The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1900, Image 7

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    jioipfui u'ifo.
The phenomenal amount of work
which the late Lord Russell was able
to get through is explained In part by
the fact that ho possessed In his wife
not only a model of every domestic
virtue , but an invaluable business ally.
She was his account keeper , his bank
er , * the manager of his Investments
and the adviser in all business affairs.
The man who knows enough not to
know too much hardly ever has to ask
for aid.
Gliihgotr ni n Hanker.
For some time the corporation of
Glasgow has taken comparatively
small sums of money on deposit , and
the experiment has worked well. Em
boldened by this success the progres
sive element of the city council pro
posed that banking should be added to
the.munlcipal undertakings.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use uo other
Tired and Ncrvoux
People will derive great benefit from tak
ing Gurfleld Headache Powders ; they are
made from Herbs ; they soothe tired nervex.
The value of Mexican oranges sent
to the United States last year
? 186,0-18 , an increase of $52,000.
8,000,000 acres new lands to open lo settlement *
Subscribe for THE K IOWA CIIIUF , devoted U. Information
mation about thche lamia. One year. tUK ) . fclnulo
ropy.lfic. StilHcrllierB rcculrc fre- illustrated Iwok
< : n UklHhorr.a. jtlorKmfii Manual ( BID p < W t-cttl < : r '
i.uldu ) v.-ltli fine f-cctloiial map. 61.00. MupZ'.e. .Mi
nlvvc , 1.7r . Addrcsb Dick 1. .Morgan , Perry.O.T.
Grain-O is not a stimulant , like
coffee. It is a tonic and its effects
lire permanent.
A successful substitute for coffee ,
because it has the coffee flavor tlri -
everybody likes.
i.ots of coffee substitutes in- the
market , but only one food drink
j ; 15c. nnd Me.
Must Bear Signature of
See Fcc-Slmile Wrapper BeJow.
Tory saooU cad as
to tsSfO as BZSSS
Leave Omaha 5:05 p. m. ; arrive SL
Louis 7:00 a. m.
Trains leave Union Station Daily for
Kansas City , Quincy , St. Louis and all
points East or South. Half Rates to
( Plus $2.00) many southern points on
1st and 3rd Tuesday of Each month.
All information at City Ticket Office ,
1415 Farnam Street ( Paxton Hotel
Blk. ) or write
< Tlty Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha. Neh.
The real worth of IV.
I * . Douglas S3.OO nud
3.5O hhoes compared
with other makes is
34.00 to S5.00.
cannot lie equalled nt
nnyprice. Ovcrl.OOO-
OOO batisllcd ivearcrs.
Ono psfr of W. I. Douglas
FAST COLe S3 or $3.50 shoes will
Will positively outwear
EYELETS two pairs of ordinary
V S3 or S3.EO
< M0 HV K
Wo are the largest makers of xnen'a 83
Bud S3-6O shoes In the irorld. IVo tnnko
and sell more 83 and 53J > O shoes than any
other two mnnufacturcra In the U. 8.
reputation of V > . L.
u tSM cod $3JO bo f for
BEST tyle.comfort , nd ve ri known BEST
rery where thronjthout the world.
They hire to riTe better tttf c-
$3.50 Uon than other m Vn jxcauie $3.00
the Uandtrd la * alvajr been
pieced to high that the irtarrn
. erptct more for their money .
thio tb y cm get elsewhere.
THE ltIJA UA rcore W. L. Dunglu $3 and W-50
fhoft arc told than anv oiht r make i : because T JSK Y
A.XCB TilK I > X. Your dealer thonld keen
them s * rc give one dealer eiclmiTe aale In each town.
Tulle no ithalltutct Intift on hacinft W. L.
Doaclai ihoes mth rune and price tumped nn bottom.
If jour dealer will not get them for ou. wed direct to
factory , enclosing pncc and 2Sc. eitra fr carnije.
gtatekindofleatJier. tlic , sad width , plain or cap too.
Our ahoes will rtsch you anywhH * . Catatoyu * J'rce.
r \ \ \ i , . JDousioa Shoe Co. ISrocktua ,
The Century in 1001 will have a sc
ries of articles on "Railroads and
Railroad Men. " The author , Major
Charles DoLano Hine , is a graduate
of West Point , who resigned as an ofll-
cer of the army to become a freight
brakeraan , from which position he
rose through various grades to that of
jencral superintendent , besides flnd-
ng time to servo as an officer of vol
unteers in the Santiago campaign. Ma-
or Hine is now in the service of the
Interstate Commission as a railroad
expert , and has exceptional opportunl-
, les for obtaining information.
