The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1900, Image 8

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    m BSOW Sa ! SSaBISISSS ffiE5
mT iTir i aJiiiTruitinTOT-ffiratrrm"
As in years past our. . . .
will be one of the leading attractions. Nev
er before have we been able 'to offer our
trade such extraordinary values in this line.
We ask the opportunity of proving : to you
that spot cash cuts a figure both in buying
and selling.
Don't buy until you have looked' over
our line and heard the prices.
Yours for Business-
The Bee Hive , McCook , Neb.
9 *
I *
b Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000 < t
f - - = DIRECTORS = =
< n
ifoyj8 T
yj8 * v i
S. R. Smith has been attending court in
McCook , part of the week.
The Mackechnie-Welborn marriage is the
social event of the season.
L. B. Kerns and Will Sexson were business
visitors in the county seat , last Saturday.
Mrs. J. W. Dolan was a visitor in the coun
ty's capital , Wednesday.
H.W.Keyes has been in McCook , this
week , attending the November term of dis
trict court.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hetherington of our
city are making Judge Bishop and family a
visit of indefinite length in the county's cap
Robert Welborn was down from Denver to
witness his sister's marriage to Dr. Mackech-
nie. He came down , close .of last week , and
left for the west , first of this week. He has
recently been changed from Denver to Cali
fornia , and will open an office for the Colo-
jade Iron and Fuel Co. in Los Angeles. Like
his brother Floyd , he enjoys a very remune
rative and important place in that great con
cern's employ.
Floyd Welborn came down from Denver ,
Monday morning , to witnes's the marriage of
his sister , Miss Lillian to Dr. W. D. Mackech-
aie , that evening. He returned to Denver ,
the same night. Floyd has for a number of
months been back in Denver , after a short
residence in New York City. He is promi
nently connected with the Colorado Iron and
Fuel Co. , and says the company has work for
a thousand more men at wages from $2.50 to
$5.00 per day.
Free of Charge.
Any adult suffering from a cold settled on
the breast , bronchitis , throat or lung troubles
of any nature , who will call at A. McMillen's ,
will be presented with a sample bottle of
Boschee's German Syrup , free of charge.
Only one bottle given to one person.and none
to children without order from parents. No
throat or lung remedy ever had suph a sale as
Boschee's German Syrup in all parts of the
civilized world. Twenty years ago millions
of bottles were given awayand your druggists
will tell you its success was marvelous. It is
xeally the only throat and lung remedy gener
ally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent
bottle -will cure or prove its value. Sold by
dealers in all civilized countries.
It is a good deal easier to demonstrate that
men may become monkeys than that monkeys
Lave become men.
Six Frightful Failures.
Six terrible failures of six different doctors
nearly sent Wm. H. Mullen of Lockland , O. ,
to an early grave. All said he had a fatal
lung trouble and that he must soon die. But
lie was urged to try Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption. Alter taking five
bottles he was entirely cured. It is positively
guaranteed to cure all "diseases of throat ,
chest and lungs , including coughs , colds , la-
grippe , pneumonia , bronchitis , asthma , hay
lever , croup , whooping cough , 5oc aijjd $ i.
Trial bottles tree at McConnell & Berry's.
Only the man who can say , "All my springs
are in Thee , " can go through the dry and
thirsty land.
There is probably no disease more distress
ing and annoying than piles. Tabler's Buck
eye Pile Ointment is daily curing cases of
year's standing of itching and bleeding piles.
The cure begins on the first application , a
little perseverence makes the cure complete.
Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes , 75 cents.
A. McMillen , druggist.
A man is not a champion of truth because
he howls at all who differ from him.
Your blood goes through your body with
jumps and bounds , carrying warmth and ac
tive life to every Part ol your"body , if you take
Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist.
M. H. Cole took a load of hogs to McCook ,
H. K. Bixler was in town , last week , with a
load of hogs.
Thomas Real took a load of hogs to Mc
Cook , Tuesday.
W. S. Bixler took a load of wheat to Mc
Cook , Saturday.
R. J. Traphagen threshed his cane seed on
Wednesday of last week.
W. Sherman was in McCook , last Saturday ,
with three loads of hogs.
James Doyle took three loads of hogs to
McCook , Monday of this week.
G. H. Simmerman took a load of hogs to
McCook , Tuesday of last week.
Henry Corcoran has a registeied Shorthorn
bull , purchased of the Coupe Bros , of Falls
City , Neb.
J. B. Smith , with the assistance of some
neighbors , took four loads of hogs to McCook ,
'Squire Sharp has been working some time
on Joseph Allen's big barn. We understand
it is 30 x lee feet1 in size.
