The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 15, 1901, Image 9

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O.F McCOOK , NEB. t \
Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5.000
Au ordinance reRiilutiiiK the' removal and
overiiing the disinterring of the bodies * or re
mains of deceased iwrsoua buried in Loncviow
Cemetery , and a penalty ilxccl for the violation
i > f the same , and the repeal of Ordinance No :
7'J. of the City of McCook , Nebraska , and ull
other ordinances in conflict with this ordinance.
JJo it ordained by the Mayor and Council of
the City of MoCook.
Section 1. Application for the removal ordis-
interring of bodies or remains of deceased per-
MOHS buried in Longview Cemetery shall comply
with the following rules and regulations before
a permit shall be granted for such purpose.
Such applicant shall in writing present to the
president of the board of cemetery trustees n
blatofnent containing :
1. The name of the iwrson whoso body or re
mains it is desired to bo removed.
2. The relation or interest such applicant has
in the body or remains of such deceased person
H. The lot or part of lot on which such bed }
or remains are buried.
i. The cau < o of death of the person whoso
iKnly or remains it is desired to remove.
5. The hour and day the applicant desires to
remove or disinter the body or remains of Micl
deceased port-on.
Section 2. If Mich applicant is the nearest re
Intioii or intimate friend of such deceased per-
s-oii and there is no objection by any relative ol
huch deceased parson , the said board of ceme
tery trustees shall grant a permit for the re
moval of the body or remains of such deceased
jwrson upon the said applicant paying to the
treasurer of said city the sum of two dollars.
Provided , however , that such applicant shall
notify the sexton or chief of police two days be
fore such intended removal of the hour and day
hticli disinterment shall take place and no body
squill be dug up or removed except under the di
rect supervision of the sexton of said cemetery
or chief of police and if the sexton shall disinter
such body or remuiuu the applicant shall pay
t Jio treasurer of said city the sum of ten dollars ;
mid provided further , no body or remains of a
deceased ixsrson who died of a contagious or in
fectious disease shall bo removed within five
j pans of the time.of burial.
Section 3. Before any applicant shall be al
lowed to remove the body or remains of any
IKirson buried iu said cemetery , such applicant
"hull exhibit to the soxtou or chief of police the
written permit of the board of trustees of said
comotorysiAned by the president and secretary ,
Hnd a receipt from the city treasurer showing
that such applicant has paid the amount re
quired by section two of this ordinance.
Section 4. Any person or persons not comply
ing with all the provisions of this ordinance ,
violating any of the provisions of the same shall
le fined in any sum not less than $ T p.UO nor to
exceed $100.00 and shall stand committed until
the flue and costs are paid or may bo imprisoned
in the county jail not oxceediug thirty days.
Section 5. That Ordinance No. 79 aud all or
dinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Passed and approved this llth day of Fcb-
roarv , 1P01. A. BARNETT , Mayor.
Attest : E. J. WILCOX , City Clerk.
SUitc of Nebraska , KedjWillow County , ss. At
a county court , hold at the county court room ,
in and for said county , February 7 , A. D. , 1901.
Pru'cnt , G. S. Bishop , County Judge. In the
mutter of the estate of James \V. Lister , de
ceased. On reading and filing the petition of
K. I > . Listor , praying that administration
> f s-aid estate may be granted to R. A. Green as
adniiiiihtrator. Ordered , that February 2G , A.
D. , ItOl , at 10 o'clock xV. M. , is asticiied for
hearing said petition , when all persons intcr-
estol in said matter may appear at u county
court to bo held in and for said county , aud
* how cause why the prayer of petitioner should
uot. bo granted ; and that notice of the pendencj
of said uctitiou aud the hearing thereof , b
. - to nil per.-ous interested iu said matte
y publishing a copy of this order in the Me
Cook Tribune , a weekly newspaper printed in
said county , for three successive weeks , prior to
said day of hearing. tG. S. BISHOP ,
County Judge
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from th <
District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a judgment and decree in an actiou
wherein T. B. Graves ct al. are plaintiffs and J
\ ' , Ti. Cochran is defendant , to me directed and de
" livered. I shajl offer at public Falo and-sell to
the highest bidder for cash , at the east door o
the court-house , in McCook , Red Willow county
Nebraska , on the llth day of March , 1901 , at the
hour of ono o'clock p. m. , the following described
scribed real estate , to-wit : Lots eight and niue
iu block six. in the Second addition to the city
x > f McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska.
i ' Dated this 2Sth day of January , 1901.
' 2-1-ots G. F. KIKGHOKX , Sheriff.
