By F. M. KIMMBLL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co. Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance Republican National Ticket. M For President WILLIAM MCKINLEY of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODORE ROOSEVELT of New York. Republican State Ticket. For Governor C. II. DIETRICH of Adams. For Lieutenant Governor E. A. SAVAGE of Custer. It or Secretary of State GEORGE W/MARSH of Richardson. For Treasurer < WILLIAM STUEFKER of Cuminfj. For Auditor CHARLES WESTON of Sheridan. For Attorney General FRANK N. PROUT of Gage. For Land Commissioner GEORGE D. FULLMER of Nuckolls. For Superintendent of Schools W. 1C. FOWLER of Washington. Congressional Ticket. For Congressman W. S. MORLAN of Red Willow. County Ticket. For Representative , 65th District J. E. llATHORN of Hartley. For County Attorney W. R. STARR of McCook. For Commissioner , 2cl District UKNRCuAiiTREEof Indianola. An Ancient Spectre. Imperialism is by no means a new is sue. On the contrary , it is one of the most ancient bugaboos known in Ameri can politics. In fact , it has been resur rected by Mr. Bryan from the campaign of 1832. Andrew Jackson , the high priest and idol of Democracy , the imperialist of that day , just as the Bryanites are endeavoring to make Wil liam McKinley an _ imperialist today. His opponents insisted that the reelection tion of President Jackson would put an end to the existence of the republic , as he was certain to make himself emperor or king and set up a monarchial form of government. Their attacks upon him along that line were almost identical H with those made against President Mc Kinley in the present campaign. In order to arouse the people to the imaginary dangers threatening them , the anti-imperialists of 1832 scattered over the country posters representing President Jackson attired in his royal robes as "King Andrew.the First , " wip ing his feet on the constitution of the United States and trampling on the bank of the United States. In a recent issue The New York Tribune reproduced a copy of one of these posters. Under neath the picture there was printed in large type the following terrible indict ment of this eminent Democratic imper ialist : KING ANDREW THE FIRST "Born to Command. " A KING who , possessing as much power as his Gracious Brother William IV , makes a worse use of it. A KING who has placed himself above the laws , as he has shown by his contempt of our judges. A KING who would destroy our cur rency , and substitute OLD RAGS , payable by no one knows who , and no one knows where , instead of good SILVER DOL LARS. A KING born to command , as he has shown himself by appointing men to office contrary to the will of the people. A KING who , while he was feeding his favorites out of the public money , denied a pittance to the OLD SOLDIERS who fought and bled for our independence. A KING whose PRIME MINISTER and HEIR APPARENT was thought un fit for the office of ambassador by the people : SHALL HE REIGN OVER US , Or shall the PEOPLE RULE ? No doubt the able authors of that artistic piece of handiwork imagined that something terrible would happen if their warnings were not heeded. But the voters were just obstinate enough to go their own way. President Jackson was re-elected and well , the republic is still here doing business at the old stand. Geneseo (111. ( ) Republic. THE great anthracite strike is over , being settled advantageously to the striking miners. You can't afford to miss "Gentleman George's" speech in McCook , Wednes day , October 24th. MR. SHALLENBERGER'S 'steen per cent a month sort of philanthropy can't appeal very strongly to the farmer's heart and win his vote. Not this year of grace and McKinley prosperity , on your life ! THE Fusionists in the Fifth district will have to do some swift changing of position , this fall. McKeighau and Sutherland have insisted for the past ten years that the greatest enemies of mankind are the bankers. Now they have nominated a banker on their ticket for congress. Superior Journal. W. S. MORLAN is not only a lawyer , he is a farmer a successful farmer as well. Being a farmer himself , he will , when elected , take a keen personal in terest in forwarding in every possible way the agrarian interests of the Fifth district of Nebraska. On the other hand , we have Mr. Shallenbarger , a banker and a man in no way in sympa thy with the farmers. Superior Journal. I Best Grades Dennison Street HON. GEORGE D. MEIKLEJOHN ASSISTANT-SECRETARY OF WAR. ( McCOOK , NEB. , OCTOBER 24 OPERA HOUSE , 8 O'CLOCK P. M. Send the news far and wide that Hon. George D. Meikle- john will speak in McCook , next Wednesday evening , Octo ber 24th , at eight o'clock , in the opera-house. ' 'Gentleman George" will ably discuss the issues of the day , and no one is better able to do so than he. $ ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® "They Will Ali Be Democrats After 1900. " The intention of the Democrats to replace the Pops with * "straight