The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 26, 1901, Image 5

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    Tr5V \ " -M1 - - -
Commissioners' Proceedings.
, McCook , Nebraska , April 17,1001.
Hoard nf county commtasionorH mot pursuant
, , to adjournment : Present , Stephen Italics , D.A.
I ; jjt Wutnrnmu and Manrico Reddy , commissioners ,
and R. A. Green , county clork. Minutes of prov-
' ' " ions mooting roud and approved.
In the matter of road number 355 , petitioned
for by F. M. Williams and others , tliu board on
motion postponed final action thorcon until
their nest meeting.
Petition of Joint Yuuniutur and others , asking
fora public road road and considered ; the board
finds that all owners of land along line of proposed -
. . posed road have given coiibont thereto in writ-
l\v ing , on motion same was granted , Ohtablishing
* ' n public riincl as follows : Commencing at the
houth-wost corner of the north-west quarter of
suction ono , township two , north , range twenty-
hix , west sixth P. M. , thence duo east on half
section line ono inilo to the Furnas county line ,
and terminating thereat , and clerk directed to
notify ovcrnoor of highways to open said road.
It appearing to the board from the petition of
William Kennedy and others aud upon exami
nation the board finds that the public good re
quires it , on motion the following roud is estab
lished : Commencing at the north-east corner
of section thirteen ( I'.i ) , town , ouo (1) ) , north ,
fjT range twenty-nine (29) ( ) , west , Oth P. M. , aud
Lfe running thence west ono inilo on section line
aud terminating at north-wost corner of taid
Kcction ; and clerk directed to notify overseer of
v highways to open said road and also notify
W\ owners of land along line of proposed road to
J | ' fllo claims for damages caused by the location
f * of said road on or before noon of the 20th day
of Juno , 1001 , or no further reference will bo had
It appearing from the aflidavit of J. II. Moore
fjl that for the year IbU9 ho was erroneously as-
l > sess-od in Driftwood precinct for certain proper
ty that ho did not own on the first day of April
of said year , on motion clerk wns instructed to
recompute said tax omitting the values of said
property that was erroneously assessed.
The following motion was declared carried ,
Waterman aud Hellos voting yes and Reddy
voting no.
Whereas , it would strengthen the walls of the
If' " , court-house if the rooms for holding district
court aud the ollico of the clerk of the district
court , in said building , were completed as orig
inally designed by M. Leach , architect , aud
whereas , there is no suitable place iu said court
| ( " house where district court can bo held , and no
suitable oilico for the clerk of the district court ,
therefore * ! move , that R. A. Green , county clerk
bo aud ho is hereby instructed to advertise
thirty days for bids for the completion of said
rooms according to the plans and specifications
prepared by M. Leach , architect ; all bids must
bo accompanied by a forfeit of $1011 , which sum
fchall go to the county if said bid is accepted
and the bidder does not cuter into the bond and
contract as required by this board , the board
"Mr reserving the right to reject any and all bids ;
aud further , that the county attorney prepare
a bond iu the sum of not less than $3,000 , condi
tioned according to law , aud a contract , that
must bo signed by the bidder iu the event his
n bid is accepted , which bond aud contract to bo
1 ; prepared by the county attorney shall be on file
" with the county clerk within fifteen days from
ft this date.
The following claims were audited aud al
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to
IN draw warrants on the county general fund , levy
of 1900 , iu payment thereof as follows :
G. S. Bibhop , county judge , fees , State vs.
t Miller $ 405
Jt C. B. Gray , constable , same 210
G. S. Bishop , county judge , fe S , State vs.
B Bryan 435
A. C. Crabtree , dop. slier. , same 5 35
James B. Haining , witness same 3 10
George douse , same 310
G. S. Bishop , county judge , fees , State vs.
R' Bryan 2 C5
f\ C. B. Gray , constable , same 210
G. S. Bishop , county judge , fees , State vs.
Hamilton 2 65
C. B. G ray , constable , same 2 10
lif G. S. Bitfiop , county judge , fees , State vs.
