COAL COAL BARNETT LUHBER CO. ' & * SSrt < * SSVrt W&W9r I IPI By F. M. KIMMEL.L. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPJFl Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co. Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance Eighteenth Ballot for Senator. Allen 55 Berge 4 Crounse 7 Currie 22 Hainer 5 Harlan i Hitchcock 12 Hinsliaw 13 Kinkaid 4 Meiklejobn 29 Morlan I Martin 9 Ransom 35 Rosewater 16 Sutheiland i Thompson , D. E 34 Thompson , W. H n Van Dusen I GovKRNOR DIETRICH has designated Monday , April 22nd , as Arbor day. THE provision in the military academy bill , which passed the senate , Wednes day for the preventation of hazingat West Point will probably prove effective. It requires the superintendent of the acad emy to make rules , subject to the ap proval of the secretary of war , for pre venting the practice of hazing and pro vides that any cadet found guilty of par ticipating in or encouraging the practice shall be expelled from the academy and will not thereafter be appointed to the corps or be eligible for a command in the array or navy. PROFESSOR PANE of the Royal uni versity of Naples has , it is said by New York physicians , succeeded in producing a seruin for the effectual cure of pneu monia. Weaked pneumonic germs are injected into a horse , cow or donkey from time to time , until the animal be comes immune from catching the dis ease. Then blood is drawn from the im mune animal and allowed to stand until the clot separates from the serum and the latter is used as the curative agent after the manner of diphtheria and other serums against infectious diseases. New York physicians report that in the cases they have used the serum there have been no fatalities. Journal. RAILROAD circles are not a little dis turbed by the recent acquisition of a controlling interest in the Southern Pacific railroad. Virtual control of the Central Pacific is also in the combina tion , besides the Missouri Pacific , Kan sas & Texas and Kansas City Southern. This gigantic combination will control more than 50,000 miles of road. The Harriman syndicate carried out the great deal , in which two-fifths of the en tire outstanding shares of capital stock of $197,832,000 were purchased. It is thought that this move will compel the "Q" to promptly push on its line to the coast. At least startling developments may be looked for during the present year in railroad circles. $25.00 to California. February 12 , 19 , 26. March 5 , 12 , 19 , 26. April 2 , 9,16,23,30. Lowest rate in years. Applies to San FranciscoLos Angeles , Sacramento , San Jose and pretty nearly ever } ' other important point in California. Through tourist sleepers on all the above dates get aboard at any station in Nebraska at which train stops ; get off at Los Angeles. See nearest Burlington ticket agent , or write J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. 4-19. Notice to Clean Up. Property-owners and tenants are re quested to clean alleys and remove all rubbish from properties owned or rented by them without delay. C. B. GRAY , Street Commissioner. How to Save Money. If you don't know how , call on the secretary of the McCook Co-operative Building and Savings association , at the First National bank , who will give you a little folder telling all about it. Wanted. A limited quantity of skunk oil. MCCONNELL & BERRY. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. in. High mass and sermon at 10:30 a. ni. , with choir. Sunday-school at 2:30 p. in. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. SOUTH McCooK M. E. Sunday-school at 3 p. in. Preaching , Sunday evenings , at 7:30. Prayer-meeting , every Thursday evening at 7:30. All are welcome. T. G. GODWIN , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Services during summer : Sunday-school at 10. Evening prayer and sermon every Sunday at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning service , also Friday evening Litany , discontinued until fur ther notice. Holy communion to be an nounced. HOWARD STOY , Rector. CHRISTIAN : Bible school 10 a. in. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. Prayer- meeting and Bible study , Wednesday evening. Morning subject : "The New Covenant. " Evening : "Life and Faith of Abraham. " All are invited. J. W. WALKER , Pastor. CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m. Preaching at II and 7:30. : Christian En deavor at 6:30 : p. m. Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening. Morning subject , "What is the Kingdom Christ Come to Bring ? When ? Where ? " Evening sub ject , "As it is in the Days of Noah. " All are invited. J. W. WALKER , Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 12. Preaching at 10:45. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:45. Preaching at 7:30. Prayer- meeting , Wednesday evening , ut 7:30. All are welcome. Morning subject , "The Personal Attitude to Christ. " Evening subject , "The Christian. " W. J. TURNER. Pastor. BAPTIST Sunday-school , 9:45 a. m. Object lesson , 10:45. Sermon , ir. B. Y. P. U. , 7 p. m. Preaching , 7:45. Topic for B. Y.P.U. , "If Christ Should Come Tomorrow. " Morning subject"Our Dan ger asa Nation. " Evening subject"Your Invitation. " Mrs. White invites her Sun day school class to her home , Tuesday evening , February izth. GEORGE L. WHITE. METHODIST Sunday-school at 10. Preaching at ir. Junior League at 3. Epworth League at 7. Preaching at 7:45. Junior League will not beheld at 3 p. in. , but instead a citizen's meeting to con sider plans for organizing a library and lyceum association. Revival services will continue all the week with two ser vices each day at 2:30 : and 7:30 p. m. Miss Clara A. Whittenmeyer , an evan gelist of recognized ability and success , will preach each evening. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. L. M. GRIGSBY , Pastor. Religious life in McCook seems to be suffering a partial eclipse , just now. Rev. Turner of the Congregational church assisted in protracted services in Daubury , closing days of last week , ar riving home on 5 , Saturday evening. Next Sunday , February loth , will be quite generally observed among the churches and religious societies through out the country as a Moody Memorial day , and at that time and effort will be made to secure funds towards the Moody Memorial endowment. Domestic Science Meeting. Smallpox is something none of us would look forward to with much enthus iasm. But the coming event of the Domes tic Science and Stereopticon entertain ments that will be held the 27th and 28th of this month , conducted by Mrs. S. M. Walker , state president of the W. C. T. U.and Mrs. C. E.Welton , district organ izer , will be looked forward to with great pleasure , especially those who enjoy be ing nicely entertained and at the same time having before them a gifted speaker whose words are backed by illustrated pictures making it one of instruction and pleasure. We especially urge the pupils of the various schools to attend. The admission each night is onlj' ten cents , which is in reach of all. The Domestic Science meeting is instructive as well as novel. Each one is expected to bring a pencil and paper. A cake will be baked and tested during the meeting. Ten cents admission is charged to defray ex penses. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Places of meeting will be stated later. MRS. H. M. FINITY. Albert McMillen has purchased the Maxwell 2o-acres adjoining his So acre farm. This gives him one of the finest loo-acre farms in the valley. Clarence Goheen will be the new tenant. The Skin and the nnp * . "That the skin Is Intimately connect ed vriih the lungs Is proved by the fact that our minor Ills of the respira tory tract colds , for Instance are al most always traceable to a checking of the perspiration , so that the Impuri ties of the blood poison "us , " says Har vey Sutherland , In Alnslee's. "Every body knows the story about the little boy that was covered with gold leaf as a cherub for some Roman pomp and how he died In agony a few hours afterward. The poisons manufactured by his own organisms slew him , to say nothing of his suffocation. Burns Involving more than one-third of the general surface are fatal because the excretory powers of the skin are less ened beyond the abilities of the other depuratory organs to make up for. "Varnish an animal and It will die In from six to twelve hours , say some authorities. This Incontrovertible fact Is matched by another equally Incontro vertible that nobody ever heard of any case of tarring and feathering that killed the victim. He might have had all kinds of trouble In getting the stuff off , and he might have felt a shock to his pride , but he didn't die that any body ever heard of. I never assisted at a ceremony of this kind at either end of the joke , and so I can't speak as to the completeness with which the body Is covered with the tar , but from my general knowledge of the character of the people of the west and south west , where such sports are freely In dulged In. I should say that It would most likely be a thorough and compre hensive pigmentation. It may be that the man breathes through the quills of the feathers stuck on , but I doubt It. I should think tar would seal up the pores of the skin quite as effectually as varnish , and It Is a paint warranted to wear In all weathers and not to crack or scale off. " The Kins That Dlmle Him Mad. A Boston man , in speaking of certain foreign characteristics , told the follow ing story : "A middle aged American couple traveling abroad some years ago called In Rome on a sculptor with whom they had been acquainted years before. The visit passed off pleasant ly , but at its close the host gallantly , but none the less to her surprise and chagrin , kissed the lady as he said goodby. The sculptor was an elderly man , but nevertheless It was a liberty , and she was not astonished to hear her husband ejaculate : 'Why , I never heard of such cheek ! I've a good mind to go back and tell him what I think of him ! ' "After two or three remarks of a similar tenor. In which the note of an ger was rising , the wife decided to pour oil on the troubled waters and so , laying her hand on his arm , said : 'I know , dear , he shouldn't have kissed me. but what does It really matter ? What does a kiss count in a woman of my years ? He is a very old man. and probably he was following the fashion of the country. ' "Her husband turned an astonished face. 'Of course I don't mind his kiss ing you , ' he raged , 'but , ' and his voice rose , 'It's his having kissed me that has hurt my feelings ! ' "The sculptor had followed the Ital ian custonl ind kissed both wife and husband. " New York Tribune. Not the Bass Viol Man's Fault. A capital story relating to good old times is still told in the Fen district of the eastern counties. As Is well known by many and even now remem bered by sonit' . a bass viol was often procured to help the choirs in parish churches. One lovely Sunday morning In the summer while the parson was droninc out ; his drowsy discourse and had about reached the middle a big bull managed to escape from his pasture and march ed majestically down the road , bellowIng - Ing defiantly as he came. The parson , who was somewhat deaf , heard the bull bellow , but , mistaking the origin of the sound , gravely glanced toward the singers' seats and said In tones of reproof : "I would thank the musicians not to tune up during service time. It annoys me very much. " As may well be Imagined , the choir looked greatly surprised , but said noth ing. ing.Very Very soon , however , the belligerent bull gave another bellow , and then the aggrieved parson became desperately indignant Cassell's Magazine. A Mountain Accident. A serious seeming accident with a fortunate termination Is reported by a western exchange. A man and his wife , while driving along a mountain road in Oregon , met with a curious mishap. The wagon was overturned , and the occupants fell out The woman dropped Into the branches of a tree HO feet below , and the man went sliding and bumping fully 300 feet to the bottom of a ravine. When he recovered his senses , he was comparatively unhurt and went to his wife's rescue , but It was an hour be fore he could extricate her from where she bung by ber skirts. A Phtliiilclpliln Story. Sunday Scuool Teacher Where did the three wise men come from't Phil Adolphy ( who e family had only recently moved to Chicago ) They came from the east Sunday School Teacher And why were they called "wise men ? " Phil Adelpby Because , ma'am , they went back again Philadelphia Press. "I have noticed. " said the social phi losopher , "that people who gossip about their neighbors are the people who are always fretting because they Imagine they are being talked about by their neighbors. " Omaha World-Herald. It Is safer to marry a thrifty woman with only 15 cents than It Is to wed a vain belle with $15,000. Galveston News. SUGAR BEET ITEMS. AMERICAN imiiT SUGAR INDUSTRY. A correspondent of one of our ex changes writes from the United States to Germany , sending some data relating to the American beet sugar industry. It is declared that in factories where wood is used as fuel this is in weight 32 per cent of the weight of the beets work ed. Heating with petroleum means a cost of one dollar per ton of beets work ed , while with coal the expense is sixty- five cents , and in some cases still greater. Beets worked in many factories contain a considerable quantity of non-sugar varying from 3.9 to five per cent , with a purity co-efficient of 84 to Si. The beets during several campaigns have varied from 13.9 to 15 per cent , and the white sugar extraction was about ir per cent. In sections of the country where beets are cultivated for the first time many farmers neglect the crop , weeds are al lowed to grow , and on some fields it is possible to grow a crop of wild oats on the same land as beets ( ? ) . Rotation o crops is unknown in the west ; on the contrary , beets are cultivated upwi the same soil year after year , in consequence of which practice the yield to the acre is slowly decreasing. The