It Is only the truly virtuous man who can love or who can hate others. Garflcld-Toa Syrup Is effective In nil cnsos wlicro a mild laxative is required ; the "ov- cry-dny" ills of infants , children amladiilts yield to its magical curative influence ; made from Pure Sugar , Fruit aud Simple Uerbs. Whilst shame keeps its watch , vir tue is not wholly extinguished in the heart. To Mothers of Large Families , In this workaday Jrorld few women are so placed that physical exertion in not constantly demanded of them in their daily life. Mrs. Pinkham makes a special appeal to mothers of largo families whoso work is never done , and many of whom suffer , and Buffer for lack of intelligent aid. Towomen , young1 or old , rich or poor , Mrs. Pinkham , of Lynn , Mass. , extends her invitation of free advice. Oh , women ! do not let your lives be sacrificed when a word from Mrs. Pinkham , at the first approach of Bins. CAHIUE BELLEVILLE. wealcncss , may fill your future years with healthy joy. "When I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 was not able to do my housework. I suf fered terribly at time of menstruation. Several doctors told me they could do nothing for me. Thanks to Mrs. Pink- ham's advice and medicine I am now well , and can do the work for eight in the family. " I would recommend Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound to all mothers with large families. ' " Mus. CJCBKIE BELLEVILLE , Ludington , Mich. Cures a Cough OP Cold at once. Conquers \Vhooping-Cqugh , Bronchitis , Grippe and Consumption. Quick , sure results. Dr.Buli's Pills cure Constipation. SOplIls lOc. i If voii have T > ccn pay ing S * to S5 for shoes , a trial of IV. L. Doug las S3 or 83.50 shoes will convince you that they are just as good in every way and cost from SI to $1.50 less. Over 1,000,000 wearers. Ono pilr of W. L. Douglas S3cr $3.50 shoes will will positively outwear pairs of ordinary $3 or $3.50 O"o are tlio largest makers of men's S3 and S3-.10 shoes in the -world. "Wo make and sellinore-Sa and 83.50 shoes than any other tvro manufacturers in the IT. S. The rej iit.tti .n of W. 1 , . Douglas $3.00 and { 3.50 ( bore for BEST style , comfort , end vcaris known BEST everywhere throughout thcxrorld. They have to pvc better eatislcc- $3.50 tion thsn other makes because $3.00 the has alwcye teen .placed so high that the wearers SHOE. SHOE . expect more for their money , than they can set elsewhere. ! THE JC I : AAOA more W. L. Douglas $3 nad W-50 ehoea are sold than cny other make is because THIi V jVJCE a'llJG JIKST. Your dccler should keep them ; we Eire one dealer exclusive tale ire each town. Take no t-iilintitute ! Insist on having W. L. Doajrlas shoes Trith name and price stamped on bottom. If your dealer will not get them for jou. eend direct to factorv. enclosing price end 25e. extra for carriage. State kind of leather , tize , rnd width , plain or cap toe. Our shoes will roach you anywhere. Catalogue Free. * V. , . 3 > ouclua Shoo Co. Krocktoti , - -ji ggim < - avfaya Washington , D.C . > SfSuccessfuly ! Prosecutes Claims. v T .tte Principal Examiner D.a. Pension Bureau. 3 vrs in civil ivar. 15 adluditatiuz claims , atty siuce. DISCOVERY ; gives _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 quick relief and cures worst casesT Book of testimonials nad 10 BITS' treatmeat FKEE. DH. II. II. CUEES'S S05S , Boi E , AtUclm , Cs. " IJirSfTiiompson's Eye Water. Cures Corns 15c ; all Druggista 0 ( If it fails it Is free. ) ST. LOUIS CANNON BALL Leave Omaha 5:05 p. m. ; arrive St Louis 7:00 a. m. WHERE ARE YOU GOING ? MANY SPECIAL RATES EAST OR SOUTH. Trains leave Union Station Daily for Kansas City , Quincy. St. Louis and all points East or South. Half Rates to CPZiis $2.00) ) many southern points on 1st and 3rd Tuesday of Each month. -information at City Ticket Office. 1415 Farham Street ( Paxton Hotel Blk. ) or write writeHARRY E. MOORES. Passenger and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. W .N. U. OMAHA. No. 43 1900 Purity of mind and conduct is the first glory of woman. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. A permanent paying pcmltlon for ladles or Renilemcn nt or near home. It- costs you nothing to get dctnllu. If desirable employment In wanted address at once The Fort Dearborn Pub. Co. , 415 Dearborn Street , Chicaco , 111. The retired list of the regular army Includes 70-1 officers on half pay. You Can dot "Alien * * Fool-Knso Free. Write today to Allen S. Olrasted , Lc Roy , N. Y. , for a free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder. Itcuressweating1 , damp , swollen , aching feet. or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for Corns and Bunions. All druggists and shoe stores bull it ; 2.r c. The newest dining tables have two adjustable tops. Experience has established beyond r.ll ques tion the effectiveness of Ourtleld-Teu Syrup In curlr.K the Ills which result Irom poor digestion ; Jt is a PUKE FRUIT LAXATIVE that nets pcntly on the liver and CURES constipation. Equally good for Infants nnd Adults. Joseph Jefferson has given $1,000to the Galveston relief fund. HO ! FOR OKLAHOMA ! 3,000,000 acres new lanijs to open to settlement , Suljecrlbe lor T11K KIOWA CHIEF , devoted to Information mation about these lande. One jenr , * 1.00. Single copy.lOc. Subscribers receive free Illustrated "nook on Oklahoma. Jlorpnn's Manual (210 page Spttlern' Culde ) with line Kci-tlonnl map , tl.U ) . .Mnp25c. , AH aU'\ , 1.75. Adilrcts Ulcit T. .MorKim , Perry , 0. T. Small colonies of bees yield moro profit in proportion than large colonies nies NEW COLONY. A new colony to 'I'mlsh hoinca to thousands of people , to locate In Oklahoma Territory , Ib now being orRanlzedbytliofoiindersoltlicGcorglaColony , Mr. 1' . II. rit/Rorald ot Icdicnapolls , Indiana , is backlnR it. Information sent free , showing how to cot good homes. Good fanners wanted. Japaneses doctors do not accept fees from poverty-stricken patients. 1'iso's Cute is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs. WM. O. E 'DSLEY , Vanburen , Ind. , Feb. 10,1900. Grover Cleveland has declined to say which candidate for the presidency he will vote for. Mrs. VFInslow'B Soothlnff Syrnp. "for children teething , softens thr gums , rednces in flammation , allayu pain , cures wind colic. 23c a bottle * There is an elective affinity between a bad egg and a bad actor when they both go broke. Dvspepsl.i Is the bane of the liumnn system. I-ro'icet yoursoK against its ravages by the use of lieeman's Pepsin Gum. "The honorable man has nothing about which he quarrels. " Beautiful hair la always pleaslnR , and TARKEB'S HAII : BALSAM excels la producing It. tXb , the best cure for corns. 13cts. Thomas Taylor , one of the oldest and best known .deputy marshals in Oklahoma , was shot and killed by a desperado named Deloss.fhom he had arrested in the Osage nation at Paw nee , 0. T. The murderer was recap tured. Important to iviothers. Ex Jflino carefully every bottle of CASTOIUA , a safe and sure remedy for iafaats and .children , and see tint it Boars the Signature of laJso For Over 3O Years. The Kiad You Have Always Bought It is usually a single woman who has the most decided notions about managing men. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together , and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease , and prescribed local remedies , and by constantly tailing to cure with , local treatment , pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease , and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , man ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio , Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops tea a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Scud for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo. Ohio. SoW by Druggists , TTxj. Hall's Family Pills arc the best. More than 80,000 Americans have arrived in London this year. There Is a Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a newpreparation called GRAIN-0 , made of pure grains , that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress , and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it Ask for GRAIN-0. Denison , Jackson & Co. , who own a sawmill six miles south of Mosin. e , Mich. , will stock their mill with 3- 000,000 feet of logs next winter , in an ticipation of an advance in the price of lumber. What Shall We Have for Dessert ? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling ! no baking ! add boiling water and set to cool. Flavors : Lemon , Orange , Rasp berry and Stra\vberry. Get a package at your grocers to-day. 10 cts. The Best ( Saddle Coat , I Keeps both rider and saddle psrj j i fectly dry In the hardest storms. I J Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for i 11897 Fish Brand Poiatnel Slicker f j it Is entirelynew. If notforsale In J j your town , write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston , Mass , Liudcra Say Big Goal Companies are Trying - ' ing to Crush Them. OPERATORS SNEER AT MITCHELL They "Will > "ot tirunc the Concessions Demanded Ail Ominous Stage of > 'e- gotlutlous Scciiirt at Ilund and Work Appears lu Bight. SCRANTON , Pa. , Oct. 20. It is prac tically certain that the miners will not go to work Monday , as was expected from the action of the Philadelphia conference and the Scranton confer ence yesterday. Some o the 'biggest of the local companies arc balking at the agree ment to continue the 10 per cent agree ment in force until April 1 next , as is demanded by the resolutions of the miners. They were willing enough yesterday to amend their notices to conform to these demands , but today they seem to have undergone a change of heart , and only one operator of any prominence would say outright that he would make the modification. They say it would be humiliating for them to come out with an amendment to their notices. As one prominent operator put it : "The modification would nerve but one purpose , aud that is to gratify a. whim of John Mitchell. We don't propose to waste any energy bowing and scrap ing' to Mr. Mitchell. " WILKESBARRE.Pa. Pa. , Oct. 20. The strike leaders here are growing sus picious that there is some kind of an agreement between the coal com panies by which they expect to break up the miners' union. The offer of the Reading company and the opposi tion to the same on the part of the other companies is something the min ers cannot understand. In a conference in Philadelphia Wednesday the Lchigh Valley agreed to the same terms with the Reading , so far as their collieries were con cerned , but the company refused to make the same concessions to their employes in the Wyoming district. The officers of the United Mine Workers here say there is no consist ency in that. The action of the Lack- awanna , Ontario & Western , Pennsyl vania company and other large pro ducers in combining with the Lehigh Valley 011 the powder question tends to confirm the views held by the offi cers of the union that a concerted effort is being made to get the better of the union and incite a break in the ranks of the strikers. The opera tors who participated in the confer ence in Scranton say they are acting iu good faith. HAZLBTON , Pa. . Oct. 20. As far as the United Mine Workers officials are concerned , matters are at a standstill in the anthracite miners' contest with the operators. There was nothing new in the situation today. Much dis appointment was expressed in this re gion today because an early ending of the strike was prevented by reason of the powder grievance. BOERS KEEP UP THE FIGHTING. Kelly-Kenny Obliged to Send Kelief Col umn to Jagcrsfoutein. LONDON , Oct. 20. Lord Roberts reports from Pretoria under date of October 19 , as follows : A party of Boers got into Jagersfontein on the night of October 1C and a fight en sued in the morning. Our loss was eleven killed. The Boers lost their commandant and twenty killed. Kelly-Kenny dispatched a column under Hughes-Hallett , which should reach Jaggersfoutein today. HERO TAKES HIS OWN LfE. ! Nicholas Scalp KxncrlcnceJ Ingratitude of Republic. NEW YORK , Oct. 20. Nicholas Scalp , a Swedish naval cook who was on the battleship Maine when it waa blown up in Havana harbor , shot and killed himself in Brooklyn today. Kis jaw was shattered by Hying iron in the Maine explosion and he had been unable to eat solid food since. This and the delay in getting an increased pension made him very despondent. Average Crop of 1'otatoes. CHICAGO. Oct. 20. The potato crop of the 'United States , according to the Orange Judd Farmer's final report. at the practical completion of the har vest , approximates 239,000,000 bushels. or nearly 5,000,000 bushels less than last year , and a fairly good yield com pared with the average of the last ten years. Extremes in climatic condi tions were responsible for holding the crop within bounds. Otherwise , the liberal area seeded last spring and the favorable start given to the croo would have brought a phenomenally heavy yield. Compromise in Kentucky. FRANIIFORT , Ky. , Oct. 20. The conference committee which has been considering the disagreement between the two houses of the legislature and which has been unable for the last few days to reach an agreement , today agreed on a report , which foreshadows the passage of an election law this week. A