will buy their. . . . BOOTS and SHOES f ft FOUNDATION at the. . . . MODEL Boot and Shoe ft STORE ftft ft ftt * We endeavor to give every customer the best value obtainable for the money. We keep nothing : of the slop-shop but every shoe is made upon honor. We guarantee every purchase strictly as represented or your money will be cheerfully refunded. Girls' School Shoes. Boys' School Shoes. Kangaroo , Calf . f\n Si Heavy grain , seam- and BOX Calf , all * P ° Sjzes 2 , ) solid button and lace , sizes 6 lace. to 11. $1 Heavy , seamless , Kangaroo , lace sizes 2 1-2 to 81-2. and button , sizes ici or Box Calf , 111-2 to 2. Kangaroo , Calf , lace and Button , sizes 2 1-2 to 8. Give us a call and be convinced tnat we can save you money VAHUE & PETTY , Proprietors. < McCook , = Nebraska . a 'j : WMy3 LV I DON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Alade only by Madison Medi cine Co. , Madison , Wls. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price , 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no substi- iHco po i TCDtoo2 tute. Ask your druggist. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia , as follows : " 1 was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yelloxv , eyes sunken , tongue coated , pain con tinually in back and sides , no appetite , grow ing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters ; to my great joy , the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks , and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of an other victim. " No one should fail to try them. Only 5oc.guaranteed at McConnell & Berry's. In fashionable circles ball room busts are classed among the "bare necessities of life. " Corn huskers' sprained wrists , barbed-wire cuts , burns , bruises , severe lacerations and ex ternal injuries of any kind are promptly and happliy cured by applying Ballard's Snow Liniment. Price , 25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen. The failure of the tea crop in Japan will not seriously effect us on this side of the earth. The American jimson weed crop was never finer. To Cure La Grippe In Two Days. Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. All drucgists refund the money if it fails to cure. E.V. . Grove's name on every bottle. 250. 4-1- T The princess of Wales has $50,000 a year for pin money , but she doesn't puff in that amount foi pins , by any means. "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers , " says M. E. Lowiher , clerk of the district court , Center- ville , Iowa. "I thought I should surely die , and tried a dozen different medicines but all to no purpose. I sent fora bottle of Cham berlains Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy and three doses relieved me entirely. " This remedy is for sale by McConnell & Berry. A Korean bride has her eyelids pasted to gether until she has been three days a wife. Instead of having them closed , the girls of this more enlightened country usually have their eyes opened by matrimony. Your blood goes through your body with jumps and bounds , carrying warmth and ac tive life to every part of vour body , if you take Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. The fact that the Kansas sorghum fields will yield 140 gallons to the acre this season is enough to set the whole state to singing "The Sweet By and By. " This is the season \vhen mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure , which children" like to take. McConnell & Berry. MCCONNfLLS BALSAM : \ CURES COUGHS Job Couldn't Have Stood It If he'd had Itching Piles. The're terribly annoyingbut Bucklen's Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of Piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For injuries , pains or bloody eruptions it's the best salve in the world. Price 25c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by McConnell & Berry. IN 1895 , under'Democratic administration , our favorite trade balance was $75,568,200. During the last three years , under the Re publican policy of expansion in the world's markets , our valuable trade balance has aver aged more than $565,000,000 each year. This means more work for the mills and more work for American labor. Torturing skin eruptions , burns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt's \.Vitch Hazel Salve , the best known cure for piles. Beware of worth less counterfeits. McConnell & Berry. A fashion exchange says perfumed note paper is not used by refined women. Too scentimental , perhaps. Happiness depends very much on the con dition of the liver and kidneys. The ills of life make but little impression on those whose digestion is good. You can regulate your liver and kidneys with Herbine and enjoy health and buoyancy of spirits. Price , 50 cents. A. McMillen. " Y/e have three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four bo.