The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 09, 1900, Image 7

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    H , tlio lawyer , " Is
In a Brookln hospital the original
of "Marks , the Lawyer , " made famous
In Harriet Beccher Stowe's novel , "Un
cle Tom's Cabin , " lies dying. His
name Is Abraham Marks , and for many
years he practiced law. It was while
Mrs. Slowe was writing "Uncle Tom'n
Cabin" that Mr. Maries was suggested
io her as a fitting title for the char
acter of lawyer. The story finally be
came known , and to this day the orig
inal Is called "Marks , the Lawyer/ '
Ho is now 88 years old and without
Try Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
A stingy Quaker makcth a close
Your clothes will not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
Avoid Nervous Prostration.
If you are dangerously sick what is
the first duty of your physician ? Ho
quiets the nervous system , he deadens
the pain , and you sleep well.
Friends ask , "what is the cause ? "
and the answer comes in pitying1
.tones , nervous prostration. It came
\upon you so quietly in the beginning1 ,
that you were not alarmed , and when
sleep" deserted you night after night
until your eyes fairly burned in the
darkness , then you tossed in nervous
agony praying for sleep.
JlKS. A.
You ought to have known that
tvhen you ceased to be regular in your
courses , and you grew irritable with
out cause , that there was serious
trouble somewhere.
You ought to know that indigestion ,
exhaustion , womb displacements ,
fainting1 , dizziness , headache , and
backache send the nerves -wild with
affright , and you cannot sleep.
Mrs. Hartley , of 221 W. Congress St. ,
Chicago , 111. , whose portrait we pub
lish , suffered all these agonies , and
was entirely cured by Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound : her ease
should be a warning to others , and
her cure carry conviction to the minds
of everj' suffering woman of the un
failing efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Cures a Cough or Cold at once.
Conquers Croup.VhoopnsCrush. . Bronchitis ,
Grippe and Consumption. Quick , sure results.
Dr. Bull's Pills cure Constipation. SO pills lOc.
The real irorih of " .V.
L. Doiielns S3.OO mid
S3.CO shoes compared
with other makes is
SJ.OO to gi.-J.00.
OurS4GHtE < lceI.ino :
cannot lie equalled at
nnyprice. OvorJ.OOO-
DOO satisfied -wearers.
of IV. L. Douglas
or S 3.50 shes „ will
positively outwear
twapa'rs ' of ordinary
$3 or $ S.5Q
We arc tlio largest makers of men's 83
and S3.nO shoes in tlio world. "Wo make
and sell more 33 and S3.HO shoes than any
other txvo manufacturers In the U. S >
'i'he reputNtliin of W. I > .
Douglas $5.00 and (3.SO shoes for
BEST style , comfort , and wcaris known BEST
everywhere throughout thrworld.
They have io cive better tctulnc-
$3.50 tion than other makes because $3.00
the standard hs alwnje been
placed so Llh that the wearer !
. expect more for their money .
than they can get cl wherc.
JL JUL JL. ICKAftUA moreV. . L. Douglas $3 end C3.50
shoes are sold than anv other moke is because 'JL'HJSY
A. ICE 'JL'IIE U&ST. our dealer should keep
them ; we give one dealer exclusive Eale in each town.
. ' . 'JL'nUe no * iit > titutc ! limit en having W. L.
J4. Douglas nhoes with came and pnce stamped on bottom.
If your dealer will not get them for you , eend direct ta
factory , enclosing price end Sic. extra for carnage.
State kind of leather , riie , and width , plain or cap toe.
Our shoes will reach yon anywhrre. Catalogue Free.
W.L. . .Uouslos Shoe Co. iJrocliton , .SXusS.
Leave Omaha 5:05 p. m. ; arrive St
Louis 7:00 a. m.
Trains leave Union Station Daily for
Kansas City , Quincy , St. Louis and all
points East or South. Half Rates to |
( Plus $2.00) ) many southern points on j
1st and 3rd Tuesday of Each month.
All Information at City Ticket Office.
1415 Farnam Street ( Paxton Hotel
N Blk. ) or write
City Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha. Neb.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 45 1900
Jliirruivii' 1'altlifill Admirer.
Senator Burrows has at least one ad
mirer In Michigan. Millanl Heming
way of Lapecr was In Flint on. the
morning of the day when Mr. Burrows
was to speak at Lapecr. Finding that
the regular train service would not
take him there in time , he hired a spe
cial and arrived just as the senator
began his remarks.
