The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 11, 1901, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
honorably and ably filled every public
station approaching the U. S. senator-
ship and he would give a good account
of himself in that position , by the same
MR. BRYAN confess that Nebraska
pops look so much like democrats that
you cannot tell them apart. This is the
result of natural laws. It has always
been noted that in happy marriages ,
husband and wife finish by resembling
each other. Despite their little family
jars the marriage of the pops and demo
crats in Nebraska has been measurably
happy. The twain were evidently made
for each other.
ONE of the strangest of the phenom-
eua noted in Cuba by General Wood is
the large immigration from Spain which
during the past year has exceeded sixty
thousand. But it is still more strange
that these new settlers fresh from Spain ,
where Uncle Sam is perhaps hated more
intensely than anywhere else in Europe ,
are almost unanimously in favor of an
nexation to the United State * , preferring
the stars and stripes to a flag of their
own. Journal.
TUB friends of Donne college will re
joice to learn from the special report of
the endowment committee that success
has attended the campaign to place the
finances of the institution on a sound
basis. A large amount of money bus
been needed to pay off old debts nn-l to
keep up the running expenses , but the
money has been furnished together with
enough in addition to increase the en
dowment of the college to $ [ 50.000
The full extent of this victory for Doane
college will be understood when the re
port is read and it is seen just how much
money has been required to bring about
the present satisfactory situation The
college has been doing faithful and
efficient work in the cause of higher ed
ucation in Nebraska for
nearly thirty
years. It is a cause for general congrat
ulation among the school people of the
state as well as among the supporters of
the Congregational church , that Doane
college has been strengthened and stim
ulated to so marked an extent by this
successful campaign for
an increased en
dowment. Lincoln Journal.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday-school at 2:30 p. in.
All are cordially welcome.
RKV. J. W. HlCKKY , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10.
Preaching at n. Junior League at 3.
Epworth League at 7. Preaching at 7:45.
Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening
at 7:30. All are welcome.
L. M. GRIGS BY , Pastor.
SOUTH McCoOK M. E. Sunday-school
at 3 p. m. Preaching , Sunday evenings ,
at 7:30. Prayer-meeting , every Thursday
evening at 7:30. All are welcome.
T. G. GODWIN , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Services during summer :
Sunday-school at 10. Evening prayer
and sermon every Sunday at 8 o'clock.
Sunday morning service , also Friday
evening Litany , discontinued until fur
ther notice. Holy communion to be an
nounced. HOWARD STOY , Rector.
CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 and 7:30. Christian En
deavor at 6:30 : p. m. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening. All are invited.
Morning subject , "A Forward Look. "
J. W. WAI.KER , Pastor
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at n a. m. by Rev. George
Scott. Union young people's meeting
at 6:45 Pm - and union temperance
meeting at 7:30 p. in. in the Methodist
church. Prayer-meeting nt 8 o'clock ,
Wednesday evening.
Rev. D. L. McBride and family left
CambridgeWednesdayfor Blue Springs ,
Neb. , where they will locate. Cam
bridge Clarion , January 4th.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching at n. Y. P. S. C. E. at
6:45. Preaching at 7:30. Prayer-meeting ,
Wednesday evening , at 7:30. All are
welcome. Morning subject , "The Per
sonality of God. " Union temperance
meeting at the Methodist church.
Union Young Peoples' meeting at the
Methodist church , 6:45. :
W. J. TURNER , Pastor. are now in progress
in South McCook. Song and prayer
services at 7:30 p. in. ; followed by preach
ing at 8. Rev. Stone is assisting in the
meeting. All are welcome.
Rev. W. H. White has gone to Alma ,
Rev. L. M. Grigsby has been assisting
in a revival meeting over in Kansas , this
Rev. G. L. White of the Baptist church
has been called east by the serious illness
of his mother.
The closing meeting of the week of
prayer will be a union temperance meet
ing in the Methodist church , Sunday
evening next.
Its subjects preach and practice two
cardinal truths : First , believe in Christ
to the salvation of your own soul. They
do not make two bites to that cherry.
They believe that when Christ saves a
man he is saved and that if saved , his
life in disposition and conduct will show
it by growing in the grace of the know
ledge of Jesus Christ.
