The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 18, 1901, Image 8

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Paid Up Capital $50,000. Surplus , $5.000 i
John Rabbit got shot , Tuesday.
Lloyd McMahon is back home from his trip
Florence Moore has returned to Lincoln to
. Many sympathize with Hicks in his recent
Frank Moore is arranging to remove to
Indianola in the spring.
Some think this would be a good country if
we could raise a good crop each year.
Most of the county officials helped liberally
in the building of the new church here.
L. S. Davis saya he is tired of carrying the
mail and offers to throw up his job to any re
sponsible party. '
The new M. E. church here is to be dedi
cated next Sunday. January 20th , at 2 o'clock
p.m. Preaching by Rev. Hardaway of Hoi-
drege. A large attendance is expected.
August Flower.
"It is a chaiming fact , " says Prof. Houton ,
"that in my travels in all pans of the world ,
for the last ten years , 1 have met moie people
having used Green's August flower than an ;
other remedy , for dyspepsia , deranged live
and s > tomacli , and for constipation. 1 find fo
tourists and salesmen , or for persons fillin
office positions , where headaches and genera
bad feelings from irregular habits exist , tha
Green's August Flowei is a giand remedy
it does not injure the system by frequent use ,
and is excellent for sour stomachs and indi
gestion. " Sample bottle free at A.McMillen's ,
Sold by dealers in all civilized countries.
The local ice crop has been harvested.
J. V. garrison and Charlie Beardslee wer
McCook visitors , Tuesday.
W. H. Wadswdrth went up to the west-end
nurg , Monday , on business.
T. E. Miller was engaged in business , in
McCook , Friday and Saturday last.
S. R. Smith of the Independent transactec :
business in the metropolis , Saturday last.
James Gamnull of the Medicine was befon
the board of pension examiners , Wednesday.
Deputy Sheriff A. Crablree has been in Me
Cook on imsine1-- hts office , most of , the
THE TKIHUNK would like to have more
news , more regularly , from Indianola , and
will deal liberally with anyone who will at
tempt to provide the service. liditor.
A Keen , Clenr Brain.
Your best feelings , your social position or
business success depend largely on the perfect
action of your stomach and liver. Dr. King's
New Life Pills give increased strength , a
keen , clear brain , high ambition. A 25 cent
box will make you feel like a new being.
Sold by McConnetl & Berry , druggists.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from
the District court of Red Willow county , NebrasKa -
brasKa , under a judgment and decree in an
action wherein T. B. Graves et al. are plaint
iffs and J. E. Cochran _ is defendant , to me di
rected and delivered , I shall offer at public
sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at
the east door ot the court-house , in McCook ,
Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 28th
day of January , 1901 , at the hour of one
o'clock p. m. , the following described real
estate , to-wit : Lots eight and nine in block
six and lot ten in block live in the Second ad
dition to the city of McCook , Red Willow
county , Nebraska.
Dated this 28th day of December , 1900.
12-21-515. G. F. KINGHOKN , Sheriff.
By A. C. CRABTREE , Deputy.
\Y. S. Morlan Attorney.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from
the District court of Ked Willow county ,
Nebraska , under a decree in an action where
in Mary F. Thompson is plaintiff and Irnee
iS. Hadley , Julia A. Hadlev et al are defend
ants , to me directed and delivered , I shall
offer at public sale and sell to the highest
bidder for cash , at the east door of the court
house , in McCook , Red Willow county , Ne
braska , on the 2ist day of January. 1901 , at
the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the following
described real estate , to-wit : The south-west
quarter of section numbered 27 in township
numbered 3 , north , in range numbered 2S ,
, vrest of the oth principal meridian.
Dated this 2ist day of December , 1900.
i2-2i-5ts. G. F. KINGHORN , Sheriff.
By A. C. CRABTREE , Deputy.
\V. R. Starr. Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that on the first day
of January , 1901 , the co-partnership existing
between F. M. Colson and C. E. Throne was
dissolved by mutual consent , C. E. Throne
retiring and F. M. Colson continuing the
business at the old stand The Bee Hive
Store. F. M. Colson collects all accounts and
assumes all debts of the late firm
McCook , Neb. Jan. rst , I90i.-3ts.
Rev. Crippen is confined to his home with
the grip.
Will Cowles of McCook visited Uartley ,
The M. E. church is being plastered and
will soon be ready for use.
