AT ! manner of extravagant expressions are possible when a "woman's nerves are-overwrought * The spasm at the top-of the windpipe or bronchial tubes , " 'ball rising in the throat , " violent beating of the heart , laughing and crying "by "turns , muscular spasms ( throwing the arms about ) , frightened by the most insignificant occur rences are all symptoms of a hysterical condition and se rious derangement'of the female-organs. Any female complaint may produce hysterics , which must "be regarded as a symptom only. The cause , however , yields-quicMy to Lydia E. Pinkliain's "Vegetable Com pound , which acts at once upon the organ afflicted and the nerve centers , .dispelling effectually all those distressing .symptoms. Mrs. .Lev/Is Says 2 * I Feel lake New Person * Physically and flentally. " * 'TteAK MRS. PINKHAM : I wish to speak a good -word for liydia 13. Pinkliain's Vegetable Compound. For years I had ovarian trouble and suffered everything from nervousness , severe headache , and pain in back and abdomen. I Jiad consulted different physicians , but decided to try your medicine , and I soon found itwas giving me much relief. I con tinued its use and now am feeling like a new person , physically and mentally , and am glad to add one more testimonial to the value of your remedy. . " HRS. M. H. LEWIS , 2108 Valentine A-ve. , Tremont , New York , N. T. Writing to Mrs. Pinkham is the quickest and surest way to get the right advice about all female troubles. Her ad dress is Lynn , Mass. She advises 'women free. Following is an instance Mrs. Haven's First Letter to Mrs. Pinkham. " DEAR MKS. PINKHAH : I would like your advice in regard to my troubles. J suffer every month at time of menstruation , and flow so much and for so long that I become very weak , also get very dizzy. I am troubled with a discharge before and after menses , have pains in ovaries FO bad some- tunes that I can hardly get around , have soreieeling in Jpwer part of bowels , pain in back , bearing-down feeling , a desire to pass urine frequently , with pains in passing it ; .have leucorrhcea , jaeadache , fainting spells , ana some times have hysteria. My blood is not in good condition. Hoping to hear from you , lam , " MRS. EMMA HAVEN , 2508 South Ave. , Ctoun oil .Bluffs , Jowa. ( June 3 , 1899. ) Mrs. Haven's Second Letter. I wish to express my gratitude for what your medicine has done for me. I suffered for four years with womb trouble. Every month I flowed very badly. I got so bad that I could hardly do my work. Was obliged to sit or lie down the most of the time. I doctored for a long time , but obtained no relief. I began using your remedies Ijydia E. Pinkliain's "Vegetable Compound , Blood Purifier , Sanative Wash and Liver Pills and now feel like a new woman. " MRS. TfomA. HAVEN , 2508 South Ave. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( Feb. 1,1900. ) Owing to the fact that some skeptical people have from time to time questioned the genuineness of the testimonial letters we are constantly publishing- have deposited with the National Ciry Bank , of Lynn , Mass. , § 5,000 , which will be paid to any person who will rhow that the above testimonials are not genuine , or were published before obtaining the writers' special permission. LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE Co. UNION MADE. The real worth of my 3.00 and F3-W shoes compared with othcrmakes is S4.CO to 5.00. 3Iy 84.00 Gilt Edge .Lino cannot bo equalled at any price. Best In tlie world for men. 1 make and Hell more iiiou'a fine chuvH , Goodyear TVcItfUnnd-Sewcd Process ) , than any other jannufac- turcrin the world. \villpjty Si , OOO to any one whocun prove that my hUitejuent is not true. < 8lKneilW. T , . JJouslas. Tafceno untatltntr * Insist on having W.L. Douglas shoes with name and price stamped on bottom. Yotir dealer should keep them ; I give one dealer exclusive sale In each town. If lie does not keep them and will not pet them for you , order direct from factory , enclosing price and 25c. extra for carriage. Over 1,000,000 satisfied wearers. New Spring Catalog free. - -BstCoIcrEjoloiscsederclcsivelj. . L DOUGLAS , Brockton , KaSS. J * * We believe it will sell at 50 cents. Send your order now. Our book , "Successful Speculation"sent free. J. K. COW1STOCK , TRADERS' BLDG. , CHICAGO. The assets of character arc In what you are and not what you have. A Month's Teat Free. If you have Dyspepsia , writeDr. . Bboop Ttaclnc , V/le. , Uox 143 , foralx bottles of Dr. Shoop'a Keutorn- tive.cxprciuimEd. Send 110 money. 