Snplio Agnln. Miss Olga Ncthcrsolo opened her American Reason at Wallack's theater , New York Monday night , Introducing that well known lady with a noisome past and douhtful present "Sapho. " Q. Harrison Hunter has replaced Ham ilton Rcvello as leading man. After two weeks in the metropolis Miss Neth- ersolo will start on a tour which will take her through to the Pacific coast. American Girl's Xionilon Success. Americans in London are pleased with the conspicuous success of Miss Eleanor Calhoun as Salome in Stephen Phillips' "Herod. " Miss Calhoun is a California girl. She was once a mem- her of Coquelin's company , and was said by the actor to be one of the few Americans able to speak French without an accent. Chaperonc for "Co-Edit. " University chaperons are the latest Viennese novelty. In consequence of the riotous and insulting behavior of the male students when the women tried to avail themselves of the newly granted permission to attend lectures , many others of women students have registered for the university lectures in order to accompany and protect tholr daughters. HER HEAHT WAS TOUCHED. A South Daltoia Mother and IIor Little Girl KzprcHS Their Gratitude In an Open Letter. FOLSOM , Custer Co. , South Dakota , Dec. 15. ( Special. ) Mrs. H. D. Hyde has given for publication a letter ex pressing her unbounded gratitude to Dodd's Kidney Pills for the double cure of herself and little daughter. Mrs. Hyde has been troubled with pains in her heart for over three years and for a long time her little girl suf fered from weak kidneys. The grateful lady does not seem able to find words strong enough to express her gratitude. She has written the following : I cannot say too much in praise of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are the greatest kidney and heart medicine I ever used. I had been troubled for over three years with a severe pain In my heart , which entirely disappeared after I had taken a few doses of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I also gave them to my little girl , whose kidneys had been weak , and she commenced to improve from the very first dose. Dodd's Kid ney Pills are certainly a wonderful medicine. I would be pleased to have this , my statement , published , as I feel it my duty to let others know just what the Pills will do for them. MRS. H. D. HYDE. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure. 50c a box. All dealers. The man who has but little and wants less is richer than the man who las much and wants more. Sweat and fruit acids will not dis color goods dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. A man rarely marries the first girl with whom he thinks he is in love. Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's Bors , of Atlanta , Ga. The greatest drop.-y bpecialists in the world. Head their adver tisement iu another column of this paper. It is perfectly safe for the man who is blind to believe all he sees. There Is a Class of TeopTo Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a newpreparation called GRAIN-0 , made of pure grains , that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress , and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children mny drink it with great benefit 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-0. A woman's heart is like nothing so much as a Moorish maze. Elrs. IVinsIow's Soothing Syrnp. for children tecthlug , notions the pums , reduces in flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic. SJG a bottle The modesty of true worth is only equalled by the worth of true modesty. STATE OF OHIO , CITY OF TOLEDO , r LUCAS COUNT ? , fbb- FranK J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the arm of P. J. Cheney &Co. , doin" business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid , and that said lirm will pay the sum of OXE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence , this 6th day of December. A. D. 1888. . i A. W. GLEASON. SEAL. ] [ Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , and nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of this sy&tein. Send for testimonials , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by Dni Kists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best Office seeking is neither a trade nor profession ; it's a disease. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three jears SGO. Mrs. Tnos. BOBBINS , Maple Street , Norwich , N. Y. , Feb. 17,1900. A man's wealth may be measured by his capacities , not by his coin. A dyspeptic is never on good terms with him self. "Something is always wrong. Get It right by chewing Beeman's Pepsin Gum. Fidelity to old truths demands hos pitality to new ones. $148 will buy new Upright piano on easy payments. Write for catalogues. Schmoller & Mueller , 1313 Farnam street , Omaha. There's always room at the top but few men care to dwell in an attic. Ecaattfsl hair 1 always pleasing , and PARKER'S HAIR HALS 01 exccis In producinc it. cs , the bast euro fur corns. 