By A. C. CE.YBTREE , Deputy.
AV. S. Morlan , Attorney.
i To whom it may couceru : Notice is hereby
Sivcn that the partnership heretofore existing
between W. C. Bullard and George A Hoagluud ,
doing business at McCook , Nebr. , under the
'jiamo of W. C. Bullard & Co. , is dissolved by
mutual consent , the said George A. Hoaglaud
retiring. Thia uudor date of January 20,1900.
Take Rocky Mountain Tea. See it exter
minate poison. Feel it revitalize your blood
Sind nerves and bring back that happy , joyous
feeling of boyhood days. 35c. Ask your
Millions of people are familiar with De-
'Witt's Little Early Risers and those who use
them find them to be famous little liver pills.
Never gripe. McConnell & Berry.
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience of readers of THE TRIB
NEve have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press 100 $ i 50
Leslie's Weekly. 400 300
Prairie Farmer i oo 175
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo I 35
Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo 150
New-York Tribune I oo i 25
Demorest's Magazine i oo 175
ToledoBlade i oo 125
Nebraska Fanner i oo 150
Iowa Homestead I oo 145
Lincoln Journal. . . , too 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo i 50
New-York World I oo 165
Omaha Bee I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine. I oo I So
St. Louis Republic i oo 175
Kansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer 50 125
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15
Kansas City Journaldaily. . . 4oo 420
"We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE. McCook , Neb.
Some men are so accustomed to making
fools of themselves that they don't mind ii.
La Grippe Quickly Cured.
"In the winter of 1898 and 1899 i was taken
down with a severe attack of what is called
la grippe" says F. L. Hewett , a prominent
druggist of Winfield , 111. "The only medicine
1 used was txvo bottles of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and
stopped the coughing like magic , and I have
never since been troubled with grippe. "
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be
depended upon to break up a severe cold and
ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia.
It is pleasant to take , too , which makes it the
most desirable and one of the most popular
preparations in use for these ailments. For
sale by McLonnell & Berry.
When a young man takes a pretty girl for a
boat ride he is seldom content with hugging
the shore.
Pneumonia Can be Prevented.
This disease always results from a cold or
an attack of the grip and may be prevented
by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cougli
Remedy. That remedy was extensively used
during the epidemics of La Grippe of the past
few years , and not a single case has ever been
reported that did not recover or that resulted
in pneumonia , which shows it to be a certain
preventive of that dangerous disease. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy has gained a world
wide reputation for its cures of colds and grip.
For sale by McConnell & Berry.
A spinster says that an old bachelor is a
man who has lost an opportunity to make
some woman miserable for life.
akes short roads.
for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
The Celebrated
A safe and scientific appliance for
the treatment of all diseases of the
Head , Throat and Lungs.
Catarrh , Coughs , Colds and Head
ache , relieves Neuralgia , Asthma ,
Hay Fever , Bronchitis , LaGrippe.
Clears the Voice. Restores test
Taste and Smell.
) ur German Medicator
Conveys highly Medicated Air or
Vapor "to all parts of the Mucous
Membrane. Cleansing , Purifying
and Healing. Easy to use. Satis
faction Guaranteed.
Dr. S. L. Green , Agt.
IcCook . . . . . Nebraska
All Calls For The
Answered by the f
Will make all trains , and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city.
'PHONE 36.
W. H. Ackerman ,
McCook , Nebraska.
FV W-W V1 V "gnyrwqgrj
We are expecting a drug store soon , and we
need it badly.
Mrs. C. P. Hodgkins is recovering from in
flammatory rheumatism.
The Masonic brethren are giving lessons in
goat riding , every week.
Dr. C. S. Fahnestock of McCook made a
professional visit in Hartley , Tuesday.
Harry P. Hodgkins is having a tussle with
grip , kidney trouble and bronchitis.
Rev. Howard Young of Lincoln and Rev.
Crippen of Hartley are holding a revival meet
ing in the M. E. church here.
C. W. Hodgkins , C. E. Matthews and J. JJ.
llaining were at McCook , ths week , attend
ing court in the Jennings , Sullivan and Farrall
A black team supposed to belong to Clark's
livery of McCook came into Hartley , making
swift time , Monday evening. There was no
driver and only some bottles ol beer under
the buggy seat and a dog on the seat to tell
the tale of a lucky runaway. Arthur Lee of
Indianola took the team in charge and further
particulars have not been learned. Did any
one get hurt ?
