The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 14, 1900, Image 2

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. M. KIMEIELI , , Pabllchar.
Candidate Towne is making speeches
through Indiana.
The Chicago theaters are filled with
shirtwaist audiences.
All grades of refined sugar were ad
vanced a nickel per hundred.
Senator Foraker of Ohlh denies that
he has presidential aspirations.
David Sinton , who has Just died in
Cincinnati , left a fortune of $02,000-
The census bureau announces the
population of Quincy. 111. , as 36,252 ,
against 31,494 in 1890.
France has not yet replied to Rus
sia's note regarding the withdrawal of
the troops from Pekin.
Ex-Governor L. D. Lewelyn died very
suddenly and unexpectedly of heart
failure at Arkansas City , Kas.
At Glasgow , Scotland , eleven persons
are now suffering from bubonic plague
and five others have symptoms.
The population of Wilkeabaare , Pa. .
is 51,721 , against 37,718 in 1890 , an in
crease of 14,008 , or 37.13 per cent.
The population of Allentown , Pa. , is
35,416 , as against 25,228 in 1890 , an in
crease of 10,188 , or 40.38 per oent.
The German transport Batavia will
debark German troops at Woo Sung to
assist the British and French detach
The United States transport Rose-
crans sailed for -Manila via Nagasaki ,
with light batteries C and M , Seventh
Direct telegraphic communication
between the United States and Ger
many was opened through the new
German cable.
General MacArthur chronicles two
recent deaths among his officers in the
Philippines in cablegrams received at
the War department.
A hurricane damaged buildings and
ruined crops in many districts in west
ern Manitoba and territories. The
losses are about ? 100,000.
The census hureau announces ths
population of Elmira , N. Y. , ia 35,672 ,
against 30,893 in 1890 , an increase
of 4,779 , or 15.47 per cent
Secretary of State Hay , who has
been in poor health most of the sum
mer , and who is recuperating at Lake
Sunapee , continues to improve.
The sheriff of St. Joseph , Mo. , seized
100 slot machines valued at $8,000 ,
and will 'burn them. The machines
had been in use in all parts of the
The census of the Osage and Kaw
Indian tribes shows an increase in
population over 1899 , which is prob
ably true of most Indian tribes in
At Brazil , Ind. , J. D. Kershaw , aged
60 years , who has held the position of
treasurer of the Brazil block Coal
company for eleven years , died of
Brlght's disease ,
John G. Wooley , prohibition candi
date for president , and the stalwarts
of the prohibition party , have arranged
for a 10,000 mile campaign trip , cover
ing many states.
The Peruvian senate had under con
sideration a proposal for preventing
Chinese immigration in view of a pos
sible exodus from China as a result of
the present disturbances.
The detachment of Kansas City fire
men on their way home from the Paris
exposition visited "Windsor and made
a tour of the castle. Subsequently
they lunched with the mayox at the
Guild hall.
At a sheep slaughtering and dress
ing exhibition at Indianapolis , Chas.
J. Gardiner of that city broke the
world's record when he killed and
dressed ten sheep in thirty minutes
and twenty-two seconds.
Thirty-one fever-stricken or wound
ed soldiers were discharged from the
general hospital at Presidio and
given transportation to Washington ,
D. C. They are from the Philippines
and have been under treatment for
some .time. Most of the complaints
are incurable and the men have ap
plied for admittance to the Soldiers'
home at Washington.
Chicago is in luck to the extent of
having a gas war with prices at 60
cents per 1,000 fuet , and a downward
After attending a wild west show at
Beloit , Miss Clara M. Kendall , a
school teacher of Rockford , 111. , be
came violently insane.
The census bureau anounces that the
population of Syracuse , N. Y. , is 108-
743 against 88,140 in 1890 , an increase
of 20,231 , or 22.95 per cent.
At Topeka , Kas. , Rev. Francis S. McCabe -
Cabe , for many years a prominent min
ister in the Presbyterian church in
Kansas , died of cerebral apoplexy , aged
73 years.