Democrats" is clearly shown in the following letter of Mr. Bryan's. Also note the scheme to shut out Uncle John Powers. "Committee and Means House of on Ways , Representa tives , Washington , D. C. , March 7 , 1892. "I see that the Democratic convention in your Fifth dis trict is set for May 10. Also read your editorial. You are V right. McKeighan ought to be returned. It is either him era a Republican. He is with us on every vital question. Be sure and go to the convention and see that McKeighan is NOT nominated. It would kill him with Independents. They would nominate Powers and elect him. If that convention insists on nominating some one , nominate a weak Democrat , or' one who would withdraw before election. We can't af ford to have a Republican from that district. We may need some one to help carry tariff reform and free coinage if we elect a president. "Our people all like McKeighan. He has done well and we must keep him here , at least until he can be succeeded by a straight Democrat. KEEP THIS CONFIDENTIAL. I have talked with McKeighan and know that he considers a Demo cratic nomination before he is nominated by the Independents as a fatal mistake , and liable to do him great if not irrepara ble injury. Have also read your recent editorials. All O. K. Answer. Yours truly , "W. J. BRYAN. " YOU GOT IT , ALL YOU ASKED FOR. [ From the Colorado Springs Gazette. ] To the People of the United Stales , Greeting : * Four years ago You demanded work for your idlesons. You got it. You never had so many people employed as now. You wanted your idle capital to be employed. You got it. You-wanted to see the army of tramps mustered out. They are gone. You wanted your soup houses closed. They are closed. You wanted to get rid of the receivers of your railways and banks. They are gone. You wanted to see the smoke coming from th'e stacks of your smelters , mills and factories. It came. Many have since been kick ing about the smoke nuisance. You wanted the savings bank deposits to increase. Never so large in your history as at present. You wanted to see interest rates de crease that your people could borrow more cheaply wherewith to develop your resources. You got it. Interest has never been so low as now. You demanded more money. The circulation must "be increased per capita. You got it. It has increased with marvelous rapidity for four years. You demanded that one dollar be just as good as another. You got it. That is the kind we have now. and you can get all the silver or paper you want at any bank. You demanded the markets of the world for your surplus products and goods. You got it. Got it so suddenly it almost dazzled you. You wanted us to stop borrowing money in Europe. We stopped it , and Europe is now borrowing money from us. You wanted the government to collect every dollar of the Pacific railroad debt instead of a PORTION , as Mr. Cleveland proposed. Mr. McKinley made them pay every cent , principal and interest. You wanted Cuba liberated. It is done. You wanted the rights of our people maintained at home and abroad. It has been done. What you really wanted the worst was what Mr. McKiuley promised : "AN HONEST DOLLAR AND A CHANCE TO EARN IT. " You got both. Not from the Bryau- ites , but it was none the less acceptable to the man behind the dinner bucket. If you want more things of this sort you can get them from the same source. Yours devotedly , PETTIGREW. Rosewater at Orleans. Special to THE TRIBUNE : Edward Rosewater and Major Moores addressed the citizens of Orleans in the city hall , Tuesday evening , on the issues of the campaign , having a large and appreci ative audience. Major Moores spoke briefly , and was followed by Mr. Rosewater - water , who for two hours held the wrapt attention of his hearers in the ablest ad dress on the money question , anti-mili tarism and imperialism yet delivered in this place. His argument on the money question was historical , able and unan swerable , showing up the heresies of "Apostle John the Baptist Coin Harvey" and his disciple , Mr. Bryan , as delusive demagoguery founded on imagination and appealing to the passions and ignor ance of the unthinking. It showed deep research , and was a scholarly and logical address. On the "paramount" question of imperialism he produced facts that would convince anyone convincible and within redemption's realm. Mr. Bryan's irguuients or heresies on imperialism ivere each and all ably and comprehen sively answered , and all his bogies and misrepresentations were annihilated. He quoted facts to prove that the same party which is crying imperialism at President McKiuley and slandering him ised the same abuse on Abraham Lin- : oln. The heresy about "Government vith the consent of the governed" was : rushed by a weight of numerous author- ties , court decisions and historical data presented by the speaker. Mr. Rose- vater's speech was an intellectual treat , ind was listened to by Fusionists with : lose attention. His style of handling he