Nothing teA
A surgeon from the west reached
New York a few weeks ago to take
vhat Is styled a hospital course. The
> ractitloner with pill and scalpel falls
> ehind , remarks Victor Smith , in tell-
ng the story iu the Press , unless he
occasionally visits New York to learn
lew devices , fakes and methods. This
urgeon went to Bellevue hospital one
morning to see an operation perform-
sd for the cure of hare-lip and loft
own next day , saying : "What's the
ise of wasting time ? There's nothing
or me to learn at Bellevue. Only a
ot of green boys over there practicing
on stiffs and mutilating the unfortu-
late vlctims'of Gisease and poverty. "
Our Now Auiliuss.ulor to Italy.
George von TJ. Meyer , who will suc
ceed Ambassador Draper at the head of
he American embassy in Rome , is one
of the wealthiest men in Massachus
etts. He lives in a magnificent house
near Hamilton , Es ex county , on a fine
estate of 150 acres , adjoining the estate
of his mother , who is herself blessed
with an extraordinary quantity of the
world's wealth. Mr. Meyer was born
in Massachusetts in 185S and Is a grad
uate of Harvard with the class of 1879.
3is debut in politics was made several
r'ears ago in Boston , where he served
as member of the common council and
for one1 term -as alderman.
Cotfiltlcerd them the Devil's Own.
President Kruger , whose headquar
ters are now in a railway train , to
which he takes kindly , in his early life
was a strenuous advocate of the Boer
notion that railways were introduced
by the Evil One. When first Oem aPul
was persuaded to travel by rail , while
on a visit to Cape Town , he sat , iBble
in hand , and prayed throughout the
journey that he would not be smashed
Lo pieces for thus having recklessly
tempted Providence.
Playwright u Manufacturer.
Few persons know Mr. Henry Guy
iarleton other than as a playwright.
E-le is , however , the president of a
manufacturing company with an office
in one of the tall buildings on Broad
way , New York , and there spends all
the time not devoted to theatrical mat
ters. The company manufactures Mr.
iarleton's own electrical inventions ,
which are many and successful.
Philanthropic Itootblnck.
The proprietor of a Philadelphia
shoe-shining establishment has
adopted a somewhat novel plan to aid
the Galvestou sufferers. He has a
show case filled with bottles of polish
for patent leather and russet shoes ,
and a sign on the case conveys the
information that the proceeds of the
sale will be devoted to the Galveston
fund. The price of each bottle is drop
ped by the purchaser into a small
glass globe.
A "Sight Unseen" Kipling Deal.
It is announced that Mr. Kipling has
received $25,000 for the serial rights
of his new story , "Kim of the Rishti , "
and it is expected that the sale of the
story in book form will bring him at
least as much more. And yet no one
knows whether it is worth that or not.
It has been sold or bought on the
strength of its author's name alone.
A New "Shell (5unf. "
An ingenious mode of advertising is
reported from a watering place on th-.1
south coast of England. An enterpris
ing tradesman , who had noticed how
eagerly people picked up shells , bought
in at small expense a wagon load of
mussel shells , stamped an advertise
ment on the inside of each , and scat
tered them seductively , over the shore.
Scripture's Paris Medal.
The Paris exposition authorities have
awarded a gold medal to Professor E.
W. Scripture , head of the psycholog
ical laboratory of Yale university , for
a device for testing color blindness.
The device is of great practical value
for testing the sight of applicants for
railway and naval service.
At Paris the exposition authorities
have closed the Transvall pavilion be
cause Mr. Pierson , the Transvaal com
missary general , refused to remove the
inscriptions insulting England.
A mother's tenderness and caresse ,
are the milk of the heart. Do Guerin.
\ dyspeptic is never on goort urms with him
self. 'SonwUiiuffLs always wronjr. Get it light
by chewing I3eeinajr Popsiu Own.
Nature is in earnest when she mak s
a woman. Oliver Wendell Holmes.
lam sure Pl * 's Cuse for CcnMimption saved
my life three jears ago.Mr = . Tnos. Komiiss ,
Maple Street , Nornich. X. Y. , 1'eb. 17,1900.