The man who borrowed R. J. Traphagen's
horse , Tuesday evening of last week , will con
fer a lasting favor by returning it in good or
der. The same man called at Thomas Real's
and tried to borrow one there , but Mrs. Real
refused to let him take one.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wales and Harry ar
rived , Wednesday evening , from Iowa. They
drove back in October , but did not find things
as they expected. They found one farm of
200 acres for rent at $600 a year , but to secure
the rent they would have to give a mortgage
on all the property they had , including all
household goods , besides a mortgage on all
the crop. Their uncle told them if they could
make a living out in Nebraska they had better
go right back , and they thought so too , and
drove back , and were delighted to get to
"God's country" again. Uncle Billy had rent
ed the Nicklas place for them.
There is no pleasure in life if you dread
going to the table to eat and can't rest at
night on account of indigestion. Henry Wil
liams of Booneville , Ind. , says he suffered
that way for years , till he commenced the use
of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure , and adds , "Now I
can eat anything I like and all I want and
sleep soundly every night. " Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure will digest what you eat. McConnell &
When you want , prompt acting little pills
that never gripe use DeWitt's Little Early
Risers. McConnell & Berry.
You can't afford to risk your life by allow
ing a cough or a cold to develop into pneu
monia or consumption. One Minute Cough
Cure will cure throat and lung troubles
quicker than any other preparation known.
Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe.
It is an infallible remedy for croup. Children
like it and mothers endorse it. McConnell &
When there is sunshine in the soul there
will be flowers and fruit in the life.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly
heal the worst burns and scalds and not leave
a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw
surfaces with prompt , and soothing effect.
Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of
worthless counterfeits. McConnell & J3erry.
There are some things you must both be
and live before you can believe.
Never try to coax a cold or cough ; use the
remedy that unfailingly conquers both. Bal-
lard's Horehound syrup is the great specific
for all throat and lung troubles. Price 25 and
50 cents. A. McMillen , druggist.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nebraska , November 12,1900.
Board of county cominiHhionors met rnirstmu
to adjournment. Pns ont. llonry Crabtret
Stephen Belles and D. A. Waterman , commit
sionerj , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and K. A
Green , county clerk. Miuntos of previous meet
ing read and approved.
On motion board adjourned to meet Novom
her 13th , 1900.
Attest : K. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , November 13,1900.
Board of county commissioners met pursuan
to adjournment. Present , Henry Crabtree
Stephen Belles and D. A. Waterman , count *
commissioners , "W. R. Starr , county attorney
and H. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes o
previous meeting read and on motion approved
On motion road number 330 , petitioned for b ;
E. E. Devoe ut ul. , was laid over until the nez
The following claims were audited and ul
lowed and on motion the clerk was instruct * *
to draw warrants on the county general fund
evy of 1900 , in payment thereof as follows :
Frank D. Burgess , heating plant in the
court-house " . $1075 0 (
Frank D. Burgots , plumbing and laying
pipound material 373 :
E. J. Mitchell , supplies 14 ft
K J. Mitchell , bupplies and ballots 127 91
State Journal Co. , supplies Ill Ii
F. M. Kimmoll , printing tax list and
supplies 103 3'
Pado & Son , window shades and cot 97 ;
Barnett Lumber Co. , coal for paupers. . . 3 71
W. C. Bullard & Co , coal for paupers. . . 14 8 ;
A. Guy , mdse. for paupers 20 M
J. \Vilcox & Sou , same 152 !
Electric Light Co. , light and heat 32 7 :