compromise substitute of fered by the anti-Goebel democrats was adopted by the conference com mittee , 16 to 4 , and it is nearly cer tain the bill will now pass. Dislike the Baron's Recall. * NEW YORK , Oct. 20. Distrust of German's attitude in China has been revived as a result of information re ceived her showing the hostility of the Berlin government to a policy of conciliation in the settlement of the far eastern question , says a Washing ton correspondent of the Herald. It lias been learned that the recall of Baron Speck von Sternberg. the Ger man charge d'affaires , was due to his efforts to smooth the road lookinc tc , prompt , peaceful solution of the Chinese trouble. UNDER SENTENCE Of DEATH. EniproHH Frccliirlc ami Str Arthur's Kucl la Xour. PARIS , Oct. 19. ( New York World Cablegram , ) Empress Frederick can not live more than six weeks. Both Emperor William , her son , and Queen Victoria , her mother , were BO notified yesterday by the physicians in attend ance. The dowager empress is afllicted with cancer of the spine , according tea a high German physician who has ai - rived and who met here one of the foremost of British diplomats. The latter repeated the information to me. Sir Arthur Sullivan is in Paris in charge of two attendants. He Is on his way to the Riviera , but was compelled by extreme weakness to break the trip and stop here for rest. To some friends who called on him he express ed himself as sure that he shall never be able to return to England , realizing that his case is past helping. An emi nent French physician , an old admirer of the distinguished composer of mu sic , visited him today and afterward concurred in the invalid's conviction that he was doomed to an early death. It is uncertain how soon , If ever , Sir Arthur will be able to proceed south. SEES NEW ERA fOR AMERICA. Archbishop Ireland Talks of This Conn- try's Position In Commerce. NEW YORK , Oct. 19. Archbishop Ireland , just returned from an extend ed trip abroad , today gave out a state ment of his impression of the showing made by the Americans 4n Paris. The only criticism to be made , in his opin ion , is that in most cases artistic effect has been sacrificed for plain utility. This , he said , resulted in a failure to attract as might otherwise have been the case. The number of awards made to American exhibitors should make the people here proud of the part taken by the United States. The most pleasing feature , he added , was the American pavilion , where all Ameri cans were made to feel at home. By the exhibit , this country's resources are better known than ever before , as seen by an increased demand for our products. "A new era , " said he , "has set in for us in commercial and diplomatic rela tions and with the opening of the twentieth century America steps into the front rank of nations. " No Mercy for Bucket Shops. CHICAGO , Oct. 19. Board of Trade operators will tomorrow enter into what they call the last skirmish with the bucket shops. Thirteen of these concerns have been obliged to close their doors and thirteen more have at last given up their fight to secure the Board of Trade market quotations by roundabout means. One concern today was still using the quotations under a temporary injunction , but this case comes up on court tomorrow , when counsel for the board will present ar guments for its dissolution. In view of Judge Kohlsaat's decision enjoining a number of local bucket shops from using the board's quotations , the direc tors expect another victory. Want to Bar Out Americans. BIRMINGHAM , England , Oct. 19. The Midland iron masters are inquir ing of officials about the reported in tention to prefer American manufac turers to British in awarding contracts for the executive railway and bridge construction contemplated in South Africa. Several of the principal iron men , who are conjointly making these inquiries , intend to organize a cam paign to press the government into fa- foring British manufacturers if it is found that any contracts are likely to go to the United States , even though the American bids should be lower than the British. Yellow Fever Increasing. HAVANA , Oct. 19. Yellow fever is increasing here. It is said that there is not one block in the city but has contributed from one to seventeen cases. If there is no improvement there will soon be an exodus from here. here.Frank Frank W. Hayes , the general man ager of the Havana branch of the North American