The Avondale , tne estate of the late
Charles Stewart Paruell , at Dublin ,
was sold at auction by the land judge's
court. The purchaser was Mr. Bay-
land , a friend of Mr. John Howard
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
The fool's weakness may be the wise
man's strength.
duce the fastest and brightest colors
of any known dye stuff.
Tears are the brine in which misery
is Eo'metimes cured.
A permunent paying position for ladles
or gentlemen at or near home. It costs
you nothing to get details. If desirable
employment is wanted address at once
The Fort Dearborn Pub. Co. , 413 Dearborn
Street , Chicaco , 111.
The great man is he who does not
lose his child's heart.
Ape Yon I/nine Allen's
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
( Smarting. Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen'3
Foot-Ease , & powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen Si Olmsted , LeKoy , N. Y.
Lots of people complain from a mere
habit of complaining.
The Greatest Thing in the World
Is GOOD HEALTH. Take Garficld
Tea. J t will cleanse your system , purify
your blood and bring- good health.
An industrious man and a cabbage
manage to get a-head.
We are the Nebraska selling agents
for the Union Carbide Co. , manufac
turers of Calcium Carbide for making
Acetylene Gas. Order your supplies
from us. Pacify Storage and Ware
house Co. , 912-914 Jones St. , Omaha.
Probably 100,000 people lost kindred
In the Texas calamity.
A new colony to * urnl li liomos to thousands o !
people , to locate lu Okialiomu Territory , Is now being
organized by the founders ottlicGcorcIaColony , Mr.
1 * . II. Fitzgerald of Indianapolis , Indiana , la backing
It. Information sent tree , showing licw to get good
liumes. Good fanners anted.
When a man is compelled to pawn
his watch it changes hands.
Dropsy treated f roe by Dr. H. H. Green's
Sons , of Atlanta , Ga. The greatest dropsy
specialists iu the world. Head their adver
tisement in another columa of this paper.
Better rely on your adversary's gen
erosity than on his incapacity.
There Is a Class of People
Who ars injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a newpreparation
called GRAIN-0 , made of pure grains ,
that takes the place of coffee. The most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress , and but few can tell it from
coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth
as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents
per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-0.
There are more muscles in the tail
of a cat than in a human hand.
Patience is soi\rov/'s slave. Church
This ?
"We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of Catarrh that casuot bo cured by Uall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. . Toledo. O.
We , the undersigned , have known P. J
Cheney for the last 13 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and llnancially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their Hrm.
"West & Truax. Wholesale Druggist- ? . Toledo ,
O. ; Waldin. ? , Kinnan & Marvin. Wliolesala
Druggists , Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Oatarrh Cure is taken internally , actIng -
Ing direct.'v upon the blood andmucoussurfaees
of the system. Testimonials seiit free. Price
5c per bottle. Sold by all < li-tisrBists.
Hall's Family Pills are the bsat.
It's always easy to interest a man
in a good money-making scheme.
T.Irs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp.
"for children taothlns , softens the Rums , reduces In
flammation , allays pam.curcs\vlndeollc. 2. > cabottio
Get what ye can and keep what ye
get. Scotch Proverb.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consumption
has an equal for coughs and colds. JOEIN F
BOTEU. Trinity Springs. Ind. . Feb. 15.1900.
Anger never made good guard for it
self. Shakespeare.
Th" stomach has to tvorl : hard , grinding the
food we crowd into it. Make Us work et y by
chewing Ueeman's , Pepsin Gum.
The proof of the pudding is in the
eating. Cervantes.
Mnny causes induce gray heir , but PASSER'S HAS
BALSAM brings bar ! : the youthtul color.
, the'beat cure for conn , locts.
Mirth cannot move a soul in agonv.
Jlheumatism , Sciatica and Xeuralgia.
withstand every other medicine , but
yield on the instant to " 5 J3KOPS. "
To enable all sufferers to test this
wonderful remedy , we will send Tree
a trial bottle on receipt of two 2-cent
stamps to pay for mailing1. Large bottles
tles o'f 300 doses SI. 00 , sent prepaid by
mail or express.
