The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 14, 1901, Image 7

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Cheese and salt meat should be sparingly -
\ingly eaten.
Many good physicians and nurses use
Wizard Oil for obstinate rheumatism
and neuralgia. It's the right thing to
Where bread is wanting , all's to be
I am Euro Pise's Cure for Consumption saved
my life thrco years ago. Mrs. Tnos. BOBBINS ,
Maple Street , Norwich , N. Y. , Feb. 17,1000.
The old man has given all to his
Mrs. AVineiows soothing Syrnp.
For children teething , softens tbo juro8 , reduces tp-
Cumulation , allay pain , cures wind colic. 23c a bottle-
It takes a level headed man to sur
vive a stroke of good fortune.
Try Graln-Ol Try Grnla-Ot
Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a
package- GRAIN-O. the new food drink
that takes the place of coffee. The children
may drink It without Injury as well as the
adult. All -who try It , llko It. GRAIN-O has
that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , but
It is made from pure grains , and the most
delicate stomach receives It without dis
tress. l the price of coffee. I5c and 25 eta.
per package. Sold by all grocers.
Knowledge bereft of reason is tha
most miserable of widows.
The Best TVny.
If you are going to take advantage
of the Cheap Rate to California in
July , account of the Epworth League
Convention to be held at San Francis
co , remember that the Southern Pa
cific Company can offer more attrac
tions in the way of diverse routes to
and from and through California than
any other line. Send to the under
signed for a map of California , which
will show how you can reach all
points of interest via the Southern
Pacific Lines and how you can have
your ticket to San Francisco reading
over one line and returning another.
These cheap rate Round-Trip Tickets
will be on sale July Gth to 13th in
clusive and will be good for return un
til August 31st. W. G. Neimyer , Gen
eral Western Agent , 238 Clark street ,
Chicago , 111.
An artist's work is finished when
he draws his last breath.
Hall's Catarrh Cnro
Is a constitutional cure. Price , 75a
The dealer in kitchen utensils is one
sort of pan-American.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
10 All other 10-cent starch
cents. - contains -
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
The obese man has no friends in a
crowded street car.
Kew lands soon to open. IJeready ! Morgan's Manual.
with supplement contalnlnproclamntion.mnp ; showing
. allotments. County seats , etc. . SI. Supplement < fc Map ,
COc. Agents Wanted. IHCK T. MOKUAN , I'erry , O. T.
Fact is the rock against which , the
waves of theory break.
Buffalo , N. Y. , on sale May 15th to Sept.
Kansas City , Mo. , on sale June 7th to
Detroit , Mich. , on sale July 5th , Cth and
Cincinnati , O. , on sale July 4th , 5th and
Chicago , 111. , on sale July 23rd , 24th and
25th.Louisville. . Ky. , on sale Aug. 24th , 25th
and 26th.
Cleveland. O. , on sale Sept. Sth to 12th.
Half rates to most all points south first
and third Tuesday each month. Summer
tourist rates to all summer resorts now
on sale. For descriptive matter regarding
the Pan-American Exposition , summer
tours , rates and all information call at
_ O. & St. L. City Office , 1415 Farnam street
( Paxtcn Hotel building ) , or write Harry
E. Moores. C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. ,
or A. J. Bandy , G. P. A. , Kansas City ,
The "Peanut King's" Start.
F. W. Mills as a "peanut king" has
'had an interesting career. He began
life as a peanut vender on a train.
When only 12 years old he had con
tracts with several railroads running
out of Chicago for the exclusive right
to sell peanuts on the trains. This lad
of 12 had grown men in his employ.
Mills , the peanut vender , is now the
employer of more than COO men. He
is manager of a company that makes
slot machines , which supply salted pea
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
SEARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
If ) ( Jents. All other 10-cent starcn cou-
' tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaranteed -
' teed or money refunded.
