The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 14, 1900, Image 8

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    The Rush still continues
and the goods are
going fast.
We do not dare quote prices on
many lines of goods , as the supply
t F
i ! is so limited that the goods would be
sold before this paper reaches you.
EVEN THE TOYS have been
selling like hot cakes.
All we can say to you is , Come
' AT ONCE if you want some of the
good things that are left.
All kinds of Christinas Candy , per
pound , - IOC.
English Walnuts , new crop , soft
shell , 2 pounds for
Mixed Nuts , all bright and clean , 2
pounds for
200 more large Pencil Tablets.
21 pairs of Ladies' Oxford Ties , your
choice at 6pc.
S rolls of Table Oil Cloth , per yard ,
it heavy brown Duck Coats ; take
them at
Men's pants : a few odd pair : you can
name the price.
19 Outing Flannel Overshirts : take
them at - - ,
Don't delay coming if in need of
goods at rock bottom prices.
Bit IN1 J\
Paid Up Capital , $ 0,000. Surplus , Jcooo #
rjiBc.-iiflif jajfflrTBirj
IDiscase and danger lurk in the vital organs.
The Wood becomes vitiated and the general
Iiealth is undermined whenever the stomach
and liver fail to perform their functions as
nature intended. Herbine will tone up the
stomach , regulate the liver , where other prep
arations only relieve. Price , 5 ° cents. A.
It is no sign of meanness to seek to live
1 within your means.
Praise the bridge that carries you over
-iither a flood or cough. Ballard's Horehound
riyrup has brought so many over throat and
IURJJ troubles , such as coughs , colds , bron
chitis , etc. . that its praises are sung every
where. Price , 25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Even repentance cannot call back the
arrow from its flight.
When you need a soothing and healing
antiseptic application for any purpose , u e
the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , a
well known cure for piles and skin diseases.
It heals sores without leaving a scar. Beware
of counterfeits. McConnell & Berry.
When the sinner is seeking only soothing
.sympathy the sincerity of his search may be
Now is the time when croup and lung
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harm
less remedy that produces immediate results
is One Minute Cough Cure , It ( is very pleas
ant to take and can be relied upon to quickly
cure , cotighs , colds and all lung diseases. It
will prevent consumption. McConnell &
"Bern'- .
The preacher never knows whether he
would bet on a horse race till he has been
You little knew when first we met
That some day you would be
The lucky fellow I'd choose to let
Pay for my Rocky Mountain Tea.
Ask your druggist.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment has been
thoroughly tested for many years , and is a
positive cure for this most distiessing and
embarassing of troubles. Price , 50 cents in
bottles. Tubes , 75 cents. A. McMillen.
Only he who worksin the world can live
above it.
Worms take refuge m the small intestines ,
where they can easily multiply. White's
Cream Vermifuge will destroy these parasites.
The verdict of the people tells plainly how
well it has succeeded. Price , 25 cents. A.
God often has to use rough dogs to bring
back His sheep.
Don't use any of the counterfeits of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them are
worthless or liable to cause injury. The
original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a
ceitain cure for piles , eczema , cuts , scalds ,
bursn , sores and skin diseases. McConnell
& Berry.
Sarah Bernhardt says the American man
does not know how to make love. Perhaps
in conducting her experiments she got hold of
the wrong sort of man.
Help is needed at once when a person's
life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold
may soon become serious and should be
stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure
quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst
cases of croup , bronchitis , grippe and other
throat and lung troubles. McConnell & Berry.
A courageous man is not so much he who
is brave to snatch pleasure as he who is ready
to bear pain.
When the stomach is tired out it must have
a rest , but we can't live without food. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure "digests what you eat" so
that you can eat all the good food you want
while it is restoring the digestive organs to
health. It is the only preparation that digests
all kinds of food. McConnell & Berry.
Nelson Itoyce lias lost several valuable head
of cattle in liis j-talk fields.
Mr. Griy has just finished husking his c > > rn
lately purchased of C. 1 > Masters.
Tuesday , Dec. II , dedicatory services were
held at the new Congregational church east
of Hex Elder.
Gene Hrower came from his home * in Den
ver to attend the funeral of his mother , Mrs.
I' . A. Brmver. Me returned Tuesday , De
cember II.
Miss Greve , who took Miss Molrmjj's place
in the school near Oshurn postoffice , has been
obliged to resign and now the officeis of that
district are looking for another teacher.