The dead bodies of William Taylor
and Hansen Rasmussen were found on
adjoining ranches near Folsom , Gal. ,
Both men had been murdered.
The office building which the Aetna
Real Estate company proposes to erect
on the southeast corner of Broadway
and Thirty-third street , New York.
Mrs. Bertha Honore Papliner may re
turn to this country bearing off among
other trophies the coveted Legion of
Honor bestowed by the French gov
Ine census bureau anounces the
population of Detroit at 285,704 , against
206,876 in 1890 , an increase of 38.77
per cent
At Syracuse , New York , in an at
tempt to break the world's , stallion
trotting record of 2:064 , Cresceus
trotting a mile in 2.06 % .
At Lansing , Mich. , the state prohibi
tion convention nominated a full state
ticket , headed by Professor S. Good
rich of Albion , for governor.
It seems to be the generally accept
ed conclusion that the wreck on the
Philadelphia & Reading railway at
Hatfield , twenty-seven miles from
Philadelphia , which resulted in the
loss of thirteen lives and more * r less-
serious injuries to fifty-three josons ,
was due to negligence or dlsj dis
regard of signals ,
Galveston , Texas , Almost Destroyed by
Wind and Wave ,
At IieaBt Four Thousand Homes Swept
Away by Swirling Waters Entire
Population of City In Danger Only
Meagre Uctalli.
HOUSTON , Tex. , Sept. 10 The
West Indian storm which reached the
gulf coast yesterday morning has
wrought awful havoc in Texas. Re
ports are conflicting , but it is known
that an appaling disaster has befallen
the city of Galveston , where it is re
ported 1,000 or more lives have been
blotted out and a tremendous property
damage Incurred. Meager reports
from Sablne Pass and Port Arthur
also indicate a heavy loss of life , but
these reports cannot be conflrme-
this hour.
The first news to reach this city
from the stricken city of Galveston
was received tonight. James C. Tim-
mins , who resides in Houston and
who is the general superintendent of
the National Compress company , ar
rived in the city at 8 o'clock tonight
from Galveston. He was one 01 the
first to reach here with tidings of the
great disaster which has oeiallen the
city , and the magnitude of that disas
ter remains to be told because 01 his
endeavors to reach home. After re
maining through the hurricane on Sat
urday he departed from Galveston on
a schooner and came across the bay
to Morgan's Point , where he caught
a train for Houston.
The hurricane , Mr. Timmins said ,
was the worst ever known. The esti
mates made by citizens of Galveston
was that 4,000 houses , most of them
residences , have betJK destroyed and
that at least l , 3w people have been
drowned , killed or are missing. Some
business houses were also destroyed ,
but most of them stood , though badly
The city , Mr. Timmins avers , is a
complete wreck , so far as he could see
from the water front and from the
Tremont hotel. Water was blown over
the island by the hurricane , the wind
blowing at the rate of eighty miles an
hour straight from the gulf and forc
ing the sea water before it in big
waves. The gale was a steady one ,
the heart of it striking the city about
5 o'clock yesterday afternoon and con
tinuing without intermission until
midnight Saturday night , when it
abated somewhat , although it contin
ued to blow all night.
Of his own knowledge Mr. Timmins
knew of only one house succumbing
With fatal results , though he heard
of many residences being carried away
with inmates. The house that he saw
destroyed was Ritter's saloon and res
taurant , at 2109 Strand street , a prin
cipal business street of the city. This
three story building was blown down
and nine men prominent citizens
were killed.
Among the dead are : Charles Kel-
ners , a cotton buyer for an English
firm ; Stanley C. Spencer , general
manager of the Elder-Wemster steam
ship line ; Richard Lord , manager for
McFadden's cotton company , whose
body is still in the ruins.
Secretary Bailey of the wharf com
pany and several waiters and custo
mers saved themselves by jumping
from the upper story just before the
crash came.
It was reported that the orphan asy
lum and both the hospitals were de
stroyed and if this proves true the
loss of life will be great , as these in
stitutions were generally crowded and
as they were substantial buildings the
chances are that many had taken re
fuge in them.