. W. F. Miller , who has been suffering with
grip for sometime , is better.
Frank Brown is putting on the finishing
touches painting the interior of the Christian
The High school medal contest will take
place in the Christian church , Saturday even
ing , January iQth. '
Harry Hodgkins of McCook was in this
place , last week , visiting his sick child , which
is now much better.
E. E. Thompson of Freedom was in town ,
Tuesday , assisting several A. O. U.V. . can
didates ride the goat.
Rev. John , pastor of the Chiistinn church ,
preached to a large audience , morning and
evening , Sunday last.
Dr. J. E. liathorn was at home , Saturday ,
and returned to Lincoln , Sunday , to attend
his representative duties.
. N
Mr. Hilsaback , manager of the Harnett
Lumber yard , was laid off a few days with
grip , lie is now at his post again.
Rev. N. M. Summerville and mother , rela
tives ofV. . F. Miller , who have been visiting
in Uaitley , departed for their home at Barllelt ,
Neb. , Monday evening.
James Grammill from the Medicine countiy
was in town , Tuesday , preparatory to going
before the pension board at Indianola , Wed
nesday. He has never received a pension
and hopes the time is near when that govein- j
ment piomise will be fulfilled.
The Mother's Favorite.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the
mother's f.ivorite. It is pleasant and safe for
children to lake and always cures. It is in
tended especially for coughs , colds , croup and
whooping cough , and is the best medicine
made for these diseases. There is not the
least danger in giving it to children for it con
tains no opium or other injurious drug ; md
may begiven as confidently to a babe as to
an adult. For sale by McConnell & Derry.
Look out for the man who claims that his
ideas are "advanced thought. "
To Cure La Grippe In Two Days.
Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle.
2Sc. 4-1-
Some people can't resist a solicitor ; they
will buy anything that is pushed.
Constipation neglected or badly treated ,
leads to total disability or death. Rocky
Mountain Tea absolutely cures constipation
in all its forms. 35c. Ask your druggist.
There is said to be a case in Atchison so
ciety of two sisters and one Sunday hat.
For family use in numberless ways Ballard's
Snow Liniment is a useful and valuable rem
edy. Price , 25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Following is the estimate of expenses made
ror the year 1901 by the county commissioners at
; heir meeting held January Sth , 1901 :
bounty General Fund $12,000 00
bounty BridRe Fund 0.000 00
bounty Road Fund : ( ,000 00
bounty Bond 2,00000
McCook City Bond 2.0UO 00
kVillpw Grove Precinct Bond 2,000 ( X )
school District Bonds 7,00000
S'orth Valley Precinct 1,000 00
Soldiers' Relief Fund 500 00
Hartley Village Bond 500 00
Attest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk. MS-4ts.
Notice is hereby given that the county com-
nissioners of Red Willov/ county will receive
aled bide for the printing of the commision-
srs' proceedings , legal notices and delinquent
.axes for the year 1901 , parties receiving conTact -
Tact to furnish good and sufficient bond for the
aithful performance of said contract. Said
> ids to bo filed with the county clerk on or be-
ore the 20th day of February , A. D. 1901 , and to
> e endorsed thereon , "Bids for the county priut-
ng for the year 1901. " Dated this 8th day of
Fanuary , A. D. 1901. R. A. GREEN ,
County Clerk.
Some Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
Unequaled by any other.
Renders hard leather soft.
Especially prepared.
Keeps out water.
A heavy bodied oil.
An excellent preservative.
Reduces cost of your harness.
Never burns the leather ; its
Efficiency is increased.
Secures best service.
Stitches kept from breaking.
Is sold in all
Localities 3Iannfactured .
Standard Oil Company.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nebraska , January 8 , 1001.
Board of county cominlHHionurs mot pursuant
to nrijnuriiMiunt. 1'rcsont , Sttphun Hellos , D.
A. Wtitorinan and Muurico Roddy , county com1
iniH. ionern , \ \ ' . R. Starr , county nttornoy , and R.
A. Oroon , county clork. MinutuH of previous
mooting road uud approved.