Miss Belle Ku.ick is teaching over the line
in Frontif r , in the district lately dominated by
Mis > s llopt of Hartley , who was obliged to re
sign on account of sickness in her father's
Mrs. I' . A. Biower , who , lor the past thirteen
years has been a resident of Box Elder , died ,
Kridav evening , December 7th. Impressive
funeral services were conducted at the M. E.
church by Rev. II. II. Berry. While her
dealh was not entirely unexpected it came
with something of a shock to her many friends
here Her helpful nature and ever-ready
sympathy will be greatly missed by a wide
circle of sorrowing friends. To the church
line of which she was a consistent and ex
emplary member the loss is irreparable.
Among the tens of thousands who have
used Chamber ! liiiV Cough Remedy for colds
and la grippe dunng the past few our
knowledge , not a single case has resulted in
pneumonia. Thos. hitefield & Co. , 240
Wabash avenue. Chicago , one of the most
prominent retail druggists in that city , in
speaking of this says : "We recommend Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many
cases , as it not only gives prompt and com
plete recovery , but also counteracts any ten
dency of U grippe to result in pneumonia. "
For sale by McCpnnell & Berry , druggists.
The Bartley mill is running full'blast now
under management of John Short.
John Jones is taking.lessons in potato-peal
ing and dish-washing in the Star restaurant.
Street Commissioner Maning has been do
ing some good work on the street crossings of
the village , lately.
A. J John is putting in eight cords of rock j
at the south end of the new bridge across the
Republican , south of town.
The Christian people have made some re
pairs to the interior of their church , which
adds greatly to its appearance. Their new
pastor will preach for them , next Sunday.
Miss llapperset , teacher of the Primary ,
and Miss Matthews , teacher of the Intermedi
ate departments of our public schools , are
preparing their pupils to give an enteitain-
ment in the near future.
A. G. Keys received a telegram , Wednes
day morning , announcing the death , Tuesday
evening , at seven o'clock , of his son , llarley ,
in Des Moines , Iowa. Mr. Keyes at once
wired instructions to ship the remains to
Barlley for interment.
McConnell & Berry , druggists , guarantee
every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and will refund the money to anyone who is
not satisfied after using two-thirds of the con
tents. This is the best remedv in the world
for la grippe , coughs , colds , croup and whoop
ing cough and is pleasant and safe to take , t
It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in (
Tribune Clubbing : List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TKIK
UNE , we have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press Si oo $ i 50
Leslie's Weekly 4 oo 3 oo
Prairie Farmer I oo 175 :
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo 150
New-York Tribune I oo i 25
Demorest's Magazine I oo i 75
Toledo Blade I oo 125
Nebraska Farmer too 150
Iowa Homestead I oo I 45
Lincoln Journal too 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo 150
New-York World i oo 165
Omaha Bee I oo 150 :
Cosmopolitan Magazine I oo I 80
St.Louis Republic too 175 .
Kansas City Star 25 i 15
Nebraska Dairyman and Up- ;
to-Date Farmer 50 125
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 400 420
We are prepared to fill orders for any other -
papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE. McCook , Neb.
A New .York heiress has just purchased an
SSoo English bull pup. That is far more to
her credit than if she had purchased a 3o-cent
English titled snob.
An attractive woman thrives on good food
and sunshine , with plenty of exercise in the
open air. llerfoim glows with health and
her face blooms with its beauty. When
troubled with a costive habit , she takes a few
doses of Herbine to dense her system of all
impurities. Price , 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Dooley is rapidly recovering from his attack
of typhoid fever , and will soon be at the old
stand telling Hinnessy all about it.
Your blcod goes through your body with
jumps and bounds , carrying warmth and ac
tive life to every part of your body , if you take
Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist.
The land upon which Hannibal , Mo. , is
located sold in 1828 for 5640 , and Mark Twain
living right there with not enough foresight
to buy it !
pepsia Cure
0 B
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovereddigest-
aut and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it ia efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea ,
Sick Headache , Gastralgla.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and $1. Large size contains 2M times
email size. Book all about dyspepsia mailedf ree
Prepared by C. C. DeWITT a CO. . Cblcaao.
MoConnell & Berry , Druggists.
Pictures of Clothing do not
convey the character = = the
workmanship and style.
We have some new wrink =
I les in Nobby Vestees and
Piece Suits. In fact
3 = , everything =
erything in niP
A m M J *
beutfdjei i Leading Clothier
v McCook , - Nebraska
Free of Charge.