soils in some cases contain a very small percentage o desirable plant foods , samples examined showing the following variations : Phos phoric acid , 0.02 to 0.06 ; potassa , 0.40 to 0.70 ; nitrogen , o.n to o.iS ; lime , 2 10 to 4 o. Irrigation appears on thewhole to be popular , but no provision is made for soil drainage. The mountain streams frequently used for irrigation are entire ly too cold for the purpose intended , and in some cases do considerable harm in retarding the beets' development. THE VALUE OF BEET SUGAR FACTORY. The great value of the beet factories to Colorado cannot be estimated by the paltry dollars which the invested capita ! in the buildings and machinery add to the taxable assets of the state , which as compared to the other interests directly arising from the location of a sugar plant in any community , is too insignifi cant for mention , * As a safe criterion we can refer to Otero county which has welcomed two factories in the last year at a probable cost of two million dollars , which has been listed upon the county tax books. But let us look farther. These two refineries have brought to the county at least four thousand new people who have been enrolled as bona fide residents. The farming and agri cultural lands have been enhanced in value at least three million dollars. The business and commercial interests of the county have been quickened by the in creased capital , xvhich has been placed in circulation. The slipshod custom of careless agricultural methods has been abandoned , and the theory of intense farming is being almost universally re sorted to. The value of an acre of land depends upon the amount of cash it will pay its owner each year , and its value cannot legitimately rise above this basis. Here is where the great profit in general comes in from the establishment of the factory and the growing of the sugar beets. Land which has heretofore pro duced , when cultivated in ordinary farm crops of alfalfa and grain , from seven to ten dollars an acre net to the owner , is capable of producing when properly grown to sugar beets , from fifty to sev enty dollars per acre , besides giving per manent employment to at least four times the number of laborers. Hence we can see in the starting of every fac tory the solution of two great problems , the inciease in land values and main tenance of a fourfold greater population. Sugar City Herald. BEET PULP FOR BEEF. Beet pulp from the sugar factory at Waverly , Washington , is being used to fatten 300 beef cattle on the stock farm of W. E. Mann , of that town. Mr. Mann , said yesterday : "I am feeding 300 head of 3 and 4 year olds most suc cessfully on the pulp. The cattle con sume on an average nearly 100 pounds a day in addition to hay. The animals are putting on flesh in fine shape better than three pounds a day. The pulp from the beet sugar factory is excellent food. It can be kept in an ordinary silo and is good feed for a year , and with good care can be kept two years. I secured the stock I am now fattening from Ockan- egan county. I expect to begin selling in about 30 days , when the animals will be in prime condition. This is the first season I have experimented with the beet pulp as fodder. So far there is every indication of success. " Mr. Mann has been much interested in the beet sugar industry since its inception in this coun try. He is one of the largest growers of beets for the factory. Spokane Review. A PREMIUM PLAN. A movement is on foot to provide a number of premiums to encourage the culture of sugar beets in this section of the state. It is contemplated to give several premiums for beets raised on high land , and several for beets raised under irrigation. The plans have not been matured , nor the specifications worked out , but we feel reasonably safe in stating that the idea will be encour aged by our business men and others to such an extent that valuable premiums will be hung up for the best acre of beets of the highest test etc. This plan has been followed in other communities with such success and McCook businessmen will no doubt take an active hand in this matter in due time , when the project is presented to their consideration , as it r ADVICE Drink less = = Breathe more. Eat Iess = = Chew more. Clothe less = = Bathe more. . Ride less- - Walk more. Worry less = = Work more. Write less = = Read more. Preach Iess = = Practice more. And then buy your Dry Goods , Groceries , McCook , Nebraska And you will Never regret it PRODUCE AS GOOD AS CASH will be at once , in order that the plans may beset forth more definitely. It will pay McCook to encourage the culture of sugar beets. It will pay the farmers to undertake a larger acreage. This is an