The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1901, Image 6

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. M. KIBIKEIA , Publisher.
Dr. C. H. Poucher committed suicide
at Swantou , Neb. , by taking prusslc
Emperor William has conferred
upon Lord Roberts the Order of the
Black Eagle , the highest German dec
Charles E. Emerson , president of the
Emerson Lumber company , of Dixon
111. , died , aged 73 years. He leaves a
large estate.
In the state of Guerrero , Mex. , a
sharp shock of earthquake caused
much alarm. A light shock "was felt
In Mexico City.
Countess Castellane has sold to her
brother , Edwin Gould , her Interest in
the New York realty left by their
lather , for $43,500.
The officials of the British home of
fice say there is no foundation what
ever for the report that Mrs Florence
Maybrick has been pardoned.
A bill was introduced in the Illinois
house providing that all persons here
after sentenced to death shall be ex
ecuted by means 'of electricity.
Mrs. John Beatty , a wealthy widow ,
twelve miles north of Beardstown , 111. ,
committed suicide by drowning in a
well , where the body was found by her
son.The Bulletin of the summer session
at the University of Nebraska has been
issued and is now ready for distribu
tion , and will be sent free to all who
desire it.
Mrs. John Beatty , a wealthy widow
residing in the country In Schuyler
county , 111. , twelve miles north of
Beardstown , committed suicide at her
home by drowning herself in a well.
Former Lieutenant Governor Henry
C. Bates of St. Johnsbury , Vt. , was of
fered tiie position of judge in the Phil
ippines and he will accept the appointment -
ment The salary will be ? 5,500 per
C B. Murphy , aged 29 , who was at
tending Braden's preparatory school at
Highland Falls , N. Y. , for admission
to West Point , dropped dead while he
was engaged in snowballing with other
The first coal mine to be developed
in Nebraska has been opened near
Jackson , Neb. , and starts with a force
of fifty men It is the property of Riley -
ley & McBride. The coal is bituminous
and of good quality.
Cattle rustlers were given an un
usually severe sentence at Helena ,
Mont. A. J. Kelly and George Hnnd-
Bchut were convicted of stealing three
calves and were sentenced to fourteen
years each in the penitentiary.
The state senate of Colorado passed
on third reading the bill for submis
sion of a constitutional amendment to
use the enactment of a law limiting a
day's work in mines , smelters and
mills for the treatment of ores to eight
consecutive hours.
At Santa Barbara , Cal. , Mrs. Freder
ick Hansch shot and killed herself
while temporarily insane. Mrs. Hansch ,
who was very wealthy , was the daugh
ter of Baron Myer , a wealthy banker
of Dresden , Germany , and her mother
was an English lady of noble birth.
The following message of congrtula
tion was sent to Queen by
the president on the occasion of her
marriage : "Her Majesty , Wilhelmina ,
Queen of the Netherlands , Sgraven-
hage : I pray your majesty to accept
the sincere congratulations I offer for
myself and my countrymen upon the
auspicous occasion o * your majesty's
marriage. "
William Root , bette. . known among
old-time westerners as plain "Bill , " a
man who has spent has life in the
mountains , plains and jungles of near
ly every country under the sun , and
who was at one time a partner of Bill
Nye and Pete Liddell , who had a hand
in the Indian congress at the Trans-
Mississippi exposition , will collect for
ty Indians to be taken to Glen island
in the Hudson river as a show for
New Yorkers.
Fire destroyed the Flatbush car sta
ble of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit
company in Brooklyn , N Y. , causing
a loss of § 200,000.
The statement of the British board
of trade for tue month of January
shows increases of 1,413,600 in im
ports , and 1,169,800 in exports.
Miss Edith M. Smith , of Sanborn , N.
Y. , has been appointed assistant ma
tron at the Rosebud luflian school , S.
D.Miss Lillian IMalaby of Brooking , S.
D. , has been reinstated assistant ma
tron of the Grand River Inman school
at Standing Rock , S. D.
Capt Joseph T. Johnson , a well
known Ohio river captain. Is dead at
Pittsburg , Pa. , aged 81 years.
The president today sent to the sen
ate the nominations of James H. Wil
son of Delaware , and Fitzhugh Lee , of
Virginia , now brigadier generals of
volunteers , to be brigadier generals in
the regular army.
Fire in the wholesale candy plant of
Valentine Schroeder , at Detroit , Mich. ,
caused an estimated loss of | loO,000.