issues and his splendid arguments ind able presentation of facts made him nany friends and were productive of treat good to the party and President tlcKinley's administration. * Orleans , Neb. , Oct. i6th. . v MR. SHALLENBERGER claims to be a 2 lock-breeder , a farmer and a philan- hropist , and THE TRIBUNE can prove t : As a breeder of bull pups , a farmer f the farmers and a purchaser of "fake' [ octor notes , the trinity is complete. WHAT is there in honorable banking hut makes it necessary for a candidate 3r congress to deny his connection with bank in which he owns 87 shares a ontrolling interest. Certainly nothing ut a demagogic effort on the part of a lutocralic Democratic banker candidate 3 throw chaff in the eyes of the Populist irmers ! What superlative rot ! McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. ' 5co-page tablets for sc. I oar. r ( Every article in our stock can be purchased at Fire Sale Prices , but there is n't a single piece of in the store. That's the nicest thing about our kind of a Fire w Sale = = damaged prices but no t damaged goods 4 O COME AND BE SHOWNK " " I "Never Sleeps. i i ONEST J O H Nf THE increasing popularity of the gov ernment's money-order system clearly forecasts the great success the govern ment can achieve from a postal savings bank system of an approved plan. Since the enlargement of the scope of the money-order system under Presiden McKinley's administration , the money- order business of the McCook post-office has very noticeably increased. Three features are especially popular : The fact that money can be deposited ; that money-orders of other offices can be paid , and the payment of orders without advices being on file. Money-orders thus have the practical value of bank drafts , and are more popular with the people , whose confidence in Uncle Sam is absolutely unlimited. The postal savings-bank system would greatly re duce Uncle Sam's interest account , and would be a winner from the start. And it ought to start. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 : a. m. , with choir. Sunday-school at 2:30 : p. in. 4.11 are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at to. Preaching at n. Y. P. S. C. E. at r. Preaching at 8. Prayer-meeting on iVednesdaj- evening at 8. All are wel- : ome. W. J. TURNER , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Services during summer : Sunday-school at 10. Evening prayer ind sermon every Sunday at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning service , also Friday svening Litany , discontinued until fur- her notice. Holy communion to be an- lounced. HOWARD STov , Rector. BAPTIST Bible-school at 10. Prayer- ueeting , Wednesday evening at S p. m. lev. George L. White , a recent gradu- tte from Chicago university- , has accepted he call of the Baptist church to become heir pastor and will commence his work icre on Sunday , October sSth. There fill be no church services , Sunday , the : ist. ist.An An interesting feature for the holi- iays , December I4th and 1510 , will be a ) ell Carnival to be given by the ladies f the Episcopal church. Rev. L. M. Gri sby made a very favor- ble impression on his parishioners and ; earers upon both of his appearances in he Methodiet pulpit , last Sunday. The pportuuity seems to be ripe for a large ; ork by the new pastor. The "Little Hoosier" five-hole drill is lie machine with which to put your fall rheat in the stalks where it does the est. Cochran & Co. , of course. You should go to C.L.DeGroff S : Co.'s nd see the many pretty things they are : ceiving for fall and winter. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn ' " -35 Wheat [ , 53 Oats . .40 Rye -33 Hogs 4-65 Eggs .10 Butter . .15 New Potatoes .6o Butter fat at Creamery Desirable House for Sale. I will offer for sale at a low price my residence property , corner Marshall and Dearborn streets. Terms , time on part , or will name an atlractive price for spot cash. 5-4-tf. w. C. LA TOURETTE , Cedar Rapids , Iowa. C. F. BABCOCK , Local Agent. Why Think Of sending away for a sewing machine , when S. M. Cochran & Co. do and will meet any competition on earth , quality considered. See their machines and get their prices and terms first , and you will buy of reliable home business men. They are here , too , to make good their guaranty. Use McMillen's sarsarmrilla for the blood. We live by blood our , and on it. We thrive or starve , as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high , we arc being re- reslied , bone muscle and brain in body and mind , with con tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak , in low spirits , no cheer , no spring , when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep , we are starved ; our blood is poor ; there is little nutri ment in it Back of the blood , is food , to keep the blood rich. When it fails take Scott's Emulsion ot Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again .man woman and child. < n 5 ° c.and i.oo ; all druggists-