The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 30, 1900, Image 7

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The ordinary every-day life of most of our women is a
ceaseless treadmill of work.
How much harder the daily tasks become when some
derangement of the female organs makes every movement
painful and keeps the nervous system all unstrung I
One day she is wretched and utterly miserable ; in a day
or two she is better and laughs at her fears , thinking there
is nothing much the matter after all ; but before night the
deadly backache reappears , the limbs tremble , the lips twitch
it seems as though all the imps of Satan were clutching
her vitals ; she goes to pieces and is flat on her back.
No woman ought to arrive at this terrible state of
misery , because these symptoms are a sure forerunner of
womb troubles. She must remember that ILydia 33. Pinlc-
liam's "Vegetable Compound is almost an infallible cure
for all female ills , such as irregularity of periods , which cause
weak stomach , sick headache , etc. , displacements and in
flammation of the womb , or any of the multitudes of ill
nesses which beset the female organism.
ffffrsm Goasfess wrote to MsSa Pfisfffa&ns wfosn sites
was eea great foQzs&Ssa ffler letter tells
MRS. PINKUAH : I am very grateful to you for your kindness
and the interest you have taken in me , and truly believe that your medicines
and advice are worth more to a woman , than all the
doctors in the world. My troubles began with inflam
mation and hemorrhages from the kidneys , then
inflammation , congestion and falling of the womb ,
and inflammation of the ovaries. I underwent local
treatment every day for some time ; then , after nearly
two months , the doctor gave me permission to go
back to work. I went back , but in less than a "week
was compelled to give up and go to bed. On break
ing down the second time , I decided to let doctors
and medicines alone and try your remedies. Before
the first bottle was gone I felt the effects of it.
Three bottles of IJydia E. PinMiam's Vegetable
Compound , and a package of Sanative Wash did
me more good than all the doctors' treatments a..d
medicine. I have gained twelve pounds during the
last two months and am better in every way. Thanking you for your
kind advice and attention , I remain. Yours gratefully ,
"MRS. E. J. GOODEN , Ackley , Iowa. "
Owing to the fact that some skeptical
people have from time to time questioned
the genuineness of the testimonial letters
we are constantly publishing , we have
deposited with the National City Bank , of Lynn , Mass. , $5,000 ,
which will be paid to any person who will show that the above
testimonial is not genuine , or was published before obtaining the
writer's special permission. I/raiA E. PEOCHAM MEDICINE Co.
To Self-Supporting Women
Without InterfcrlnR with your regular duties , you cnn
make money by means of cur offer of S l .5OO FOIt
smsriMPTIONS. Send for full particulars
7 to 17 W. 13tU St. , Xotr York.
Must Boar Signature o ?
See Fac-SImilo Wrapper Below.
Yc77 omaH and as easy
to take as sngax.
The boy who is afraid he will nevei
amount to anything seldom does.
Piso's Cute is the best medicine wo ever used
j for all affections of the throat and lumfs. Wsi.
O. ENDSLEY , Vanburea , Ind. , Fob. 10.1900.
Give cheerfully with one hand and
you will gather abundantly with two.
InifTRi ts refund the money if it fails to cure.
E.V. . Grove's signature is on the box. 3c.
The contents of the jeweler's safe
may be his stepping stones to fortune.
Dyspepsia is the bane of the human system ,
i-rotcct yourself against its ravuges by the use
of Beemsm's Pepbiu Gum.
Courtship may be bliss , but mar
riage sometimes blisters.
The Census of 1900.
A booklet giving the population ol
all cities of the United States of 25,000
and over according to the census of
19QO , has just been issued by the Pas
senger department of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St Paul Railway , and a
copy of it may be obtained by sending
your address , with two-cent stamp to
pay postage , to the General Passenger
Agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway , Chicago , 111.
No married man is henpecked who
buys his own neckties.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothinff Syrap.
For children teethlus , cof tens the Rums , reduces In
flammation , allays paincures wind colic , acabottlo-
The coquette was created so that
the fool might have a companion.