Upon the application of uie state in
surance department the Manufacturers'
& Merchants Mutual Insurance com
pany , of Rockford , 111. , passed into the
hands of a receiver The total liabil
ities are $70,000 , assets $35,000.
John S. Hart , a prominent Racine ,
WM , manufacturer and philanthropist ,
died suddenly in Los Angeles , Cal.
John W. Power , ex-state senator ,
brother of ex-United States Senator T.
C. Power , died at Fort Fenton , Mont.
He was a leading business man of
Montana for thirty-three years.
During the coming year 200,000,000
white fish from the state hatcheries of
Michigan will be planted in Lake Mich
igan and the other great lakes , and in
additions 7,000,000 brook trout , 3,000-
000 lake trout , 7,000,000 black bass iVnd
100,000,000 wall-eyed pike will be dis
tributed in the larger streams of Mich
Senate and House Will Look Horns 011
Eovenue Keduction ,
Fervent Debutes mid Certain .Strife Is
the Outlook Measures Crowding ng
the Tliuo for Adjournment Approaches.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Feb. 18. The
last week but one of the present ses
sion of congress will be an exceeding
ly busy one in the house. Much busi
ness remains to be disposed of and
the invariable crowding which char
acterizes the closing hours of a con
gress has begun already.
The appropriation bills , so far as
the house is concerned , are in fairly
good shape. The last of them , the
general deficiency bill , will follow on
the heels of the sundry civil bill ,
which Is about half completed. These
bills and conference reports will be
given the right of way over everything
All other matters , some ol them of
great importance relatively , but not of
imperative necessity to be passed ,
will have to take their chances in the
final rush.
Speaker Henderson is almost con
stantly besieged by members impor
tuning him inthe interest of various
measures. He is keeping everything
clear for the great bills and letting
the driftwoo-.l of legislation into the
current only when it will not impede
progress of things which must pass
congress before March 4.
There are many knotty problems to
be solved in connection with the ap
propriation bills over differences be
tween the houses and many gocd-
slzed rows are promised. The ulti
mate fate of the river and harbor bill
will probably depend upon how heav
ily It is loaded when it comes back
from the senate.
The biggest fight between the two
houses from present appearances is
likely to 'occur over the war revenue
reduction act The senate conferees
seem determined at present to force
the senate substitute or allow the bill
to fail. But the house conferees are
standing firm , and as many members
of the house have their backs up the
Impression prevails that the house wil'
support its conferees , and if it does
the senate in the end may be com
pelled to yleJd. Tomorrow is suspen
sion day and the bill appropriating
$5,000,000 for the St. Louis exposition
will be put on its passage. A motion
to suspend the rules will cut off op
portunity for amendment and no doubt
Is entertained that this bill will com
mand the two-thirds necessary to se
cure its passage upon a motion to
suspend the rules.
The program with reference to this
and other measures , however , may be
materially modified if it becomes cer
tain before March 4 that an extra ses
sion is to be called.
Belgium Taking > o Steps Kegardlnj *
Duty on Its Sugar.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Feb. 18
Count Lichtervelde , the minister to
the United State from Belgium , says
his government has not taken any
steps looking to retaliation against the
United States because of the continued
impression of a countervailing duty on j
Belgium sugar imported into the
United States.
The countervailing duty on Belgian
sugar has been imposed for several
years past.
Will Conduct Pursuit of DoWet in
LONDON , Feb. 18. A dispatch to
the Daily Telegraph from De Aar ,
dated February 16 , confirms the re
port of the arrival there of Lord
Kitchener and his staff to superintend
the chase of General Dewet. The cor
respondent says : "Dewe.t's force is
now denuded of almost all transport
vehicles and his horses are exhausted. ' '
Asphalt Trouble Not Ended.
WILLEMSTAD , Island of Curacoa ,
Feb. IS. ( Via Haytien Cable. ) The
asphalt controversy has been tempo
rarily adjusted by the diplomacy of
the United States minister to Vene
zuela , Mr. Francis B. Loomis. and the
matter will doubtless go to the courts ,
as it is reported that the United
States government desires a formal
adjudication as to the rival interests
2nttanlel Swift is Dead.
CHICAGO , Feb. 18 Nathaniel Swift ,
a brother of Gustavus F. Swift , the
millionaire packer , died here today
after an illness of four days , the im
mediate cause of his demise being con
gestion of the brain.