ideal country ; ours are ideal conditions for its culture ; no effort should be omit ted to carry forward this enterprise. AN ERROR CORRF.CTED. Our letter on the labor questions in connection with the sugar beet culture , .11 last week's TRIBUNE , from the pen of : J. G. Lowe , a prominent Kearney banker , contained one error. In the closing paragraph , the article states : "Twenty-five boys can hoe and weed ten acres of beets a day , ten bouts to a day. at an average cost of eight cents an hour , which figures TEN DOLLARS an acre. " This should have read TWO DOLLARS per acre. We will state in this connect ion , that Mr. Lowe has expressed him self as perfectly willing to answer any questions that may be asked him in con nection with the matter of the sugar beet culture , in which he has had experi ence. NEVER TOUCHES US. The result of the recent campaign of the American Beet Sugar Company's Norfork plant was not very good , from a financial point of view , owing to the low grade of beets , caused by the late rains. In all other respects , however , the run was very successful. The cam paign lasted 70 days , from October 9 , and there was no hitch in the operation of the machinery. The National Beet Sugar Company's factory closed January " 18 , after a very successful and satisfactory season's run. Sugar produced during the season amounted to about 3,000,000 pounds ; average perjcent of sweetness in beets , iS ; average per cent of purity , 86 ; average number of tons'of beets to the acre 15. It is expected the acreage of beets , the coming season will be about three times the one just past. Notice the two above items ; in the first is the common complaint , of too much wet weather in the fall , that comes from the rain-belt sections of the coun try ; while the second is the almost uni versal report that is heard from this and of sunshine. Bridges rivers , tunnels mountains , builds cities , gathers up the scattered rays of one's ability. That's \\hat Kocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents. Ask your druggist. Persons who cannot take ordinary pills find t a pleasure to take Deitt's Little Early Risers' They are the be t little pills ever made. McConnell & Berry. Senator Towne's valedictory was followed none too soon by the erberating salutatory of Mr. Clapp. Mr. Cleveland will not accept any more janquet invitations this season. He is tired of being called a stuffed prophet. Low RatesWest and North-West. At a time of year when thousands will take advantage of them , the Burlington Route makes sweeping reductions in its rates to the West and North-West to Utah , Montana , Washington , Oregon and British Columbia. Dates : February 12 , 19 and 26. March 5 , 12 , 19 and 26. April 2 , 9 , 16 , 23 and 30. Rates are shown below : To Ogden , Salt Lake , Butte , Helena - ? ena , Anaconda and Missoulaf To all points on the Northern Pacific - " ) cific Ry. , west of Missoula , in- I eluding Spokane , Seattle , TaI I $28 coma , Portland , as well as Vancouver - I couver , and Victoria , B. C.j To all points on the Spokane Falls ! & Northern Ry. , and the WashI I $28 ington & Columbia river R.R.J Never has the Pacific North-West been as prosperous as now. Labor is in con stant demand and wages are high. The money-making opportunities are beyond number in mines.lumber , merchandise , farming , fruit-raising , fishing , and all the other industries of a great and grow ing country. 4-19. Literature on request free. J. FRANCIS , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. $500 For Letters About Nebraska. The Burlington Route offers twenty prizes , aggregating $500 , for letters which can be used in encouraging immi gration to Nebraska. The first prize is a round-trip ticket from any Burlington Route station in Nebraska to Yellowstone park , and a complete trip through the park , includ ing stage transportation and five and a half days' accommodation at the hotels of the Yellowstone Park association value $100. The second prize is a ticket to Denver , thence to the Black Hills , and $25 in cash value $75- Particulars can be obtaiued by address ing J. Francis , G. P. A , , Burlington Route , Oniaha , Neb. 1-4-913. Church & Marsh are feeding a yard of lee head of steers , which in due time will find their way onto the block in their meat market , so their many cus tomers are assured of the best corn-fed beef that can be produced. The firm is wide awake to the needs and demands of their trade. Li Hung Chang seems to be about as hard to touch of as the ordinary Fourth of JuK- pmuheel of Chinese manufacture , St. Louis was the first city to recognizt the importance of the trade of Oklahoma i will be the first to reap the advinSjS of ft