The following appointment ) ) were on motion
raudo to fill vucanck-H : *
J. S. Modroll , overseer , road district No. 7.
C. II. Augell , overseer road district No. 21.
W. If. Staples , overseer , road district No.12. .
The following oilicial bonds \vero examined
and on motion approved :
James Hothcringtou , assessor , Indiunoln pro-
J. S. Modroll , oversaor , rend district Xo. 7.
A. H. Staples , overseer , road district No. 42.
Petitions of the various county oilicors asking
for deputy itnd clerk hire for the yenr 1901 , read
and considered and on motion granted ilzin
tlio'nunibor and compensation of each us fol
lows :
G. C. Boatman , clerk district court , one depu
ty at i-JMJO.OiJ.
O. L. Thompson , county treasurer , ouo deputy
Q. F. Kinghorn , sheriff , one deputy at $700.00.
R. A. Green , county clerk , one deputy at $700 ,
assistant $ m < X > .
Pursuant to law in .such cases made and pro
vided the salary of the county suixirintcndont
for the ensuing year \vaa fixcd'at fJOO.UO and the
county attorney's salary Used a
The following resolution was read and on
motion adopted :
It is hereby ordered by the county coinmis-
Monur.s tliat all county ollicurs desiring station-
cry and supplies shall make a written requisi
tion for the same to the county clerk , whose
duty it shall he to approve or disapprove such
requisition , and if approved , order the same
from parties with whom ho can secure the bust
terms. Any supplies purchased contrary to this
order-will not bo approved , allowed or paid for
by the county.
On motion the clerk was allowed $2. > 0.00 per
annum to be paid quarterly , for jxjrforming the
duties of clerk to the board of county commis
sioners , and attending to the business of the
county , as provided for in section D1U ! , Compiled'
Statutes of Nebraska for Ib99.
On motion the clerk was instructed to adver
tise for bids for printing the delinquent tux list ,
commissioners proceedings and legal notices ,
all bids to be iiled with the county clerk on or
before the 20th day of February , 1901.
In the matter of the neccss-ary expenses dur
ing the jear , on motion the estimate for the
same for the year 1901 was fixed as follows :
County general fund . $12,000 ( X )
Couuty road fund . U.OOO 00
County bridge fund . G.OUO 00
Couuty bond . 2,00000
Soldiers relief fund . 50000
Willow Grove precinct . 2,000 00
North Valley precinct . 1,00000
McCook city bond . 2,000 00
Bartley village bond . SOO 00
School district bonds . 3.0UO 00
Annual bettlement of the following overtciT of
highways examined and on motion approved ,
and clerk directed to issue certificate on road '
district in payment thereof as follows : I
II. Stone , overseer , road district No. : ! 0 , certificate - i
tificate No. 222 , $23.95.
The clerk having advertised that the board
would receive sealed bids for furnishing the
various county officers with books , blanks and |
stationery , the board proceeded to oi > eu and j
examine the bids on lilo , and after due cousid- i
oration find the bid of State Journal Co. to bo j
the loweat and bost. On motion the contract
for furnishing game was- let to the State Journal
Co. of Lincoln , Nebraska.
It appearintr to the board from the petition of
J. W. Dolan , that ludiauola High school district
No. 2 of Red Willow county , was on the 1st i
day of July , lbi > 2 , and is still the owner of I
the .south-west quarter of block number 2.1 , in j
the city of Indianola , Nebraska , that said coal
estate was erroneously assessed as the property
of divers parties , and taxes levied thereon for
the years and in the sums following , to-wit :
I6t'2 , $1.U ( ; ; Igtt , $15.04 ; 169t , $22.JM3 ; 1695 , $21.70 :
Ib90 , § 15.67 ; Ib97 , $42.40 ; IftOS , $ : iS.7j ! ; Ib99 , $34.05 ;
1900 , $15.01. On motion the clerk was instructed
to strike said taxes from the tax list.
Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro
vided the board on motion selected the following - j
ing named persons from which to drawajuri
for the February term of district court :
Alliance , John R. Harry and \V. A Stewart.
Beaver , W. II. Harrison , James Toner , S.V. .
Stilgebouer and Win. Sandoa.
Bondvillo , Nelson Downs. J. II. Warfield.
Box ElderAlburt Wilson aud George Younger.
Cok'iiuin , W. S. Bixler.
Vanbury , S. S. Graham , Aaron Rcdfern.
Driftwood , W. S. Fitch.
East Valley , V. Sells , Win. Hoppe , A. L.
Fritsch , Wm. Bcrgin and S. M. Rjder.
Gerver , Wm. Relph.
Grant , T. A. Rowland.
Indianola , Henry Cozadd , Leonard Harwell.
