By F. M. KIMMBLL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER P ? Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co m i Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance A Nebraska Senator. The Washington Post has the follow ing to say about Nebraska's own Gee D. Meiklejohn. It is very pleasing tc the Republicans of the state , in fact te all good citizens , to learn that her ser is deserving of the good reports of him that have from time to time come home If Hon. George D. Meiklejohn , assistant secretary of war , is a conspicuous ex ample of the subordinate coadjutors 01 cabinet officers of the conscientious and hard working "assistants" whc four-fifths of the departmental chorea , and do it with intelligence and fidelity. We incline to Mr. Meiklejohn , primarily because he is a conscientious and efficient laborer , and next because he has proudly refrained from seeking cheap notoriety and cheaper adulation through the medium of the newspapers. So far as we can see , Mr. Meiklejohn has contented himself with honest and enlightened activity in the discharge of his official duties , and has left the mat ter of his fame and celebration to con temporaneous history. We do not re call in his case a single instance of heart- to-heart confabulation with the corres pondents. We cannot put our finger upon an ebullition or even a paragraph that connects him with any conspiracy to parade Meiklejohn as a hero , a victim , or a wonder. Above all thuigs , he has been modest and self-abnegating. It seems proper , however , to refer to Mr. Meiklejohu's useful services in the war department ; his honest and cour ageous treatment of the canteen ques tion , and his uniform courtesy toward those who have had contact with him in his official capacity. All our under sec mi ' retaries are beset and overworked Mr. M Meiklejohn is a conspicuous type. We believe that those who have knowledge of him will certify to our commendation. But this is not all. Mr. Meiklejohn has contributed much to the success of the Republican party in the campaign just now closed. A citizen of Nebraska , which state was supposed on all hands to be a Bryan states he nevertheless went there , some time ago , and took with him the propaganda of the Philadelphia plat form. It is not for us to say that he alone carried Nebraska for Mr. McKinley - ley , but we kno.w that he was conspicu ous in the Republican fight ; that he gave weeks to the advocacy of the cause ; that he was prominent among the orators and champions of his party , and that in the end Nebraska gave a handsome and most unexpected majority for McKinley. It occurs to us , therefore , in the light of all these facts , that Nebraska can go farther and fare worse in search of a man to represent her in the United States senate. We disclaim the imper tinence of a suggestion to the Nebraska legislature. Enough for us to present our estimate of Mr. Meiklejohn's ser vices and to picture him as he is regarded here in Washington. EVEN his bitterest opponents are forced to admit the existence of a marked change of sentiment toward D. E. Thompson , the Lincoln senatorial aspir ant , whose candidacy is assuming cor respondingly greater proportions. THE farewell banquet given by Gover nor Pingree of Michigan was in some respects the most unique and remarkable ever tendered by a retiring governor of an American state. Some of his epi grams and paraphrases will not soon be forgotten by friends or forgiven by foes. MR. MEIKELJOHN'S appearance in the senate chamber as a member of that body will take from the war department , it is true , the best assistant secretary of war the country has ever had , but it will 'place ' on the floor of the senate the best friend the service can have there. His familiarity with army matters , gained by a long and intimate acquaintance with departmental and service affairs , has made him a particularly well- equipped representative of the military establishment. He has been entrusted with the actual duties of the head of the war department at various times for a longer total period than any other offi cial. He served with great ability and untiring devotion a responsible duty dur ing the momentous days of the war with Spain. The army needs such a friend in the senate and the citizens of Nebraska will have no occasion to regret the choice of their legislature should it fall , as seems most likely , upon Mr. Meiklejohn. He has been a faithful , enthusiastic and industrious assistant secretaiy of war and he is bound to be equally valuable to his state in the United States senate. Army and Navy Journal. Cheap Trip to Lincoln. The Burlington will sell tickets from McCook , Neb. , to Lincoln and return for $6.90 on December 25 , 26 and 27 , on account of the annual meetingNebraska State Teachers' association. Return limit December 29. 