The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 29, 1901, Image 7

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Indian Reservation ! and Other Now Dis
tricts to Be Opened Up Tliln Year.
In the Great Sankfttchowan Valley and the
ircrlllo Plains of Asululbola.
To the Editor , Dear Sir : The past
three or four years have demonstrated
to a large number of Americans the
value of the grain-growing and ranch
ing lands of Western Canada. Tens ot
thousands have taken advantage or
the offer made by the Canadian gov
ernment as well as of the exceedingly
low prices asked for lands by the rail
way , colonization and other compan
ies. The experience of those who have
been settled there for some little time
is of a highly gratifying character. So
frauch BO that the Canadian govern
ment , who has control of the immigra
tion into Western Canada , has decid
ed to open up some new districts this
year In the well known Saskatchewan
Valley and also in the fertile plains of
Assiniboia. These Districts are prob
ably the most productive in the entire
West and in close touch to largely set
tled communities as well as being
situated on some of the most import
ant lines of railway. They are within
easy reach of markets , schools , church
es and other social advantages. In
some of these districts lands may be
homesteaded as well as purchased out
right at very low prices. Now as to
what can be done on these lands. The
evidence of the settlers in the neigh
borhood of the lands now about to be
opened for settlement ( some of them
'being located in one of the best Indian
'Reservations ) goes to show that the
very best results have followed even
most indifferent methods. Cases are
given where farmers having gone
there with most limited means , barely
enough to erect a small house and
.break up a little land , have in three
or 'our years * time become prosperous ,
all debts paid and money in the bank.
The soil in the Districts mentioned ,
Assiniboia and Saskatchewan , is a rich
black loam , fifteen inches to three feet
deep. As a settler says , "It appears
-like the accumulation of decayed vege
tation and ashes for centuries Une
sub-soil is a stiff , putty clay ) . " On
this soil it is possible to raise from 40
to 50 bushels of wheat to the acre , oats
:75 : to 100 bushels , all of which bring
good prices at the local market. For
mixed farming these new districts are
probably among the best in Western
Canada. Stock fatten easily on the
wild grasses. Hay is plentiful , and
prices splendid. Another settler writ
ing to a friend in Iowa says : "The
climate is all that could be desired ,
plenty of rainfall in summer , with no
hot , dry winds. On the 28th of Sep
tember I saw prairie flowers in lull
bloom , sweet corn , potato and tomato
vines that had not been touched a par
ticle with frost , and the winters are
milder than those in the State from
which I came. After the holidays the
winter sets in clear and cold , with
plenty of snow for good sleighing ; no
high winds or blizzards are known.
Horses live out all winter and pick
their own living , while cattle "live all
winter in open sheds and around the
hay ricks. Wheat , oats and barley are
the principal grain crops. Potatoes
and all other roots and vegetables do
well , the yield being enormous as
compared to those in the States. Wild
truits , such as strawberries , raspber
ries , cranberries , gooseberries and all
varieties of currants yield in abund
ance. As a reader of your valuable pa
per for a number of years , I feel that
I should inform you of the progress
U'l and advancement being made in Can
ada within the past few years , and the
inducements and advantages that will
follow settlement in Western Canada.
Those who desire information can do
as I did , and apply to any Agent of
the Canadian Government , whose
name X see appears in advertisements
appearing elsewhere in the columns of
your paper , and when writing ask par
ticularly about the Saskatchewan Val
ley or Assiniboia Districts.
Yours truly.
Old Reader. "
A > "ew Yankee Industry.
The Massachusetts Frog Compan3"
has just J-een incorporated in Maine ,
with a capital of $5,000 , its object be
ing declared in the application to be
"to buy , Pell , breed and import frogs
and iike animals. "
Hall Insurance.
From the reports filed iu the in
surance department of the state the
past two years it would seem us
though this class of insurance is
one of the most important classes
carried in the state of Nebraska. One
of these hail companies alone has paid
the enormous sum of 5105,053.4 in
losses during- the past two seasons. No
other insurance company in the state
has paid such a large sum for losses as
this one hail insurance company. The
management of this company has been
more economical ttian is usually the
case with insurance companies. Other
wise it would not have been possible
to pay such a large sum for losses.