Second , work to save your brother.
They take no stock in any man's salva
tion or profession of salvation , no matter
how orthodox his creedif , he won't work
to save his fellow man.
It is our custom as we near the close of each season to round up and clear out
everything that belongs to that season. 1st , We need the room for the new
spring goods. 2nd , We want the money to turn over during the coming season
instead of lying dead on the shelves. 3rd , We want to lighten stock for our
annual inventory which occurs February 1st. For all these reasons we now
proceed to SMASH THE PRICES on all winter goods. Not on a few items as a
pretense , but on all winter goods. Notice the few prices quoted below and act
accordingly * * +
Ladies' Flannel Shirt Waists.
1 23 all wool black and navy flannel waists now S9c
1 50 red flannel waists with black braiding now 99c
1 75 red & blue flannel waists handsomely braided now 1 15
2 2.1 scalloped lap front waists red or blue now 1 50
These are the celebrated perfect fitting "Ideal" Waists.
5 75 largo thick uray blankets fine wool now 4 25
4 75 gray all wool blankets now 349
3 25Buell Mills blankets now 2 49
2 00 wool mixed blankets now i 49
1 65 wool mixed blankets now i 19
1 25 large cotton blankets now S9c
And so on down to Ste a pair.
Knit Goods.
40c fine ice wool fascinators small now * 25c
OOc fine ice wool fascinators medium now 39c
frOc ice wool fascinators largo 49c
65c Saxony wool fascinators large now 43c
35c Sasony wool fascinators medium now 23c
25c Saxony wool fascinators small now 19c
Ladies' Capes.
425 heavy bouclc capo with additional top cape fur-
? - > ? - trimmed now ' 2 50
5 75 heavy kersey cape self trimmed now 3 50
7 50 embroidered plush cape beaded now 4 50
Ladies' Mittens.
loc double yarn mittens now lOc
25c double yarn mittens now 19c
35c double yarn mittens now 25c
40c double mercerized yarn mittens now 25c
65c double silk mittens now 49c
50c fur top kid mittens now 39c
Fur Muffs.
1 75 river mink muffs now 1 25
2 00 electric seal muffs now 139
3 00 monkey muffs now 1 99
4 00 electric seal muffs now 2 69
6 50 nutria beaver muffs now 3 99
Fur Scarfs.
1 75 black coney with bunch of tails now 1 00
3 25 olettric seal , with bunch of tails now 1 99
4 50 sable and stone martin with bunch of tails now 2 99
Ladies' Jackets ,
3 75 heavy gray melton Jackets now 2 50
5 ( X ) heavy black beaver jackets now 3 50
7 00 hctavy tan Venetian cloth jackets now 4 50
I 9 50 heavy melton and beaver cloth jackets now 5 50
12 00 heavy kersey jackets now 6 50
Every oiie of them this fall's latest and most approved
Children's Jackets.
1 50 good cloth jackets now 1 15
2 50 good melton jackets now i 50
3 35 braided melton reefer jackets now 2 2.1
4 00 braided and fur trimmed jackets now „ 2 75
All sizes from 4 yrs to 12 years.
Fur Collarettes.
Marshall , Field & Co.'s make.
3 00 black sheared coney now i 99
3 75 black sheared coney now 2 69
5 ( X ) electric seal with tails now : 3 69
6 00 electric seal yoke sable cape now 3 99
7 00 electric seal and monfiloon now 4 50
S 50 electric seal yoke monkey cape now 5 50
Ladies' Union Suits.
35c Egyptian ribbed fleece-lined now 23c
50c Egyptian or grey ribbed fleece-lined now 39c
65c Egyptian or grey ribbed fleece-lined now 44c
1 00 Egyptian or grey ribbed fleece-lined now 75c
1 75 all-wool ribbed fleece-lined now 123
Children's Union Suits.
25cgrey ribbed fleece-lined now I9c
35c grey ribbcid fleece-lined now 23c
50cgrey rjbbed fleece-lined now 39c
65c grey ribbed fleece-Hned now 45c
75cgrey ribbed fleece-lined now 55c
Ladies' Vest and Pants.