Mr , Swift was born in Sagamore ,
Mass. 63 years ago. He was ordained
a minister of the Methodist denomina
tion and took his first pastorate at
Eastham , Mass. , when he was only
22 years old.
Germans to Have Fast Guns.
BERLIN , Feb. 16. During today's
discussion in the budget committee of
the Reichstag , one of the military com-
missionere saul the tests with the ma
chine guns firing 300 shots per minute
were satisfactory and that the whole
army would be fitted out with them
during the present year , forming a
fcpecial rorps.
With Victoria as a Model.
PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 18. The Na
tional institute , an association formed
for promoting the higher education of
women , has determined to raise a
fund for the establishment of univer
sity scholarships that shall bear the
name Victoria Foundation and which
shall serve to keep before young wo
men of the future the high ideal of
womanliness and domestic virtues ,
coupled with the studious and pro
gressive spirit as exemplified in the
life and character of the late Queen
Airs. Nation Ilcaumcs Hostilities In Tope-
Icii and Continues Them All Day.
TOPBKA , Kan. , Feb. 17. Mrs. Car
rie Nation put in a busy Sunday in
Topeka today and as a result the cap
ital city has experienced more genu
ine excitement than can be remem
bered by the oldest inhabitant. Mrs.
Nation literally crammed the day full
of exciting episodes. She succeeded in
having the contents of -notorious
joint smashed , broke into a cold stor
age plant where a number of fine bars
had been stored away for safety ant
demolished them , addressed a large
mass meeting of men and women , ant
was arrested four times. The last
time that the law laid its hands upon
her was when Mrs. , Nation emerged
from the church where the mass meet
ing had been held :
Tonight Mrs. Nation announces that
she will begin tomorrow morning
where she left off today and will not
rest until all the joints in Topeka
have been closed. This morning at 6
o'clock she sallied forth from the state
house grounds at the head of 500 men
and women , all armed with hatchets
and axes , and _ moved on the joints
of the city. Nobody but Mrs. Nation
knew what plans she had laid. In the
crowd were a large number of tlfe
students of Washburn college , some of
the ministers of the city and a num
ber of professional and business men.
The crowd marched in perfect military
order. There was no excitement. The
men and women were following their
recognized leader , whom they trusted
Senate Will Devote Nearly All Its Tluic
to These Measures.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Feb. 18.
The senate will devote practically all
its time during the present week to
appropriation bills The postofilce ap
propriation bill will probably be taken
up tomorrow on convening , though it
may give place to the diplomatic and
consular appropriation bill. The
amount of time to be consumed in
discussing these measures will depend
largely upon the detemination which
may be reached with reference to the
ship subsidy bill. So long as the dem
ocrats feel that the subsidy Mil is to
be pressed in case of a lull they will
insist upon debating all measures pre
sented. The bill making appropria
tions for fortifications will also re
ceive attention during the week , and
it is expected that the conference re
port upon the Indian bill will be con
sidered. The army bill probably will
be reported late in the week , but not
in time to be debated before the be
ginning of next week.
There is some talk of the renewal of
night sessions , but it is not probable
that they will be again undertaken
until the closing days of the session.
United States May Not Get the Is
LONDON , Feb. 18. "The Danish
government , " says the Copenhagen
correspondent of the Daily Mail , "has
suddenly broken off all dealing with
the United States regarding the sale
of the Danish West Indies. This is
due to a satisfactory offer made by
the Danish East Asian Steamship
company to assist and in the future
administer the islands.
Cigarette Dealers Win.
DES MOINES , la. , Jan. IS. The
board of supervisors of Polk county
have remitted the taxes assessed
against cigarette dealers in Des Moines
for sales made prior to the date of ths
Tennessee decision against the ciga
rette trust. Practically all the deal
ers here stopepd selling as soon as
the decision was announced. But the
assessor assessed all who had been
selling , whether they had quit or not.
The board had an agreement with the
attorneys for the cigarette trust that
they would abide by the Tennessee de
cision , hence the taxes have been're
Arrest Wife and Daughter.
TOPEKA , Kan. , Feb. ] ? . Sheriff
Cook today arrested Mrs. Maggie 'Cum
mins and her 14-year-old daughter ,
Edna , on a warrant issued in Jeffer
son county , charging them with the
murder of John Cummins , a quarryman -
man , the divorced husband of Mrs.