What is civilization ? I answer , the
power of good women. Emerson.
Tilrs. 'Wlnslow'fi Soothing Syrup.
Ifcrohlidren teethlus. Boftena the tfuns. reduces In-
flaminatlon. allaj a pain , cure * wind colic. i > cabottl
A woman finds it a much easier task
to do an evil than a virtuous deed.
What Shall Wo Have for Dessert ?
This question arises in the family
every day. J et us answer it today.
Try Jell-0 , a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No
boiling ! no baking ! add boiling water
and set to cool. Flavors : Lemon ,
Orange , Raspberry and Strawberry. At
your grocers. 10 cts.
A long prayer may rise from little
Snails , by means of an acid which
they exude , contrive to bore holes in
solid limestone.
Our indebtedness to God is due to
Cabinet Expresses Its Approval of Kay's
Course in China.
Dalle of American Troops Arc to IJo Sent
Buck to McArthnr nl Manila Kuro-
peon Kcportj ua to New Altitude by
United States Arc Untrue.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 10 All the
members of thai cabinet except Secre
taries Long arid Wilson attended the
meeting today. They remained in ses
sion until nearly 2 o'clock and dis
cussed the Chinese situation as well as
matters pertaining to Cuba , the Phil
ippines and Porto Rico. Two of the
threa hours that the session lasted
were occupied in a discussion of for
eign alfairs , necessitated in part by
the fact that the president intends to
treat exhaustively this subject in his
forthcoming message to congress. Ref
erence was made to the expressions in
portions of the European press that
th United States * policy regarding
China would undergo mariied change
immediately after life election and it
is authoritatively announced that after
a most exhaustive review of every step
of the Chiuesc diificulty , from its in
ception up to the present moment , de
livered by Secretary Hay , the cabinet
ratified every detail and moreover
unanimously expressed its judgment
that the policy so far pursued should
be continued without -change to its
logical conclusion. Accordingly the
present legation guard at Pekin will
be maintained and such' troops as yet
remain to be withdrawn , according to
the original program , will be whipped
to Manila. With this addition to liis
foice General MacAvthur ic expected
to renew the campaign against the re-
lu'llous Filipinos with the greatest
energy. Administration officials here
think .liat as t > eon as the result of the
election becomes known tnroughout
the Philippines , the resistance to the
authority of the United States will be
Kofornuitorj I.a v is Yolil.
LINCOLN , Nov. 10. The supreme
court handed down nn important deci
sion relating to the Nebraska reform
school law which will open the way for
'he successful prosecution of habeas
corpus proceedings Tor the discharge of
i any of the boya and girls now con
fined in the state's industrial schools.
The decision declares unconstitutional
the legislative act winch provides for
the commitment of boys and girls un
der the age of IS years. The consti
tution of the stntc fixes the age limit
at 1C years and the court holds tha *
persons over that age cannot be com
mitted to either of the industrial
schools unless convicted of crime un
der the criminal code. This decisio i
was in the case of Scott against Flow
3IU < 5ourl'B Vote.
ST. LOUIS , Mo. , Nov. 10. Returns
from 102 out of all 1M counties in the
state indicate that Bryan's plurality
will be between 40,000 and 50,000 , as
compared with 58,727 in 189G. Dockery.
( dem ) for governor , will receive be
tween 25,000 and 32,000 plurality , as
compared \uth 52,428 , received by Ste
phens in 1896. The total vote in Mis
souri is estimated as follows : Bryan
370,000 ; McKinley 325,000. The fact
that there was no fusion in Missouri
between the democrats and populists
this year accounts to a great extent
for the democratic losses.
"Want NCMV Man In Cabinet.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Nov. aJ.
Leading republicans met today to in
duce , if possible , Harry S. New , na
tional committeeman , to allow the use
of his name for secretary of war. Mr.
flew has declined office so far and an
effort will be made to get him to ac
cept the cabinet appointment to which
it is felt here Indiana is entitled. It
5s argued that no other state has
made a record of republican gains
equal to that of Indiana , which was
regarded from the first as a close bat
tle ground.
Over 1CO.OOO Plurality.
DES MGINES , la. , Nov. 10. It is
absolutely certain now that the cor
rected returns from every county in
the state will show a plurality of more
than 100,000 for McKinley and as much
Tor the state ticket. The total vote ,
Chairman Weaver says , will be ap
proximately : McKinley , 308,000 : Bry
an. 207,500 ; scattering , 25,000 ; total ,
541,000. The returns also show that
the constitutional amendment and the
order for a constitutional convention
have both carried.