The water extended across the isl
and. , Mr. Timmins said it was three
feet deep in the rotunda of the Tre
mont hotel and was six feet deep in
Market street.
Desperate Battle Between Rebels and
KINGSTON , Jamaica , Sept. 10.
Mail advices received today from
Colon , Colombia , say that the rebels
seized the town of Turbaco , near Car-
thagena , as well as the railway , last
Monday. The following day the Colombian -
-lombian war ship Cordoba arrived
with 400 troops and heavy fighting
ensued. There was great excitement
in Carthagena when the mail steamer
left Colon.
Dag ett May Get Promotion.
WASHINGTON , Sept 10. It is be
lieved that the president will accept
the recommendation of General Chaf-
fee and promote Colonel Aaron S.
Daggett of the Fourteenth infantry to
the vacant brigadier generalship which
will follow from the retirement next
Monday of General Joseph Wheeler. If
this is done General Chaffee will be '
only temporarily set back in his own
advancement to the brigadier general
Gold and Silver Exports.
NEW YORK , Sept. 10. Exports of
gold and silver from this port for last
week aggregate $964,428 silver bars
and coin , and $9,800 gold. Th j imports
of specie were $30,228 gold , and $136-
109 silver. The imports of dry goods
and merchandise were valued at $10-
Japan Increases Its Army.
SALT LAKE , Sept. 10. A special to
the Tribune from Pocatello , Idaho ,
says :
From information originating here
it would appear that Japan is trying
to mobilize a still larger army for her
wars in Asia. For a week past every
mail from the west has brought letters
from the Japanese laborers on the Or
egon Short Line Instructing them to
return to Japan" for service in the
army. There are about 1,300 Japan
ese in the service of the Oregon Short
CoiomUslon Will IJIgcugs Appropriation
of 83,000,000 Soon.
MANILA , Sept. 10. The Philippine
commission at its flirt public session
to be held next Wednesday will dis
cuss the appropriation of one-third of
the treasury's $6,000,000 for the con
struction and repair of roads and
bridges throughout the achipelago.
The people profess to be much grati
fied at the prospect of this work of
The revenue authorities of Manila ,
collect under the Spanish laws a tax
of 5 per cent upon the salaries of
American civilians earning $300 per
annum and upward. The tax is un
popular and provokes protests among
them. The Filipinos and foreigners ,
who are used to it , do not object to
the levy.
The reports of the military opera
tions show that of late these have been
trivial. Manila is now experiencing
the heaviest typhoon known for years.
British General Crosses the Maucbberg
and Continues the Advance.
CAPETOWN , Sept. 10. Sir Redvers
Buller continues his advance. He
crossed the Mauchberg , ten miles east
of Lydenburg , and came into action
with the Boers.
The occupation of Lydenburg , which
took place last Thursday , is regarded
as marking one of the last stages of
the war. The Boers now talk of trek
king into German territory. Lord
Methuen is marching on Lichtenburg
from Mafeking.
It is said that papers seized at Pre
toria show that the Netherlands Rail
way company in many ways actively
assisted the Boers. It converted its
workshops into arsenals and provided
the Transvaal forces with horseshoes.
Able to Convey Sound.
BRADFORD , England , Sept. 10.
At today's session of the physical sci
ence section of the British association
for the advancement of science , now in
annual session here , Sir William
Henry Preece , consulting engineer to
the British postoffice , made the inter
esting announcement that as a result
of his experiments with wireless tel
egraphy he had found it quite possible
to convey audible speech s'.x to eight
miles across the sea without wires.
Coal is Needed In France.
PARIS , Sept. 10. The coal famine
is being felt more and more through
out France. All the gas , railroad and
steamship companies are now dis
patching agents to the United States
to study what can be done to relieve
the situation , with full power to sign
huge contracts if conditions are fa
vorable. Many industries are suffer
ing from -lack of fuel and great suf
fering is anticipated among the poor
er classes.
