The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 21, 1900, Image 5

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    * *
* *
Fall Stock is
now on hand
and we are dis
playing the finest and
biggest line of Ladies' ,
Misses' and Children's
Shoes ever opened in
Western Nebraska.
An immense stock
of all kinds of Men's
wear now here and
more on the way.
Prices just as low as
this grade of goods can
be bought for any
The Modet
Loved by tlicTpepple , hated by its would-be
rivals ; the foe of disease , the friend of human
ity Rocky Mountain Tea , made by the Mad
ison Medicine Co. Ask your druggist.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss.
At a county court , held at the county court
room , in and for said county , September 5 , A. D.
1JKX ) . Present , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In
the matter of the estate of David Bryan , de
ceased. On readinK and filing the petition of
Edward Bryan and Ward Bryan , paying that
the instrument , filed on the 5th day of Septem
ber , 1900 , and purporting to be a duly certified
copy of the last will and testament of the said
deceased , may bo proved , approved , probated ,
allowed , and recorded as the last will and
testament of the said David Bryan , deceased.
Ordered , that October 1 , A.D. 1900 , at 10 o'clock ,
a. m. , is assigned for hearing said petition ,
when all persons interested in said matter may
appear at a county court to bo held in and for
said county , and show cause why the prayer of
petitioner should not bo granted ; and that
notice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof , be given to all jwrsons inter
ested in said matter fay publishing a cony of this
order in THE McCopK TRIBUNE , a weekly news
paper printed in said county , for three success
ive weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
[ SEAL ] 9-7-Hts G. S. BISHOP , County Judge.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the
district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska ,
wider a decree in an action wherein Phebe E.
Boyd et al. are plaintiffs , and Loyal M. Ha > es
et al. are defendants , to me directed and de
livered. I shall offer at public sale and sell to
the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of
the court-house , in McCook , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on the 24th day of September , 1900 , at
the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the following de
scribed real estate , to-wit : The south-west
quarter of section thirty-five , in township two ,
north , in range twenty-eight , west of the Cth P.
M. . in Red Willow county. Nebraska.
Dated this 24th day of Aueust , 1000.
G. F. KIXGHOUN , Sheriff.
S-21-5ts. By A. C. CK.VBTBUE , Deputy.
W. S. MOULAX , Attorney.
Land Ollico at McCook , Neb. . August 27,1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of hib intention to
make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturdav ,
October 6,1900 , viz : George B. Cooper , on H. E.
No. 10,974 , for the SEH Sec. 15. TWJI. 1 , N. R. = 50 ,
W. lith P. M. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and cul-
vation of said land , viz : Wilson H. Hartman.
Thomas C. Kelley. Andrew Ander = ou , Abraham
Peters , all of McCook , Nebraska.
S-31-tits. F. M. RATHBCX , Roci ter.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
state of Nebraska. In the matter of the appli
cation of W. S. Fitch , guardian of Edward L.
Ncttleton , insane , to sell real estate. _ _ This
cause coming on for hearing on the petition of
W. S. Fitch , guardian of the estate of Edward
L. Nettleton , insane , praying for license to sell
the following described real estate , to-wit : The
j-outh half of the southeast quarter , and lot
eight , in section twenty-nine , and lot five in sec
tion twenty-eight , in township three , north , in
range thirty , west of the Cth P. M. , in Red u il-
low county , Nebraska , and invest the proceeds
of such case in interest bearing securities , for
the benefit of said ward ; and it appearing to
the court from saiJ petition that it would be
beneficial to said ward to have said real estate
sold , it is therefore ordered by the court , that
the next of kin and all i > ersons interested in
said estate , appear before mo at my office in the
city of McCoofc , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
on the Cth day of October. 1900 , at the hour of
ten o'clock a. m. of said day , and show causa
why license should not be granted for said guar
dian to sell the above-described real estate of
said ward ; and that service of this order shall
be made by publishing a copy of the same for at
least three consecutive weeks in Tire McCoojK
TBIBUNE. Dated thisSth day of August , 1900.
9-14-3ts. G. W. NOBBIS , Judge.
The Bravery Of "Women
was shown by Mrs. John Dowling of Butler ,
Pa. , in a three years struggle with malignant
stomach trouble that caused distressing at
tacks of nausea and indigestion. All remedies
failed to relieve her until she tried Electric
Bitters. After taking it two months , she
wrote ; "I am now wholly cured and can eat
anything. It is truly a grand tonic for the
whole system as I gained in weight , and feel
much stronger since using it. " It aids diges
tion , cures dyspepsia , improves appetite , gives
new life. Only 5oc. Guaranteed , at McConnell -
nell & Berry's drug store.
