The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 08, 1901, Image 2

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F. M. KIMMKLL , i'uhllshor.
; The smallpox epidemic at Glasgow ,
'Scotland , is somewhat alarming.
( New York city Is growing in popu
lation at the rate of 99,000 a year , ac
cording to the latest municipal fig
i No person will be permitted to make
[ a pilgrimage to Mecca this season
from any of the Infected portions of
! lndia.
' A Chicago pastor inserted a want
'advertisement ' in a newspaper asking
for 500 girls toattend service at his
The venerable John Stephens , who
was in his 100th year , , died at New Al
bany , Ind. , of grip , after a three days'
The senate , by a vote of 37 to 2 ,
passed a bill making electrocution the
mode of inflicting the death penalty
ni Indiana.
Bids for three million feet of lumber
to be. shipped soon to Manila were
opened at the quartermaster's office at
Seattle , Wash.
, At Montgomery , Ala. , the Josiah
Morris Bank , one of the oldest private
banking institutions in the state ,
closed its doors. The assets and lia
bilities are not known.
The estate of the late Philip D. Ar
mour , according to a petition for let
ters testamentary filed in probate
court , is valued at $15,000,000. Of this ,
? 14,000,000 is realty.
By a vote of thirty-three to twenty-
live the city council of Chicago de
feated Mayor Harrison's plan of re
pealing the midnight saloon closing
Secretary Gage has sent to the house
a full statement of the indebtedness
incurred by the annexation of Hawaii
with a request for appropriations to
cancel the indebtedness aggregating
, Mme. Pauline Cassln Care , a well
13 known woman of letters , and widow
of M. Elme Care , the celebrated sa
vant and member of the French acad
emy , died at Paris , France. She was
born in 1834.
Jeff Bybee , widely known in turf
circles on the Pacific coast , died at
Portland , Ore. , aged 83. He located in
Uregon in 1847 and for many years
was engaged in raising and training
thoroughbred horses.
The cable power house of the Metro
politan Street Railway company , at
Ninth and Washington streets in Kan
sas City , was destroyed by fire. Loss ,
$75,000. Sixty cars and 1,200 gallons of
coal oil were destroyed.
At KalamatWash. . , Martin Stickle
, was hanged for the murder of W. B ,
Shankin near Relso in 1899. He had
confessed this cringe and a'so that he
killed Mr .and Mrs. Cornelius Knapp ,
November 28 , 1900.1 Tlld motive as
robbery. *
6 f
F. A. Olden , "a prominent business
man of St. Joseph , Mo. , in a pistol duel
with a burglar at his home fatally
wounded the robber and himself re
ceived a broken leg. The burglar
turned out to be "Curley" Pryor , well
known as a crook.
Among the visitors at the White
House were the presidential electors
from the state of Nebraska , who called
to pay their respects to the chief ex
ecutive. They were accompanied by
Senator Thurston , who introduced
them to the president
Suit has Deen commences against
Senator W. A. Clark and his son to
recover $9,750 for services in gather
ing evidence for Clark's side of the in
vestigation by the United States sen
ate committee. Harry Ringwald , ot
Great Falls , Mont , is the plaintiff.
The farmers of Kansas have united
to fight the grain dealers by forming a
stock company to purchase an eleva
tor. Ninety per cent of the farmers
around Solomon have taken stock in
the company. It is claimed that the
elevators of Solomon , all controlled
by the grain dealers' combination , fix
the price of grain there far under the
market price.
The recent Paterson trial cost the
state of New Jersey only $2,500 , and
the greater part of that was for expert
European astronomers are now busy
photographing the sky. There will be
about 22,000 plates , giving the location ,
of 30,000,000 stars.
To prevent the spread "of contagious
diseases by destroying all bacilli on
the pages of books it is probable that
some system of ster.lizing every vol
ume in the Chicago public library each
time it is returned to the shelves from
the home of a subscriber will be
Tim Callahan was given the deci
sion over Eddie Gardner of Wheeling
in a twenty-four round bout at
Youngstown , O.
