The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 19, 1900, Image 8

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As hi years past our
will be one of the leading attractions. Nev
er before have we been able to offer our
trade such extraordinary values in this line.
We ask the opportunity of proving to you
that spot cash cuts a figure both in buying
and selling.
Don't buy until you have looked over
our line and heard the prices.
Yours for Business-
The Bee Hive , McCook , Neb.
W i *
f Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5.000
. .
- : i
A number of fanners have finished sowing
wheat and rye.
W. C. Cooper had business in Ilerndon ,
close of last week.
II. L. Goodenberger sold a team of fine
horses , a few days ago.
G. W. Reed was over from Valley Grange
precinct on business , a few days since.
John Calkins took a number of his cattle
away , Monday of this week , to have them
Mrs. A. M. Ford and family , who have been
living on F. S. Lofton's farm , moved to Mc
Cook , last week.
Mrs. Phillips and daughter Hattie of
Hebron , Nebraska , are visiting relatives and
friends in this community.
Bismark's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health. In
domitable will and tremendous energy are
not found where stomach , liver , kidneys and
bowels are out of order. If you want these
qualities and the success they bring , use Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Only 25 cents at Mc
Connell & Berry's.
Happiness depends very much on the con
dition of the liver and kidneys. The ills of
life make but little impression on those whose
digestion is good. You can regulate your liver
and kidneys with Herbine and enjoy health
and buoyancy of spirits. Price , 50 cents. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Young were visitors
to the county's capital , Saturday.
Miss Corinne Gillespie has been visiting
Miss Lillian Burnett in the county seat , this
Almeron Reed , the Fusion victim for rep
resentative , had political business at county
headquarters , early part of the week.
A speech will be delivered in McCook ,
Wednesday , October 24th , by the Hon. George
D. Meiklejohn , assistant secretary of war.
II. C. Whitmore sojourned , Sunday , in Mc
John H. Short's pension has been increased
to $12 a month.
Mrs. I. M. Beardslee has been quite sick ,
but is improving.
Miss Ora Smith has been the guest of her
cousins in McCook , part of the week.
John McClung was a visitor , Monday , to
the big reel stand-pipe town on the west.
Mrs. C. B. Iloag has been in McCook , part
of the week , visiting her daughter , Mrs. C. B.
Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Calhoun attended the
state meeting of Congregationalists in Hast
ings , this week.
Hon. George D. Meiklejohn , assistant sec
retary of war , will speak in McCook , Wednes
day , October 27th.
Dr. G. W. Bronson has been out from
Streator , Illinois , looking after some real
estate interests near town. He and L. B.
Kerns were county seat visitors , Thursday , on
Department Commander John Rees of Lin
coln will be here tomorrow afternoon on G.
A. R. business , arriving at McCook on the
noon train and driving down from that point
to the afternoon meeting here.
Captain J. J. Lamborn has been granted a
Spanish war pension of 30 per month , a sat
isfactory action of the government to all his
friends. The captain's health was seriously
shattered , while in the south awaiting trans
portation to Cuba.
Feelings of safety pervade the household
that uses One Minute Cough Cure , the only
harmless remedy that produces immediate
results. It is infallible for coughs , colds , croup
and all throat and lung troubles. It will pre
vent consumption. McConnell & Berry.
You may measure a man by the things that
move him.
It is only as long as God's sun shines on
this world that it is fair.
persons Representative J R. noted Under the empire , and for elopes t
net upon , fifteen wars of the republic , dledj \ In. but
new honor the Befmpn hospital. .In an a't get o
ralent to a-re lect jEviy one who cams down
tue north shore , MrBo ig the period of her celebrity : q.ce u
tr AUgr | ed
gcd n
. .A-ln- ? . . * "girl of tbb Iforepawf
1 nave lunc y winner t r main
ate , the norf IVlcg ber a throu (
epted with TrotaoTighlf that She also and i
of the Cafe Anglais n .Intc
later , and cl )
was Hdncli all foi
tjooki ugly , a
i man asked a ques- Barcey ever spoke 'liberty.
, Isabl In
1 the man.
foplc across
, depOTlt
. _ _ _ e Wtatft oythe Grand ps
ijse for
[ Alexandra Pctrovna , widow of the Grand * more
ntbn nd the most i
daughter-in-law of the E
to yfully on a
tdid ? KJBLafSTr the death fmer and the
the cushion
spent large
'Shore" n great lar
and good worKs. A nun i
: hcd show that the loselT A'Batcver property she may possess lely. Betwee
the right to control the vow3 arc taken Ipso facto , and It ic dusty stre
/pursuers were
dead , but them
Iho went back
m this law.