ir Reed 410
C. 15. Gray , constable , same 555
- James Powell , witness , same ' 110
E. H. Doan , juror , same 1 00
[ ? \ B. G. Gr.ssard , same 100
S J. W. Hupp , same 100
D. C. Marsh , same 100
N. J. Johnston , same 100
Hiram Brown , same 1 00
G. C. Boatman , C. D. C. , fees , State vs.
Eifert G 13
I > M , James H. Everist , J. P. , same 505
" > * * Simeon Billings , constable , same 320
E. E. Hayes , witness , same 1 00
George Smith , same 1 20
F. L. Hendershot , same 1 20
Wm. Miller , same : 1 30
f <
Mrs. Wm. Miller , same 130
rVv Bert Miller , same 130
iil > Laura Eifert , same ISO
' \ Mrs. Thomas Harrison , same 130
/ G. C. Boatman , C. D. C. , fees , State vs.
Knox : 6 13
H. H. Berry , justice peace , same 5 75
G. C. Boatman , C. D. C. , fees , State vs.
| v Esher , insane 11 50
I ? W. V. Gage , M. D. , same 1100
r * A. C. Crabtree , deputy sheriff , same 1 10
rjj- J. E. Kelley , attorney , same 900
Wm. Washburn , witness , same 200
Pauline Esher , same 200
G. C. Boatman , C. D. C , fees , State vs.
Krcidt , insane G 05
W. V. Gage , M. D. , same 800
J. E. Kelley , attorney , same 3 00
A. C. Crabtree , deputy sheriff , same 10 80
William Fisher , witness , same 2 20
Leonard Harsch , same 240
T. F. West , mdse. for pauper 10 55
ff , C. A. McGrew , tax refunded on erroneous
' " taxsale 4122
J. E. Kelley , house rent for pauper , claim
$83.33 , allowed . _ _ 22 50
R. A. Green , county clerk , postage and ex
pense for county officers 44 GO
Stephen Bolles"services as commissioner 3G fcO
D. A. Waterman , same 48 70
Maurice Reddy , same 2920
And on county road fund , levy of 1900 , as fol
lows :
N. Ploussard , road work $ 2970
A. C. Crabtree , deputy sheriff , serving
road papers 7 45
On motion board adjourned to meet May
Attest : R. A. GREEN- , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska. April 12 , 1901.
Notice is hereby given that Frank K. Miller
has filed in the city clerk's ollico his bond and
petition for a license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building on lot 11 , block
27 , Original town , being in the First ward of the
City of McCook , Nebraska , from May 1,1901 , to
April : , 1902.
4-12-3ts FEANK K. MILLER , Applicant.
Land Oflice at McCook , Nebraska , April 13th ,
1901. Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will bo made before Register
and Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satnr-
day. May 25,1901. viz : Charles E. Werner on H.
E. No. 11124 for the south-west H , north-west M ,
west H , south-west 34. section 21. township 4 ,
north , range 29west 6th P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous res
idence upon and cultivation of said land , yiz :
.George M. Mohler , John S. Modroll , William
Y. Johnson , Benjamin O. Johnson , all of Mc
Cook. Nebraska. F. M. RATHBUN ,
4-19-Sts. Register.
