Crosspatch Man. " In a little while , after a little more tough thinking , Meredith slipped down and out of the door , up the street. He got together the Rudd Street Seconds and made a little speech , as a captain may , to his men. The next day the city and all Amer ica celebrated Fourth o' July , and Rudd Street was famous again , but this time for being the very quietest street in all the city ! There were just as many boys in it , too , as ever. The Crosspatch Man's white , ner vous face smoothed and calmed as the day wore on , and at last it actually smiled in a gentle way , as if he was thinking about something pleasant. And the captain of the Rudd Street Seconds and his brave men , drilling and popping and banging in a distant street , were happy , too. Annie Ham ilton Donnell. The Hon. Joel R. Poinselt , a native of South Carolina , and one of her most gifted sons , during the latter part of the administration of John Quincy Adams , it will be remembered , repre sented the United States at the capital of Mexico , which was then much dis tracted by internal dissensions. "While Mr. Poinsett resided there , the city was captured by one of the contending factions , and he and his family in curred no small degree of- personal danger from the violence of the sol diers , by whom they were suspected of affording concealment to certain ob noxious individuals. In the height of the nullification controversy after his return , in an address delivered to the people of Charleston , the following elo quent passage occurs : "Wherever I have been , I have been proud of being a citizen of this great republic , and , in the remotest corners of the earth , have walked erect and secure under that banner which our opponents would tear down and tram ple under foot. I was in Mexico when that city was taken by assault. The house of the American ambassador was then , as it ought to be , the refuge of the distressed and persecuted ; it was pointed out to the infuriated soldiers as a place filled with their enemies. They rushed to the attack. My only defense was the flag of my country , and it was flung out at the instant that hundreds of muskets were leveled at us. Mr. Mason and myself placed ourselves beneath its waving folds. We did not blench , for we felt strong in the protecting arm of this mighty republic. We told them that the flag that waved over us was the banner of that nation to whose example they owed their liberty , and to whose pro tection they were indebted for their safety. The scene changed as by en chantment , and the men who were on the point of attacking my house and menacing the inhabitants , cheered the flag of this countrj' , and placed senti nels to protect it from outrage. Fel low-citizens , in such a moment as that , would it have been any protection to me and mine to have proclaimed my self a Carolinian ? Should I have been here to tell you this tale , if I had hung out the Palmetto and the single star ? Be assured that to be respected abroad , we must maintain our place in the Union ! " Fir-rt Firecracker. y III. Over thirty-five thousand persons in Illinois belong to associations inter- } estetl in preserving and fostering the birds of the state. The greatest of sacrifices is to sac rifice self-respect. 3Irs. Windows sootlilnjr 'Syrup. For children tcettlnu. softens the gums , reduce * in flammation , allayi imln.curca wind colic. 23c a bottle. A wise man amongst fools feels more foolish than a fool amongst wise men. Time proves all things. It has seen Wizard Oil cure pain for over forty years. Many people know this. Of plain , sound sense , life's current coin is made. Young. Ijullo * Can Wear Shoes. Onesizc smaller after using A lion's Foot- Ease , a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen , hotswcating > , aching feet , ingrowing nails , corns and bunions. All druggists and shoo stores , 25c. Trial package FREE by muil. Ad dress Allcu S. Oluisted , Lelloy , N.Y. He who is forever grumbling about this world is apt to find a worse one hereafter. Chicago Journal. YELLOWSTONE' = ARK. Extended tour , leisurely itinerary with long stops in the Park. Private coaches for exclusive use on the drive. Pullman sleeping and dining cars. Established limit to number going. Escort of the American Tourist Asso ciation , Rcau Campbell. General Man ager , 1423 Marquette Building , Chica go. Colorado and Alaska tours also. Tickets include all Expenses Everywhere. Train leaves Chicago via Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul R'y , Tuesday , July 9 , 10.00 p. m. Good deeds are the most indestruct ible of monuments. Ask your grocer for DEFIAIiCE STARCH , the only 10 oz. package jfor 10 cents. AH other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. SOZOBOHT for tha TEETH 25c FREE A Fall-Flic 1 Treatment of Dr. O. r l'heli Ilrown't Great Kemeely lot Fits , Epllrjry ami 11 Nervous Diieavi. AiJre ! 