V W VWVWS Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $6OOOO GEO. HOCKHELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEHNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRAHK HARRIS , Director. A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler , and w& can't keep up the strain ot an active life with a weak stomach ; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong , such a prepara tion as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what you cat and it simply can't help but do you good. McConnell & Berry. When the baby swallows a penny the doctor makes its father cough up a dollar or two. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely digested by a prep aration called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure , which absolutely digests what you eat. As it is the only combination of ail the natural djgestants ever devised the demand for it has become enormous. It has never failed to cure the very worst cases of indigestion and it always gives instant relief. McConnell & Berry. An Atchison girl boasted a few years ago that two men were so anxious to marry her that she drew straws to see which she would take. She drew the wrong straw. How to Cure the Grippe. Remain quietly at home and take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy as directed and a quick recovery is sure to follow. That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to re sult m pneumonia , which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thous ands who have used it Tor the grip not one case has ever been reported that did not re cover. For sale by McConnell & Berry. That mortgage isn't it a sticker ? DON'T BE FOOLED ! Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. , Madison , WIs. It -t keeps you well. Our trade - . mark cut on each package. Price , 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no substl- tute. Ask your druggist. $25.00 to California. February 12 , 19 , 26. March 5 , 12 , 19 , 26. April 2 , 9,16 , 23,30. Lowest rate in years. Applies to San Francisco.Los Angeles , Sacramento , San Jose and pretty nearlj every other important point in California , Through tourist sleepers on all the above dates get aboard at any station in Nebraska at which train stops ; get ofi at Los Angeles. See nearest Burlington ticket agent , 01 write J. Francis , General Passengei Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. 4-19. Presidential Inauguration Ceremonies. Washington , D C. , March 4th , 1901 For this occasion the Burlington will sell tickets for one regular first-class fare , plus $2 , for the round trip. Tickets to be sold February 28th , March I and 2 , 1901 , good for return passage leaving Washington not later than March 8th , 1901. Fifty cents will be charged foi execution of tickets for return trip. A. P. THOMPSON , Agent Burlington. McCook , Neb. , February I4th , 1901. Farmers Get Ready. Get ready for the spring campaign 61 farming. Put your stock in good con dition. Your horses will need a spring tonic. Our condition powders will pay you a big profit. McCoNNEi.1 , & BERRY. The Progressive Burlington. Recently a person well versed in Bur lington affairs gave it as his opinion that the company would build a line from a point near Brush by the way of Greeley , Fort Collins and Liratnie to a connect ion with its Salt Lake line , and that at the same time it would extend the line from Lyons to Fort Collins , says the Laramie Republican. This , he said would give the Burlington a line from St. Louis to Salt Lake City shorter by thirty-five miles than any other trans continental route and at the same time would permit the Burlington to market its fuel from its extensive coal mines already located north-west of Rawlins. This extension would at a single sweep reach three of the best towns in the west and would open up a country rich in re sources. It would connect the great sheep-feeding industry of Laramie county , Colorado , with the corn of Ne braska , and the lambs of Wyoming. Within the past ninety days the Bur lington has located more than 14,000 acres of coal land in Carbon county and its agents are now actively at work se curing land for townsite and other pur poses. Sheridan ( Wyo. ) Post. Wants a House-Keeper. An aged gentleman over on the Beaver writes to the county commissioners the following * letter , which fully explains itself : Danbury , Neb. , Jan. 20th , 1901. To OUR COUNTY COMMISSIONER : Dear Sir : Have you on your bands a young or middle-aged woman capable of doing household duties for one person besides themselves. If so I would like to get one. I have a nice pleasant home with everything to do with. Will prom ise to provide well and treat kindly who ever may come. You may let me know if you please by postal card. I am 68 years old or nearly so , and not very good health. No outside chores to do. For reference will give you Dr. Brown of your place or Judge Keyes or the Bank of Indianola. Very Resp't Yours , J-B. The Chicago Tribune of Wednesday of last week announces that the secretary of state at Springfield has licensed the following railroad : Chicago and West ern railway company , location principal office , Chicago ; capital stock 100,000 ; to be constructed from Chicago to the city of