13cts. Modern murmurers are bitten with the fiery serpents of their own tongues. You Can Get Allen's Faot-Knsc Free. Write to-day to Allen S. Olmstefl , Le Roy , N. Y. , for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder , it cures sweating , damp , swollen , aching feet. Makes new or tight shoes easy. A cer tain curs for Chilblains and Frost-bites. At all druggists and shoe stores ; 25c. No man knows what it is to be a woman. People who did not know tfce Bert rams wondered how it were possible for so many children to live in so small a house. When Dr. Bertram built the house it was considered of very good size , but that was many years ago , and since then five bright , happy children had come to crowd the little brown house. On one side of them lived a little boy who was an only child and the idol of his father sad mother. He had the enviable reputation of having everything he wanted. When some of the little Bert rams wished they were as fortunate as Lawrence Cole , their sister Helen , who was 14 , would say : 4'0h , it wouldn't be nice to have all the things we want there wouldn't be anything to wish for , and wishing is such fun ! " Of their neighbor on the other side the children stood in great awe. He was a bachelor named Samuel Jorden , who lived all alone , and who detested children ; and how in the world he happened to build a house right next to the little hrown house full of them is not known. But. in spite of all the wealth on either side of them , the Bertrams were the happiest , most contented of fami lies. There was always such fun there , with never a dull day , so that every child in the neighborhood loved to go there , but after dinner at night was the jolllcst time , when Dr. Bert ram was at home. They would all gather around the open fire in the li brary and everyone had to tell what he and she had been doing all day. Then they would have a little music from Helen and her mother , and the girl would transfer them all to an , ideal world with the music from her violin. Then came the procession to bed , where Marjorie would be carried , half asleep. The queer thing about the Bertram family was that everyone was utterly different in look and char acter , so that one never knew just which one they loved best. It was only the third day before Christmas , when Dorothy , who was just "half past six , " went up stairs to find her mother. She had a wistful look on her little face that one could never resist. "Mother , dear , have I got something for'everybody now ? " "Yes , Dorothy , I think you have , and you have helped me very much , besides , " answered her mother. "Well , then , wo.uld you please give me just fifteen cents more and let me go out all alone and spend it ? " "Why , yes , my child , you may have that. I suppose it is some great mys tery , isn't it , and I mustn't ask ? " said Mrs. Bertram. "No , please don't ask ever ! " said the child earnestly. "Ever ! " thought her mother , as the child went out , "what can she be going to do with it ? It was almost dark when Dorothy opened the door of a florist's little shop , two blocks down the street. Nev er was a child who loved flowers more than this little maid , and she would talk to them as she would to her dolls. She was a frequent visitor at this shop , and when the other children hurried off to a candy store with an occasional five cents , she usually spent "I WANT ALL YOU CAN GIVE ME. " hers for a few pretty flowers. So as she stood there hesitatingly , the man smiled and asked her what she wished. "I want all you can give me of some kind that smells sweet , for , fifteen cents. I suppose the flowers are all very dear , aren't they ? " she added du biously , but the man had disappeared inside the glass closet , and when he brought out a lovely bunch of Doro thy's favorite cinnamon pinks , she fairly danced. He was very generous with his little customer and gave her eight blossoms , sweet and fresh. It was quite dark when Dorothy ar rived home , but she went straight on past her door , and , wonder of won ders ! she turned in at the gate of Mr. Jorden's house ! "Please might I see Mr. Jorden for a minute ? " she asked the astonished maid who opened the door just wide enough to look out. "Well , I never ! you don't know how He hates , children , I guess , " she said , opening the door wider. A big lump , which she tried to swal low , came up in Dorothy's throat. "Yes , I do , but may I just see him a minute ? I won't bother him. " "Well , I don't know what he'll say , I'm sure , " said the girl , as she led the way through the beautiful hall to a door at which she knocked. "Here , sir , is one of them children that lives next door. She's got some message , I guess. " And in one second Dorothy found the door shut behind her , and there , in the chair before the fire , sat Mr. Jorden. "Well , what is it you want , little girl ? " said he as he turned toward her. "Be quick , for I am very busy. " "Oh , are you busy ? " asked Dorothy , surprised , because he was not doing anything but looking at the flre. "I I only wanted to give you these , sir , and I'll go right away. The man stared hard at the white paper parcel she held out to him. "Flowers ? " said he. "Yes. " "For what , may I ask ? " "Just for Christmas , because you live all alone. Good-bye , " and she was gone. The pretty flowers had begun to fade by the warm fire before Mr. Jorden came out of the brown study into which he had fallen. "God bless her brave little heart , " said he , as he held Dorothy's flowers. * * * * * The first joy of the Christmas tree was over , the presents were all dis tributed , and every one of the little Bertrams were sitting around admir- "FLOWERS ? " HE SAID , ing the candles and the clever trim ming of the tree. "There goes the door bell again , " said someone. "Do you think Santa Glaus