Study Your Wants and make prices to suit m the times If you want to save money come and take advantage of the bar gains offered in this list , these prices hold good only while each lot lasts. Clothes Wringer , all iron frame , a good one .99c Galvanized Wash Tub , the common size 6oc Good Window Shades all complete with rollers , pair 25c White Enameled Curtain Poles , 5 feet long , complete with trimmings and brackets , only 22c Japanese Water Drip Tea Pot given free with one pound of M ground spices at 35c Garden Seed , all kinds , in papers 02c 12c A good Broom , only l all-steel 8-bar Curry-Comb , l large rice-root brush , both. .2Sc Garden Rake , a good strong one for 19c 4-foDt Step-Ladders only 49c YOURS FOR "BIZ - SrJRt tffir jfla $ t rffrcBarafflk A agfar jf HT 3gjfe nfSr 5 V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. < ji ft II * * * / A T * n t oi % * * w & OF MeCOOK , NEB. 41 a a a a $ < | Bi Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5.000 B B B B DIRECTORS = / . FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAHD , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAH , C. H. WILLARD. * - - , . . , . , . . . . . . . - . . jfuJ7ifacjJin . . . fJ5i j i-Jiyii.jjjjj.j .3 jcagyiQCSjj 3 r ijy j fil Bridges rivers , tunnels mountains , buil the scattered rays of one cities , gathers up ability. That's what Rocky Mountain T < does. 35 cents. Ask your druggist. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In county court , within and for Red \ \ ale county , Nebraska , March 26,1901 ; in the matt . To tl of the estate of William Halld.eceaseu. creditors of said estate : You are hereby nol fled , that I will sit at the countv court room McCook , in said county , on the 27th day ' September , 1901at 1 o'clock p. m. to receive at examine all claims against said estate , with . Tl allowance. and their adjustment view to time limited for the presentation of clam against said estate is six months from the 201 day of March A. D. . 1901 , and the time limits for the payment of debts is one year from sai 26th day of March , 1901. G. S. Brsuop , County Judge. [ SEAL ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior , Land Office i McCook , Nebraska , March 14. 1901. Notice hereby given that the following-named settl < lias filed notice of his intention to make fin ; proof in support of his claim , and that sai proof will be made before register and receivt at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , April 2 1901 , viz : Elizabeth J. Albrecht , entry No. IKK for the south east i , section 20 , township north , range 29 , west , 6 P. M. He names tl following witnesses to prove his coutinuoi and cultivation of said lam residence upon viz : Ornaldo L. Thompson , Richard A. Greei William Colemun. and William T. Coleman a of McCook , Nebraska. F. M. RATUBUX , . 3-18-ats. Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from tl ; District court of Red Willow county , Nobraski T.B.Grav < under a decree in an action wherein et al. are plaintiffs and J.E. Cochrnn is defeni to directed and delivered , I shall ofi\ ant mo , at public f = ale and sell to the highest bidder f < cash , at the east door of the court house , in Mi Cook , Red Willow county. Nebraska , on the SI day of April , 1901 , at the hour of one o'clockj . the following described read estate , to-wii m. , Lots eight and nine in block six in the secou addition to the city of McCook , Red Willo county. Nebras-ka. Dated this 22nd day of March , 1901. G. F. KIXGHORN , Sheriff. A. C. CKABTRCE , Deputy. , W. S. Morlaii , Attorney. 