Excursion Rates to Eastern Cities. These rates will interest you. They arc ns low as will be in effect nt liny time this summer : DKTKOIT July 5 , 6 and 7 , $29 90 for the round trip. CINCINNATI July 4 , 5 and 6 , $29.15 to Cincinnati and return. IMli.WAUKKU Jul20 , 21 and 22$25.25 for the round trip. CHICAGO July 23 , 24 , and 25 , $23.10 for the round trip. Io\v rates daily to the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo. Ask the ticket ugent about them. J. FKANCIS , General Passenger Agent , Omaha Neb. . , 6-14-413. Not Going West This Summer ? Haven't you heard about the low rates to Colorado and Utah offered by the Burlington Route ? They nre the lowest ever made so low that it is almost cheaper to take advan tage of them than it is to stay at home. In effect all summer long from the first of June until the middle of Septem ber. See the local agent or , if you prefer , write to J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb. , enclosing with your letter six cents in stamps for "Col orado , " a 72-page book , handsomely illustrated and full of interesting information mation about the cool resorts in the mountains. 5-24-613. That Trip to California. Only a few weeks till the Epworth League meeting in San Francisco. Time yon decide about your route. Time you reserve your sleeping car berth. Time you made up your mind where you will go and what you will do after you arrive in California. Our Epworth League folder is invalu able for those who intend to go to San Francisco in July. Tells all about rates , routes , through cars , hotels , stop-overs , etc. Write for a copy. J. FRANCIS , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb. Notice of Estray. Came to my furtn section 2 , range 29 , Gerver precinct , about June 5th , 1901 , a black mare , 4 or 5 years old , branded on left flank 27. Owner can have animal by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN CALKINS. STY defended. KuYre- 013 s c i ! _ E an tee Dr. Kay's Renovator a U Ua a lo curc dyspepsia , consti- , liver and kidneys. Best tonic , laxative , Sation purilier Unown for all chronic diseases ; renovates and invigorates thewhole system and cures very worst cases. Get trial box at once. If not satisfied with it notify uswe will refund inonev l > y return mail. Write your symptoms f < .r Free Medical Advice , sample and proof. 25 & 50 at druggists. Dr. 13. J. Kay , Saratoga , N.Y. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of makes 2 gallons of the VERY BEST PAINT in the \VOELD o f yourpaint bill. Is FAB MOEE DURABLE than P CKE WHITE LEAD and is ABSOLUTELY NOT POI SONOUS. HAMMAR PAINT is made of the BEST OP PAINT MATERIALS snch as all good painters rise , and is cround TUICK , VERY THICK. Ko trouble to mix , any boy can do it. It is the COMMON SENSE OF HOUSE PAINT. No BETTER paint can be made at ANY cost , and is KOT TO CRACK , BLISTER. PEEL or CHIP. r. HA3IMARPAINT CO. , St. Louis , Mo. Sold and guaranteed by S. M. COCHRAN & CO. McCOOK , NEB. Bitit ) . T 1872. ROTH EWBERG & SCHtOSS DISTRIBUTORS , KSA5 CITY , Mb. CURES all Kidney J Or. Ksj'l Diseases , Back Kidneycura. ache , etc. At drue- Kists. or by mall , 81. Preelx > qkad- Tlce , etc. , of Dr. B. J. Kay , Saratoca , N. T. Sold by Lear and McMillen. X OF AT = MQOOOK , NRB TJL in. i ? i s © By Mosquito Battery. 10 :00-S T K E E T PARADE , Forming on West Dennison Street. In the morning parade there will be a prize of $3 for the best decorated Surrey or Buggy ; $2.00 to the second best , and $1.00 to the third. io:30 = Exercises at the City Park , Music , Speaking , etc. F i iJ 8asket Dinner in Park. i2:3o : = = City . ist , $1.50 ; 2nd , $ i ; 3rd , 50 cts. First = = Bicycle Race = = Girls. Second = = Bicycle Race = = Boys under 15 years. Third = = Potato Race. Fourth = = Sack Race. Fifth = = Fat Men's Race Sixth = = Three = Leg Race. Seventh = = Greased Pig Race. PREMIUMS OFI To the Heaviest Baby , six month's old and under , = Baby Jumper by F. M. Colson. To Couple Married on Platform - Gasoline Stove byS. fl. Cochran & Co. To Heaviest flan = = Cane by F. J. Morgan. To Oldest Man . To Tallest Han . To Homeliest Man - by McConnell & Berry. To Man With Biggest Feet - by Vahue & Petty. To Man that can "Holler" Loudest . . . . Box of Cigars by J. H. Bennett. 