Aurora , 111. ; incorporators and first Board of Directors , G. M. O'Connell , George Gillette , Frederick W. Laas , Frederick A. Well , and John F. Cordeal , all of Chicago , 111. Wall-Paper ! Wall-Paper ! The great est bargains ever offered are found at Loar's. Value of Brome Crass. Occasionally there appears in the col- ums.of the press ( especially the agricul tural ) very favorable mention of brome grass ( brouius inermis ) . It is worthy to the extent that this thrives under arid conditions and on very poor soil and that it is a valuable forage plant. Since 1896 the experiment station has been testing this grass under varied con- ditions.such as sub-irrigation for growth and germination , irrigation by flooding seeding in the fall , pasturage , ability to withstand drouth , value to produce milk , etc. , and to make the story short , sums it up as follows : It starts to grow early in the spring and for a time gives great promise , but as soon as hot jweather occurs fails to grow.- It becomes sod bound under irrigation and soon fails to procure growth of any value. Its behavior tends to show it adapted to a region of lower mean temperature and greater precipitation , and that the soil should contain more clay than does the average of this valley. It is coarse and very low in nutritive value. The sod plowed up adds no fertility to the soil. There seems to be but one place where it may profitably be employed , that is , as a soil retainer on the banks of sandy ditches that wash ; its ability to make good growth where sub-irrigation is ap plied makes it of value for the above purpose. We are in hopes the above line will beef of service to the farmers in preventing them going to any expense for this grass Rock Ford ( Colo. ) Enterprise. COURT-HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. Report of marriage licenses issued since our last issue : George Walker and Annie Stroh , both of McCook. Married by Rev. G. Essig on the iSth. Albert Clark and Mabel McTaggart. both of Lebanon. Married by the county judge on the i8th. George H. Tuttle of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas , and Emma Davidson of Dan- bury. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook post-office , February lyth , 1901 : Mr. C. H. Thompson , Geo. Scott , Mr. J. W. Rumphus , L. C. Plymate , Mrs. Nicholis Grier , John H. Beach , Mr. James McCaster , Mr. Kellar Heist , Mr. U. J. Miles , (2) ( ) E.J. Overing. In calling for these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KIMMELI , , Postmaster. XX NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY XX We need the space now occupied by winter goods and have treated prices on same as Carrie Nation treats Kan sas Saloons. SEE BARGAINS XX xx XX IN FINE SHOES XX LU i 1 Ladies' shoes which sold at 2.25 and 2.50 now -J /o LU1 L Men's shoes former price ' 75 to 3.25 now 1.48 Ll ) I 3 Odd lot children's shoes for mer prices i.oo to 1.75 now THE . . . . was ft ore C. L. DeGROFF & CO. " * fc MUST HAVE CASH ! f i a r i We have decided to continue the great Money = Saving sale which commenced Thursday , February 14 to Saturday , March 3. 5000 pairs of winter and medium weight shoes at your own price. LOT I We have picked out 500 odd pairs of Men's , Wom en's , Boys' and Girls' shoes worth up to $4.00 , which we will close at 99C. LOT 2 Includes our $3.50 Men's Hand-Sewed Box Calf , Russia Calf , both black and tan , Russia Calfskin and Vici -$3.79 LOT 3 Our $3.00 lines of Welt-Sewed Box Calf , Coltskin and Kid , in all styles toes , lace or congress . $2.39 LOT 4 Our $2.50 lines in Kangaroo Calf , Coltskin , Don- gola , tans and blacks , any toe or style. ( When we say Kan garoo Calf we do not mean Kangaroo Grain , commonly sold for Kangaroo Calf , but genuine Calfskin. ) . $1.89 LOT 5 Our $1.75 and $1.50 lines of all the popular leathers , lace or congress , in any toe . $1.29 LOT 6 Our $3.50 Ladies' shoes. This lot includes our best welts and hand-turns in blacks , ox-bloods or tans , made i by the well-known and tested Drew-Selby , E. P. Reed , ' Green-Wheeler etc $2.79 SPECIAL FOR HEN All Oil-Grain shoes always sold from $1.50 to $ i.75 in seamless , lace , buckle or congress , sewed , pegged or standard screw. ( It will be money saved to buy these for the coming summer , as you will need them. ) Price now $1.19 LOT 7 Our $3.00 lines of Ladies' shoes in welts and hand- turns , made of Vici , Glazed , Kangaroo , Calf etc $2.39 LOT 8 Our $2.75 and $2.25 lines in black and colors , heavy and light soles , laces and buttons $1.8 * ) LOT 9 Our $1.75 and $1.50 lines , made of Dongola , Vici Kid , Calf etc. , in the latest styles an 1 shapes , tans or blacks , heavy or light soles $1.29 SPECIAL FOR LADIES. All our Oxfords and Slippers , in black or tan , at the astonishingly low price of $1.19 - . - - " fr H ffJ r * * * * " f i * " w v w w "w This sale is no sham or marked up prices affair-all our goods arc marked in plain figures ; nor is this old stuff , it will include all our new up-to-date goods. ; ome and see for yourself. A GUESS = = With each purchase , which entitles the lucky one to any -tair of shoes in the store ; the next nearest gets any $3.00 shoe in-the store. JPettlj , Proprietors , MODE BOOT SHOE STORE , McCOOK , NEBRASKA.