An Ordinance to Amend Section Ono (1) ( ) of
Onliuancu No. Eight > -muo IS9) of the City of
McCook. aud to KojKial Said Soctiou Ono (1) ) of
Said Ordinance , Kntitled :
"An Onlinanco to Amend. Section Ono'(1) ( ) of
Ordinance No. Seventy-live (75) ( qt the City of
McCook , and to Rojxjal Said Suction Ouo ( I ) of
buid Onlinanco , Entitled : "An Ordinance do-
lining and providing for levying and regulating
the collection of a license tax on buHinesfcos aud
occupations carried on and done within the
limits ot the City of McCook , Red Willow
Counti , State of Nebraska , and repealing Oidi-
nauco .No. 41 , entitled , "An Ordinance providing
for the levying and collection of a license tax on
occupations and busincssus carried on and done
in the City of McCook , and to proviiio a penalty
for the violation of the Hanio , ami to repeal
Ordinance numbered 21 , and all ordinances and
parts of ordinances iu conflict with this ordi
nance' ; passed and approved May 10 , l&UJ ; and
all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance. ' "
aud Council of the City of McCook , Nebraska :
That Section Ono (1) ( of Ordinnnco No. Kighty-
uino (6' ( ) of the ordinances of the City of Mc
Cook , Nebraska , passed and approved April
2. ) th , 11HX ) , bo amended to as to road as follows :
SEC. 1. That there is hereby levied a license
tax oil each and every occupation and business
within this city , in this suction hereinafter
enumerated , to ruibo a rovciiue .thoroby , in the
several bums of the differcutbusinessos _ and oc
cupations respectfully hereinafter mentioned ,
aud each and every person , firm , association or
corporation , carrying on any business or occu
pation hereinafter mentioned , within the City
of McCook , shall pay to the treasurer of this
city , annually , on the second Monday in the
mouth of May , af tor the pasbago and approval
of this ordinance , a .special license tax as fol
lows on biich business or occupation :
Dealer in agricultural implements $ ji 00
Dealer iu agricultural implements , wag
ons , buggies and sowing machines 10 00
Dealer in agricultural implements , wag
ons , buggies , machinery , hardware , tin
ware and sowing machines 20 00
Attorney and counsellor at la w 5 00
Attorney and counsellor at law doing a
collection or real estate business 750
j I Auctioneer 500
Banks with a capital of $50,000 or moro. . . 50 00
Bunks with a capital of leas than $50,000. . 35 00
Blacksmith , wagon shop , and repairing
wagons aud buggies 2 50
Buildiug association 1000
Barber , first chair 2 00
Barber , each additional chair 1 00
Bowling alloy 15 ( X )
Bakery 5 00
Bakery and confectionery C 00
Bakery , confectionery , cigars and to
bacco 7 00
Boot and shoo store 10 00
Bo6t aud shoo store aud boot and shoemaking
making and repairing " . . . 1250
Boot and bhoo making and repairing 2 50
Book and stationery store 3 00
Books , stationery , newsstand , confection
ery , cigars and tobacco 7 00
Billiard hull , for ono table 10 00
Billiard hall , for each additional table. . . 5 00
Dealer in buggies and wagons 5 00
Dealer iu harness and saddles , carriages ,
buggies , wagons aud sowing machines. . 7 50
Boarding houses , with ten or moro
boarders 300
Boarding houses , with from three to ten
boarders 1 50
Brick manufactory 5 00
Dealer in bicycles and bicycle repairs 2 50
Clothiug fctoro , dealer iu ready-mado
clothiug aud gentleman's furnishing
goods 10 00
Clothiug dealer , soiling from samples 1000
Clothing store , dealer in ready made
clothing and gentleman's furnishing
goods , taking orders for clothing 12 50
Table and pocket cutlery 1 00
Commission store 500
Confectionery 1 00
Contractor or builder 5 00
Cigar manufactory 5 00
Coal dealer 10 00
Collection agents , collecting claims and
accounts 2 50
Carpenter and builder shops 2 50
Drays , one two-horse dray 10 00
Each additional dray after the first. . . . . . 5 00
Each ouo-horso dray 5 00
Wagons hauling by the load or job 5 00
Dry goods 5 00
Dry goods and groceries 10 00
Dry goods and millinery 7 50
Dry goods , clothing , taking orders for
clothing , gentlemen's furnishing goods. 15 00
Dry goodSjgroceriesready made clothing ,
taking orders for clothing , cutlery ,
cigars and tobacco , hats and caps ,
boots and shoos , stationery , tinware ,
and jewelry , carrying a stock of less
than $10,000 20 00
Dry goodsgroceriesready made clothing ,
taking orders for clothing , cutlery ,
cigars aud tobacco , hats and caps ,