- tles of MOTHER'S FRIEND. If you had tlic pictures of our children , you could see al a glance that the last one is healthiest , prettiest and finest-looking of them ail. My wife thinks Mother's Friend is the greatest and grandest remedy in the world for expectant - ant mothers. " Written by a Ken tucky Attorney-at -Law. prevents nine-tenths of the suffering incident to child birth. The coming mother's disposition and temper remain unrutflcd throughout the ordeal , because this relax ing , penetrating liniment relieves the usual distress. A good-natured mother is pretty sure to have a good-natured child. The patient is kept in a strong , healthy condition , which the child also Inherits. Mother's Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. It assists In her rapid recovery , and wards off the dangers that so often follow de livery. Sold by druggists for $1 a bottle. THE BRADFIELB REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , GA. Send for our free illustrated book written expressly for expectant mothers. State House Ring Diverting Trade to Their Pets at Lincoln. Abraham 'Lincoln Then mid N Snub ! * the Populist * . Omnha. Oct. 8. It Is observed tlint the fuslonists are uot enthusing very much over Governor Poynter. Espe cially Is this true of the business men In the towns where state institutions are located. The merchants in these towns have had anything but a pleasant experi ence under the Poynter administra tion. Trade and patronage of the in stitutions , which should properly go to them , has been gradually diverted to pets and favorites of the state house ring at Lincoln , until finally little of It goes to the local merchants. Tons of groceries and supplies have been shipped from Lincoln to the various Institutions during the last year and only such trade has been allotted to the local business men us could not well be diverted to Lincoln. Then , too , the administration "lix- ers" have been very exacting In deal ing with the local merchant and very liberal in dealing with their favorites at Lincoln. If they treated them both alike there would be' less cause for complaint , but the contracts are jug gled in such a way that if a local mer chant secures one lie is compelled to furnish goods at almost cost price , whereas the Lincoln dealers are al lowed to make one bid on all the sup plies and in addition are given other advantages denied to others. Every body knows that bids on a dozen or more contracts at the same time , meaning the supplying of goods in car load lots , can be made at a lower rate than for only one contract involving only the supplies for one institution. This is one advantage. HOLDING UP VOUCHERS. Another advantage shown the Lin coln dealers over the country mer chants is the holding u ck of vouchers and warrants. It is a notorious fact that bills for groceries from the coun try merchants lay sometimes for weeks before they are passed upon and allowed , while those of the favorites are promptly paid. In the mercantile trade 80 or GO days' credit is the same as cash and if merchants succeed iu converting their goods into money within that time they are enabled to make considerable of a saving in the way of discounts. In many instances the country merchants have lost the benefit of their discounts through the failure of the Board to pass upon bills and remit promptly. It is openly stated that this failure is only part of a plan to discourage the local merchants in these towns from bidding , in order that the pets of the state house ring may enjoy greater profits. Some may infer from this that the state is deriving benefit from such manipulations. This is not true. The records in the auditor's office show that the expense of maintaining the state institutions the last two years has been greatly increased over what it was , and is greater now than at any time in the state's history. Governor Poynter will close his term with the enormous shortage or defic iency of $100,000. Not one of the var ious institutions has been properly kept up. The grounds , outbuildings and the like have been sadly neglected. Not a dollar has gone for labor in this direction. All the money appro priated has been expended , but how , nothing short of a legislative investi gating committee can explain. Dr. Tracy of Milford , the physician In charge of the Soldier's Home , who was caught paying house rent and of fice rent in groceries taken from the state , has resigned and left the state. His resignation promptly followed the exposure. CRAWFISHING ON EXPANSION. It is a matter of history that nearly every Democratic president from Jef ferson to Buchanan expressed a desire for the annexation of Cuba to the United States. Monroe while president expressed himself in favor of annexing Cuba , so did Polk and so did Pierce. In 1840 President Polk made a propo sition for the purchase of Cnli.i from Spain for S100,000.000. Six years be fore that , or in 1834. what i known as the Ostend Manifesto was issued , and that assorted the right of the United States to lake and annex Cuba , should Spain refuse to sell. The Ostend Manifesto was an an nouncement made by President Pierce's ministers to England , France and Spain ( Buchanan. Madison and Soule ) in which they suggested that an earnest effort be made to purchase Cuba at a price not to exceed $120.