S.OOO.iKXi acres new lands to open to settlement.
Subscribe for Till : KIOWA CHIEF , devoted to information
mation about thet-o lands. One year. $1.00. Single
copy. lOc. bcbseribers receive free illustrated book
on Oklahoma. Morpan's Manual ( .210 pace --ettler- *
Gulilei with fine sectional map , fl.OO. Mnii2rii- . All
aiH \ e , l.T- . Address Dick T. Morgan , Terry , O. T.
Tells all a&out Winchester Rifles , Shofpns , and Ammunition
Send name and address on a postal now. Don't delay if you are interested.
American Sta o Departmant Again Ad
dresses Itself to the Powers.
Heat Moans of Securing Objects Common
to All Pointed Oat Arrangement of
New Unscs to Bridge Over Impassible
Situation at I'eklu.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 24. The sec
retary of state has addressed an iden
tical note to the powers in regard to
< the Chinese situation , setting out
tersely and freely the attitude of the
United States government as to China ,
and pointing out how sueh objects as
are common to the powers can beut be
[ secured. The note marks the Initla-
tion of fresh negotiations ou our part
| on the arrangement of new bases to
| tide over the impossible situation
created at the last meeting of the min
isters in Pekin. Some responses al
ready are at baud , and it is stated
that generally our advances have been
well received and the state department
expresses satisfaction with the prog
ress so far achieved.
It is believed that the note is an ap
peal from the extreme course sug
gested by some oi tLo powers as to
the treatment of China , especially In
the matter of punishments and indem
nities to which { ho ministers at Pekin
scorn inclined. The Intent is to push
the negotiations on a more rational
and business-like basis.
LONDON , Nov. 24. The Times thte
morning comments editoilaJIy in a
eomewhat Incredulous tcne upon Sec
retary Hay's fresh note to the powers ,
saying that it cannot Imagine Secre
tary Hay as objecting to the execu
tion of the guilty officials after , as was
understood , assenting ito the French
proposals. It admits that , so far as
outsiders can form an opinion , "the
United States appear to be the leading
obstacle to the working of the concert
of powers in China. "
With to Mr Wu Ting
Fang's speech in Cincinnati , promising
the United States batter commercial
chances when is rostoied , the
Times says : "Wo wcuJd not advise
Chinese ministers in Europe to enter
upon such a Hue of argument , as there
are countries where so gross a pro
posal would "no resented as an injury. "
The Daily News , evidently despond
ent as to the outcome of the negotia
tions in Pekin , say's : "The concert
mush either tfissolve or compromise.
We nope Mr. Hay may be able to sug
gest a cnitipr.jiijis0 which all the pow
ers will ttg'if to adopt fiimly and in
union "
The Daily Chronicle remarks : "Even
if the powers are won over to the
views of the United States we do not
see how matters would be advanced ,
unless the Chinese court can be in
duced to rnturn to Pekin. "
Rebel Forces Hold Uailroad f.lii - and
Threat en tit Attack.
KINGSTON. Jamaica , Nov. 24. The
BritiFJi steamer Barbarian , which has
just arrived here flron Colon , reports
that severe fighting occurred Monday
and Tuesday .it Culebra. The- govern
ment forces attacked the rebels , who
occupied . good position , with 'the
result that the losses of ihe former
were heavy. The fighting was pro
ceeding when the steamer left Tuesday
The stores and restaurants at Colon
were closed and the rebels Jield a portion
tion of the railroad line.
Another rebel force was reported
to ibe engaging the government troops
near Panama. Business is entirely
suspended at the latter place and
both Panama and Colon are in a state
of terror.
Tlie rebels are attacking in a deter
mined manner and it is feared the
slaughter will be great before decisive
results are reached. The liberals , it is
asserted by the passengers of the Bar
barian , still hold Buena Ventura ,
though the Colombian government is
making a great effort to regain posses
sion of it.
Several Hundred Indians in : i Fitiftil
SAN DIEGO , Cal. , Nov. 24. Sev
eral hundred Indians In this county
are threatened with starvation. They
have made no provision for the win
ter and are now suffering for want
of food.