The Rev. Dr. Philetus B. Spear ,
treasurer of Colgate University from
1864 to 18S9 , died at Hamilton , N. Y. ,
aged 90 years. A daughter , Mrs. H. H.
Keith , , resides at Sioux Falls , S. D.
Benjamin D. Siliman , the oldest
graduate of Yale college and member
of the Brooklny , N. Y. , bar , died in
his 9Cth year of bronchial pneumonia ,
Germany's pig iron output for 1900
was 9,422,82 tons , an increase of 393-
537 tons for the preceding year. The
December output was 720,790 tons.
German exports in-1900 were 4,555-
291,000 marks , an increase of over
186 000,000.
Former President George A. Gates ,
D. D. , of Iowa college , has accepted a
call to the pastorate of the First Con
gregational church of Cheyenne , Wyo. ,
and has arrived in that city to begin
his labors.
Sir William Van Horn , president of
i -the Cuba Railway company , has left
i -Montreal for New York en route to
It is semi-officially announced that
197,000,000 marks is the estimated
amount required for the German
China expedition for the year 1901.
Count Tolstoi's eldest son is dead of
The Scnato Will Continue to "Wrestle
With It This Week.
AliUon BIny Inject Approprittlon B1113
fur Senate's Consideration Wednesday
and House Will Uuve Them Up All
Week The House.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 4. The senate
will continue its discussion of the ship
subsidy bill during the first half of the
present wee . , with probable interrup
tions during the morning hour of each
day. There probably will be a move
ment to secure night sessions on the
part of the friends of the shipping
bill Monday or Tuesday and other
strenuous efforts will be made to se
cure a vote upon the bill.
If it should appear probable that the
end of the discussion is still not in
sight Senator Allison on Wednesday
will ask the senate to taKe up the bill
making appropriations for the District
of Columbia for the next fiscal year.
This appropriation bill will be debated
for several days and when its consid
eration is concluded there will be other
appropriation bills requiring attention.
The earlier part of the day Monday
will be given to the ceremonies in
honor of the memory of diief Justice
Marshall and Senator Bacon has given
notice that he will ask the attention
of the senate to some remarks of his
upon the resolution introduced by him
self declaring the right of the senate
to demand and receive all papers on file
in the executive departments. He will
speak at length upon that question and
if he should conclude during the day
he will be followed by one of several
extended speeches on the subsidy bill ,
which are still in reserve. Senator
Teller Is counted on for anotner
speech , and in case o a night session
Monday night probably would under
take to speak the session out It is ex
pected that Senator Caffery will talk
The democrats do not hesitate to say
that in case night sessions are ordered
they will domanu that a cuorum shall
be maintained. On Saturday eulogies
will be delivered ia honor of the late
Representative Harmcr of Pennsyl
The house will continue the consid
eration of appropriation bills this
week. The postoffice appropriation
bill is not yet completed. It will be
followed by the consular and diplo
matic and the sundry civil bills , which
last will be reported to the house
The bills to promote the efficiency
of the revenue cutter service and to es
tablish a national standardizing oureau
and conference reports will consume
whatever time remains.
Tomorrow the exercises in connec
tion with the celebration of the cen
tennial anniversary of John Marshall's
appointment as chief justice of the
United States will be held in the house
of representatives from 10 to x o'clock.
Nebr-isknns , Formerly British Subjects ,
Kxtol the Merits of Verits.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 4. Service in
memory of the late queen of England
were conducted in Holy Trinity Epis
copal church this afternoon under the
auspices of former British subjects
who are residents of Lincoln. Ad
dresses on the life of the dead sovereign
eign wove made by Chancellor and Al
bert Watkins. Music appropriate to
the occasion was by the First Con
gregational and Holy Trinity choirs
combined under the leadership of H.