- 000,000 , and added that if this should be refused by Spain "we should be jus tified by every law. human and divine , in wresting it from Spain if we pos sess the power , " a proposition of which Lassing. the historian , says : "The bald iniquity of this proposition amazed honest men in both hemi spheres. " The manifesto failed of its purpose , because the European powers and the world in general failed to recognize the justice of acquiring property by seizure. Buchanan , who succeeded Pierce to the presidency , in three of his annual messages to congress \irged that Cuba ought to be made by purchase part of the United States. During Buchanan's term a bill for that purpose was intro duced in congress by Senator Seidell , later of confederate fame , and that bill was .strongly supported by the Democratic members of congress from the bduthcv" states. In 1SOO tin * Democratic national con vention declared in favor of annexing Cuba and placed the following lu the platform : "Resolved , that the Democratic party are In favor of the acquisition of the Island of Cuba upon such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and just to Spain. " President Pierce made a strong effort to annex Hawaii. The matter was car ried so far that a treaty for the pur pose was drartod. On this point Air. Marcy. who was secretary of state in Pierce's cabinet , wrote the following note to Minister Gregg : "This government will receive the transfer of the sovereignty of the Sandwich islands with all proper pro visions relative to existing rights of the people thereof , such as are usual and proper to territorial sovereignty. The president directs me to say that he cannot approve of some of the arti cles of the treaty ; there are in his mind some strong objections to the im mediate Incorporation of the Islands in their present condition into the union as an independent state. It was ex pected that the Hawaiian government would be willing to offer the islands to the United States as a territory and leave the question in relation to their becoming a state to the determi nation of this government , unembar rassed by stipulations on that point. " It will be seen by this that through out its history the Democratic parti- has favored expansion. It will also be observed that in all their messages and correspondence bearing on the acquisi tion of territory no reference is made to "the consent of the governed. " Jel- ferson , Polk , Pierce , Buchanan , in fact all the great minds of the Democratic party , have favored expansion , some of them going so far as to advocate the acquisition of island territory by force. Compared Avith this the splendid rec ord of the Republican party , and par ticularly of the McKinley administra tion , stands out in bold relief. CZAR THEN PATRIOT NOW. According to Democratic doctrine in ISO- * Lincoln was a czar. Now he is a patriot. In 181)4 , when Lincoln AJUS a candidate for re-election , the same hue and cry about "imperialism" was raised by the Democrats. The Indian apolis Journal , a Democratic organ , at that time said : "The only hope of preserving consti tutional liberty , the rights of the states and restoring peace to the union is in the restoration of the Democratic party to power. But let Abraham Lincoln be elected for another term , what will be the consequence ? Four years more of abolition , national bankruptcy and Eu ropean interference. Shall AVG profit by the teachings of history , and even by our own experience , or continue the policy that must end m the overthrow of one of the best governments the world ever sa\rV" Just before the election in 18(54 ( the same paper had another "nightmare , " one of the Bryan order , and it said : "Should Mr. Lincoln be. re-elected the revolution will be accomplished. This will be no longer a republic of the United Stares , but a consolidated em pire. Every safeguard must sooner or later give away. The limitation of the executive power will not be in the pleasure of the president. We implore patriotic and intelligent men to pause and reflect and give their verdict Tues day next. If the people will not save their constitution and union it is lost. " The foregoing is the same sort or Democratic rot that Bryan is making use of today. The only difference is that the man who was pointed out as a despot then is treated as a patriot now. Like Lincoln , thirty-six years from now , if the Populists and the Democrats