" 5 DROPS" is a preventive
J& 3&e * as well as a curative for the
following' diseases : Kheuma-
tism , Sciatica , Xeuralgia , Gout ,
BysPePsla Hackachc , Asthma ,
Hay Fever , Catarrh , Liver and
Kidney Troubles , Sleeplessness , Jfervons-
neas. Nervous and Xeur.ilKic Headaches ,
Earache , Toothache. Heart Weakness. La
Grippc.tialaria , 1'aralysl * . Creeping Xuiiib-
ness. and a long1 list of other ills.
Write us in haste and stop your suffering
fering- . Agents wanted.
1GO Lake Street. Chicago , III.
Over 100 vessels have been employe' !
in the British transport service in
South Africa.
Powers Determined to Compel Retirement
of China's Female Dragon.
Creation of Large Indemnity 1'uiiil 1 to
Ho InHlsted Upon IJuty lie P ld
In Honest Money De-predated Silver
Coin Will Not Ho Accepted.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. It was stat
ed In quarters well versed in Chinese
affairs that outside of the questions of
Indemnity , punishments , etc. , now un
der negotiation at Pekin , there are
three vital and far-reaching questions
to be determined , viz. : First , the re
moval of the empress dowager , person
ally and through the influence of her
advisers , from all participation in the
Chinese government ; second , , the cre
ation of an indemnity fund by the in
crease of China's customs revenue ,
either by the payment of duties in
gold instead of depreciated silver , as at
present , or else by doubling the pres
ent silver duties from 5 .per cent to 10
per cent ad valorem ; third , the estab
lishment of a minister of foreign af
fairs in place of the old and cumber
some system of the tsung li yamen.
The demand for the retirement of
the empress dowager is said to result
from the conclusion now generally ac
cepted , that the imperial government
of China was responsible for the Boxer
uprising. As the empress dowager
was the ruling authority of the impe
rial government during the uprising
this responsibility is brought home di
rectly to her. There is understood to
be no purpose , however , to visit upon
her any personal punishment or indig
nity , but merely to so form the recon
structed government as to exclude her
from all participation in it. It is
deemed advisable for that reason that
she should rcm-iin permanently away
from Pekin , and that her advisers also
should be kept away from the seat of
The plan of doubling China's cus
toms deities has arisen from the need
of finding a source to pay war indem
nities which the various popwers de
mand. It appears , however , that the
increase of the duties has heretofore
been brought to the attention of the
United States government by Li Hung
Chang. This occurred during his visit
to Washington a few years ago , when
it was represented that the 5 per cenc
was fixed in 1S5S by treaties with the
United States , dreat Brtiain and other
countries and \vos payable in silver ,
at which time silver was worth as
much as gold. But with the change in
value between silver and gold , Li Hung
Chang points out that China's 5 per
cent duty in silver actually netted only
about 2 % per cent , judged by the pre
vailing gold standard. The matter was
not pressed at the time.
China's present customs revenues
are said to be already pledged to meet
the interest and principal of Chinese
leans , so that it will require some en
tirely new source to meet the indemni
ties. In cas"e the enlarged duties arc
determined upon , it is understood that
their collection will be placed under
supervision of representatives of the
powers , at least until the indemnities
are paid. The plan of substituting a
minister of foreign affairs in place of
the tsung li yamen has long been in
contemplation , as foreign representa
tives have found it very difficult to
deal with this mixed body and to lo
cate responsibility upon it , particularly
during the Boxer troubles.
Kaiso Ked l Iaji of Anarchy.
CHICAGO , Nov. 3. Socialist labor
orators raised the red flag in State
street tonight and were driven off the
thoroughfare by the police , who wcio
compelled to interfere to stop a riot.
It was socialistic labor night and tha
Debs speakers utcd half a dozen wag
ons to speak from along the street.
There were- frequent clashes between
the speakers and the big crowds wiio
gathered around the stands. Shortly
after midnight the socialists became
bolder and rod flags were raised on
every wagon. The red flag was very
large and in contrast was hung a flag
of the United States of very small di
mensions. The crowd took all this
good naturedly until some of tha
Debs sprakera began kicking at the
American flag. In a moment there wa
confusion and along the street several
of the orators were dragged from their
wagons and roughly haniilei ! .
Swindle : ! the Maccahecs.
SHAMOKIN , Pa. , Nov. 3 0. J.