J. W. Seamark. Resolutions were
adopted and will bo forwarded to
King Edward by Major J. F. Stnney ,
formerly an officer in the British Royal
guards , now attached to the American
army at the Department of Missouri.
Clergymen from all the churches were
present and participated in the ser
Sheriff of Dallas. Ter. . Confident He Has
the Ulan "Wanted
DALLAS , Tex. , Feb. 4. Sheriff
Johnson is more positive than ever
that H. C. Henderson , the man he
lodged in jail yesterday , is one of the
Cudahy kidnapers. He did not let his
prisoner know uiitil last night the real
charge against him. When he was
told that he was held as a Cudahy
kidnaper suspect he showed much un
easiness. He walked his cell all night
and did not sleep a wink. The sheriff
states that he has learned that on
Friday before Henderson had $1,000 in
a" package. When arrested Henderson
had only 15 cents in his pockets.
The prisoner declines to make any
statement concerning his financial af
fairs , or how he came to have a pic
ture of Pat Crowe in his trunk. He
Is to be photographed tomorrow and
his picture sent to the ciiief of police
at Omaha and other cities.
AVill Bonm Th lr Home City.
KANSAS UTY , v'eo. 4. Sixty mem
bers of the Commercial duo , including
the principal manufacturers and job
bers of Kansas City , started tonight
on a week's trade trip through Kan
sas. Oklahoma and Indian Territory
and northern Texas. The party went
in a sepcial train and carried hundreds
of pounds of literature expound'ng
Kansas City's advantages as a trading
SToung ; RnsRinn of Royxl Blood "Whose
MnrrlnceVns Opnosed
ST. PETERSBURG , Feb. 4. Prince
Pafiatkinshy , youthful publisher of
the Northern Courier , which was re
cently suppressed f r its rad'cil tend
encies , shot himself last Thursday ,
inflicting a dangerous wound.
His parents have never forgiven
the marriige he made several years
ago with Mile. Yavorskaya , an actress ,
nor did they approve of his newspa
per enterprise , which absorbed the
bulk of the estate of the prince.
ch Clement of K.tosus Towns Hatches
J'lut of Tur uud Feathers.
KANSAS CITY , l < eb. 4. A special
to the Times from Topeka , Kan. , says :
Policeman L.uscer h-s leper eu to
City Marsha.l Stahl a plot on the part
of the liquor mea to tar and featnor
Mrs. Carne Nation , the j-iut sa aoher.
Luster says nat a no < j.o tough , whom
ne once befntuded , g ve h.m toe tip.
Maishal Stahl is making an investi
The report has frightened Mrs. Na
tion and her sister cius-dcrs , but they
declare that they will continue the
work of destroying "murder shops. "
They met at 9 o'clock th.s morning at
Mrs. Nation's room and held a season
of prayer , asking the Lord to potect
them from bodily harm in the dis
charge of what they termed uieir duty
to the community.
Mrs. Nation braved the storm today
and made three temperance speeches
in Wesleyan Method st churcn in the
forenoon , in the Christian church in
the afternoon , and in the Lowman Hill
Methodist church in the evening.
A recruiting office for the Topeka
brigade , Kansas division , Carrie iNa-
tion's army , has been opened. Three
hundred "sold.ers' have signed the
roll , mostly women. The program for
the defenders is to march down Kan
sas avenue at 2 p. m. , tomorrow , with
drums and flags flying , and hold pray
er meetings in front of every joint.
Mrs. Nation says that it was the in
tention of ths home defenders to
smash joints tomorrow , but this feat
ure of the crusade may be postponed
for a few days to enable secret service
agents to inquire into the story that
armed men are guarding the joints.
Mrs. Nation says she does not mind
a shotgun , but she does not want to
lead other women to their death.
Postmaster Guthrie says Mrs. Na
tion receives more mail than any
bank in Topeka. Many of the letters
contain money , and it is said that Mrs.