Mrs. Mary Watkins , the teacher of
Mesa Grande reservation , where there
are 306 people , of whom 27 are so
cH that they are helpless , writes
oE having visited seven of the res
ervations and found the Indians in a
dreadful condition of want in all of
them. Children and women are al
most naked and there is not enough
food in many of the lodges to keer-
the inhahitants thereof alive through
ilie winter.
The Manzanilla berries were a fail
ure and the acorns dropped from the
oak trees in June because of the lack
of moisture.
Cork Xot Open to Krnjer.
CORK , Nov. 24 As a protest against
the refusal cf the lord mayor of Cork
to entertain a motion to confer the
freedom of the city itpon Mr. Kruger ,
the corporation adjourned today , the
adjournment resolution being adopted
by a large majority , after an exciting
Boston Tea Tax an Issue.
BOSTON. Mass. , Nov. 24. Tea mer
chants in this city have begun a move
ment looking to a removal of the war
tax imposed on imported tea since the
Spanish war. A petition is in circula
tion asking the chairman of the ways
amfineaiis committee at Washington
to consider the petition of the tea
dealers before deciding not to take off
the tax. The petition says that the
tax of ten cents on a pound has re
sulted in a sale of the lower grades
and that the tax helps coffee , which
is free.
State Department Hear * Nothing Official
Concerning DJmiRrectuent at I'eUln.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 23. The State
department so far has heard nothing
from Minister Congro respecting the
"Impasse" repcCAted to have been
reached by the foreign ministers yes
terday at Pekin. In fact , save a brief
expression respecting the insufficiency
of the punishments proposed by the
Chinese government to be inilicted
upon the responsible leaders of the
Boxer movement , Mr. Congrc has not
communicated with the department
for more than a week.
Without taking issue with Mr. Conger -
gor respecting this matter of punish
ments , the State department has earn
estly advised him not to insist on im
possible conditions in the negotiations.
An interesting problem isi suggested
by the possibility , which today is al
most a probability , that the ministers
representing the powers at Pekin can
not reach an agreement. If Rueain ,
France and the United States should
refuse to accept the German idea , as
seconded by the British representative ,
much would depend upon Japan , and
on some of the lesser powers repre
sented at Pekin by ministers might
have great power in swrying the pro
ceedings of the council. The impres
sion seems to be that if a majority
of the ministers , or perhaps even one
of the representatives of a great pow
er , withholds assent to the agreement ,
then the whole undertaking falls , and
there must be either fresh negotia
tions directly between the home gov
ernments in the effort to agree upon
new basis of action , or the powers
must proceed to deal with the Chinese
situation singly , or in groups , the lat
ter contingency having been provided
for in the German-British agreement.
Filipinos Propose to Ivcvp V\ > Agitation
from Snfety in Hong Kong.
HONG KONG , Nov. 23. ( New York
World Cablegram ) . H. Wildman , the
United States consul here , has information
mation that the Filipino junta , at a
meeting held November 15 , decided to
brave the chances of deportation rather
than quit Hong Kong. Recent corre
spondence between the junta and the
insurrectionists proves that Aguinaldo
is still alive , but he is said to be suf
fering from a gunshot wound in his
The Hong Kong junta has also decid
ed to make another attemnt to send
arms to the Filipinos in a launch ,
which will Hrobably fly the German
flag. The venture will be in charge of
Colonel Julio del Pilar. Heyes and
Garcia , two Filipion agents , have a
large stock of ammunitions of war at
The Chinese General Pana. who was
recently deported 1'iom the Philippines ,
has been conferring with the junta
here , but has gone to Singapore.
MANILA. Nov. 23. Lieutenant
Frederick W. Alstactter of the Unltod
States engineers , who was captured by
the insurgents early last September
north of San Isidro , has been released.
He entered the American garrison at
Gapan , province of Nueva Ecija on
Tuesday evening , his appearance there
being a great surprise , as Aguinaldo's
order for the release of American sol
diers included only enlisted men. He
will start for Manila tomorrow.