Ship Collides and Sinks.
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept 10. The
American ship May Flint collided with
the bark Vidette tonight in the bay
off the mail dock and sank. After
the collision she drifted down onto the
bows of the battleship Iowa anchored
off the mail docks. After bumping
the Iowa she split open , filled and
sank. As far as known no lives were
lost. The cause of the collision is un
Celebration May Bring Trouble.
HONG KONG , Sept. 10. Owing to
anticipations of disturbances at to
night's celebration of the Feast of
Latens elaborate preparations have
been made to cope with eventualities.
The troops have been served with ball
cartridges. Six Maxims are also in
readiness. The police have been or
dered to suppress the "Dragon pro
cession , " but the Chinese declare they
must hold it in spite of the authori
Missionaries Report Quiet.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 10. Acting
Secretary of State Hill authorizes
the announcement that the telegram
from Commissioner Rockhill , dated
Shanghai , September 7 , states that
missionaries arriving from the we t
and northwest report quiet every
where along the routes. Only four
northwest provinces indicate signs cf
Confer Comes Out for 1.1.
TIEN TSIN , Aug. 30. ( Via Shang
hai. Sept. 7. ) United States Miniser
Conger is said to insist that Earl Li
Hung Chang shall be allowed to pro
ceed to Pekin for a conference.
Orders have been received from
Washington that 5,000 American
troops shall be divided between Pe
kin , Tien Tsin and Taku lor the win
Causes n Shutdown.
JOLIET , 111. , Sept. 10. Several de
partments of the Illinois bteel com
pany have been closed because of low
'water in the drainage channel. The
controlling gate at Lockport is closed
and the flow is shut off to permit tear
ing out of the cofferdams at the new
water iiower.
Population of Cities.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 10. The cen
sus bureau announces that the popu
lation of Portland , Ore. , is 90,426 , as
against 46,385 in 1900. These figures
show for the city as a whole an in
crease in population of 44,941 , or 94.95
per cent from 1890 to 1900.
Sails for China as Special Diplomatic
MARSEILLES , Sept 10. Major
Marchand , of Fashoda fame , embark
ed here today on a steamer bound for
China , where he is going to repre-
senit France on the international
commission , composed of officers en
trusted with the settlement of diplo
matic questions and any difficulties
arising between the different portions
of the foreign corps. An immense
crowd gave him a rousing send-off.
Purchases of Lund JUcins Made by Them
1'rovei It.
OMAHA , Neb. , Sept. 10. "The sale
of railroad lands continues with an ac
tivity that suggests two things , " said
A. L. Lynch of the Union Pacific land
department. "One is that the people
who have been in the stock uusiness
in the west for the last few years
are now beginning to reap the benefits
of their early labors and are enjoying
an unprecedented degree of prosperity.
The other is that the cattle and sheep
men realize the necssity of securing
possession of the ranges required for
feeding their cattle and sheep. "
Applications have just been received
at headquarters in this city for two
tracts of land , of which two syndicates
of sheepmen in Carbon county , Wyo. ,
wish to get possession in order to have
plenty of range for their sheep. J. A.
Schoonpas , representing one of the syn
dicates , has made application for 7,480
acres of land and P. J. Quealy , repre
senting another syndicate , is negotiat
ing for the purchase of a tract of land
in area 17,280 acres.
C. A. Forsllng , traveling agent of
the land department , came in from
KImball , Neb. , accompanied by a cou
ple of applicants for land. One of
the men , L. C. Kinney , wants to get
hold of 5,000 acres of land near Kimball -
ball to furnish pasturage for cattle
owned by himself and others interest
ed with him in the business. N. C.
Searles of Wisner , Neb. , has just taken
about 10,000 sheep into the vicinity of
Kimball , and ne , too , Is making ar
rangements to purchase some land.
The State Fair.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 10 The state
fair closed with a small attendance at
the grounds , almost all the visitors
from outside Lincoln having left. The
management declares that the fair was
in every respect the most successful
ever held in the history of the state.