Lincoln Land Co. , 4th quarter water tax 12 M
J. W , Underbill , labor on courtrhouse. . . 5 ' .
J. E. Moore , board and care of paupers. 18 It
School district No. 4 , use of building for
election 3 01
School district No. 10 , bamo 3 Ot
School district No. 21 , same 3 Ot
School district No. 23 , same 2 5 (
School district No. 31 , same 2 5t
School district No. ! ! , same 3 Ot
School district No 42 , frame 3 Ot
School district No. 51 , same 2 01
School district No. 82 , bamo 2 ( X
Win. Sharp , director , same 2 "it
Mrs. P. A. Brewer , feauie 4 Ut
W. H. Harrison , biuno 5 ( XJ
State Bank of Bartley , same 4 75
H. E. Waugh , same 3 OU
John B. Colling , same 3 OC
S. M. Cochran & Co. , same , . 5 OU
James Cinek.same 5 OU
Nelson Downs , fixing aud setting up
booth 250
H. W. Naden , fixing booth 1 00
N. A. Bull , same 1 00
George Kidgeley , same 1 00
A. D. Johnston , same 2 50
W. J. Stilgebouer , same 1 50
Coglizer & Horner , same 6 00
C. F. Lehn , canvassing election returns. 4 00
C. E. Eldred , same 4 00
T. K. Quigley , distributing ballots 1000
A. C. Crabtreodep. sheriff , posting elec
tion notices 19 00
I. A. Ljman , judge ami returns , Alliance
precinct 8 20
J. E. Itibhol , judge 3 00
J. L. McCaffertysame 3 ( X )
David Sullivan , clerk 300
John Fqnnan , same 3 00
W. J. Stilgebouer , judge , Beaver precinct 4 00
Wm. Hindman , sumo 400
C. Wise , judge and returns 8 30
John Wintjen , clerk 400
M. M. Young , same 4 00
Arthur C. Wilson , judge , Boudville pr'c't 3 00
William Karp , same and returns 620
Nicholas Uhren , same 3 00
William Uerling , clerk 300
Charles Skalla , same 300
Charles Foye , judge , Box Elder precinct 3 00
C > rus Blake , same 3 00
James Bobiuson , t-ame and returns 3 80
D. P. Brewer , clerk 3 00
Frank Sherman , same „ 3 00
Charles Groves , judge , Coleman precinct 3 00
W. B. McClain , tame 3 ( X )
James Ryan , same 3 00
W. S. Bixler , clerk and returns 3 90
Robert Moore , same 3 00
George Cooley , judge and returns , Dau-
bury precinct 7 00
H. A. Bull , same 3 00
D. H. Rittenhouse , same 300
H. W. Naden , clerk 3 00
H.E. Woods , same . - 300
C. T. Eller , judge and returus.Driffrwood
precinct 5 80
J.M.Hammond , same. . 300
E. S. Dutcher , same 3 ( X )
Charles Wesson , clerk 3 00
L. F. Woker , same 300
J. Fletcher , judge , East Valley precinct 4 00
W. S. Hamilton , same : , ,4 00
Chas. Shufer.same 4'00
J. W. Hoppee , clerk 4 Otf
S. W. Clark , clerk and returns 8 20
R. W. Hume , judge , FritscFi precinct 3 ( X )
G. W. Lo9mis , same 3 00
George Ridgeley , same 300
Dan Schoentlml , clerk , 300
A. J. Ea > er. clerk and returns G GO
Ira Kennedy , judge , Gerver precinct 300
J. T. Richardson , same 3 00
L. Olmsted , same and returns 6 40"
Samuel Ellis , clerk 300
F. S. Lofton , clerk 3 00
John Wesch , judge , Grant precinct 3 00
W. H. Benjamin , same 3 ( X )
George Rowland , same 3 00
J. H. Relph , clerk 3 00
Albert Weeks , clerk and returns 6 60
A. C. Teel , judge , Indianola precinct. . . 100
Wm. Linnaberry , same 4 00
James Hetheriugton , same 4 00
W. H. Smith , clerk , 4 ( X )
Frank Neel , clerk and returns 7 40
D. A. Waterman , judge , Lebanon pr'c't. 4 00
P. B. Garrett , same 4 00
J. F. Feichter , same 4 00
Platte Kinne , clerk 4 00
E. E. High , clerk and returns 930
Oscar C. Thomas , judge , Missouri Ridge
precinct 3 00
Frank Thompson , same 3 00
Ed. Ervin , same and returns 7 00
Nick TJorhng , clerk 3 00
T. E. Miller , same 300
C. E. Shaw , judge and returns , North
Valley precinct 7 70
S. Bentley , judge 300
H. W. Olmstead.same 3 00
G. A. Remington , clerk 3 00
E.H. McElroy , clerk 3 00
J. H. Mej er , judge , Perry precinct 3 00
A. Reischeick , same 3 00
John Real , same and returns 5 70
F. E. Forbes , clerk 3 00
J. A. Brinton , same 3 00
J. F. Helm , judge , Red Willow precinct. 3 00
L. J. Holland , same 3 00
Henry TJhren , same and returns 6 05
WillSexon , clerk 3 00
PenHager , same 3 00
I. N. Horton , judge , Tj rene precinct 300
M. F. Meadville , same 3 00
John Hummell , same and returns 8 00
J. C. Moore , clerk 3 00
W. S. McTaggart , clerk 300
James Phillips , judge , Valley Grange. . . 3 00
Sam'Hughes , same 3 00
J. E. Tirrill , same and returns 5 30
Floyd Roberson , clerk 3 00