River and Harbor Kill.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 23.
Chairman Burton of the house com-
mitteee on rivers and harbors stated
Unlay that the committee would meet
Monday to begin preparation of a
river and harbor bill and he expected
to get it tnrough the house before the
holidays. Mr. Burton said that noth
ing definite had been decided upon ,
but that the committee would draw
a strict line between improvements
which were lor the public good and
those for private interests. He also
stated that some policy regarding the
permanent improvement of the Miss
issippi river would be determined
Concludes Its Session.
CHICAGO , 111. , Nov. 23. The inter
state commerce commission concluded
its session here today and this even
ing the commissioners left for Wash
ington. Having finished its work in
the discrimination cases , the commis
sion held a special session and invest
igated complaints of under-billing
freight to eastern points by a number
of shippers. This investigation was
begun several weeks ago and some
testimony was heard in New York a
week ago.
Anxiety About the Czar.
LJVADIA , European Russia , Nor.
22. Emperor Nicholas , according to
the best information obtainable this
morning , had a favorable day yester
day. He slept for some time and felt
at ease. His temperature at 9 p. m.
was 110.6 and his pulse 64.
Last night he slept well and on
waking this morning was 'comfort '
able , his head being quite clear. At
9 a. m. today his temperature was
99.G and his pulse 68.
Stoyn and Dewftt Attack.
MASERU , Basutoland , Nov. 20. Na
tives report that former President
Steyn and General Dewet , with 1,000
men , traversed the British lines be
tween Alexandria and Warringham's
store and attacked a British post , sub
sequently retiring by the road to Dew-
etsdorp , in the Orange River colony.
Concludse its sesion
Cattle Kin ? a. Ravine Maniac.
NEW YORK , Nov. 23. W. F. Mel-
lick , former president of the National
bank at Pocatello , Idaho , and "cattle
king" of the snake river , that state ,
is now a raving lunatic , the result , it
is thought , of baing sandbagged in
Chicago a week ago. He was taken to
Morristown. N. J. , heavily ironed ,
and was committed as a private pa
tient to the state hospital for the in
sane at Morris Plains. The committ
ment was ma. ? * at the instance of his
fiither , R. W. Mellick , a wealthy farm
er of New Germantown , N. J.
Hound to ISo l
Ex-Speaker Reed , being himself a
mast methodical man , likes those about
him to bo as punctual In business
matters as he Is. The other day ho
reprimanded an office hey for the tar
diness of his arrival at the office.
"Well , " said the boy. "you Bald there
was nothing like regularity , and is *
I'd been an hour late for the- past two
weeks , t didn't like to change my
method and come In on time today. "
Are Srnrr .
Brigadier General Merriam , com
manding the department of the Mis
souri , gives in his report an Illustration
of how foreign tervice has drawn on
the home forces. So few arc the oili-
cers now available that Lieutenant
Delamere Skerrett , besides being first |
lieutenant of the Third artillery , is an '
acting captain , an acting judge advocate - |
cate , chief ordnance officer , chief signal I
officer and acting engineer ollicer of the
department of Missouri , making sep
arate reports in this various capacities.
There are sixty-two miles of tunnels
in the fortified rock of Gibraltar.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
The man you fail to get will novel-
add to your wealth.
Try Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
Chrysanthemum red is one of tir :
fashionable fall colors.
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
Every time the grocer sells a pound
of sugar he gives it a-weigh.
What Shall AVe Have for IJensort ?
This Question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it today.
Try Jell-O , a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No
boiling ! no baking ! add boiling water
and set to cool. Flavors : Lemon ,
Orange , Raspberry and Strawberry. At
your grocers. 10 cts.
Even the best regulated family has
its disagreements now and then.
fast to sunlight , washing and rubbing.
The smart girl is apt to say things
that make other people smart.
FITSrermnncni'y CnrwJ. yntlt"or
first daj' HM ! of lir. Kline < ( lieut Xern * ! < < ! < II T.