The large attendance has been espe
cially gratifying.
It is believed that the total number
of paid admissions , which will 1'e an
nounced soon , will be almost if not
quite fully 40,000.
Financially the fair has been very
successful , and all premiums will be
paid in cash , in full , and at once. Pay
ment will be begun today , when the
management will commence mailing
checks to successful exhibitors. The
last payment , it is claimed , w'll be
made by September 20.
Chantauqua a Success.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Sept. 10. W. W.
Duncan , in his annual report of the
doings of the Chautauqua association
recites a few facts which are interest
ing. Among the items of receipts are
the following : Sale of tickets , $4,650.-
50 ; rent of tents , $496.50 ; concessions ,
$175 ; the other miscellaneous items
making a total of $5,855.80. The dis
bursements amounted to $4,374.76. Of
this $1,746 was paid for talent , $880 for
music , $520.50 for labor. The ticket
sales were $418.30 greater than in 1899 ,
and the various items of expense all
show a reduction. After paying all
debts the association has a cash bal
ance of $1,054.39.
Found Dead.
SARGENT , Neb. , Sept. 10. George
Lovejoy , a prominent young school
teacher living near West Union , acci
dentally shot and killed himself while
out hunting. He began teaching school
near West Union Monday. Tuesday
evening , after school was out , ha came
home to his brother's , where he was
bearding , and hitching his horse to a
wagon , took his gun and went down on
the bottoms to hunt , where he was sub
sequently found dead.
Company B. to Master Oat.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 10. Company
B of the Second regiment , Nebraska
National Guard , stationed at Ord , will
be mustered out of the state's service
so soon as Captain Carson can collect
and turn over the state's property. This
action is taken by Adjutant General
Barry on the report of Captain Carson ,
who said he couldn't get his men to
gether for drill , and that they were
not in condition to participate in the
liriikemau's Fatal Ship.
BROKEN BOW. Neb. , Sept. 10.
Phillip Jo-es , a brakeman on freight
No. 18 , was riding on the front of the
engine and as he was in the act of
jumping off to turn a switch he slip
ped and the engine passed over both
limbs , crushing them off about six
inches above the knee. He was taken
to Ravenna at once to his home. He
died from his wounds.
Geneva Wins Third Place.
GENEVA , Neb. , Sept. 10. The citi
zens of Geneva and Fillmore county
are justly provd of third place given
them at the state fair. Credit for the
display is due to a number , who worked
hard to secure and place it , among
them being Dr. Herriot , P. Youngers ,
George Finley , George Kenycn , A.
Stevens. F. M. Flory and John Mills.
Many premiums were taken by Mrs.
Emma Kelley.
Indian Dies From Wounds.
LYONS. Neb. , Sept. 10. Word has
been received here that the Omaha In
dian , Wood , who was disembowled with
a knife in the hands of a white man
last Satvrday on the reservation , has
since died and the man that dirt the
cutting is still at large , with bur wtl
hopes of ever being captured. The
amount of money involved in the quar
rel and which led up to the nurder ,
was $2.
Track a Boy ,
CAMBRIDGE , Neb. , Sept. 10. A
Cambridge lad was badly frightened
by the city bloodhounds. He had been
appropriating for his own use some
watermelons that belonged to one of
the suburban citizens. The owner of
the melons started in pursuit of the
young midnight marauder , but he es
caped for a while. The bloodhounds
were taken out and soon ran him
down. The boy confessed the theft and
was allowed to go free after a mock
Fruits and Vegetables of Prodigious
Growth Shown lit the Stuto Fair.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 8. Grapes ,
apples , tomatoes and vegetables of ap
parently abnormal growth are dis
played at me state fair from York
county , while Howard county presents
a collection of watermelons that would
do credit to an Alabama plantation.
One watermelon from this county
weighs sixty-five pounds and ten to
gether tip the scales at 527 pounds. A
pumpkin measuring six feet in cir
cumference is also displayed. Saline
county relies upon its display of yel
low dent corn as a prize winner.