Colin Dutcher , Thomas Duncan and P. A.
Lebonon , Win. Gumming , P. B. Garrett , M. C.
Stephens and C. F. Waterman.
Missouri Ridge , T. E. Miller.
North Valley. E. Oxley , Wm. Wight.
Perry , John Real and Frank Forbes.
Red Willow , Leroy Jones and T. K. Quigley.
Tyrone , John Hummel.
Valley Grange , Fred Carruth , R. McDonald.
Willow Grove , M. Houlihan , Walter Hickling ,
iG. . Lytle , Fred Carter , James John , John
'enny , F. Stillmau , S. P. Hart , Ervin Show ,
mgust Droll , J. A. Snyder , Joseph Spotts , Geo.
r. Raudel , T. H. Bales , M. Yager , T. J. Ruggles ,
Vm. Hammell , J. H. Woodworth , W. H. Har-
iian and Beuj. Lytle.
The following claims were audited and al-
owed , and on motion the clerk was instructed
o draw warrants on the county general fund.
evy of 1900 , in payment thereof as follows :
itate Journal Co. , supplies . $ 14 75
' . A. Wilcox < k Son , mdse. for paupers _ 21 60
. M. Brown , medical services and drugs. 13 SO
Jarhett Lumber Co. , lumber . 31 07
tarnett Lumber Co. , coal for paupers _ 7 15
ieo.C.Hill , same . 2530
. E. Moore , board and care of pauper. . . 7 50
Itephen Belles , services as commissioner 6 80
) . A. Waterman , same . 1200
laurice Reddy , same . S 20
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1900 , as
ollows :
Jeo. C. Hill , lumber . $ 52 14
lupp & Slutts , lumber . 130 79
tarnett Lumber Co. , lumber . 83 93
On motion board adjourned to meet February
1 , 1901.
Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. J
Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day of
'ebrnary , 1901 , the regular annual meeting of
he stockholders of the McCook Irrigation and
Vater Power Company will be held at the office
> f eaid company in the city of McCook , Red
Villow county , Nebraska , at the hour of ten
'clock a. m. , said date being the first Wednea-
ay in February , as specified by the articles of
acorporation for the date of such annual meet-
ag. By order of the board of directors.
11 J. E. KELLEY , Secretary.
McCook , Neb. , January 2d,1901.
An attractive woman thrives on good food
nd sunshine , with plenty of exercise in the
pen air. Her foim glows with health and
er face blooms with its beauty. When
roubled with a costive habit , she takes a few
oses of Herbine to dense her system of all
npurities. Price , 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Have you been vaccinated ? is the question
now frequently asked.
The Uyfield ranch lias a tenant , but the
writer has not learned the name.
The report is current that Ira Neel will farm
T. K. Quigley's place , coming season.
L. L. Harrison of Friend has been visiting
old friends in Fritscli and Ked Willow pre
cincts , the Inst week.
The snow was an acceptable visitor , as it
will aid the fall grain in germinating , so it
will come up in the early .spring.
J. I" . Helm received five thorough-bred
sheep from Kearney , last Saturday night , to
improve the fine large flock he raised , last
Everett Moore is moving the old Ked Wil-
mill up on the Hat by his house , and will use
it us a barn. K. 11. Thomas is doing the
Mr. Hoagland , who has been farming the
( J. A. Hotze place for the past two yeais , v/il !
move to Mrs P. J. Taylor's place on the creek
in the spring.
Mrs. Jennie Gr.ives and Miss Nellie Hol
land are at home on a visit to their parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Holland. Miss Nellie has
been the stenographer on the board of trans
portation lor a number of years.
\V. P. Elmer has finished cutting ice for
Harry Whitmore ; it of excellent quality
and desirable thickness. John Longnecker ,
L. J. Holland , Will Sexson , W. P. Elmer ,
John Hroomfield and S. L Miller took advant
age of the opportunity to put up ice for them
Just Saved His Life.
It was a thrilling escape that Charles Davis
of Mowcr.ston , O. , lately had from a frightful
death. For I wo years a severe lung trouble
constantly grew worse until it seemed he must
die of consumption. Then he began to use
Dr. King's New Discovery and lately wrote :
"It gave instant relief and effected a perma
nent cure. " Such wonderful cures have for
25 years proven it's power to cure all throat ,
chest and lung troubles. Price 5oc and $1.00.
lively bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free
at McConnell & Berry's drug store.
