/r VALUE As in years past our UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT will be one of the leading : attractions. Nev er before have we been able to offer our trade such extraordinary values in this line. We ask the opportunity of proving : to you that spot cash cuts a figure both in buying : and selling : . Don't buy until you have looked over our line and heard the prices. Yours for Business- The Bee Hive , McCook , Neb , f W 'SJ W 'JS' V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. / * * f I TT RAN # l JL DrilM * 8 OF MeCOOK , NEB. * m a Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000 f a a B B * 4 DIRECTORS- / . FRANKLIH , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C , H. WILLARD. NORTH COLEMAN. Spring Creek is not supplied with a minister yet. There is a vacation in district 74 of one month. Miss Hannan will resume the school. Several of the Colemanites , ladies included , look in the political entertainment at McCook on Monday night. Charles R. Herrick of Campbell , Neb. , is expected to visit the Stryker family soon. He is a nephew of Mrs. btryker. Rev. Gould preaches at the Coleman school-house , every other Sunday , at 3 o'clock. Come and hear this worthy pastor. Willie Ward had a bee to gather corn , last Saturday morning. Miss Emma prepared a bountiful dinner for the boys who did the work. The literary is running on full time , every Friday night , at Spring Creek. There were cveral quiet young debaters at the last ses sion. All are cordially invited. The Spring Creek teacher found the work too hard as her health was not good , and two weeks ago resigned her position. She was much endeared to her pupils. She is very kindly spoken of. George Shepherd icturned on Saturday irom his. sojourn of six months in the north western part of the state. He had but one day off during that time , July 4th. lie was employed by a ranchman. There was a gathering of 52 persons at the home of G. H. Simmerman on Saturday last , \base-ball game being the amusement. The Coleman and Spring Creek teams played and the Spring Creek boys carried off the honors. A number received accidental bruises. One was hit on the back of the head , and he could not go on with the game for awhile , and he has suffered quite badly at times since. August Flower. "It is a charming fact , " says Prof. Houton , "that in my travels in all pans of the world , for the last ten years , I have met more people having used Green's August flower than any oilier remedy , for dyspepsia , deranged liver and stomach , and for constipation. 1 find for tourists and salesmen , or for persons filling office positions , where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist , that Green's August Flower is a grand remedy. It does not injure the system by frequent use , and i& excellent for sour stomachs and indi gestion. " Sample bottle free at A.McMillen's. Sold by dealers in all civilized countries. The average woman is not averse to being looked after , for she is nearly always conceited enough to think she commands every man's admiration. Six Frightful Failures. Six terrible failures of six different doctors nearly sent Wm. H. Mullen of Lockland , O. , to an early grave. All said he had a fatal lung trouble and that he must soon die. But he was urged to try Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption. After taking five bottles he was entirely cured. It is positively guaranteed to cure all diseases of throat , chest and lungs , including coughs , colds , la- grippe , pneumonia , bronchitis , asthma , hay lever , croup , whooping cough , 50C and i. Trial bottles tree at McConnell & Berry's. Some people are so constituted that they are unhappy unless they have something to worry about. There is probably no disease more distress ing and annoying than piles , ' 'fabler's Buck eye Pile Ojnt'ment is daily curing cases of year's standing of itching and bleeding piles. The cure begins on the first application , a little perseverence makes the cure complete. Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes , 75 cents. A. McMillen , druggist. No maiden band of hope is a bus-band. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds and not leave a. scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. McConnell & Berry. No man ever flatters the woman he truly loves. It brings to the little ones priceless gift of healthy flesh , solid bone and muscle. * That's iwhat Kocky.Mountain Tea does. 35c. Ask your druggist. SOUTH SIDE. In a close but decisive election Driftwood has gone Republican. Roy Jacobs will arrive home about Sunday , having left Lincoln , by wheel , Thursday afternoon. Roy Barnes has been home on a short vis it , incidentally going to Driftwood schoolhouse - house to vote , Tuesday. W. S. Fitch , accompanied by his son Frank , came home from Lincoln , Monday night. Frank returned to Lincoln , Tuesday night. Among the familiar faces seen at Driftwood school-house , last Tuesday , was that of Uncle Jimmy Harris , who has been absent almost a year. He is making a short visit in that vicinity. The Republican club is now a thing of the