1'ay 5JO If cured. The less you are talked about the less you are abused. PITSrennancntlyCiimi. jroBtH ornorvononessafter fint day's me of Dr. Kline' * Ore t Nerve Kebtorer. Bend for I'KEIS 2.OO trial bottle and treatise , int. K. II. KLI.-.X , Ltd. , 931 Arch St. . HUladelphi-j. fa. A true woman never buttons any thing she can pin. ' Are You Interested In the Northwest ? Home and Garden , a 16-page illus trated monthly paper , tells all aboui the fine climate , fertile grain and fruil lands , timber , mines , fisheries , etc. , of the wonderful Northwest , the rich est undeveloped portion of North Am erica. The regular price of the paper Is 50c a year. If you will cut out and re turn this ad. , state name of paper In which. It appears , and enclose lOc In silver. Home and Garden will be sent you , postage paid , for one year. Ad dress Home and Garden , Newspaper Row , SL Paul , Minn. When a man gets angry his reason takes a sort of vacation. The stomach has to work hard , grinding the food we crowd into it. Make its worli eaay by chewing liecman's Pepsin Gum. The maiden's band of hope is a hus- "band. Try Sraln-O ! Try Graln-O ! Ask your Grocer to-day to show yon a package of GRAIN-CT. the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury ns well as the adult. All-who try it , like it. GRAEff-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , but it is made from pure { grains , and the most delicate stomach receives It without dis- .tress. H tbo price of coffee. IScandSocts. par.package. Sold by oil grocers. Affectation in dress implies a flaw in the understanding. "When your liver is out of order do not dose yourself with poisonous drugs that harm and never cure , but take Garfield Tea , the HERB remedy that .CURES. Nothing is impossible to the man who can and will. Foolish and obstinate people alone suffer from neuralgia or rheumatism. For they can always secure Wizard Oil and cure themselves. Ambition causes a fool to jump at the moon and fall in the mud. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Faith and hope may die , but charity is immortal. e by Special Delivery. As a further accommodation to its patrons , arrangements have been made by the passenger department of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company , whereby at the nominal charge of oO cents per piece , to pay for transfer , baggage may now be cheeked through from the principal stations on its lines , to any hotel , resi dence or steamship dock in New Yorker or Brooklyn. Instead of cheeking to Grand Central Station , New York , only , and arranging after arrival there to have your baggage properly delivered , save yourself trouble by asking local baggage-masters to forward your bag gage by special delivery. A particular style of check is used for this purpose , and as soon as your baggage reaches Grand Central Station it will be promptly delivered at the address de sired without further attention on your part. From the New York Mail and Express. An epicure is a masticater who ap preciates a master caterer. Ask your1 grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Employes in the mint have to work hard , but they make lots of money. I donot believe Piso's Cure for Consumption has an equal for coushs and colds. JOHN P BOTER , Trinity Springs , Ina. , Feb. 15,190a The Book of Life is treated like all other bonks ; we neglect its beauty for the fascination of the plot. The only way to silence a woman is to ask how old she really is. From Monday to Saturday at every turn in the kitchen work a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove will save labor , time and expense and keep the cook comfortable. No bulky fuel to prepare or carry , no waiting for the fire to come up or die down ; a fraction of the expense of the ordinary stove. A f BLUE FLAME will boil , bake , broil or fry better than a coal stove. It is safe