You Notice Those tike Shoes For. . . 1 Cts , ® In our window ? They are made of good , strong , cangSg fff vas , with a solid leather sole. nwz * = flcCook , Nebraska's V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. f TnnT TVY T \ 4 " \ T T 7" TVYH BANK ! l 1 IZ/l OF MeCOOK , NEB. i * B B 4 Paid Up Capital , . § 50,000. Surplus , $5.000 i a f z DIRECTORS ' K. FRANKUH , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , / / . T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. - - NYiQYAl PILLS Safe. Always reliable. I < adic . oskllruKtristfor HICIIBKTER < N I.V4 ISII in Re f and .old metallic boxes , sealed with blue ribbon. TnUc no other. Rcfuoe danprcrouit Hiibsli- tutioitMnnd inaitationH. Buy of your Druggist , or send -Ic in stomps for Particular * . Tc ti- moninls and "Relief for I.adie * . " in letter , by relUrnMail. 1OOOO Testimonials. Sold by all Druggists. CHICHESTEB CHEMICAL CO. 2SOO 3Xadi on Square , PHII.A. , PA , Jlentlon thin p oer. For relief and comfort in asthma Ballard's Horehound Syrup has no equal. Price 25 nnd 50 cts. A. McMillan. Imitators have been many. Thoughtful people have learned that true merit comes snly with the genuine Kocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35. Ask jour druggist. If your sight is blurred with specks and -spots floating before your eyes , or you have pains on the right side under the ribs , then your liver is deranged , and you need a few doses of Herbine to regulate it. Price = ; o cts. A.McMillen. A boy refers to sacred music as the "slow drag. " Dyspeptics cannot be long lived because to live requires nourishment. Food is not nour ishment until it is digested. A disordered stomach cannot digest teed , it must have as sistance. "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests all kinds of food without aid from the stomach , 3.1'oiving it to rest and regain its natural func tions. Its elements are exactly the same as Jhe natural digestive fluids and it simply : an't help but do you good. McConnell & Berry. " where it is hot nil the year round sells better than any where else in the world. So don't stop taking it in summer , or you will lose ' what you have gained. Send for a Srce sample. 1 COTT & BOWNE , Chemists , 409-415 Pearl Street , New York. 5SC. and $1.00 : all druggists. Mather-Satchel I. MARRIED At the home of Rev.V. . E Hardavvay in Holdrege , Neb. , on tin morning of June lath , Uriah B. Mathe ; and Miss Nora M.Satchell. The brid < is the daughter of Rev. M. S. Satchell and one of Red Willow county's teachers , The groom , from Aurora , Nebraska , is one of the railroad boys. The ceremonj was performed in the presence of a few witnesses by Rev. Hardaway. The bride was attired in cream albatross , and car ried an arm bouquet of bride's roses. The groom was dressed in the conven tional black. After luncheon the happy pair took No. 12 for Kenesaw. The many friends of these worthy young people wish them much joy. Repairs for mowers and binders , al most any make , heaviest stock and greatest variety west of Hastings , at S. M. Cochran S. Co.'s. Tribune Clubbing List. For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB JNEwe have made arrangements with the ollowing newspapers and perodicals whereby ve can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE. JJJ Detroit Free Press $ i oo $ i 50 -eslie's Weekly 400 300 5rairie Farmer oo 175 Chicago Inter-Ocean oo i 35 Cincinnati Enquirer. oo 150 * Jew-York Tribune oo i 25 Demorest's Magazine oo i 75 Toledo Blade oo 125 Nebraska Farmer oo 150 qwa Homestead oo i 45 .incoln Journal oo 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture. . . oo 150 "few-York World oo 165 DmahaBee * oo 150 Cosmopolitan Magazine. . . oo i So 5t. Louis Republic co 175 vansas City Star . 25 115 Nebraska Dairyman and Up- _ _ to-Date Farmer 50 125 Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15 Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE. McCook , Neb. j'sLung cures every fciful of cough , la prippc , bronchitis , sore throat , croup , hooping cough , etc. Never deranges the stomach. At Druggists , 10&25& SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Travel Henderson. j Wednesday evening , ai the homo i i the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. 