[ down where h
convents , of
Beware of Impurities in cigars. Most cb foundation the cblldrci
[ nickel cigars are made of scraps and leavings I I of year the , wbll large ; trough pnt feet a on rep
of the
] with a good deal of doctoring to give them ho' tried re
a groan
the of tobacco. . a Jerk. .
j appearance original . ccntur
I her
The Sportsman is unlike these. It froa [ ic bush
I Is a pure tobacco cigar , of whole leaf , hand- Lcol :
I made and ifcd
not doctored. led
Do You Smoke the
OS * Sportsman ? Ithi !
| Stamped with the Name
and Sold by all Dealers.
Mothers' Meeting.
The first .Mothers' meeting of this sea
son will In : held at tlie home of Mrs. H.
A. Rotu-li. The topic will be "Child
Training " All interested in the welfare
of the children are oordinlly invited to
attend Mothers' meetings Some
one IIHS snid , "Wlint xve most need now
is an intelligent , educated motherhood. "
There is room for improvement ; but ue
wish they had gone a little farther and
helped the women who are teaching out
after knowledge and wisdom in the
rearing of the children God has given
them , aii < l included fatherhood as well.
Edwaik lok ? in the Ladies' Home Jour
nal said : "The mothers of America are
entitled to all the help the government
can give thtm in rearing the children
mid fln Mi'g them after they go out
in In tlie uoild , lest her work go for
IMII III " We hope the fathers and men
of oi.r nix will take such measiues as
will help us along these lines and make
safe the paths for the children and the
3'otu g people
Will Close on Sundays.
On and after next Sunday , the under
signed will not open their meat maikets
for bubinesb on Sundays Patrons will
please observe this fact and make their
purchases of meat on Saturdays.
McCook , Neb. , Oct. 4th , 1900.
County Teachers' Association.
Below we give the programme of the Red
Willow County Teachers' association to be
held in Lebanon. Saturday , October 27 , 1900 :
9:30 a. in.
Devotional exercises
Song Lebanon Quartette
"Where , When and How to Begin to Teach
Geography" B. M. Stiles
Discussion led by Misses Ada Fair and
Ora Smith.
"Teacher's Part in Developing Chaiacter" .
M ay Bartholomew
"Methods in Teaching Spelling"
Hattie Weatherwax
1:30 p. in.
"Rural District Literature"
Hannah Stnngland
Discussion led by Ferry Ginther , Mr. Buck
and Cora Matthews.
"Uses of the Blackboard".Clara Happersett
Discussion Mabel Wilcox and Floience
Song Duet Louie and Maud Ruby
" 1 he School Board as a factor in Educa
tion" J. W. Slutts
Discussion E. E Devoe and Fred Soverns.
"Self-Activity in Education"
Mr. Spafford
Solo Percy Catlett
Song Chorus
Solo Rev. Miles
Address Rev. Hardcastle
Song Quartette
No other pills can equal DeWitt's Little
Early Risers for promptness , certainty and
efficiency. McConnell & Berry.
It brings to the little ones priceless gift of
healthy flesh , solid hone and muscle. 'That's
what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35c. Ask
your druggist.
J. W. Jones marketed his shoats , Wednes
Ld Lincoln continues to put in rye , rain erne
no rain.
Jack Hawkins is gathering C. T. Eller's
crop of corn.
Ed. Highland will farm the John Wharton
place , next year.
Mary Moers has gone to Akion to work in
an eating-house there.
Mrs. J. M. Hammond visited with Mrs. E.
W. McAninch , Tuesday.
C. T. Eller returned , Tuesday , from a visit
to friends in Clay county.
Mrs. A. I. Hatcher spent Thursday cf last
week , with Mrs. E. M. Starbuck.
Bert Lufkin and wife are the parents of a
twelve-pound girl baby , born October 10th.
Mrs. Williams of Perry precinct and. Mrs.
Jack Hawkins visited friends on the Ridge ,
last week.
Frank Green was in the neighborhood , last
week. He is well pleased with his location
on the Blackwood.
There is great demand for winter pasture
and this neighborhood has about all the stock
U can well support.
Rudolph Lunkwitz recently bought two
calves or Mrs. Starbuck. Rufe is getting to
be quite a stockman.
Frank Jones' family was down from Tren
ton , Sunday , and spent the clay with his
brother J. W. , who is still confined to the
house with asthma.
Letters from Pueblo state that E. W. Harris ,
who went from this neighborhood to that city ,
about a year ago , was married , October loth ,
to a lady of that place.
We learn that Mrs. James Speer , who went
to Clearfield , Iowa to visit her parents for the
benefit of her health , has made no improve
ment and is now under the doctor's care.