Growing cotton and root celery form
a part of the Saline county exhibit.
Antelope county has an exhibit that
includes a collection of Indian weap
ons and curious. Cuming and Fillmore
counties are both represented by ex
hibits containing samples of the var
ious grains and vegetables.
Dairy Kxhlbit a Winner.
LINCOLN , , Neb. , Sept 8. An ex
hibit which attracts ths attention of
all visitors at the fair is the one show
ing the machinery , methods and pro
ducts of the dairy industry. One en
tire building is devoted to this ex
hibit. At the main entrance is dis
played a small image of a Jersey cow
under a sign bearing the inscription ,
"The mortgage lifter of the west. "
Butter and cheese of the highest grade
are exhibited in immense quantities in
the building and several attendants are
kept busy explaining the workings of
the many pieces of intricate appara
tus used in their production. That Nfe-
braska is rapidly becoming a dairy
state is forcibly shown in this exhibit.
Damacod by IIujs.
MASON CITY , Neb. , Sept. 8. Inves
tigation discloses the fact that chinch
bugs have done more damage to the
corn crop here than the dry weather.
Considerable rain has fallen here this
summer and farmers wondered at the
slow growth of corn , but failed to dis
close the cause until they began har
vesting the fodder when chinch bugs
were found. In some fields the bugs
stood one-fourth of an inch thick on
the knives of the fodder cutter ? . The
ground is in fine shape for fall grain
seeding and a large increase is being
Death of a Nemaua Pioneer.
AUBURN , Neb. , Sept. 8. Mrs. Anna
Campbell , widow of the fate David
Campbell , died here , after an illness
of more than six months. Mrs. Camp
bell lived in Nemaha county for over
thirty years , having located in Brown-
ville in the early days , where she met
and married Mr. Campbell , at thdt time
marshal of Nemaha county. About six
teen years ago they located in Auburn ,
where Mr. Campbell engaged in busi
ness , which he continued up to the
time of his death , two years ago.
Hypnotizes a Playmate.
BEATRICE , Sept. 8. Little Arm
strong , 7 years old , while playing with
some little girls , was put into a hyp
notic state by one of her playmates ,
the 7 year old daughter of J. D. Horn.
The children became excited at their
inability to arouse her and her mother
was called and the excitement was re
doubled. The child could not be awak
ened until Conrad Schmidt was called.
He having had some experience in the
science , soon restored her to her nor
mal condition.
.Love and Laudanum.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 8
Albert J. Flowers , residing in the vi
cinity of Cameron , a small station
eight miles north of Grand Island , was
brought to this place and turned over
to the county sheriff , charged with
suicidal mania and attempting to com
mit suicide. Becoming weary of life's
trials and tribulations he concluded
to end his earthly career by taking a
dose of laudanum , but was not suc
Drovrned in Lou p.
FULLERTON , Neb. , Sept. 8. Bert
Hindman , a young man living eighteen
miles west of town , was drowned in
the Loup river near his home. He was
driving cattle across the river and was
thrown from his horse in some unac
countable way and had disappeared be
neath the surface before the accident
was known by a friend who was witn
him. The body was found soon after
the occurrence , but lite was extinct.
Land for Bis : Sheep Ranch.
OMAHA. Neb. , Sept. 8. At the head
of a syndicate of seven men , J. A.
Schoonjous has about closed a deal
with the bnion Pacific to buy 150,000
acres of land in Carbon county , Wyo
ming. The purchase includes about'all
of the grazing land in twelve town
ships. It Is along the Medicine Bow
river , south of Rawlins , and can nearly
all be irrigated.
Drinks Acid by Mistake.
NORFOLK , Neb. , Sept. S. George
Kroblin took a teaspoonful of carbolic
acid by mistake for medicine. Med
ical aid was summoned and at last re
ports he was much better , although
still in danger. This is the third acci
dent from carbolic acid in Norfolk and
vicinity witnin a week.
Sample of Nebraska Corn.