Nation already has put aside ? 500 to
help carry on the liquor war.
Recent Transaction Will Not Affect Pres
ent Tr.itHc Arrangement.
NEW YORK , Feb. 4. The Tribyne
tomorrow will say : Horace G. Burt ,
president of the Union Pacific rail
road , is at the Waldorf-Astoria , ac
companied by his wife and several
friends , including J. H. Millard , presi
dent of the Omaha National bank , and
Judge W. R. Kelly , general solicitor of
the Union Pacific. The party will
spend a week or ten days In this city.
President Burt in an interview , ex
plained at length the present condi
tions of the Union Pacific , which has
just acquired the Southern Pacific. He
said that the great transaction would
not affect present traffic arrange
ments. In conclusion , Mr. Burt out
lined the improvements of the Union
Pacific roadbed and important
changes which are being maue on the
main line in Wyoming , where are the
heaviest gradients and curvatures.
About 200 miles of this section haye
been practically rebuilt , materially re
ducing the grades. In another two
ears still more changes on the divide
and the Salt Lake section in western
Utah will be completed. The road will
be shortened about thirty-four miles ,
making the distance between Council
Bluffs and Ogdeu practically 1,000
Revises the Building Bill.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 4. The house
committee on public buildings ani
grounds today acted favorably on what
is known as the omnibus public build
ing bill , increasing the limit of cost
of a number of public buildings. The
following revision o increases was
made before the bill was ( reported :
Cheyenne , Wyo. , $ oijtOO ; Helena ,
$350,000 ; Jopun , Mo. , 5100,000 ; Hot
Springs , Ark. , § S5OOo ; St. Paul , $1,150-
000 ; Salt Lake City , ? 500,000 ; Seattle ,
? 750,000.
G. A. R. M a nre Turned Down.
WASHINGTON , F b. 4. The bill
for a pension court of appeals , which
has attracted considerable attention
as a Grand Army of the Republic
measure , met a reverse ia the house
committee on invalid pensions today ,
where , by a vote of 6 to 7 , a motion
to report it was defeated. A sub
committee consisting of Representa
tives Norton , Graff and Miner was
then named to perfect the department
bill providing ior pension appeals.
Piracy on the Increase.
HONG KONG. Feb. 2. It is learned
from Canton that the German consul
there has demanded an indemnity of
§ 100,000 for each man wounded in the
recent outbreak on the West river and
? 50.000 for other damages.
Piracy is increasing co such proportions
tions that the consuls have demanded
better protection for the waterways.
The viceroy replied to their demands
that he was doing all that was possi
Boer Attack Snccessf nl.
LONDON , Feb. 4. The War office
has received the following from Lord
commander-in-chief in
Kitchener , - -
South Africa :
"PRETORIA , Feb. 2. Our post at
Medderfontcin , on the Gaterr and
southwest of Krugersdorp , was at
tacked by 1,000 Boers. The relief
column sent out from Krugersdorp
failed to prevent the fall of the post.
Mo details yet at hand , but officers
and men captured at the post are ar
riving at Vereeniging.
Mother and Son in Fostoria , O. . Commit
FOSTORIA , 0. , Feb. 4. Mrs. Jacob
Yochum , aged 50 , and her son , Wi.l-
iam , aged 19 years , were found dead
in their bed rooms by the police this
Afternoon. They had been missing
for three days and investigation led
to their dead bodies being found with
all evidence of suicide by strychnine
poisoning. Poverty is supposed to
have made them despondent.
Census Bureau Issues Bulletin Specifying
the Siz3 of Every Town ,
Ofllclul Return * Detailing : the Figures for
F.very Oue of the Tbree Ilnudrud and Incorporated Places in the
Btuta Other Mutters ,
The latest bulletin of the census bu
reau gives the returns from Nebraska
in detail. There are 365 incorporated
cities , towns and villages in Nebraska ,
and this is the showing they make :
1900. 1890.