AVhile several hail insurance com
panies have ceased to do business the
past two years on account of not paying
ing- losses , the United Mutual Hail
Insurance Association of Lincoln , the
one above referred to , stands out alone
with the proud record of which the
officers of any insurance company
could feel proud , having paid 542,000
more for losses than was paid by all
the other hail insurance companies
combined in the state. We can there
fore recommend the United Mutual
of Lincoln to anyone wishing- good
protection to his growing crops or to
any agent wishing to write hail in
A friend's faults may lie noticed ,
but not blamed.
He "who would save should begin
with the mouth.
One Man Killed and Another Severely
Injured ,
Passenger Train Under rull Headway
When Collision Occurs Aced Couple
Killed on Ball In Platte County Mis
cellaneous Nebraska Matters *
JOHNSON , Neb. , March 23. A
head-end collision on the Burlington ,
inwhich one man lost his 'life and
another was severely injured , occur
red about three miles east of John
son. A blinding snow storm was rag
ing at the time and it seems to be
hard to determine who is accountable
for the accident
Between Auburn , and Johnson are
two or three country sidetracks at
the stone quarries. It is no unusual
thing for the freight trains to "take "
these sidetracks to allow the passen
ger trains to pass. After waiting
some time for the freight , passenger
train No. 98 , Conductor Cronkhite in
charge , left Johnson east , probably be
lieving the freight was on one of the
sidetracks mentioned. At the same
time freight No. 113 , in charge of
Conductor Burlinghamwas stuck in
a snowdrift at the point stated.
The passenger tram- got under full
headway and on account of the blind
ing blizzard none of trainmen on
either train knew of the impending
The engineer and fireman on the
freight jumped at the moment of col
lision. Engineer George McMIllen of
the passenger jumped and suffered a
broken .leg , but Fireman Fred Jansen
of the passenger was not so fortu
nate. He was caught in the wreck of
his engine and scalded to death iby
escaping steam. No one else was in
jured , aside from .being considerably
shaken up. Both engines were con
siderably stove uy and several cars
were derailed.
By Bullet and Kope.
HOLDREGE , Neb. , March 23. The
suicide of Andrew Johnson , a well-fo-
do Norwegian farmer , living north
west of here near the Westmark post-
office , occurred Monday. The report is
that he first hung and then shot him
self. He was dead when found by his
wife when' she went to call him to
breakfast Mr. Johnson was an old set
tler. It is reported that he had been
mentally unbalanced for some time.
He leaves a wife and two daughters.
Train Kills Aged Couple.
COLUMBUS , March 23. Josiah
McFarland , aged 7S , and his wife ,
aged 75 , were instantly killed at a
grade crossing one mile v/est of the
city. They had left home to come 'to '
town. About eighty rods from the
house the road crosses the Albion
branch of the Unioa Pacific. Train
No. 70 struck them on the crossing
and they were both instantly killed ,
though their horse -was uninjured.
Coal Discovered at Beatrice.
BEATRICE , Neb. , March 23. A
splendid specimen of coal vas discov
ered here byworkmen who were en
gaged in excavating for brick clay ,
one mile from the i > ostoffife. When
they had excavated twenty-five feet
they struck a thin layer of shale and
directly underneath they found coal.
The vein is two feet in thickness ,
and Robert Klose , who has a lease on
the land , will make further develop
Hangs to the Fence Post.
LEIGH , Neb. , March 23. Andrew C.
Peterson was found dead , hanging to a
fencepost He had lived with his son
Andrew , fifteen miles southeast of
Leigh. The man had made a rope out
of several pieces of binding twine , tied
it around his neck and hung the loop
of the other end over the top of a
fencepost. When found his lifeless
form was in a sitting posture , partially
resting on the ground. -
Rich Ochre Beds.
PONCA , Neb. , March 23. De Nore &
Ludwig of Ponca have taken a mineral
lease on several -hundred acres of land
lying at the moutht of the Iowa , near
the Missouri , on which they claim to
have found valuable deposits of red
and yellow ochre.
Asks Bids on Letter Boxes.
WASHINGTON , March 21. The
Postoffice department has issued a call
for bids for furnishing street letter
boxes to the government for the next
four years , for use in cities through
out the country.
Academy Needs Funds.
CHADRON , Neb. , March 23. The
trustees of Chadron academy met and
decided to inaugurate a vigorous cam
paign during the coming week to raise
funds for current expenses. Rev.
Theodore Clifton , D. D. , of Chicago , is
here and will start the movement bj
two vigorous appeals to the people of
Chadron for necessary -money to pay
current expenses for this institution.
It is expected that a hearty response
will be given.
When the cord Is tightest it is near
est snapping.