Wm. Baldwin on the north side of the
Ridge has lately lost two head of cattle by
turning them into the corn-stalks. C. Wagner
lost four head , a short time ago , in the same
way. '
John Williams has returned from the east i
ern part of Nebraska , where he has been
working the past two months. John says he
is glad to get to a place where it don't rain all
the time.
S. Love expects to move onto his farm at
the west end of the Ridge , lie moved to a
farm just north of Culbertson , some three
years ago , for the benefit of the school there
and also to farm by irrigation. At present he
is with friends in his old home in Saline
county , Neb.
Do not get scared if your heart troubles
you. Most likely yea suffer from indigestion.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat
and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest.
It is the only preparation known that com
pletely digests all classes of foods ; that is why
it cures the worst cases of indigestion and
stomach trouble after everything else has
failed. It may be taken in all conditions and
cannot help but do you good. McConnell &
Religion is not a scheme to get good crops
from poor sowing.
Job Couldn't Have Stood It
If he'd had Itching Piles. The're terribly
annoyingjbut Bucklen's Arnica Salve will cure
the worst case of Piles on earth. It has cured
thousands. For injuries , pains or bloody
eruptions it's the best salve m the world.
Price 25c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
McConnell & Berry.
There is considerable hustling and shouting
for votes in the gas belt of Indiana , and the
persuasion is not confined to gas , either.
We have seen the frail infant when the faint
struggle for existence seemed almost ended ,
resuscitated and made strong by the use of
White's cream vermifuge. Price , 25 cents.
A. McMillen.
- y gy yr r p < y * r y p y - ' y r r' y ' - ' " " -
Pictures of Clothing do not
convey the character = = the
workmanship and style.
We have some new wrink =
les in Nobby Vestees and
3 = Piece Suits. In fact , ev = I
erything in * * urtP
i 1 1 Lw
Leading Clothier C
McCook ,
Fay Jacobs has returned home after an ab
sence of several months in McCook.
Frank Freelove was a Denver visitor , the
alter part of last week , leaving Friday night
and returning the following day.
There will be preaching and Sunday-school
at the school-house , next Sunday , cnimnenc-
"K at 3 PInKev. . J. W Walker will preach.
A number of the friends of Tom Tirrill
gathered at the home of A. L. Overman to
give him a Itttle surprise , last Wednesday
evening , it being his birthday. A very pleas
ant time was had.
The caucus at Driftwood school-house , last
Saturday evening , was well attended. I. H.
Wasson was made chairman and the following
nominations were made : Assessor , H. F.
Wade ; road overseer , E. W. McAninch ;
justice of the piece , Messrs. ] . II. Wade and
J. M. Hunter.
The Republican club met as usual , last
Fiiday evening , and held a very enthusiastic
meeting. H. H. Berry of McCook did the
talking and handled his subject finely. The
drum corps was out in full blast and helped
make things lively. Representative llathorn
will speak tonight and the chances are that
Senator E. N. Allen of Arapahoe will be here
next Friday , October 26th.
Free of Charge.
Any adult suffering from a cold settled on
the breast , bronchitis , throat or lung troubles
of any nature , who will call at A. McMillen's ,
will be presented with a sample bottle of
Boschee's German Syrup , free of charge.
Only one bottle given to one person.and none
to children without order from parents. No
throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as
Boschee's- German Syrup in all parts of the
civilized world. Twenty years ago millions
of bottles were given away.and your druggists
will tell you its success was marvelous. It is
really the only throat and lung remedy gener
ally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent
bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold by
dealers in all civilized countries.
To Cure a Cold in a Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. h , . W. Grove's signature on every box.
25C41 -
Wm. Johnson moved a granary on Miss
Eliza's farm , last week.
James Modrell is rushing things , these
days , putting in rye with two teams.
Monday , we were blessed with a light
shower , laying the dust for a little while.
Matt Stewart has returned from his trip out
ivest. He says there is lots of country out
John Miller contemplates moving to Iowa ,
in the near future , where Mrs. Miller is now
Box Elder is still without a minister. Rev.
Robinson moved , last Thursday , to his new
appointment south of Cambridge.
Col. J. S. Stephens and his best lost ,
Friday evening , returning home from McCook ,
where they had been to see the famous "Rip
Van Winkle. " Col. declares they got home in
time for breakfast , nevertheless.
Mrs. Matt Stewart is entertaining her
brothej and wife of Antelope county. Mr.
Weygint is an old pioneer settler of this
: ounty , living here when the buffalo used to
roam over the hills at Indianola.
