Help. . . . Nature I Babies and children need I | proper food , rarely ever medij j | cine. If they do not thrive | | on their food something is 1 f wrong. They need a little | | help to get their digestive f ? machinery working properly , f OF COD OVER OIL WfTH' HYPOPftZSPMTES orLIMESSODA will generally correct this ! difficulty. I If you will put from one-1 fourth to half a teaspoonful f in baby's bottle three or four I times a day you will soon see | a marked improvement. For | larger children , from half to f a teaspoonful , according to s age , dissolved in their milk , | if you so desire , will very j soon show its great nourishing - f ing power. If the mother's | milk does. not nourish the I baby , she needs the emul-1 sion. It will show an effect 1 at once both upon mother and child. 500. and $1.00 , all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York. To California in a Tourist Sleeper. In no other way can you go to Cali fornia so quickly , so comfortably , and yet so economically , as in a tourist sleep- iug car. The tourist cars used for the Burling ton overland excursions are models of comfort and convenience. They have wide vestibules , high back seats and double windows. They are lighted by gas. The heating arrangements are ad mirable and the bed furnishings are clean and of good quality. The Burlington excursions leave Omaha every Tuesday and Thursday and go through to San Francisco and I < os Angeles without changes or delays of any kind. You can join them at Lin coln , Hastings , Oxford , or any other station at which the train stops. The route is through Denver and Salt Lake City , past the finest scenery visible from car windows anywhere on the globe. An experienced excursion manager is in charge of each excursion party and a uniformed porter accompanies each car. Folder giving full information mailed on request. Beautifully illustrated 72- page book about California sent on re ceipt of six cents in stamps. J. FRANCIS , G. P. A. , io-26-nts. Omaha , Neb. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn f .38 Wheat 55 Oats 40 Rye 33 Hogs 4 - 25 Eggs 20 Butter 17 New Potatoes 65 Butter fat at Creamery 17 In Egypt the custom is for Princesses to hide their beauty by covering the lower part of the face with a veil. In America the beauty of many of our women is hidden because of the weakness and sickness pecu liar to the sex. If the Egypt ian custom pre vailed in this country , many i sufferers would be glad to I , cover their prematur e wrinkles , their sunkencheeks , their unnealthy complexion , from the eyes of the world with the veil of the Orient. F brings out a woman's true beauty. It makes her strong and well in those organs upon which her whole general health depends. It corrects all men * strual disorders. It stops the drains tt z \ f of Leucorrhcea. It restores the womb to its. proper place. It removes the causes of headache , backache and nervousness. It takes the poor , de bilitated , weak , haggard , fading woman and puts her on her-feet again , making her face beautiful by making her body well. Dni slst5 sell it for 51 a bottle. Send for onr free illustrated book forvroraen The Bradneld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga. - - - Off „ BOX ELDER. Mrs. Lou Hanlein , is visiting her paren s Mr. and Mrs. James Kinghorn. Miss Gertie Moore rejoices m the possess ion of n new watch , cold-standard. Uox Elder precinct registered its prefer ence for McKinley by a safe majority. Uain Kinzer is inclosing , with fence , a large acreage of prairie for winter pasture. I. W. Spauldmg marketed a load of fine , fat porkers , Saturday , last. $4.10 cents was the price paid per cwt. Mrs. Richie of Wymore has come to care for her mother , Mrs. A. W. Campbell , who is suffering from a long and painful illness. Geo. Young is in the east end of the county , working at his trade. His boys have just finished putting in a large acreage of rye. After much advertising the M. E. people at this point have at last secured the services of a minister. Your correspondent did not learn his name. Wm. Doyle , having increased the size of his ranch by the addition of several quarters over in Frontier county , is wintering a large bunch of cattle. Wonder if Mr. Bryan will now proceed to write another book , "The Second Battle. " The slaughter , however , was much greater in the second battle than in the first. M. Stewart has just finished moving hi.- , household goods and farming implements from his old place over in Frontier county to his recently acquired real estate on the Willow in Red Willow precinct. P'riday night last , a dance took place at the Woodmen hall at Center kPoint , over in Frontier. Many people from this point were in evidence. An enjoyable time is reported by all. I. W. Spaulding furnished the music , which fact'speaks for its good quality. The Spring Creek school-board , over the line in Frontier , has at last secured the serv ices of Miss Greve , as teacher , to take the place of Miss Molring , who was obliged to resign on account of ill-health. This is one of the largest and best country schools in Frontier county , the enrollment being between forty and fifty. Brave Explorers. Like Stanley and Livingstone , found it harder to overcome malaria , fever and ague , and typhoid disease germs than savage can nibals ; but thousands have found that Electric Bitters is a wonderful cure for all malarial diseases. If you have chills with fever , aches in back of neck and head , and tired , worn-out feeling.a trial will convince you of their merit. W. A. Null of Webb , 111. , writes : "My child ren suffered for more than a year with chills and fever ; then txvo bottles of Electric Bitters cured them. " Only 50 cents. Try them. Guaranteed. Sold by McConnell & Berry. White's Cream Vermifuge removes the un healthy tissue upon which worms thrive ; it brings , and quickly , a healthy condition of body , where worms cannot exist. Price 25 cents. A. McMillen , druggist. If you have religion by proxy you may have heaven in the same way. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes D. H. Turner of Dempseytown , Pa. They're the best in the world for liver , stomach and bowls. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at McConnell & Berry's. It brings to the little ones priceless gift of healthy flesh , solid bone and muscle. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35c. Ask your druggist. The artillery of skepticism often opens up new mines in the mountains of God. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion : First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it , then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily ; rub bing vigorously for five minutes at each appli cation. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days , to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains , bruises , lame ness and rheumatism , Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by McConnell & Berry , druggists. The "King of Rome. " What became of Napoleon's son Is a question often asked , as little mention Is made in history of the young prince , the desire of his father's life , who was born March 20,1811 , amid great rejoic ing In Paris and hailed as the "king of Rome. " In January , 1814 , Napoleon embraced his wife and child for the last time , and this really ended the reign of the little king "who never saw his kingdom. " He was reared in the Austrian court under the name of Duke of Reichstadt and grew to be a hand some young fellow and quite a brilliant scholar. He had one short year of mil itary life and then contracted pulmo nary disease , from which he died In his twenty-second year. He worshiped the memory of his father and always spent the anniversary of his death , Ju ly 22 , in his own rooms. He Is buried in the , Carthusian monastery of Vien na , which is the Austrian Westminster abbey. Hovr 3In Us Arc Made. Paper masks are made by doubling one sheet of a specially prepared pa per , wetting it and molding it by hand over a face form. It is then dried by artificial heat. Openings are cut for eyes , nose and mouth , and it is painted and decorated by hand as desired. Wire masks are made by stamping a piece of wire netting about a foot square over a face mold in a large ma chine , inclosing the rough wire edges In a narrow strip of lead. Then it is painted. The painting is done by hand In oil colors. Cincinnati Enquirer. Must Discriminate. "For mercy's sake , Mildred , " ex claimed Mrs. HIghmore , shocked at the negligee attire of her youngest daugh ter , who had gone to the front door to look at a fire on the other side of the street , "don't you know you never ought to appear in public with your collar xinbuttoned and your sleeves rolled up except when you are playing golf ? " Chicago Tribune. Tnlile Tnllr. "They say the er late departed , " said the first cannibal , indicating the dish before them , "was a very learned man. " "Indeed , " replied the other , helping himself for the third time. "Then this is truly what the white men call an 'in tellectual feast' " Philadelphia Press. An Acrobatic Spider. A carious instance of the ability of an Insect to successfully measure dis tance was evidenced once while I was traveling through northern Argentina. I first made the acquaintance of ray friend on the back veranda of a little village tavern. I was lying In a ham- mo"k. About two feet from me was a 3 by 3 inch hand rail of wood , support ed by wooden balusters. As I lay there I noticed a fly alight on the top of the wood. While I watched him , the fly apparently turned Into a spider. I could not believe my eyes , but on closer Inspection I saw that a spider Jumped from somewhere and alighted on top of my fly. I thought this worth watching and found that this was bis method of procedure : A fly would alight on top of the railing , the spider would take In the distance at a glance and would dis appear down the side of the rail , walk along toward the fly , but out of sight , until he reached the place on the side of the rail at right angles to the posi tion occupied by the fly when he last saw It. Then he would walk nearly to the top of the rail and fasten his web , then walk down , paying out his web as he went till he was as far from the place where he had fastened his web as was the fly , then one vig orous leap , the web swinging him round in the arc of a circle , and he would alight on top of the fly. I have never seen one miss this seemingly difficult leap , except when the fly left his position before the spider had finished his preliminaries. B. A. Suverkrop in Scientific Ameri can. * Black Sea Pecnliaritieu. The Black sea has peculiarities which distinguish it from the Mediter ranean , Atlantic or Pacific. The great est ascertained depth is 1,200 fathoms. A surface