boots and shoes , stationery , tinware
and jewelry , carrying a stock of moro j
thau$10,000 2500J
Dressmakers , where help is employed 2 00 j
Drugs , with soda fountain and mineral j
water 750
Drugs , soda fountain aud mineral water ,
paints , oils , window glass , wail paper ,
cigars aud tobacco 12 00
Dentist 5 00
Electric light company 25 00
Furniture dealer 5 ( X )
Furniture dealer and repairing furniture ,
undertakingdealer in sewing machines ,
pictures and picture frames 12 50
Flour mill.- 10 IX )
Feed mill aud selliug feed and grain G 00
Flour and feed store , dealer in seeds , oils
and twines 7 00
Grain dealer 10 ( X )
Glass and queeusware 2 50
Groceries , exclusively 5 00
Groceries , queensware , tinware , seeds
and fruits 7 50
Groceries , queensware , cutlery , tinware ,
cigars and tobacco , boots and shoes ,
confectionery , fruits 15 00
Groceries , queensware , cutlery , tinware ,
cigars and tobacco , boots and shoes ,
confectionery , seeds and fruits , fishand
taking orders for clothing 25 00
Hardware 5 00
Hardware , tinware and harness 12 50
Hardware , tinware , agricultural imple
ments , buggies and wagons , machines
and implements 20 00
Harness and saddlery , harness repairing. 5 00
Hotel charging $2 per day or more 1250
Hotel charging less than $2 per day 7 50
Halls used for public entertainments 5 00
Hospitals , medical 5 00
Hats and caps 2 50
Mover of houses or other buildings 5 00
Insurance agent , each insurance com
pany represented 400
Ice dealer 15 00
Jeweler 1000
Jeweler , watches and clocks , bicycles and
bicycle repairing , and musical instru
ments , organs , pianos , violins , guitars. 17 50
Lumber dealer aud building material 15 00
Loan and trust company , holding or leas
ing real estate 10 00
Laundry doing entire work within the
city of McCook 7 50
Musical instruments , organs , pianos ,
violins and guitars 5 00
Musical instruments , taking orders for
same 5 00
Merchant tailor 2 50
Merchant tailor , selling clothing from
samples 1250
Meatmarket 1000
Money leaner or broker loaning money for
others 10 00
Marble works 5 00
Millinery and dressmaking 500
Newsstand 200
Opera house 1000
Oil dealer running tank wagon 10 00
Omnibus 500
Printing oflice 5 00
Printing oflice , stationery aud blanks 7 50
Physician and surgeon 5 00
Photographer and photograph gallery. . . 500
Plumber 1000
Painter and decorator 5 00
Dealer in paints , oils , wall paper and
window glass 500
Restaurant aud lunch counter 5 00
Restaurant and lunch counter , cigars ,
tobacco and confectionery 7 50
Real estate agent 2 50
Sowing machine agent or dealer 2 50
Livery stable 10 00
Feed and sale stable 5 CO
Saloons 200 00
Soda aud bottling work 5 00
Second hand store 5 00
Skating rink 20 00
Telephone company 20 00
Town site company 5 00
Dealer in tobacco and cigars 5 00
Tinware 2 00
Tinners 250
Undertaking 5 00
Water works company 5000
Wholesale dealer in malt and spirituous
liquors 1000
Wagon and buggy shop 2 50
Telegraph companies , or agencies for
telegraph companies , receiving mess
ages in this city from persons in this
city , and transmitting the same by tel
egraph from this city , within this state ,
to places and persons -within this state ,
and receiving within this city messages
by telegraph transmitted within this
state from persons and places within
this state , and delivering the same to
persons within this cityand not includ
ing any business done to or from points
without the state , and excepting the re
ceipt , transmission and delivery of any
message to and from any other depart
ment , agency , or agent of the United
States and excepting the receipt , trans-
mission , and delivery of any messages
which are interstate commerce , the
sum of 2500
Express , companies , or agencies for ex
press companies taking or receiving
any packages , goods or property from
any person in this city , and transmiting
such packages , good ? , or property by
express from this city to pcreons and
places within tliis state ; or receiving
within this city , packages , goods or
property transmitted by nxpress within
this s tn to from persons and places
within this state to persons within this
city , the sum of 25 ( K
SECTION 2. That said Original Sectjon Oni
(1) ( ) , of said Ordinance NumlwrKiglity-iiino ( b'J ) ,
of the City of McCook , Nebra-ka , pass-rd ami
approved April 25 , I'M. ) , bo and the same is here
by repoakd.
Passed and approved this 21th day of April
HiOl , and ordered published.