in their rapacity for proven der shall not have eaten each other up , the Democratic doctrinaries will be quoting from McKinley and holding him up as the ideal statesman and patriot. Thirty-six years isn't such a very long time , but it is too long a time for the people of a great and progres sive country to wait , when they can get what they Avant now. The Ameri can people have kept up with the pro cession and if the Democratic party persists in staying thirty-six years be hind let it stay there. It will be observed , however , that Bryan's rant about imperialism is nothing new. The Democratic party was carping about it before lie learned to speak his own name. Lincoln was abused , and harsher things Avere said of him than have ever been said of McKinley. The at tacks Avere Avnnton and cruel , and the recoil sent many an aspiring politician I on the Democratic side into obscurity and distrust forever. Bryan is playing upon the same harp today. It is the instrument of a dema gogue and its tunes are as deceptive as the deadly nightshade. But the re coil the pent uj ) energy of outraged public opinion is there , and it Avill hit Bryan just as sure and just as hard as it has hit many a demairogue before him , and it Avill drive him into ob cur- ity and distrust just as it has driven others who hnvc undertaken to pre sume too far on public intelligence and credulity. credulity.HAS HAS NOT ACCEPTED. Bryan has not as yet acknowledged having received the populist nomina tion for president. Why have you not made this acknowledgement. Mr. Bry an ? Are yon ashamed to do it ? What is there about the Populist nomination jou are ashamed of ? If you are not nshamed of it Avhy have you failed to accept ? Is it because you are afraid that if fou acknoAvledge the populist noinina- lion you Avill alienate Tammany Hall and other eastern Democrats ? Out here in Nebraska you profess to believe in Populism. But your refusal to utter a letter accepting the Populist nomination Avould indicate duplicity. The Populists nominated you three months ago. at the same time the Dem ocrats nominated you. You acknowledged - edged the Democratic nomination by letter long since , but your letter accent ing the Populist nomination Avell , it's "the letter in the candle" or "the one that never came. " Fall and Winter Goods have come in great abund ance. Our store is filled with New , Seasonable Mer chandise. . . . We cordially in vite you to call and inspect our stock before you make your pur chases of fall Goods a . All goods are new , stylisfrjand \ , = to = date in every respect. Not a piece of shop = worn goods in our store. THE (7. i. DeGROFF & CO. n NATIONAL * n v\ * % VV * < WVfV OOP j Authorized Capital , $100,000. 88 Capital and Surplus , $6OOOO GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , / . Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAf/lPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge , zn THE PATENT RECORD , an illustrated and Avidely circulated journal , consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address , ViGTQR J. EVMMS & ( Patent Attorneys , } In anaemia and most women's ailments the digestion is weak , the making of color , flesh and strength out of food is imperfect , so that the patient is weak , wan , nervous , and dyspep tic. This condition can be corrected by taking a course of Herbine. Price , 50 cents. A. Mc- Millen. If some one of those gifted inventors would perfect a device for preventing cheap trousers from bagging at the knees , a whole lot of we warp-legged fellows would rise as one man and call him blessed. A "stitch in time saves nine , " and a dose of Ballard's Horehound Syrup at the beginning of a cold will save you many weary hours and even days of distressing and harassing cough. Price , 25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen. You should call and see the many new things we have for Fall and Winter _ New Dress Goods Ladies' New Tailored Suits Separate Skirts Shirt Waists Capes , Jackets , Furs Underwear Shoes , Men's and Boys' Cloihiro , 2 coats , too. * A Thousand Tonyues Could not express the rapture of Annie E , Springer of Philadelphia , when Dr. King's New Discovery cured her of a hacking coagh that for many years had made life a burden- She says : "After all other remedies and doc tors failed it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly , some thing I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe. " Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the throat , chest or lungs. Price We. and 51. Trial bottles free at McConnell& Beny's. "What becomes of all the old pins'isn't so interesting a question as what becomes of all the old paramount issues ? You little knew when first we met That some day you would be The lucky fellow I'd choose to let Pay for my Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist.