The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 28, 1900, Image 7

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Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is Especially Successful in
Curing this Fatal Woman's Disease.
Of all the diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted , kidney
disease is' the most fatal. In fact , unless early and correct treatment is ap
plied , the weary patient seldom survives.
Being : fully aware of this , Mrs. Pinkham , early in her career , gave ex
haustive study to the subject , and in producing her great remedy for woman's
ills Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was careful to see that it
contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that
fatal disease , woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acts in har
mony with the laws that govern the entire female system , and while there
are many so called remedies for kidney troubles , Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound is the only one especially prepared for women.
The following letters will show how marvellously successful it is :
\ \ Aug. 6 , 1899.
" DEAR MBS. PINKHAM : I am fail
ing very fast , since January have
lost thirty-five or forty pounds. I
have a yellow , muddy complexion ,
feel tired , and have bearing down
pains. Menses have not appeared for
three months ; sometimes I am trou
bled with a white discharge , and I also
have kidney and bladder trouble. . .
I have been this way for a long time ,
and feel BO miserable I thought I
would write to you , and see if you
could do me any good. " Miss EDNA
FBEDEBICK , Troy , Ohio.
Sept. 10 , 1899.
used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound according to directions ,
and can say I have not felt so well
for years as I do at present. Before
w taking your medicine a more miser
able person you never saw. I could
not cat or sleep , and did not care to
talk \vith any one. I did not enjoy
life at all. Now , I feel so well I can
not be grateful enough for what you
have done for me. You are surely a
woman's friend. Thanking you a
thousand times , I remain ,
Ever yours
Troy , Ohio.
Mne. PINKHAM : I have
taken five bottles of Lydia E. Pink-
ham'sVegetable Compound and cannot
praise it enough. I had headaches ,
leucorrhoea , falling of the womb , and
kidney trouble. I also had a pain
when standing or walking , and some
times there seemed to be balls of fire
in front of me , so that 1 could not see
for about twenty minutes. Felt as
tired in the morning when I got up
as if I had had no sleep for two weeks.
Had fainting spells.was down-hearted ,
and would cry. " MBS. BEBTUAOFEB ,
Second and Clayton Sts. , Chester Pa.
find language to express the terrible
suffering I have had to endure. I had
female trouble ,
also liverstomach ,
kidney , and blad
der trouble. . . .
I tried several doc
tors , also quite a
number of patent
medicines , and had
despaired of ever <
getting well. At
last I concluded to
try Lydia E. Pink- '
h a m 's Vegetable
Compound , and now , thanks to your
medicine , I am a well woman. I can
not praise your medicine too highly
for I know it will do all , and even
more , than it is recommended to do
I tell every suffering woman about
your Vegetable Compound , and urge
them to try it and see for themselves
what it will do. " MBS. MART A.
HJPLE , No. Manchester , Ind.
REWARD. Wo have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn , $5000 ,
which trill he paid to any person who can find that the abore testimonial letters
are not genuine , orrere pnbUthedtbefore obtaining the writer's special per-
' ? \
The real worth of
our 93.OO and 83.5O
bee * compared vrlth
/ other makes Is 8J4.OO
to 83.OO. Wa art tht
lue t malm and nuilfit
cf mcn'i t3.W and S-M thor *
in the vend. We mile and
til more 13.00 and jajo
tboei thin any other two
ttuciacturtn 1 = th * 0. S.
In 1870. „ &
do yon pay $4 to
$5 for shoes TPhen joa
$3.50 which
are Just as
i \
\ THE" XtEAW > V rnpre.wl ! J..Douglas $3 and
? ht are > 61dthanjLn ! other njake
THE Made of to * txrt imported asd THE
, .
Ammcan leather The work-
Qinihip i Dn irriled. The rtjlc
BEST is tqnai to | 4 and * 5 ahott ot BEST
other mtltt. Thrr fit like cut-
torn nide aboet. They will cut-
irear two pain of other mike * at
$3,50 the use pneea , that hare no rep $3,00
utation. You can ufcly recom
mend them to TOOT friend , i they
SHOE pleane ererybody that wctr them. SHOE.