Cummins. The daughter Is charged
with putting poison in the coffee
drank by the father , whic.i resulted
in his immediate death. Mrs. Cum
mins is charged with instigating the
Menace to British Interests.
LONDON , Feb. 18. The Standard ,
in the course of a special article on
American steel combinations , admits
that it "is a serious menace to Brit
ish steel manufacturers , " but says :
'American users of American steel
; oods will be squeezed to the last cent
short of damage to the trade.
"It remains to be seen , " says the
Standard , "whether the American pec-
pie will much longer permit the con
tinuance of a policy which permits
such combinations. "
Oil Wells in the Gnlf.
AUSTIN , Tex. , Feb. 18. A special
from Beaumont. Tex. , says : Colonel
W. H. Pope of this city and Judge O.
M. Carter of Fort Worth have received
permission from the secretary of war
to sink oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico
in the vicinity of what is known as
the "oil pool , " near Sabine Pass.
Judge Carter says work will be com
menced as soon as preliminary ar
rangements can be made.
MacArthur Regulates Sanitary I'rceuu
lions of Vessels.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 18. General
MacArthur has issued regulations to
govern the issue of bills of health in
the Philippines after January 1 last.
Such bills of health are required in the
case of vessels bound from any port
in the Philippines to the United States
or its dependencies or to foreign ports ,
rhese bills are not required in the case
of vessels engaged in coasting trade
in the Philippine islands.
One Hundred Thousand Dollars for Lives
of Nebraskans ,
Boxers Murder Rev. Trice , His Wife nnd
Daughter Position of State Wcleli-
niaster Knocked Out JJy the Court
Miscellaneous Nebraska Mutter * .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 18. Represen
tative Stark of Nebraska has received
an important claim from the heirs
of Rev. Charles W. Price , who reside
In Hamilton county , Nebraska , for
$10P,000 indemnity against the Chinese
governmenc. Rev. Mr. Price , who for
merly resided in Hamilton county with
his family , was one of the victims
of the Chinese outrages last summer ,
and , together with his wife and daugh
ter , was assassinated by the Boxers.
The papers in the case show that Mr.
Price was conducting a. missionary
school ? .t a point some 200 miles from
the coast , by special permission of the
viceroy , and was acting under a guar
antee of his protection when the school
was assaulted by Boxers and he and
his wife and daughter were murdered.
Rev. Mr. Price was a soldier in the
civil war and was drawing a pension
from the government for his services.
The evidence shows that it was a cold
blooded murder. The heirs and rela
tives of the deceased are all residents
of Nebraska , with the exception of a
sister , who lives in Indiana. Mr. Stark
will present the claim of the state de
partment for transmission to the Chi
nese government through Minister
A. Letter With Reference to the Game
Iaw Being Sent Oat.
Ihe following letter with reference
to the game bill is being sent out :
"To the Agriculturists and Horticul
turists of Nebraska : I desire to call
your attention to the fact that the cold
storage men and market hunters are
doing all they can possioiy do to defeat
the passage of senate file 101 , and the
duplicate bill , house roll 138 , which
the State Board of Agriculture .and the
State Horticultural society endorsed
at their late annual meeting.
"These bills provide for a revision
of the laws for the protection of the
fish , game , song and other insectivor
ous birds which are among the best
friends that we have. Stringent pro
visions are made by the oills to pre
vent the destruction of bird life in the
state , and protecting the shipment out
of the state. Estimates based on re
liable information indicate that not
less than ? 150,000 worth of game birds
were shipped out of Nebraska by deal
ers during the months of September
and October of last yeai' . A large pro
portion of these birds were killed by
market hunters living in other states
which forbid the exportation from
their states of game or song birds.
The fish and game and all bird life
have been declared by the supreme
courts of other states to be the prop
erty of the state and it is a great
injustice to the people of Nebraska
that a few men should be permitted
to annihilate the bird life , the prop
erty of the state , for speculative pur
"I trust that every farmer , fruit
grower , gardener and other person
interested in the matter of the protec
tion of our birds will petition the
members of the legislature to support
the bills r.bove mentioned.
State Weighmaster.
LINCOLN , Feb. 18. Attorney Gen
eral Prout gave an opinion in which
he held that the office of state weigh-
master and his assistants have no legal
existence. This opinion is based upon
the decision of the supreme court ,
which declared the Board of Trans
portation act. unconstitutional. He
holds that according to the statutes
the weighmaster can be appointed only
by the transportation board , and as
there is no board there cannot , there
fore , be any weighmaster. The weigh
master in turn appoints his assistants
and the same construction is placed
upon their offices. William Mach of
Omaha was recently named by Gov
ernor Dietrich for the position of
weighmaster , but since the opinion
was rendered the appointment has
been withdrawn.