3 Henderson , Mr. Frank L. Traver ai : Miss JJeSoie Henderson were united i mai ringc , Rev. W. J. Turner pcrforinir. the ceremony in- the presence of the re ntives and a very few friends of the co ; tracting families. The young frienc have lived among us many years and large circle of friends will unite with i in hearty congratulations and in tl : hope that life may be joyous and su ccssful. They have taken quarters wit the bride's parents. A superb wedding supper followed tl ceremony. , The young people were handsome ! remembered with gifts useful and ricl Great Sprinting. The boys of the blacksmith-shop an on the rip-track met in deadly conflk on the Athletic park diamond , Thun day afternoon , and when the dust of tli race had cleared away sufficiently to b able to note the result it was calculate that "Mac's Colts" were too swift by ] scores -to 5 for the "Kip-Trackers. Garvey's delivery was too rapid and d ( vious for the Kips and they failed t find the ball. . Death of James Borheman. In the death of James Eorneman , Stu ; day afternoon , in Denver , the member of the family have the profoundest am most heartfelt sympathy of their host o friends in McCook , where they former ! lived. 'Death was caused by consume tion. Burial was made in Deuvei Peace to his sweet , gentle spirit. Pythian Memorial. Next Sunday , June 16th , the Knight of PythiaS will observe their Annua Memorial service. Knights are requestei to meet at Castle Hall at 2 o'clock t < march to the Congregational church After services in the church Knight : will march to the cemeteries and decora ti graves of the departed brethren. INDIANOLA. Miss Ella Kiug visited here , lastFriday J. R. Neel was up to the county seat Tuesday , with the crowd. Postmaster McCool had business ir. McCook , Tuesday. Ditto , S. R. Smith. E. A. Sexsoii'and W.P.Elmer were pilgrims to the red standpipe town , Monday. Councilman and Mrs. J. K. P. Frye vere county capital visitors , Tuesday , is were also Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bond. Mrs. G. S. Bishop , who have been the juest of Mr. and Mrs. Hetherington for he past two weeks , returned to McCook > n Wednesday night. The appointment of A. C. Crabtree as : heriff to fill vacancy caused by the res- gnation of Sheriff G. F. Kinghorn meets , vith complete satisfaction here. Art vill make an efficient sheriff. He is one ) f the best officers in the county and an ill-around good fellow. Jennie To have a round beautiful neck viggle your head from side to side ; every light take Rocky Mountain Tea. It's a short : ut to a graceful form. 35c. Ask your drug- list. PROSPECT PARK. Essie Dunham visited with Mrs. J. H- irVade , Tuesday. I. T. Birdsell and family left for Cole , ado , last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. King spent a couple of lays at Spring Creek. Miss May Thompson spent several ays , this week , with John Sly's family. The Children's day exercises were , rand success , The children are to b omplimented. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade attended le A. O. U. W. Floral day exercises in CcCook , Sunday. We had a nice rain in this neighbor oed Tuesday night. Everybody and , -erything greatly refreshed. Edna Dunham , who has been work ig at B. C. Bowman's , returned home loner than was expected by her many iends. To Union Men. Smoke the "Vivo Cigar" made and in by union cigar makers. The finest gar in the United States. Yon can ly them at the following places : J. H. BENNETT'S. D. W. BOAR'S. Take A. C. CLYDE'S. W. M. LEWIS' . no J. C. KNOX'S. other. A.-MCMlI.LEN'S. Cheap-Terms Easy. Seven-room dwelling for sale cheap d on easy terms. Fruit and shade. S. M. COCHRAN & Co. President James J. Hill of the Great ) rthern Railroad company owns a jdel farm at Pleasant Lake , Minn. , out eight miles from St. Paul. He hibits keen interest in the develop- : ut of agriculture and stock raising on ; farm and has frequently given lect- ; s at the agricultural experiment farm Minnesota , lying midway between , Paul and Minneapolis. Mr. Hill's in contains a buffalo and deer.park. Svery demand for a first-class , modern : at-market is fully met by Church & irsh. Everything in season. And ; prices are all reasonable. BARTLEY. Arthur Wood is home on a visit. Lillie Fox has returned from Lincol GuyCurlee spent Sunday in Danbur W. C. Hanson wari an Omaha visit last week. Miss Ella King was a visitor to Int at ola , Friday. Lizzie Adair has- gone to the count for the summer. Miss Ida Bush has been quite sic this past week. Prof. Hendee s getting out on crutch from his