and cleanly can not become greasy , can not emit any odor. I&ade in several sizes , from one burner to five. If your dealer does not liave them , write to nearest agency o ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Latest Ouotntlou * from South Orealm nnil KanMiH City. SOUTH OMAHA. Cattle There was another liberal run of cattle , but packers took hold In good shape and the market did not show much change from yesterday. Trade was act ive and the bulk of the supply was out of first hands in good season. The mar ket could be quoted just about steady , though in some cases sellers thought they had to take a shade lower prices than they did yesterday. The weaker feeling was , of course , more noticeable on the medium kinds of cattle. There were only a few cows and heifers on sale. Fifteen cars would about cover the receipts. In . pite of the light sup ply buyers did not take hold with quite as much life as they have been doing , and the trade did not have the snap to It that has been noticed of late. Bulls sold in about yesterday's notches , but they were not any too active. Veal calves and stags brought steady prices also. The few stockers and feeders of good quality that were offered today were picked up at fully steady prices. Stockers weighing 40C pounds sold at $ o.lO. The demand from the country is not what might be called heavy , but still it Is large enough to take a"ll that is coming at good , strong prices. Hogs There was a big run of hogs , making the supply for the four days this week the heaviest in some time past. Packers started out and tried to buy their droves at steady prices , but Fellers were holding for higher prices , and for that reason the market was slow in get ting started , and not very many sold at tiie early bids. Finally , however , pack ers raised their hands a little and the hogs began moving toward the scales at a shade -stronger prices than were paid yesterday. The bulk of the hogs today sold from $5.7o to $5.SO , with the long strong at SS.TT'/i. Sheep There were only about a dozen loads of sheep an-J lambs on sale and the quality of the offerings .as a whole was common. The market opened up about steady on the better grades. Clipped lambs brought $4.4o , which looked about steady , and wooled sheep sold at $4.GO , which was also about as much as the same kind would have brought yester day. The last end of the market , how ever , was very slow and weak , as pack ers did Tiot seem to want the common stuff that -was offered. KATCSAS CITY MARKET. Cattle Medium weight native and Texas steers , steady ; other cattle , eas ier ; choice dressed beef cattle , 55.23U5.riO ; fair to good , $4.705/3.15 ; stockers anil feeders , S4.10'oo.03 ; western-fed steers , $4.30173.23 : Texans and Indians.1.25 ® 5.15 ; cows , S3.S5fTl.50 ; heifers , ? 3.3Kt4.r.O ; canners. $2.50173.23 ; bulls. ? 3.50@5.00 ; calves. $4.30' < j'G.O. Sheep and Lamb ? Market steady ; western lambs , $4.7373.00 ; western weth ers. _ $4.oO74.SO : western yearlings. $4.6511 : 5.90 : ewes , S4.10fT4.30 : bulls , $3.3055.00 ; western , lambs , $3.00So.SO. ! CABINET MEMBERS SANGUINE. Hopeful ttiat tie Platt AmcnilmcntTI11 Ue Accepted. WASHINGTON , April 27. The cab inet meeting today , the last one be fore the president's departure for the coast , was occupied almost exclusive ly "with the discussion of the visit of the Cuban commission. Secretary Root , who h-as been conducting the conferences with the commission , sub mitted rather exhaustively an account of the interviews he had with them. He told the president and the cabi net of the objections which the com missioners raised to the Platt amend ment and of some of the misunder standings regarding it. There was a general exchange of opinion among the members of the cabinet regarding the situation and in light of the views expressed , Secre tary Root will hold another conference with the commissioners before their departure. The president will not see them again , except to formally bid them farewell. While there are one or two points upon which some of the members of the commission are in sistent the general feeling of the cab inet , as reflected in their exchange of views today , was that the result of the