YORK , Neb. , Sept. 8. W. H. Lynn ,
a prosperous farmer of Arborville
township , brought samples of corn
from his field of 100 acres and eigh
teen ears weighed twenty-seven
pounds. Mr. Lynn says that his corn
will average fifty-five bushels to the
Robert Tally Killed.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 8. An
accident occurred in the Union Pacific
yards in which Brakeman Robert Tully -
ly lost his life. His train , a freight
from North Platte to this city , had
just come in , the train being conducted
by George J. Candish. Mr. Tully step
ped out on a track to signal his en
gineer , when a switch engine that was
running backward down the track
struck him , knocking him down in such
a manner mat both arms and legs were
cut off and the body considerably
crushed from the engine passing over
The Arch Fund Kunnlnjr Behind.
Only $300 has been added to tnc
Dewey or naval arch fund in New
York since the 1st of May , and not a
cent since August 1. The expenses of.
the committee In charge are now ex
ceeding current collections.
A Harrison with Cromwell.
One of ex-President Harrison's an
cestors was the Thomas Harrison who
served under Cromwell and signed the
death warrant of King Charles. On
the Restoration he was executed in
We humble ourselves before others ,
not for others.
A Dutch Remedy , or How to Make
Your Own Bitters.
Farmers , Laboringmen and Every
body uae these Bitters for the cure of
Dyspepsia , Loss of Appetite , Dizziness ,
Blood Purifier , Headache , Kidney and
Liver Diseases. A perfect stomach
regulator. Now la the time to use them.
On receipt of 30c United States post
age stamps I will send onepackagjeand
receipt how to make one gallon Bitters
from Steketee's Dry Bitters. A deli
cious flavor. Made from Imported
Roots , Herbs and Berries from Holland
and Germany. Be your own doctor
and use these Dry Bitters. Send to
Gco. G. Stckctee , Grand Rapids , Mich.
For sale by druggists.
More than one-third of all manufac
tured goods are in France made by
Ladle * Can Wear Shoe *
One size amallwrafteru-HngAllen's Foot-
Eaae , a powder. It makes tight or new
shoeneasy. Cures swollen , hot sweating ,
aching feet , ingrowing nnila , corns and
bunions. All druggists .and shoo stores ,
25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad
dress Allen S. Olrnsted , LeRoy. N.Y.
There is but one love that lasts
unhappy love.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
If looks could kill murder would get
to be a habit with some women.
Best for the Bowels.
No matter what ails you , headache
to a cancer , you will never get well
until your bowels are put right.
CASCARETS help nature , cure you
without a gripe or pain , produce easy
natural movements , cost you just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the
genuine , put up in metal boxes , every
tablet has C. C. C. stamped on It Be
ware of imitations.
Kindness out of season destroys au
thority. Saadi.
Ten Greatest American Railroad. * .
A table showing the mileage con
trolled by the principal railroad com
panies of this country on July , 1900 ,
bas been compiled by the Railway Age.
The ten largest systems are as follows :
New York Central 10,430
Pennsylvania 10,392
Canadian Pacific 10,018
Southern Pacific 9.362
Chicago and Northwestern 8,463
Chicago , Burlington and Qulncy 8.001
Southern Railway 7.8S7
Atchison , Topeka and Santa Fe. . 7,880
Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul 6,437
Union Pacific 5,584
From the New York Sun.
Living in China has its advantages.
Five dollars a year will clothe a Chi
nese husband and wife something
more than decently.
The Wonder
of the Age
No Boiling No Cooking'
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh and crisp
as when first bought new.
Try a Sample Package.
You'll like it If you try it.
You'll buy it if you try it.
Tou'll use It if you try It.
Try it.
Sold by all Grocers.
The Best
Saddle Coat.
Keeps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry In the hardest storms.
Substitute * will disappoint Ask for
1807 Rsh Brand Pommel Slicker-
It Is entirely new. If not for sale in
your town , write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass ,
If afflicted with
sore cjuj. use [ Thompson's Eye Water.
W.N. U.-OMAHA. No. 37-1900
-J-.2 * * "V -