It must have been distressingly hot in Ken
tucky of late. A paper of that state reports
"a. bare quorum" present at a meeting of the
Corn-buskers' sprained wrists , barbed wire
cuts and sprains , or cuts from any other
cause are quickly healed when Ballard'sSnow
Ointment is promptly applied. Price 25 and
50 cents. A. McMillan.
"Do cows cry ? " asks a contributor to Our
Dumb Animals. Cry ? Why they just bawl
sometimes !
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is not a
panacea , but it is recommended for blind ,
bleeding or protruding piles and it will cure
the most obstinate cases. Price 50 cents in
bottles , tubes 75c. A. McMillen.
Tlie Approach , of Iffotherhood is the
Occasion of Much. Anxiety to All ,
Every woman dreads the ordeal
through which she must pass in becoming -
ing a mother. The pain and suffering
which is in store for her is a source of
constant anxiety , fear and dread , to
Bay nothing of the danger which the
coming incident entails. The joyous
anticipations with which she looks for
ward to baby's coming gives way to an
indescribable dread of the ordeal when
she fully realizes the critical and trying
event which will soon approach and
have to be endured.
Women should hail with delight a
remedy which insures to them im
munity from the pain , suffering and
danger incidental to child-bearing.
Such a remedy is now offered , arid
women need not fear longer the hour of
childbirth. "Mother's "
Friend" is a
scientific liniment end if used before
confinement , gently and surely prepares
the body for the great requirements
and changes it is undergoing , insures
safety to both mother and child , and
takes her through the event with com
parative ease and comfort. This won
derful remedy is praised by every
woman who has used it.
"What woman is not interested in
"Mother's Friend ? " This wonderful
remedy has been tested and its price
less value proven by the experience of
thousands of happy mothers who
have used it during the most critical
period of woman's life the approach
and culmination of motherhood.
It has won their everlasting praise ,
for it gave them help and hope in
their most trying hour and when
most needed. Every woman may some
day need "Mother's Friend. " The
little book , "Before Baby is Born , "
telling all about it , and when it should
be used , will prove of great interest and
benefit to all expectant mothers , and
will be sent .free to any address upon
application to the JBradfield Eegulatoz
Company , Atlanta , Ga.
i Comparison of Armed Strength
of the Various Countries.
Bryan's Cnr-pln ? About Militarism am
Imperialism Shown to Uo Uoxvu-
Omaha , Neb. , Sept. 17. In a stat
like Nebraska , where the standard o
Intelligence Is high , it would seen
unnecessary that anything should be
said to disprove the assertions o
Bryan and other fusion campaigners
concerning "militarism" and "iinper
ialism. "
In the first place , where Is there
Republican who favors militarism o
imperialism ?
In the second place , how can this
country have militarism or imperial
ism without the people wanting it
The president could not do anything
to encourage it without an act'of congress
gross and congress could not do i
without the people voting for it-
electing men who would vote for it
The president and congress could done
no more toward establishing this as
a lixcd policy of the nation , withou
the consent of a majority of fiftcci
millions of voters , than could the chil
dren of the public schools of NfeTjraskn
There are fifteen million voters in this
country. It would require more thai
seven million five hundred thousand
of thorn to favor and vote for militur
ism and imperialism before such
policy would be possible. There are
approximately more than se en millior
five hundred thousand Republicans ii
the United States. Is it not strange
that , if such a policy be contemplated
not one of these favors it ? Does noi
this of itself prove that it Is a cam
paign bugaboo , intended to frighter.
and fool the unsuspecting voter ? No
party dare no political party would be
so foolish as to undertake such a move
This same alarm was sounded wher
Grant was elected. The "Copper
heads" proclaimed from the housetop
that If Grant was elected ho would
call the army around him and pro
claim himself military dictator. Grant
at that timp was fresh from the battlefield
tle-field , where he had just finished
disciplining a rebellious confederacy
and , being a soldier , there were some
who were duped and frightened , 01
wanted to be and pretended to be , be
cause they were Democrats and op
posed to him politically but that gal
lant old held directed the destiny of
the American people for eight years
and not a single act of his in any way
reflected on his sturdy patriotism. He
retired from the executive chair with
the principles of self-government more
firmly inoculated and rooted in the
minds and hearts of the American people
ple than they had ever been. The
same was said of Abraham Lincoln.