current flows continually from the Black sea Into the Mediter ranean through the Bosporus and Dardanelles and an undercurrent of salt water from the Mediterranean into the Black sea. This undercurrent of water is warm and sinks to the bottom and in consequence of its great density prevents vertical circulation. The result is that these deeper waters are rendered stagnant. They are satu rated with sulphureted hydrogen , and consequently life Is impossible. In an expedition in which Sir John Murray took part the water brought upby means of a water bottle from a depth of 300 fathoms smelled exactly like rot ten eggs. No life therefore is possible In the Black sea beyond a depth of 100 fathoms , which is a striking con trast to what happens in the open ocean , where there Is an abundance of animal life at that depth. This brings about another extraordinary condition with reference to the deposits that in all the deeper deposits there is an abundant chemical precipitate of car bonate of lime , a condition not obtain ing as far as is known in any other ocean. Rotten Fish as Food. One of the national delicacies of northern Russia is "tresca , " an ap palling dish , consisting of codfish caught the previous summer , and eaten in an advanced stage of decomposi tion. Its odor alone Is beyond words , its taste tL writer fortunately does not know. It is difficult to stay long in the room with it , and yet it is pre ferred to fresh meat or fish , both of which are cheap and easily obtaina ble in most villages and obviate'the trouble of drying and rotting , which dried tresca implies. "The poor , " says Chancelour , "are very innumerable and live most miser ably , for I have seen them eat the pickle of hearing and other very stinkIng - Ing fish. Nor the fish cannot be so rotten but they will eat it and extoll It to be more wholesome than other fisher fresh meates. In mine opinion there is no such people under the sunne for their hardness of liveing. " Gentle man's Magazine. The Mystery of Radium. The substance called radium emits radiations resembling the X rays with out the application of work or energy from external sources and without ap preciable loss of weight. This seems to be inconsistent with the law of the conservation of energy , but the mys tery is explained by the calculations of M. Becquerel , which show that a loss of weight so infinitesimal .that in a thousand million years it would amount to no more than a milligram would suffice to account for the ob served effects. According to this ex planation the emanations from radium consist of material particles. But how infinitely minute must those particles be ! Experience Verstis Theory. "Marcus Aurelius says , " the profess or began , "that nothiughappens to anybody which he is not fitted by na ture to bear. " "Oh , thaf s rot ! " replied the man who had eloped at the age of 21 with a girl whom he had known three weeks. "Just tell Marc for me that he has an other guess coming. " Chicago Times- Herald. A Candid Opinion. An old servant was asked by an art ist what she thought of her master's portrait , which he was painting. She looked at it critically , "Ye might have made him a trifle better looking , may be , but if ye had ye'd ha' spoilt it" Pick-Me-Up. Saved $1O. "Did you see Jones ? He was looking for you. " "Yes ; I saw him , but I managed things so he didn't see me. " Chicago Record. I Interference with digestion is a by no means uncommon effect of excess ive exercise , and , so far as training is 1 concerned , it is one of the most de- j strncti ve. Twice Hundred. A lonuer police sergeant of this city interests his friends occasionally with reminiscences of his career on the force. One of his stories Is that of a man who was hanged twice. The old man had become weary oMlfe and de termined to end his earthly existence by hanging himself. lie arose one night after the other members of the family had retired. Procuring a rope , he fastened one end carefully around his neck and the other to the stair rail , and then threw himself over the balus trade. His sons awakened at the usual hour In the morning , but upon starting down stairs were horrified to see their old father hanging at the end of a rope. They cut down the body and then has tened to apprise the neighbors of the tragedy. Some of the neighbors , being great respecters of the law , advised the sons that in cutting down the body before obtaining permission from the police or coroner made them liable to Imprisonment In the penitentiary. Frightened by this information , the sons hurriedly returned home and , ob taining another rope , fastened it about the neck of their father and let the body down in the position In which they had found It. They then hunted up the police ser geant and told him of the suicide of their father. When the police sergeant reached the house , he cut down the body , but was quite surprised to find that there wore two ridges around the throat. He asked for an explanation. The sons hesitated for a time , but finally confessed to the whole affair- Baltimore Sun. Freed by Witty Retort. Few if any judges can be severe with a prisoner who has made them laugh. Just why this should be so Is a problem for the psychologists , but that such Is the case can be testified to by any one who has much to do with the courts. A case in point occurred not long ago In Center street police court. An old darky had been arraigned