The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 28, 1901, Image 7

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I )
ir ?
When the rain is over ,
When the clouds have pass'd ,
And the golden sunshine
Beams again at last ;
And the earth is fairer ,
Ev'ry fashioned flow'r
Lifts its head to answer ; I :
"Thank you , little show'r I"
When the show'r is over.
When the rain is done ,
Nature's all the sweeter ,
Brighter shines the sun. x
When the tears are over , !
When the pain has pass'd ,
And the smiles and dimples
Come again at last ;
Never mind the bruises ,
Laugh away the fears ;
Answer like the flowers ;
"Thank you , little tears ! "
When the tears are over ,
Smiles come back again ;
Life is all the sweeter
For the drops of rain !
Casscll's Little Folks.
The Rescue of Regalia ,
( Copyright , 1901 , by Daily Story Pub. Co. )
"Thou art glad when Hassan mounts
the saddle ,
Thou are glad he owns thee ; so am
I ! "
Bayard Taylor.
' ill-concealed.
Reggie's contempt was -
"You goose ! ' he said to his sister.
"Here you're blubberin' all over Wil-
liewinkie's neck. "
Miss Adelaide Carlender , still young
enough to quarrel with Reggie ,
promptly whisked her handkerchief
Into her sleeve and straightened up
with much dignity. She had given
.Williewinkie her own little black
pony to Reggie the fall before when
ehe and Clive Harland had decided
they were quite unsuited to each oth
er and that there was no earthly use
in attempting to patch up this latest
"For I never shall ride again , "
Adelaide had said heartbrokenly.
"Never ! " Now , when once more the
roads were white and firm in the city
boulevards , and the bougeoning trees
on either hand spoke of the summer ,
and all distant lanes in emerald leaf
invited to joyous freedom and bound
ing activity , there had come to Adel
aide a queer heartsick feeling that was
almost like nostalgic a longing for *
what had been for what might never
be again. Oh , the rides they'd had
just a year ago she on Williewinkie
Clive on Regalia. The dewy morn
ings , with the incense of earliest way
side blooms rising fragrant to greet
them. Brown buds of oak and maple
were swelling then. And in the city
parks were the delicious signs of com
ing summer those parks where al
ready the grey-coated sparrows and
the red-coated robins held glorious
matins !
Now , Clive had gone abroad with
his people. The fine home to the right
was closed. The society journal de
clared the family might return in the
fall. There were some hints thrown
out of dive's enthuiastic reception in
English society , and of his engage
ment to the daughter of an English
baronet All this Adelaide learned be
fore she had come down here with her
parents to open their summer home.
But it seemed to be borne in upon her
1 "I Never Blubber. "
with fresh force when she found her
self once more in the familiar stables ,
with brer arm around Williewinkie's
neck , and Williewinkie's brown nose
poking into her palm for sugar.
"I never blubber , ' * Adelaide assured
her small brother with a wan smile
she meant to be chilly and lofty
"And I I think you ought to be more
more grateful after my giving you
. Williewinkie. "
Now Reggie was only eleven , but he
was wise in his generation. He knew
Adelaide did not care a snap for
Williewinkle since her surrender of
him. And he too had pleasant mem
ories of dive's largesse the previous
"Oh , that's all right , " he returned
magnificently. "I was only stringin'
a bit. But say ! Do you know
they've sent Regalia down with the
other horses , and her beast of a groom
"I Saved Regalia. "
is runnin' her knee-sprung and fod-
derin' her to beat the band ? "
Adelaide's crisp duck morning skirt
rustled. Adelaide's pink hat of shirred
liberty silk slipped back on her neck.
Adelaide's two big gold-brown braids
were suddenly whisked over her shoul
der in the agitation of her swift sweep
"No ! Is ho though ? I've a mind
a good mind to give him a talking. "
"Sho ! " ejaculated Reggie loftily. "As
though he'd mind a girl : "
But that night when Adelaide had
turned her pretty ringleted head a
dozen times on the pillow , and finally
succeeded in cantering off to the
pleasant world of dreamland , it was to
find that Williewinkie and Regalia
were both there before her and were
having a glorious gallop down a slope
of sunny sward , quite ignoring the
imperative cries which followed them
to halt !
And suddenly she was sitting up in
bed , with Reggie's voice in her ears
and queer smell of smoke in her nos
"I say oh , Ade , I say the Harland
stables are on fire. Don't you hear
the men shouting ? What did you
want to bolt your door for ? I
thought I'd never get in. They're
bringing the volunteer fire department
up from town , but it will be too late
I know it will. Say ! What are you
doing where are you going ? "
For Adelaide had promptly pdunged
her head into a basin of cold water ,
tossed the mass of heavy wet hair
back over her shoulders , secured it
with a heavy bone pin , and tumbling
into the golf costume which happened
to be the nearest clothing at hand
was tugging at her shoes and jerking
out the laces by way of saving the
trouble of securing them.
"For Regalia ! " gasped Adelaide , and
then she was gone.