The Tonne Crockers Xot "Horsey. "
It is regarded as somewhat singular
that neither Richard Croker's sons has
taken to the turf , or even to horses ex
cept in a small way. They prefer to
be dog fanciers and each has some very
fine animals bull dogs and bull ter
riers. Later on they may take up "the
sport of kings. " Their father had
nothing to do with racing until he was
Fields of 'Wheat In Which the Shocfes
IVere So Thick It Was Almost Im
possible to Drive Between
To the Editor : A gentleman from
Duluth made a trip through a portion
of Western Canada last summer and
writing of what he saw , says :
"Wheat , for instance , will average
twenty-five or thirty bushels to the
"acre. I saw shocks so thick in the
field that it would be almost impossible -
ble to drive between them. Winters ,
it is said are longer than near Du
luth , but the Japan current , warm
chinoolc winds and dry atmosphere
\ make the winters comparatively mild. "
Thousands of such testimonials are
Ug. had from settlers who have taken
Outage of the low-priced lands of
| \Vestern Canada. During the present
year new districts will be opened up
in the Saskatchewan valley and advantage -
, vantage should be taken of this at
[ once. Information can be had from
any agent of the government , whose
[ Advertisement appears elsewhere In
' your columns. Yours truly ,
There is a feeling that seems to be
more widely prevalent just now than
in past years thnt certainly ought not
to be encouraged , and that Is the ono
th'at leads men to think that they
ought to make material sacrifices for
th'e sake of their convictions , and that
it Is foolish for them to expect others
to do so. Of course , it is to be remem
bered that martyrdom never has been
popular. And with this thought in
mind one will not judge too harshly
the tendency of the men of our own
day to shrink from it. That is wholly
natural , and so is always to be an
ticipated. But the weakness of the
men of our own time is that they too
frequently act and talk as though
nothing else than the complete aban
donment of principle were to be looked
for when money is at stake. The
thing appears to be taken as a matter
of course , and , if commented on at all ,
it is spoken of with a cynical frank
ness which indicates that the- speaker
himself has lost all grip on the great
verities of life. Men say that they
cannot "afford" to be independent in
politics. When they are quite sure
that their confidence will be respect
ed , they will talk of political inde
pendence in the most admiring strain ,
and will even admit that the safety of
our political Institutions depends on
those men who refuse to be the slave
of party. Yet , admitting the duty of
independence , they apologize for
others If not for themselves who
fail to discharge It , on the ground that
it takes too much courage , or because
they can not "afford" to do so. This
is but one illustration of the weakness
referred to. There seems to be a low
ering of the standard all round , and
a disposition to measure every sacri
fice in money. It is known that there
are even some Christian ministers
who , though they are pledged to an
absolute truthfulness to their own
convictions , do not dare to tell the
truth exactly as they hold it. In bust-
CTT7 J Sisters of General
j „ 9 Thomac9 Stm
CQJVSTR \/CTE7) I cling " Lost to Cause. the '
At least two of the residents of the
"old dominion" are still unreconstruct
ed. They are women and are as de
voted to the lost cause today as they
were in the early 'GO's. They live in a
big , old-fashioned southern mansion
in Southampton county , Virginia.
They are sisters , the elder , Miss Ju
dith Thomas , being 90 years old , and
the younger , Miss Annie , ten years
her junior. They are the closest sur
viving blood relatives of Gen. George
H. Thomas , the "Rock of Chickamauga -
ga , " but ever since Thomas cast in
his lot with the Union in 1861 they
have declared that "we have no broth
er. To them he died the day after
Virginia seceded. " The two stately
old Virginia ladies are still unrecon
structed. From the moment when
their famous brother refused to go into
the Confederate army they have re
fused to allow his name to be spoken
in their presence , and although Gen.
Thomas lived for five years after the
close of the war they never communi
cated with him nor consented to re
ceive a communication from him. They
are living still on the memories of the
days before the war. The old Thomas
plantation is still in their possession ,
and the rentals paid by the tenants
who work it enable them to live in
comfort. Only a few months ago they
deposited among the treasures of a
historical society in Richmond , Va. ,
the magnificent sword which was pre
sented to their brother by the county
of Southampton after he had returned
from his splendid service in the Mex
ican war. People who go to call on
the Misses Thomas come away from
the old manor-house full of admira
tion for the sweet and stately courtesy
of the ladies , but saddened by the
pathos of their lives. Not even after
the war had closed would those stern
old women , living all alone in the
great house which was his birthplace
as well as their own , recognize or re
ceive a communication from their fa-
It is proposed now to utilize the
power of the Colorado river , which
ters its way through the Grand canon
with force enough to move the machin
ery of a thousand mills. For many
months hydraulic engineers have been
studying the project , and they have
just made a report They declare that
in 150 miles of the river's course a
dozen times more electrical energy
can be secured than is taken from Ni
agara Falls. Part of the canon is in
the forest reserve , and it also passes
through several Indian reservations.