Uncle Genus Wolf died , Wednesday , about
3 p. in. , of stomach vertigo , resulting from
catarrhal inflammation of the stomach caused
by a serious disease of the liver of several
months duration. Mr. Wolf was an early
settler of this county , coming here about
twenty years ago. He was near 80 years of
age at his death. His life was a model for
those that are living. His wife and grown-up
children survive him.
Question Answered'
Yes , August Flower still has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized world.
Your mothers and grandmothers never
thought of using anything else for indigestion
or biliousness. Doctors were scarce , and they
seldom heard of appendicitis , nervous pros
tration or heart failure , etc. They u : > ed Au
gust Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food , regulate the
action of the liver , stimulate the nervous and
organic action of the system , and that is all
they took when feeling dull and bad with
headaches and other aches. You only need a
few doses of Green's August Flower , in liquid
form , to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with you. Get Green's
Prize Almanac. A. McMillen.
What has become of the THE TRIBUNE'S
correspondents ; have they all frozen up ?
The members of the J. M. Hammond family
are all on the road to recovery even Oscar ,
who was so sick with fever out in Colorado.
Mrs. George Foster of Hutchinson , Kansas ,
s heie to see her cousin , Mrs. E. A. Dodge ,
vho is still confined to her bed the most of
he time.
J. C. Acheson and family have moved onto
he Wagner farm down near the North Star
chool-house. He had the misfortune to lose
jne of his two work-horses ; as he only had
he two , the misfortune falls heavily upon
Two Iowa families have recently arrived
icre , one going on the J. I. Grundy place and
he other on the Crawford farm. The family
> n the former place has six children and the
> ne on the Crawford place has ten. They
ome in handy to make the shortage in the
ichool population caused by the removal of
he Acheson and Woker families from this
Like bad dollars , all counterfeits of De-
AMtt's Witch Hazel Salve are worthless. The
iriginal quickly cures piles , sores and all skin
liseases. McConnell & Berry.
Merit often turns up in unexpected places.
Bridges rivers , tunnels mountains , builds
ities , gathers up the scattered rays of one's
tbility. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea
Iocs. 35 cents. Ask your druggist.
A man without a country is one who lives
n a town.
Persons who cannot take ordinary pills find
t a pleasuie to take DeWitt's Little Early
lisers' They are the best little pills ever
aade. McConnell & Berry.
Wise is he who has a cage ready for the
lird in hand.
Roosters often crow over eggs they did not
ay. Same with people who sell an imitation
'ocky Mountain Tea , made famous by the
ladison Medicine Co.'s advertising. 35c ,
Lsk your druggist.
When you can get a horse at a bargain
rive the bargain.
is very much like the blossum-
ing of a flower. Its beauty and
perfection depends entirely
upon the care bestowed upon
its parent. Expectant mothers
should have the tenderest care.
They should be spared all worry
and anxiety. They should eat
plenty of good nourishing food
and take gentle exercises. This
will go a long way toward preserv
ing their health and their beauty
as well as that of the little one to 1
come. But to be absolutely sure
of a short and painless labor they
should iise
regularly during the months of gesta
tion. This is a simple liniment , -which
is to be applied externally. It gives
strenjfth and vigor to the muscles and
prevents all of the discomforts of preg
nancy , which \vomen used to think
were absolutely necessary. "When r
Mother's Friend is rsed there is no
danger -whatever.
Get Mother's Friend at the drug E
store , SI per bottle.
-Writ * for oar free book , " Btfore Btfey ! Bora. "
Mr. Wolf is sick from Rrip.
Al. Wilson is visiting a brother in Antelope
county , this week.
Geo. Younge- attending court in McCook ,
this week , as juror.
Miss Laura Miller closed a successful term
of school in the Winans district , Monday.
School is once more in session in the T. J-
Parson district with Miss Halch as teacher.
Dan Doyle , with a force of men and teams ,
harvested a fine crop of ice the first of the
Frank Cramer has become domiciled on
his lately acquired real estate , the old Dr.
Ilarlan farm.
The crying need of this vicinage is a good
doctor. The departure of Dr. llarlan to
make his home in Lincoln leaves a vacancy
hard to fill.
Ex-County Surveyor Dueland of Frontier
county has sold his ranch to Bert Quick and
will move to Iowa , where he has leased a
large dairy farm.
As soon as the roads are passable , Rev.
Satchel who has been appointed to the Meth
odist charge at this point , will move his fam
ily into the parsonage.
Mr. Giay , who farmed the Sexson place the
past season , has rented the Morrison farm
north-west of Indianola and will move his
belongings there as soon as navigation through
the snow drifts is fully established.
