IN" every county of the civilized world the Sisters of the Good Shepherd are known.ot only do they minister tothespiritual and intellectual needs of Ihe charges committed to their care , but they also minister to their bodity needs. With so many children io take care of nnd toprotectfromclimate and disease , these wise and prudent Sisters have foundPeruna a never-failing-safeguard. Columbus , 0. , July 10,1900. The Peruna Medicine Co. . City : Gentlemen "A number of years Ago our attention was called to Dr. Hart- man's Peruna , and since then we have used it with wonderful results for grip , coughs , colds , and catnrrlial diseases of the head and stomach. "For grip and winter catarrh espe- ciallj" it has been of great service to the inmates of this institution. " Sisters of the Good Shepherd. The following letter is from Con gressman Meekison , of Napoleon , Ohio : Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal. Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup , Whooping-Cough. Bronchitis , Grippe and Consumptiou. Quick , Mtre icsults. Dr.Bull's Pills cure Constipation. SO pills lOc. [ Thompson's Eye Water. ? or Top Prices Ship Your G A 31 V. A X I > Jl * O U L. T It V To Headquarter * < 3. W. IcUrii t Company. Bailer , l-Ego , Veal. HldcK and t'nn. Foratoe Onions in Ctrlond Lots. Omaha , NEW DISCOVERY , pivcs qumkrellcrandcurc'iworfct Book of tCRtlmunlals imd 10 HATS' treatment FUEL1. DR. H. II. CKFE.V3 SONS , lioi I1 , Atlanta , Gt. Ttic ft&ST im GKIGKS , from afrav fnll ofcBars. That's what you \i ant and that's what you pet v. 1th the Sure Hatch 3incubator , , _ Thousands In ; . Send for handsome frco catalogue containing 100 poultry raising TJCWS. 8uro Hatch Incubator Co. , Clay Center , Aeb. WANTEI > Men or Women , Town or Country. SOMETHING NEW. Write a once. Address C. P. & L. CO. , Caxton Bd ! ; . . Chicago , IIL WITHTENDAY'SFREEWCAHIKQ i TRIAL " your own home , wo furnish' the penuino ar < ! only HEIDLLBEKU ALTCltt'AT- UvQCLKUESTiaiCTlUCKKLT3 to any reader of this paper. So zcocrj la advance ; t MI 1017 Witsposlllrc * ' .rantee. COSTS ALMOST NOmlNQ compared trith most all other treatments. Cures whca all oiatr clce trie tclU , sppllanccs nnri rcnrdlrc fall. QUICK CURE for morethanSOailmcntK. ONLYbCOSCUKE lor allnervou * UspasCR. weaknesses and disorders. For complete cealcd confidential cutalofOlf mt Ihli id cnt and mail to us. SEARS , ROEBUCK & CO. , Chicago. BY YOUR The Jftoddard Illus- tratcd 4,0 do This work lias had an enormous sale ; sold 011 easy payment- . 1 Geo. Lf. Shuman < & Co. 315 Dearborn Streetfc Chicago IN 3 OR 4 YEARS ASSURED If you take up your I homes in Western Can ada. the land of plenty. Illustrated pamphlets. I pix-inR exponenres of if aimers who have be come wealthy in grow / ing wheat , report * of , i- I delegates , etc. , and full inioiuiu jo ! . aVto iwuuced railway rates can be had on application to the Superintendent of &MoVDep Canada , or to M. \ . Bennett , tOl .N. i. Blue. , Omaha , Xeb. Best CoYph Syrup. TaateaGood. I _ > The Peruna Mei' * Gentlemen I ha\u UM.-U MX J ! bottles tles of Peruna and feel greatly bene fited thereby from my catarrh of the head , and feel encouraged to believe that its continued use will fully eradicate a disease of thirty years' standing. David Me eld son. Dr. nartman , one of the best known physicians and surgeons in the United States , Congressman was the first man Meekison. to formulate Pc- rti-na. It was through his genius and perseverance that it was introduced to the medical profession of this country. Send to f he Pe-ru-na Drug Manufactur ing Company , Columbus. Ohio , for c free book written bvDr.ITartman. Ambition is often but another name for happiness , work and disappoint ment. C. H. Crsbtrec , ! > < ? > Moiiies. Iowa , -will on rcqucs czplatn all about ihc M.idlator Gold-Mining com pany ; extreme ! } Interesting ; write me. Tt is not what we are but what people ple think we are that counts in this life. TO CURK A CO&D IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE BHO.MI QDINIBE TABLETS. All 1riK i t < * refund the money M it Tails to cure. i , . YV. viroveS s > ipnature is on the box. 25c. That the only good Indians are dead Indians , does not apply to the Indian only. $148 will buy new Upright piano on easy payments. Write for catalogues. Schvnoller & Mueller , Iol3 Farnain street , Omaha. Keep your bedroom window open all night. Education is composed