Tanner fur Senator.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. Governor John
R. Tanner has declared himself a can
didate for the United States senate to
succeed Senator Cullom. Congressman
Joseph G. Cannon of Danville may be
n candidate later. He said today "that
he would look over the ground and if
he found the situation favorable he
would become a candidate.
Horse Tbleves nt Work.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Nov. 10. A fine
driving horse belonging to 0. B. Reed-
er of this city has been missing from
Mr. Reeder's stables and has undoubt
edly been stolen. The disappearance
of several horses in this neighborhood
of late clearly points to an organized
gang of horse thieves working the dis
Requests Made to Mr. IJryan.
LINCOLN , Nov. 10. Mr. Bryan is in
receipt of many requests for a state
ment concerning his future plans and
his attitude on public questions in
view of Tuesday's result. He intimated
today that he would , before long , en
lighten the public fully , but for the
present he has private matters which
demand his attention. Mr. Bryan said
today that he might not accompany
Colonel Wetmore * of St Louis on his
hunting trip to' the Ozark mountains.
His health -is good and he does not
j feel the need of such a trip.
Latest OuttititloiiH from South Oiuiilm
tiiul Kansas City.
Union Stock Yards , South Omaha-
Cattle There \vcry only nbmt 5,000 head
of cnttlo on sale , and us the demand was
Ijood from all sources the market ruled
iiqtlvc and stronger on all kinds oC yood
Packers all wanted cornfud cattle and
bought up what were offeree ! at Rood ,
strong prices. The hotter grades in acme
cases Bold a llttlo higher than tha prices
paid yesterday , and even the common
kinds seemed to move fairly well. It
was a good market from start to finish ,
and the prices paid were very satisfac
About fifteen CMS would cover the re
ceipts of cow Bluff. There were quite
si few cornfed cows and heifers and they
sold at stcad > to strong prices. There
seemed to be considerable demand for
the better grades of feeders this mornIng -
Ing , and the market was fairly active
and a little stronger. The common grades
did not move quite as readily , but still
they brought fully steady prices. Stock
cows and helfera were in light suply and
brought very satisfactory prices as com
pared with yesterday There wore only a
few western grass'cattle on the market
today. The steers good enough for killers
sold readily at fully as ? good price. ? as
were paid yesterday , and the same is
true of the cow stuff. The better grades
of feeders also brought good strong prices
and anything at all good was sold early.
Hogs There were a few more hogs here
today than arrived any day so far this
week , but still the supply was not large.
Other points sent in favorable reports ,
and as a result the market here nponed
up Zy&Zc higher. A few of the packers
went out and bought up the bettor grades
at SI.72Kand a few loads went as high
as § 4.73. The bulk of the early rules
wont from $ l.,0 J.7j , vllh the long string
at1.72V2. . After the first forty loads had
changed hands packers lowered their bids
and wanted to buy the b st hogs at $4.70 ,
and the others at ? ! Gll/ < .
Sheep The few cars of fat sheep sind %
lambs that v/ere offered this morning
were bought up in a hurry at good ,
strong prices. As high a $125 was paid
for fed sheep and yearlings , and 55.03
was the top on lambs. A string of west
ern grass stun ! brought $109. It wasa
good , active market , and it is safe to
say that the prices paid today are 15fi )
25c higher than the quotations of r. week
ago. Packers are all anxious for good
stuff , and as the supply has boon light
they have had to pay good , strong prices
for what they got. Quotations : Choice
western grass wethers , $7.7. % i 10 : choice
grass yearlings. $3.7 , > ! Fi-1.10 ; choice ew " < ,
? n.253.50 ; fair to good ewes. $10DI3.2r ;
cull ewes , J2.50@3.00 ; choice spring lambs.
$5.COT 5.2T. ; fair to good spring lambs. $4.73
& 3.03 ; feeder wethers , $3.35fi.fi3 : : ; feeder
lambs , ? 4.00@4.40.