\Y. II. Coleman took hogs to McCook , one
day last week.
H. Oellerick's friends came Tuesday night
from the eastern part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Haekencamp have two very
small boys to look after only.a few weeks old.
II. B. Campbell , who bought the old Berg-
ster farm , is on his way from Iowa , driving
through. His car of goods left Pacific
Junction , Iowa , Thursday afternoon , and ar
rived in McCook , next day , and were hauled
< .ut to the farmSaturday.
Genuine Kocky Mountain Tea is never sold
in bulk by peddlers for less than 35 cts. Don't
he fooled , get the tea made famous by the
Madison Medicine Co. Ask your druggist.
An Atchison woman who finds life a hard
proposition , reads a chapter of Fox's Book of
Marty is eveiy night in order to get her mind
soothed for sleep.
Ked is a danger signal on the railroad , on a
feliow's nose and on a womar.'s face. Men
and women use Kocky Mountain Tea and get
genuine rosy cheeks. 35c. Ask your druggist.
There never was a woman's note of con-
giaiulation to a man thai really meant any
Such little pills as DeWitt's Litt.le Early
Risers are very easily taken , and they are
wonderfully effective in cleansing the liver
and bowels. McConnell & Berry.
If everybody preached what he practiced ,
nobody in the world would consider anybody
else respectable.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty
little pills , but they never fail to cleanse the
liver , remove obstructions and invigorate the
system. McConnell & Berry.
A man doesn't love a woman enough unless
he loves her enough to hurt her feelings once
m awhile.
Worms take refuge in the small intestines ,
where they can easily multiply. White's
Cream Vermifuge will destroy these parasites.
The verdict of the people tells plainly how
well it has succeeded. Price , 25 cents. A.
Trying to fix up a quarrel between two
women is like sharpening a lead pencil with a
: an opener.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment has been
ihoroughly tested for many years , and is a
positive cure for this most distiessing and
; mbarassing of troubles. Price , 50 cents in
jottles. 'Lubes , 75 cents. A. McMillen.
A Roman professor has discovered a way
o permanently print a photograph on the
ikin. This will enable lovers to wear ( heir
jest girl's picture the thickness of a chest pro-
ector oJ porous plaster nearer the heart than
A New York court has just ruled that it is a
mnishale offense for a man to bite his wife.
\nd thus it goes ! They will soon be putting
nuzzles on us.
A Texas man stole the clock out of a church
ind traded it for \vhiskey. That's a new
nethod of getting wet good on tick , or , more
> roperty on time.
Dan Stuart has _ again taken charge of C iron -
on City's advertising department.
No man ever gets a very good idea of how
L woman is dressed until she stands up.
Filings in district court , this week ,
ire : John H. Crook vs. R. E. Moore et
il. ; equitj * . Samuel Ball vs. Shelly-Rog-
! fs Co. ; equity. The McCook Ioan and i
Crust Co. vs. Robert W. Fowler et al. ;
iquity. Same vs. Frank J. Trask et al. ;
The St. Charles hotel over on West
Dennison street is being repaired and
trill be placed in condition to rent.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss.
At a county court , held at the county court
oem , in and for said county , January 16 , A. D.
901. Present , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In
he matter of the estate of Peter A. Brewer , de-
eased. On reading and filing the petition of
) ick P. Brewer , praying that administration of
aid estate may be granted to him as adminis-
rator. Ordered , that February 2nd , A. D. 1901 ,
t ten o'clock a. m. , is assigned for hearing said
etition , when all persons interested in said
latter may appear at a county court to be held
i and for said county , and show cause why the
rayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and
tiat notice of the pendency of said petition and
lie hearing thereof , be given to alf persons in-
srested in said matter by publishing a copy of
iis order in THE McCooK TKIBCNE. a weekly
ewspaper printed in said county , for three suc-
sssive weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
I true copy. ) [ SEAL ] G. S. BISHOP ,
1-13-3 County Judge.
If you want some
thing fine in
Persons who suffer from indigestion can not
expett to live l"tig , because they can not eat
the food required lo nourish the bodv and the
products ot the undigested foods they do eat
poison the blood. It is important to cure in
digestion as soon as possible , and the best
method of doing this is to use the preparation
known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests
what you eat and restores all the digestive or
gans to perfect health. McConnell & Merry.