commission's visit could not but be beneficial in relieving erroneous impressions which it is expected are entertained in the constitutional con vention regarding the purposes of the United States. Altogether it would not be too much to say that the cabient generally is hopeful that the convention , after hearing the report of the commission , will be much more disposed to ac cept our terms than it has been here tofore. ADELBERT HAY QUITS POST. Son of the Secretary of State Kcsi iis Consulship at Pretoria. WASHINGTON , April 27 Adelbert Hay , son of the secretary of state , has resigned his post as United States consul general at Pretoria. The resig nation takes effect tomorrow. His successor has not been selected. In view of the great expense of liv ing at Pretoria , it is possible that the offices will be left vacant until con gress can have an opportunity to act upon a recommendation from the ex ecutive looking to an increase in the salary of the office of consul general at Pretoria. Kobhers Turn IJolil Trick. ANACONDA , Mont. , April 27. A most audacious robbery was commit ted here early by two burglars , who secured § 10,000 in gold. The burglars entered the Alaska saloon by forc ing the main street door. Bodily pick- ng up a 300-pound safe they loaded t onto an express wagon. Driving outside the city limits , they broke the safe open and secured $10,000 in gold. Putting the broken safe back into the wagon , they made good their escape. A woman's idea of economy is to buy a frock one day and then go back early the next day and buy a hat. Deafness Cannot Bo Cured by local applications , us they cunnot reach the diseased portion ot tno car. There Is only ono way to euro deafness , and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by nn Inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachlan Tube. When this tube Is inllamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing , nnd when It is entirely closed deafness Is the result , and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition , hearing will be destroyed forever ; iiino cases out of ton are caused by catarrh , which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces. "We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot bo cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for sirculars , free. & ft Sold by Druggists. 76c. Hall's Family Pills arc the best Original ideas resemble clocks when they strike one. PRONOUNCE IT. Sigridur Jonsdottir , Kirmarstoduci , Reykholasveit , Bardastrandarsyslu , Iceland , Europe. This ! s the address given in an order for Doclu's Kidney Pills received and filled by the Dodd's Medicine Company of Buffalo , on April IGth. This unique direction means that to reach the sick people of Iceland , the parcel must travel to New York , then to London , Eng. , then northwest to Greenland , to be landed finally , on the lonely island at the edge of the Arctic Circle1. This is a pointed illustration of how United States goods find their way to the remotest corners of the earth. America today , produces better medi cines , as well as better manufactured articles than any other country in the world , and this fact accounts for the demand for Dodd's Kidney Pills from every part of the known universe. The lazy member of the club never make/ any unnecessary motions. $148 will buy new Upright piano on easy payments. Write for catalogues. Schmoller & Mueller , 1313 Farnain street , Omaha. Sour Milk Steam. At Cincinnatus , on the Erie and Central New York road , there is a water tank which is supplied by a pump in an adjoining creamery. An employe , made the wrong connection and the tank was half filled with sour milk , a quantity of which was taken on board an engine. This unwonted fluid proved to be a poor steam pro ducer for the engineer was just able to reach the next station , where the mistake was discovered. A Sl.OOO Walnut Tree. ' A mammoth black walnut tree on the farm of E. P. Gaus , in Williams coun ty , Ohio , has just been sold for ? 