of little things. Garfield Tea has permanently cured countles-'s cases of chronic constipation. and many diseases aiisin ? from a clogged system ; it cleanses the system and purl- lies the blood. Hit a block with a C..D and it's shinny ; hit a head and its felony. A TipnrouR groivtli nnd the orlqlnol color given to thehttlrbyPAEKEB's , HAIRBALSOI. llixij HCor.Ns , the best cure for corns. IScts. Watch the three D's drinking water damp , and drains. LOSS OF MEMORY i often derived from an unlocked for scarce the Kidneys. Odorous urine or that vrliich scalds or stains is an in fallible proof that you are progressing to\vards Bright's Disease or one of the other forms o Kidney Trouble all of v.'hich are fatal if permitted to grow worse. reward will be paid for a ras-c of luick.iclic , nor\onsnchs. sleei > - lessi.ets , weakness , loss of vi tality , Incipient kidney. Madder and tniuary disorders , that uti- not be cured by MORROWS ttc > srcat Scicntil'o discovery for shattered nerves acd thin Impoverished blood. NE RA.SKA A2JX ) IOWA people cured , by KI6 > ne-olds. In writing : them please enclose stamped addressed envelope. Mr * . Lilly Pratt. 1010 U St. Lincoln. Xeb. Mr . Kolit. Henderson , W. Market St. , Ueatrice , Xtb. Mr. II. I * . Small. 1S10 Ohio St. . Omaha. Neb. William Zimmonain. 2S1Z White St. , Dubuque. 1'rank IlsiiUnd St. . Knst Dnbnque. XIF * . Kintia Ilanmclc. C20 luth St. . Dubuqne. X D. Xaplc. SI * Iowa St4 , Dnbuijus. Sorrow's Kid-ne-oids are not pills , but Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty cents a box at drug stores. JOKK MORROW & CO. , CHEMISTS , Springfield , 0. The King's ' Prisoner , BY JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN. { Copyrighted , 1900. by Dally Story Pub. Co. ) H was a cold December day , 174C , In the relgu of his gracious majesty , George II. Yorkshire is bleak in win ter and I remember well how bitterly the wind howled about Moor House that day of days. I sat idle at a win dow In my own particular wing o the old manor. My gaze was out on the wide moor , buc iry thoughts were far away in London. Lord ! What a farrago rage were those same thoughts. For I was but a girl and a beauty , and I had just returned from the gayeties of a London season. St. James' , the Mall , Vauxhall , the whirl of fashion and frivolity , adulation , wholesale con quest and not a man among all the dandies to touch a maiden's heart. Bah ! Better far the keen winds of the woodlands and the dullness of an ancestral home. And yet there was one was he fop and fashion plate like the rest ? At this precise point I awoke from my day dreams and found that I was watching a little group of horsemen headed towards Moor House. As I watched them with idle curiosity , a Hash of wintry sunlight brought' out the gleam of red. "Soldiers ! " I thought , and now 1 gazed with real in terest , wondering what was their er rand at the manor. Presently I could a a that one of the riders in the cen ter of the group wore no red. Soon they came clattering into the stable yard , and then I saw that he was a prisoner. His hands were tied and his feet were bound under the belly of his horse. Forthwith I sent my maid to find who was the prisoner and what was the errand of the troopers at Moor House , and presently she returned with mouth agape to tell me that the pris oner was a most desperate and violent adherent of Prince Charlie , being con veyed to the Tower. The captain of the troopers had gone in to my father to ask leave to billet his men at the . "Lady Bess , why have you done this thing ? " manor for the night. Now , my father Jwas Hanoverian to the backbone ; so Jl knew that the captain's request 'would be granted as a matter of [ course. And so it proved ; for when I went down to dinner my lord presented to me Captain Huntly. And Captain tluntly , quite the town dandy and inan of fashion , made his best leg and quite gallantly expressed his happi- tness over the honor of being presented ( to so famous a beauty as Lady Bess JHeriot. ) After dinner , finding the captain { dull , I left the two men to their cards , and had the sergeant of the troopers | sent in to me. The poor man was Iquite overcome by the magnificence of any presence , and scarce managed to make intelligent answers to my ques tions about the prisoner. He was young , he said ; scarce more than a boy , yet he was a most dangerous plotter and exceedingly skilled in the use of the sword. 