has corne back ? " asked Marjorie. It was a great disappointment to her when she saw her mother shaking hands with Mr. Jorden. He looked rather sad , though he smiled at them all. There was a bright carnation in his buttonhole , the sight of which made Dorothy want to get behind someone. "How happy you look , " said the vis itor , sittingdown. . "I could see you through my side windows I have of ten looked in upon you , and tonight I took the liberty of joining you for half an hour. Shall I intrude ? " "Nofr at all , " said Dr. Bertram. "You are very welcome. " Mr. Jorden drew Dorothy toward him and kissed her. "Do you know , " he said , turning to look at them all , "that a man may grow to be fifty years old and learn for the first time what he should always have known. It is this little girl who has taught me how sweet and com forting a child may be , and I used to think they were put into the world only to annoy people. " This was Mr. Jorden's conversion , and though all the children grew to love him , it was Dorothy who became his daily companion and friend. Christmas 'COaits. In England the "waits" are musi cians who play throughout the towns and cities at night , for two or three weeks preceding Christmas. They call on the inhabitants for donations. At one time it was the custom tojet out this privilege to one man , who was privileged to hire as many waits as he chose and to take a goodly per centage of the profits , none others but his players being allowed to engage in this occupation. "What are pauses ? " the teacher asked the first class in grammar. "Things that grows on cats and dogs , " answered the smallest girl. Do not dare to live without some clear intention toward which your liv ing shall be bent. Mean to be some thing with all your might Phillips Brooks. Cart Care -to the Wtndf HOlly berries red and bright , Wealth of candles flick'rlng light , Christinas in the air ! Childish faces all aglow , ' Outside sleigh bells In the enow j Banished is dull care. Older wlsehcads for the time Join In sport and song and rhyme Happy Chrlsmastide ! Mem'ry brings back golden youth , Eyes then seeing only youth , Ever at its aide. Joy tonight is crowned the queen Of the festive Christmas scene. May her rule be long ! None can claim a rebel heart With her foll'wers forms a part Theirs a gladsome song ! A. "Bit of Deception. She stood beneath no chandelier Entwined with mistletoe ; I glanced the hall-length far and near , I looked both high and low ; No license for a kiss was hung , 'Twas near a failure flat , When lo , I spied a sprig among The feathers on her hat. Roy Farrell Greene. Old Santy is no phantom prim The cheer he brings cures many Ills ; Thro' dreamland's door we follow him. And lose the thought of New Year's bills. Old English Customs. It was customary in former days , in Cornwall , England , for the people to meet on Christmas eve at the bottom of the deepest mines and have a mid night mass. In some parts of Derbyshire the vil lage choir assemble in the church on Christmas eve and there wait until midnight , when they proceed from house to house , invariably accompa nied by a keg of ale , singing "Chris tians , Awake ! " During the week they again visit the principal houses in the place , and having played and sang for the evening , and partaken of the Christmas cheer , are presented with a sum of money. In Chester and its neighborhood numerous singers parade the streets , and are hospitably entertained with meat and drink at the various houses where they call. The "ashton fagot" is burned in Devonshire. It is composed entirely of flsh timber , the separate branches bo lKd with ash bands and made as large as can be admitted to the floor of the fireplace. When the fagot blazes a quart of cider is called for and served upon the bursting of every hoop or band around the fagot. The timber being green and elastic , each band bursts with a loud report. In one or two localities it is still customary for the farmer , with his family and friends , after partaking together of hot cakes and cider ( the cakes being dipped into the liquor pre vious to being eaten ) to proceed to the orchard , one or the party bearing hot cake and cider as an offering to the principal apple tree. The cake is for mally deposited on the fork of the tree and the cider thrown upon the cake and tree. . A superstitious notion prevails In the western parts of Devonshire that at 12 o'clock at night on Christmas eve the oxen in their stalls are always found on their knees as in an attitude of devotion. . One John Martyn , by will , on Nov. 28 , 1729 , gave to the church wardens and overseers of the poor of the par ish , St. Mary Major , Exeter , 20 , to be put out at interest , and the profits thereof to be laid out every Christmas eve in twenty pieces of beef , to be distributed to twenty of the poorest people in the parish , said charity to be continued forever. Will / tay. gp f ? # * 5 Stes ® r ; There are a lot of people Who love to wag their jaws And tell the children plainly There is no Santa Glaus. Xo Santa Claus what nonsense Down childish throats to rani , You might as well inform them There is no Uncle Sain ! R. K. Munklttrlck. The Homcoof Mrs. Lizzie H. Brewer at Westerly. It. I. ' In a letter to Dr. Hartman concernIng - Ing the merits of Pe-ru-na , Mrs. Brew er writes , among other things : Westerly , R. I. "Dear Dr. Hartman I find Pe-ru-na a sure cure