Adams village 417
Alnaworth-village 605 733
Albion village 1,269 92C
Alexandria village 332
Allen village 23C
Alliance city 2,5 5 829
Alma city 023 9j3
Amncrst village 183
Ansulmo village 145
Ansley village jus
Arapalioo town 701 731
Arcadia village 374 429
Arlington village 5 < 9 412
Ashland village 1,477 1,091
Ashton town 251
Atkinson town 59 ; 701
Auburn city 2.CC4 1,537
Aurora city 1.921 1.SC2
Avoca village 2T,5 IGu
Axtell village 329 202
Ayr village 141 173
Bancroft village Iti 341
Burada vlllape 147
Barncston village KO
Hartley village 247 220
Bassett village 270
Battle Creek village 50C 352
Beatrice city 7,875 13,83o
Beaver town 911 763
Beaver Crossing village S39
Beemer village 455 ' 350
Belden village 197
Bellwood village 410 413
Bclvidere village 458 359
Benedict village 292
Benkelniau village 29C 357
Bennett village 49.'i 474
Bcnnlngton town 229
Benson village S10
Berlin village 150
Bertraml village 214 2C5
Bethany village 300 "
Blair city 2,070 2,039
Bloomiield village 67S
Bloomington village 4SS 1G1
Blue Hill village 23 79t >
Blue Springs village 7SG 1MB
Bradslmw village 2G3 434
Brainard village : : S4 30G
Brock village 543 348
Broken Bow city 1.375 3.C17
Brownville city 718 9SO
Bruning village
Bruno village 191
Burchard village 297 201
Burwell town luv ) 37S
Butte village
Cairo village 224
Calhoun village 34G
Callaway town 400 234
Cambridge village 810 510
Campbell village
Carleton village 45S
Carroll town IB
Cedar Bluffs village 181
Cedar Rapids village 559 484
Central City 1.571 1.3GS
Ceresco village 226 211
Clmdron city 1.GS5 1,807
Chapman village 209
Chester village 439 407
Clarks village 544
Clarkson village 344 147
Clay Center village i f.90 390
Clearwater village 198 215
Coleridge village 471 315
College View village S65
Colon village 193
Columbus city 3,522 | 3.134
Cook village 27S !
Cordova village 149
Cortland village 390 509
Cozad town 739 542
Crab Orchard village 258 229
Craig village \ 290
Crawford village 731 : > 7i
Creighton town 909 822
Creston village 337 200
Crete city 2,199 2.310
Culbertson village 422 4GO
Curtis village 433 378
Dakota City village 521
Danbury villatre 219
Dannebrog village 301 2SO
Davenport village 4-IG 513
David City 1,845 1,02-S
Dawson village .T22 153
Daykln village 189
Decatur village SOO
Deshler village 258
Dewltt village G62 751
Diller village 399 126
Dixon village 157
nodtre village 354 333
Doniphan village 473 437
Dorchester village 521 r 40
Douglas village 253
Dubols village 307' ' 310
Dunbar village 208
Dundee village 400
Eagle village 297
Eddyvllle village 101
Edgar cltv 1,040 1,105
Elba village 257
Elgin village 4511
Elk Creek village 3171 357
Elkhnrn vlllase 299 325
Elm Creek village 301 357
Elmwood village 544 ? ,03
El wood village 377 373
Emerson village G17
Endicott village 234 255
Euatis village 232 145
Ewing village 275 248
Exeter village 673 754
Fairbury city 3.140 2.G30
Fairlleld city 1.203 ' ' '
Fairmont city 784 'i'o'29
Falls City 3.022 2,702
Parnam village 2lSt
Farwell village
Fllley village 2 8 | 3)1
Florence villatre 6SSI
Fort Crook village 2271
Franklin village 756 55G
Fremont city ! 7,241 G.747
Friend village I 1.200 1,317
Fullerton city j 1.4041
Geneva city
Genoa village
Goring village
Germantown village
Gibbon village
Glenville village
Gordon village
Gothenburg village
Grafton village
Grand Island city
Grant vll'apre
Greeley Center town
Greenwood village
Gresham village
Gretna village
Gross village
Guide Rock village
Hampton village
Hardy village
Harrison town
Hartineton city
Harvard citv
Hastings cltv I 71 l 13.581
Have'ock villatre I 1.4 0 !