Trust company , who is suffering from yellow fever , is very low and Mrs. Hayes has been isolated with him. President Sends Condolences. WASHINGTON , Oct. 19. President McKiuley today sent a message of con dolence to the family of ex-Postmaster General William L. Wilson , who died at Lexington , Va. . yesterday. The president and Mr. Wilson served together gether- the house of representatives for several years and , despite their po litical differences , were warm personal friends. To Deport the Marchers. PRETORIA , Oct. 19. The Boers are daily tearing up portions of the rail road aud cutting the telephone and telegraph wires. Their atacks are in tolerable. The repairing linesmen can not leave the garrison points without considerable escorts. The only remedy semes to be to corral all the burghers and deport them , as none apparently can be trusted. Morton on Board of Arbitration. WASHINGTON , Oct. 19. There Is some talk tonight of ex-Vice President Levi P. Morton as the third member on the part of the 'United States on the The Hague International Arbitra tion board. Mr. Morton saw the pres ident today , but at the White House neither confirmation nor. denial of the reports was obtainable. American Gold May Como Home. LONDON , Oct. 19. The Times , dis cussing possible gold movements , says in its financial column : "In a normal year it would be safe to say the Amer ican demand had ceased , but the pres ent year presents many variations. It would be rash to assume that Europe will not have to repay ere long a part of its borrowings. Germany , Russia and Great Britain at the present mo ment are more likely to be borrowers than repayers. It is proabble that af ter the American election money will be easier to employ than now. Tronblo CniiAcd by One Letter. The omission or insertion of a single letter has often upset a jury's verdict , and even a whole statute. Possession of valuable real estate in Ohio depends upon a single letter "s. " The Cincin nati court of common pleas ruled against Joseph Irwin , the claimant , and sustained Peter Christmas , who has been si tenant for seven years past. The circuit court upset that Judgment several weeks ago because the Jury's report read , "On the issues. " whereas there was but one Issue iuvol'uil. Last week the circuit court reopened the case on proof that the form of verdict was printed and hence the objectiona ble "s" which had caused all the trou ble was not made by the jury. NEW OFFICIAL OF THE ST , PAUL , F. A. Miller Appointed General ger A cm > t of the JJIff System. P. A. Miller , a brother of Roswell P. Miller , chairman of the board of di rectors of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad company , has been appointed general passenger agent of that system ( effective Oct. 15 , 1900) ) to succeed George H. Heafford , recently resigned. The appointment "of Mr. Miller to the head of the St. Paul pas senger department was not unexpected , as he has been for several years the principal assistant general passenger agent of the company , making his headquarters in the Marquette build ing. There will be no assistant ap pointed to succeed Mr. Miller. The two other assistants , Messrs. Marsh and Merrill , will continue in their old positions. General Passenger Agent Miller is widely known in the railway world , and is one of the most popular of pas senger officials. He began his railroad career in 1874 , and his good nature , character and ability have steadily ad vanced him in the service of the St. Paul system since 1SS3 , when ho en tered the company's employ as a clerk in the passenger department , of which he now becomes the head. Mr. Miller was born at Harford. Pa. Some girls are mighty snippy a little good looks. Ut-8t for tlic ] In\r l.i. No matter what ails you , headache to a cancer , you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature , cure you without a gripe or pain , produce easy natural movements , cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the genuine , put up in rnptal boxes , every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be ware of imitations. Uslnp : Our Discarded Invention ? . A business man is thus quoted in the New Orleans Times-Democrat : "I was in Manchester. England , last year , and went , by invitation , through a big menls. In one department I was a lit- ments. nl one department 1 was a lit tle surprised to see a lot of workmen engaged on plows of a well known American pattern. 