That New Jersey man who spanked his
wife with n hot frying pan has introduced a
new innovation into domestic corrective
Now is the lime when croup and lung
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harm
less remedy that produces immediate results
is One Minut Cough Cure , It is very pleas
ant to take and cnn be relied upon to quickly
cure coughs , colds and all lung diseases. It
will prevent consumption. McLonnell &
A New York pnet sings : "In savage sleep
the maid xvns dressed ! " It is hoped she was
not exposed to a draught in these grippy days.
\ \ hen threatened by pneumonia or any other
lung trouble , prompt relief is necessary , as it
is dangerous to delay. We would suggest
that One Minute Cough Cure betaken as soon
as indications of having taken cold are no
ticed. It cures quickly and its early use pre
vents consumption. McConnell & Berry.
A newly discovered poet down in Alabama
bears the name Gitthair. and he no doubt
thinks he has the poetic feet upon which to
do so.
When the stomach is tired out it must have
a rest , but we can't live without food. , Kndol
Dyspepsia Cure "digests what you eat" so
that you can eat all the good food you want
whi-e it is restoring the digestive organs to
health. It is the only preparation that digests
all kinds of food. McConnell & Berry.
Perhaps the election officials through a
sense of neighborly consideration suppressed
the fact that Grover Cleveland received one
vote at Princeton , N. J.
Don't use any of the counterfeits of De-
Witi's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them are
worthless or liable to cause injury. The
original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a
certain cure for piles , eczema , cuts , scalds ,
liiirsn , sores and skin diseases. McConnell
& Berry.
Rev. Jorais Boodoo M aloof has just received
i call to a Boston pulpit where his name will
lie appreciated.
The merited reputation for curing piles ,
sores and skin diseases acquired by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve has led to the making of
: ounterfeits. Be sure to get only DeWitt's
Salve. McConnell & Berry.
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TKIII
JNK , we have made arrangements with the
Allowing newspapers and perodicals whereby
, ve can supply them in combination with THE
I'RIHUNE ot the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press Si oo Si 50
-eslie's Weekly 400 300
. 'raine Farmer I oo 175
Dhicago Inter-Ocean I oo 135
3incinnaii Enquirer. I oo 150
ew-York Tribune. 100 125
Demorest's Magazine I oo 175
I'oledo Blade I oo 125
Nebraska Farmer 100 150
qwa Homestead I oo 145
-incoln Journal I oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo 150
Jew-York World 100 165
DmahaBee I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine lee I oo
! t. Louis Republic i oo 175
Cansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and L'p- '
to-Date Farmer 5 ° l 25
Cansas City Journal , weekly. 25 I 15
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 406 4 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
apers published , at reduced rates. i G
THE TRIBUNE. McCook , Neb. ' j
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Mature in strengthening and recon-
tructing the exhausted digestive or-
ans. It is the latest discovereddigest-
uo . ad tonic. No other preparation
a ° -pproach it ia efficiency. It in
ly relievesand permanently cures
epsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
. .uleuce , Sour Stomach , Nausea-
ictc Headache , Gastralgia.Crampsand
11 other results of imperfect digestion.
rlceSOc. and $1. Large size contains 2& times
nail size. Book all about dyspepsiamailedf ree
prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO. . Chicago.
MeConnell & Berry , Druggists. a
A. Prominent Chicago Woman
Speaks ,
_ . ,
X IIUIll l/t * ! * i > V-i-/ f i * * ! > /f - - * .
fered with a severe cold this winter winch
threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried
different remedies but I seemed to grow worse
and the medicine upset mv stomach. A
friend advised me to try Chambcrlam.s Cough
Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take
and it relieved me at once. I am now entirely
recovered , saved a doctor's bill , time and suf
fering , and I will never be without this
splendid medicine again. " For sale by Me-
ConneJ ! Berry.
A boiling indignation against sin is no good (
if it stops short of making steam to do good
/ Second-Hand Goods Wanted-
All Hindu of
Upholstering Douu
D. W. V.CAGE ,
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Hank.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building :
Graduate from Iowa State
The Latest Improved methods In Dentistry
Over McConnell & Berry's.
nt of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of first National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar-
mteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
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Faylor assistant.
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j Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
' Phillips Building.
YlcCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
51 Special attention paid to
auliug furniture. Leave orders i
fc either lumber yard. > ' !
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