ITav Springs village I 3)-ii 37 < ?
Hebron sitv I 15111 1,502
H ° m ntrford v'llage I 3331
Henderson village " "
Herman village 2211 319
Stnmplrs : Ont Smallpox.
YORK. Neb. , Feb. 4. All the small
pox patients of this city will be re
leased from quarantine in a few days ,
as cured and free from anv liabTty
of spreading the disease. The cases
were all of a very mild form , and each
place where the disease broke out was
so thoroughly quarntined that it
spread no further. There are yet sev
eral cases in the western part of the
county. Dr. E. B. Kama of th's city ,
has had exclusive charge of a1 ! the
cases and Irs excellent care and atten
tion in checking the disease has merit
ed him high praise.
Hlckman village , 3J > 2
Hlldreth village 249
Holdrege village 3,00 /
Holateln village M
liomcr village 341
Hooper village 810
HosKlns town 175
Howard city village 183 ICO
Howcll village 515 197
Hubbard village 90
Hubbcll village 375 33J
Humboldt city 1.218 1,111
Humphrey village i > 69 691
Huntington village 282 19.1
Imperial town , 2o8 159
Indianola city G2C D79
Jackson village 339 303
Jansen village , 271
Johnson village 352 231
Julian village son
Junlata village 543 f.2S
Kearney city 5,634 8.071
Kenesaw village 504
Kennard town
Klmball village 193
Laurel village 514
Lawrence village 406
Leigh village 439 249
Lexington city 1.3J3 1,392
Liberty village 450 4G9
Lincoln city 40 , < lt9 55,155 }
Lindsay village 316 --5
Linwood village 317 309
LltchJleld town . . . , 240
Long Pine village 4SG 5S2
Louisville village 738 C53
Loup city 826 C71
Lynch village 231
Lyons village 847 532
McCook city 1.34G
McCool Junction village 276 201
Madison city 1.479 930
Madrid village 35 178
Malmo village 259
Marquette village 210 201
Mason City village 241 "
Mead village 320 "aii
Meadow Grove village 237
Merna village , 141
Milford village 542 555
Mlllard village 323 323
Miller village 194
Milligan village , 283 184
Mlnden city 1,238 1,380
Monroe village 169
Morse Bluffs village 177
Naper village , 94
Nebraska City 7,380 11,911
Ncligh city 1,135 1,2'J9
Nelson village , 978 913
Nemaha village 400
Newcastle village 331
Newman Grove village . . 696 330
Newport town 20S
Niobrara village 439 Oil
Norfolk city 3.S&3 3,033
North Bend city 1,010 S97
North Loup village 420 386
North Platte city 3,640 3,033
Oakdale vinage , 585 639
Oakland village l.OOS M ) ?
Odell village 359
Ogalalla village 335 491
Ohiowa village 319 369
Omaha city , 02,555 140,452
O'Neill city 1.107 1,225
Ord city 1.372 1,208
Orleans city 65G S12
Osceola village , 8S2 347
Osmond village , 501
Over-ton village , 253
Oxford village 7S7 423
Palisade village 176 102
Palmyra villatre 301 j
Papiliion village 591 GOO
Pawnee village , 1.909 1,550
Pender town 043 12J
Peru village 818 OH
Petersburg village 4781
Phillips village ISC
Pierce village 770 | 5G3
Piiger village 250 | 162
Plainview village 6031 375
Platte Center village 39 152
Plattsmouth city 5.9G4 8,392
Plcasanton village 103
Plymouth village
Ponca city 1,0431 1,003
.Prague village 321 ! 1S5
Preston village
Ragan village 20S , |
Randolph village S50 | 371
Ravenna village SOS 62S
Raymond village 200
Red Cloud city 1.554 1,83'J
Republican village 3 6 42S
Reynolds village 260 271
Rising City village 499 610
Riverton village 327 389
Roca village 177 191
Rockville town 158 !