'Isn't that the same as Mr. So-and-So's plow ? ' I asked my guide , who was a member of the firm. 'Well , yes , substantially the same , ' he said , looking a little confused , 'but yet j see there are no English patents , and we haven't any intention of putting it on the American market. ' 'Well.I . should say not ! ' I exclaimed , 'and you couldn't sell any of them if you did. That model was discarded months ago , an an improved form has altogether taken its place. ' The case is simply one out of dozens. " Now It Is that foot ball comes roll ing along and surgeons take new ho pa Are Von I. ' * Ing Alton' * rnot-K m T It Is the only euro for Swollen. Smarting. Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease , h powder to be shaken Info the Bhopa. At all Druggists and Shoo Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad II dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeHoy , N. Y. This year the successful theatrical manager can thank his his lucky star * . TO COKE A COM IN ONK DAY. Take LiAXA-rivn liitouo QUININK TAIILBTS. All druKi tsts rcftind tin ; money If It fulls to euro. 1'V. . Grove's signature Is on the box. 2Sc. The IIuh'H frlhnto to Hoan * . Boston is proposing the erection of ; i monument to Captain GInty , of Danbury - bury , Conn. , the man who is supposed to have 'invented" baked beans. The curious part 01 it Is that Captain Qinty never was in Boston in his life. Each package of PUTNAM FADE LESS DYES colors cither Silk. Wool or Cotton perfectly. Tale of Two Cltlfi. The cities of Detroit and Milwaukee have traveled together with singular closeness for many years. Back Iu 1850 Detroit had a population of 21- 019 and Milwaukee 20.0G1. and in 18 0 they stood -15.G19 for Detroit and -If- , 2-SG for Milwaukee. During the next decade Detroit gained materially over the Wisconsin town , having some 8- 000 more people , but the latter recov ered nearly all the lost ground be tween 1870 1880 , and in 1890 showed 201.-1SG against 205.87G for Detroit. Now they stand at 28.r . .7rl for Detroit and 285,315 for Milwaukee. My Dear Mr. Editor : The Passenger Department of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas Railway begs leave to present to you under sep arate cover , by mail , a little souvenir , gotten up to remind our friends that our fast train , the "Katy Flyer. " ia still a ilyin' between St. Louis and the Gulf of Mexico. Best up-to-date equip ment , and short hours to and from the cities of St. Louis , Kansas City , Han nibal , Sedalia , Ft. Scott , Nevada , Par sons , Denison , Dallas , Ft. Worth. Waco , Houston , Galveston and Saa Antonio. Should our friend , the Editor , feel disposed to ir.ake mention of the sou venir in his paper , ( a unique pen knife ) , he will please say that the cost of the souvenir prevents Us general free distribution. We shall , however , send a souvenir to any of your readers on receipt of twenty-five cents , being less than its cost. Very truly , James Barker , G. P. & T. A. , St. Louis. AIo. No woman is really ever so a as she looks in her wedding gown. Frederick J. Pearson , E. E. , M.E. Consulting Hectriril and Mtc'ia.iicsl Eng-ater. Expert in the Designing and Supervision of Installation of PLANS SPECIFICATIONS ESTIMATES Highest References. 12 Years Experience , Charges Moderate. Send postal for 1 > oi.itlot , "KVasous why you should employ a Consulting Kistrinrrr. " * P. O. Bex 322 , OMAHA , NEB. as a foundation. Nature's o\vn ' PATENTSTEEL-CUT food. Pure appetisingsatis fying. Healthful for young- and old. Made in Iowa of choicest | Iowa wheat. Not made by the Trust. Save coupons in each package - ; ) age of Wheat-0 and get6 the famous Capitol Cook Book free. 2 Ib. package costs I5c. Two packages for a quarter. ' Your Grocer Sells It. well laundered is a thing- of beautv. but you cannot do good laundry tvork with inferior starches. is prepared especially for use in the Ilome and to en able the housekeeper to get up the linen equally as well as the best steam laundries. Try a package. All grocers sell it at lOe. ADE MARK . g < | REQURES ! NO COOKING MAKES COHANS " "CUF.'S CS KI/JD Or MS aWRCr ! STIFF = NICE" WHEK ' .YTU.G3 A3 FAR AS A FOUND. BOUGHT NEW Af.'DAHALFCFA : VOTh P. I PREPARED FOR LAUNDRY PURPOSES ON1Y 3 MANUFACTURED ONLY BY MAGNETIC STARCH ftUNi'FACTURiNG ' CO. OMAHA , NEB. WKOLESftlE TdO ! We Sa ! ! .Oireo ! is Farmers. * * . i E ? . * " > .a ! r ADDRZSG. Onion unler 80 , ; 357 J