25cgrey ribbed vest and pants now 19c
35cgrey ribbed vest and pants now 23c
SOcgrey ribbed vest and pants now 39c
50c heavy fleece-lined vest and pants now 39c
85c grey wool mixed ribbed vest and pants now 55c
1 00 grey all wool ribbed vest and pants now 75c
Men's Underwear.
3Sc heavy fleece-lined shirts and drawers now 27c
50c heavy fleece-lined shirts and drawers now 39c
75c grey merino shirts and drawers now 55c
1 00 grey merino shirts and drawers now 75c
1 23 heavy all wool fleeced shirts and drawers now 90c
1 50 heavy all wool grey shirts and drawers now 1 15
2 00 flue merino shirt and drawers knit seams now 1 50 ,
Men's Duck Blanket Lined Coats.
S3c well lined good grade duck now 75c
1 25 better lined better grade duck now i,1c
1 50 cojdnroy collar slicker interlined now 115
2 50 triplex cloth extra heavy coats now 1 75
4 00 men's ulster of triplex cloth now 2 50
S5c boys' duck cpats brass buttons now 59c
1 2.1 boys' rubber lined coats now 90c
English Losses In South Africa.
The British war office admits the loss
of 40,000 men , exclusive of those in hos
pitals and those .who were invalided
home. Now what is the number of
these ? The British governnient is silent
on that point , hut we are told that about
100,000 men garrison the territory oc
cupied. Roberts has 30,000 men for of
fensive operations ; the admitted losses
are 40,000 , thus making a total of 170,000.
The number sent to South Africa WHS
according to official statement , 220,000.
Where are the missing 50,000 ? There is
but one conclusion : Great Britiun has
already lost forty per cent of the army
raised for this war or about 90,000. If
the Boers know this , then it is not as-
touishing that they refuse to give up the
struggle , for they are still the real victors
despite their reverses. England must
continue to send troops or her army by
next April will have melted away to such
an extent that it is no longer a match for
the burghers. Truly the latter have
staggered humanity. The Literary Di
gest , October 20 , 1900. 4
$500 For Letters About Nebraska.
The Burlington Route offers twenty
prizes , aggregating $500 , for letters
which can be used in encouraging immi
gration to Nebraska.
The first prize is a round-trip ticket
from any Burlington Route station in
Nebraska to Yellowstone park , and a
complete trip through the park , includ
ing stage transportation and five and a
half days' accommodation at the hotels
of the Yellowstone Park association
value $100.
The second prize is a ticket to Denver ,
thence to the Black' Hills , and $25 in
cash value $75.
Particulars can be obtained by address
ing J. Francis , G. P. A , , Burlington
Route , Omaha , Neb. 1-4-913.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook post-office , Jan. 6 , 1901 :
Mr. Edie Lawthers , John W. Adair ,
Mrs. Ida Miller , George Dunleesm ,
Miss Anna Paul , Wni.Mary Edwards ,
Mr. H. C. Ryan , M. B.Frost ,
Mr. Reyes White , Mrs. John Hurst ,
Dr. C. E. Williams.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KlMMELL , Postmaster.
New Club Officers.
The election of officers and directors
of the McCook Athletic club , on the eve
ning of the 4th , resulted in the selection
of G. W. Norris , president ; J. A. Bing-
haui , vice-president ; C. C. Northrup ,
secretary ; L. C. Dole , treasurer ; J. N.
Purvis , librarian. The club also elected
eight new members at the session.
Men's Pantaloons. _ _ ft lif
4 00 heavy Scotch cassimere now 2 73 4F ni
5 ( HI corkscrew4 fancies and mixtures 3 M * S {
6 00 flue heavy satin worsteds now 4 2. ) gi _ u
27.1 pairs to select from.
Boys' and Girls' Underwear. * * " *
10c camel's hair vests now
20c of any style now , -
23c of any style now I15 ; Sfa hi
35c of any style now 23c > W an
40c of any style now'c ffk
5 styles or grades in stock. > |
Men's Gloves and Mittens. vp
10c felted yarn mittens now r'C fffo wl
15c heavy fleeced yarn mittens now 10c jj c ] ,
25c double thick yarn mittens now 19c fffr r-
50c lined calf.-kin mittens now ' . 39c W
75c lined horseliido mittens now - " > c 0J v1
1 00 lined buckskiu mittens now , 75c ff sir
50c 1 jned kid mittens now 39c x % gr
50c lined kid gloves now 39c w an
Sole agents celebrated Phoenix gloves. * &
Young1 Men's Suits , Clothing : .