3-22-r t ORDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss. A county court , held at the county court roon n in and for t-aid county-March 4th , A. D. 1'JO. Present , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In ' tb matter of the estate of William Hall , dece'aset On reading and filing the petition of Morgan i Pollard , praying that the instrument , filed o the 1st day of March , 1901 , and purporting to b the last will and testament of the said deceaset maybe proved , approved , probated , allowet and recorded as the last will and testament c the said William Hall , deceased , and that th execution of said instrument may be committe and the administration of said estate may b granted to Morgan S. Pollard , as cxecntoi Ordered , that March 20 , A. D. , 1901 , at 1 o'cloc p. m. , is assigned for hearing said petitioi when all porBona interested in gaid matter ma appear at a county court to bo held in and fo said county , and show cause why the prayer c petitioner should not bo granted ; and tha notice of the pendency of said petition and th hearing thereof bo given to all persons interest * in said matter by publishing a copy of this ordc in TUB McCooK TniunNE , a weekly nowspapc printed in said county , for tliroo succos&lv weeks , prior to said day of hearing. [ SUAL ] 3-8-3ts Q. S. BISHOP , County Judge. Like Oliver Twist , children ask for m when given One Minute Cough Cure , lc ers endorse it highly for croup. It quic cures all coughs and colds and every thr and lung trouble. It is a specific for grij and asthma and has long been a well kno remedy for whooping cough. McConnel Berry. It adds nothing to the piety of the par that it has learned to pray. Counterfeits ot DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sa are liable to cause blood poisoning. Ler them alone. The original has the name I Witt's upon the box and wrapper. It i harmless and healing salve for skin diseas Unequalled for piles. McConnell & Berry. Pulling both ways makes progress neith Tribune Clubbing List. For convenience ot readers of THE TR UNE , we have made arrangements with t following newspapers and perodicals where we can supply them in combination with T ] TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE. - 1 KlliU Detroit Free Press . Si oo 51 Leslie's Weekly . 4 oo 3 Prairie Farmer . I oo I Chicago Inter-Ocean . I oo I Cincinnati Enquirer. . I oo I New-York Tribune. oo Demorest's Magazine oo Toledo Blade oo Nebraska Farmer oo Iowa Homestead oo Lincoln Journal oo Campbell's Soil-Culture oo New-York World I oo Omaha Bee I oo Cosmopolitan Magazine I oo I St. Louis Republic r oo i Kansas City Star. 25 I Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer 50 I Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 I Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 We are prepared to fill orders for any otb papers published , at reduced rates. THE'TRIBUNE. McCook , Neb , NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. Office of the McCook Lead & Zinc Mining C In compliance with the statutes of the Stu of Nebraska and especially in compliance wi Section 136 of Chapter 16 , entitled "Corpoi tions , " we the President and majority of t Board of Directors hereby give notice that t existing debts of the McCook Lead & Zinc Mi ing Co. amount to ( § 00) ) nothing. McCook , Nebraska , February 15th , 1901. W. S. PEERT , President J. A. GUNN , C. E. POPE , II. THOMPSON , Board of Directors , APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. . . McCook , Nebraska , March 29,1901 , Notice is hereby given that William Le has filed in the city clork's oflico his bond ai petition for a license to sell malt , spirituo ind vinous liquors in the building at No. 1 ( Main avenue , in the First ward ot the city McCook , from May 1,1901 , to April : , 1902. 3-29-3ts. WILLIAM Luwis , Applicant. BANKSVILLE. vx-x v xx H. I. Peterson was a McCook visitor urday. Some of Andrew Andrews' horses { over this way during the storm. The scoop shovel.- , were kept pretty first of the week , not shoveling corn , ho\ That little blustering blizzard ioum town , but it took several days for any on to find it. Mr. Wesch and family arrived , last From Eastern Nebraska and will make iiome here. George Johnson is now living on the ' ilace , Will and his mother having re < noved to the Stewart ranch. The snow plow went up the Beaver > ine , Tuesday , to clear the track , as traff hat road had been suspended since the s MARRIED VanNortwick-Kelph , Mo March 25th , at the M. E. parsonage , Mc < ev. Grigsby officiating , Miss Minnie H he accomplished daughter of Mr. and .Yin. Kelph of this place , to Mr. James Jortwick of Cedar Bluffs , Kans. The j ouple leave at once for Dawson cc vhere the groom has a home ready fo iride. Their many friends