'Twos certain that he had stood high in the councils of the Pretender ; indeed , so valuable were the secrets he held that the King was determined to have them at any cost. "A dangerous rebel , " said I. "Then he is for a long imprisonment in the Tower" "No , your Leddyship , " replied he. "He will be but questioned at the Tow er ; then he goes to Tyburn Tree. " "What , " cried I , "they will hang him ? " . "Aye , " he answered , grimly. "He is a most contumacious varlet. He has been offered pardon , if he would betray - tray his friends and he has chosen death. " "And what's his name , sergeant ? " said I. 'Walter Lennox is the name he's * known by , your Leddyship , but 'tis said there is some mystery about him. " I Heavens ! I knew the man. Thrice had I met him in London , a dandy among dandies , masquerading under a cloak of fashion and frivolity. Yet f I had suspected the masquerade. He was the one I had guessed might be a man. " cc My heart swelled within me for the c pity of it , but I kept my face under the eyes of the keen old sergeant and 1 ] agreed with him that so hardened a. wretch would be well punished. And I .announced that S finally I would see the desperate villain. The sergeant , nothing loth to exhibit his prisoner , and flattered by my interest , made C ready a lantern and with Mistress 1' ' Molly , I followed him to the coach v room where a sentry stood watchful u at the door , his bayonet gleaming , r They threw open the door and thrust in the "lantern. I b The prisoner lay in some straw , his ' 2 hands and fee ; bound with rope. At | & our coming lie sat up and blinked for ' t < a moment at the lantern's light , li/en he lifted up his chin and looked at me. Tlierc was quick recognition in his eyes. Instantly veiled ; then fol lowed a full , direct gaze. Ah , the power of that look ! Something like a flame seemed to leap into my breast and for once it was Bess Heriot's eye that quailed and dropped. My knees went weak , but I kept my countenance. "Lord , sergeant ! " cried I in my most affected London drawl , "what an ar rant rebel it is. Sure the rogue is dangerous. Take me away. " . * c. At 2 of the clock in the morning I led him Into the kitchen where a bright fire was burning on the hearth and food and wine stood on the dresser. And coming into the light we stopped to look. Ragged he was and ill- dressed , half-starved and trembling with the cold , but brave and bright and unshaken. Gone was the masque of the dandy , but he was handsome as he never was in coat and wig and powder. And I bore his scrutiny un- ilinching , being in a kitchen maid's gown and hooded and cloaked , with a smutty face to cap it. "Zur , " said I , hitting off to the life the kitchen maid whose clothes I wore , "don't 'ee waste time. Hast none long to bide. Fill stomach and warm bones. " But to my astonishment , instead of going down on his knee and hailing me as his preserver , he burst out into a laugh and vowed he would not touch a mouthful until I told him how his escape had been effected. So I went on , secure in my disguise : "Ladyzhip have a-brought it about. Ladyzhip zays to me zays zhe : 'Wench , come quiet to kitchen wi' your zweet'eart , Joe Gamekeeper , for I've a-got a need o' 'ee for what I mind to do. An' zhe telled Joe to zaddle grey hunter food an' spirits an' pistols in the bags an' a big cloak an' to wait behin' orchard wall. An' Ladyzhip zays to me , zays zhe , 'Zentry have a-got much zpirits in heaself. Take lanthorn under zhawl an' zlip all unbeknown through passage to cellar under coach house puzh up trap door quiet like cut ropes an' bring rebel rogue to kitchen. Give 'ee this purse o * gold for him. Tell him mount Grey Hunter an' ride for life. If he have a-goa 'cart of a vly 'ee'll go free. ' " With that I laid the purse down on the dresser. But he made no move to I take and clapped his hands softly , saying it was as good as a play , and | then fell to eating. | "Zur , " said I , "vy did 'ee zcov.'l zo. Wast droamin' of zweet'eart , likes ? " "Xay , " said he , "no time have I had for swcothearting. But I dreamed of a maid I saw in London. In my dream she was kind , but you waked me to re member that in the flesh she had de nied me and called me 'arrant rebel , ' and so r scowled. " "Fair , wuz zhe , zur ? " I asked. "The toast of London town , " he said , "but scatter-brained and with a tem ' per. " And then