Sfiiil for KKiK SU.OO trial < . < ittl" tuifl Sreuti-e.
iin. U. II. KLINE. Ltil.' rcUSt. . l'liilclmm. ! i'a.
What is to be ? Why , a verb , of
SLlItltT.HlK 1'AI'Klt.
Uest Published I-'KKK.
J. W. OUXNFI..S. Toledo , Ohio
The best wy to kill time is by hard
Kushicss and Shorthand
Ifojd i ; : < l . , Omaha.
Most perfectly equipped College in
the west. § 2,100.00 , new banking fur
niture. $3,000.00 worth now type
writers. Send for catalogue. A. C.
Ong , A. M. , LL. B. . Prcs.
No man appreciates poetry unless he
has a little of it in nis make-up.
IJest for the ISowlt.
No matter what ails you , headache
to a cancer , you will never get well
until your bowels are put righ : .
CASCARETS help nature , fare you
without a gripe or pain , produce easy
natural movements , cost you just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the
genuine , put up in metal boxes , every
tablet has C. C. C. stamped CD. it. Be
ware of imitations.
When society throws people over
board they are not in the swim.
To Cure Indigestion.
If you were unable to enjoy your
Thanksgiving feast because of indiges
tion , take Gar.'icld Tea and you will lieie-
after be able to enjoy all your meals.
The wise teacher never attempts to
teach more than he knows.
Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal.
One hundred and fifty firms in this
country manufacture school text books.
Jell-O , the .New Dessert ,
pleases all the family. Four flavors :
Lemon , Orange , Raspberry and Straw- \
berry. At your grocers. 10 cts. Try 1
it today. |
There are nearly 4.000 miles inland
navigation in England and Wales.
It is an Absolutely Pure Health
Food , prepared by a Steel Cut process
that removes all indigestible parts of
the wheat and retains the nutritious
which render i
strength-giving parts , I
this food very easily digested and as ,
easily , cooked. When served with sugar j
and cream you fiavo a most delicious j
and palatable article. Wheat-0 is I
made of choice wheat , thoroughly j
cleansed and purified , and is especially
recommended for children and all these
who may be troubled with dyspepsia ,
constipation , or headache. It keeps
the well healthy , makes the weak
strong , and as a nerve fcod it is un- j
equaled. All good grocers seil it. !
The taking ways of the kleptomaniac
may be due to fits of abstraction.
.Japanese Smokers
Smoking is so common in Japan
that all men and most women smok - ,
the girls beginning when they ar
about 10 years of age. The womei
have pipes with longer stems than the
men , and if one of them wishes TO
'show a gentleman a special mark of
favor , she lights her pipe , lakes -i
whiff , hands it to him and lets him
I'rrxy Ad.iniKftir < ; nieii : .
Charles Kendall Adams has retire !
from the presidency of the University
of Wisconsin and will go abroad for
his health , which has been bad for '
two years past. He has not actually
resigned , and Dean E. A. Birge will >
act in his place.
I Rheumatism In many forms
makeup n large jtart of human
sufTeriiiK. They conic suddenly ,
but they go promptly by the
use of
which in a ccrlntn s-nrc cure.
lirain-O is not a stimulant , like
coffee. It i < : i tonic and its effects
arc permanent.
A success ! ul substitute for coffee ,
he-cause it has the coffee flavor tlw1 ;
everybody likes.
j.ots of coffee substitutes in the
market , but only one food drink
All roocrg ; l. > c. ami 25c.
It's always easy to int 'r st a man in
a good money-making scheme.
Cil-irli Cannot Uo Cured
with r.OCAf. Al'I'MCTIONS , as they cannot
rrach the M'at of the tlfscusu. C.itarrh In a
blood or constitutional disc.isc. and in order to
cure it you must luki internal ri'inrilics. IhvlI'M
Cat i rli Cuu ; is taken internally , and uct.1
i diroetlv on the blo < > < l anil mucous surfiiers.