KANSAS CITY , Nov. 10.-Cattle-Ro-
oflpts , 5.300 natives , 1,400 Texais , 00
calves. Market in excellent demand for
all classes at an advance of r flCc'na
tive steers , $ i.35tfj.50 : ; stockers and foed-
eis , $3.KK4.2n ( ; butcher cows and heif
ers , $ : ) .0y(74.SO ( : canners. S2.GOW300 : fed
westerns , $3.73' < ? 4.10 : wintered Toxtns , $3.GO
§ i3.X ! ) ; grass Texans. $3 IMj.l.'lO : calves ,
Hogs Receipts. 0,300 head. Market ac
tive at an advance of , < ? 10c ; heavy. Jl SO
fi4.90 ; mixed. .1.75@-J.S3 ; light. $1.701.83 ;
piirs , .
Sheep and I ambs Receipts , 5.10fl head ,
market active and firm ; lambs , $3.Jw
1.40 ; mixed. Sl.OOTtl.50 ; stofkers and feed
ers , $3.2514.23 ; culln , $2.0f/3.50
Conic * Out of Hie Cainpni n Sitislic : < l
\Tith I1N Action.
LINCOLN , Neb. . Nov. 10. Mr. Bry
an , talking with- press interviewer ,
had this to say personally :
"I have come out of the campaign with
perfect health and a clear conscience.
I did my utmost to bring success to the
principles for which I stood. Mr. Ste
venson did all that he could. Senator
Jones and the members of the demo
cratic , populist , silver republican and
anti-imperialist committees did all they
could. Mr. Hearst and his associates
in the club organization put forth then-
best efforts. Our newspapers , our
campaign speeches and our local organ
izations all did their part. I have no
fault to find and no reproaches. I
chall continue to take an active inter
est in politics as long as I live. I OP-
lieve it to be the duty of the citizen
to do so , and in addition to my intereot
as a citizen , I feel that it will require
a life-time work to repay the political
frisrids who have done so much for me.
I shall not be a senatorial candidate
before the legislature which has boei
elected. Senator Allen deserves the sen-
atorship which goes to the populists.
Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. W. H. Thomp
son are avowed candidates for the seii-
atorship. They are both deserving of
the party and I am too gratful to them
for past support to oppose them.
liny St.itM C i
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 10. The
population of the state of Massachu
setts by counties and minor civil divi
sions was officially announced today
The population of the state in 1900 is
2.i > $5.M(5 ; ( , as compared with a popula
tion in 1890 of 2,236,943 , showing an
increase of 566.403 , or 25.2 per cent.
For the preceding decade it was 25.5
per cent. The rate of increase has
been exceeded but once in the history
of the state , namely , from 1840 to 1S50.
when the population increased 34.8 per
cent. The total land surface of "Mas
sachusetts is approximately 8,040 miles
( square. )
SmnllpoT Among Indian * .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. . 10 The
Indian bureau has received a telegram
from the Shoshone agency , in Wyom
ing , announcing that smallpox nad
broken out at Lander , near ine Indian
reservation. Vaccine virus for 1,700
persons , which the agent asks to have
dispatched him immediately , has been
Senator Div' Uetter.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. 10. United
States Senator Davis spent a good
mgnt and was fealing comfortable 10
day , his injured foot causing him little
inconvenience. The senator's pulse and
his phyiscians anticipate rapid recov
Maine A Ictluis' Monument.
NEW YORK , Nov. 10. Gen. James
Grant , Wilson , chairman of the com
mittee on site and design of the mon
ument to the sailors who perished ju
the Maine disaster and the soldiera
who died in the Spanish-American war
announces that the committee , after
examining forty-three submitted de
signs , selected as the best three in th3
first competition those of the follow
ing : Austin Hays , sculptor ; O. Picci-
rilli , associated with H. Van Bureii
Magonigle , architect , and George Jul
ian Zolnay , sculptor.
gj a B3
$ XJffiSm
Every mother possesses information of vital value to her
young daughter. That daughter is a precious legacy , and
the responsibility for her future is largely in the hands" the
mother. The mysterious change that develops the thought
less girl into the thoughtful woman should find the mother
on the watch dcay and night. As she cares for the physical
well-hehig of her daughter , so will the womanbe. and her
children also.
When the young girl's thoughts become sluggish , when
she experiences headaches , dizziness , faintness , and exhibits
an abnormal disposition to sleep , pains in the back and lower
limbs , eyes dim , desire for solitude , and a dislike for the
society of other girls , when she is a mystery to herself and
friends , then the mother should go to her aid promptly. At
such a time the greatest aid to nature is jLyclia E. Piiik-
Iiam's Vegetable Compound. It prepares the young
system for the coming change , and is the surest reliance in
this hour of trial.