Your dealer ahocld keep then j we ( ire one dealer
CXeJuBTe tale in each town.
Take no aubatltate ! Intitt on Bavinp W. I *
Docfl , hoe with came and price stamped on bottom.
If ; ocrdealer will not get them for you , lend direct to
factory , enelotin ; price and Uc. extra for csmtpe.
State nod of leather , liie , and width , plain or ear tofc
Our ahoe * trill reach yon anywhere. CsaraJofictVw. .
W.-L OOU8US SHOE CO. , Brockton , Mag.
The Wonder
of the Age
No Boiling to Coeklsi
it Stiffens the Goods
\ It Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh and crisp
when first bought new.
Try a Sample Packago.
You'll like it if you try it.
You'll buy it If you try it.
You'll use it if you try It.
Try it.
Sold by all Grocers.
That was a remarkable demonstra
tion of what a Mogul can do , that oc
curred on the New York Central the
other day , when engine No. 948 , one
of the new Moguls , hauled out train
No. 11 , the Southwestern Limited ,
made up of two mail cars , five pas
senger coaches and nine Wagner cars ,
sixteen cars in all. The total weight
of the train was 1,832,000 pounds , or
916 tons , and the length of the train ,
including the engine , was 1,212 feet ,
or nearly a quarter of a mile. This
engine made the running time of the
train between New York and Albany ,
143 miles , in three hours and fifteen
There is no railroad in the world
which has a better roadbed , more
skillful engineers , or better equipment ,
backed by loyal men always alert for
the safety of their passengers , than
the New York Central and Hudson
River Railroad. What road can match
Its corps of men , from President Cal-
laway down the long line of em
ployees , to the humble and faithful
trackmen who watch their sections of
rails through the long hours of the
night and day , In order to safeguard
the lives of the travelers on trains
whirling by their humble shanties ,
many of which nestle closely to the
rails under their guardianship. Edi
torial from the Albany Times-Union.
A great many men who smoke in
this world will also smoke in the
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
Don't forget to keep to the right
whether riding or walking.
Your clothes will not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
Often when -woman sbows traces
of genius she jumps over the traces.
Xadiee Can "Wear gbo a.
( .One size smaller after using-Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder. It makes tight or new
shoes easy. Cures swollen , hot sweating- ,
aching feet , ingrowing nails , corns and
bunions. All druggists and shoe stores ,
25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy. N.Y.
Don't tell long stories even when
asked to.
Several Powers in Eeceipt of Notes from
United States Anent Ohina.
French , German nn.l IlnRiian Inquiry
Each Gets Jt § Proper Reply President
and State Department Hedge "Whole
Matter with Great Secrecy.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 22. The
United States government has made
full and complete answers to the vari
ous inquiries that have been addressed
to It by the powers relative to the Chi
nese troubles. Moreover , it has gone
farther and has made a disclosure of
all its purposes and as a member of
the administration puts it , it has
thrown its hand open on the table.
The action was taken after the cabinet
meeting today and a luncheon at the
White House that followed served to
reduce the decision to an ultimate
At 3:30 : o'clock Minister Wu called
by appointment upon Acting Secretary
Hill and was handed a memorandum
embodying the response of the United
States government to the request of
Prince Ching that Mr. Conger or some
other person be immediately empow
ered to begin negotiations with the
Chinese authorities for a final settle
ment. The minister came away with
a dissatisfied expression upon his face.
Next came M. Thiebaut , the French
charge. A few minutes' conversation
sufficed to impart to him orally an an
swer to his own verbal inquiry.
Then Baron Sternberg , the German
charge , who had been notified of the
readiness of the State department to
make answer to the German note , call
ed and was given that answer. He
hastened , away to cable it to his gov-
The department then sent the an
swer to the Russian inquiry forward
ed by messenger and wired cablegrams
containing the substance of the an
swers to its diplomatic representatives
abroad. Thus closed one of the most
interesting and important phases of
the Chinese entanglement.
The State department absolutely re
fused to make any statement as to the
nature of the answers , taking the
ground that to do so would be a violation
lation of the diplomatic proprieties.