If You Have Rheumatism
Send no money , but wrlto Dr. Sboop , llaclnr , Win. ,
box 143 , for six bottlcg of Ir. Slioop'd Hheumatlo
Cure , express paid. If cured pay tSJX ) ; if not it IB ircc.
A fool is like other men as long as
he is silent.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
You may cook in small pots as well
as in large ones.
We thank you for trying Wizard Oil
for rheumatism or neuralgia , then you
will thank us. Ask your druggist
One would rather be bitten by
wolves than by sheep.
The stomach 1ms to work hard. grinding the
food wo crowd Into it. Make its work easy by
chewing Beeman's Pepsin Gum.
Ask advice of your equals , help of
your superiors.
Thirty minutes is all the time re
quired to dye with PUTNAM FADE
Counsel after action is like rain
after harvest.
Howa This ?
"We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of Catarrh that casuot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. . Toledo. O.
We , the undersigned , have known P. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm.
West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo ,
0. : Walding , ICinnuu & Marvin. Wholesale
Druggists , Toledo , Ohio.
Hall's Oatarrh Cure is talton internally , actIng -
Ing direct. v upon the blood and raucoussurf aces
of the system. Testimonials sent fiee. Price
VTxs per bottle. Sold by all t'l-uggisti. '
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
we must adapt ourselves to the truth.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 1C oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Say not always that tho.i knowest ,
but always know what thou sayest.
Now that the Winter season is past.
It is well to cleanse the- system and
purify the blood with Garfield Tea
an Herb Medicine good for all.
When the tree falls every one runs
to gather sticks.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consumption
has an equal for coushs and colds. JOHN P
BOYER , Trinity Springs , Ind. , Feb. 15,1900.
You may light another's candle at
your own without less.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 1C oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
He who would seek revenue must been
on his own guard.
§ 148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Schmoller & Mueller , 131 ? Farnam
street. Omaha.
When one foot stumbles , the other-
is near falling.
Are You Uslne Alien's Foot Ease ? i
It is the only cure for Swollen , I
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 25e. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress. Allen S. Olmsted. IxRoy. N. Y.
He who speaks ill of himself is
praised by no one.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
When the wound is healed the pain
Is forgotten.
Catarrhal Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration Make Invalids of More
Women Than All Other Diseases Combined.
* "
' '
TTrS" * - * '
Peruna is the woman's friend every
where. It is safe to say that no woman
ever used Peruna for any calarrhal de
rangement but what it became indis
pensable in her household.
Letters From Women.
Every day we receive letters from
women like the following. Women who
have tried doctors and failed ; women
who have tried Peruna and were
Miss Katie Klein , 6125 Bartcier ave
nue , St. Louis , Mo. , writes :
"Peruna has done me more good for
catarrh than the best doctors could. I
had catarrh so bad. but after taking
Peruna it is entirely gone , and I feel
like a different person. "
Miss Anna 1'remjott'H Letter.
Miss Anna Prescott , in a letter from
216 South Seventh street , Minneapolis ,
Minn. , writes :
' / am sincerely grateful for the
relief I have found from the use ot Pe
runa , I was completely used up last
fall , my appetite had failed and I felt
weak and tired all the time. My drug-
gist advised me to try Peruna and the
relief I experienced after taking ons
bottle was truly wonderful.
"f continued Its use for five weeks ,
and am glad to say that my complete
restoration to health was a happy
surprise to myself as well as to my
Mends. " Anna Prescott
A constant drain of nervons vitality
depleting the whole nervous system
causes the mucous membrane surfaces
to suffer accordingly. This Is the con
dition called systemic catarrh. It very
nearly resembles , and there is really no
practical difference , between this con
dition and the condition known as neu-
Man is the wonder of nature. Plato.
rasthenia , or nervous prostration.
Peruna will be found to effect an
immediate and lasting cure in all cases
of systemic catarrh. It acts quickly
and beneficially on the diseased mu
cous membranes , and with healthy
mucous membranes the catarrh can no
longer exist.
Peruna a True Friend , toVoiurn. .
Mrs. F. J. Lynch , writes the follow
ing from 324 S. Division street , Grand
Rapids , Mich :
The Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , O.
Gentlemen "I earnestly recommend
Peruna to any suffering woman , as it
cures quickly. Last year I had a most
persistent cough which nothing seemed
to cure. Two bottles of Peruna did
more for me than all the doctors
seemed to do. In a couple of weeks I
found myself in excellent health , and
have been enjoying it ever since.