I Hall's t'aturrh Cnri > is not : i < | iiii-k : medicine
i It was nn/Vcribcd by "tin of the * li--.t. ptiysIuiariM
' in this country for \ < -ars , and Is : t r < vKiilar pro
scription. It is composed of the best tonlcK
kiumn , combined v.ilh tint best blood purifiers ,
acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of MIC two ingredient * * Is
v.-luit produces such wonderful results in curing
Catarrh. Send for testimonials , free.
K.I. CUKNKY&CO. 1'ioiw. , Toledo. Ot
Sold bv dmirtrists. prico77 > c.
Hall s Family Pills antliu best
A wooden leg iiido of oak never
produces a-rorn.
$ MS will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write fur cntuIogueB.
Sclimoller & Mueller , JIJ1U Farnara
street , Omaha.
The secretary of the treasury has
issued a circular suspending ruftmdiiu ;
operations , to take effect Ici' mber 31.
T.nMirlirit l.ulr rltli Its youthful cuter asaure'l by
lllli 1'AKKt.KN II IK IS tMAII.
IIiM > rivoi : > s , Ui In si < : ri > for roni" .
The most costly leather in tlie worM
is known to the trade as piano leather ,
Ciirtor's Inlc
is used by millions , ivhic'i is a snn ; proof or iUj
ju-ility. .Send for fr e booClct , InWhujs. "
Address Carter's Ink Co. , lioston. Mass.
Shut the door in the face of naUrro
and she will come in at the window.
To Promoti ) < > i oi ! Digestion.
IT after Thankagivln Day the appe
tite is poor UikcUarJifld Tea ; it will
cleanse the system anil sthmilutQ the
A good many of the standing jokes
should be sat upon.
No one would object to free silver
that was practically free.
Each rose has its thorn ; each
tain its mud.
Last year Germany imported 211,1
metric tons of potatoes.
If you liav not lri - l MngiK-th Starch
try it now You will tin n us < - no other.
Cures all Throat acd I.uug Affections.
" "
Get the genuine. Refass.tutea. .
* \atfon Oi ! cures khcuinaUsm. is & 3g cU.
K ir T' < [ > Prtrcn M > fp 'i i.ur
< i A 71 IA > I > I' ij It J , T It V
T < lit ailriia ! ' * >
< i \ \ 3rk < * ii < r.fl. iMliy.
Hiitfcr. J , .VH. Veil. IIMf ) an l Kur-
Onions In I ari.aU.ilH ) (
Oiuali i ,
The real tvortli of IV.
I. . Douglnb 3.00 and
MJ.5O "Oifies coni ] > ar < > < ]
with other maKes in
C4.OO to SS.OO.
tannot he equalled at
any price. Owr I , OOO-
DOO hatNfU- l uearerp.
m ?
* tXt/x1" Positively outwear
Vvv'lo ? to am of ordinary
\ \ \ /x 33 „ S3 55
We arc tlie Jarcesl u'ahsrs of men'tj 33
p.nd S.' sli n > - , in the ivorlil. "Wo rnaka
nnd sell inorf . -iml S'5."O fliocs than any
other two mrrjufa , tr -t In the U. 3.
ITrn'i.'JC -
' fy-rau. $3.0(1 (
1 e. 'i rtla : : ! 'sr r
1 1 m . ! for thnr r. < reSHOE. .
l- } ca * p t ' * fu' ' re
thoea arc w > ! J t
' '
th j ; trt sire one -ier'f- ' . each t. * n.
Tabf nn wuli littit < * ! Ir-i-t on havn = W. J. .
IJoa iee V ) t wth namTM ] pnr ita-npt l on hotlon.
I : yoTir : ? . . rwi 1 n. -t tntm for j > u. tfn < l dinrt t *
factory , tnclfins ; pn-r an iOf "ttn ft r camize.
EJaw inJof , ami widih. plan coip to .
Our shoes sill reach . .
you anywh.-ie. Caialoyuf i rec.
tv.ii. JUou lab > Uoe Co.Urcckton , JUaai.