Lester Strong Given I-'ive Years.
KEARNEY , Neb. . Feb. 18 Lester
Strong has been sentenced by Judge
Grimes to serve live years in the peni-
: entiary for attempted assault upon
Caroline Hansen. In computing the
: ime served by Strong at the peniten
tiary before his retrial the judge fig
ured he served two years instead of
one , making his sentence one year
ess. District court adjourned at noon
Judge Maxwell's Funeral
FREMONT , Neb. , Feb. 18. Funeral
services were held over tfte remains
of Judge Samuel Maxwell at his home
north of this city. Hundreds of citi
zens attended. Rev. W. H. Buss , pas
tor of the First Congregational church ,
delivered a eulogy on the deceased.
He reviewed his public career from
the time hs moved to Nebraska in
1856. The remains went to Platts-
mouth for interment. i
Tits propagande fide at a meeting reconsidered - \ \
considered the appointment of the Revj i E
M. C O'Brien as bishop of Portland. | t
Me. The decision arrived at has not jl
et been divulged. Jt
Nebraska Man's r.nck.
TABLE ROCK.Neb. . . , Feo. IS. Noah
S. Wood , brother of C. S. Wood and
fohn C. Wood c this place , who went
form here several years since to en
gage in the minins business in Mon-
ana , has recently struck a 'lead" near
Dillon , in that state , which it is said
s very rich , and is calculated to make
lim immensely wealthy. The discov-
ary created great excuement in that
vicinity , according to the Dillon pat
pers. His friends here hope that he ,
vill not be disappointed. ?
Latest Quotation * Irani South Oicuhn
nncl Kansas Cltr >
Union Stock , Yurcla Cnttle There was
u fairly eood run of cattle here for thl
time or the week , and a unfavorable re
ports were received from other points the
tendency of prices was downward. Trad
ing was rather slow , and as a result It
WUH late before the yards were cleared.
There- were about 30 cars of steers on
sale , and while the choicest heavy cattle
did not sell much different from the day
before bids on the less desirable kinds
were r.ll of a dime lower. Sellers found
it a dllllcult matter to dispose of some
of the common and half fat stuff , and
In some cases they were calllnir bids
lOJjl3c lower , or 15 < 02.r c lower for the
week. About 25 cars would cover the re
ceipts of cows , and buyers took hold In
fairly good shape and bought the cattle
at not far from yesterday's prices. The
good cattle found ready sale at good
steady prices , but the market on the-
medium kinds seemed to be a. little un
even. Some were callinir it steady , and
others a little lower. Canners did not
show much change- Bulls were slow sale
and lower , in sympathy with the decline
on steers. Veal calves brought steady
prices. The trade on stock cattle was
very slow , as yard traders did not want
anything but the vert best. Choice heavy
weight cattle brought practically steady
Hogs There was anothcd liberal run of
hogs , but , the demand being in good
shape , the market ruled very active and
higher. The llrst bids were 'IWu c higher
and a number of loads sold at J5.27 and
$5.30. After the lirst round , though , pack
ers raised their hands and began paying
J5.30 and $5.32 * . or a bie nickel higher
than yesterday's general market. As
high as 5.35 was paid for the better
grades of medium and heavyweights. The
hogs changed hands about as fast as ther
buyers could get to them and all but a
few loads were sold by 9 o'clock In the
Sheep There were only a few sheep on
Hale and the quality of the receipts as a
whole was rather common. Lambs were
slow sale and generally a dime lower
than yesterday. Top lambs sold at $4.90.
There were no eood wethers on sale and
those that were offered sold at not far
from steady prices , considering quality.
The best ones brought SI.20. Kwes and
wethers cou'd be quoted dull and weak
and lambs a dime lower. There was no
change noticeable in the feeder situation ,
receipts still beinu light.
Cattle Stockers and feeders , steady ;
beef steers and cows , lOfflae lower ; native
beef steers. ? 4.30 5.50 ; stockers and feed
ers , $3.75@14.75 ; western-fed steers. $4.ij < g >
4.90 ; Texans and Indian steers. $3.75(514.50 ( ;
cows , $3.00f4.25 ; heifers. $3.50 4.50 ; canners -
ners , $2.2511-2.85 ; bulls , $ 'J.00-3)4.35 ) ; calves ,
J5.XK ( 6.50.