Dr. W. II. Lewis , Lawrenceville , Va. ,
writes , "I am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure _ in
my practice among severe cases of indigestion
ind find it an admirable remedy. " Many
liundreds of physicians depend upon the use
af Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in stomach troubles ,
[ t digests what you eat , and allows you to eat
ill the good food you need , provididg you do
not overload your stomach. Gives instant re
lief and a permanent cure. McConnell &
There' ,
dainty , no ligl
charming as the
mellow glow that
comes from
Prepared in many color tints
to h&rmonizo with ear-
ronndings in dining
room , drawing room ,
bed room or hall. Sold
everywhere , ilado by
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
Many people have slight colds.
Mrs. W. II. Epperly is having trouble with
her throat.
William Pate and Frank Marsh are sojourn
ing in Illinois.
Mrs. Cynthia Carothers expects to visit her
brother near Alma , Neb. , soon.
Working the roads and husking corn are
the chief occupations at present.
A young daughter was recently welcomed
by Mr. and Mrs. George Kodenburg.
The lack of wind to pump water has caused
many to drive their stock to the never-failing
Red Willow for water.
Thomas Ryan is putting down a well for
John B. Smith , one well being insufficient for
the watering of the latter's horses.
Two Republican rallies have been billed at
Spring Creek school-house , recently , but both
have fizzled out. The Republicans are gain
ing ground , however , as at least two have
changed since the last campaign.
Andrew Simmerman , brother of G. II. , has
been visiting his relatives and old-time friends
for several weeks. A surprise was tendered
him on the nth , it being his birthday , at the
home of G. II. Simmerman. About 25 per
sons partook of an excellent dinner.
When you cannot sleep for coughing , it is
hardly necessary that any one should tell you
that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the
throat , and make sleep possible. It is good.
Try it. For sale by McConnell & Berry.
You assume no risk when you buy Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. McConnell & Berry will refund your
money if you are not satisfied after using it.
It is everywhere admitted to be the most
successful remedy in use for bowel complaints
and the only one that never fails. It is pleas
ant , safe and reliable.
W. S. Bixler was in McCook , Tuesday , with
a load of wheat.
D. Long had the addition to his house
plastered , last week.
II. Taylor of Avoca , Iowa , is in these ends
of the earth , this week.
Joseph Allen started out of McCook , Mon
day afternoon , with 1,000 feet of lumber , but
the roads were so slippery he turned back and
stayed in McCook until Tuesday.
George White was around , close of last
week. He was living on section thiity-four
in this town. , twenty years ago. He is now
living in Dundy county. While here , last
week , he bought fifty cows of Frank Everist ,
and drove them up to his farm.
R. D. Elliott died , recently , in Watertown ,
New York. He lived here from the fall of
1879 to the fall of iSSi. His homestead was
the north-west quarter twenty-seven. His
brother-in-law , Bert Denney , had the quarter
joining on the north , the south-west quarter
twenty-two ; J. Conkling lived on the north
west quarter twenty-two ; Pete Lyon was on
south-west quarter fifteen ; F. Lyon had the
northwest quarter fifteen ; G. M. Ilorbarcl
was on the north-east quarter fifteen ; J. Rob
erts was on the south-east quarter 30 ; M. Robbins -
bins on the south-east quarter thirty-two ;
George White was on the west-half of east-
half of thirty-four and Wm , Colemn was on
the south-west quarter thirty-four. They all
left in 'So and 'Si but Wm. Coleman.
1'or sprains , swellings and lameness there
is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. Try it. For sale by McConnell &
No prattle is so purposeless as that of
prayerless preaching.
It is well to know that DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the
pain at once. It will cure eczema and skin .
diseases and ugly wounds and sores. It is a
certain cure for piles. Counterfeits may be
offered you. See that you get the original
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. McConnell &
Diligence in business is religious only when
the business becomes divine service.
There are thousands of people suffering un
told torture from piles , because of the popular
impression that they cannot be cured. Tab-
ler's Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure them
and the patient will remain cured. Price , 50
cents in bottles. Tubes , 75 cents. A.McMillen.
Gold and Aluminum Plates.
Crown and Bridge Work
Office over McConnell & Merry's Drug Store
S3& Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
ial attention paid to
hauling furniture. Leave orders
at either lumber yard.
Plumber and
Steam Fi
Iron. Lead and Sev/er Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun. Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
.Nature m strengthening and
structing . the exhausted digestive ? -
gans. Itisthelatestdiscovereddicest.
ant and tonic. No other prepSoS
can approach it ia efficiency. ItTin-
stantly relieves and permanently
, .
uu. " - ° i'
jiiuiperiecijQiP ( ion.
Prcoared by E. C. DeWlTT a CO. . Cblca
McDonnell & Berry , Druggists.