join in congr ; ions. Prof. Ivison. of Lonaconing , Md. , suf ernbly from neuralgia of * he stomach ar ligestion for thirteen years and after the ors failed to cure him they fed him on ihine. A friend advised the use of K Dyspepsia Cure nnd after taking a few b < f it he says , "It has cured me entire ! an't say too much for Kodol Dyspi lure. " It digests what you eat. McCo : Berry. Take Rocky Mountain Tea. See it e linate poison. Feel it revitalize your 1 nd nerves and bring back that happy , ji ; eling of boyhood days. 350. Ask ruggtst. Every woman in the countr ought to know about Those \vho do know about i wonder how they ever got alons without it. It has robbed child birth of its terrors for many ; young wife. It has preserved "he girlish figure and saved her inucl suffering. It is an external liiii ment and carries with it therefore absolutely no danger of upsettmj the system as drugs taken intern ally are apt to do. It is to bi rubbed into the abdomen .to softei and strengthen the muscles vhicl are to bear the strain. This mean : much less pain. It also prevent morning .sickness and all of th < other discomforts of pregnancy A druggist of Macon , Ga. , says "I have sold a large quantity" : Mother's Friend and have nevei known an instance where it ha : failed to produce ihe good result : claimed for it. " A prominent lady of Lam. berton , Ark. , writes : "AVith inj six children 1 was in laboi from 24 to 30 hours. After using Mother's Friend , my seventh was born in 4 hours. " Get Mother's F-ieml at th - drug htoic , Sl.OO buttle. THE BSADFiEtD REGULATOR CO. MIANTA , GA. Write for onr free Hlu < trnte.l l * > ok. "BEFORE BABY IS BORN. " The Celebrated ERMAN LEDICATOR AND ATARRH CURE. A safe and scientific appliance the treatment of all diseases of Head , Throat and Lungs. OSITIVELY CURES Catarrh , Coughs. Colds and He ache , relieves Neuralgia , Astht Hay Fever , Bronchitis , LaGrip Clears the Voice. Restores L Taste and Smell. ur German Medicator Conveys highly Medicated Air Vapor to all parts of the Muc ( Membrane. Cleansing , Purifyi and Healing. Easy to use. Sal faction Guaranteed. Dr. S. L. Green , Agt. : Cook - - . . . Nebrasl , ' All Calls For The Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains , and an swer all calls to any part of the city. 'PHONE 36. W. H. Acker man , McCook , Nebraska. DANPURY. Guy Curlee returned from Hartley , las iirday. J. 11. Wicks , who has been wrest'ing the grip for the past week , is able to b again. Frank Musgrave departed , close of week , for Tobias , this state , to be abser summer. Misses Maud and Daisy Eno left , this \ for Reynolds , this state , to engage in millinery business. \Vm. Nutt shipped six cars of cattle hogs to Kansas City and St. Joseph , Wei day. Mr. Nutt and W. A. Minniear along with the stocK. Silas Abbot recent'y sold his house am to John A. Strain and his blacksmith to Elvin Woods , and , will soon leavi Portland , Oregon , where he will mak < future home. J. H. Everist's sale , last Tuesday , was attended and everything sold well. Mr erist expects to take atrip down to Oklal soon to look over tli country and if 1 satisfied may settle there. James K. VanNortwick of Cedar Bluffs Minnie Relph of Banksville were marrie McCook on Monday afternoon. They nake their home in Dawson countv , a lee north-east of here. Congratulations. We understand that the Royal Neighbo his place are contemplating giving an naids'entertainment some time in the uture , and no male actors are to be allo 0 help towards making the entertaini 1 success. Much alfalfa has been sown around in ocality lately. Our farmers h.ive profitec veil from their alfalfa seed this last fall vinter , that they are more eager to care f < han beforeIt is estimated that about ) UsheIs were raised around Danbury last ind has been selling from $375 to $5 , ace ng to quality. Most all of the seed hasl Imposed of already and but a small poi emains in the fanners' hands not yet sold U. W. Ublmger died at the home of laughter , Mrs. J. C.Roesch , ahout four n : astof townTuesday evening , about the 1 if twelve. He had been ailing for some 1 .nd was making preparations to start o : ileasure trip up the 1'latte river , and then cest , for his health , but was taken to his bout a week ago , and thus endinghis join 11 this world. He leaves a wife and hildren , all grown. Services will be 1 Saturday at the Congregational church lie remains will be buried at the Danl rave yard west of town. Our weather man , who has been absent ome time past , returned , last Saturday , ivored us with a fine rain and snow , term began , Friday e\ening , with a rain ontinued until Saturday evening , whei ommenced snowing , followed by a 1 : ind. The drifting snow did not damage inner as much as U d d our railroad up alley. The snow plow cleared up the m ne and the Oberlin branch , Monday , ; ime up this line , Tuesday , to dig out out ist bound train at St. Francis , which i nable to get out of the yards at that plz he plow went along as far west as Atwc here it ran into a snow bank about twe : etdeep , and the snow being so packed t icy have been unable to get through up u day ( Thursday ) . During the mean time low plow was wrecked and one engine T irown from the track. Wednesday , anot 'ow ' was called to their assistance , toget ith a wrecking crew , and the road on throi ill soon be opened again. The snow , it iid , drifted in a cut of about half a mile ngth to the depth of nearly twenty feet , i as one of the worst storms that has bi itnessed for years in that part of the co y. Roosters often crow over eggs they did y. Same with people who sell an imitat ocky Mountain Tea , made famous by adison Medicine Co.'s advertising. ; sk your druggist. INDIANOLA. Beit Case visited friends here , Wednesd turning to his home in Bartley onThursd Edna E. Reynolds has been visiting McCc lends , this week. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Keyes are in Chica ; is week , to secure medical assistance rs. Keyes , who continues in rather pc alth. The Woodmen will teach four or five ct dates how to ride their goat , Monday eve j. "A supper will follow the business sessi d the exercising of the quadruped. rhe stomach controls the situation. The 10 are hearty and strong are those who c t and digest plenty of food. Kodol D' ' psia Cure digests what you eat and allo u to eat all the good food you want. If y [ fer from indigestion , heartburn , belching y other stomach trouble , this preparatu n't help but do you good. The most sen e stomache can take it. McConnell rry. NORTH COLEMAN. ? arm work is retarded. Dn the 27th a wet snow fell most of the dc i ohn B. Smith sold S loads of 250 Ibs. per i on Monday at McCook. ; . B. Stryker had his well deepened < cdnesday , E. Branscomb doing the job. \ rain and snow storm struck this place ( :23 : and Sunday it was a regular blizzar > ugh not very cold. The snow drifted te ly , and in some of the canyons it is S -P- PAn An Honest Medicine lor 1-agrippe. George W. Wailt , of South Gardiner , Mi rs : "I have Had the worst cough , col and-have taken lots ottrash ; lls and grip - , account but profit to the vendor. Char rlain's Cough Remedy is the only thing th ; done any good whatever. I have us < : bottle of it and the chills , cold and gr ve all left me. I congratulate the manufa ers of an honest medicine. " For sale I .Connell & Berry. Their promptness and their pleasant effec ke DeWitt's Little Early Risers most po .r little pills wherever they _ are know ey are simply perfect for liver and bow ubles. McConnell & Berry. ; Ve infer from the persistence with whic iter lingers in her lap that we will have s isually attractive spring this year. Vhen you are billious , use those tamoi le pills known as DeWitt's Little Ear iers to cleanse the liver and bowels. Tlu er gripe. McConnell & Berry. THE NEW PALMER { IT. Is now open and fully equipped as a First-Class Hotel. Transient Cus tom properly taken care of. Parties desiring rooms and board or table board will be given rates according to accommodation and service re quired. Come and see for yourself as we can assure you that , for the price , our table and rooms cannot be beat on earth * * nrnmg , JAflES ROONEY , Prop. JOE LOWLEY , flgr. * Does It Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds i right , but you want something that will rel and cure ihe more severe and dangerous suits of throat and lung troubles. What s you do ? Go to a warmer and more reg climate ? Yes , if possible ; if not possiblt you , then in either case take the only rerr that has been introduced in all civilized C ( tries with success in severe throat and 1 troubles , "Buschee's German Syrup. " It only heals and stimulates the tissues to troy the germ disease.bnt allays inflammat secures easy expectoration , gives a good nig rest , and cures the patient. Try one bo Recommended mnny years by all druggist the world. Get Green's Prize Almanac. McMillen. Perhaps the reason the preacher is better man is that he wears his Sunday clo' ' all the week. Question Answered. Yes , August Flowet still has the lari sale of any medicine in the civilized \vt. Your mothers and grandmothers ne thought of using anything else for indiges or biliousness. Doctors were scarce , and I seldom heard of appendicitis , nervous p tration or heart failure , etc. They used gust Flower to clean out the system and s Fermentation of undigested food , regulate action of the liver , stimulate the nervous organic action of the system , and that is they took when feeling dull and bad v headaches and other aches. You only net few doses of Green's August Flower , in lie corm , to make you satisfied there is notli serious the matter with you. Get Grei Prize Almanac. A. McMillen. Some Christians break up the Rock of Ate to fling the pieces at one another. If troubled with rheumatism , give Ch ; berlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not ( you a cent it it does no good. One appli tion will relieve the pain. It also ct sprains and bruises in one-third the time quired by any other treatment. Cuts , bui frostbites , quinsy , pains in the side : chest , glandular and other swellings quickly cured by applying it. Every bo warranted. Price , 25 and 50 cents. McC nell & Berry. They who agonize when they pray do 5eem to suffer when they pay. See that you get the original DeWi Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it. 1 genuine is a certain cure for piles , sores a skin diseases. McConnell & Berry. The most beautiful thing : : he world is the baby , a ilimples and joy. The mo pitiful thing is that same bab : hin and in pain. And tl nether does not know that ittle fat makes all the diffe mce. Dimples and joy have gen ind left hollows and fear ; th at , that was comfort an : olor and curve-all but pit md love-is s one. O The little one Gfets no fr O rom her food. There is some hing wrong ; it is cither her fee > r food-mill. She has had n at for weeks ; is living on wha he had stored in that plum- ittle body of hers ; and that i one. She is starving for fat : is death , be quick ! Scott's Emulsion of Cot , iver Oil is the fat she cai ike ; it will save her. The genuine has this picture o it , take n < > other. If you have not tried it. en for tree san'p.e. its agrceabl taste will surprise von. " SCOTT" & BOWNE. Chemists , 4O9 Pearl St. , N. Y 5Oc. and Sl.OO all druggists. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , D. W. V. CAGE , McCook. - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building H. P. SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK , NEBRASKA JOHN E. KELLEY , > ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTHACTER McCooK , NEBRASKA. nt of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD. DENTIST. All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. DR.J.B.FICKES \ Reliable Orer Mc Connell & Graduate Dentist Berry's. . . . VIcCOOK = 'NEB. SET- YOUR CAN OUT \lcCOOK = TANK = LINE S. D. McCLAIN , Prop. F. B. BURGESS , IF r McCOOK , NEBR. Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building. E FOOLEDI Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. . Madison , WIs. It keeps you well. Our trade CUt ° n each Pa age. , Prlc.e'35 cents. Never soW - in bulk. Accept no substl- coupon ATCD i ooa tute. Ask your druggist. 1 to M Gallons Capacity f ou hold the nozzle- Tire SPRAYER DOES THE REST. T. F. Salarv - 9OO salary guaranteed \-earlv-nTtW issions nnd " rintl n'ira con > expense" d established house ! biSm din cement < v ; , . STAFFORD PRESS 3 Church St. , Ne Sv'cn. conn.