Attest : . C. E. ELDHED ,
E. J. WILCOX , Mayor.
[ SEAL ] City Clork.
Indiaiiola , Nebraska , April 12,1901.
Notice js hereby given that Anthony L. Hale )
has iiled iu the city clerk's ollico his bond ant
petition for a license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the Second ward of the city ol
Indiaiiola , from May 1,1001 , to April 30,1902.
4-12-its. : ANTHONY L. HALEY , Applicant.
( KOAD NO.35S. )
. To M. W. Moakley and to all whom it maj
concern : The board of county commissioners
has established and ordered open a road com-
moicing at north-oatt corner of section thirteen
(13) ( ) , in Gorvcrprecinct _ , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , running thence west on section line
one mile and terminating at north-west corner
of said section , and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in the county
clerk's oliice on or before noon of the 20th day
of June , A. D. lOOl.Jor said road will bo estab
lished without reference thereto.
4-26-41 R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the county com
missioners of Red Willow county will receive
sealed bids for the completion of the room for
holding district court and the oilico of the clerk
of the district court , said rooms to be completed
according to the plans and specifications on file
in the county clerk's oilico ; all bids to bo ac
companied by a forfeit of $100 , which sum shall
go to the count ) * , if said bid is accepted and the
bidder does not enter into the bond and contract
as required by this board. The successful bid
der will be required to give a bond in at least
the bum of $3,000.00 , conditioned according to
law , for the faithful performance of said con
tract. The board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids. All bids to be endorsed "Bids
for completing rooms in the court house" and
must be filed with the county clerk on or before
noon of the 20th dav of May , 1901.
4-19-5ts. R. A. GnCEN , County Clerk.
Good growing weather.
'Lloyd Naden was a McCook visitor ,
Eev. G. B. Mayfield visited in Bartloy ,
J. W. Hupp of McCook was in town ,
Ed Lister had business in the county
seat , Wednesday.
Simeon Billings was a pilgrim to the
"Valley's Finest , " McCook , Tuesday.
Eev. Howard P. Young is assisting in
revival services in the Methodist church
James Williams attended the great
Masonic gathering in McCook , Tuesday
Ole Robinson is unpacking , his new
stock of drugs , this week , and will soon
be ready for business.
Revenue collector was here , Thursday ,
looking up business along his line , mak
ing a few collections etc.
Protracted meetings are being carried
on this week at the M. E. church , and
they are having good attendance.
Otto W. Freude and Mary Nutt , both
of Danbury , were married by County
Judge Bishop , Wednesday of this week ,
in McCook.
Oklahoma boys returned , Monday
evening , from a six-weeks' trip and re
port a good time. They are well pleased
with parts of the country.
Loyd Naden , who has been clerking
for Wm. Sandon for the past two years ,
left , Sunday , for Pueblo , Colo. , for a
week's visit with his uncle , James
Naden. Loyd has a chance for a posi
tion in the electric car shops at that
place and if satisfactory will likely ac
cept it.
A sneak thief made his way into B.
N. Leisure & Son's hardware store ,
Wednesday night , and helped himself tea
a dozen or more watches , a few watch
chains , a revolver and a few other small
items. He opened the front doors by
prying them apart and springing the
catches off wich an old , broken spring
he had taken from a car. It was
thought he came to town , Tuesday even
ing , as he was noticed around here that
evening and all day Wednesday , hanging
around the town , but it was- thought he
was no more than a bum as he asked for
a hand-out at the back doors of the
kitchens around town. He was a young
fellow , smooth shaved , dark hair , about
5 feet , 8 inches _ tall , with black suit.
Leisure's loss will amount to about 8150.
This is the first time our town has been
burglarized and the business men will
likely be more conservative in the fu
H. P. Waite has everything in the
hardware line at the right price.
UNE office. B st in the market.
In iSoo there was not a rod of railroad any
where. Today the United States alone has
185,000 miles.
For coughs and colds there is no medicine
so effective as Ballard's Horehound Syrup.
It is the real ideal remedy. Price , 25 cents
and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Even poor actressed with cheap shows af
fect dogs. _ _
Even the most vigorous and hearty people
have at times a feeling of weariness and lassi
tude. To dispel this feeling take Herbine ; it
will impart vigor and vitality. Price,50 cents.