George Brittain , same 3 00
H. W. Cole , judge , 1st , 1st Willow Grove
precinct 4 00
Lyman Miller , same 4 00
J. S. LeHew , same and returns 4 50
J. E. Kelley , clerk 4 00
Cal Throne , same 4 00
Joseph Spotts , judge , 1st , 2nd Willow
Grove , precinct * 4 00
F. S. Cufry , same 400
Fred Plasmj ere , same 400
W. G. Sheppard , clerk 4 00
Abner Clark , same 4 00
F. M. Rathburn , judge , 2nd , 1st Willow
Grove precinct 4 00
F. D. Burgess , same 4 00
C.E. Eldred , same 4 00
J. N. Purvis , clerk 400
J. J. Garrard , . , . 400
G. Orman , judge , 2nd , 2nd Willow Grove
precinct 4 00
J. C. Predmore , same 4 00
G. A. Nicholson , same 400
Geo. Leach , clerk 400
E. J. Mitchell , same 4 < 00
A. C. Crabtree , summoning jury 23 00
G.S.Bishopcertiflcates to election boards 43 10
TJ. C. Boatman , money advanced for
cleaning court-house 250
0. L. Thompson , postage , express and +
drajage 2100
R. A. Green , compiling tax-list for 1900. . 490 OS
S. Belles , money advanced for house rent 3 60
Henry Crabtree , service as commissioner 49 60
D. A. Waterman , same 3850
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1900 , as
follows :
Otis Coburn , bridge work $ 5 00
Ed. Edwards , same 9 30
Bert Edwards , same 3 00
Julius Hinz , same 400
Frank Carothers , same 6 50
M. D. Fidler , same 400
J.Burk.same 1 50
M : H. Cole , same 2 50
H. Simmerman , same 250
Lou Carothers , same. . 250
I.E. Stryker , same. . . . 250
W. McClain , same 2 50
H.K. Bixler,8ame 2 50
W. S. Bixler , same 3 75
B. H. Thomas , hauling lumber and je-
pairing pile driver 23 50
Amos Thomas , hauling piling 2 00
Fred Waterman , same 2 00
1. M. Beeson , hauling lumber 8 50
H. L. Burton , same 7 50
* * /
Pictures of Clothing do not
, 5 convey the character = = the
workmanship and style.
We have some new wrink =
les in Nobby Vestees and
3 = Piece Suits. In fact , ev =
erything in " * n * &
THF . . . _
* J. M. M. fl *
$ a § kwtfdie Leading Clothier beutfdje
blether *
r McCook , Nebraska
v <
S. W. Clark , hardware 13 44
F. P. Eno , game 915
Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 690 95
W. C. Bullard & Co. , same 74 10
Geo. C. Hill , same 66 33
Stephen Belles , bridge and road work. . . 23 75
And on county road fund , levy of 1900 , as fol
lows :
James Robinson , road tax refunded 45
J. C. Acheson , same 300
J.B. Smith , same 17
Joseph Downs , same 18
Joe McKiever , same 49
J. A. Carter , same 2 09
A. Brownj same 305
Jacob Leibbraudt , same 87
Jacob Ball , road work 500
Mrs. E. Eeimer , bame 750
I. S. Sonnichsen , same 250
Sherman Evans , same 1 50
Charles Simmerman , same 2 50
JolmEvans , same 7 50
C. A. Gentry , sharpening and repairing
road tools 3 15
R. P. High , appraising damages on road
No. 350 2 50
J. B. Gumming , same 2 10
Platte Kinno , same 2 50
Amos Thomas , swearing appraisers 75
On motion board adjourned to meet Novem
ber 14,1900.
Attest : R. A. GEEEN , County Clerk.
.To Richard Moore , non-resident : _ You are
hereby notified that Ida Moore , plaintiff , has
filed her petition in the district count of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prajer
of'which are to obtain a divorce from jouon
the ground of abandonment and for the care
and custodj of her minor child.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the 26th day of November ,
A. D. 1900. IDA MOORE , Plaintiff.
By J. E. KELLET her attorney. 10-19-4ts.
A Village Blacksmith Saved His Little
Son's Life.
Mr. H. H. Black , the well-known village
blacksmith at Grahamsville , Sullivan Co. , N.
Y. , says : "Our little son , five years old , has
always been subject to croup , and so had have
the attacks been that we have feared many
times that he would die. VVe have had the
doctor and used many medicines , but Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is now our sole re
liance. It seems to dissolve the tough mucus
and by giving frequent doses when the croupy
symptoms appear we have found that the
dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled. "
There is no danger in giving this remedy for
it contains no opium or other injurious drug
and may be given as confidently to a babe as
to an adult. For sale by McConnell & Berry.