If the government's consent can be se
cured it is intended to instal this sum
mer a plant of sufficient size to fur
nish electrical power to cities , towns
and mining camps within compartively
easy reach of the Colorado , and then
to increase the scope of the company
until all of Arizona and most of the
lower part of California canr be sup
plies from the canon torrent. If suc
cess attends the plans of the company
one of the chief results will be the
placing in operation of many minds
of value which have long been idle
because of lack of power. The plans
ness and societytoothoso pitiful com
promises are made. Much of this
smothering of the- truth Is no doubt
due to the fact that we are now living
In a period of marvelous material
prosperity , when men magnify out of
all proportion the importance of finan
cial success. It is well to guard
against this tendency. * The surest way
to get good and noble work out of men
is by letting them know that you ex
pect It from them. He Is a rare crea
ture who will not earnestly try to jus
tify the good opinion that his fellows
have of him. Therefore the standard
should be kept high and the noble
Ideal undimmed. If we do not thus
get more martyrs for the truth's sake ,
we may at least succeed in developing
stancher and more heroic defenders
of It. If men cannot all at once be
brought to defend the citadel with
their lives , they may be made to be
lieve that it is disgraceful to betray
it to the enemy for money. It is more
rational to say nothing of' being
more moral for'a man to feel rather
that he can not afford to do wrong ,
than to feel that he can not afford to
do right Thus there seems to be a
practical basis even for the martyr
theory of life. Indianapolis News.
Strange Tribute to Our Sailor Dead.
Many of the coast towns of Califor
nia instituted last "year on Memorial
day a unique form of tribute to the
memory of our sailor dead whose un
known graves lie in the ocean. Bands
of children marched to the water's
edge and while singing patriotic songs
strewed the sea with flowers. - It is
now urged that this pretty ceremony
be made a national custom , and with
this idea in view a circular , signed by
Mrs. Armitage S. C. Forbes of Los
Angeles , Cal. , is being sent about , urg
ing all interested and influential people
ple to concur and assist in perpetuat
ing the ceremony.
mous brother. For them , ne had died
in 1861. and when he was actually
borne to his grave nine years later
it did not add to the grief which
they felt so long. Even now , more
than thirty years after the great sol
dier , whom the "boys" of the army of
the Cumberland lovingly called "Pap"
Thomas , was laid to rest , the two old
women cling to the memory of the
young lieutenant who fought so brave
ly in the war with Mexico , and refuse
to admit that any brother of theirs
ever reached the rank of a general
officer. Utica Globe.
Stingiest Bees In Olontgerrat.
A Barbadoes correspondent says
that Mr. W. K. Morrison , the bee ex
pert attached to the Imperial Depart
ment of the West Indies , has recently
discovered several colonies of stingless
bees In the island of Montserrat. He
is now trying what can be done by the
use of modern hives to improve their
honey-producing capabilities. Modern
apiarists are of opinion that they can
make the honey bee conform to al
most any conditions , so that Mr. Mor
rison's experiments will be watched
with some interest. The honey of the
stingless bee is clearer and thinner
than that of ordinary commerce.
A arothotllit Surpliccd Chnlr.
Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church
in One Hundred and Twenty-ninth
street , New York , the largest Method
ist congregation in the United States ,
introduced with the services on Sun
day a surpliced choir of young men.
and women , and boys and girls to the
number of 80. The services were high
ly ritualistic and many of the older
members were displeased because it
was copying Episcopalism , which the
church has heretofore stoutly opposed.