A. McMillen.
A conceited man is always conceited. He
never gets over it.
Cuts , wounds , burns , sprains and bruises
quickly heal if you apply Ballard's Snow
Liniment. Price , 25 cents and 50 cents. A.
Tlie IJcer'K 15ye .
A Canadian hunter tells this Incident
of bow ho once came face to face with
his quarry and hadn't the heart to
lire : "It wasn't a case of 'buck fever , '
such as a novice might experience , for
I had been a hunter for many years ,
aim had killed a good many , deer. This
was a particularly Hue buck that I had
followed for three days. A strong man
can run any deer to earth in time , and
nt last I had my prey tired out. From
the top of a hill I sighted him a few
miles away. lie had given up the
liKlit , and had stretched himself or.t
on the snow. As I stalked him , he
changed his position and took shelter
behind a bowlder , and , using the same
bowlder for a shelter , I came sud-
dcnly face to face with him. Ho
didn't attempt to run away , but stood
there looking at me with the most
piteous pair of eyes I ever saw.
"Shoot ? I could have no more shot
him than I could have shot a child.
ttnd the chance come from a distance
of 100 yards , I would have shot him
down and carried his antlers home in
triumph , but once having looked into
fhose eyes it would have been nothing
less than murder. I have hunted deer
since then , but I find the sport affords
me little pleasure. Whenever I draw
a bead , the picture of those mute , ap
pealing eyes comes before me , and ,
though It has not prevented me from
pulling the trigger , I have always felt
glad somehow when my bullet failed
to find Its mark. " Washington Post.
Hovr LithuaiiiniiH Piny Dice.
A peculiar dice game is indulged in
by the gambling element of Lithua
nians in Baltimore.
Gathering about the dice tables in
the saloons kept by their fellow coun
trymen they quickly lose all interest in
everything outside of that which is
transpiring upon the cloth before them.
As they sit or stand about the tables
the careworn features of old men con
trast strongly with the ruddy faces of
the youths. The eagerness with which
the players seek the numbers upon the
falling pieces is wolfish in its Intensity.
Comparatively small sums are placed
upon the game , and side bets run from
5 cents to $1.
Although resembling in the manner
in which It is operated the high dice
game as played by the Anglo-Saxon
races , the dice of the Lithuanians , in
stead of numbering from 1 to G , run
from 1 to 10 , the numbering of
the six sides being 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , S , 10. The
game is played with four pieces , and a
possible 40 is the point striven for in
stead of 24 , which is high mark in the
similar American game. Baltimore
A Fiend Collector Snubbed.
Collectors of autographs , postcards ,
etc. , are not always conscious of the
Importunacy of their demands , and the
following anecdote , which comes from
Triest , gives a striking example of
their failing and of the humorous way
in which the intended victim treated !
his tormentor. An Italian painter received - !
ceived a letter iu the following terms : j
Dear Sir I should like to ask you a great favor
and hope 3'ou will excuse the liberty I take. I
am making a collection of painted postcards and
should fot'l myself highly flattered if you would
kindly send me one , with a little picture painted
on it by yourse'f. ' It will certainly be the most
treasured card of my collection , as 1 should be
able to say that you were one of the first to honor
me in this way. Hoping to receive one , I beg to
thank you in advance.
The artist replied :
Dear Sir I should like to ask you a great favor
and hope you will excuse the liberty I take. 1
am making a collection of thousand franc notes
and should feel myself highly flattered if you
would kindly send me one. It will certainly be
the most highly treasured thousand franc note of
my collection , as I should be able to say that you
were one of the first to honor me in this way.
Hoping to receive one , I beg to thank you in ad
Dread and Cheese.
A couple advanced in years got mar
ried lately.
The husband had a room in the house
securely locked , the inside of which his
wife had never seen , and , being curi
ous as to its contents , she begged again
and again to see the room.
At last he consented , and , lo and
behold , the room was full of whole
cheeses !
He explained matters by telling her
that for every sweetheart he had in his
young days he bought a cheese.
His wife began to cry.