Reed , an ex-councilman , who was re
cently convicted of conspiracy in con
nection with borough paving contracts
and admitted to bail upon the decision
of the superior court for a new trial ,
disappeared three days ago. Last
night it was discovered the local lodge
of Macabees. of which he is recoi'J
keeper , had been swindled out of $5,000
by forged death certificates of Benja
min Davis and lliomas Shoefer. Davis ,
who was in Michigan , noticing he was
listed as dead in the official newspaper
of the order , informed his relative
here that he was alive. This started
an inquiry , followed by the appearance
of G. J. SSegle of Port Huron , Mich. ,
who is a high official of the order.
After a close investigation the irreg
ularities were discovered.
Count Von Ittidnvr Congratulated.
BERLIN , Nov. 3. Count Von Bue-
low , the imperial chancellor , has re
ceived a telegram from the. German
merchants in Tien Tsin congiatulating
him upon the conclusion of the Anglo-
German agreement.
Students 31 ay Not Vet * .
NEW YORK. Nov. 3. According to a
decision made today by Magistrate
Deuel in the Yorkville court , students
at educational institutions cannot vote
at the coming eelction. The case in
which the magistrate rendered the de
cision was that of Orin Giddings Cox ,
a student in Union Theological semi
nary. Cox lives in Schenectady coun
ty , this state , and registered &a living
in the seminary. He was summoned
to the court and the decision made.
Cox promised not to vote and was dis-
Receipt * for October Oier th Kxpemll-
tnrcs Li'uvo .Surplus.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The month
ly comparative statement of the gov
ernment receipts and expenditures is
sued at the Treasury department today
shows that the total receipts for the
month of October were $51,020,007 and
the expenditures $47,993GJ7 : , leaving a
surplus for the month of $3.0:52,130. :
The receipts for the month were over
$4,000,000 in excess of those for OocO-
ber last year. The expenditures show
about the same increase over October ,
1899. The receipts from the several
sources of revenue are given as fol
lows :
Customs , $20,552,938 ; increase over
October , 1899 , $1,7-15,000.
Internal revenue , $27,091,143 ; in
crease , $1,236,000.
Miscellaneous , $3,381,984 ; increase ,
The several Items of expenditures
are given as follows :
Civil and miscellaneous , $11,731,840 ;
increase , $1,100,000.
War , $15,169,228 ; increase , $2,700-
Navy , $4,598,258 ; decrease , $522,000.
Indians , $849,948 ; increase , $190,000.
Pensions , $10,648,500 ; decrease , $20-
Interest , $4,792,871 ; increase $310-
During the last four months the re
ceipts exceeded those for the same pe
riod last year by $5,674,000 and the
expenditures exceeded those of the
same period last year by $7,759,000.
Wat or Supply I'IIZ/.ICH Humboltlt.
HUMBOLDT , Neb. , Oct. 31. For sev
eral years the city water supply has
been a problem before the council and
the solution is yet in doubt. When
the water works were first started an
attempt to secure a sufficient supply
failed , because each time the shafts
penetrated a salt strata , which made
the water unfit for use. The plan
was abandoned and the pumping sta
tion was placed on the banks of Long
Branch , a small stream , and the sup
ply has since been suT.cient , but by
reason of mud 1.11 d filth is practicall1"
useless the greater portion of the time
for household purposes. The council
has recently ordered new shafts sunk
and the workmen have already begun ,
and the hope prevails that the city
may soon have a fresh water supply.
Volunteers Kolurn Home.
HALIFAX. N. S. , Nov. 2. The over
due transport Idaho , with several hun
dred members of the Canadian con
tingent who participated in the war in
South Africa , reached its dock here to
day. The Idaho reported that all on
board were well and that the delay in
arriving was caused by an accident to
the propeller , two blades of which had
been broken. The Idaho was greeted
with a thunderous jar of cannon
from the citadel , by hundreds of steam
whistles and by the cheers of the sail
ors in the rigging of the British war
ships in port.
News of tlio Eartliqimlcc.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. The State
department has received the following
cablegram from Mr. Russell , secretary
of legation at Caracas , concerning th3
resent earthquake in Venezuela :
"CARACAS , Via Hayti , Oct. 30
Secretary of State , Washington : Se
vere earthquake this morning ; great
damige to property ; several killed ;
president jumping second floor gov
ernment house , leg broken ; details
from intprior later. RUSSELL. "
Iettin < ; 1'urp ami Simple.