4,000. s'everal lumber dealers have examined chips from this tree , and all have de clared it to be the finest specimen of that kind of wood they ever saw. The tree was eight feet in diameter , forty feet above the stump and extended seventy-three feet from the butt to the first limb. The theatrical backer usually keeps his eye on the things "in front. " Mrs. TTinsIoT7'8 Soothinpr Syrnp. "For children teethlns , softens the KHITS , reduces In flammation , allay * pain , cures wlud coilc. 23c a bottlo. If a man has a oad heart it avails him nothing to have a good head. Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln. An address by Joseph Choate , Am bassador to Great Britain , on the ca reer and character of Abraham Lincoln his early life his early struggles with the world his character as de veloped in the later years of his life and his administration , which placed his name so high on the world's roll of honor and fame , has been published by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , and may be had by sending six ( G ) cents in postage to F. A. Miller , General Passenger Agent , Chicago , 111. Other people's faults are transpar ent ; our own are comfortably opaque. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. A boy never fools his parents ; they fool themselves. FKEE HOMES for 100,000 people in Klowa , Comanclic and Wich ita Indian rcsf rvatlons of 4.lHXUOU acres to open to settlers In Oklahoma AiiKU"tncxt. Sectional map with Guide Hook giving Uws anil full illrcetlons postpaid25 cent' . Fred L. Wcnacr , Uutlirie , Okla. Men who can fry pancakes have an idea they are accomplished cooks. NllcUrm. They'ro iiiudt * of * - * throughout , double nnd trlplo Btllclidl , warranted water proof. nro colt nnil Ninootti. not cruck , ] ) fcl oil orliocoino sticky. OutaloRiiu fret' . I.M.SawyeriSonSoa ! MIrs. East Cambridge. Mass. ( Den nine KJust Bear Signature of See Fac-Slmlfo Wrapper Below. Vex ? small and oo 0007 to take 03 uncor. F08 HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKiH. FOR THE COMPLEXION 23 CURE SICK HEADACHE. BLACK Of ? TftLLCW WILL KECPTOU DRY LOOK FOR ABOVE TRADE MAR.1 BEWARE OF IMITATION ! CATALOGUES FRE& I SHOWING FULL LINE OF' GARMENTS AMD HAT.3. A.J.TOWER CO. . BOSTON. MASS. 4z fnrnrnticof li.ickarlie ncnouFiichs , BlecplcHs- lie s , ui'uKrrsx. luMiof vitality. In IpIcntMdnc } W.s Wcr ami urinary li-orderb that < an not liemreil by the kidney liver anil blood mi-dlrlnc COp At all Druggist t Write f < > " free sainfk1 AiIiIrcHH / KJD-HE-OIDS , St. Louis , Mo. j Nature's Priceless Remedy Rheumatism , Neural DR.O. PHELPS BROWN'S gia , Weak Back. Sprains , Burns , Sores and all Pain. fPJRSGSQUS , , If lie does not wll it , st-ml us liU name , and for your trouble , wo will Crnn It Cures Through the Pores Send You a Trial I ICC ! A.ddrttsDr. , O.P.Erown.08 B'way.Ncwbureh.N. Y. m If you take up your home in Western Can- nd.t.tln land of plenty. Illustrat'-d pamphlets , Kivinjr cxpcru rices of farmers who have be come wealthy in lirov/- iii } , ' wheat , reports ot delegates , etc. , and full information as to reduced railway rates can be had on application to the Superintendent of Immigration , Department of Interior. Ottawa , Canada , or to W V Uennett , fcOl New York Life 13d { , ' . , Omaha , Neb. For Top Prices Ship Your G A ' 31 K A X 0 * O L 1/T It Tl To Headquarters n. \ \ . Irkfit . ' , Company. Bntter , Eggs. Veal , Jlldei and Furs. Potatoes. Onions Iti Carload Lot- . Omaha , . brf K.i. WITHOUT VK31 Sen'l lies rtptloai jndct frit' opinion. a JUir..O IJ. "TJIVEX.N it CO. . Ebtafo. IfcM Div. 2. f-17 14tli Street , WAMIIXCJTOX. . C Branch offitei. . tbltat-'o , Cievelaml and Detroit. FRAGRANT for the TEETH and BREATH Hew Size SOZODOHT LIQUID . . 0 25s Hew Patent Box SOZOB9HT POWDER , „ 25c Large LIQUID and POWDER . . . 75c At the Stores or by Mail , postpaid , for the Price. A Dentist's Opinion : "As an antiseptic and hygienic moutlnvash , and for the care and preservation of the teeth and gums , I cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the ideal dentifrice for children's Use. " [ Xame of writer upon application. ] HALL & RUCKEL , NEW YORK. . .A.A. /rrr PTlHHEC v. ' FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS e < 5 " " Issist upon having them , take no others and you will get the best shells that money can buy. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. vvvv v v v v v 1 v