Only in sizes 33 , 31,33 and 36. _ _ J0i rai
12 ( X ) all-wool sujts now 7,73 % S ne :
13 00 all-wool suits now * " > ft. ] y
15 ( X ) all-wool suits now ' . ' 73 -
As good as tailor-made.
ff ev
Young : Men's Overcoats. JL an
Only in sizes 34 , 35 and 37. vff no
9 00 diagonal worsted coats now 5 50 g ± , _ .
10 W ) Melton coats now 6 00 * *
12 50 Melton coats now 8 50
16 50 ne wide Wales coats 11 50 / ' !
Shrunk goods , fine tailored. fffo It
Ladles' Shawls pn
at two-thirds regular prices.
Men's Sox.
13c half-wool sox now He
23c all-wool sox now 19c
50c gray cashmere sox now 33c
13c fleece-lined sox now . 9c
Hosiery. .
25cladies' all-wool hose now 19c ff c
25c ladies' fleece-lined hose now 19c 2K cj
20c ladies' fleece-lined hose now 14c % f
Men's Sweaters. f toi
63c very heavy blue and wine now 49c
1 00 extra wool mixed now 75c
Men's Knit Overshirts.
39c lace front shirts now 29c
65c heavy blue shirts now 49c
Ladies'Wrappers. 9 sh
1 00 flannelette wrappers now S3c C Scl
1 25 flannelette wrappers heavier now 100 2 Ur
1 50 flannelette wrappers with flounce now 115 % 9 Ca
jr %
lOc vicugna flannelettes now iytc
6c indigo blue prints now 5c
6c robe prints now 5c V pr
6Hc check ginghans now 3c f\ Tni
A good 36 in. musliu for 4' c y ,
Some black brocaded dress skirts of factory make for. . .99c e
X Ge
24 in. Turkft-red hdfs now 7 for 25 % ff Br
Best quality table oil cloth now ] 4c
A good quality floor oil cloth now I9c
Anall _ wool stocking yarn per lb now 35c .
Children's rubbers now 23c
1 00 velvet rugs now 73c
1 75 velvet rugs now 1 : ! i
2 25 velvet rugs now 169 K .
REMEMBER : This is all clean , new , carefully selected merchandise , the regular prices upon which are far below competition. At these reduced Ea No
prices the factories themselves cannot compete. EaVi
N. B. Cut out these lists and put in pocket for reference wherever you price g-oods , and come to us for best fitting- and most satisfactory goods. Int Ba
McCOOK , NEB. Jiif Rei
make a fellow wish he could have
his summer's wages to spend over
again. s ss ? He knows that among
other things he wouldn't forget to
lay in a good supply of Winter Un
derwear , and a little investigation
would determine that Mis purchase
could be made only at "Honest
John's" = = if he considered his own
interests. % g ss But it don't take
much money to get a fine thing in
our Underwear ; you should see the
selection before you buy.
We have Underwear to suit every
taste , and from the cheapest gar
ment to the highest in price , it is
the best that can be procured any =
where for the money. SK& $ ; ; s Come
in and see the goods and we will
quote you prices that will "jar" you.
Help is needed at once when a person's
fe is in clanger. A neglected cou h or cold
ay ; soon become serious and should be
opped ( _ at once. One Minute Couijli Cure
.lickly cures coughs and colds and the worst
ises of croup , bronchitis , grippe and other
iroat and lung troubles. McCcur.e" v' 'Jerry.
A Chicago policeman has resigned because
s : duties interferred with his attending church
id Wednesday night prayer meetings.
Daughter ! )
Many persons have had the experience of
r. Peter Sherman of North Stratford , N. 11. ,
ho says , "For years I suffered torture from
ironic indigestion , but Kodol Dyspepsia
ure made a well man of me. " It digests
hat you eat and is a certain cure for dyspep-
a and every form of stomach trouble. It
ves relief at once even in the worst cases , |
id can't help but do you good. McConnell j
Berry. !
A Kentucky minister who was a breeder of
ce horses has gone into bankruptcy. Holij j
ss and horses will never hitch harmonious- (
McConnell & Berry , druggists , guarantee j
ery bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I
id will refund the money to anyone who is [
satisfied after two-thirds of the
t using - con-
nts. This is the best remedy in the world
r la grippe , coughs , colds , croup and whoop-
g cough and is pleasant and safe to take ,
prevents any tendency of a cold to result in
Disease and danger lurk in the vital organs.
The liliicid become * vitiated and the generi'
health is undermined whenever the stomach
and liver fail to perform their functions as
nature intended. Ilerbine will tone up the
stomach , regulate the liver , where other preparations -
arations only relieve. Price , 50 cents. A.
Cards are out announcing the duke of Man
chester's Lull pup's entree into Cincinnati
Praise the bridge that carries you over
either a flood wr cough. I5allard's Ilorehound
Syrup has brought io many over throat and
lung troubles , such as coughs , colds , bron
chitis , etc. , that its praises are sung every
where. Price , 25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Alfred Austin fired a poem after the nine
teenth century. It's a darned mean man that
will kick a century when its down !
When you need a soothing and healing-
antiseptic application for any purpose , use
the original DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve , a
well known cure for piles and skin diseases.
It heals sores without leaving a scar. Beware
of counterfeits. McConnell & Berry.
Many of our prayers are from fear and no }
of faith.
Quality and not quantity makes DeWitt'.s
Little Early Risers such \aluable little liver
RECAPITULATION , Sbowing tbe amount on band July i , 1900 , the colleens
> ns since made , warrants redee'med , and amount remaining on band at the
sse of tbe 3tst day of December , 1900 , in each and all of the several funds and
counts of O. L. Thompson , Treasurer of Red Willow County , Nebraska ,
Aether with the total amounts of the several items stated.
form School
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Idiprs Relief .
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illow Grove Precinct .
lianola Precinct .
rtley Village Bond .
rtley ; Village .
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unty Insane .
demption Tax Sale .
dement School District 17.
ch School .
Cook City Bond .
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scial School District 16
nk Interest .
scellaneous fees .
Transferred to the County
Amount on
hand last
4:57 : 79
42 06
7:5 : .VJ
102 SO
. " 507 79
25J 39
7 2f M >
: i ! J7 : a
520 7
Kit 41
7 a9 W
H 4H > 93
t 312 09
6 237 75
7fi 89
622 la
7. % 65
121 o :
334 421
575 71
42 9.1
$60 , S79 73
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S 1 3S2 50
206 te
29S 73
1 56
1 (1
J 363 16
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620 26
Oln 47
1 131 W
ft 17
122 2.V
13 OTO 32 !
1 230 5l !
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2J3 67
1 76
143 20
- , 10
19 li
101 ' .
1 : 3 i7
65 16
5 Oil CO
273 41
40 13
6i9 WJ
260 3a
S 613 55
$ 2 020 29i
16b 70 ;
2 * ) 44' '
{ ( ) ! 35 ;
13' '
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1 Oi2 75 ,
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001 69l
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4 537 76 §
C ( H ) 9.l !
n I oi :
871 t > > !
152 241
2 Ot > l 5Si
1:9 22J
33 07 !
5 : w ; 02
719 59
2 7 >
1 ( Xh 69
21 :
5 0
' 7 4 ! < 3 2-
S 1 t43 32
133 09
21)7 ) 42
2Sb 81
1 12
1 12
6-37 93
79.1 59
S 29t 15
3 212.53
276 : i >
1 013 49
1 7I J3J
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'f-ftl 60
* I31 iO
: MI 2
xe 5.1
-0 )
117 7s
1 977 : fc
133 5
5 63
.1 risj ai
575 71
* > 70 i
9 W
260 3S
.Se2 12"
on Hand
17 67
.T 61
73 Ul
112 71
113 49
237 16
3 36.1 20
1 391 51
10 312 ( jJ
131 7 ;
G17 ! !
177 19
119 75
13 197 22
J 237 31
4 hi
6 31s 40
SI 09
3t 46
o7 15
35 63
1 COS 69
21 3S
332 610 . ' a