Hogs Market strong ; top , $ . " .42 : bulk
of sales. $5.32V < 7r.40 ; heavy , $5.35fr5.42'A ;
mixed packers , $5.30 5.40 ; light , fo.20 5.35 ;
pigs , $4.GO@5.0o.
Sheep and Lombs Market lOc higher ;
western lambs , $1.90 75.20 ; western weth
ers , $4.15@1.45 ; western yearlings , ? 4.50fJ >
4.90 ; ewes , $3.50&I.OO ; culls , S2.50T/3.25.
Explosion lilocks nil Channels of Exit
nnd 1'lre Kncoinpasses Them.
SEATTLE , Wash. , Feb. 1C. A spe
cial to the Post Intelligencer from
Victoria says : News of what it is
ftared will be one of the most horrible
rible mine accidents in the history of
not only the province , but of the do-
mien , took piace this forenoon at the
union mines , owned by the Welling
ton Colliery company , of which James
Dunsmuir , the premier of the prov
ince , is the principal shareholder. The
telegraphic advices received so far
give no complete story of the accident ,
but newspaper correspondents are now
hurrying by steamers and tug-boats to
the scene and the facts will shortly
be obtainable.
As near as can be gathered , the ex
plosion took place about 11 o'clock
in No. 6 shaft. This particular shaft
is situated in the village of Cumber
land. There were sixty men in it
when the explosion took place and not
one of them escaped. The explosion
wrecked th mine , destroying the
shaft from midway down and filling
with a solid mass of rocks , timbers
and earth.
The first explosion was followed by
several more , while the dense volume
of smoke issuing from the ventholes
indicated only too truly that the fire
as well as gas was doing its destruc
tive work below. As soon as practical
after the accident the men of the
morning shift in No. 5 shaft organ
ized a rescue party. No. 5 is situated
about a mile from No. G , but the two
workings are connected by a tunnel
and through this channel an attempt
was made to help the unfortunate fel
lows in the wrecked shaft.
Commissioner Yerkes Says Iowa's Attack
Is Utterly Futile.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 16. Senator
1'hurston had an interview with John
IV. Yerkes , commissioner of internal
evenue , today , relative to the rumor
hat efforts were being made to di-
: ide the Nebraska collpction district.
Commissioner Yerkes said he under-
itood such a scheme was being pushed ,
) ut thought it had little chance of
iiicceeding. Later Congressman Mer-
er also called upon the same eirand
is the senior senator from Nebraska ,
nd was given to understand that the
tehraskans need not fear about any
livision for some time at least. i
tnssian Amba-iaadnr Indicates > < Serinnx
WASHINGTON , Feb. 1C.The Stnlo
iepartment lias officially advised
kmnt Casini. the Russian ambassador ,
f the decision reached by the Treas-
iry department to impose a counter-
raillng duty on Russian sugar import-
d into the United State ? .
Count Cassini was unwilling to ex-
iress an opinicon as to what action
lis government will take , probably
( referring to await developments from
! t. Petersburg , whither he referred
he official communication. However ,
ie scoffed at the idea that a fcerious
ariff war is probable.
) elegate from Hawaii Has Right to a
.Seat in the HOUHC.
. - - Delegate
Vilcox of Hawaii today scored a dis-
inct triumph in securing a unanimous
ote of house committee on elections
STO. 1 , confirming his right to a seat
n the house of representatives and
tolding that the charges filed against
were not sufficient to warrant his
emoval. Chairman Tayler was au-
horized to make the report to that
iffect , which will be submitted in
; bout a week.
" Few' '
Only" . . -
Kaufraaun , of : Brealau , la
of Doctor
conferring the degree
Philosophy on Frankle n
wahr , the first woman who has ever
the examination at that urn
versity , said that he earnest y hoped
would c ° " °
study among women ntlli"
with the few capable
to be the exception
" inasmuch as it
pable Individuals ,
was desirable that they should hold
to their primary and noblest calling oc
wife and mother , "which , " said the
professor , "a man will never be able
to exercise. "
( From the Chicago Times-Herald , on
Jan. 12th , 1901. )
The citizens of the Dominion of Can
ada have just cause to he proud of
their record as law-abiding people. The
annual report of the criminal statis
tics of the Dominion , which , haa a
population of over 6,000,000 , shows that
there , were only twenty-five indict
ments for murder In 1899. of which ,
only two were left without final action.