Rogers village 124
Roseland village
Rule village- S77 78G
Rushville village 483 484
St. Edv/ards village 625 293
St. Helena village 151 1S9
St. Paul city 1.475 ,2C. :
Salem village 533 504
Sargent village 230 !
Schuyler city 2,157 2,160
Scotia town 267 418
Scribner village 827 634
Seward city 1,970 2.10S
Shelby village 425 333
Shelton village SSI 70(5 (
Shickley village 372 307
Shubert village 303
Sidney town 1,001
Silver Creek village 291
Snyder village 229
South Bend % 'illage 141 132
South Omaha city 20,001 8,062
South Sioux City . " SS9 603
Spalding village 148
Spencer village , 133
Spring-eld village 400
Springview village , 188
Stanton city 1,052 E37
Staplehurst village 211
Steelburg village 313 3SO
Steinauer village 213
Stella village 498 C99
Sterling village 782
Stockham village 169 211
Stockville village 269 | 227
Strang village 234 | 269
Stratton village 225 320
Stromsburg ci'y 1,154
Stuart village . 382 243
Sumner village 210
Sueprior city 1,577 1.614
Sutton city 1.3G5 1.541
Swanton village 266 184
Syracuse village SGI 72S
Table Rock village 852 673
Talmage village 489 429
Tamora village 13S 181
Tecumseh city 2.005 1.634
Tekamah city 1.597 1,244
Tilden village 533 ! " "
Tobias village C72 ! 539
Trenton village j 329 2G7
Ulysses village 56,1 621
Unadilla village 213 193
Union village 282
University Place village . . 1.130 571
Upland village 281
Utica village 487 466
Valentine village 811
Valley town 534 378
Valparaiso village 614 515
Verdlgrc town 200 207
Verdon village 310 25T
Waco village 310 27S
Wahoo village 2,100 2.006
Wakefield village
Wallace village 130 | .
Waterloo village 345 | 272
Wauneta village
Wausa village 4411 !
Waverly village 2601.
Wayne- town 1.178
Weeping Water city lil56 1,350
Western village 412 397
West Lincoln village oof ) 443
Weston village I 426 341
West Point city 1.SPO 1842
WUber village l.Oil 1.2M
WIlcox village 265 230
Wi'sonville village 296
Winside town 130
Wisner village 610
Wood River village 589 481
Wymore city 2.626 !
York city 5.132 !
Yutan village 2631 1CS
ITantrs Hlmnrir TT th Xrclc Scarf.
NORFOLK , Neb. , Feb. 4. George
Berz committed suicide today by hang
ing himself with a ne'k scarf in an
outhouse. The deceased was 41 year ?
old and leaves a wife and four smal'
children. He ha'l rpcent'y sold M
farm and was res'ding in town with
his brother-in-law , Conrad Wachter.
Wealthy Pioneer Dead.
HUMBOLDT , Neb. , Feb. 4. Samu !
Germaine , one of the wea'thy farme s
md pioneers of tnis section who ha'
been in poor health for the past ye'ir
died at his home southeast of town.
Fresh riowcrn on Shipboard Dally.