The following letters from Miss Good are practical proof
of Mrs. Pinkham's efficient advice to young women.
Miss Good asks Mrs. Pinkliam for Help.
.Inno J2th , 1399
"IF.AH ) Mits. T'IXKIIAM : I have been vr-ry much bothered for some
time with my monthly periods being irregular. I will tell you all about
it , and pat myself hi your care , for I have heard so inurh of you. J2nci
month menstruation would become loss and less , until it entirely stopped
for six months. ; : ua now it has stopped again. I have b-vnmo very ner
vous and of a very bad color. 1 am a young girl and have always had to
\vorlc very Intnl. I would be very much pleased if
you would tell me what todo. * ' ili. s I'l \ii. < Jooo ,
Cor. 29th Avenue and Yeslar "Way. Seattle , \Vauh.
The Happy Result.
February 10th. 1900.
* DCAR fclns. PINKIIAMi cannot pnrise Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound furnish. It is
just simply wonderful the change your medicine
has made in me. I feel like another person. My
work is now : i pleasure to me. while before using
your medicine it was a burden. To-.lay 1 am a
healthy and happy girl. I think if riore women
would use your Vegetable- Compound there v. ould be
less suffering in the world. I eannot , express the
relief I have experienced by using LytJia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound. " Mis IIAKI. < jooi > ,
Cor. 29th Avenue and Veslar Way , Seattle , Wash.
On-inj ; to th'- fact thjt sorac skeptical
people have from titrr to time tjacstluned
theKcnumriicbsof the testimonial letters
were constantly ; > ublihinz , we have
deposited with the National City Hank. < ! fjrm , Ma . , Jy.ouo ,
which will be paid to any per * n .xln 4 an ghi.w thjt ths above
testimonial is not genuine , or putili .hcrl l > ef. re obta > nng ! the
writer's special permission. LYOIA K I'K.KIH-.I MHDICI- Co.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
The capital invested in oraugo grow
ing in the state of California is" esti
mated at $ -14,000.000.
FITST'iin-jni-n.1' fao-tt Tr-P- . on.ervor.i-neHiartcr
. . . ' . ' Xet" - K. toJi-i.
fr > [ cUy s 11 i- .f ir. : ulli''Jifat >
fccm ! rs KK i. O tiial Vittle nn-i : r at ! o.
U14. U. II. Ki IMIfc' . . wi riSt. . . 5 biia-ici. his. i'a-
The loan who is driven to despera
tion usually asssMs in the driving.
.Tcll-O. tlm IS'ew Dr-uert ,
pleases all the family. Four flavors :
Lemon , Orange , Raspberry and Straw
berry. At your grocers. 10 cts. Try
it today.
The finest poetry was first experi
ence. Emerson.
Iry Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
it injures uorvons system J j do so. BACO-
CUPO K tlie oniy cur , ReALLY CURES
and jiotiSif1- . you wii n tol&j ) . * vAt\ with : *
iitfu that tlw IM JTI-- vi.l euro any caeft
PMRfl K'v > K 1" Wf antl'ianalfU has
'ounu cu- < a-iiou-.i : ! . ' , itvvic'ireTon
or tinia.l \ > r- , > . ' ! . * l a box ;
- > $ i.a. JJooW' t fr rWr. . : ' -
r < nit > ? lin lr n t < 3 t * 'k'- " xtx'nsi
id 1ru ine. < i > ilmtli lUlit J'er
{ " rii kaf" 1' J Ti-rfn" u > . > ! ; e'all *
i j' , iw li \t > . ' -lit IT sli" " " * ' J P' ' C
trfi Ji > nml * h Xfrenc. . Caa
ih'iitinl' > "iii'itonla i from
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ii n"a"t ' I am ? Oo
quickrcjilrrandi nrc3TronS
cases. Bookof testimonials JQ'l li * InTS"rcatmeal-
i nnr. UK. u. H. < ; nt t vs so'sf , B i , .1:10 = 13 , o .
" * - ' * ' * . A. A. A. . . A. > . . A. A. A. A. . . JL.X . L , tf
Insist upon having them , take no others and you niHgetti.i br-.tsheilrthit money cao fauj
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well laundered i- a thing1
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able the hou5ekecper to get
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