However , as it was calculated that all
of these answers will have reached
their destination abroad by tomorrow
it was promised that the text of the
communications should be given to
the press tomorrow forenoon. The
ministers and charges who received
the messages here adopted the same
secretive attitude. The piesident him
self , it seems , had given instructions
that every effort should be made to
maintain secrecy in this matter until
the official disclosure.
With all this it is known that the
German proposal that negotiations
with China be deferred until the Chi
nese responsible for the Pekin outrages
have been surrendered to the allies
has failed of approval by our govern
ment. The declination has been con
veyed in a manner that cannot give
offense , but it is believed tLat the Uni
ted States government cannot recog
nize the principle that a country may
be called upon to surrender its own
citizens to a foreign power or powers
for punishment. The government
does not relinquish the Idea of the ul
timate punishment of the offenders
when they are properly identified , but
it does not believe that the pursuit of
this object should put a st p to all ne
Scheme to Help Oat the Merchants of
the Stricken City.
NEW YORK , Sept. 22. The New
York Credit Men's association has pass
ed a resolution recommending the ad
visability of the extension of credits
to customers at Galveston who suffered
loss or whose property has been de
stroyed and suggested the granting of
new credit and further concessions as
may be helpful and necessary to en
able the victims of the Gaiveston dis
aster to re-establish themselves once
JLi Hancr Chang at Tien Tain.
TIEN TSIN , Sept. 20 , via Shang
hai , Sept. 22. Li Hung Chang has ar
rived here and is domiciled in his own
yamen , under a Cossack guard. His
reception here was a repetition of his
reception at Ton Tin , only the Rus
sians and Japanese calling on him ,
those of the other nations not taking
part in it.
Glass M n May Resume.
PITTSBURG , Pa. , Sept. 22. The vote
on the proposition of the glass chim
ney manufacturers' conceding an ad
vance of 6 per cent in wages was re
ceived today and is faborable to all
acceptance of the increase and all the
factories in the country will resume
operations at once. The resubption
will give employment to 2,700 skilled
workmen and 12,000 unskilled men.
Montana Town Burns.
BOZEMAN , Mont. , Sept. 20. The
town of Belgrade was nearly wiped out
by fire today , and one man , "West Riley -
ley , was burned to death. The fire or
iginated in the hotel owned by Riley.
The property loss is $15,000. Nearly
all the business houses were destroyed ,
thf > rp being no fire department or ap
Rash for Indian I-andg.
TACOMA , Sept 22.--Hundreds * of
land seekers are arriving at Brewster ,
Okanogan county , to secure locations
in the Colville Indian reservation ,
which will be opened for settlement on
October 10. They are chiefly from
Minnesota , Illinois , Iowa , the Dakotas
and Indiana. Between Republic and
the western boundary of the reserva
tion over 100 land agents are engaged
in locating settlers for from $10 to $50
each. October 10 between 5,000 and
10,000 settlers will swarm over the
reserve to secure possession and set
their stakes.
- ifsf "
Civil Authorities Aciumo Charge of Ala *
nlclpal Affair * at Oalvestnn.
GALVESTON , Tex. , Sept. 21. This
evening Mayor Jones proclaimed that
martial law would cease at noon to
morrow and the civil authorities
would assume charge of municipal af
fairs. This was done at the sugges
tion of General Scurry , who expressed
the belief that conditions had reached
such a stage that the civil authori
ties were able to cope with the situa
tion. This , however , does not mean
the immediate withdrawal of the mi
litia. They are to co-operate with the
city officials in the enforcement of
order and will continue" duty as a
part of the government. Since martial
law has prevailed in Galveston good
order has resulted. It was feared in
some quarters that when it became
known that the militia had given way
to civil authority the looting and rob
bery which began after the storm and
continued until the declaration of mar
tial law might recommence. The mil
itary forces will be used as a check
on this character of crime , however ,
and will in all probability remain
here for the next twenty days.
The shooting of negroes by military
men for looting has had a most salu
tary effect and has in a measure ter
rorized the offenders ; still there are
cases of robbery reported daily , which
are being dealt with severely.