Dorsey Shepherd was circulating among
the people hereabouts , Monday , in quest of
fat hogs for shipment. The price offered , 50 ,
places a satisfied smile on the faces of those
farmers who are so lucky as to have any to
Mr. T. J. Parsons , who sold his farm over in
Frontier , a few weeks since , to Mr. Nelms ,
will move to Central Iowa , first of next month.
Should he meet with the same degree of suc
cess in farming the wet soil of Iowa that he has
in dry Nebraska his prosperity is assured.
K. M. Wade lost his best hdrse , Tuesday.
Roy liarnes was in this part of the country ,
Krnest Hill is herding cattle for Mike
Master Lynn Wade is wrestling with the
: hicken pox.
John bly and daughter Miuta visited at Mr.
Wade's , Tuesday.
Eugene Dunham is taking care of a bunch
jf cattle for J. W. Hupp.
Mrs. W. A. llolbiook and Mrs. Clias. Uoat-
nan visiled Mrs. L. II. Stephens , Tuesday.
J. II. Wade and wife were Driftwood visit-
> rs , Sunday afternoon , guests of E. A. Dodge
ind family.
Owing to bad weather there has been no
junday school at Prospect Park school-house
or the last two Sundays , but there will be
icxt Sunday at 10 o'clock a. m. Everybody
W. II. Epperly has been hauling off wheat.
1'ert Wales has purchased W. II. Epperly's
Mrs. Win. Coleiuan nnd Roy returned ,
'uesday night , from Oklahoma.
Fred Cyriack ? , Henry Oellerich and George
'odenburg were in McCook , Wednesday ,
, -ith hogs.
The heait that loves must suffer.
. ' Suspicions Prior Uelmked by His
Pupi' .
Mr. G. C. Williamson , in his recent
ife of Perugino , recalls a pretty story
f how the artist , great himself and
he master of a yet greater pupil , Ra-
ihael , once rebuked a suspicious prior
.fho doubted his honesty. The old
tiasters , in the rich decoration of altar
ieces , used gold leaf and the Uaautiful
ich blue called ultramarine. The cost
f these materials was so high that a
pecial clause was often inserted in the
ontuact between the artist and the
uthorities of the building which he
ras to adorn , to the effect that the ar-
ist should provide his own materials ,
ut that -the necessary quantities of
old and ultramarine should be sup-
lied to him. In accordance with such
clause , the prior of the Ingesuati
imself supplied and prepared the
Itramarine when Perugino was deco-
iting their cloister. Being both par-
imonious and suspicious in disposi-
on , he always remained present while
ie artist was putting in his blues , mis-
: ustfully eyeing each celestially glow-
ig inch as the canvas grew , and xnani-
istly wondering if it could not have
een achieved with less paint. Peru-
ino was displeased , but said nothing ,
'or did he use in the picture more
iue than was necessary ; but by filling
is brush very full and innocently dab-
ling it in water each time before ap-
lying it , he managed to make away
ith several times as much of the valu-
ble color as he needed , without the
rior's perceiving anything wrong , al-
lough dismayed at the quantity that
Isappeared. At the end of the day's
ork Perugino poured away the water
L which his brush had been dipped ,
irefully dried the extra ultramarine
hich had been precipitated at the
attorn of the bowl , and returned it to
ie prior , with the quiet but stinging
iproof : "This belongs to you , father ,
earn to trust honest men , for they
2ver deceive those who confide in
lein , although they well know how to
? ceive distrustful persons like your-
ilf when they desire to do so. "
On Taking Life Easy.
The average woman if she isn't wor-
ed to death by her wonderful faculty
r making domestic molehills into
ountains at least shortens her life by
any a day through her foolish readi-
iss to met difficulties half way. Some
ihappy instinct impels her to em-
ace them , to cling to them.
That cough
Hangs on
You have used alh
I sorts of cough reme1 1
( dies but it does not 1
[ yield ; it is too deep ]
j seated. It may wear j
j itself out in time , but j
fit is more liable to !
. produce la grippe , =
1 pneumonia or a serij j
| ous throat affection , j
I You need something I
jthat will give youj
| strength and " build }
| up the body. j
? will do this when everything |
! else fails. There is no doubt I
f about it. It nourishes , T
: strengthens , builds up and i
| makes the body strong and j
r healthy , not only to throw =
! off this hard cough , but to j
? fortify the system against |
I further attacks. If you are ]
? run down or emaciated you |
' should certainly take this i
f nourishing food medicine. I
I oc. and , all druggists.
f SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York.
It is reported that Ray Benjamin , who left
lere two weeks ago , is in Iowa.