Some of the very men who are now
pretending to be alarmed at militarism
and imperialism were the men who
contended in 1SG1 to 1SG5 that the
slave states had a right to withdraw
from the union , resist , the constitution ,
do what would have destroyed the re
public and set up a government of
their own independent of the regu
larly established government. The
most treasonable acts were pointed to
by them as acts of patriotism. When
the spirit of secession spread through
out the south , when Jeff Davis estab
lished an independent government ,
many of these same men said it was
right , it was patriotic , and when the
flower of the youth and manhood of
the north wont forth in arms to res
cue the nation from this awful peril
they were stoned , insulted , shot at and
shot down by men of the same political
party that now pretends to see danger
of militarism in the patriotic policy of
President MeKinley. The Republican
party has OPCP saved the gallant old
ship of stat" from being driven by a
rebellions Democracy against the rock
of treason. Tt came to the rescue of
thp nation .it a time whpn its srunnlian-
shin was so-ly needed. Tt so vert the
nation from 'ipstruction. Is it reason
able to assume that it would now turn
around ami nestroy what it has for to
years contributed its best genius and
statesmanship to develop ? Ts it rea
sonable to assume that William }
Tvinloy. who wove the blue along with
Grant. Shorman. Sheridan anrl other
equally crallnnt soldiers , bravimr dis-
pasp. sickness and ( loath to preserve
the ration fem destruction , would
now attempt to destroy it ?
In the tlii'"i place , the regular army
now is onlv a mere handful of men.
In IROf and for venrs prior thereto the
rpjrulrr army numbered 2S.270. In
1S08. two y < nrs after JIoTCinlpy was
elected , the army numbered only 2. > . -
700. or was rnore than 2.000 less than
when thp "Democrats went out of
power. Exclusive of volunteers , who
were pncaeecl in the Spanish war and
who arp now mittinc down insurrpc-
tion in tl > p T'hilinnines and murderous
riots in China , the recular army now
numbers f r > .000. The numerical
strength of the rpsular army is fixed
by law. and neither the president nor
concrpss can Increase or change it in
Tt will bo .cnpn bv th's that today the
iverace in thp Tnitpfl States Is one sol
dier to evpry 1.154 inhabitants.
How ridiculous then bpcomes the
harcp of m'litarism and imperialism
n thp litrht of these facts ? One has
only to comnare these figures with the
fi cures renmspntimr the armies of im-
pprial countries and othpr nations of
he pnjth to determine the ridiculou *
npps of it.
Official statistics show that Russi.-i
has a standing army of 858,000 sol
diers , or nine soldiers to every 1,000 *
inhabitants ; Germany has 580,000 sol
diers , or 13 soldiers to every 1,000 In
habitants ; France has 512,000 soldiers ,
or 14 soldiers to every 1,000 inhab
itants ; Austria-Hungary has 880,000 , or
ten soldiers to every 1,000 inhabitants ;
Italy has 300,000 , or ten soldiers to
every 1,000 Inhabitants ; Great Britain
has 230,000 , or six to every 1,000 Inhab
itants ; the republic of Switzerland ( a
republic , not an empire ) has 135,000 ,
with only 3,000,000 ; Spain has 100,000 ,
or six to every 1,000 inhabitants ; Bel
gium has 31,000 , or eight to every l.OOf
inhabitants ; the United States by lav
is entitled to 05,000 , with a populatioi
of 75,000,000 , or , at the greatest , one
soldier to every 1,154 inhabitants.
Thus it will be seen that , compared
with absolute monarchies , limited mou
archies and republics , the army of the
United States dwindles into insignifi
cance. The United States , with a pop
ulation 25 times as great as that of the
republic of Switzerland , has an armj
less than half as great.
Another significant fact Is that whei
the army was reorganized a short time
ago and there was a call for 35,000 vol
unteers the number that volnnteerec
was in excess of 1,000,000. This no
alone attests the patriotism of the pee
pie , but it should remove all fear 01
thought of draft , conscription or com
pulsory military duty any citizen maj
Then , again , why is it if Bryan am
his party honestly believe that there i :
danger from militarism or imperialism
that the fnsionists or Democrats have
not disbanded the militia in states
where they are in control ? Have nol
the fusionists not only maintained tin
militia in Nebraska , but have they nol
increased the numerical strength am :
expense of it ? Have they not done the
same thing in many other states where
they are in power ?