The stencn arising from the Loclies
beneath the ruins is becoming un
bearable. Today orders were issued
to impress every able-bodied man for
street cleaning service. Over 500 men
were secured today and under this
order are fully 2,000 men engaged in
the work. Still this force is not suffi
cient and more men must be secured.
Men for this service are to be import
ed from the interior of the state.
The work of removing the dead from
the debris still continues. The pres
ent method of disposition is crema
tion and as each corpse is taken out
it is thoroughly saturated with coaloil
and thrown into a blazing fire. This
plan of incineration has been entirely
successful and the bodies are auickly
destroyed. Funeral pyres are blazing
throughout the city and in this way
Galveston is ridding itself ot the dead.
Russians Compel Tliontmiids of Chinese
to TVatie Into the Amur.
LONDON , Sept. 21. "Authentic ac
counts have been received here , " says
the Moscow correspondent of th Stan
dard , "of a horrible massacre at Blag-
ovestchensk , which was undoubtedly
carried out under direct orders from
the Russian authorities , which then
let loose the tide of slaughter thiough-
out Amur.
"The entire Chinese population of
5,000 souls was escorted out of town
to a spot five miles up the Amur , and
then being led in batches of a few
hundred to the river bank , were or
dered to cross over to the Chinese
side. No boats were provided and the
river is a mile wide. The Chinese
were flung alive into the stream and
were stabbed or shot at the least re
sistance , while Russian volunteers ,
who lined the bank , clubbed or shot
any who attempted to land. No one
escaped alive. The river bank for
miles was strewn with corpses. "
Emperor Orders Viceroys to Exterminate
Rebellious Subjects.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The state
department has received the following
telegram , dated the 18th inst. , from
the consul at Cre Fee , China
Secretary of State , Washington , D.
C. Eighteenth. Yesterday again be
seeching governor ascertain facts Pao
Ting Fu ; also fate missionaries un
accounted for in Chi Li ; also condi
tion mission property west Shan
Tung. Now replies no foreigners Pao
Ting Fu. Others escaped , hiding
places unknown. Impossible ascertain
whereabouts. Imperial edict ordering
civil and military officials extermi
nate Boxers now issued. Property
Intact excepting Linching mission ,
which is destroyed. Governor arrived ,
rioters dismissed , head official. From
other sources today learn governor
issued orders throughout province ex
terminate Boxers. FOWLER.
Poverty to Fortune.
CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. 21. A baronial
estate in the English aristocracy has
fallen to the lot of a man who last
week was unloading vegetables in
South Water street. The man's name
is William L. D. Cary and the estate ,
which includes an old castle on the
Isle of Man , is said to be worth $500-
000. Confirmation of the first news of
his good luck was received by Mr. Gary
today. It came in the shape of letters
and money to pay his passage to Eng
land. The estate falls to him by the
death , without direct heir , of Colonel
Henry Gary , a veteran of the Crimean
For a "Hello" Trust.
NEW YORK , Sept. 21. In its forth
coming issue , the Electrical Review
will editorially publish this :
"Therehave been numerous ru
mors of late concerning the probable
amalgamation of all telephone and tel
egraph lines in the United States. The
Electrical Review was recently in
formed that rapid progress was being
made in thy direction by the finan
cial interests controlling the four lead
ing companies.
Senator From Utah.
CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. 21. A special
to the Tribune from Sak Lake City ,
Utah , says : While Governor Wells and
Secretary of State Hammond were in
Idaho last night to meet Governor
Roosevelt and escort him to this city ,
Judge 0. W. Powers of Salt Lake City ,
a democrat , was appointed United
States senator. The appointment was
made by Aquila Nebeker , president of
the senate , who is acting governor , ac
cording to the constitutidn. It was
signed a little while before the train
bearing Governor Wells was expected
to cross the line into Utah.
A Dutch Eemedy. or How to Make
Your Own Bittera.
Farmers , Laborin meu anc. ' Every
body usa these Bitters for the cure of
Dyspepsia , Loss of Appetite , Dizziness ,
Blood Purifier , Headache , Kidney and
Liver Diseases. A perfect stomach
regulator. Now is the time to use them.