CHICAGO. Nov. 2. Judge Vail today
in open court created a sensation by
declaring that in his opinion dealing
on the Chicago Board of Trade and
dealing in one of the institutions which
the members of the Board of Trade had
stigmatized as "bucket shops" were
practically the same. He stated that
the same thing was called "gambling"
in the bucket shops , and "speculation"
on the Board of Traclo , but that both
were "betting pure and simple. "
Crime of IJanIer sternbcrsr.
BERLIN , Nov. 2. A sensational in
cident occurred here today in the sec-
riul trial of the rich banker , Stern-
berg , who was sentenced last April to
two years' imprisonment and a three
years * loss of honorable citizenship for
a crime against morality. Police De
tective Stierstaedter testified that his
superior officer , Thiel , offered him 200-
000 marks if he would testify in such
a way as to secure the acquittal of the
accused and then leave the country.
of BritUh Vessel Mutiny.
BERLIN , Nov. 2. The crew of the
British bark Iredale , eleven in ntim-
ber , were arrested at Cuxhaven today
at the instance of the captain , who ac
cused them of mutiny. Last week the
Iredale put to sea from Hamburg in a
storm , bound for Melbourne. The
crew mutinied in the North sea.
Funeral of JTax JInller.
OXFORD. Eng. . Nov. 2. The funer
al today of Prof. Max Muller , who died
on October 28 , was largely attended ,
those present including representa
tives of Queen Victoria and Emperor
William of Germany. The latter sent
a wreath inscribed "To mv dead
friend. "
Our Warships TVill He There.
LONDON , Nov. 2. The United
States government , according to a dis
patch from Sydney , N. S. W. , to the
Daily Express , has intimated that it
would be pleased to send warships to
attend the inauguration of the com
monwealth of Australia.
Senitor Davis Improving.
ST. PAUL , Nov. 2. United States
Senator Cushman K. Davis , who has
been confined to his bed in this city
for the last month with a serious case
of blood poisoning in his foot , is slow
ly recovering. At the present time one
chief cause of trouble is the natural
restiveness of Senator Davis over his
enforced retirement from the campaign
in which he was so deeply interested.
After returning from the Maine cam
paign he suffered great pain from his
foot and his physician performed an
operation , subsequent operations also
being necessary.
A Church u Diinrln School.
Dancing as an auxiliary in church
work prospers in Brooklyn , at least. It
will bo remembered that the experi
ment of starting a dancing class in
connection with the Flist Congrega
tional church evoked comment and
criticism all over the country. Even
from Southern California and Florida
letters denouncing such a move were
received. Yet the dancing class begins
at its third season .Monday evening ,
and there are more applicants than
ever before.
Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal.
The better the day the better deed.
Dr. John Holt.
Heat for tlio IIowuls.
No matter what ails you , headache
to a cancer , you will never get well
until your bowels are put right.
CASCARETS help nature , cure you
without a gripe or pain , produce easy
natural movements , cost you just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the
genuine , put up in metal boxes , every
tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be
ware of imitations.
Love only can lighten labor's load.
Ueit 1'iiblisheil FREE :
. .r.v. . ( ; UNNIIS. Toi io. Ohio.
Give cheerfully with one hand airl
you will gather abundantly with two.
Twentieth Century Invention * .
Now that the leaves are beginning
io fall it is a difficult nntti-r to
lawns looking nice. There has Leon
a demand for yeais for sonujthniEi to
i-eep lawns clean with at 'i small ex
pense , something that will take. u i
the leaves , paper , twigs , r'girstumps ' ,
pebbles and in fact evoi/tlmis
disfigures a lawn. We arc- pleased restate
state that we have th ; cvi-hioive
agency for the only suc'-Siltil nevi.-e
that has been produced up to date.
We respectfully invite your attention
to the Finley Lawn Rake , circular of
which we enclose. Picas * notice what
Mr. Guy C. Barton , pre i-l'Mit of the
Omaha and Grant Smelting Co. , &ii.vs
about this lawn rake :
"OMAHA , Neb. . Sept. 27 , 1900.
"Finley I iwn Rake Co. ,
"Joliet , 111.