Any adult suffering from a cold settled on
the breast , bronchitis , throat or lung troubles
of any nature , who will call at A. McMillen's ,
will be presented with a sample bottle of
Hoschee's German Syrup , free of charge.
Only one bottle given to one personand none
tu children without order from parents. No
throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as
Hoschee's German Syrup in all parts of the
civilized world. Twenty years ago millions
of hot'le ? were given awayand your druggists
will tell you its success was marvelous , ft is
really the only throat and lung remedy gener
ally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent
bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold by
dealers in all civilized countries.
An Omaha man has sued for divorce be
cause his wife called him "an old fool. " No
man likes to be twitted about his age.
Just Saved His Life.
It was a thrilling escape that Charles Davis
of Bowerston , O. , lately had from a frightful
death. For two years a severe lung trouble
constantly grew worse until it seemed he must
die of consumption. Then he began to use
Dr. King's New Discovery and lately wrote :
"It gave instant relief and effected a perma
nent cure. " Such wonderful cures have for
25 years proven it's power to cure all throat ,
chest and lung troubles. Price 5oc and $ i oo.
Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free
at McConnell & Herry's drugstore.
Terry McGovern has earned more money
this year than McKinley. He would rather
fight than be president.
How to Cure Croup.
Mr. R. Gray , who lives near Amenia , Duch-
: ss county , N. V.says : "Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is the best medicine I have ever
jsed. It is a line children's remedy for croup
ind never fails to cure. " When given as soon
il the child becomes hoarse , or even after the
: roupy cough has developed , it will prevent
he attack. This should be borne in mind and
i bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand
eady for instant use as soon as these symp-
ems appear. Sold by McConnell & Berry.
The doctors considerately refrain from at-
iributing Lieutenant Ilobson's illness to the
rciss miciobe.
The Bet Plaster.
A piece of flannel dampened with Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected
Darts is superior to any plaster. When troub-
ed with lame back or pains in the side or
hest , give it a trial and you are certain to be
nore than pleased with the prompt relief
.vhich it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheu-
natism. One application gives relief. For
ale by McConnell & Berry , druggists.
"To Hell for Three Cents ! " is the heading
n a church paper , but it is doubtful if a cut
-ate will increase travel in that direction.
A Keen , Clear Brain.
Your best feelings , your social position or
ausiness success depend largely on the perfect
iction of your stomach and liver. Dr. King's
New Life Pills give increased strength , a
keen , clear brain , high ambition. A 25 cent
box will make you feel like a new being.
Sold by McConnetl & Berry , druggists.
If the Goulds expect the Castellanes to live
on $20,800 a month they should arrange to
have Anna do all the marketing.
Many persons have had the experience of
Mr. Peter Sherman of North Stratford , N. 11. ,
who says , "For years I suffered torture from
chronic indigestion , but Koclol Dyspepsia
Cure made a well man of me. " It digests
what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspep
sia and every form of stomach trouble. It
gives relief at once even in the worst cases ,
and can't help but do you good. McConnell
& Berry.
To whom it may concern : Notice is here-
bv given that on the I3th day of February ,
ib'gg , S. C. King purchased at tax sale of the
then count } treasurer of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , the following described lands situ
ated in said county of Red Willow , state of
ivebraska , for the delinquent taxes thereon
for the years 1894. 1895 , 1896 and 1897 , towit :
The south half of the north-east quarter of
section eighteen , in township three , north ,
range twenty-eight , west 6th P. M. , and the
north half of the south-east quarter of section
eighteen , in township three , north , range
twenty-eight , west 6th P. M. , assessed in the
name of John F. Black ; that the time for the
redemption of said lands from said sale will
expire on the I4th day of February , IQOI , at
which time the undersigned will apply to the
county treasurer of Red \ViJlo\v county , Ne
braska , for a deed to said land , above set
Forth , unless redemption is made according to j
law. S. C. KING.
It brings to the little ones priceless gift of
healthy flesh , solid bone and muscle. That's
what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35c. Ask
your druggist.
McCcok. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
This school has recently been reorgani ed
and placed in charge of Archdeacon Atmore ,
whose scholastic attainments are well and
favorably known in many portions of the
United States. Here is the opportunity for
parents to procue for their boys a good ,
wholesome , sound and all around education.
Terms reasonable. The next term com
mences January I7th , IQOI , and arrangements
can be made by which pupils may enter at
| once , or at any time. For further information ,
address ,
References : Hon. John RedickOmaha. . Xej j
. = = = - braska ; lion. C. U. Finch , Kear
ney , Nebraska : Mr. F. G. Keens , Kearney , Ne
Steam Fitter
Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
To Cure a Cold In a Day.