on a charge of shooting craps. " 'Deed , jedge , I didn't shoot no craps , " protested the prisoner. "How about it , officer ? " asked the court "I saw him with my own eyes , " said the policeman. "No , no , jedge , " still protested the darky , "he didn't see me shootin no craps. I wasn't playin , 'deed I wasn't. " "Now , look here , " said the magis trate , "which am I to believe ? The officer swears positively he saw you playing , and you swear equally as positively that you were not. What am I to do ? " The prisoner evidently appreciated the unfortunate position of the court. He scratched his head in perplexity , heaved a long sigh and said : "Waal , I dunuo , jedge ; we all has our troubles. " He was discharged. New York Mail and Express. "When Cats "Were "Worshiped. A mummy cat Is a very curious thing. Tons of these embalmed crea tures were brought to England a few years ago to be ground into bone ma nure. What an unromantic ending after 4,000 years' mummification ! Some of the cats were bound with the ears standing erect , others laid flat. The cloths were still adhering to the mummies , though in one ship load , supposed to contain 180,000 cats , very few really complete specimens could be found. It is supposed that the cats were of the species known as Felis maniculata , a kind formerly found in north Africa , and probably tamed by the ancient Egyptians , from which we get our do mesticated pussy. As early as 1GOO B. C. tablets record ed that cats were kept in the Egyptian temples as an object of worship. Fast BoTvlinj ? . Below is a story found in a recent book , "Talks With the Old English Cricketers , " which prompts the reflec tion that "there were giants in those days" of the "old" cricketers. A man who did a private business in athletic requisites at his home in Blackpool was one day approached by a man who asked him if he kept a full supply of cricket requisites. "Certainly , " was the response. "Then , " said the man gravely , "wrap me up a bottle of arnica , a paper of court plaster and an arm sling. I am going to play in a cricket match this afternoon against Jack Crossland. " Keeping : His Promises. Mrs. Synnex When Tom asked mete to have him , he promised me that my lightest wish would always be law with him. Mrs. Sauer And of course that was all the promise amounted to merely empty words. Mrs. Synnex No , I won't say that Tom always respects my lightest wishes. It is in matters of importance where he is bound to have his own way. Boston Transcript. Enforced the Rnles. Museum Attendant You'll plaze lave your umbreller or cane at the door , sor. sor.Visitor Visitor Very proper regulation. But it happens I have neither. Attendant Then go and get wan. No one is allowed to enter unless he laves his umbreller or cane at the door. You may read the card for yourself , ser ! London Tit-Bits. The difference between a fort and a fortress lies 5i the fact that the former is designed to contain solely the garri son and their munitions , while the lat ter is often a city containing a large number of aoncombatnnts. Eggs as an article of diet were first used by the Malacc-ans. and when we epenk of Shanghai chickens we but mention an Asiatic name. # Ladies' Soils , Waists and Fors Before You Buy. . . . . . . .You should see our line of Ladies' and Misses' Capes and Jackets. Our Line ofWinter Winter Goods is com plete. We have the very lat est styles. Call and V be con vinced. Our stock of groceries is fresh and complete. . . . . .We solicit your orders. Give is a call THE . . . . G. L. DeGROFF & CO. . -x o. , , , N * W * VHASSt/ OOP i Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capita , ! and Surplus , $6O,000 \ GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. W. F. LAWSOH , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. PATENTS GUARANTEED ! Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice without charge , > a THE PATENT RECORD , an illustrated and widely circulated journal , consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address , ViGTOR J , EVAHS & GO. , ( Patent Attorneys , ) Evans Bmtffing , * WASHffNGTQN , D. Thoroughbred Jersey . . . .can be found at my farm , l 1-2 miles south of McCook. He has no re lations in the county. Fee $1 at time of service. FRED W. CARRUTH. DON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. , Madison , Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price , 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no substi * INCORPORATED 1B82 tute. Ask j our druggist. The power of a tear drop is in that it rises in the heart. You little knew when first we met That some day you would be The lucky fellow I'd choose to let Pay for my Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggut. for all fresh cuts or wounds , either on tlie human subject or on animals , Ballard s Snow Liniment is excellent ; while for corn huskers' sprained wrists , barbed-wire cuts and sores on working horses , it cannot be too highly commended. Price 25 and 0 cents. A. McMillen , druggist. A Topeka paper chronicles the advent 'n that city of twenty cases of diphtheria and 2co cases of beer m one day. Many people are suffering fearfully fr "n indigestion or dyspepsia , when one single bcttfe of Herbine w ould bring about a proirpt and permanent cure. A few doses will < io more for a weak stomach than a. prolonged course of any other medicine. Price 50 cents. A. McMillendruggist.