"Dear Sirs :
"Your favor of the 18th inst. is re
ceived. I thank you for the n. qcs-
tion in regard to the lawn rale ?'--
ering autumn leaves ; but will cay
that I had already discovered tlrjt it
will not only gather leaves , but every
thing else in sight. It is a most ie-
markable machine , and has given most
perfect satisfaction.
"Yours truly.
Shall be pleased to quote you prices.
Very truly ,
Omaha , Nob.
Many a man's vices Iiave at first been
nothing worse than good qualities run
wild. Hare.
If you liavo not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other
I Civ f AKiSV fSbSfJ
'Vjh Wfclf J > Ii Vlr 11 n ir rf ITiVi iiiVVjO" '
A geiabls PreparaliorirorAs-
img ( hs Stomachs andBovrels of
Promotes Digeslion.Checrfur-
ncss andP.est.Contains neither
Opium.Morpliine nor"Miiierai.
A perfect Remedy for Cons lipa-
llon , Sour Slomach.Diarrlioea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh-
ness and Loss OF SlLEEP.
FacSrmile Signalurc of
1 = 3
as a rule find it very dif
ficult to get up their linen
in a .satisfactory manner ,
chiefly owing to the
of inferior starches. By
usingflagnetic Starch
yon'vrill find it a Dimple
matter to turn out as
good tvork as the best
bteam laundries. Your
grocer sells it. Try it once.
It costs only K > c a pack
age. Insist on getting
* * . !
ami Itoturn.
Account . ( ' . T. U. Convention Ko-
vcinbcr mil to 30tli , ! > < ' < - . 1st and 2nd ,
the H'IK Four Uoitte v. ill M-ll tieltots
from all points at om > and one-third
fan1 for round trip , good r tiirmn un
til Doe. llth. This lini' viu Cincinnati
and tlit' I'ietiirevpu' Chi'sapoiilcu und
Oliio is unqiif.slioiKibly the tini-Kt route
between Chicago and the Capital ; inuru
river and inoiiiitaiii hrrnery and moru
battleHelds than any oilier lints. For
maps , tielcet.s , sleeper rehervations , ad
dress ,1. C. Tt'CKKi : , li. X. A. . 'JJ Chirk
St. , Chicago.
God's gift was that man should con
ceive of truth ard strive to gain it.
Regardless of these j'ou should
your system by taking ( larliukl Tea ,
the UKllll MKDICINK.
A Jersey City justice was recently
paid a marriage fee of ton cents.
You Ciui CJi-t Allnn'H Koot-ICuso Vrvo.
Write today to Allen S. Olmstcd , Lo
Iioy , N. Y. , for a free sample of Allen's , a powder. I ten res sweating ,
damp , swollen , aching feet. Makes newer
or tight shoeeasy. . A certain cure for
Corns and Knnions. All druggists und
shoe .stores sell it ; 2c.
The talk of some people about them
selves is an insult to their listeners'
TO OIIKI : A roi.n ix ONK I > AY.
IrutrKlsts refund the money If It fulls to cuic.
K.V. . Grove's signature IN on th box. JSe.
Children and fools are very apt to
seize upon unanswerable arguments.
For starching line linen use Magnetic
. . urrrs iii'w JuiiilH 111 opiiii in i ttloincnt.
Sncril)0 ! lor rilKHIOUA IIIJ.K.ilmotcil to Information
mation uliotit thc e liiridp. One jeiir. 1.U ) . Hliulo
ropy. lr. ( buliM-rll > orn ri'crlw fr-'i. Illustrated lxik
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( ulilf ) ulth flue riTllmml limp , H.ilO. M.i'c. ] ! . All
ulx . c. $1.7" ) . Aililrvcb Uli-h. ' 1. Morgan , i't-rry , O. T.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert ?
This question an . < s in t' family
everyday. Let us aiibv. er it to lay. Try
a delicious and hcalthfti.l dt vrt. 1'rc-
parc-d in t\vo mimitts. No boiling ! no
baking ! add boiling watt r and set to
cool. Flavors : Lemon , Orange , Rasp
berry and Strawl < rry. ( let a package
at your grocers to-day , io cts.
quick relief : ii lnrc4 woritt
Book of tci-tliixmliilH : m ! in 1U7V Ircntmcut
HICL. HIU If. If. ' .ilhtVti hO'.S , lint V , At.'ecla , a.
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BI re v.yeu. StTiiomiiesn's ye .
f'r < f orns l.V : all Druggists.
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Bears iht
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