he laughed. The impudent rogue ! I said no more till he had finished. And then the audacious fellow came up close and said , with a wonderful dancing light in his eye , but with his lips sweet and sober : "Now. Lady Bess Heriot , with many thanks for your food and wine and fire your humble servant is ready to go back to his straw and his dreams. " "Lord ! I was that taken aback I just stood and stared at him. And he went on gravely and soberly : "Your worshipful father , you see , has given billet for tonight to this cap tain , and to free his prisoner attaints him and his of treason. I cannot accept freedom at such a price to to my friends. " With that he made a grand bov/ and stood waiting my answer. Alas ! I know he spoke the truth , but I burst out on him with a torrent of reproaches and asservations that the Heriots had naught to fear from such a cause. Methinks I must have made too light of it , for he drew off cold and distant. But he answered : "Madame , I would I could accept your estimate of my value as a pris oner , but I know what I know and 'tis trouble for you all sore trouble. " "But , lad , " I cried , " 'tis Tyburn Tree else. " "I know , " said he gravely. But there was no sign of flinching in him. And then I forgot all my fine airs and begged him not to throw his young life away aye , I pleaded with him with tears. "Lady Bess , why have you clone this thing ? " he asked me finally , holding me with his pye. And I could not say a word , nor could I take my eyes away , and in turn he said nothing , but gazed at me stead fastly a long time. "I cannot die on Tyburn Tree now , " he said finally. "I will to France and there send word. If you find the price too heavy , send word in time and I will return. And anyway , will return some day. " With that the audacious young rebel , still in the shadow of death , threw off his soberness and laughing like a boy for sheer joy of being cast on the floor my kitchen maid's cloak and heedless of the smut took me in his arms and covered my face and lips with kisses. For a minute I fought him ; then all my anger and pride oozed out of mo and I gave him back kiss for kiss. Then he loosed me and without a word strode out into the night. Beloiijjs to Husband's Family. [ From the time of her betrothal a j Chinese girl belongs to the family of j her prospective husband , and often ' when her own family is poor or feels j unable to afford keeping her until she ' reaches a marriageable age , she is sent ' even while a mere child to her hiio- band's family to be raised by tlK-m. Even when she stays at home sh ° wor ships not the tablets of her own ances tors , but those of her hushir.d's. For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. Some people think it Is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all. A HIGH MARK. The New York Almanac for 1001. Is sued by dins. 11. Fletcher of New York City , has set a blRh mark for similar publications during tlio ww century. nn l / Khows remarkable enterprise on the part ! of the publisher when wtconslder that It is Intended bolcly for ftee distribution. The numerous publications of this char acter arc usually Cotton tin with the sln- Kle Idea of cheapness while the thought of expense has certainly been set aside In the case pf the Now York Alm.inac. The artistic coloring of the cover , the accuracy ol Its calendars and Its fund of Information all go to make It well worthy of perusal and preservation. It has in numerable hints for mothers as to the care ot children. A unique JUKC is the "Baby's Itccord" page , which Is In blank , to bo tilled In with baby's name , little of birth , cut llrst tooth , etc. The whole is a very creditable pteCO Of woik and may be procured at any drug store or direct on io < juest , free. Taxes are like hurdles , you fall on them if you can't jump them. IJon't Got Footsore ! ( Jot A certain cure for Swollen , SmartIng - Ing , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder. Cures Frost-bites and Chilblains. At all Druggists and Shoo Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allor. S. Olmsted. LcRoy. N. Y. How weary the shoulders of the c self-thought Atlases must be ? Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the world. When a .sure-thing man takes an other in out of the rain it is apt to be a questionable transaction. How's Tills ? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars reward fora'iy case of Catarrh that cauuoi bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. F. .1. CHENEY & CO. . Props. . Toledo. O. We , the undct.signed , have known F. .1 Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in allbusinesstninsactlon-s and llnanclally able to carry out any obliga tions made by their llrrn. West & Truax. Wholesale Dni Kists , Toledo. O. : Walding , Kinnan & . Marvin. Wholesale Drujrsists , Toledo , Ohio. Hall'sOntarrh Cure is taken internally , act- tng direct , v upon thebloodandmucoussurftjces of the system. Testimonials sent free. 1'rleo I5c per bottle. Sold by all c'i-uj'Bists. Hall' ; , Family I'ills are ino beat. i Before the bud becomes a rose it must arise. Pico's Cuic is the best medicine ivc ever used for all alections of the throat and lunns. V/ii. i O. E.NDSLEY. Vanburea. Itid. . Feb. 10.190V. In Prussia an income tax is levic'l on all whose income exceeds $225 a year. If you have m' or Tiprd Carfir-ld Tr > a , the original borb medicine , pemi to the Garfield - field Ton. Co. , Brooklyn. N. Y. . for FIIEE SAMPLE. Carfiehl Tea euros. An old bachelor says that a widow will jump at an offer of marriage quicker than she will at a mouse. Dyspepsia Is the bane of the human ayctpm. I-rotcc't yourself apalnst its riivutfc * by the use of Bceman'c , Pepsin Uum. Do not have your bedstead against the wall. THE CHANGEOF UFE , Is the most important period in a wo man's e.vistcnce. Owinto modern methods of living' , not DIM * woman in n. thousand ttpptouchrs this perfectly natural elmngc without experiencing a train of very annoying' and .sotne- tinies painful symptoms. drc'mlful hot flushes , fH'iidiiif- the blood surging to the heart until it seems ready to , and the faint feelinjf that follows , &oinctimc.s with chills , UK if the heart were { join ; * to stop for peed , are symptoms of a dan gerous , nervous troulilu. Those hot Hashes arc just ro many calif * from nature for help. The nerves arc ery- S. JKNK1E NOBL3. ing oui for assistance. The cry should be heeded in lime. Lydi.'i R I'inlc- ham's Vegetable Compound was prs- pured to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying1 period of her life. It builds up Hit ! weakened ncrviuiM system , nnd enables a woman to piss tltit grand change triumphantly. " I was a very sick woman , cau.secl by Change of Life. I suffered with hot Hushes , and fainting .spells. 1 WJIM afraid to go on the street , my head and hack troubled me so. I was en tirely euri-d by Lydia 1L. I'inkhum's Vegetable Compound.-- . JKNNIB NOHLI : , 5010 Keyser St. , ( jermaulown , Pa WINTER TOURIST RATES. SPECIAL Tours to Florida. Key We st. Cuba. Uorrnud.i. Old Mexico and the Mediterranean anil Orient. HALF liates for the round trip to I many points south on ile first and third Tuosil.iy e.iob month. y .RATES To Hot Spims. Ark. , the fa I mous water resort of America , on sail ) every day In the year. c Tickets now on s.ilc to all th v. Inter resorts of the i.outh. jjwd returning until June 1st , 10')1. For r.itos , descriptive mat ter , jiaiaphlfts and all oilier iniormttlon. rail at C ic St. J. . li. II Citv Ticket Office , lir. Farnain ft ( I'nxton IIot l Bide ) or write HARRY E. nOORES , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. $ lull l.'il'l' ' I1' ' Vl'i"'rnill ! Eor Infants and Children. . p ti in I [ itmin ttit. .AV&gefablePrcpQKilionFor As similating ( iisFoodanclRcgula- lin3 liw > Slomaciis andBoveis c-f Promotes Bigeslion.CheerfuI- ness andltest.Contains neither Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. TSTOT WAH.C OTIC . un See < /llx.Seiintt BtCcrtioiiali'Suta IKn SefJ-- Clanfted&jqar A perfect Remedy forCouslipa- llon , Sour Stomach.Diarr hoea Worms , Convulsioi\3 .Fevensh- ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Pec Simile Signature oF G L&ffi r NEW YORK. EXACT COPY CF WRAPPER. THE CCNTAUT COlf NY. MCW YOmi CITY. as a rule find it very dif ficult to get up their linen in a satisfactory manner , chiefly owingto the of inferior starches. By usingriagnetic Stsrch you vrill find it a simple matter to turn out as good -work as the best steam laundries. Your grocer sells it. Try it once. It costs only 1'Jc a pack age. Insist on getting EH ? REQUIRES NO Q.1E WU'fD CtTHSSTAHCH STIFF' " NICE " \Utra AS FAR AS A FOUND FIRST BOUGHT NEW Af.'aAiVlfCFANYOIhER PREPARED FOR LAUNDRY PURPOSES OMY MANUFACTURED ONLY BY MAGNETIC STARCH MFACTL'RfiG ' CO. . QMAKAJVIEB.