Take Laxative I/roino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. li.V. . Grove's signature on every box.
25c. 4-1.
= 1j 1
Gold and Aluminum Plates.
Crown and Bridge Work
Office over McConnell & Berry's Drug Store
EB Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office--
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and 1'late Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
attention paid to
hauling furniture. Leave orders
at either lumber yard.
Urt PR1
_ , . _ . has for nearly MXIJ \ ars = bo n
J Mb recognized as ti.e ! > i".p--s | Na- published on Monday. V.'ednes-
ill" tional - < Jay and .
Family Xewspapi-r , for Kr.uay. U a compile
ttnif farmers and villagerIts up to date
PlfcVs" splendid Agricultural Depart newspape-
mtmwv ment , its rel'abie market re three dais in the tveeK. with
ports , recognized authorit > all important news of the other
throughout the country ; its four days.
fashion notes , its Science and Profusely illus
Mechanics Department , its trated , and filled with interan-
fascinating short btones. etc. . ing reading for all who wish to
etc. . render it indispensable in keep in
TRIBUNE every family. Regular Miib- close touch with news
seriptioii price. 91.0O TRiBUNE * he nation
per year.
In connection with The Tribune we offer to those whn price , < px.oij per -ar.
, ,
lp < ;
: r
illuitiated weeklies , anil agricultural journals. the foliumjss
s ssss srraa < " .
Regular w > WeeklyTrl- . .
Trib-ine. "
Aiorlli Aniorioan ilevicvr. Xcw York Citv One Tear. One Year. Tribune.
Iljirin-rs ' Mn avEii , , . . .N.w Vorlc City. . . . .T $ .1.00 * ? . .oo One Year.
Jliirper's IJa/ir. Aew YoiU Citv. . . . . . 1.00 V.ho
JIarper'.seekl > . \i-\v York Citv ' 4.OO .
teiilurv finxuxinc. .New 1 ork City. . . l.'oo
M. .Nieholus ; .New York Cit > 'l.OO -l ! < ) ( > 4.5O
> JtM lure .s .ll.-iirnxijie. .New York Citv. . * ! .oo JJJO
Frank Leslie's .Monthly. Xew York Ci v' " l.OO io * > * > .Magazine.New lork Citv. . ' " " ' l.OO i.un
Snoeess. .New A ork City ' . l.OO i.r
Ijoclsrer'.Monthly. Now \orJc City . ' l.OO 1.10
I'uek. New ork City . l.OO .
J ml ere. .New \ ork City. . . ! . : : : o.OO . 1.7.1
Leslie's U eekly. New York City. ' . ' . . ' . ' .l.OO ji.OO
Review of KeMews , > ew York Citv 4.OO 'iioo
Seril.uer's Maenzinc. > 'cw York Citv
Aiiieriean A rioiilturist. Xew Citv" *
. .
. " . . .
Vfir'I r.t * \ * * A- Tr * > s * ij 1.00
l.OO 1.S.1
1.00 3.- . ' 3. To
-.00 3.M
- -M > 1.1JO
. - 0
n.oo 1.00
j-ariii iinii uonic. Sprlii acld. Mass. 1.75
.New Eiislnna Homestead. SprInKfleYd" Sin Li .oO i.SJO
Good Ilousekecpinc : . Sprinprncld Mni " l.OO l.OO 1..1O
Farm. Field and Fireside. Chiea' l.OO i.a.i
o 111 1.S.1
Orange .Tiidd l.OO
Farmer. Chicago lli [ l.OO .
Kpitoml.Mt. Indianapolis. Ind l.OO
Ohio Farmer , Cleveland , Ohio 3.2.-
Miehijran Farmer. Detroit. Mich 1.00 II
I-arm and Fireside. SpriiKrfielfim.i a.oo
Farm \ew.s. SprinKfield. io ' 1.00 ioi !
Ohio. . .
* - t KgvK * a "I * 4l > . . . . 'O
Home and Farm. LoniHville Iv-v .no 1.00 '
The Farmer. St. Paul. Minn' . ? ? ' ' ! ! ! ! 1.00 i..ii >
. Trlbnne Almanac. 1JIO1. 1.00
Please send cash with order. . . . 1.00 i.r > o
Those wishing to subscribe for more than 1.10 1.50
" „ „
The Tribune may remit at publishers' - - - - one eve l.GO
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n >