George H. Rowland's children have been
ick the past week with chicken pox.
J. H. Relph made a trip to Cambridge , Ne-
raska , last week , going by way of McCook.
John Relph of Holstead , Harvey county ,
Kansas , is visiting with his brother Wm.
lelph and was in this township , Saturday.
I. T. Birdsall , the teacher at this place ,
affered a severe attack of the grip last
Wednesday , and school was closed for a week.
John Rowland is going to Herndon , Kan-
is to study pharmacy and learn the drug
usines with his father Dr. Rowland of that
The snow that has been on the ground for
early two weeks makes the local sportsmen
lad , but not so with the stockmen. Stock is
intering fine however m this section.
The rolling stone reaches the foot of the
ill in due time.
) yspepsia Cure
& t m
Digests what you eat.
[ t artificially digests the food and aids
'ature in strengthening and recon-
Ducting the exhausted digestive or-
ins. 16 Is the latest discovereddigest-
ai ) a ad tonic. No other preparation
in "pproach it ia efficiency. It in
ly relieves and permanently cures
lepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
Lc.utiletice , Sour Stomach , Nausea ,
ck Headache , GastralgiaCramps and
1 other results of imperfect digestion.
IceSOc. and $1. Large size con tains 2K times
lall size. Boole all about dyspepsia mailedree
repared by C. C. DeWITf & CO. . Cblcaao.
McConnell & Berry , Druggists.
If you want some
thing fine in
5ee T. F. ROWELL.
. / - Second-Hand Goods Wanted.
S = = = = = 1 -v
All Kinds of
UpholsterlnR Douo
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
PK. FICKES , P. I > . S.
Graduate from Iowa State
The Latest Improved methods In Dentistry
Over McConnell & Berry's.
EB Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe. Brass
Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYEE , Proprietor.
J3T'Spfecial attention paid te
lauling furniture. Leave orders
it either lumber yard.
? $ ? -1-- "
has for nearly sixty \ears been publish" ' !
on Monday. > \ > dri :
THE recognized as the People's Na
tional Family Newspaper , for NEW- day and Friday , i a c > ir.pi ! : ,
farmers and villagers. Its up to date ( nr v > vpap-r.
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keep In close touch v.-ih ne-xs
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1.30 1.IJ5
' ' ' ' ' l.O < >
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HOlk % * * v ' * * . * IT * fH-v * 1. 0 1. 1 5
Xc\r York City n.oo 5.5O
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levleiv of Il x-i . v xriv . .i.- 4.00
- OZ 'b r > A > ivM. , i- xr- - 4.50
icribncr's Jlaicazlnc , IVew York City . : : .i5
American A rlcultarist , New York City. . . . . I.OO K.JM >
lurnl ew Yorker , New York 1.25
City. . . . . 1.00
"moj > ° y"s. ? Bii.n. ? ' irvipBtpn , N. Y. : : 1.25 .
, . . . . ' ' I.OO
; ounto Gentleman. Albany. . Y..V : . . I. . IV I 1.25 l.UO
'arm Journal , Philadelphia , Penn 1.1 " 22 2.OO 2.50
rlpllll < ! 0it'11 Mnsrazlne. Philadelphia , Pennl ! i'nn I.OO 1.5O
-outh's Companion , Iloaton. Maa . . . . . . . . * ? ' 22 K.OO ii.50
and Home. Springfield , Mans A'i.Ji 2.25 2.)0
E Sland Homestead. Springfield. MUNH ilii 1.00 1.50
IiiaSlceeJiS ? ' sPrinKaelU. Main. . ? . : rSg 1.25 1.S5
, Field J'XX 1.00
and Fireside
, Chicnco. Ill l.OS
irangre Jadd Farmer. ChIcaSS , 111. . . . . . ' I' ' 1' . I.OO 1.05
: pitomlHt. Ind"innapoilji7""lnd 1.25
'hio ' Farmer , Cleveland. Ohio l.OO 1.50
UehiRTnn Farmer. Detroit. Mich. . . . I.OO .1.05.
arm and FireHide. Sprlntcfield , Ohio 1.00 T.05
arm ACTFB. Sprlnsrfleld , Ohio. . . . . . 1.00 1.50
lome nnd Farm , LfOaiaville. Ky. . i.oo 1.5O
he Farmer. St. Paul. Minn. . . . 1111 I.OO l.CO
ribnne Almanac. 1OO1. . . . . . . . . . . " * 1.00 1.50
Please send cash -with order. i.zo l.GO
Those -wishing to subscribe for more than one
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AddreM THE TRIBU5B. New-Yole