past. They held their last meeting , last Friday evening. There were numerous short ad dresses among them being one by Sen. E. N. Allen of Arapahoe. This was pronounced the most successful meeting of the campaign here. Brave Explorers. Like Stanley and Livingstone , found it harder to overcome malaria , fever and ague , and typhoid disease germs than savage can nibals ; but thousands have found that Electric Bitters is a wonderful cure for all malarial diseases. If you have chills with fever , aches in back of neck and head , and tired , worn-out feeling.a trial will convince you of their merit. W. A. Null of Webb , III. , writes : "My child ren suffered for more than a year with chills and fever ; then two bottles of Electric Bitters cured them. " Only 50 cents. Try them. Guaranteed. Sold by McConnell & Berry. The candidate who is unable to dodge issues had better give up the job and go to work. McConnell & Berry , druggists , guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the con tents. This is the best remedy m the world for la grippe , coughs , colds , croup and whoop ing cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. The error of a moment may become the sorrow of a lifetime. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine , " says Mr. E. S. Phipps , of Poteau , Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux , I cannot speak too highly of it. " This remedy always wins the good opinion , if not praise , of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by McCon nell & Berry , druggists. The front parlor is the most popular of all court rooms. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion : First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it , then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily ; rub bing vigorously for five minutes at each appli cation. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days , to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains , bruises , lame ness and rheumatism , Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by McConnell & Berry , druggists. There are no flies on Father Time. He is always on the fly. rt . . i - . . There is no pleasure in life if you dread going to the table to eat and can't rest at night on account of indigestion. Henry Wil liams of Booneville , Ind. , says he suffered that way for years , till he commenced the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure , and adds , "Now I can eat anything I like and all I want and sleep soundly every night. " Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat. McConnell & Berry. The most effective blows are delivered in the guise1of kind words. You can't afford to risk your life by allow ing a cough or a cold to develop into pneu monia or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. McConnell & Berry. rA DOSE OP JUSTICE. LADLED OUT WITH A LIBERAL HAND BY JUDGE HQKE. The Court Connldcrn the Caae of Ari zona SP.ID , General Bad Mfc.ii , anil DlnpOMCH of It Without the Aifl of ' Advice From Ilia Lawyer. [ Copyright , 1900 , by C. B. Lewis. ] "This yere case , " said Judge Iloke. as be called the court to order , "ap peals to me' not only as the legally elected and only jestice of the peace fur the county of Cold Chuck , but to every man In these dlggln's who carries a gun and Is supposed to hev the sand to take keer of hisself. It Is the case of Arizona Sam versus Pete the Half Breed , and Sam is the complainant I see he's got a lawyer yere to gab fur him , but thnt lawyer won't hev no talkln to do. "Let us begin at the bcglnniu. Ari zona Sam strikes this town a year ago. He has a yell like a fog horn and he weighs 200 pounds. lie wears two guns and a knife , and he bites the tops off a dozen beer bottles to show that he was born in a cyclone and cra dled In a hurricane. He was sized up fur a bad man , and fur months and months he's bin cock of the walk. I can't remember tlmt he's killed any body , but that was bekase everybody swallered his bluffs and stepped around softly. He has defied the vigilance committee and he has bluffed tills court , and It'll astonish ye to find out jest what sort of o critter he is. Yesterday mornin he ptarts over the hills fur Tin Cup City. On the way he meets Pete the Half Breed. Most of ye know Pete and most of ye he" heard tliPt he's got no backbone. Pete was ridin his cayuse and Sam was hoofin It. When they come together Sam holds up his hand and says : " 'Git off'n that hess ! ' " 'What fur ? ' asks Pete. " 'Release I want him. ' " 'But he's mine. ' "Then Sam calls him a string of names 40 rods long. He abuses Pete's father and mother and all the rest of "GTT OFF'X THAT BOSS ! " his relations. He chauks his teeth rolls his eyes and pulls his guns wants that cayuse , and he wan inside of two minutes. Ye may that Pete , who hadn't any gun him , turned pale and fell out of the saddle with a thump , but ye'll be mis taken if ye do. It took him some leetle time to realize Jlie.t& uashun , but he didn't skeer. Wlf&i he got things straight he slid off his' critter oifcUlit on to Sam. Did the bold , bad tffah who has carried the county of