A Bible is of little value till it is the worse
for wear.
To Cure a Cold in a Day.
Take Laxative Brome ( Juinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. Ji. W. Grove's signature on every box.
25c. 4-1.
The hypocrite says , "Leave my sins alone
and chase those heretics. "
Many people worry because they believe
they have heart disease. The chances are
that their hearts are all light but their stomachs
achs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure digests whatyou eat and prevents
the formation of gas which makes the stomach
ach press against the heart. It will cure every
form of indigestion. McConnell & Berry.
We read in the papers that while extracting
a stump a Wisconsin man dug up a quantity
of gold. Perhaps he was a dentist.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best
liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never
gripe. McConnell & Berry.
A dressmaker in El Dorado , Kansas , is so
popular that "she has engagements six months
ahead. " How the old maids of the town
must envy her !
If you have ever seen a child in the agony
of croup you can realize how grateful mothers
are for One Minute Cough Cure which gives
relief as soon as it is administered. It quickly
cures coughs , colds and all throat and lung
troubles. McConnell & Berry.
M % *
no reflection so
JrU dainty , no light so
charming as the
mellow glow that
comes from
Wax Gaudies
Prepared in many color tints
to harmonize with snr-
ronndinga in dining
room , drawing room ,
bed room or ball. Bold
everywhere. Made by ,
D.W. V. GAGE ,
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
The roads are being much improved under
the supervision of A. M. Benjamin.
George Cooper has cone to Fillmore coun
ty , and expects to remain there indefinitely.
Peter Wesch suffered a stroke of paralysis
of one side , last Saturday , but is much better
at this writing.
E. B. Nelson , who went to Iowa from here
two years ago , has bought a farm there and
expects to make it his home.
Rev. J. W. Walker preached two very in
teresting sermons at the Bankville schoolhouse -
house , last Wednesday and Thursday even
Now that the election is over and corn ( ? ) all
picked , we will have plenty of time to eat
turkey , Thanksgiving day. Won't some one
give us a bid ?
It was reported that there is a new Tam
many and Boss Croker in Gerver precinct , but
as that precinct rolled up a good McKinley ma
jority , we believe it was a false alarm.
Editor Sees VVoneJers.
Editor W. V. Barry of Lexington , Tenn. ,
in exploring Mammoth Cave , contracted a
severe case of piles. His quick cure through
using Bucklen's Arnica Salve convinced him
it is another world's wonder. Cures , piles ,
injuries , infiamation , and all bodily eruptions.
Only 250 at McConnell & Berry's.
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a
great medicine , " says Mi. E. S. Phipps , of
Poteau , Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux , I
cannot speak too highly of it. " This remedy
always wins the good opinion , if not praise ,
of those who use it. The quick cures which
it effects even in the most severe cases make
it a favorite everywhere. For sale by McCon
nell & Berry , druggists.
Miss Waytengold is a cowgirl of the Texas
panhandle , and she is said to be worth it.
Herbine sweetens the breath , brightens the
eyes and clears the complexi6n without the
slightest ill effects whatever , and ensures the
natural bloom of health. Price , 50 cents. A.
Both makers and circulators of counterfeits
commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive
you into buying worthless counterfeits of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is
infallible for curing piles , injuries , eczema
and skin diseases. McConnell & Berry.
McConnell & Berry , druggists , guarantee
every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and will refund the money to anyone who is
not satisfied after using two-thirds of the con
tents. This is the best remedy m the world
for la grippe , coughs , colds , croup and whoop
ing cough and is pleasant and safe to take.
It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience of readers of THE TRIE
UNh , we have made arrangements with the
follow ing newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press Si oo $ i 50
Leslie's Weekly. 400 300
Prairie Farmer I oo 175
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo i 50
New-York Tribune I oo i 25
Demorest's Magazine I oo i 75
Toledo Blade I oo 125
Nebraska Farmer I oo 150
Iowa Homestead I oo 145
Lincoln Journal I oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo i 50
New-York World I oo 165
Omaha Bee I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine. lee i so
St. Louis Republic I oo 175
Kansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer 50 125
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo A 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
Gold and Aluminum Plates.
Crown and Bridge Work
Office over McConnell & Berry's Drug Store
nt of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - '
Rear of First National bank. V'
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYEB , Proprietor.
attention paid to
hauling furniture. Leave orders
at either lumber yard.
Plumber and
Steam Filler
Iron. Lead and "Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
Dyspepsia _ _ Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and
* recon
structing the eAausteddigestive
gans. It Isthe latest discoverSSIewt.
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency it in
stantly relievesand peTmaSly
McDonnell & Berry , Druggists