Where bread is wanting , all's to be
of the company include the furnishing
of motive power and light to all the
cities within reach , and to electric rail
ways. It is proposed to build an elec
tric line along the rim of the canon
for a distance of fifteen miles , the bet
ter to enable tourists to view the won
ders of the great chasm. New York
Among Wireless Telegraph Line.
Attempts are being made by the Mar
coni Wireless Telephone Company , of
London , io inaugurate a wireless tele
graph service to .Australia. Although
the total distance is considerably in
excess of that from England to this
country , it can be more easily negotia-
ated owing to the facilities offered at
various points en route for transmit
ting stations. Arrangements are being
made to erect stations at Prawle Point ,
the Lizard , Ushant , Cape Finjsterre ,
Gibraltar , Malta , Algiers , Sardinia ,
Sicily Cape Malea , In Greece , Alexan
dria , Aden , Socotra , Colombo , Sum
atra , the Cocos Islands , Perth , Albany ,
Adelaide and Melbourne.
Artificial Stone.
The preparation of a simple and
cheap artificial stone is becoming an
limportant German industry and Js
likely to eventually suplant brickmak-
Ing. The ingredients are only lime and
sand in the proportion of four to six
parts of the former to between nine
ty-six and ninety-four parts of the lat
ter. The materials are thoroughly
mixed and shaped into blocks of the
desired size. The latter are then put
in a boiler , which is sealed , and sub
mitted to a steam pressure of from 120
to 150 pounds to the square inch. This
operation gives a flinty "character to
the blocks , making them very hard.
For Health nnd Decency.
Disregard for the law against ex
pectorating in public conveyances has
at last moved the New York health
department to action. Tuesday morn-
nig seventy officers of the department
in citizen's attire were detailed to
travel all day in the cars of the various
companies throughout the city and on
all the ferry boats. They had orders
to arrest any person found violating
the ordinace. Before noon several men
were compelled to accompany the offi
cers to a magistrate's court , where
they were fined and warned against a
repetition of the offense.
Couldn't Wear Shoes.
Sumpter , 111. , June 10th. Mrs. J. B.
Flanigan , of this place , had suffered
with dropsy for fifteen years. She was
so very bad that for the last three
years she has not been able to wear
her shoes. She had doctored all the
time , but was gradually getting worse.
Last winter Mr. Flanigan , who was
very much discouraged , called for some
medicine at Mr. J. J. Dale's drug store
in Carmi. Mr. Dale persuaded him to
have his wife try Dodd's Kidney Pills ,
and he bought six boxes. His wife used
five out of the six , before she was en
tirely cured. She is now as sound and
as well as ever she was , complete ! . , - filtered
ltered to health , and free from any
symptom whatever of dropsy.
To say that Mrs. Flanigan is pleased
at her wonderful deliverance does not
half express her feelings , and she and
Mr. Flanigan are loud in their praises
of Dodd's Kidney Pills , and of Mr.
Dale for recommending this wonderful
remedy to them.
The fact that Dodd's Kidney Pills
cured Mrs. Flanigan of such a severe
case of dropsy , after the doctors had
given her up , has made them the. most
talked of remedy ever known in White
Honors for a Very Old Fainter.
Thomas Sidney Cooper , the dean of
English painters , will celebrate his 98th
birthday in September next , and prep
arations are being made by the Eng
lish Royal academy to observe the oc
casion by one of the largest artistic
dinners ever given in London.
ASK your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Beware of meat twice boil'd , and an
old foe reconcil'd.
FiTS Permanency Curert. o fits ornervonsness ottsy
first dav's use of Dr. Kline's Gieat Kerve Ke.storer.
Send for FREE 82.OO trial bottle and treatise.
1m. E. H. KLINE. Ltd. . 931 Arch St. . I'hilailelphJ- .
0 fool ! to undress thyself before
thou art going to bed.
Pesuliar 10 Summer Pe-m-sia Oaves Prompt
astd Permanent Belief.
