THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Latcit Quotations from South Onenha nnd Kuruns Cltr. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Cattle There were hardly enough cattle on sale to make a market , but buyera bought up what was offered at not far from steady prices. Some of the best cornfed steers sold per haps a little stronger , but the commoner kinds were only about steady. For the week the market la 1523c higher , the prcatcls advances helnp on the llghnian- dywclght cattle. The half-fat stuft joined In the advance , owing to the light supply of irood cattle. The cow market was oomcwlmt uneven , but as H cencral thing It was just about steady. The best grades of cows or heifers sold in coed shape at fully steady prices , and the medium kinds also held about the same. If there was any chance at all it was on the c.inners , which have not been selling as well the last few days as they did early in the week. Hogs The supply of hogs was liberal again today , but the market opened .UD a little stronger. Packers began bidding $4.80 and $4.8 ! % . the same as they did yes terday morning , and a good many hogs changed hands at those prices. The heav ier hoes sold mostly at $4.80 , and the lightweights at $4.821 . and an high as $4.S3 was paid. I twas a fairly active market on the start-and the bulk of.tho hogs were sold In good season. For a time the feeling was rather weak and a few hogs sold at U.771but finally packers bought the rest of them upto about $4.80. Sheep The market was barren ns far as fresh arrivals were concerned , and there were only a few old ewes carried over from yesterday. As a result there was nothing which which to make a test of the market. Packers , however , did not seem to be particularly anxious for sup plies , as the mutton market Is still very dull. Choice light yearlings are probably no morot han a dime lower , but the gen eral run or' ewes and wethers are 1525c ( lower than they were a week ago. KANSAS CITY. Cattle Choice killing steers lOc higher : other grades steady to lOc higher ; native steers , $4.35i&Ti.40 ; stackers and feeders. $3.004.75 ; butcher cows and heifers , $3.00 $ > 4.25 ; canners. J2.40fJ3.00 { ; fed westerns , $3.53 @ 5.10 : fed Texans. $3.50@4.25 : grass Texans - ans , $3.15@3.50 ; calves , $3.50@5.23. Hogs Receipts , 13.000 head : market op ened 5c higher and closed stead } ' , with part of gain lost ; heavy. $4.90@4.971/t ; mixed , $4.S54.9o ; light , $4.75 < J4.95 ; pigs , ? 4.15@4.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts , 1,300 head ; Improved demand for all classes at strong prices ; lambs , J5.00@5.30 ; muttons. $3.GCK $ 4.25 ; stockers and feeders , $3.25@4.00 ; culls , TELLS Of KIDNAPERS' fiANO. tetter Found in Milwaukee Street Car Kcsults In Exposure of Flat. MILWAUKEE , Dec. 22. The een- Eational disappearance and return of young Edward Cudahy of Omaha is somewhat strangely coincident with , the finding of a letter in a Milwaukee street car a few days ago. The letter was addressed to William Stewart , Chicago , Hi. , and told of a plan to rob several residences of wealthy citi- zeas in Milwaukee and to abduct a little girl. The letter was written with a lead pencil and was signed "Jack. " The letter was turned over to the police , who looked upon ; t as the work of a lunatic. The day following the finding of the letter the following advertisement appeared in the Milwaukee - waukee Journal : LuST Reward of $5 for the return of letter addressed William Stewart , Chicago , 111. Address letter to John Smith , Milwaukee , general delivery. The Journal also received a letter signed "Jack , " in which the writer says he is the person who lost the let ter in the street car and that it was he who advertised for it. He says he has been expelled from a desperate gang of robbers and kidnappers who arc working in different parts of the country , and that he has determined to inform against them. Then he tells of a plan which had been arranged rob the Sehandein Milwaukee resi dence , abduct the little girl and hold lier for a ransom. Bes'des the Schan- deins he says numerous other promi nent people , including Mayor Rose , Captain Pabst and Charles Uhlein are marked for visits from the gang. When the letter was shown to Po lice Inspector Reiiner he expressed the opinion that both it and the letter found in the street car were written by a lunatic or some boy who had been reading dime novels and wanted notoriety. PRISON HOU'E FOUND. Place Where Touns Cnilnliy "Was Held T.ociitpd by the Police. OMAHA , Neb. , Dec. 22. Edward A. Cudahy , sr. , has not given up the chase after the men who stole his son and -held him fore of a ransom $25- 000 in gold. On the other hand , Mr. Cudahy , in connection with Chief Donahue , has gone systematically to work to bring to justice the criminals. Only one important feature was devel oped yesterday. During the afternoon the poMce and Mr. Cudahy located and positively identified the house in which the hey was held during his cap tivity. In connection with this the police secured a very accurate description of two men who -were doubtless con nected with the affair. Miss Munshaw , daughter of the man who lives near est tothe place , which is on the out skirts of South Omaha , gave an ex cellent description of two men who came came to the place some days since , seeking to rent it. They were afterwnrd seen there. On the night of the 18th Mr. Munshaw saw two men assisting a third to alight at the houpe He thought the third was in toxicated. It was undoubtedly young Cudahy , his apparent intoxication be ing due to the fact that he w ° s blind folded and his -hands were tied. One of the men described by Miss Munshaw tallies with the description given of the young man who used the te'ephone at the livery stable to no tify the Cudahy family that there was a letter in the -front yard on the mornIng - Ing of the 19th. Senator Krjre n * rfnvcd. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 22. Mrs. William P. Frye , wife of the president pro tern of the senate , died suddenly at the Hamilton hotel this morning at 9:30 o'closk. Mrs. Frye on Tuesday last suffered an acute attack of in digestion and had since been ilL When she arose .his morning she was ap parently much improved and took breakfast Shortly after leaving the table the end came without the slight est warning , heart failure causing death. The body will be taken this afternoon to Lewiston , Me. , the home of Senator Frye. There should be fewer crimes and more criminals committed. It Is well to remember that GARFJELD TEA cleanses the system , purifies the blood , regulates the liver and kidneys and cures chronic constipation. A man Isn't necessarily a coward be cause he runs from a vicious cow. Beat for -.lie Bowels. No matter what ails you , headache to a cancer , you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETShelp' nature , cure you without a gripe or pain , produce easy natural movements , cost you just 10 cents to fitart getting your health back. CASCARETS .Candy Cathartic , the , genuine , put up in metal boxes , every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be ware of imitations. When cats fight they simply scratch a match. FITS Permanently Cured , fronts ornervouinewarte first d y' une of Dr. Kllno'o Great Nerve HeMtorcr. Send for FKEK 82.OO trial bottle and treatise. La. E. II. KLIXE. Ltd. . B31 Arch Bt. I'hliaUelpbl-- Dignity depends not on the task but on the master. Over $2,000,000 worth of thorough bred stock was on exhibition at the greatest fat stock show that was ever held In any country , at Dexter Pa vilion , Chicago , Dec. 1-8 , 1900. Nearly $100,000 was paid to exhibitors in prizes. "Advance , " the champion fat steer , was sold for ? 1.50 a pound , live w'eight , and weighed on the Chicago Scales Co.'s scales , the 'official scales of the show. This is the highest price at which any. animal was ever sold for beef. In New York a Mr. Wickes is a realer - er in lamps , while Mr. Lampe is a dealer in lamp wicks. Magnetic Starch Is the very best laundry starch in the world. Moral diseases breed in the swamp of the impure heart. | 148 will buy new Upright piano on easy payments. Write for catalogues. Schnioller & Mueller , 1313 Farnam street , Omaha. Never violate a faith , desert a friend or leave a woman in an ill hu mor. Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. S Ocean Grove , N. J. , Feb. 17.1900. So many Christians are fighting for toys when God offers to give them a kingdom. Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other. LOW RATES TO THE SOUTH , Excursion tickets at reduced rate ! , are now being sold by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to the prominent resorts in the South , In cluding Jacksonville , Fla. , Mobile , Ala. , New Orleans , La. , Savannah , Ga. , El Paso , Tex. , which are good for return passage at any time prior to June 1st , 1901. Information regarding rates , routes , time , etc. , can be obtained on application to any coupon ticket agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Affluence is the dream of every man who is in the employ of others. Carter's Ink has a good deep color and it does not strain the cys. Carter's doesn't fade. „ Lactrald , a substitute for celluloid , is made from skim milk. If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try It now. You will then use no other. The muzzle does not cure the dog of madness. For starching line linen use Magnetic Starch. The wages of sin are always paid right on time. * "Use Magnetic Starch It has no equal. "Father" is the keyword to all true prayer. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. TslfO fjAXATlVE BROMe QOINIKK TABLETS. All IruggUts refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on the box. 25c. It is always easier to preach doubt than faith. Mrs. Wlnslow's SootUInfj Syrnp. For children teething , otten the sums , reduces In flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 2c a bou : v Great works are but small ones greatly done. C. H. Crabtrcc , Dea Molnen. Iowa , will on rcques zpUtnall about the Gladiator Gold-Mining com pany ; extremely Interesting ; write rue. Education is composed of little things. Joll-O , the New Dessert , pleases all the family.Four _ flavors : Lemon , Orange , Raspberry and Straw berry. At your grocers. 10 eta. Try It today. Many jokes have two sides , the laugh and the cry. Beware of ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. As mercury -will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system .when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians , as the damage they will do Is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo. O. , contains no mercury , and Is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. Ills taken internally , and made in Toledo , Ohio. byF.J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists , price 75c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. How weary the shoulders of these self-thought Atlases must be ? TO HOUSEKEEPERS and all lovers of good food , pure food , and food that satisfies , Wheat-0 par ticularly appeals. It is made by a new process that eliminates all unhealthy parts of the wheat and retains the pure gluten and strength-giving parts of the grain. Ask your grocer for Wheat-0 and give it a trial. Hit a block with a club and it's shinny ; hit a head and its felony. As a dressing and color restorer , PAHKEB'S HAIB BALSAM never falls to satisfy. , the best cure for corns. 15cts. Taxes are like hurdles , you fall on them if you can't jump them. Drugs have their use , but don't store them In your htomach. Beemun's Pepsin Gum aids the natural forces to perform their functions. Ambition is often but another name for happiness , work and disappoint ment. Uses Pe-rii-na in Eifs Family For Gelds and Grip. CAPITOL BUILDING. SALEM , OREGON. A Letter from the Executive Office of Oresroa. The Governor of Oregon Is an ar dent admirer of Pe-ru-na. He keeps It continually In the house. In a re cent letter to Dr. Hartraan he says : State or Oregon , Executive Department , Salem , May 9 , 1898. The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co. , Columhus , Ohio : Dear Sirs : I have had occasion to use your Pe-ru-na medicine in my family for colds , and it proved to be an excellent remedy. I have not had occasion to use it for other ailments. Yours very truly , W. M. Lord. Any man who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh is well-nigh universal ; Almost omnipresent. Pe-ru-na is the only ab solute safeguard known. A cold is the beginning of catarrh. To prevent colds , to cure colds , is to cheat ca tarrh out of its victims. Pe-ru-na not only cures catarrh , but prevents. Every household should be supplied with this great remedy for coughs , colds and so forth. It will be noticed that the Governor says he has not had occasion to use Pe-ru-na for other ailments. The rea son for this is , most other ailments begin with a cold. Using Pe-ru-na to promptly cure colds , he protects his family against other ailments. This is exactly what every other family in the United States should do. Keep Pe-ru-na in the house. Use it for coughs , colds , la grippe , and other climatic affections of winter , and there will be no other ailments in the house. Such families should provide them selves with a copy of Dr. Hartman's free book , entitled "Winter Catarrh. " Address Dr. Hartman , Columbus , 0. § FREE § WINCHESTER * I . , g SHOTGUNS $ Factoryloaded Ourioopageg and | shotgun shells , | illustrated cata- | FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS % NEW RIVAL" J the winning combination in the field or t 9 "LEADER"and the trap. All dealers sell them. 5 " REPEATER. " g WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. g A trial wm prove § 5 g jgo WlNCHBSTER AVE > I NEW HAVEX , COHM. g- their superiority. Q as a rule find it very dif ficult to get up their linen in a satisfactory manner , chiefly owing1 to the of inferior starches. By using fiagnetic Starch you will find it a simple matter to turn out as good work as the best steam laundries. Your grocer sells it. Try it once. It costs only lOc a pack age. Insist on getting s1f ? REQUIRES NO COOKING > MAKES COtURS 'CUFfS OHt POUND OFTHIS STARCH STIFF * " ° NICE * WHErj WIGQ AS FAR AS A POUND FIRST BOUGHT NEW ANDAHALFOFANYOrHER PREPARED FOR LAUNDRY PURPOSES ONLY MANUFACTURED ONLY BY MAGNETIC STARCH MANUFACTURING CO. OMAHATNEB. to uiy reader ot thto paper. " " ra * , .p jnorethanMallments. Jlicosee. weaknesses nnd Saled confidential catalog , SEARS , ROEBUCK & CO. , ILL co further with tup 0. 8. Co. W . than with an ? other roJUblaflria In baying useful articles , Including Fnraltnre. Beds. MaUreiiflS. 8 JM. iSewIng Machines , PIMM. ° "HEJ Watches , Bicycle * . Safes. ' " ? TooH. MiiU.lAUiw. Gasoline & Steam Easinrs. Plows. Snrapers. O Harness. Saddle * . Wro ana SCALES or all * Tbo Premium Wagon or Btocle , iii ) sotl9. SteolJframrs. LUtsfrea. ClTlCRgoHcaloCO. CHIC100.ILL. \ SHOES UNION MADE The renl worth of TV. I > . DOUKUH 93.00 and S3.CO Hhoes compared with other makes la 64.00 to 85.00. OurS4OIHK < lgoT.lno cnnnot be equalled at any price. Ovcrl.OOO- OOO Batisficdwearers. . WE use One p fr of W. L Owg' ' " ffASTCOLo U . S3or$3.SQihoewlH will pocltlvaly outwear EYELETS ' two pairs of ordinary S , S3 or $3.60M. M. TVo are the largest makers of men's 83 end 93.KO shoes m thd world. W maka and sellraoro 83 and 8&80 shoe * than any other two manufacturer * in the U. 8. The reputation of W. Doaglu 93.00 tad VLEO thoti for BEST tyle. comfort , and watrli knowa , SEST ! rerjwhfre throughout the world. They hue to Biro bcttir uliifte- $3.50 tloa than other raV b eani * $3.09 the itaodard hit al tyi t o SHOE placed to high that the wrartn SHOE upcet rporo for their money than th y can gtt THE JtKA.BO. % more W. I * . I > oniU * (3 end f ( hoct are iod than any other make i * bccatue 'JCtl A ICE OTIIC ISKST. Your d altr ihoald p them t we glre ono dealer exclniivt aala In each town. 'Jfake no mihatltutet loiitt on having Vf. Zj. Douglaa thoei with name and prlco itamped on bottom. If your dealer will notgtt them for you , irnd direct to factory , encloilng price and Slfc. extra for carrlujt. State kind of leather , ilze , and width. pUIn or cap toe. Our thoei will reach you anywhere. Catalogue Frt * . VV. i * . JDoasIaa Shoo Co. .Brockton , NEW DISCOVERY ; gives 1 m. rm i . quick relief and cures wont cases. Book of tcntlmonluls and 10 DATS * treatment ITKKK. 1)IU It. 1L GRKKS'S 80S8 , Box E. Atlanta , Oa. For'Top Prices Ship Your G A M K A N I > 1' < > U i , T It V To Headquarters (3. IV. Icken < ft Company. Batter , Kgga , Veal , Hides and Fur , ) . Potato * Onloiia in Ccrload Lota. Oniabn , Ncbraaka. SO YEARS1 EXPERIENCE 'ATENTS ' TRADE : DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS i Anyone sending a skclcb and description maj. , quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aiiu Invention Is probably patcntable. Comraunlca- . . , tlons strictly confldentlol. Handbook on Patents " sent free. Oldest ncency for securing patents , % . Patents taken through Jlunn & Co. receive ' tjieetal notice , without clmrco , In tlio " itnfifie jfiericaiir A handsomely illustrated weekly. Ijirgest cir culation of any scientlUc Journal. Terms $3 a year : f our montlia , ( L gold by all newsdealers. S1UHH S Co.3GlBroad Hew York Branch Office. C25 F St. . Washington. D. C. ffl : will stand no trifling because no disease is so deceptive and none more fatal. Statistics show that more people die from U. S. SENATOR DAVIS DIES FROM Kidney Diseases than any other disease. KIDNEY DISEASE. This Senator Davis made a prolonged and gallant fight with disease. Does your back ache ? The trouble , of which the kidney affection was Do have flow of urine ? you scanty the fatal outcome , first appeared about Sept. 20. Do you have frequent severe headaches ? Do you urinate too frequently either day or night. Trouble Stealthily Encroached. Have you sand , gravel , brick dust or white mucous in your urine ? The trouble had , however , steathlly encroached Have you dark or bloody looking