The constitution makes the presi
dent the commander-in-chlef of the mil
itia when it is called into actual serv
ice , and it would seem that if there bo
any sincerity in all this carping about
"militarism" some of it at least woult
be directed against the militia , but
Bryan and his party have never had a
word to sry on that score. Bryan is
no more consistent in this than he was
in 189J , when he tried to contaminate
the money of the country and told the
people that unless this Avas done
sweeping industrial distress would fol
Neither Bryan nor any other persor
of ordinary intelligence believes thai
this country now or at any future time
will change its position from a republi
to an empire. When Bryan talks aboul
imperialism and militarism he says
what he does not himself believe. He
knows it is absolute nonsense. He
knows that this sort of talk is likely
to fool somebody and perhaps result
in a gain of votes. He is after vote >
and is not above indulging in shamefu
demagogy and imposition to get them
That is the secret of his pretendet
"anxiety. " It is such a ridiculous , silly
proposition that it is unworthy of con
sideration or serious thought. There
was a time when Mr. Bryan might
have pursued this attitude without fear
of having his sincerity or integrity im
peached , but the people generally at
this time know enough of Bryan to
know that he is a man of more than
ordinary intelligence and they can look
upon his attitude in this respect in no
other light than that of a political
There are many men , while differing
with Mr. Bryan in the past , who have
never before questioned his sincerity ,
who will question it now. It is difficult
for them to believe they can't believe
that a man of his intelligence can act
ually believe what he himself is trying
to impress upon the credulity of others
Governor Poynter has not as yet
taken any action in the matter of cor
recting abuses at the various state in
It has been charged that at Milt'ord
the physician at the Soldiers' home ban
paid his house rent and office rent in
groceries taken from the home. It ha >
been charged that the commandant oi'
the home has bought goods for his rel
atives , had them booked as groceries
and charged to the state. It has been
charged that he reserves much space at
the home for relatives and that nearly
all of his family are provided for at the
state's expense. It is charged that IIP
has an adjutant on the pay roll at $25 ,
when the law explicitly says that he
shall perform such service himself or
have it performed without expense to
the state. It is charged that he lm
sold property belonging to the state
without properly accounting for the
money received from the sale of said
property. It is charged that he has1
pastured stock on state grounds , col
lected for the same and never ac
counted to the state for the money
thus collected.
At Grand Island the physician in
charge at the Soldiers' home has been
charged with selling liquor to inmates
from the state's dispensary without ac
counting for the money. He is charged
with inebriety and with incompetency.
He stands charged with having dissi
pated a $1,500 drug fund in ten
months , when the greatest amount
ever required before was $500 in 12
months. He is charged with cruelty in
dealing with the inmates and with
neglect in providing relief for the af
for the FeebleMinded
At the Institute -
ed at Beatrice wholesale charges of
corruption are made and there is every
reason to believe that the worst has
yet to be told.
At .South Bend the fish hatchery has
been converted into a weed hatchery
and the property is practically a com
plete wreck.
Fall and Winter
Goods have come
in great abund
ance. Our store
is filled with New ,
Seasonable Mer
chandise. . . .
We cordially in
vite you to call
and inspect our
stock before you
make your pur
chases I of fall
All goods are new , stylishfand
= to = date in every respect. Not
a piece of shop = worn goods in our
1r < &
I Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $6O3OQO
GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros.
W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENtiELL , Ass'i Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director , '
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention -will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent
ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge , m.
THE PATENT RECORD , an illustrated and widely circulated journal , consulted ,
by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sample copy FREE. Address ,
( Patent Attorneys , )
The progressive nations of the world are
he great food consuming nations. Good food
t-ell digested gives strength. If you cannot
ligest all you eat , you need Kodol Dyspepsia
"ure. It digests what you eat. You need not
liet yourself. It contains all of the digestants
ombined with the best known tonics and re-
onstructives. It will even digest all classes
if food in a bottle. No other preparation will
lo this. It instantly relieves and quickly
ures all stomach troubles. McConnell &
There were no snakes in Alaska until the
Klondike excitement introduced American
atent whisky into the frozen regions.
Large sun spots , astronomers say , caused
lie extreme heat , this summer , ana doctors
eclare nearly all the prostrations were in-
uced by disorders of the stomach. Good
ealth follows good digestion. Kodol Dys-
icpsia Cure digests what you eat. If you
aye indigestion or dyspepsia it will quickly
elieve and permanently cure you. McCon-
ell & Berry.
You should call
and see the many
new things we
have for Fall and
Winter ,
New Dress Goods
Ladies7 New Tailored Suits
Separate Skirts
Shirt Waists
Capes , Jackets , Furs
Shoes , Men's and Boys'
Clothing , and Over
coats , too ,
Endured Death's Ayonies. .
Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garrettson
of San Antonio , Texas , to lie down when at
tacked by asthma , from which he suffered
four years. He writes his misery was often
so great that it seemed he endurtd the agor.f-
of death ; but Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption wholly cured him. This mar
velous medicine is the only known cure for
consumption , coughs and cold , and all throat ,
chest and lung troubles. Price 5oc and ,
guaranteed. Trial bottles free at McConnell
& Berry's drug store.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison. Wis. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never said
in bulk. Accept no substt-
iHconpoflvrcotssa tute. Ask jour druggist.