4oo = = Ball Game ARAPAHOE vs. McOOOK FIREWORK S-E Y ENINO MIDWAY IN CITY PARK Continuous Performance. SfPECIAL RAILROAD RATES And Satisfactory Train Arrangements. YOU ARE INVITED Don't Wait , But Buy Now , While You Need Them. Our Line of Wash Dress Goods Ladies' Shirt Waists Ladies' Skirts Summer Corsets Hot weather underwear etc. , is still complete. Call now and get a bargain i lot men's linen suits at one = half price _ _ „ Special lot of Nos. 40 and 60 fancy ribbon , regular 25 cent quality , at 12 cents imri THE . . . . * C. L. DeGROFF & CO. Don't get bide-tracked in business. Dull ness sometimes passes for death. Men with brains reach the goal. Rocky Mountain Tea puts gray matter into one's head. 350. Ask your druggist. "The Doctors told me my cough was incur able. One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man. " Norris Silver , North Stratford , N. II. Because you've not found relief for a stubborn cough , don't despair , One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will cure you. Safe and f.re. McConnell & 15erry. You may as well expect to run a steam en gine without water as > to find an active , ener getic man with a torpid liver and you may know that his liveris torpid when he does not relish his food or feels dull and languid after eating , often has headache and sometimes dizziness. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his liver to its normal functions , renew his vitality , improve his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price , 25 cents. Sample free at McConnelFs & Berry's drug store. Every v/oman loves to think of the time when a. soft little body , all her ov/n , will nestle in her bcscm , fully satisfying the yearning v/hich lies in the heart of every good woman. But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture in her mind \vnch f.Hs her v.th terror. The dread of childbirth takes av/ay much of the joy of motherhood. And yet it need not be so. For sometime there has been upon the market , well-known and recommended by pnysicians , a lin.ment called which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature intended it. It is a strengthening , penetrating liniment , which the skn : readily absorbs. It gives the musclec I'.asticity and vigor , prevents sore brecsts , mcrning Sickness - ness and the less of the girlish figure. An intelligent mother in Butler , Pa. , sa ; - : " \VtrcI to nee J Mother's 1'r.e d r. - " .I would o'ota.n 'J bottles : I h d i t . . p.t$5 pc-r bottle for it. " ! < 'ct Mother's Friend at the Crug { st < re. $1 per bottle. Trie GRADFKLD REGULATOR CO. , ] Atlanta , Ga. \Vrite for our frre iLusrati > l book , " Before y is l > orn. " ETPFT MEDICAL ADVICE. Writeus r nbEi all your symptoms. Renovating the system is the only safe and sure method of curIng - Ing all Chronic Diseases. Dr. Kay's Renovator is the only perfectsystem renovator. Free sam ples and book. Dr. B. J. Kay , Saratoga X Y. Sold by Lear and McMillen. ' 1 lie hiliouPrt < l , nei M.U man cannot u < _ ci v ru ! ' , < i ii.i e'e with hi1 healthy rival. I't \\itf- 1 iie ! Kaily Ki er- the famous pilli f < cijii'-tip U < n w.ll reiiK.ve the cau e of 7.i troul I. . M Lounell t1'erry. . Will kc p . . . Rrifl proo * ! * r c. < ! OZ < M > th r I Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Mature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest- aut sad tonic. No other preparation vi" "pproach it la efficiency. It in- , ly relievesand permanently cure = jepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn . uJerice , Sour Stomach , Nausea. SicK Headache , Gastralgia.Crampsancl all other results of imperfect digestion. Price50c. and Jl. Large size contains 24tirc ! smallsize. Boole all about dyspepsiamaiiedfr f. Preoared by S. C. DeWiTr ft CO. , Crjlsag.s McConnell & Berry Druggists. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYEE , Proprietor. attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave orders- at either lumber yard. r