for all catarrhal affections so common in this part of the country. It cures a cold at once. There is no cough medicine that can at all equal for la grippe-there is Pe-ru-na. As , - no other remedy that can at all com pare with Pc-ru-na. "I am among the sick a great deal in our city and have supplied many invalids with Pc-ru-na , simply be cause I am enthusiastic in my faith as to its results. I have never known it to fail to quickly and permanently remove that demoralized state of the human system which follows la grippe. "In all cases of extreme weakness I aise Pe-ru-na with perfect confidence of a good result. In cases of weak ness peculiar to my sex I am sure that no other remedy can approach in good Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other. There are two kinds of silliness the silent and the garrulous. The former is endurable. Don't Get Ifcmtsorc ! Jcc 1-OOT-KASK. A certain cure for Swollen , Smart ing , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder. Cures Frost-bites and Chilblains. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted , LcRoy. N. Y. Wise is the individual who prepares for the future by studying both the past and the present. Best for -.ho No matter what ails you , headache to a cancer , you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature , cure you without a gripe or pain , produce easy natural movements , cost you just 10 cents to start gettinq your health back. CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the genuine , put up in metal boxes , every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be ware of imitations. Originality blazes a new track while eccentricity runs on one wheel in an old rut. Garfield Tea produces a healthy action of the stomach , liver , kidneys and bow els ; it purifies the blood , thus protecting the system anainst disease. The common mind may be deceived by the fact that vice and genius often produce similar effects. Important to mothers. Eszmini ! carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and frare remedy for iufnats ami children , and sec that it Bears the Signature of fa Use For Over . ' { 0 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. A very little child may open a very large door in heaven. results the action of Pe-ru-na. 1C meets all the bad symptoms to which females are subject. The irregulari ties and nervousness , the debility ami miseries which alllict more or ICSH the women from girlhood to change of life , are one and all met and over come by this excellent remedy. I wish every young lady in our city could read your book. "Mrs. Lizzie M. Brewer. " Pe-ru-na will the worst - - cure cases of catarrh. La grippe is acute epi demic catarrh , fcr which Pc-ru-na ia a specific. Mrs. J. W. Reynolds , New ulsbon , Ohio , suffered for many years with , chronic catarrh of Ihu lungs , head and throat ; continuous cough ; many physicians failed to cure. Permanent ly cured by Pe-ru-nn. Thousands of testimonials could be produced. A valuable on catarrh sent frco by The Pc-ru-nh. Medicine Company , Columbus. O. Magnetic Starch .s the very best laundry staich in the world. A suspended street car conductor gets no fares. If you liiv not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use ; no other. A stumble sometimes prevents : i fall. Your clothes will not crack if you , use Magnetic Starch. LOW RATES TO THE SOUTH , Excursion tickets at reduced rate : , are now being sold by the Chicago , Milwaukee St. Paul Railway to the prominent resorts in the South , In cluding Jacksonville , Fla. , Mobile , Ala. , New Orleans , La. , Savannah , Ga. , El Paso , Tex. , which are good for return passage at any time prior to June 1st , 1901. Information regarding rates , routes , time , etc. , can be obtained on application to any coupon ticket agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Use Magi'etif Htari-h it has no equal. WINTER TOURIST RATES. SPECIAL T-.urs to Florida. Key Vt. . f'ul.-i lif-rrnuila. Old Mr-tiro UTid the anJ Orient. HALF IJ.iUs fur the round trip to many puin ! : ; south on il < > first and third Tuesday oaeh month. iRATES To Hut Springs , Ark. , tinI.t - 1 inous water resort of Amr-rif a , on sailovfry day in the Tickets now on sale to all th < - v.inUT rohorts of the south , fj"Cd -turnins ; until June 1st. 13)1. ! * ' r rates , descriptive mat ter , pamphlets and all other inforitritlon. call at C. & St. L. R. It. Cltv Ticket OHli-f , 111 : Farnam St. ( Paxton Hotl : Bldg1) or write HARRY E. flOORES , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Best B * as a foundation. attire's own food. Pure appetising , satis fying. Healthful for young- and old. Made in Io/a of choicest Iowa wheat. t Xot made by the Trust. Save coupons in each pack age of Wheat-O and get the famous Capitol Cook Book free. 2 Ib. packag-e costs I5c. Tvro packages for a quarter. Your Grocer Sells It. well laundered TO a thing of beauty , but you cannot do good laundrywork inferior starchc-i. is prepared especially for use in the Home and to en able the housekeeper to get up the linen equally : is v/ell as the best steam laundries. Try a package. All grocers sell it at lOc. TRADE MARK ES NO IVO'.tS COLLARS' " = ClFfS : CSC PCO-0 SFT.-rSSTA = Di. , STIFF * -3 NICE " , VH N V..Llfc3ASiRAS A POUND i , FIRST B3UGHT NtV/ PREPARED FOR LAUN Y ? lrlCSES OKLY MANUFACTURED ONLY BY iiAGSETIC STARCH iMANUFACTl'Rlffi CO. OMAHA , NEB.