On receipt of 30c United States post
age stamps I will send one package and
receipt how to make one gallon Bitters
from Stcketee'B Dry Bitters. A deli
cious flavor. Made from Imported
Roots , B > rbs and Berries from Holland
and Germany. Be your own doctor
and use these Dry Bitters. Send to
Gco. G. Steketee , Grand liapids , Mich.
For sale by druggists.
A great man Is seldom taken at his
true value , but lots of others sell out
for more than they are worth.
The De Laval Cream Separators
have been awarded the GRAND
PRIZE by the International Jury of
Awards at the PARIS EXPOSITION ,
over many separator exhibits from va
rious countries ; the De Laval superi
ority being unquestionable in every
material respect.
Lesser awards of different grades
of medals , were made to several other
makes of separators.
The Country club is made of city
Sweat and fruit acids will not dis
color goods dyed with PUTNAM
Fault is one thing that may be
found where there is no defect.
We pardon infidelities , but we do
not forget them. Mme. de la Fayette.
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other
There will be 1,522 polling places in
New York city this year.
Use Magnetic Starch it nas no equal.
Dogwood in Placeof Ebony.
The high price of ebony has led
American piano makers to use dog
wood , stained , oiled and polished , as
a substitute for the ebony hitherto
employed for the black keys. The
wood is cut into strips and piled up
cob house fashion out of doors until
thoroughly seasoned for use.
A Fargo ( N. D.i ; | dispatch says : A
heavy frost this mofning c'umaged late
corn and flax , especially in the north
ern part of the state. Flax was the
dependence of many farmers who lost
their wheat by drouth. The loss on
flax throughout the state will be heavy.
farnam St.
$100,000 stock ot fpesh , w furniture
Purchased at large discounts for "SPOT CASH , " enables us to offer
better bargains than ever before. We are now permanently
located in our new building and invite visitors in Omaha
to call and see our Stock and inspect the very
many BARGAINS we have to offer
We are just receiving a large shipment of
Iron Beds. Purchased in many cases
at less than 50c on the dollar , and
commencing Sept. 23rd , we will quote
special prices for the balance of the
No. 893 Iron Beds white enamel trim
med with brass best casters the reg
ular $2.50 Bed. Purchased at a gieat
discount , we will sell for $1.00 any size.
No. . ' ! ! 0 Half Brass Bed lower half dead
black finish solid brass spindles no
knobs round top a bed made to re-
tall for $28.00. Jn the new lot we re
ceived a large selection of these for
We also have this Bed in all the new fin
ishes cameo bronze enameled electric ,
etc. , at the low price of $20.00.
Specials on all kinds of Couches we man
ufacture these any way to pleabe our
Our No. 242 Velour Couch best make ,
full size 6 feet long , 28 inches wide
any color upholstering best casleis
a couch generally sold for $ .S.30 now
No. 16 Pegamone Leather Couch very
handsome frame and stylish design in
upholstering extra large in width and
length an exceptional bargain at $20.00.
No. 2292 Irish Point has plain center-
Louis XIV. borders very handsome de
sign for $8.00. At the special price. $3.23.
The Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway will sell regular Homoseekors'
Excursion tickets to all points In South
Dakota , at one fare plus $2 for the
round trip , on September 18 and Oc
tober 2 , 1900. This will enable parties
to visit the Corn Bolt Exposition to beheld
held In Mitchell , S. D. , September 26
to October 4 , 1900 , Inclusive. This ex
position is held to demonstrate the
great agricultural resources , wealth
and possibilities of this thriving state.
The exposition IB held in a gorgeously-
decorated corn palace which for beauty
can hardly be excelled anywhere by a
building of a temporary nature. There
are thousands of acres of cheap lands
left In South Dakota that will , under
the present conditions in that sUto ,
rapidly Increase In price , and the hold
ing of this corn palace with its many
attractions , that both amuse and in
struct , should be an opportunity that
all land and investment seekers
should embrace.
For further information apply to any
ticket agent of the Chicago. Milwaukee
& St Paul railway , or address Geo. H.
Heafford , General Passenger Agent.
In the United States and Canada
there are 960,094 Odd Fellows.
Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. II. Green's
Sons , of Atlanta , Ga. The greatest dropvp-
specialists in the world. Head their adver-
tisumeiit in another column of this paper.
Love requitted is often nothing but
grateful vanity.
Important to Mothers.
Eiiinine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA ,
a safe and pure remedy for itifunU and : children ,
and seu that it
Bears the
Slgiiatnrc of
ta Use For Over 3O YcurB.
The Kind You llavo Atwayu BoucW.
The average youth would rather
come into a ready made fortune than
to become a self-made man.
Cut out n < J return tbli iul , mod
wo will lend you thin filch
grade , high arm , ? 2O-jreur
CuurBaterdHcwInff Machine
by freight , C. O. I > . .Mibect ) toenml-
nation. If you duel It perfectly gt-
EZactory.equil to the hlf hrit grad * it w.
MX bullion Mltf e trj.b.r it JSO.OO
I if.ot Our fp $ U ! Offer Pr Iff , $ lli U
and freight charge * . t' tb matbU *
oathicnd If dJiAatlifird In aBT * / wn will rHvrn vtar
moofj. Comes complrte with quitter , pcrrwtlrlvtTB. LoN
bins , Deedtaa. pause , -IVt n anil liiatrurtlnn book. Beau
tiful colld oak Mrmrrf drop hmd cahlnft. Ilia every
Improvement. Kailept runnlocr , bc t worlllni irwlar
machine errr offered. BUST WOSDEHWL BAlltfil * KTlk
IILtHOOr. "rlt.rr > rfrr ( jfwIrM rhU. t UI .r. A4dr.ii.
A manufacturiTs' surplus Hlock of Uuf-
fet.s Bookcsibes ami China C.IKHS.
liought at 33 1-3 per cent discount for
spot cash , to be sold iluririp tin- coming
week at proportionate ( liwounts.
No. 870 Comhinatiun Bookcune and Desk ,
solid quarter-sawed jrolden oak- two
large mirrors , size hx < 0 and 12xlS three
large drawers swell front to top draw
er twist carvings and twist jK tH on
sides made to sell at J3.VOO. Special lot
price , $22.00.
No. G10 Combination Bookcase ami Drsk ,
s < olid < ju .rter-sawed jrolden oak , five lurjjo
shelves In Bookcase has larK * * . roomy
defck , with beveled Frrncli plat - mirror
top-cupboard , uniUr desk nhilyarvfcl
and well finished a dsk inu'lf to sell
for $16.00.VIth the special lot this one
is $975.
We have the lars st stock of those Koorfs
ever shown in Omaha the new - < l > ck
was bought low anil our prices will in
terest those who contemplate purcnart-
iiiK anything in this line.
No. 627C Saxony Urusselh I > ac ; Curtain
a $25.00 Curtain for $13.M.
No. ( HO Uattenburg I ace < * urtalri-a regu
lar $2. ; 00 Curtain at tne special prlct *
of $15.00.
Lace Curtains and Porlierw all kinds of
Drapery Sllkn , etc.
We have a big lot of wood acat chain ;
at 3flc each.
We give our stock number on each piece and the articles mentioned may ;
be ordered by number. You are invited to call and see the etore , whether
intending to purchase or not.
1315-131 ? St Oaiaha
Wheat = O
Made in Iowa from the finest Iowa
wheat by our patent process , removing
ing- from the wheat all impurities and
indigestible substances and retaining-
all the g-luten and nitrogenous
and phosphatic elements which
make perfect health , bones and
< > Not made by the Trust v
I Nature's Delicious Breakfast Food t
Good to eat the year 'round by all the family. 4-
Received the diploma at the 1899 Iowa State Fair over all +
ocmpetitors. Once tried , always used. Price 15 cents for a *
two Ib. package. 2 packages 25c. Coupons entitling you to
valuable prizes free in each package.
Margins 2,000 Bu. of Grain Five Cents
$100 Markets In Fine Condition to Make Money.
Send for Free Book , "Successful Speculation. ' *
J. K. COWSTOCK & CO. , Traders Bdg. ) . CHICAGO.