accident. II. II. Greenlee was spending Mend ? in town on business. The new bridge west of town is a lor neeeled improvement. Mrs. M. E. Barger is in town lookin after her millinery interests. Four hundred little chickens mat A. B. Wilson's yard a lively place. A. Y. Lincoln and family are enjoyin i fishing trip up on the Medicine. A. J. Zint had charge of the depc while Agent Hanson was in Omaha. J. B. Haining reports a fine crop c strawberries from his strawberry patcl Mrs. M. E. - was guest c vlrs. Mangus , the fore part of the weeli Putting up ; ilfalfa hay takes all on die men and boys and then some more Mrs. Fred Bentley visited over Sue lay with her parents , J. G. Ogg and wife Frank Hodgkin and II. L. Burto vere McCook visitors , last week on lay. Mrs. Utter is enjoying a visit from he riends Mrs. Carter and son Henry froii Illinois. Samuel Premer reports fine fishinj inel lots of fish from his trip on th hlcdiuine. Commissioner Waterman and son Frei rom Lebanon were visitors to our burg ilonelay. Frank Hodgkin is repairing his housi n his ranch preparatory to moviuj here soon. J. G. Ogg and J. A. Curlee are re ainting and papering the inside of thei : jsielences. Thomas Nettycomb and Miss Kat ( 7ilton were married on Monday , Rev Irippun officiating. The Hamilton brothers took their car- enter tools to Cambridge to do work in leir line , this week. One of our young men has decideel lat lovers can talk too loud ; he wishes e had known it sooner. Alley's soda fountain is proving a rawing card , these days. Alley is keep- ig an up-to-date place , too. Mrs. J. W. Dutcher was seen on the ; reet , Monday , shaking hands and look- ig after shopping interests. A. W. Dean lost a valuable young erse , last Saturday night : just what as the cause he does not know. Curlee Bros , are making an outsiele itrance to their basement large enough i run their line of buggies out and in. Clarence Bush is the proud possessor a fine carriage. Now girls beware , it's snare. The two restaurants are one now , Mr. ymore buying out John Short and Dving his stock of goods into the brick lilding. G. W. Wyrick was chatting with olel ends on our streets , last Friday ; his p west was a pleasant one and we ly lose him soon. Benry Burton is moving bis family ; o the home of Mrs. C. W. Hodgkin. * . Laughlin will occupy the house Mr. irton vacated. Charles Catlett , Harry BlacksonBurr se , May Case and John Foreman went Holdrege to the Epworth League con- ition , this week. tfrs. Samuel Bentley has a model Ik-house and has private customers all her butter and could sell much re if she could make it. Zev. Howard P. Young is attending ! convention in Holdrege and from re he will visit in Grand Island and n goes to Kansas to open the summer upaigu in convention work. lauel Vickrey returned home from iversity Place , last Monday night , ere she has been attending school , ; year. She will have charge of the nary department in our high school. unday was A. O. U. W. Floral day L was observed here. The order rched to the M. E. church , where . Ernest B. Crippen preacheel a v * appropriate sermon. Mrs. Delia tk and Mrs. A. J. Zint sang a very duet. At three p. m. the order it to the cemetery , where they cleco- ; cl the graves of eleparted brethren. It Makes No Difference. hurch & Marsh are treating their iv new customers just the same as jgh they were not "the only. " Same quality of meat , prompt service , regular , reasonable prices at the old ible shop , which is "here to stay" ou mind ? Rend it in His Nowqpnper. George Hchauli , a well known German ci zen of New Lehnnun , Ohio , is a cousin reader of the Dayton Volkszeitung. 1 knows that this paper aims to advertise 01 the in its columns , and when lie si Chamberlain's Pain Halm adveitihed then for lame back , he did not hesitate in huvnu bottle of it for his wife , who for eight wee had suffered xvith the most terrible pains her back and could get no relief. Mesa ; "After using ihe Fain Halm for a few days i wife said to me , ' 1 feel as though bom anei and before using the entire contents of t bottle the unbearable pains had entirely vs ished and she could again take up h r hous hold duties. " He is very thankful and hoi ) that all suffering likewise will hear of li wonderful recovery. This valuable linime is for sale by McConnell & Berry , Drjguis It has become so dull in a newspaper w that we expect shortly to hear of an elepha trying to kill his keeper. How to Avoid Trouble. Now is the time to provide yourself at family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Coli Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almc certain to be needed before the summer over , and 4f procured now may save you a tr to town in the night or in your busiest seaso It is everywhere admitted to be the most su cessful medicine in use for bowel complaint both lor children anil adults. No family or afford to be without it. For sale by McCoi nell & Berry , Druggists. "A few months ago food that I ate forbreal fast would not remain on my stomach for ha an hour. I used one bottle of vour Kodi Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breal fast and other meals with a relish and n food is thoroughly digested. Nothing e < | ua Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles N. S. Pitts , Arlington , Texas. Kodol Dyspe ] sia Cure digests what you eat. McConnell Berry. There are lots of people who will not tat i dare to do anything except a dare to go I ivork. My little son had an attack of whoopin : ough and was threatened with pneumom ; : jut for Chnmbeilain's Cough Remedy \ \ would have had a serious time of it. It ah saved him from several severe attacks ( : roup. II. J. STRICKKADKN , Editor YVorh ! It-raid , Fair Haven , Wash. For sale L McConnell & Berry. Druggists. An Atchison mail did something eleve , -eais ago and is talking about it yet. Aside from the serious inconvenience an lain caused by piles , there is a tendency t istuhi and to cancer in the rectal region : Piles should not be allowed to run on ui : hecked. Tabler's Muckeye Pile Ointment i in infallible remedy , ' 'rice 50 cts. a botth ubes 75 cts. A. McMillan. A sallow , jaundiced skin is a symptom c unordered liver , sis it springs from biliar ) oi > ons retained in the blood , which destro inergy , cheerfulness , strength , vigor , happ less and life. Herbine will restore the nal iral functions of the liver. Price 50 cts. A tlcMillen. You know a whole lot if you know enougi o know you don't know anything. " If the predisposition to worms in childrei s not cured they may become emaciated reakly and in danger of convulsions. White' "ream Vermifuge is the most successful aii ( lopular remedy. Price 25 cts. A. Mc.Millen Several Atchisou invalids have recoveret s a result of quitting medicine. Danger , disease and death follow neglec f the bowels. Use DeWitt's Little Karl ; Users to regulate them and you will i di ears to your life and life to your years. linsi ) take ; never gripe. McConnell & Berry. The less bread put into bread pudding , tin etter it will please the children. Mr. James Brown of Putsmouth , Va. , ovei 3 years of age suffered for years with a bat ) re on his face. Physicians could not heir im. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him ermanently. McConnell & Berry. A great deal of nerve is sometimes neces- iry to keep from being cranky. Hardly a day passes , in fan-ihes where icre are children , in which Ballard's Snow iniment is not needed. It quickly cures cuts , ounds , bruises , burns and scalds. Price 25 id 50 cts. A. McMillen. A perfectly sober Atchison man today fort - > t his own initials. Eczema , saltrheum , tetter , chafing , ivy pois- u'ng and all skin tortures are quickly cured r DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The certain le cure. McConnell & Berry. A surgical operation is not necessary to ire piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve saves 1 that expense and never fails. Beware of mnterfeits. McConnell & Berry. Estimate of expenses for tlio current jear n. by the city council of the city of McCook , ibraska. Resolved by the Mayor and City Council of e City of McCook , Nebraska , that the follow- ? be and the same hereby is adopted as the timate of expenses for said city of McPook. : the fiscal year commencing May 7th , ] & ( )1 ) : T salaries of oflicer- , other than police. . : > ( )0. ) < XJ iking , repairing , alleys , streets and TOSS walks pay firemen and supplies tit for water troughs and street sprink- > np : 170U.X ( pplies , rent , claims and elections. . . 1MX ) ( X 'hting streets lf X ) . ; erest on bond and sinking fund 10(10.0 ( ! Total. S7IOO.X ( lie entire revenues for the city for the jea ling May G , 1001 : aeral fund $ 'ill'M. : upation fund 21'jo'ci ' ' ' iter fund . . . I G'G netery fund " ' ' ( ril : ht fund . . . . . nrcu : . , Totalr : S7WJ.2t lie entire expense of the city for the year ling May 6,1901 : jeralfund v- . > , . , , . , _ mpation fund 'Mfi.y tor fund 2193.4 : netery fund -r ' ' ' " a fund ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . ' . 2. ; ht fund . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Total. . . . ? S472.fil assed and approved this first day of June , , C. E. ELDRED , Mayor. SEAL. ] E..J.WILCOX , Clerk. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION , bbie Smith , David 1 > . Smith , Leva Smith , tie Chenery , Delia Carnnger , C'ar- : er , husband of Delia Carringer. who = e fir t le is unknown to plaintiff , as heirs at law Devier J. Smith , deceased , defendant" , will e notice that John E. Kelley has filed hi- ition in the District Court of Red Willow inty , .Nebraska , the object and prayer of ch is to foreclose a lien for the delinquent 2S legally assessed and levied on lot number > n (11 in block number thirty i : ) > in thoorii- town of McCook , in s-aid countj. for th" rs 191. l9o , Is90 , 1"97. I-- . Jw. for whirl , 3S said lot was sold to the -aid John E. ley , by the treasurer of said countj on Sep- ber2J.1900at private tax = ale. There i- now plaintiff on said tax sale the cum of. < 2y.2. ! i 20 per cent interest thereon from Septem- 21. 19U . and an attorney's fee equal to ten cent of the amount of the decree entered > iu , and plaintiff praj for a decree that the ndant be required to pay > aid sum or that premise * be s-old to sati-fy the said amount for _ taxes. attorney's fee * and the costs of action. You are required to answer said tion on or before Monday the 15th day of A. D. . llxjl. t JOHN E. KEI.LET. Plaintiff. : Cook. Nebraska. Ma > J J. I'Ail. NOVATOB invigorates and renovates the , em : purifies and enriches the blood ; cures worst dyspepsia , constipation , headache. randkulnevs. i5candl.atdrupgists. Free advice sample and book. Dr. B. J. Kay. Saratoga , XY. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Call at McConnell & Herry's drug store anff' get a free sample of Chamberlain s StomncJ , and Liver Tablets. They arc an elegant physic. They also improve the appetite , strengthen the digestion and regulate t deliver and bow els. They are eiiiy t > take and pleas ant in effect. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , P. W. V. CAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraslca. OFFICK Fir-it National hank building , next to City hull. lIoun-4-8tttol2 : ) ; 1 to 0 ; 7 to it , Night calls answered from roxtdoiico ovur buuk. M118. 8 , E. GiUGGS , TOILET PA1JLOR Hair drowsing , shampooing nnd scalp trout * inont given for the benefit of thuhair. Mussn t treatment given , wrinkle * ramovoil and all fncij hleinithua removed. 'I'houo No. ( ! . Upstairs Front ovorOpora House. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. p. O. Building : H. P. BUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS MCCOOK , NEBRASKA JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCooK , NEHKASKA. = # -Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office-- &ear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , © DENTIST. 0 All dental work done at oui oftire is guar- inteed to be firstclass.Ve do all knuia of Urown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr I B. I'aylor , assistant. DRj7irFlCKES5 LV Reliables : , jj Over He- ' I Council & 4 Graduate Dentist Berry's. . . . flcCOOK = _ - = NEB < SET YOUR CAN OUT/ THE - OIL - MAN IS - COMING HcCOOK = TANK - S. D. McCLAIN , Prop. F. D. BUKGESS , umber and Steam Filter McCOOK , NEBR. Iron. "Leadand ( Sewer Pipe. Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Tr , mm figs Agent for Halliday , Waupun , ECpse Windmills. Basement of the Meeke' Phillips Building. All Calls For The Answered by the BLUE FRONT LI\rERY BARX Will make all trains , and answer - swer all calls to any part of the city. jj 'PHONE 36. W. H. Ackerman , McCook , Nebraska. o You Want o Save d in your namr > and mldnami & t Catalojju'of all kinds of M - rhin * at priced'fin cjnpf ti 11 " ly IHu < tratfl Catalogue s * > n' 'ipt of 10 cent- for p'wta . KAHN , GREEN & BERGER , to 261 Dearborn Street , Chicago , I,1' V' CATALOGUE MAILED DURING JULY + BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. . Madison. Wis. It keeps you well. Our trsuL mark cat on each packiSjrT. price , 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no substl- tute. Ask your druggist.