When Reggie got back to the Har
land stables never a glimpse could he
catch of his daring sister. His father
was there , as was his big brother , and
they were half-distracted. Some one
had seen Adelaide enter the burning
building. She had not emerged as far
as was known. And the place was
doomed. For over the puny streams
of water , over the blaze that lit the
surrounding spaces , over the harsh
and exultant crackle of the flames ,
rose the agonized and half human
neighs and trumpetings of imprisoned
beasts. Colonel Carlender tore around
like a madman. "My daughter is in
there ! " he screamed. "A thousand
dollars to the man who brings her
out ! "
But the man who attempted the
rescue , the man who had ridden out
from the town depot where he had
just left his train , at sight of the
flames , and who now dropped from
his horse only to rush into the burn
ing building , was beaten back con
"She had a knife ! " cried a stentor
ian voice.
"I seen her dip a horse-blanket in
a trough and cover her head with It. "
howled another.
" " the newcomer
"Who was she ? shouted
comer , who had attempted to enter
the building. "Who was she ? "
A hundred voices in unison answered
him : "Squire Calender's daughter ! "
they said.
Just then a cry of horror rent the
air the cupola had fallen with a
crash. And just then , as the by
standers banded in an attempt to keep
the stranger from again attempting an
entrance , two muffled figures were dis
tinguishable through the smoke. One
they seemed , for the heads of both
were covered by the folds of a blanket
already blazing , and down dropped as
they staggered out the knife with
which the halter of Regalia had been
"Save him ! " panted Adelaide , as she
fell in her father's arms. "It's his
horse dive's. I saved Regalia ! "
When she regained consciousness in
the blue calm of the summer dawn ,
it was not in those same arms she
awoke. For her lover was holding her
as though he would never let her go ,
and his adoring eyes were beaming
down upon her. "My brave darling ! "
he said. "I had just got in on the
midnight train. My first thought was
for Regalia. But when I knew you
were there you No , no ! You will
not be disfigured at all , thank God !
But , even if you were oh , my gallant
girl oh , my best beloved ! "
Water Should Be Aerated to GTO Them
The gills of a fish are situated at the
back part of the sides of the head ,
and consist of a number of vascular
membranes , which are generally in
double , fringe-like rows , fixed by the
base only ; sometimes these are featherlike
er-like , and sometimes they are mere
folds of membrane attached at each
end over the gill cavities. In general
there are four gills on each side ,
though in some fish there are more.
In fishes that have bones the gills are
attached to the outer edge of bony
arches connected with the bone of the
tongue and with the base of the skull ,
the connection at each end being by
intervening small bones , while the
cavity containing the gills on each side
of the head is covered by a bony plate
with two subordinate pieces. It is by
the movement of these bony plates that
the water is expelled which is taken
in through the mouth , and which , after
passing among the gills and supplying
them with air , passes out by the gill
opening at the back of the head. The
fish is a cold-blooded animal that is ,
its temperature is very slightly above
that of the water in which it lives ,
and it therefore needs but little oxygen
to keep the blood warm enough to sus
tain its life. This oxygen , supplied to
the blood by the gills in respiration , is
not obtained by decomposing the wa
ter , but by separating the air from it.
It is , therefore , necessary that the wa
ter in which fish live should be sup
plied with air , and this is one of the
direct benefits of the agitation of
oceans and lakes by winds. Fishes
confined in aquariums often die for
this very reason because the water is
not aerated. They consume all the
oxygen in the closed vessel in which
they are placed , and no more being
supplied , they die , and may be said
to be drowned , because they perish
from the same cause that occasions
death by drowning in lung breathing
animals that is , want of air. Golden
Dreas Fastenings.
Buttons are being used much mere
than the invisible hook-and-eye that
was always striving to creeg into no
tice of the past few years. No one es
pecial kind of button is in vogue. They
are used with due reference to the
material of the dress. With figured
silk , brocade or velvet a small fancy
button of enamel , metal or jeweled is
good. With plain silk or satin a small
crochet button is preferred. Smooth
cloths have tailor buttons of the same
material , and cheviot , tweed , home
spun , etc. , are fastened with horn , bone
or smoked pearl buttons.
Common < llac Long Known.
The common lilac , which is known
to botanists as syringa vulgaris , has
been in cultivation for over 300 years ,
and its native home is said to been
on the mountainous regions of Cen
tral Europe , from Piedmont to Hun
gary , whence it was introduced to cul
tivation in 1597. Botanists recognize
about 12 species of lilacs , found in a
wild state , and these are native from
southwestern Europe through Central
Asia and the Himalayas to Mongolia ,
Northern China , and Japan. None of
the species is a native of the American
The Cat.
Our friend the cat is called kat in
Danish and Dutch , katt in Swedish ,
chat in French , katti or katze in Ger
man , catus in Latin , gatto in Italian ,
gate in Portuguese and Spanish , kot
in Polish , kots in Russia , keti in
Turkish , cath in Welsh , kath in Cor
nish , catua in Basque , and'goz or katz
in Armenian.
Buffalo , N. Y. , on sale May 15th to Sept.