Hence I look on Peruna as a true
friend to women. " Mrs. F. J. Lynch.
Peruna is .equally efficacious in cur
ing catarrh of the throat as in curing
systemic catarrh or catarrh of the
stomach. Catarrh is essentially the
same wherever located. Peruna cures
Periiuiv Makes Ton Feel Like a Now
Miss Mary Coats , a. popular young
woman of Appleton , Wis. . and presi
dent of the Appleton Young Ladies'
Club , also speaks in glowing terms of
Peruna. A letter recently received from
her by The Peruaa Medicine Co. , of
Columbus. Ohio , reads as follows :
"I am , glad to call the attention of my
friends to Peruna. When that lan
guid , tired feeling cornea over you , and
Self-respect is the basis of all good , ji i j
your food no longer tastes good , and
small annoyances Irritate you , Peruna
will make you feel like another porsou
inside of a week.
"I have now used it for three sea
sons , and find it very valuable and
efficaious. " Miss Marie Coats.
Diseased nerves are traceable direct
ly to poor digestion , and poor diges
tion is directly traceable to catarrh.
With the slightest catarrh of the stomach
ach no one can have good digestion.
Very few of the many women who
have catarrh of the stomach suspect
what their real trouble is. They know
they belch after meals , have sour stom-t
ach , a sensation of weight or heaviness - ;
ness , a fullness , irregular appetite , *
drowsiness , gnawing , empty sensations , !
occasional pain they all know thls ; {
but they do not know that their trouble
Is catarrh of the stomach. If they did-
they would take Peruna. {
Peruna cures catarrh wherever lo- |
catcd. As soon as Peruna removes
catarrh from the stomach the digea-J
tlon becomes good , appetite regular ,
nerves strong , and trouble vanishes.
Peruna strengthens weak nerves , not
by temporarily stimulating them , but *
by removing the cause of weak nerveai
poor digestion. This is the onlyi
cure that lasts. Remove the cause- '
Nature will do the rest. Peruna re-4
moves the cause. \
If you do not derive prompt and satIsfactory - ,
Isfactory results from the use of Pe- ' .
runa , write at once to Dr. Hartman.l
giving a full statement of your caso' '
and he will be pleased to give you hlal
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr Hartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus. 0.
He who flees proves himself guilty.
Caused by over-work ! Over-eating ! Over-drinking ! No part of the human body receives more ill treatment
than the bowels. Load after load is imposed until the intestines become clogged , refuse to act , worn out. Then
you must assist nature. Do it , and sec how easily you will be cured by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not a
mass of violent mercurial and mineral poison , but a pure vegetable compound that acts directly upon the diseased
and worn out intestinal canal , making it strong , and gently stimulating the liver and kidneys ; a candy tablet ,
pleasant to eat , easy and delightful in action. Don't accept a substitute for CASCARETS.
25c. 50c.
OUAKAJiTEKD TO CUKE all bowel trouble * , appendicitis , biliousness. OUAKAXTEKJI TO CCUE : Fire yenrs ace the first box of CAS
Dad breath , bad blood , wind on the stomach , bloated bowels , foal month , CARETS was sold. Now It Is over clx million boxen a year , nrratcr than any
headache , Indigestion , pimples , pains after eatlnc , liver trouble , sallow com similar medicine In the world. This Is absolute proof of crt-at merit , and
plexion and dtBXInea * . When your bowels don't move rrcnlarly yon arc onr b st testimonial. We have faith , and will selfCASOAlCETS absolutely
Uncr sick. Constipation kills moro people than all other diseases together. guaranteed , to enre or money refunded. Go buy today , two "Oc boxes , give
Uua-Btartcr for the chronic ailments and Ion ? yeura ofsufferlnir that come them a fair , honest trial , as per simple directions , and If you are not satisfied
afterwards. So matter what alls yon , start taklntr CASCARKTS today. Tor after using one GOc box. return the unused GOc box and the empty box to
you "win never tret well and be well all the time nntll yon put yonr bowels us by mall , or the dracrnrUt from whom you pnrchaied It. and get your money
right. Take our advlcet start with CASC'AJtETS today , under an absolute back for both boxes. Take onr advice no matter what ll you start today.
guarantee to cure or money refunded. M9 Health will quickly follow and yon will blems th < > dav vnu flrst started the use
orCASCAllETS. .Boot free by mall. Add : STttUHGlUb Dt CO. , 3c Ttrk .rOI j. .