Cold Chuck in his pocket fur a year drill holes through the half breed as he come ? Fet a drill. Was thar an awful strug gle lastiu half an hour before victory perched on cither banner ? Not a j struggle. That half breed , who was thought to be a worm of the dust , takes the bold , bad man by the nose and leads -him around fur awhile. Then he strips him of his weepins , pulls his ears , slaps his jaw and kicks him around a bend of the trail. "What does the terrible terror of Cold Chuck county do ? Hevin given hisself away as a coward and a blowhard - hard does he fall over a cliff that men may furgit him ? Does he strike out fur a p'int 1,000 miles away , that his name may never be known ? Not much. He comes right.back to town and to me , and the fust thing he says Is : " 'Jedge , I want jestice. ' " 'What sort of jestice ? ' " 'Jestice fur bein held up and robbed by Pete the Half Breed. ' " 'But why didn't ye shute ? ' " 'He skulked up on me. Gimme jes tice , jedge gimme lots of it. ' "That was Arizona Sam , bold , bad man , and I believed his yarn and sent out a warrant and had Pete arrested. I was calkerlatin to gin him a mighty dose of jestice , but hearin his side of the story has changed my mind. 'Sam , the bluffer , stand up. Are ye denyin that wh'at Pete says is true ? ' " 'He lit on me mighty sudden , jedge , ' was the reply. " 'But you didn't try to pull a gun ? ' " 'Mebbe not. ' " 'And you didn't fight ? ' " 'I don't think so. ' " 'That's 'nuff. Ye ar' simply a great big blowhard and a bluffer , and ye've made every good man in this town back water. We'll be the laughin stock of Tin Cup , Pine Hill and all the other diggin's , and we'll feel the disgrace fur five y'ars. I can't send ye to jail fur bein a bluffer and a duffer , but I'm goin to sentence ye to be booted from this yere temple of jestice to the Red Dog siloon , and if ye ain't over the hill and out of town ten rninits later I won't answer fur consequences. As fur Pete , he is sot at liberty , and he kin keep yer weepins and be the fust man to apply the boot. The rest of us , includin the court , will fall in arter him , and as ye feel yerself lifted cl'ar off the earth I hope ye may come to realize that though jestice is blind and moves along like a kyote with two legs broke , she keeps reachin out her hand till she gits the right critter by the neck. ' " M. QUAD. The average man likes to point to the good traits in his children as a heritage from himself. Chicago News. Pictures of Clothing do not convey the character = = the , -workmanship and style. THEY BO NOT EVEN SHOW THE WRINKLES We have some new wrinkles = < les in Nobby Vestees and 3 = Piece Suits. In fact , ev = erything in - MiBk AND MEN'S CLOTHING THE _ * 1 11 ! Leading Clothier McCook , - Nebraska PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. To Richard Moore , non-resident : You are hereby notified that Ida Moore , plaintiff , hus filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraskfltftho object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from > on oil the ground of abandonment uud for the care and custody of her minor child. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 2fitli day of November , A. D. 1000. IDA MOOUE , Plaintiff. By J. E. KELLEY her attorney. 10-19-lts. To Cure La Grippe In Two Days. Take Laxative liromo- Quinine Tablets. All dui gists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle. 250. 4-1. There is a ymt difference between the lay of a poet andAwe lay of a pullet. jFor Sees "Wonders , . Editor W. V. Barry of Lexington , Tenn. , in Bfering Mammoth Cave , contracted a Kse of piles. His quick cure through J&cklen's Arnica Salve convinced him father world's wonder. Cures , piles , Res , milamation , and all bodily eruptions. Jnly 25c at McConnell & Berry's. Women are always in quest of something but , a conquest seems to suit them beat. Made Young Again. "One of Lr. ) King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' igain" writes D. H. Turner of Dempseytown , Pa. They're the best in the world for liver , stomach and bowls. Purely vegetable. Never jrine. Only 2 c at McConnell & Berry's. Nothing is made in vain except the ex- : remely fashionable girl she is-anaiden vain. Many people worry b5 < * ause they.believe : hey have heart disease. The chances are .hat their hearts are all light but their stom- ichs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure digests whatyou eat and prevents he formation of gas which makes the stom- ich press against the heart. It will cure every : orm of indigestion. McConnell & Berry. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best iver pills ever made. Easy to take and never jripe. McConnell & Berry. A shiftless fellow says it is a consolation to enow that he cannot be sued for the debt of lature. If you have ever seen a child in the agony ) f croup you can realize how grateful mothers ire for One Minute Cough Cure which gives elief as soon as it is administered. It quickly : ures coughs , colds an'd all throat and lung roubles. McConnell & Berry. To the youth in love there are but two ) laces in the world one where his sweet- icart is and the other where she isn't. White's Cream Vermifuge removes the un- icalthy tissue upon which worms thrive ; it > rings , and quickly , a healthy condition of > ody , where worms cannot exist. Price 25 : ents. A. McMillen , druggist. The king of Portugal weighs 305 pounds , > ut he does not sing a very heavy part in the oncert of the powers. "What is it a woman cannot do with a hair- > in ? " asks an exchange. Well , she cannot rim her toenails with it , for one thing. When you \yant prompt acting little pills hat never gripe use DeWitt's Little Early Users. McConnell & Berry. Why You Should Insist on Havin Unequaled by any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. & heavy bodied oil. M * m m * M * n excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness , f ever burns the leather ; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. BS sold in all Localities Manufactured br Standard Oil Company. BALSAM CURES COUGHS McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , D. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building DRY CREEK. Jacob Crocker is quite sick. Albert Kemp is herding cattle for Wm. Sigwing. W. C. Holbrook has been quite poorly for the past week or two. Mrs. Andrew Anderson , who has been very sick , is now able to be about again. Mrs. E. F. Duffey and son left on 6 , Monday night , for their home in Galesburg , III. Mrs. Alice Harmon , who has been visiting .relatives in these parts , left on Monday night for her home in Chicago. George Cooper will leave , fore part of next week , for Fillmore county. He does not in tend to return for a year or more. The new preacher is expected at the Pros pect Park school-house , next Monday at II o'clock a. m. Everyone is invited. Elder Hardaway preached a very interest ing sermon at the quarterly meeting here , Monday. He was assisted in the communion service by Rev. Grigsby of McCook and Rev. Tirrill of Fairview. A Village Blacksmith Saved His Little Son's Life. Mr. H. II. Black , the well-known village blacksmith at Grahamsville , Sullivan Co. , N. Y. , says : "Our little son , five years old , has always been subject to croup , and so bad have the attacks been that we have feared many times that he would die.Ve have had the doctor and used many medicines , but Cham- bei Iain's Cough Remedy ib now our sole re liance. It seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequent doses when the croupy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled. " There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by McConnell & Berry. Herbine sweetens the breath , brightens the eyes and clears the complexion without the slightest ill effects whatever , and ensures the natural bloom of health. Price , 50 cents. A. McMillen. All are not hunters who blow their horns some are trolley parties. Never try to coax a cold or cough ; use the remedy that unfailingly conquers both. Bal- lard'sIHorehound syrup is the great specific for all throat and lung troubles. Price 25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen , druggist. A rural editor refers to his mother-in-law as the "queen of terrors. " Your blood goes through your body with jumps and bounds , carrying warmth and ac tive life to every part of your body , if you take Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. No woman ever idolizes a man unless she is self-deceived into thinking him much better than he really is. Both makers and circulators of counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is infallible for curing piles , injuries , eczema and skin diseases. McConnell & Berry. Tribune ClubbingList. . For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB UNE , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers andperodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE , . " "j , Detroit Free Press Si oo i 50 Leslie's Weekly. 400 300 Praine Farmer i oo 175 Chicago Inter-Ocean i oo i 35 Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo 150 New-York Tribune. I oo j 25 Demorest's Magazine i oo i 75 ToledoBIade I oo 125 Nebraska Farmer I oo 150 Iowa Homestead i oo 145 Lincoln Journal I oo 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture i oo ICQ New-York World i oo i 65 Omaha Bee i oo i 50 Cosmopolitan Magazine i oo i § o St. Louis Republic i oo 175 Kansas City Star 25 i jc Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer 50 125 Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i jc Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. H. P. SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS MeCOOK , NEBRASKA DR. FICKES Gold and Aluminum Plates Crown and Bridge Work Office over McConnell & Kerry's Drug Store JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCooK , NEBRASKA. nt of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , & DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave orders at either lumber yard. F. D. BUKGESS , McCOOK , HEBR. Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building. spepsia Cure Digests what you eat. approach it in efflcie&cv itin and TO * " = * uigestlon. - . v&ra . - , - . „