A remarkable test o cut-flowor prc-
eervation was made by a Philado.phla
man whoso flanceo was going to Eu
that she shoui-
rope. Ho promised her
have a fresh bouquet every day Bho
ho had six
was on shipboard. So
boxes made and each labeled for tiie
uay it was to be opened. These he
confided to the steward of the steamer
who placed the boxes In cold storage
and opened one each morning for the
recepient. After she arrived at Liv
erpool she wrote homo that the flow
ers were as fresh as though newly
A Tlireo Ulllloii-Dollnr City.
The assessed valuation of real estate
in Now York city now exoeds $3,000-
000,000. The total valuation doesn't
look so large , however , considering
some of the single instances. There
is the Equitable Life , for in
stance , which is assessed on a valua
tion of $ G,000,000. and the Waldorf-
Astoria hotel for $5,000,000.
James P. Sterling , former chief Jus
tice of the supreme court or Pennsyl
vania , is dead in Philadelphia , from
the effects of a carbuncle. He was 7S
years of age.
A DlsUnsrnUhod Jj dy Indeed , Irf Mro.
Mary K. i'onlo , of WliltlnC. ! " * .
Whiting , Ind. , Feb. 4. 1901. ( Spe
cial. ) The Presidents of the Ladies or
the Grand Army of the Republ.c have
exclusively v.
an association composed
of the Presidents of the different State
Associations. This Presidents' Asso
ciation ohooscs a President , and to this
very high and distinguished position
Mrs. Mary E. Poole of this place has
been elected. Mrs. Poole is thoroughly
deserving of this great honor. Her
devotion to the Interests of the Asso
ciation is very marked , and her experi
ence with' the old soldiers of the ( J. A.
R. is wide. Mrs. Poole Is never sUw
to take advantage of anything that
may benefit the veterans , and her zeal
has resulted in much that is good to
these grand old men. She writes or
her experiences : "Honor to wnom
honor Is due , and having saen the nu
merous cures effected through the use
of Dodd's Kidney Pills , I gladly en
dorse them as being particularly ef
fective to cure that dreaded disease of
so many of our old soldiers , Bright'a
Disease and Kidney Disorders of dif
ferent kinds. Kidney Disease soon
poisons the entire system , and as a re
sult the vital organs are attacked , and
I have found that no remedy so surely ,
completely and quickly finds the weak
spot and heals it as Dodd's Kidney.
"I have used them myself in slight
attacks of biliousness and indigestion ,
and usually find that from three to
four pills do the work. "
Such evidence from a lady of so
much distinction and exper'ence
should convince any sufferer from Kid
ney Trouble that Dodd's Kidney Pills
is the remedy that never fails. 50c a
box , six boxes for $2.50. Buy therm
from your local druggist if you can.
If he can't supply you send to the
Dodds Medicine Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Brittle nails are remedied if olive
oil is rubbed into them.
Many complicated diseases and much
suffering result from constipation.
Garfield Tea , the great Herb Tea , will
cure the most obstinate case.
Adversity is often a blessing in dis
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
10 . All 10-cent starch
cents. other - con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
If men were like clocks they could
all go on tick.
FlTSPermonrni'yfiirpa. ? rorr rt.piTon T > 'yafter
Sr t day'fc lire of lr. Kline's t.jfat Nerve lu-rtoier.
Brnd for FKEK 82.OU trial > ttUc onS tn-atiw.
Ira. H. 1L. HUM : . Ltd. . S31 Arcti St. . 1 - . fa
in 1800 only 4 per cent of the people
ple of the United States lived in cities.
Today 30 per cent live in cities.
Uncle Sara Aims
to buy the best rf everything which Is tvhv h9
uses Carter's Ink. Hs knows what's good.
In the race for wealth too much
money seems to be an impossible
< {
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the enl > 16 oz. package for
30 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Tell your secret to your servant and
you promote him to the position of
$148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Schmoller & Mueller , 1313 Farnain
street , Omaha.
The joint senatorial vote from day
to day shows but little change.
Jrupgists refund the money if it fnils to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature is on the box. 25c.
The more checks a spendthrift has
the faster he goes.