"Don't cry , dear , " he continued. "I've
had no sweetheart since I met you. "
"It's not that , " she replied , still sob
bing. "I only wish I had been as
thoughtful as you and bought a loaf
of bread for every man that kissed me. j
We could hove had bread and cheese j
enough to last us all our days. " Lon- j
doc Tit-Bits.
Wheels nud Wheels.
The woman who had been abroad
was describing some of the sights of
her trip to her friends. "But what
pleased me as-much as anything , " she
continued , "was the wonderful clock
at Strassburg. "
"Oh , bow I should love to see it ! "
gushed the girl in pink. "I am so in
terested in such things. And'did you
see the celebrated watch on the Rhine
too ? " Kansas City Star.
Remembered \Vliolc Ddoka.
Walter Savage Lander carried his '
library in his head. When he had read
a book , he always gave it away on
principle , having , as he said , observed
that with such a purpose iu his mind
he was sure to retain of a book all
that was worth keeping. In his old
age Lander was furious if he did not
at once remember any passage of a
book or any name or date.
Forever Settled.
She I tell you the moral superior
ity of woman Is recognized In the
language Itself. There isn't any femi
nine for "rascals , " Js there ?
He Of course not , but that's be
She That's because there are no
feminine raacals ! Chicago Tribune.
Carpets , Rugs , Art
, Cloth Mattings
| It will pay you to see us , if in need of a new
carpet. We do not claim the largest stock
on earth , but claim to give you better
( values than can be obtained elsewhere.
We Have in Stock
Wilton Velvet , good grade at $1.00 per yard.
Ingrains , two = ply , all wool , at 6sc per yard ,
usually sold at
We also have cheaper grades of Ingrains and
Samples of Axminsters , floquettes and Vel =
vets to order from.
THE . . . .
lOs w * * *
G. L. DeGROFF & GO. ir
* a
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn . $ .35
Wheat 58
Oats 4 °
Rye 33
Hogs . 4-75
Eggs 15
Butter . i2j
Butter fat 14
The Straight Front is the newest in
cdrsets. You will find them at DeGroff
& Co.'s. _
Hair dressing. f-liami > o < > infr and .ccali > treat
ment given for the bpnefit of the hair. Massage
treatment given , wrinkles removed and all face
blemishes removed. 'Phone No. C. Rear of
First National Bank.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. LWYER , Proprietor.
t = ipH3peciiil attention pnir ! to
hauling furniture. LPHVO orders
at either lumber yard.
DI St Rl 8 UTO R S.
. ;
Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism.
From the Vindicator , Rutherfordition.X. C. .
The editor of the Vindicator has had occrMCn
to test the efficacy of Chamberlam'.s Pa n
Balm twice with the most remarkaUe results
in each case. First , with rheumatism in the
shoulder from which he suffered excruciating
pain for ten days , which was relieved with
two applications of Pain Balm , rubbing Iks
parts afilicted and realizing instant benefit
and entire relief in a very short time , becond ,
in rheumatism in thigh joint , almost prostrat
ing him with severe pain , which was relieved
by two applications , rubbing with the Hni-
ment on retiring at night , and getting up frte
fiom pain. For sale by McConr.ell 6 ; Berry
A Good Cough Meclieme For Children.
"I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's- Cough Remedy. " says F. i'
Moran , n well known and popular banker , of
Petersburg."a. . "We have given it to oar
children when troubled with bad coughs , aii-c
whooping cough , and it has always givtn
perfect satisfaction. It was recommended 10
me by a druggist as the best cough medicine
i ( for children as it contained no opium or other
' harmful drug. " Sold by McConneli i : Btrry.
1 he lingering cough following grippe caiJo
for CJne Minute Cougji Cure , tor ail throat
and lung troubles this is the cn y hanr.Ie't
remedy that gives immediate resuhb. Pre
vents consumption. McCnnnell & l'-errv.
You want work done and
done right , call on
I do all kinds of work , job
carpentering , painting , putting
ting- new cane seats and
backs in chairs , etc. Resi
dence , two blocks east of
city park ; or leave name &ad
word at McMillen's drug
store , and I will cah and sec
what can be done