Eleven of those indicted were hanged ,
nine acquitted and three confined as
insane. 4 |
Canada is a country of vast proper
tions. Its people are scattered over a1
wide stretch of territory , making po
lice surveillance particularly difficult
and in many districts Impossible. Yet
a city like New York or Chicago alone *
furnishes a far greater criminal list
every year than the whole vast stretch f.
of territory from Quebec to Vancou
ver , i
. The Canadians ascribe their Immu
nity from crime to the promptness
with which punishment Is ineted out
to offenders. When a man Is caught
red-handed in the act of robbing an
other he Is not released on straw bail
by some justice of the peace from the
slums , to go out and repeat the offense.
Sharp and sure justice is meted out to
criminals of all kinds , the result being
that when the guardians of the public
peace succeed in 'bringing a thug to
the bar they are seldom called upon to
hunt him a second time.
Furthermore , there are few court de
lays in Canada when a criminal la
brought to book. They ha-ve no Dreyer
cases over there. There are no meth
ods whereby Canadian criminals can ,
have the proceedings stayed from
month to month and from year to year
or after being convicted , appeal from
one court to another until Avitnessea
die of old age or opportunities for cor
ruption can be found.
Nor does this swift method of treat
ing with wrong-doers in Canada leave
the innocent unable to properly defend
themselves. They have all the oppor
tunities and privileges that our own
laws extend to them. The extent to
shield the guilty is lacking that is all. '
The above , taken from the editorial
column of the Times-Herald , gives'
some idea of the immunity from crime
that exists in Canada , and this is one ,
of the many inducements held out for'
Americans to settle in the district
known as Western Canada. The sea
son of 1901 will pee a few new sections ,
of the country opened up for settle--
ment. They are attractive in every !
respect. It is understood that one ofi
the best Indian Reserves in the famous ]
Valley of the Saskatchewan will be
opened up this year , and an Invitation - )
tion is extended to those desiring ]
homes to make inquiries. The price of-
the land is said to he nominal. Be
sides these lands , the several railway
companies have lands to sell ; also the
government. For particulars write to
the agent of the government , whose
advertisement appears elsewhere.
Banished as Punishment.
Banishment was the unusual sen-
ence imposed upon a Syrian by a
few Jersey judge the other day. The
Syrian had been arrested for assault ,
rhe judge offered to release him if he
tvould leave the country. The Syrian
igreed , and in charge of an officer he
nras brought to Hoboken and placed
xboard an outbound steamship.
Care of tlio Baby.
To keep the skin clean is to keep
It healthy , every mother should there
fore see that her baby Is given a daily'
bath in warm water with Ivory Soap.
Fhe nursery should also be well aired
ind cleaned , and all clothing washed
svith Ivory Soap , well rinsed and dried
in the SUn-
Het His Vote Array For 1.1 fe.
Among the fost curious election beta
> u record is one made by John P.
Courtney , Democrat , and Harry Wai-
ace , Republican , two plumbers doing
nisiness in Minneapolis. The agree-
nent was that the loser must for his
ife cast his vote as the winner shall
lictate. Courtney , who was a candi-
late for alderman in the recent cam-
jaign , was the loser and is now en-
jaged in earnest but so far unavail-
ng efforts to substitute some other
> enalty. Wallace is obdurate and
iwears that Courtney must in future
ote the Republican ticket.
A Carnegie tabor I.ycenin.
Andrew Carnegie offers to duplleats
vhatever sum is raised by the people
> f Paterson , N. J. , for the building
if a labor lyceum in that place , orig-
nally the plan of the local Knights of
> abor.
The Great Herb Care.
The uses of Garfield Tea are manifold ;
t regulates the
digestive organs ; cures
lonstipation ; purifies the blood ; brings
rood health.
The front parlor is the most popu-
ar of all court rooms.
We call our readers' attention td
advertisement of the Northwest-
H1jL&.Fur CoMinneapolis. .
S , ' ? an old reliable fl"n
uth p. national reputation for origin.
'ting ' and compiling information valu
able to trappers and farmers on wild
inimals and their skins ; they publish
he best trappers book
ever printed
lou can buy of them or StlJthS
urs hides , etc. . in perfect confidence
Mention our paper when writine them