11-30-419. Clerical Permits 190 J. Applications for clergymen's half-fare permits for 1901 should be filed at the earliest possible date with the local agent of the B. & M. R. R. R. J. FRANCIS , G. P. A. COAL ' that "when It's an old adage the days begin to lengthen , the coal begins to strengthen/ ' Today is the shortest day of the year. Better filJ up the coal house and be prepared. Thar's a cold wave coming. This fine weather can't last always. Remember , we sell the best for the least money. BARNETT LUHBER CO. Veterans Endorse Thompson. Headquarters Nebraska Union Veter ans' Republican Club , Lincoln , Neb. , Dec. 17 , 1900. At a regular meeting of this club , held at G. A. R. hall , this evening , the fol lowing endorsement of the candidacy of Mr. D. E. Thompson for United States senator was enthusiastically adopted by a rising vote : "Whereas , the Nebraska Union Vet erans' Republican club of Lincoln , hav ing a membership of more than five hundred ex-soldiers of the civil war , find unusual cause for rejoicing because of the fact that Republican principles as ex emplified by our comrade , William Mc- Kinle } ' , president of the United States , have met at the hands of the intelligent thinking voters of our country , such a magnificent indorsement. And more particularly do we rejoice that our own state Nebraska has again , by its vote , indorsed the principles that have stood the most crucial tests for more than forty years , and realizing that in politics , as in other affairs of life to the victor belongs the graver responsibilities re sponsibilities that now confront the Re publican party that must be met and settled in such a way as will retain for our party the confidence anil support of the people. Among these responsibili ties is the election of two United States senators by our legislature soon to con vene. And having full confidence in the ability , integrity and loyalty , both to party and to country , of Mr. D. E. Thompson of this city , firmly believing that with this splendid business ability , tenacity of purpose and character he would bring to the duties of United States senator the qualities that are the best guarantee of success , and that would best subserve the material interests of our state and nation. And having abid ing confidence in his appreciation of the rights of the soldier element of our coun try , that in the councils of our nation we would have in him a friend and advo cate. "Therefore , We , the Nebraska Union Veterans' Republican club , in regular session assembled , do hereby indorse the candidacy of Hon. D. E. Thompson for the office of United States senator and do most earnestly petition members of the legislature to give him their support and vote. " J. W. BowEN , President. Attest : R. C. HAZLETT , Secretary. COURT-HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. Licenses to wed have been issued , this week , by the county judge , as follows : Joseph W. Higby of Spokane , Wash. , and Jennie K. Goheen of Driftwood pre cinct , this county. William J. Fleischman of JPerry pre cinct and Augusta Lepper of Coleman precinct , this county. Loss About $ 1.5OO.OO. ' The frame dwelling on the W. F. Everist ranch ou the Driftwood was destroyed by fire , Saturday evening , to gether with entire contents. F. A. Brett occupies the place. He had been to McCook and on his return to the ranch built a fire in a stove and went out to the barn-to do the necessary chores. Shortly after he discovered the house to be in flames. The loss is about $1,500 ; partly covered by insurance. The fire probably resulted from a detective flue. The favorable direction of the wind alone saved the valuable barn , granaries etc. from destruction , and was a fort unate circumstance in the case. Evidently acting under the belief that there was but one black sheep in a flock , a Henry county , Mo. , woman secured a divorce from her husband and married his brother the next day. § 58 There's no reflection so dainty , no light so charming as the mellow glow that comes from ! 9n WaxGandas ! * v & Prepared in many color tints to harmonize with eur- ronndings in dining room , drawing room , bed room or hall. Sold every where. Made by , STANDARD OIL CO. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. MRS. M. G. R. FORD visited Bartlej relatives , this week. - MRS. H. C. SMITH was iu Denvei with Roy , Christmas. MRS J. E. BKYRER came down from Denver , Wednesday. MRS. W. H. BROWN visited her folks iu Hastings , Christmas. MRS. W. J. CRAWFORD was with the family in Akrou , Christmas. Miss LILLIAN SMITH of Red Cloud is visitiug her sister , Mrs. W. D. Burnett. MRS. A. J. WELCH of Stratton has been visitiug John Hunt and wife , this week. IRA AND WALTER CLARK departed , Thursday , for Lincoln , to enter the state university. W. E. BECHTELHEIMER spent Christ mas at home , Juuiata , returning here on i , Thursday. MRS. GEORGE WILLBTTS and the children have been visiting Denver rel atives , this week. DEP'T INSPECTOR MARY GRAY of Omaha was in the city , Wednesday , and visited the McCook lodge of the Ladies' circle , G. A. R. Miss LIZZIE STEVENS- Lincoln is visiting in the city , corning up from Hastings , Wednesday uight , with her sister , Mrs. Frank Kendlen. A. B. TODD of Plattstnouth joined his wife here , first of the week , and with her spent the Christmas season with Traveling Engineer Dixon and family. MR. AND MRS. A. A. HACKMAN of Long Branch , N. J. , arrived in the city , last night. He has bought J. H. Ben nett's cigar business and they will make their home with us again. ALBERT O'NEIL and son have been visiting iu the city , most of the week , coming up from York to spend the Christmas-tide with relatives. The O'Neils are very well pleased with York and York county. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. SOUTH McCOOK M. E. Sunday-school at 3 p. m. Preaching , Sunday evening , at 7:30. : Prayer-meeting , every Thursday evening. T. G. GODWIN , Pastor. CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 a. ui. , with choir. Sunday-school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. METHODIST Sunday-school at 10. Preaching at 11. Junior League at 3. Epworth League at 7. Preaching at 7:45. Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. All are welcome. L. M. GRIGS BY , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Services during summer : Sunday-school at 10. Evening prayer and sermon every Sunday at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning service , also Friday evening Litany , discontinued until fur ther notice. Holy communion to be an nounced. HOWARD STOY , Rector. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 10. Preaching at n. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:45. : Preaching at 7:30. Prayer-meeting , Weduesday evening , at 7:30. All are welcome. Morning subject , "The River of Life. " Evening , a sermon for the New Year. " W. J. TURNER , Pastor. BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. in. Preaching at n. B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. ni. Preaching at 7:45. Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening at S. The Sunday- school will hold a special rally meeting , next Sunday , at 10 o'clock. There will be many attractive and interesting feat ures in this service and all are assured of a happy and helpful hour. GEO. L. WHITE , Pastor. The members of the Christian church will hold a social in the church ou next Monday evening. There will be a mus ical programme , and reports will be made from all departments of the church work. All the members , friends and in terested parties of the church are invited to be present. Refreshments will follow the programme and business of the : veuing. Mid-Winter Holiday Rates. On account of the Christmas and New Year holidays tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip for points within zoo miles on December 23 , 24 , 25 and 31 , 1900 , and January i , 1901 , good to return up to and including January 2 , 1901. i A. P. THOMSON , Agent. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The differejit grades gave short , ap propriate programmes ou last Friday afternoon. Miss C. A. Gorby , principal of the High school , departed ou 2 , Saturday morning , for Nelson. Sup't Thomas departed on 2 , Saturday morning , for Harvard , where he will ( spend part of the holiday vacation. The public school library in the East building will be open each Saturday morning during the holiday recess , when books may be secured or returned. The usual morning programme iu the High school assembly-room , Friday , was changed to the afternoon , and partook of the special character of the season. Sup't Thomas , Principal Gorby , Teachers Schobel , Thomson , Leonard and Wibley attended the meeting of state teachers in Lincoln , latter days of this week. The superintendent and Miss Thomson each had numbers on the pro gramme. The several out-of-town members of the teacher corps are spending all or part of the two-weeks holiday at the follow ing places : Sup't Thomas , Harvard ; Principal Gorby , Nelson ; Mrs. Schobel , Minden ; Mrs. Duffy , Grafton ; Mrs. Hedlund , Kansas City ; Miss Powers , Trenton. The pupils of the City hall Primary school were concerned in one of the prettiest features of the holiday season : the little tots making gifts for their parents out of kindergarten materials. And it is surprising how well they suc ceeded in evolving articles useful and pretty , showing quite unexpected skill in their handiwork. DRIFTWOOD. Miss Fern Acheson's schoolmates gave her a pleasant surprise on her fourteenth birthday. Grandma Dodge is still very poorly , having been on the sick-list for the past two months. People having places to rent , sell , etc. , should advertise in the papers ; we think it would be better for all parties con cerned. M. E. Hartman and family from Clarinda - rinda , Iowa , aret present with E. A. Dodge's , Mrs. Hartman being their only daughter. Mr. Hartmau is wanting to lease a place for a term of years and try the short-grass country. When does the game law put a stop to the killing of quail , chickens , etc. They were quite plentiful , last fall , but we hardly see one now. I expect we will see plenty of grasshoppers next summer to pay for the good times that hunters have iu their destruction. BANKSVILLE. J. II. Rolph and family spent Chribtmas with relatives at Cedar Bluffs. Some of the boys are talking of having an other shooting match on or about New Year. Mr. Updegraff , who lived near here about six years ago , was in this vicinity , Wednesday. Rev. J. W. Walker has been holding meet ings at the school-house , this week , and con siderable interest is being manifested. COLEMAN. John Droll is able to be around agaim. He has been quite sick. Mrs. M. H. Cole is expected back from her Iowa visit , Thursday evening. , H. B. Wales , J. W. Corner and John Hein- lein , with their families , spent Christmas eve with W. M. Sharp and family. , I The battleship Kentucky spent Christmas at Suez en her object lesson junketing trip. i A Chinese proverb says : "Great is the woman that holdeth her tongue. " Great curio , yes. rf is only a symptom not a | 3 disease. So are Backache. I | Nervousness. Dizziness and the | Blues. They all come from an g 1 unhealthy state of the meno | strual organs. If you suffer 2 8 from any of these symptoms f | if you feel tired and languid in | 2 the morning and wish you could § | lie in bed another hour or two | 3 if there is a bad taste in the jj mouth , and no appetite if \ S there is pain in the side , back | S or abdomen BRADFIELD'S 1 I FEMALE REGULATOR will | bring about a sure cure. The | * doctor may call your trouble 1 some 'high-sounding Latin i name , but never mind the name. trouble is in the menstrual organs , and Bradfield's Female 2 Regulator will restore -you to health and regulate the menses like clockwork. Sold by drujfjists for Ji a bottle. A free Illsutrtied bookwillbeienttoanywoinan if request be mailed to THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLAnTA , GA. 5 } THESE CRIMPY 4 MOKNINGS _ * - make a fellow wish he could have his summer's wages to spend over again. % z $ & He knows that among other things he wouldn't forget to lay in a good supply of Winter Un derwear , and a little investigation would determine that his purchase could be made only at "Honest ' " considered his own John's" = = if he interests. # g But it don't take much money to get a fine thing in our Underwear ; you should see the selection before you buy. INDS UNDERWEAR. > eeeoe We have Underwear to suit every $ taste , and from the cheapest gar = ment to the highest in price , it is the best that can be procured any = where for the money. sgCome in and see the goods and we will quote you prices that will "jar" you. PRODUCE AS GOOD AS CASH. J.H.GRANNISI/ McCOOK , NEBRASKA avm omen , m 3.00 a year 52 numbers A cent a day a year A Weekly Newspaper and an Illustrated Magazine in one. Tells the story -world-happenings every -week in brief , clear-cut paragraphs. Lyman Abbott is the Editor-in-chief , and Hamilton "W. Mabie the Associate Editor. JACOB A. RMS RALPH CON NOR The author of " How the Other Half Lives " will Under this pseudonym were written two of the give in THE OUTLOOK an intensely human and vivid most striking of recent novels , " Black Rock " and account of his experiences as a child in Denmark , "The Sky Pilot. " A new novel of Canadian and an immigrant in America , a workman , a traveller , Western life by this author will appear in THE a reporter , and finally a student of tenement house OUTLOOK during the year. In spirit , humor , pathos problems , and an efficient aid to Theodore Roosevelt and strong character-drawing it is even superior to in reorganizing the New York police. Mr. Riis its predecessors. writes with simplicity , humor and vigor. O SPECIAL To introduce THE LYMAN ABBOTT OFFER OUTLOOK to new read will contibute a series of important papers on funda ers we will send it for mental political principles as applied to twentieth two months' trial for cents century problems. It will be called "Tim RIGHTS 25 pro OF MAX , " and will define industrial , educational and vided this paper is mentioned. Address religious , as well as political , rights and duties. " "HE OUTLOOK , NEW YORK Help i.i needed at once when a person's life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be = topped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and col-Is and the worst : ases of croup , bronchitis , grippe and other : hi-oat and lung troubles. McCtssse" * " 'Jerry. When one woman is inclined to be char- table and doesn't care to express her opinion > f another , she merely says she is queer. When the stomach is tired out it must have i rest , but we can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests wliat you eat" so .hat you can eat all the good food you want .vhie | it is restoring the digestive organs to lealth. It is the only preparation that digests ill kinds of food. McConnell & i5erry. The North pole is much like a woman's socket.Ve all know where it should be , but ve can't find it. McConnell & Berry , druggists , guarantee : very bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy md will refund the money to anyone who islet lot satisfied after using two-thirds of the con- ents. This is the best remedy in the world or la grippe , coughs , colils , croup and whoop- ng cough and is pleasant and safe to take , t prevents any tendency of a cold to result in meumonia. A sporting man says the only way it is pos- ible to beat the weather reports is to play hem to lose. An attractive woman thrives on good food md sunshine , with plenty of exercise in the ipen air.Herfoim glows with health and icr face blooms with its beauty. When roubled with a costive habit , she takes a few loses of llerbine to dense her system of all mpurities. Price , 50 cents. A. McMillen. A child has been born in Albany with a full et of teeth. If its mother is prudent she will sed it with a bottle. Your blood goes through your body with imps and bounds , carrying warmth and ac- ive life to every part of your body , if you take locky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. . , , .Dlfjase ami danger lurk in the vital organs 1 tie-blood becomes vitiated and the general health is undermined whenever the stomach and liver fad to perform their .functions as nature intended. llerbine will tone up the stomach , regulate the liver , where other oren- The administration feels no sympathy for General Harrison , who is suffering from rush of disagreeable speech to the head. a IVuse the bridge that carries you over Syrup has T ° r TBhliallard's Horchound so many over throat ami lung troubles , such as coughs , cold bron chilis , etc. , that its praiscsare * * ? sung ever where. Price , 25 and 50 cents. A. McMilS. " 1 he Nebraska man who went crazy because he bet on Bryan and lost must have been in sight of his destination when he made the be" ! you need a soothing and healm.r antiseptic application for any purnosf. uJ the original DeWitt's Witch Ha l Sal've * well known cure for piles and skin diseases It heals sores without leaving a scar ot counterfeits. McConnell & Berry. .mjrlerer who annihilated "hole family is now weepin" in nil - , „ , ! , , . „ a < lerng how he could | .av bgen si naughty.0" ' Now is the time when croup and Inner roubles prove rapidly fatal. The ony harm cure coughs , colds and all lung dfceaSs ft revent consumption. MccSS & The latest minstrel js gag to the io be Ask your druggist.