Kansas City. Mo. , on sale Juno 7th to
Detroit , Mich. , on sale July 5th , 6th and
Cincinnati , O. , on sale July 4th , 5th and
Chicago , 111. , on sale July 23rd , 24th and
" 5th.
Louisville. Ky. , on sale Aug. 24th , 23th
and 2Gth.
Cleveland , O. , on sale Sept. Sth to 12th.
Half rates to most all points south first
and third Tuesday each month. Summer
tourist rates to all summer resorts now
on sale. For descriptive matter regarding
the Pan-American Exposition , summer
tours , rates and all information call at
6 > . & St. Ij. City Ollice. 1415 Farnam street
( Paxtcn Hotel building ) , or write Harry
K. Moores. C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. ,
or A. J. Bandy , G. P. A. , Kansas City ,
If beauty is the first gift Nature
gives to woman , it is also the first
she takes away.
Live the King ! The King is
Wizard Oil ; pain his enemies , whom
he conquers.
A singer must have a pretty good
compass before he ventures on high
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. " All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
The crab may not be as good eating
as the lobster , but he'll do in a pinch.
In addition to receiving the highest
form of award at the three great
Paris Expositions , the Remington
Typewriter has received the highest
award for merit from the largest users
who are the best judges as to the
comparative value of typewriting ma
chines. Omaha office , 1619 Farnam St.
The shorter the ice crop is in win
ter the longer the bill in summer.
Extended tour , leisurely itinerary
with long stops in the Park. Private
coaches for exclusive use on the drive.
Pullman sleeping and dining cars.
Established limit to number going.
Escort of the American Tourist Asso
ciation , Reau Campbell. General Man
ager , 1423 Marquette Building , Chica
go , Colorado and Alaska tours also.
Tickets include all Expenses Everywhere.
Train leaves Chicago via Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , Tuesday ,
July 9 , 10.00 p. m.
The author's train of thought is
a construction train.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con -
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
As there are no perfect men , so
there are no perfect manners.
Try Graln-O ! Try Graln-Ot
Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a
package of GRAIN-O. the now food drink
that takes the place of coffee. The children
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult. All who try it , like it. GRAIN-O has
that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , but
it is made from pure grains , and the most
delicate stomach receives it without dis
tress. % the price of coffee. 15c and 25 eta.
par package. Sold by all grocers.
250 , and Chris is the feather weight
of this remarkable quartet , being
slightly lighter than Lars.
A poor woman Is fat ; a rich woman
is' only stout.
SOZODONT Tooth Powder 25c
Stock in the United States. Liberal Commissions paid. Cash advanced weekly. "VVrita
today for particulars , giving references. Oregon NtltSery Co. , Salem , Oregon
LA KC / . _ .
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry.
Full particulars on application to F. M. BYRON , General Western Agent , CHICAGO
Causes bilious head-ache , back-ache
and all kinds of body aches. Spring
is here and you want to get this bile
poison out of your system , easily ,
naturally and gently. CASCARETS
are just what you want ; they never
grip or gripe , but will work gently
while you sleep. Some people think
the more violent the griping the better
the cure. Be careful take care of
your bowels salts and pill poisons
leave them weak , and even less able to Jfl
keep up regular movements than be
fore. The only safe , gentle cleaner
for the bowels are sweet , fragrant
CASCARETS. They don't force
out the foecal matter with violence ,
but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall , strengthen the
muscles and restore healthy , natural action buy them and try them. U
You will find in an entirely natural way your bowels will be promptly
and permanently put in good order for the Spring and Summer work.
25c. NEVER
all bowel troubles , appendicitis , bil
iousness , bad. breath , bad blood , wind
on the Btomach , bloated bowels , foul
< w B ass mouth , headache. Indigestion , pimples ,
pain * after eating , liver trouble , mallow complexion
and dizziness , when your bowelx don't move regu
larly you are getting sick. Constipation kill * more
people than all other discuses together. It IB a
tarter for the chronic ailment * and lone years of
suffering that come afterwards. No matter what
alls you , start taking CAS CARETS to-day , for yon
trill never get well and be well all the time until
you pat your bowel * right. Take onr advice ; start
wlth-CASCARETS to-day , under an absolute guar
antee to care or money refunded * 15 *
TO CTJKE : Five years auo
the flrst box of CASCAU-
ETS wa * sold. > ow It 1
over six million boxes a.
year , greater than any
similar medicine In the world. This u absolute proof of
irreat merit , and onr best testimonial. We have faltb and
will sell CJt8CAHET8 absolutely traa.-anteed to care OP
money refunded. Go buy today , tire GOc boxes , srlvethctna
fair , honest trial , an per simple direction * , aad If you are
not satisfied , after using one COc box , return the nnnicUt Oc
box and the empty box to ns by mnll. or the drnszlst from
whom yon purchased It , and get your moaey back , for both
* whnt nils yon-start to
boxes . Take onr adTlee no matter
day. Health will quickly follow nnd yon will Moss the d * y
yonflrststartedtheuseo CASCAKETK. Boot free bymaJL.