Clem G. Moore , Editor of the Advocate-Democrat of Crawfordsvillo , Ga , ,
writes the Peruna Medicine Company as follows :
Gentlemen "After four years of Intense suffering , caused by systemic
catarrh , which I contracted while editing , and traveling for my paper , I have
been greatly relieved by the use of Peruna. I gave up work during these years
of torture , tried various remedies and many doctors , but all the permanent
relief came from the use of Peruna. My trouble was called indigestion , but it
was catarrh all through my system , and a few bottles of Peruna made me feet
like another person , noting the improvement after I had used the first bottle *
Peruna is undoubtedly the best catarrh remedy ever compounded. Clem (7.
Captain Percy W. Moss , Paragould ,
Ark. , says : "I think Peruna is undoubt
edly the finest and surest catarrh cure
ever prepared , and it has taken but'two
bottles to convince me of this fact"
Judge Wm. T. Zenor , of Washington ,
D. C. , writes from 213 N. Capital Street ,
Washington , D. C. :
"I take pleasure in saying that I can
cheerfully recommend the use of Pe
runa as a remedy for catarrhal trouble
and a most excellent tonic for general
conditions. " Wm. T. Zenor.
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of Pe
runa , write at once to Dr. Hartman ,
giving a full statement of your case
and ho will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus , O.
$3. & $3.50 SHOES UNION
. . MADE , '
ICoul worth of IV. I. . . Jtouirlus S : ami 'I
v HhocH Ix $4 : to 5S.1. My * I
GHtJ die Line cannot be equalled
at any price.
It is not alone ttie best
leather that makes a first
t class shoe It Is the linins ,
tiat have planned the Iteni
style , lasts a perfect model
of the foot , and the construction of the shoe. It is mechanical skill ami
knowledge that have made W. I. . I tonkas shoes t he l-st in the world for men.
TnJse no MiliHlituti' . Insist on having . I Douplas shues vfith name
and price stamped on bottom. Yonr dealer should keep them , if he does not ,
* " full instructions how in order inail.
"uil for catalog giving hy
W. J. . . J U i.AS , Itrocktou , Mnsi. f
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
Full particulars on application to F. N. BYRON , General Western Agent , CHICAGO
that dreadful fiend that threatens the
life of rich and poor , can attack and I
kill only those whose bowels are not
kept thoroughly cleaned out , purified
and disinfected the year round * One
whose liver is dead , whose bowels
and stomach are full of half decayed
food , whose whole body is unclean
inside , is a quick and ready victim
of appendicitis.
If you want to be safe against the
scourge , keep in good health all the
the only tonic laxative , that will
make your bowels strong and healthy ,
and keep them pure and clean , pro
tected against appendicitis and ALL
CARETS , that will keep and save
you. Take them regularly and you
will find that all diseases are absolutely
all bowel troubles , appendicitis , bil-
lonsncsis , bnd breath , bad blood , wind
on the btomnch , bloated bowels , foul
v w B i > monili , headache. Indigestion , pimples ,
pains nfter catliij , liver trouble , sallow complexion
and dizziness. When yonr bowels don't move regu
larly you are getting sick. Constipation kill * more
people titan all other diseases together. It Is a
starter for the chronic ailments and lonjr years of
suffering that come afterwards. No matter what
alia you , start taking CASCABETS to-day , for you
will never get well and bo well all the time until
you put your bowels right. Take our advice ; start
with CASCAKETS to-day , under an absolute guar
antee to cure or money refunded. U3
TO CtrREx Five year * n o
the flrnt bos of C'ASCAK-
ETftva mold. > 'oxIt I *
over six million huxea n
j-eur. trreater than any
iltnllnr medicine In the ivorld. U'hU in absolute iirnofor
Croat merit , und onr lie t testimonial. AVe have faith nod
velll veil CASCAEETS ubiolntely suaninteed to cure or-
money refunded. Go buy today , two COc boxes , clvo themu
fnlr , honest trlsil , us per simple directions , and IT you are
not satisfied , nftrr u lnz one COc box , re tarn the nnnied oOc
box and the empty box to us by mall , or the drusgrl t from
whom you purchased It , and sret your money back for both
boxes. 'JT sxlcc otir udvlce no matter arhnt alls you start to
day. Health trill quickly follow and you tvlll blets the day
ynnflntstartedthea eorCABCASET8. Bookfreebymall.