0. rilELrS UllOn.V OS Hn > Jit jr. Knlauit , S.T. lone Young Men , ami 1UOO YOIIIII ; Wonirn , ti > take tip the ntmly of bliort- Imml mill Bookkeeping , nuil prepare themselves immediately for KOOI ! posi tion * . Sulnry 10.00 to 1100.00 par month to Mart. Wo c.in placa ( hum nseoaii us they uru prepared. Uo aruunulilo to supply 50 per cent of the cnln ! eomlnic In. I.nrKCat nnil licst ciiiilppc-il butlno'M CollrRo l the Went ; hlnhcHt ulitml.iril ; iiatlonnl reputation. Fourteen proit-Hjtonnl teacht-rn. Kxprnieii low. For Journal , nililrecs T. W. JJOAOI , Hiipurlnternlcat , 1U.MUS MUU.YAX Bl'blXUS IOU.U.K. tiillu * . Entt . IN 3 OR 4 YEARS m SHDEPE ENGE ASSURED If you t ko up your lioiim lit Western Can- nd.i.the luiul of plenty. Illustrated i > mni > hlct. < > . Kiting experiences of fanners who Imve be come wealthy In jjruw- Int : wheat , reports of delegates , ctc.inul fu'l information as to reduced railway rates can l > u had on application to the Superintendent of Immigration , Department of Interior , Ottawa , Canada , or to W V Ueuuetl , KOI New York Life Hide , Omaun. Nclx jjoizivv.nioims , \Vnwliiiitoii , ! . < ; . -'Successfully Prosecutes Claims , I [ Late Principal Bxftmlnnr U 8. P innlon Kuriuvu. \rhiiiclvU\Mir. . 15-icUmlli Jitlti : : < Iiinnx iitlv Kincf. NATURAL-BORN SALESMEN , HardWorking - Working and thoroughly reliable- mon to soil the best-grown nursery Stock in the United States. Liberal Commissions paid. Cash advanced wec'cly Write today for particulars , giving references. Oregon Nursery Co. , Salem , Oregon "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS Outshoot all other black powder shells , because they are made better and loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of powder , shot and wadding. Try them and you will be convinced. REPUTABLE * DEALERS * KEEP THEM I Consisting of CUTIQJRA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales , and soften the thick ened cuticle , CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly allay itching , irritation , and inflammation , and soothe and heal , and COTIOJRA RESOLVENT to cool and cleanse the Wood , and expel humour germs. A SINGLE SET is of ten sufficient to cure the most skin and torturing , disfiguring , scalp , blood humours , rashes , itchlngs , and irritations , with loss of hair , when the best physicians , and all other remedies fail Assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT , for preserving , purify ing , and beautifying the skin , for cleansing the scalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , and the stopping of falling hair , for softening , whitening , and soothing red , rough , and sore hands , for baby rashes , itchings , and chafings , and for all the purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Millions of "Women use CUTICURA. SOAP in the form of baths for annoying irritations , inflammations , and excori ations , for too free or offensive perspiration , in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses , and for many sana tive , antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers. No amount of persuasion can , induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others. CUTICURA SOAP com bines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA , the great skin cure , with the purest of cleansing ingredients - ' dients and the most refreshing of flower odours. Ko other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving , sive , is to be compared with it Tor all the purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Thus it combines in OivE SOAP at ONE PRICE , the best son and complexion soap , and- the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Complete External and internal Treatment for Every Humourv Consisting of CcriccEA SOAP , to cleanse the skin of cmetj and scales , and soften the thickened ciuiolc ; CUTICUUA OISTULST. to icstantly allay Hrhinfr , Snfiamm.ifcon , and Irritation , ard seethe and heal ; and CUTICCKA RESOLVJXT. to cool and cleanse tha blood. A SINGLE SKT Is often euflieient to cure Jhe most tortnr- TH E S ET ln& ' disfiguring , Itchinp. burnlnjr. and scaly eUn , scalp , and bkwt' humours , rashes , itchlnps , and irritations , vllli losof hair , -whea. allelsefalls. Sold throughoutthe world. BritiEhDepot : F.XEwmur & Soys , 27 Charter house S < j. , London , E. C. POTTEB Dsca ASD Cusn. Coiii' . , Sole Props. , Eoetoc , U. 3.