urine which scalds when voiding ? upon a Tltal organ , and on Xor. 11 examination Have you dark circles around the eyes , puflriness under the eyes , of the urine proved the of Inflammation presence or bloated appearance of the face in the morning ? of tte kidneys. Eot's acute nephritis and diabetes made their appearance , and Dr. Murphy , of Chicago , was summoned. Ho agreed with Doctors Stone and 1 Lankestcr as to the presence of those serious ailments In acute form , and , while not making any public statement , ho made known privately ABB HERE IS .WHERE YOUR HANGER LIES ; to some of Senator Davis' business associates his opinion that the case was hopeless. Kidney Disease does not make itself felt until it has secured a * * * * * * * firm hold on your system. To those , however , who were familiar with the symptoms of acute kidney troubles the bulletins held ominous Information , the rapid respiration , fluctuating pulse , delirium and approaching coma telling the story of death's . St. Paul nearness. Dispatch. are made for Kidney Diseases and that they cure Kidney Diseases can be attested by a "cloud of living witnesses , " three of which give voluntary testimony below : Mr. J. C. Sohoch , of DuBoIs , Pa. , convinced DuBoIsePa.and is always glad to say a good word for kidney troubles that I will take no other. " beyond the shadow of a doubt that Morrow's for that peerless kidney remedy Kld-ne-oIds. Yours truly , Mrs. Gold Campman. All the KId-ne-oIds to star cured. cure kidney troubles promptly and Mrs. Gold Campman 4S River St. , Sharon , Pa. , Graphic Interview given our reporter by Mrs. Testimonials graphically describes her condition before and D. 8. Sterner of . , Altoona , Pa. , who suffered for and Tor about letters a I had dull published year a , heavy pain In ' after she used Morrow's KId-ne-olds , hoping by years with kidney troubles. the small of my back , which would be attended so doing she will help "I suffered several years with kidney trouble by Joh n Morrow & Co. by a sharp , stlnlng pain when lifting or stooping some other woman to and did considerable doctoring , even going to are true. They are get rid of the debilitating over. On account of backaches the hospital for a time , proof positive of ting so common but It seemed could the pain not in sleep my and back get I mon to the female sex. disease was incurable. that my the great merit of Sharon , Pa. , Nov. 8 , My suffering was terrible proper rest , and would I feel dull and tired when 1000. John Morrow & rible , 'especially with Morrow's ] arising In the moraine Co. Dear Sirs : "I take my back. I saw Mor pleasure in recommending row's Kid-ne-oids ( Instead of-fresh and - - advertised - Kid-ne- " ing your medicine to the vertised and f vigorous. "When Afor- recommended - row's Kid-no-olds public in the hope that mended so highly by oids. were it benefit others . first may as otfcsr persons whose advertFsed I did not have much It has mo. Three years symptoms were similar Each name faith In In March I was attacked lar to ago my own that I their curative and address is qualities , but after tacked with a severe fe- decided to try them. recommended seeing to relieve them Mr . Gold Campman. Ter which left mo In a I began to improve In correctly . . miserable , weak condi two or three days after Mr. . J. C.Schoch. if symptoms like own , . given ; you my tion. About one year ago , after my kidneys became . I commenced to take I ' procured some at Vosburg's drug store , and Mrs. D. S. Sterner. took them came affected , the pain In my back was so bad I tnenii and contlnued write them according to directions. dayg the pain in my back stopped. The In Kld-no- a few KId-ne-olds could not sit up or He down. I saw Morrow's to Improve until the pain In my back has all dis enclose a oldi have done - - highly recommended and procured appeared. I have felt like a new person since with that dull away , tired feeling a box and took them according to directions , KId-ne-olds postage stamp and I am enjoying better health than taking - - and am only too glad to be I have for which resulted in a cure. I have fcrken In all able to recommend such " . " Mr. , a valuable medicine. to for years. School ) , lives at 117 Olive Ave. pay , three boxes and consider the medicine so good Mrs. Sterner resides at 1G15 7th Ave. , Altoona.Pa. the . answer. * * MORROW'S KID-NE-OID are for sale by all druggists or by mail : = * * prepaid on receipt of 50 cents. Morrow's Kid-ne-oids are made only by JOHN MORROW & CO. CHEMISTS . , , SPRIN3RELD , OHIO. t-